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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Rolle von Tetrapyrrolen der Chlorophyllbiosynthese bei der retrograden Signalgebung in Arabidopsis thaliana

Schlicke, Hagen 28 February 2017 (has links)
In photosynthetischen Organismen vermitteln Tetrapyrrole während der Chloroplastenbiogenese und als Antwort auf Veränderungen des Entwicklungszustandes sowie wechselnder Umweltbedingungen retrograde Signale zur Kontrolle der Expression von Kerngenen (NGE). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein induzierbares RNAi-System in Arabidopsis eingesetzt, um enzymatische Schritte des Mg-Zweigs der Tetrapyrrolbiosynthese (TPBS) zu inaktivieren. Es sollte gezeigt werden, inwiefern Tetrapyrrole zu einer kontinuierlichen Regulation der NGE beitragen, um abhängig von durch wechselnde Umweltbedingungen bedingte Veränderungen der TPBS, die Homöostase der Chloroplasten zu justieren. Die Untersuchungen zur Kurzzeitinduktion zeigten, dass veränderte Gehalte an Mg Protoporphyrin IX (MgP), Mg-Protoporphyrin IX-monomethylester (MgPME) und Protochlorophyllid (Pchlid) als Folge verminderter Enzymaktivitäten nicht primär zu einer Anpassung der NGE innerhalb der ersten 24 h führen. Vielmehr weisen die Ergenisse dieser Arbeit auf ein komplexes, vielschichtiges Signalnetzwerk aus retrograden und anterograden Signalwegen unter der Mitwirkung transkriptionellen und posttranslationalen Regulationsmechanismen hin. Es wird angenommen, dass Veränderungen der TPBS über ROS-Signalwege oder Redox-vermittelte Signale zur Regulation der NGE beitragen. Diese Signale könnten aus beeinträchtigten Photosystemen stammen, welche eine Folge der Akkumulation von photoreaktiven Intermediaten und unzureichenden Mengen an Chlorophyll sein können. / In photosynthetic organisms, tetrapyrroles are known to mediate retrograde control of nuclear gene expression (NGE) during chloroplast biogenesis in response to developmental and environmental changes. In these studies, an inducible RNAi system was used in Arabidopsis plants to inactivate enzymatic steps in the Mg-branch of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TPBS). It was intended to proof whether tetrapyrroles contribute to a permanent regulation of NGE due to changes in the TPBS and in response to environmental changes to achieve an adjustment of chloroplast homeostasis. The investigations of short-term responses due to altered levels of Mg protoporphyrin (MgP), Mg protoporphyrin monomethylester (MgPME) and protochlorophyllide (Pchlid) caused by a robust down-regulation of enzyme activity within the first 24 h reveal that these Mg porphyrins do not primarily contribute to the modulation of NGE. All results together indicate a complex multi-layered signaling network of anterograde and retrograde control and contributions of transcriptional as well as posttranslational regulation mechanisms. It is proposed that changes in the TPBS mediate the regulation of NGE via ROS-signaling pathways or redox signals deriving from disturbed photosystems due to accumulation of photoreactive intermediates and the lack of chlorophyll.

Indicadores de desempenho do transporte rodoviário de cargas / Performance indicators of road freight transportation

Silva, Alexandre Lima Marques da 26 March 1999 (has links)
É de fundamental importância que as empresas do setor de transporte rodoviário de cargas mantenham um processo contínuo de avaliação da sua produtividade. Tendo em vista que o setor é bastante competitivo, as empresas de transporte de carga necessitam rever suas políticas operacionais e de marketing, oferecendo serviços de qualidade e otimizando a utilização de seus recursos e insumos. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um conjunto de indicadores de desempenho relacionados à produtividade que possa ser utilizado pelas empresas de transporte de carga. Com base na literatura técnica e em questionários aplicados a algumas empresas, é proposto um conjunto de indicadores de desempenho, segundo seu grau de importância e de facilidade de implantação. O resultado deste trabalho revela que as empresas utilizam de forma parcial as medidas de desempenho, que são fundamentais no processo de redução de custos e aumento na produtividade global. / lt is of fundamental importance that road freight transportation enterprises maintaining a continuous evaluation process of their productivity. As such sector is excessively competitive, freight transportation enterprises need to verify their operational and marketing policies, offering services of good quality and optimizing the utilization of their resources and inputs. The aim of this study is to propose a set of performance indicators related with productivity which can be used by freight transportation enterprises. From technical literature index collections and questionnaires sent by their enterprises, a set of performance indicators is proposed, according to importance level and implementation facility. The result of this research reveals that currently few enterprises use in a controlled way these performance indicators that are fundamental in the cost reduction process and increasing the global productivity.

Indicadores de desempenho do transporte rodoviário de cargas / Performance indicators of road freight transportation

Alexandre Lima Marques da Silva 26 March 1999 (has links)
É de fundamental importância que as empresas do setor de transporte rodoviário de cargas mantenham um processo contínuo de avaliação da sua produtividade. Tendo em vista que o setor é bastante competitivo, as empresas de transporte de carga necessitam rever suas políticas operacionais e de marketing, oferecendo serviços de qualidade e otimizando a utilização de seus recursos e insumos. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um conjunto de indicadores de desempenho relacionados à produtividade que possa ser utilizado pelas empresas de transporte de carga. Com base na literatura técnica e em questionários aplicados a algumas empresas, é proposto um conjunto de indicadores de desempenho, segundo seu grau de importância e de facilidade de implantação. O resultado deste trabalho revela que as empresas utilizam de forma parcial as medidas de desempenho, que são fundamentais no processo de redução de custos e aumento na produtividade global. / lt is of fundamental importance that road freight transportation enterprises maintaining a continuous evaluation process of their productivity. As such sector is excessively competitive, freight transportation enterprises need to verify their operational and marketing policies, offering services of good quality and optimizing the utilization of their resources and inputs. The aim of this study is to propose a set of performance indicators related with productivity which can be used by freight transportation enterprises. From technical literature index collections and questionnaires sent by their enterprises, a set of performance indicators is proposed, according to importance level and implementation facility. The result of this research reveals that currently few enterprises use in a controlled way these performance indicators that are fundamental in the cost reduction process and increasing the global productivity.


Whang, Eunbin January 2020 (has links)
Hybrid organizations that pursue both social mission and profit aims have been prevalent in our society for many decades. However, the importance of for-profit corporations’ positive social impact has been emphasized and scrutinized in recent few decades, attracting attention of both scholars and practitioners. This study builds on the existing strategy and control framework and proposes an extended conceptual framework for the link between strategic positioning and operational control for hybrid organizations that pursue both social mission and financial sustainability. By conducting a field study, I document three main findings. First, hybrid organizations differentiate themselves from each other by striking a unique balance between social mission and profit goals, and this unique balance determines unique strategic positioning of a hybrid organization. Second, hybrid organizations with different strategic positioning mobilize different dimensions of operational control to monitor their operating activities that support the unique balance between social mission and profit aims. Third, using the content analysis, I document that managerial attention placed on various dimensions of operational control on a daily basis vary across hybrid organizations with different strategic positioning as each organization configures different sets of operating activities to support its unique hybridity. / Business Administration/Interdisciplinary


Sichonany, Oni Reasilvia de Almeida Oliveira 17 March 2011 (has links)
To obtain higher profitability in farms, it is essential to proper management of the operations performed, caused by concern over the operational cost of the machines used, which represents a high percentage compared to total costs of operation and can be up to forty percent. This cost can be reduced if the use of machinery is optimized, improving performance and efficiency operational, which is possible by monitoring the machine during its activity in the field. The information for the control can be obtained through the network of sensors and / or Global Positioning System (GPS), which detect and report any physical characteristic of the environment. The telemetry transmission allows instant communication with remote areas through wireless network, with a central information collection. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a prototype Decision Support System for use in Agribusiness (SADA), which allows the manager of agribusiness to the operational control of the agricultural machine. The system was tested in a real harvesting operations in rice and soybean and the harvester machine used was a Massey Ferguson brand, 5650. The tests showed that the redundancy was effective and ensured the transmission through the exchange of technology without degradation of time, since in case of disconnection of the GSM modem, the system takes 30 milliseconds to connect to Xtend and send the data. The system T-SADA has achieved its objectives, secured transmission of data with fault tolerance and redundantly in remote locations and different relief as plain (without obstacles) and small elevations (with some obstacles, hills). The implementation of SADA allowed the confirmation of the hypothesis that the telemetry (T-SADA), combined with a management system (G-SADA), lets you monitor the performance of agricultural machinery on field operations and alert the wrong done. / Para a obtenção de maior lucratividade em propriedades agrícolas, torna-se essencial o correto gerenciamento das operações executadas, ocasionado pela preocupação com o custo operacional das máquinas utilizadas, que representa um percentual elevado em relação aos custos totais da exploração, podendo ser de até quarenta por cento. Esse custo pode ser reduzido se o uso da maquinaria for otimizado, melhorando o desempenho e a eficiência em trabalho, o que é possível através do monitoramento da máquina durante a sua atividade em campo. As informações para o controle podem ser obtidas através de rede de sensores e/ou de Global Positioning System (GPS), que detectam e transmitem alguma característica física do ambiente. A transmissão via telemetria possibilita a comunicação instantânea de áreas remotas, por meio de rede sem fio, com uma central de captação de informações. Assim sendo, a proposta deste trabalho é desenvolver um protótipo de Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para utilização no Agronegócio (SADA), que permita ao gerente do agronegócio fazer o controle operacional da máquina agrícola. O sistema foi testado em situação real, em operações de colheita de arroz e de soja e a máquina usada foi uma colhedora modelo MF 5650, da marca Massey Ferguson. Os testes realizados demonstraram que a redundância foi eficaz e garantiu a transmissão com a troca de tecnologia sem degradação do tempo, já que em caso de desconexão do modem GSM, o sistema leva 30 milisegundos para se conectar ao Xtend e enviar os dados. O sistema T-SADA alcançou os objetivos propostos, garantiu a transmissão dos dados com tolerância a falhas e de forma redundante em locais remotos e de relevos diferenciados, como planície (sem obstáculos) e coxilhas (com alguns obstáculos, morros). A implementação do sistema SADA possibilitou a comprovação da hipótese de que a telemetria (T-SADA), associada a um sistema de gerenciamento (G-SADA), permite monitorar o desempenho de uma máquina agrícola em campo e alertar as operações errôneas realizadas.

Contingency on the Korean peninsula : collapse to unification

O, Tara C. 16 February 2015 (has links)
A collapsed North Korea would pose a momentous test to the future of the region. The five regional powers—South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, and the United States—are ill-prepared for such an event, partly because of the act of planning for it would upset North Korea. However, the potential challenges of a collapse are too great to ignore. This study presents an historical and political analysis of the increasing risk that North Korea may collapse. A comparison with earlier cases suggests that triggers and indicators of collapse can be identified, including increasing cross-border information flows, defections, and the possible death or incapacitation of North Korea’s leader. Further, the large and growing economic disparity between North Korea and its neighbors, South Korea and China, points to likely consequences of collapse, including possible mass migration. The study then examines the roles of South Korea, China, the U.S., Japan, and Russia in the future of the Korean peninsula; it concludes with a further consideration of the paradox of collapse planning, but argues that it would be better to run the risks entailed in the exercise than to be caught flatfooted when a collapse occurs. The analysis is based on interviews, surveys, and documents in English and Korean. / text

Conception et déploiement des Systèmes de Production Reconfigurables et Agiles (SPRA) / Design and deployment of Reconfigurable and Agile Manufacturing Systems (RAMS)

Chalfoun, Imad 26 September 2014 (has links)
L'industrie est aujourd'hui, comme elle a toujours été, une pierre angulaire de l'économie pour chaque pays développé. Avoir une base solide en entreprises industrielles est très important parce qu’elles poussent et stimulent tous les autres secteurs de l'économie, et offrent également une grande variété d'emplois qui apporte des bonnes conditions de vie dans de nombreux secteurs de la société. L’augmentation de la concurrence mondiale, l’évolution rapide du marché, la nécessité de créer des entreprises stables avec des usines rentables obligent la mise en oeuvre d’une démarche globale prenant en compte à la fois les aspects techniques, économiques, logistiques et sociétaux lors de la conception d’un système de production innovant. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer au développement d’un concept innovant de Systèmes de Production Reconfigurables et Agiles (SPRA) permettant de s'adapter rapidement et efficacement aux exigences imposées du marché, des clients, de la technologie des procédés, de l’environnement et de la société afin que l’entreprise soit dynamique, compétitive et rentable. Dans ces travaux de thèse, la proposition d'un modèle générique et la caractérisation de ce nouveau type de système de production ont été décrits en utilisant le langage de modélisation des systèmes complexes (SysML : Systems Modeling Language). Ensuite, nous avons développé un processus de reconfiguration qui représente une démarche à suivre pour concevoir et implanter une nouvelle configuration. De plus, un pilotage opérationnel adapté au SPRA a été introduit. Enfin, quelques travaux développés au cours de cette thèse ont été partiellement déployés sur un démonstrateur industriel au sein de la plate-forme AIP-PRIMECA Auvergne. / Industry is, today as it has always been, a cornerstone of the economy for any developed country. Having a strong manufacturing base is very important because it impels and stimulates all the other sectors of the economy. It provides a wide variety of job, which bring higher standards of living to many sectors of society, and builds a strong middle class. Increasing global competition, rapid changes in the marketplace and the need to create stable companies with profitable plants require the implementation of a global approach, taking into account technical, economic, logistic and societal aspects in the design of an innovative manufacturing system. The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to the development of an innovative concept of Reconfigurable and Agile Manufacturing Systems (RAMS) to adapt quickly and effectively to the requirements imposed by markets, customers, technology processes, the environment and society, to ensure that the enterprise is dynamic, competitive and profitable. In this thesis work, the characterization and proposal of a generic model for this new type of manufacturing system have been described using the language of complex systems modeling (SysML: Systems Modeling Language). We have developed a reconfiguration process that represents the approach to follow in the design and implementation of a new configuration. In addition, the operational control of a RAMS has been introduced. Finally, some works developed in this thesis have been partially deployed on an industrial demonstrator within the AIP-PRIMECA Auvergne organisation.


CARLOS MARX DA SILVA DE CARVALHO 03 June 2014 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho trata do projeto, modelagem e simulação de uma bancada de testes, com a finalidade de mensurar o desempenho de componentes de refrigeração, para ciclos por compressão de vapor. A configuração da bancada foi concebida para oferecer flexibilidade na escolha dos componentes e estabilidade durante a realização dos experimentos. Um modelo matemático foi desenvolvido e implementado a partir da aplicação dos princípios de conservação da massa e energia para cada um dos volumes de controle dos componentes da bancada. A modelagem considera também as equações de troca de calor, propriedades termodinâmicas e modelos físicos dos componentes, para prever condições de operação da bancada operando em regime permanente. Para a modelagem computacional utilizou-se o software EES-Engineering Equation Solver. O modelo resultante também foi utilizado no pré-dimensionamento dos subsistemas da bancada e na simulação de parâmetros característicos, a fim de delimitar a faixa de capacidades, bem como as variáveis de entrada e saída, necessárias ao controle do sistema. O dimensionamento e a seleção dos equipamentos e componentes foram efetuados com base no refrigerante R134a, como fluido de trabalho. No entanto, o modelo é compatível com a utilização de outros refrigerantes, tais como o R22, R407C, R410A, e outras misturas. O trabalho inclui um modelo para simular o comportamento em regime transiente do tanque inercial térmico com o intuito de estudar a estabilidade e o controle do sistema em regime permanente. A simulação demonstrou que a configuração da bancada garantirá estabilidade e reprodutibilidade dos experimentos nas eventuais variações das condições externas, diferindo, portanto, de grande parte dos sistemas de refrigeração convencionais. / [en] The present work deals with the design, modeling and simulation of a test bench used in evaluating the performance of components of vapor compression refrigeration systems. The mathematical model was developed and implemented based on the application of the conservation of mass and energy principles to each of the control volumes, heat transfer equations, thermodynamic properties for refrigerant and water and existing physical models for the system components were also applied. The software EES-Engineering Equation Solver was used as the computational platform. The resulting simulation program was initially used to size the test bench subsystems and to simulate characteristic parameters in order to determine the range of capacities and input and output variables. Refrigerant R-134a was the working substance considered when sizing and choosing system components, but the model can also be used with R22 refrigerants as well as R410A, R407C and others refrigerant mixtures. The work also includes a transient analysis of the thermal inertial tank with focus on the study of the operational control for the system being operated at steady state. The simulation showed that the layout of the test bench will warrant stability and reproducibility of experiments for eventual changes in the external condition, thus differing from typical conventional vapor compression refrigeration systems.

Efectos de la adopción del Programa de Núcleos de Apoyo a la Gestión de la Innovación en las prácticas de control de gestión / Efeitos da adoção do Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação nas práticas de controle gerencial / Impact of adopting the Innovation Management Support Center Program on management control practices

Lopes, Iago França, Santos, Vanderlei dos, Beuren, Ilse Maria 10 April 2018 (has links)
The study aims to identify the impact of adopting the program for Centers of Support for Innovation Management (Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação - NAGI) on management control. This descriptive research carried out a survey, having as sample 12 Brazilian companies that joined the program. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and information entropy. Results showed that companies started using the researched systems more intensively, especially performance evaluation, strategic planning, contribution margin, simulations and budget. It was found that the companies started to use financial statements for decision-making, and strategic planning became a standard management control practice. The changes in management control practices after introducing innovationsystems in the organizations were consistent with those observed by Sulaiman and Mitchell (2005), especially in planning, control and financial practices. / El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los efectos causador al adoptar el Programa de Núcleos de Apoyo para la Gestión de Innovación (Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação - NAGI) en las prácticas de controlde gestión. El estudio descriptivo se realizó a partir de una encuesta, con una muestra de 12 empresas brasileñas adheridas al programa. Los datos fueron analizados con estadística descriptiva y entropía de la información. Losresultados muestran que las empresas comenzaron a utilizar más los sistemas investigados, destacándose la evaluación del desempeño, la planificación estratégica, el margen de contribución, simulaciones y presupuesto. Se encontró que las empresas comenzaron a utilizar los estados financieros para tomar decisiones; y la planificación estratégica se ha convertido en una práctica de control de gestión adoptada de forma homogénea. Los cambios ocurridos en el control de gestión después de introducir estas innovaciones en las organizaciones son consistentes con los cambios observados por Sulaiman y Mitchell (2005), especialmente en las prácticas de planificación, control y costeo. / O estudo objetiva identificar os reflexos da adoção do Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação (NAGI) nas práticas de controle gerencial. Pesquisa descritiva foi realizada a partir de um levantamento, tendo como amostra 12empresas brasileiras respondentes do questionário que aderiram ao Programa. Os dados foram analisados com aplicação de estatística descritiva e entropia informacional. Os resultados mostram que as empresas passaram a utilizar com maior intensidade os artefatos investigados, destacando-se a avaliação de desempenho, o planejamento estratégico, a margem de contribuição, simulações e o orçamento. Constatou-se que as empresas passaram a utilizar as demonstrações contábeis na tomada de decisão e o planejamento estratégico tornou-se uma prática de controle gerencial adotada de forma homogênea. Os níveis de mudanças ocorridos nas práticas de controle gerencial com a introdução de inovações nas organizações coadunam com os observados por Sulaiman e Mitchel (2005), em especial nas práticas de planejamento, controle e custeio.

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