Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pinions"" "subject:"epinions""
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Názory, informovanost, percepce rizik a compliance pacientů užívajících volně prodejná léčiva a doplňky stravy I. / Opinions, knowledge, perception of risks and compliance of patients using non-prescription drugs and dietary supplements I.Obrová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Opinions, knowledge, perception of risks and compliance of patients using non-prescription drugs and dietary supplements I. Author: Hana Obrová1 Tutor: Josef Malý1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Charles University in Pague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Introduction: A part of the health knowledge everyone of us should be the self-medication. The assortment of OTC drugs and dietary supplements is still being spread in the Czech Republic. It carries benefits and risks. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate current opinions, attitudes and knowledge of patients from the Czech Republic about OTC drugs. Methods: The data were collected at the hospital in Svitavy and at the Department of occupational medicine in Svitavy. The interviews were performed in April and July 2013. The data were analysed and described by means of the frequency analysis in Microsoft Excel 2007. Results: The answers were obtained from 169 respondents (44,0 % women and 56,0 % men). The average age of the patients was 50 years. 54,0 % of the patients preferred self-medication before the visit of the doctor. 85,0 % of the patients used at least one OTC drug in the last year. 77,0 % of the patients agreed with the statement that the self-medication could have some risks. The...
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Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om smärtskattning och smärtskattningsinstrument i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård : En litteraturstudie / Nurses' opinions of pain assessment and pain assessment tools in municipal healthcarePettersson, Åsa, Thomée, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är vanligt att patienter inom den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården lider av smärta. Upprepade studier pekar på att validerade smärtskattningsinstrument inte används i någon större utsträckning. Sjuksköterskors bristande kunskap om smärta, smärtskattning och smärtbehandling leder till sämre smärtlindring och försämrad livskvalitet för patienten. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka sjuksköterskors uppfattning om smärtskattning och smärtskattningsinstrument inom den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt valdes för att genomföra studien. I studien ingår elva artiklar som analyserades med kvalitativinnehållsanalys. Resultat: I analysen framkom tre kategorier; kunskap, teamsamverkan och barriärer. Studien visar att sjuksköterskor sällan använder sig av smärtskattningsinstrument i sitt dagliga arbete. De anser att det är svårt att smärtskatta en icke-verbal patient samt de patienter som drabbats av kognitiv svikt. Sjuksköterskor saknar kunskap om smärta och smärtlindring. Det framkommer även flera olika barriärer för smärtskattning så som tidsbrist och personalbrist. Teamet runt patienten ansågs viktigt för att förbättra smärtskattning och smärtbehandling. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskors kunskaper om smärta och smärtskattning är bristfällig. Arbetslivserfarenhet bidrar inte heller till att sjuksköterskor blir mer benägna att smärtskatta. Det behövs mer utbildning om smärta och smärtskattningsinstrument. / Background: It is common for patients in municipal healthcare to experience pain. Repeated studies indicate that validated pain assessment tools are rarely used. Nurses' lack of knowledge concerning pain, pain assessment and pain relief leads to poor quality pain management which leads to poor quality of life. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate nurses' opinions of pain assessment and pain assessment tools in municipal healthcare. Method: A literature review was conducted in which eleven scientific studies were examined and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Result: Three categories: knowledge, teamwork and barriers, emerged from the analyses. The study shows that nurses rarely use pain assessment tools in their daily work. Nurses generally think it is complicated to assess pain in non- verbal patients or in patients with cognitive impairment. They also feel that they have a lack of knowledge when it comes to pain relief and pain assessment. Other barriers is lack of time and personnel. The multi professional team is seen as an important part to improve pain assessment and pain management. Conclusion: The result points towards the fact that nurses lack skills in pain management. It is not enough to learn from work experience. More extensive education is needed to gain nurses' interest and skills about pain.
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Scrolla, kommentera eller gilla? : En studie av hur användare reagerar på inlägg på sociala medier som rör samhällsdiskussioner. / Scroll, comment or like? : A study of how users react to posts on social media that concern social issues and discussionsShahin, Dana, Fadhil, Mimmi January 2019 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats tar upp samhällsfrågor kopplade till sociala medier, till exempel huranvändare delar med sig av sina åsikter kring samhällsfrågor på sociala medier samt deras reaktion på dessa diskussioner i sociala medier. I denna studie använde vi oss av metoden enkätundersökning för datainsamling, sedan analyserades all data via en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att respondenterna reagerade olika på inlägg i samhällsdiskussioner på sociala medier. Resultatet analyserades i två teman, tema 1 besvarar hur användare reagerar på samhällsdiskussioner i sociala medier, tema 2 besvarar frågan hur villiga användare är att delta i samhällsdiskussioner på sociala medier. Vissa respondenter anser att kunna delta i samhällsdiskussioner på sociala medier ger de en möjlighet att uttrycka sig samt upplysa sina följare. Andra respondenter väljer att inte delta i dessa diskussioner då de anser att det är slöseri med tid samt att det inte kommer ha någon positiv påverkan utan istället starta onödiga diskussioner och konflikter, därför väljer dessa respondenter att hålla sina åsikter privata. / This bachelor thesis addresses social matters linked to social media, such as how users share their views on social issues and their reaction to these discussions in social media. In this study, we used the survey methodology for data collection. Afterwards, we analyzed the data through a thematic analysis. The result showed that the respondents reacted differently to contributions to social discussions on social media. The result was analyzed in two themes; theme 1 answers how users react to social discussions on social media, and theme 2 answers the question of how willing users are to participate in social discussions on social media. Some respondents believe that being able to participate in social discussions on social media gives them an opportunity to express themselves and educate their followers. Other respondents choose not to participate in these discussions as they consider that it is a waste of time and that it will have no positive impact but instead start unnecessary discussions and conflicts. Therefore, these respondents choose to keep their opinions private.
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The hobby horse's stumbling blockTracey, Karen Kaiser January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries / Department: English.
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Vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om stödpersonens roll och betydelse för patienter inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudieBjörkman, Alexander, Strömbert Grohs, Linn January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stödpersoner är en utomstående resurs som är frikopplad vårdapparaten och kan tilldelas patienter som vårdas under psykiatrisk tvångsvård. Stödpersonens arbete syftar till att stötta patienten i en sårbar period i livet genom social interaktion och uppmuntran. Syfte: Att undersöka vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om stödpersonens roll och betydelse för patienter inom psykiatriskt tvångsvård. Metod: Deskriptiv design med en kvalitativ ansats. Som datainsamlingsmetod användes intervjuer med nio öppna frågor. Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes för att uppnå åtta informanter ur vårdpersonalen på en psykiatrisk avdelning. Som analysmetod användes innehållsanalys. Joyce Travelbees omvårdnadsteori användes som utgångspunkt. Resultat: Vårdpersonalen hade överlag, trots viss variation, god kunskap och erfarenhet av stödpersoner och deras roll. Stödpersonen uppfattades också ha en generellt positiv och stärkande roll för patienten. Slutsats: Vårdpersonalen visste att stödpersoner fanns men det rådde viss oklarhet i vad som ingick i deras arbetsuppgifter. Stödpersoner uppfattades dock ha en meningsfull roll i patientens välbefinnande. Den upplevda känslan var att stödpersonen kunde bidra med ett medmänskligt stöd i en utsatt situation och att det var av stor betydelse för patienten. / Background: Support persons are an outside resource who are disconnected from the healthcare system and can be assigned to patients who are cared for during involuntary treatment. The support person's work aims to support the patient in an vulnerable period in life through social interaction and encouragement. Purpose: To investigate the healthcare staff's experience and opinions about the support person's role and importance for patients in psychiatric compulsory care. Methods: Descriptive design with a qualitative approach. As a data collection method, interviews with nine open ended questions were used. A convenience selection was made to achieve eight informants from the healthcare staff at a psychiatric department. As analysis method, content analysis was used. Joyce Travelbees' nursing theory was used as a starting point. Results: Overall, the healthcare staff had good knowledge and experience of support persons and their role, despite some variation. The support person was also perceived to have a generally positive and strengthening role for the patient. Conclusion: The healthcare staff knew that support persons existed, but there was some uncertainty in what was included in their duties. However, support persons were perceived to have a meaningful role in the patient's well-being. The feeling was that the support person could contribute with a charitable support in a vulnerable situation and that it was of great importance to the patient
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Navigating antenatal care in Oman : a grounded theory of women's and healthcare professionals' experiencesAl Maqbali, Fatma January 2018 (has links)
Background: In Oman, 33.3% of women attended late for publicly funded antenatal care in 2015 and 24% did not attend for the recommended 4-6 visits during their pregnancy. This low attendance suggests a need to explore attendance for antenatal care for low-risk pregnant women in Oman. Methodology: An exploratory qualitative design informed by constructivist grounded theory methodology was used in this research. Methods: In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with an initial purposive sample of nine pregnant women. The initial analysis enabled theoretical sampling of thirteen non-participant observations during women's appointments, interviews with ten care providers, and six women who booked late after 12 weeks of gestation. A constructivist grounded theory analytical framework of initial, focused and theoretical coding was followed to analyse all the data collected. Findings: The core category consists of five interrelated sub-categories: perceived benefits and value of antenatal care; timing of the first antenatal visit; woman-carer interactions during antenatal care; experiences with antenatal care delivery; and supplementary use of private healthcare. The integral categories explain the social processes and issues surrounding antenatal care. The emergent core category, Navigating antenatal care, reflects the views of the women and their care providers. The women were unhappy with the organisation and physical environment of care but attended their appointments to ensure optimal pregnancy outcome and to alleviate their fears of developing complications. Thus, they used both private and public healthcare and sourced online information in response to their feelings of obligation to protect their fetus. Conclusion: The women appeared disempowered and to lack control over the care they received. Thus, they accepted conditions such as long waiting times in an uncomfortable environment and the disrespect they encountered during their visits. There was a discrepancy between what the women expected and needed from their antenatal care and the actual care and information they received, which did not satisfy their needs. This could be due to a lack of woman-centred care and limited involvement in the plan of care. Thus, women sought further reassurance by accessing private clinics, using online information, and networking with others, which also resulted in a late booking for public antenatal care.
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Unequal treatment or uneven consequence: a content analysis of Americans with Disabilities Act Title I disparate impact cases from 1992 - 2012Johnston, Sara Pfister 01 July 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to examine the patterns and themes of litigation in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) disability discrimination cases charged under the theory of disparate impact. Specifically, this study used Computer Assisted Legal Research (CALR) to identify and review all U.S. Appellate Court ADA disparate impact cases as reported by Westlaw, a commercial electronic case law reporting system owned by Thomson Reuters.
This study used a two-step, mixed methods approach to analyze the data relevant to the research questions and sub-questions. First, the researcher employed content analysis (Hall & Wright, 2008) to identify and characterize patterns and trends of litigation in all reported U.S. Appellate Court ADA cases charged under the theory of disparate impact from 1992 through 2012. Cases were analyzed chronologically, and variables included number of published and unpublished cases, distribution of jurisdiction, distribution of ADA titles, EEOC involvement, case fact patterns, and characteristics of charging and opposing parties. Frequency analyses were conducted on these data. Second, the researcher identified a subset of the ADA disparate impact cases analyzed in the first step: Title I, or employment discrimination cases. Qualitative analysis employing the constant comparative method (Strauss & Corbin, 1990) was used to identify and characterize patterns and themes of the judicial opinions in the Title I disparate impact cases. The researcher developed a framework for analysis based on a review of the literature of the sociopolitical perspective of disability to guide the analysis of the judicial opinions in the subset of disparate impact cases. The results of the frequency analyses conducted on these data revealed four trends: (a) Precedent, (b) Circuit and Judge Effects, (c) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Successes, and (d) Sutton Case Effect. The results of the qualitative analysis of the text of the judicial opinions produced four themes and three relationships among the themes. The four themes were accommodation(s); workplace culture, norms, and policies; judicial process; and policy space. The three relationships were gap-filling, weighing and balancing, and maintaining status quo versus effecting social change. The themes and relationships are depicted in a concept map that visually displays the conceptual framework revealed in the study.
The findings in this study may inform disability and rehabilitation scholars about ADA disparate impact cases, a body of law about which little is known. The patterns and trends identified in ADA Title I disparate impact cases may provide information about the types of policies and practices that are most frequently litigated. Rehabilitation practitioners may be able to use the results of this research to develop education and outreach strategies for employers on best practices for hiring, accommodating, and promoting employees with disabilities. Because the workplace policies and procedures identified in the cases that comprise this study are neutral on their face rather than intentionally discriminatory, employers may benefit from information that assists them in evaluating their policies and procedures proactively, which may avoid costly and time-consuming litigation. Finally, workplace policies and procedures that fairly represent the essential functions of the job and are applied uniformly to workers with and without disabilities will contribute to a more diverse workforce.
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Choix multicritère et analyse algébrique de données ordinalesKöhler, Gert 29 June 1978 (has links) (PDF)
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Nyblivna föräldrars tankar kring föräldraledighet, amning, föräldrautbildning samt barn- och mödravårdenDjerf, Kristina, Åslin Hägg, Helén January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på nyblivna föräldrars tankar kring främst föräldraledighet, amning, föräldrautbildning, barn- och mödravården, med tyngdpunkt på vårdens roll och pappans delaktighet. Intervjuer genomfördes med 11 föräldrar och svaren analyserades och kategoriserades i teman. Resultatet visade att de allra flesta var nöjda med vården de hade fått från både MVC och BVC, men enskilda föräldrar var missnöjda med enstaka sköterskor de träffat. Informanterna var också nöjda med bemötandet, då båda föräldrarna kände sig delaktiga i samtalet med barnmorskan. Alla föräldrar ville vara hemma med sitt barn under någon period, vilket berodde på personliga skäl och en vilja att vara med sitt barn. Hos hälften av paren tog mamman ut största delen av föräldraledigheten. Orsaken till detta var i huvudsak amningen, men även ekonomiska orsaker spelade in. Att amning är en stark aspekt för vem som är föräldraledig först gäller fortfarande, och informanterna upplevde att det var något som även vården förespråkade starkt. Angående föräldrautbildningen tyckte alla föräldraparen att studiebesöket på förlossningen var det som gav mest, samt att få träffa andra blivande föräldrar. En brist som nämndes var att informationen som gavs var sådant som de flesta redan kände till.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to find out what new parents think about parental leave, parental education, the child welfare center and the prenatal clinic. The main focus was on what role the care system played and to what extent the father was involved. Eleven parents were interviewed and the findings were analysed and put into different themes. The result showed that most of the parents were satisfied with the care given at the child welfare center and the prenatal clinic. The participants also thought they were well treated by the nurses and midwives during the encounters. Both parents felt equaly involved while talking to the midwife. All of the parents wanted to have parental leave to some extent and the main reason was that they wanted to spend time with their child. In half of the cases mothers used the greater part of the parental leave. Both breast-feeding and economical aspects were mentioned to be reasons for this. The participants felt that the child welfare center and the prenatal clinic strongly recommended breast-feeding which contributes to the fact that breast-feeding still is a key aspect in the decision on which parent who is going to stay at home with the child during the fist period. All of the parents thought that the visit to the delivery department was the best part during the parental education, they also appreciated meeting other people in the same situation. The general information given during the regular meetings were things that many of the participants already knew and could for that reason have been more detailed.</p>
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Nyblivna föräldrars tankar kring föräldraledighet, amning, föräldrautbildning samt barn- och mödravårdenDjerf, Kristina, Åslin Hägg, Helén January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på nyblivna föräldrars tankar kring främst föräldraledighet, amning, föräldrautbildning, barn- och mödravården, med tyngdpunkt på vårdens roll och pappans delaktighet. Intervjuer genomfördes med 11 föräldrar och svaren analyserades och kategoriserades i teman. Resultatet visade att de allra flesta var nöjda med vården de hade fått från både MVC och BVC, men enskilda föräldrar var missnöjda med enstaka sköterskor de träffat. Informanterna var också nöjda med bemötandet, då båda föräldrarna kände sig delaktiga i samtalet med barnmorskan. Alla föräldrar ville vara hemma med sitt barn under någon period, vilket berodde på personliga skäl och en vilja att vara med sitt barn. Hos hälften av paren tog mamman ut största delen av föräldraledigheten. Orsaken till detta var i huvudsak amningen, men även ekonomiska orsaker spelade in. Att amning är en stark aspekt för vem som är föräldraledig först gäller fortfarande, och informanterna upplevde att det var något som även vården förespråkade starkt. Angående föräldrautbildningen tyckte alla föräldraparen att studiebesöket på förlossningen var det som gav mest, samt att få träffa andra blivande föräldrar. En brist som nämndes var att informationen som gavs var sådant som de flesta redan kände till. / The aim of this study was to find out what new parents think about parental leave, parental education, the child welfare center and the prenatal clinic. The main focus was on what role the care system played and to what extent the father was involved. Eleven parents were interviewed and the findings were analysed and put into different themes. The result showed that most of the parents were satisfied with the care given at the child welfare center and the prenatal clinic. The participants also thought they were well treated by the nurses and midwives during the encounters. Both parents felt equaly involved while talking to the midwife. All of the parents wanted to have parental leave to some extent and the main reason was that they wanted to spend time with their child. In half of the cases mothers used the greater part of the parental leave. Both breast-feeding and economical aspects were mentioned to be reasons for this. The participants felt that the child welfare center and the prenatal clinic strongly recommended breast-feeding which contributes to the fact that breast-feeding still is a key aspect in the decision on which parent who is going to stay at home with the child during the fist period. All of the parents thought that the visit to the delivery department was the best part during the parental education, they also appreciated meeting other people in the same situation. The general information given during the regular meetings were things that many of the participants already knew and could for that reason have been more detailed.
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