Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pinions"" "subject:"epinions""
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Pareceres descritivos : narrativas que a escola nos contaPinheiro, Claudia Gewehr January 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa intitulada Pareceres Descritivos: narrativas que a escola nos conta tem como foco os Pareceres Descritivos de classes de alfabetização, problematizando como estes Pareceres se constituem em textos onde alunos/as são narrados, suas histórias escolares são contadas e, ainda, buscando examinar como a subjetividade se dá na narrativa e produz identidades. A pesquisa tem seu aporte teórico no campo dos Estudos Culturais, da Teoria Literária e da Análise Crítica do Discurso, sendo que o primeiro possibilita analisar os Pareceres Descritivos como textos forjados para fins de avaliação, onde representações são estabelecidas discursivamente, instituindo significados de acordo com critérios de validade e legibilidade estabelecidos em tempos e espaços determinados. Considerando os discursos circulantes sobre alfabetização, os Pareceres Descritivos são examinados conforme as representações que ganham em tais textos. A partir dessa perspectiva teórica, os Pareceres Descritivos visibilizam determinadas representações dos discursos pedagógicos circulantes e constituem um conjunto de saberes regidos por uma dada ordem, estabelecido em uma disputa por imposições de significados, sendo essas representações produzidas, eleitas e reproduzidas através desses documentos. A aproximação com os estudos da teoria literária torna-se necessária para tratar os Pareceres Descritivos como narrativas sob o ponto de vista pós-moderno, que aponta a centralidade da cultura na narrativa, pois é através das histórias que compreendemos as coisas, tanto para entendermos nossas vidas quanto para entendermos o mundo. Tais narrativas escolares podem ser vislumbradas como uma prática social constitutiva do mundo e da vida dos sujeitos em questão, pois esses textos são “produzidos” pelas professoras, “assimilados” e “interpretados” pelos/as alunos/as, podendo ainda, serem “(re)produzidos” pelos seus familiares. Alunos/as são subjetivados por essas narrativas e são posicionados em relação aos níveis de aquisição da língua escrita e aos modos de comportamento escolar prescritos. Mas também, são apresentados aos seus familiares como alunos/as, sendo essa uma das identidades que serão forjadas ao longo de sua escolarização. Procuro, ainda, compreender os discursos que levam as professoras a constituir as narrativas dos Pareceres Descritivos da forma que o fazem, problematizando e analisando os discursos pedagógicos sobre a avaliação escolar e a alfabetização. Embasada na interpretação do caráter constitutivo da linguagem, a avaliação e a alfabetização são analisadas como discursos que constituem práticas escolares como os Pareceres Descritivos. É a partir do que se diz sobre a avaliação nos diferentes discursos pedagógicos que vão se produzindo diferentes jeitos de avaliar nas escolas. Os discursos veiculados através da legislação estão implicados com a construção de identidades sociais, entre elas as de quem avalia e de quem é avaliado, ou seja, diferentes significados e sentidos são produzidos pelos diferentes sistemas simbólicos. / The research entitled Pareceres Descritivos: narrativas que a escola nos conta (‘Descriptive opinions: the school tells us stories’) focuses on the teachers’ descriptive opinions wondering how these opinions are texts narrating students, their school stories, and how subjectivity occurs in the narratives and shapes identities. The theoretical contribution of this research is in the Cultural Studies, Literary Theory and Discursive Critical Analysis, in which the former enables analysing Descriptive opinions as forged texts for purposes of assessment in which representations are discursively established, producing meanings according to criteria such as validity and readability established in particular times and spaces. Considering the current discourses on literacy, the Descriptive Opinions are examined against the representations they receive in these texts. From this theoretical perspective, the Descriptive Opinions turn visible particular representations of the current pedagogical discourses and shape a set of knowledges governed by a particular rule, established in a challenge for meaning imposition, with these representations being produced, chosen and reproduced through these documents. The close position to the studies of the literary theory is necessary to take these Descriptive Opinions as narratives from the postmodern viewpoint, which show the centrality of culture in the narrative because stories make us learn things, both our lives and the world. These school stories can be visualised as a social practice making the world and life of the subjects concerned, because these texts are ‘produced’ by teachers, ‘naturalised’ and ‘read’ by (fe)male students, and may even be ‘(re)produced’ by their relatives. (Fe)male students are subjectified by these narratives and are positioned concerning written language learning and received ways of behaviour at school. And they are also introduced to their relatives as students, when this is one of the identities forged during their schooling. Further I try to understand discourses leading female teachers to make narratives for the Descriptive Opinions in the way they do it, problematising and analysing the pedagogical discourses on assessment and literacy. Based on the reading of the shaping character of the language, assessment and literacy are analysed as discourses shaping school practices and as Descriptive Opinions. It is from what is told about the assessment in different pedagogical discourses that different ways of assessment are produced at school. The discourses conveyed through the rules involve the construction of social identities, among them, those of the one who assesses and who is assessed, that is, different symbolic systems produce different meanings and senses.
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Hiv-positiva personers erfarenheter och åsikter kring sjukvårdspersonalens bemötandeKüntzel, Gustaf, Wadell, Elin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Vi lämnar spår på Internet : Integritet i relation till loggning på UpUnetGullmark, Viktor, Öman, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the integrity of students at Uppsala University that has used the university’s network, UpUnet. We’ve studied their opinions with the use of questionnaires that cover questions related to privacy and awareness about logging of data traffic. The results showed that more students than our hypothesis suggested were unaware of the surveillance on the network, and the majority of these also had a negative opinion towards logging of data traffic. However, we found that there were several relations between how the students responded on our questionnaire, and we’ve presented these in the analysis chapter towards the end of the essay.
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The Hack in Swift's A tale of a tub compared with Tristram in Sterne's Tristram ShandyMcMillan, Theresa Kathleen January 1966 (has links)
The similarities between Swift's Grub Street Hack and Sterne's Tristram are persistent and remarkable, even though the Hack is a satiric pose of Swift and Tristram a comic projection of Sterne. Perhaps the most striking similarity lies in the constant tension between the reader's expectations of a wise narrator and a sequential style and the Hack's and Tristram's perverse frustration of the reader's desire for order. The foolish narrators, in an obstructive style, develop systematic theories based on absurd hypotheses.
This perversity is not only witty and amusing, but also a reflection of Swift's and Sterne's eighteenth century “rage for order."
To Swift, order is a necessity, to be defended by attacking all that threatens order. Swift imitates the chaos he saw in seventeenth-century style and thought by assuming the mask of a fool who speaks in the accents of hundreds of modern pretenders to learning. But the seeming chaos of the Hack's discourse is ordered by Swift's satiric intent and his views on Gnosticism. In the end, comic order predominates as the quintessence of disorder, the Hack is laughed off the stage. Wit triumphs over dulness. However, the comedy is undermined by tragic associations of evil, madness, and anarchy.
To Sterne, conventional order of time and formal logic are illusions. He imitates the disorder in men's minds by assuming a mask and playing many parts. The seeming chaos of Tristram's narration is ordered by the association of ideas, a central group of characters, and the values of humour, common sense, feeling and benevolence. In the end, in spite of suggestions of the world's ill nature, hypocrisy, and corruption, comic order predominates. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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Sociální reklama / Social advertisingKrásová, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis introduces the social advertising, its legal and ethical aspects and the role of an advertising agency in a process of its creation. Practical part includes the results of a research related to attitudes of non-profit organizations, advertising agencies and general public to this issue.
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The Kids Will Have Their Say: Teaching Children with MSD/ASD to Write Opinions about TextPennington, Robert, Mims, Pamela J. 01 March 2018 (has links)
In this session, the presenters will describe the results of three studies involving the use of technology and response prompting to teach children with MSD/ASD to write their opinions about text. Further, they will describe the technology used and how it may be applied to other skills.
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Územní řízení (de lege lata, de lege ferenda) / Territorial proceedings (de lege lata, de lege ferenda)Rendl, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Territorial proceedings (de lege lata, de lege ferenda) Abstract The topic of this thesis is an analysis of problematic areas of procedural regulation in territorial proceedings according to the Building Act No. 183/2006 Coll., and the submission of proposals for their streamlining. The introduction refers to the regulation of spatial planning in the area where Czech Republic is currently located, including the introduction of spatial planning in foregoing Legislation of spatial planning. Subsequently, spatial planning tools and spatial planning bodies are introduced. The third chapter discusses in detail the process of territorial management. The issue of participation of participants in territorial proceedings is discussed in detail. Furthermore, the issue regarding the methods of service of documents via data-boxes and the so-called hybrid mail post, and the possibilities of reviewing the issued binding opinions is analyzed. In the end of the third chapter, the simplified forms of territorial proceedings, which are contained in the Building Act, are thoroughly introduced. In the final chapter, due to the author's opinion, the problematic areas of territorial proceedings were analyzed in detail, including proposals for their correction. Within the framework of this chapter, the author proposes the...
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The Quality of Leather Products as Seen from the User's ViewpointMurai, Daisuke 25 June 2019 (has links)
We are a group company of a major department store in Japan. We are in charge of quality control and customer service of items sold by our stores. We constantly monitor our customers’ concerns, and we have been keeping customer correspondence records since 1996. We hold over 100,000 cases for all items of food, clothing, living and services. The record includes not only customer requests but also test results of each item before sales as well as reproduction test results based on customer requests. We use the database to build our quality standards for everything we sell and for the education of our sales staff. All personal information in these correspondence records are, of course, kept completely confidential.
However, improving the quality of the items we sell is not simply a problem of finding solutions within our supply chain. Using compiled results, we aim to clarify the type and level of problems users experience
with leather goods, leading to overall quality improvement of supply items of scale. However, we cannot perform this task alone.
As a survey method, it is based on compiling all 7,000 records of leather goods over the past decade sorted by our original ‘product-code’ and ‘consultation-code’. By using compiled results, we are able to
clarify what kinds of items and what kind of complaints is more often in major sales items. Additionally, by using text extraction from the content of customers’ requests and compiling them manually, totals can be determined for each use period and product color. For example, we can compare customer complaint data with test results for colour fastness. Referring to required performance items specified by ISO standards, the gap between customer requests and quality standards can be clarified.
With the internationalization of purchasing networks of sales items, quality control based on setting various safety and quality standards is becoming increasingly important. In terms of the characteristics of
leather, we think that there is probably a level that is impossible to realize, however, not only the problems of regulations and safety but the nature of the customer's viewpoint must also be discussed.
We are going to present current data showing proof of what consumers actually want.
Using this data, leather goods manufacturers can efficiently make products that consumers want and avoid making products that consumers don’t want.
We suggest that quality standards , including ISO, should consider not only safety and regulations of environment, but consumer`s opinions as well.
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Grundskollärares inställningar till ämnesintegrerat arbete.Edin, Karolina, Linde, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Det står ingenstans i styrdokumenten att skolan ska vara rolig och att det är det undervisningen ska fokusera på. Men det är oftast mer intressant för elever att lära om undervisningen är rolig. Ämnesintegrerat arbete beskrivs i den här kunskapsöversiktens artiklar som ett roligt sätt både att undervisa på och att ta in nya kunskaper. Vidare står det i Läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet (Lgr11) (Skolverket 2011, rev. 2019, s. 8) att ”alla som arbetar i skolan ska organisera och genomföra arbetet så att eleven får möjlighet att arbeta ämnesövergripande.” Kunskapsöversiktens syfte är att undersöka lärares tankar kring ämnesintegrerat arbetssätt. Det här syftet mynnade ut i frågeställningen ”Vad är grundskollärares inställningar till ämnesintegrerat arbete?”. Inställningar syftar till lärarnas åsikter, känslor och attityder till att arbeta ämnesintegrerat. Efter att vi identifierat kunskapsöversiktens syfte kunde vi ta fram nyckelord med hjälp av syftet. Nyckelord nummer ett var ämnesintegrering och vi försökte sedan finna synonymer och begrepp på engelska. Anledningen till att vi ville finna synonymer var för att bredda vår möjlighet till urval av sökresultat. Ämnesintegrering kan benämnas som exempelvis ämnesövergripande vilket det gör i Lgr11 (Skolverket 2011, rev. 2019). Nyckelorden sökte vi på i databaser och de artiklar vi fick fram läste vi titeln på. I de artiklar vars titlar som var relevanta till syftet läste vi sedan abstract. Ansåg vi fortfarande att artikeln besvarade syftet läste vi igenom hela artikel. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av lärarna ansåg att den främsta anledningen till att arbeta ämnesintegrerat är den vinst som det ger eleverna. Eleverna får ett meningsfullt lärande genom att de får ett helhetsperspektiv på området och kan göra vardagsanknytningar till sitt liv utanför skolan. Vi kunde också finna att lärarna hade två olika sätt att se på begreppet ämnesintegrerat arbetsätt. Det ena sättet var att arbeta integrerat med närbesläktade ämnen och det andra vara att integrera två eller flera av skolans ämnen som inte var närbesläktade, som exempelvis matematik och musik.
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Djurskyddshandläggares åsikter om den svenska djurskyddslagstiftningen / Animal welfare inspectors' opinions on the Swedish animal welfare legislationMoen, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Even though animal welfare inspectors are the ones who practice the animal welfare legislation, their opinions about the legislation have hardly been studied, neither in Sweden nor any other country. The purpose of this report was to study what animal welfare inspectors think about the Swedish animal welfare legislation and whether they feel they have any possibility to influence the legislation. The animal welfare inspectors were given the opportunity to respond to an online survey in the spring of 2021. The survey included both closed questions, from which descriptive data were presented, and open questions, which were examined semi-qualitatively by first categorizing them based on animal species and then presenting descriptive data. The results showed that the inspectors did not find it easy to interpret the legislation and that there were rules that were perceived as complicated, especially regarding horses and dogs, and flexible rules. About 50% of the animal welfare inspectors thought there were rules that did not benefit the animals, especially regarding cattle and generally the welfare standard of the rules was too low. Only a few felt that they could influence the legislation, and this was mainly through referrals. The conclusion was that the answers of the animal welfare inspectors were so scattered that a specific problem area could not be identified, but it could be stated that the inspectors found the legislation difficult to interpret, to contain rules that do not benefit the animals and that they cannot influence it.
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