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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revalume: Configurable Employee Evaluations in the Cloud

Li, Terrence Zone 01 March 2017 (has links)
The software industry has seen a shift from annual to more frequent quarterly and even weekly employee reviews. As a result, there is a high demand for employee evaluations to be less costly and less time-consuming, while providing key insights for richer interactions between employees and their employers or managers. Tech com- panies are constantly looking for methods of producing high quality evaluations to prevent costly turnover. In an industry where software engineers are in high demand, tech companies face a challenging problem. Issues with employee evaluations typi- cally include the lack of performance transparency, unhelpful feedback, lack of metrics, lack of time, and lack of resources. This thesis addresses these challenges through the implementation of an employee evaluation tool. Revalume is a cloud-based web application that provides a stream-lined solution of creating, routing, completing, and viewing evaluation forms. Revalume allows users to use pre-existing and configurable templates, third-party APIs, and a friendly UI to ease the evaluation process. Revalume was evaluated with a longitudinal, semi-controlled study that demonstrates meaningful improvements over existing solutions.

The behavior of coalitions as interorganizational structures: an exploratory study using a grounded theory approach

Rothrock, Elaine Marie 06 June 1972 (has links)
This study is one of four exploratory studies concerned with coalitions of organizations that are formed to plan and develop social welfare programs within the local community. Although each study was conducted independently, taken together their major purpose was to develop some insights and knowledge into the behavior of organizations and the ways in which they interact as they work together to develop community programs. They are, then, exploratory studies of inter-organizational behavior. Each of the studies had a different focus. One study attempted to identify the present areas of agreement and disagreement regarding inter-organization behavior by systematically reviewing the literature over the past ten years. Another focused on the stages of development of the coalition, attempting to determine if organizational coalitions seemed to follow similar developmental patterns as has been reported in the literature on small groups. Another focused on the decision-making patterns in the coalitions by first reviewing the literature and constructing a decision-making model and then "testing" the model against a set of case histories. This study, following a grounded theory approach, attempted to identify a set of common variables or analytical categories which seemed to be present in a number of coalitions. Although each of these exploratory studies was conducted independently with a different emphasis and analytical focus, they each utilized the same set of case histories of coalitions. Consequently, each of the studies utilized a common set of data but viewed the data from quite different analytical perspectives.

Costs in the Senior Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Nelson, Harold S. 01 January 1935 (has links) (PDF)
Stated in the form of a question, the problem of this study is: What are the expenditures and costs of senior seminaries in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Specifically, this study proposes to answer the following secondary questions which are relevant to the problem: (1) What are the expenditures for the establishment, maintenance, and "current expense" of the senior seminaries in the Church of Jesus Chrsit of Latter Day Saints? (2) What are the certain "unit-costs" in the senior seminaries?

En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare beskriver pedagogisk dokumentation som arbetssätt / A qualitative study about how preschool teachers describe the peda-gogical documentation work

Granberg, Christina January 2015 (has links)
Samtliga respondenter beskriver pedagogisk dokumentation som en möjlighet att få syn på barnens intressen och för att förbättra och vidareutveckla verksamheten. Pedagogisk dokumentation ses som en process som både vuxna och barn kan delta i. I denna process an-vänds dokumentationsmaterialet för reflektion och analys. Arbetssättet beskrivs även som en hjälp för pedagogerna att se sin egen roll i de pedagogiska processerna. Utvecklingssamtal, föräldramöten och var-dagliga samtal, exempelvis vid lämning och hämtning av barnen, upp-levs som bra tillfällen för att använda pedagogisk dokumentation. Det största hindret som förskollärarna beskriver är tidsbrist. Det kan ex-empelvis vara svårt att hinna ta hand om dokumentationsmaterialet och att avsätta tid för reflektion. En annan aspekt som framkommer är att det kan upplevas som svårt att arbeta med pedagogisk dokumenta-tion som en process där barnen är i centrum, samtidigt som det finns tydliga mål att följa, uppsatta med utgångspunkt från förskolans läro-plan. Förskollärarna är positiva till pedagogisk dokumentation som arbets-sätt. Erfarenhet av yrket poängteras som en fördel för att hinna med att dokumentera och se varje barns utveckling och lärande.

The Accountability of Private Prisons in America During the Era of Mass Incarceration

Wilson, Olivia S 01 January 2016 (has links)
The thesis will focus on prison privatization and the accountability that private prison companies should maintain to build and operate them. It starts by detailing the political history of the privatization of prisons, starting with the Reagan era and the legislation and ideologies that emerged from it, highlight the reasons and justifications the government gave to outsource its system of punishment. By examining the War on Drugs and Tough on Crime legislations, it will show the way that mass incarceration allowed private companies to develop a solid grasp on the criminal justice system, transforming prisons into a system of hyper incarceration, capitalization and expansion. Using Richard Harding’s book, Private Prisons and Public Accountability, the second chapter will then focus on the accountability that the private prison companies must maintain to effectively and acceptably punish lawbreakers. It will also examine the justifications of the criminal justice system and private prisons, using a utilitarian and retributivist lens. Finally, Chapter 3 will investigate the accountability of the world’s first and largest private prison company: the Corrections Corporation of America. By using its website, this chapter will investigate how the CCA’s claims line up with its actions and what that indicates about its accountability. In the end, with a solid understanding of the flaws of CCA and private prisons, the conclusion will then question the position of private prisons within American society, providing ways to improve the flawed system.


林惠民, LIN, HUI-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
組織發展(orgnization Decelopment, OD )是近三十年來管理科學中最受人矚目的 一個新「領域」(Fricld),它的快速成長與茁壯,說明必有其殊勝之處。組織發展 的理論與各種介入技術乃植基於三○年代以來人性為中心的行為科學及整合性的系統 理論;多少年來組織發展在各類組織(尤其企業組織)行之無礙,而在行政組織應用 的可行性則仍多爭論。論者以為行政組織無論在組織的環境、結構、價值等諸面向, 均與組織發展明枘 難入之處,因而懷疑其成功應用之可能。此項疑問亦為筆者撰此 文之出發點,唯在深入探討之後,筆者深信,行政組織應用組織發展已非可行性的爭 論;徵諸過去許多應用效果良好的案例,組織發展可否應用於行政組織的答案是肯定 的。非僅此也,吾人更發現,行政組織與組織發展的演進實有重大淵源。然吾人亦無 可否認行政組織在其環境、結構、價值等面向對組織發展的應用誠有不同於其他類型 組織的限制,對應用效果有不利的影響。本乎此,本文即著力於發掘行政組織特質中 不利於應用組織發展的因素,祈能減少各種限制與困難;進而並試圖綜合各項論點, 試擬一應用方案以為參考;最後,且就應用過程中可能發生的問題,擬定對治策略。 本文計分六章,凡二十六節,都十二萬餘言。第一章緒論,分釋各重要名詞的定義與 範圍,並說明組織發展的重要性其演進。第二、三章,則概述組織發展的理論基礎及 理論要點,並介紹各主要介入技術及其程序。第四章為本文之重心,探討行政組織如 何應用組織發展。首論行政組織發展間之淵源,所以祛疑也;次論應用的理由,所以 存信也;參自比較觀點探討行政組織之特質與組織發展成功應用的條件,所以為應用 之準備,並收知己知彼之效也;肆則分就行政組織之環境、結構、行為、與價值等諸 面向探討其應用時可能之限制,所以除 也;最後建立一完整之應用策略並處理可能 發生的問題,此所以昭信並克竟全功也。第五章為重要應用實例的探討。首言目前已 有的應用概況,其次分舉中央及地方行政組織的應案例以為佐證,最後筆者並對各案 例予以簡單的評述。在第六章結論部份,筆者擬論組織發展對各國均在從事的行政革 新工作所可能有的助益,並論行政組織應用組織發展的趨勢及在我國應用的展望,以 為總結。 最後,筆者深深以為,組織發展如能成功且普遍應用於行政組織,此則非僅是組織發 展普遍適用性的明證,於其學科的成熟有利;且行政組織如能最終將組織發展內化而 為一種生活方式,實乃組織之幸,人民國家之幸。吾人有厚望焉。

企業社會責任與企業發展之關聯性研究-以台達電子工業股份有限公司為例 / A study on the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Corporate Developement: A Case Study on the Delta Electronic Inc.

高淑美 Unknown Date (has links)
由全球氣候變遷、資源耗盡、能源短缺、人口激增、貧困惡化,以及物種絕滅等狀態,各國必須面臨社會、環境與經濟發展的空前壓力與嚴苛挑戰。從1997年的「京都議定書」,到2007年「聯合國氣候變化會議」對全球環境的討論,通過了「峇里路線圖」,它將規範2012年之後,世界主要排放溫室氣體國家需要努力的方向與指標。當環保節能的要求高漲,最大的壓力終究是指向企業,而最能具體落實的也是企業體,然而它也與企業之成長與否息息相關。 綜觀台灣資訊硬體產業之發展,因主要產品皆為高度成熟之科技產品,市場大部分為歐美各國。在歐美環境保育浪潮下,以及對企業社會責任的需求下,台灣廠商下一步面臨的已經不僅僅是績效、成本等的挑戰。全球知名策略管理學大師波特(Michael E. Porter)認為假如企業能將企業社會責任與經營策略結合,進行企業社會責任,則能實現創新和提高競爭優勢。 本研究以個案研究的方法,選擇台達電子工業股份有限公司為此研究的對象,進行企業社會責任與企業發展關聯性之研究,希望能發現企業社會責任在企業發展過程中的形成與推動因素、推動時所面臨的挑戰、以及企業社會責任運作後對企業價值的實現與成長發展的影響,以促進台灣企業積極推動企業社會責任。 本研究發現企業社會責任之形成與推動之關鍵,在於經營者的理念落實、政府法規、產業規範要求及可動用資源等。然而隨著企業規模逐漸擴大,所需監控的層面與複雜度增加,要如何克服困難是推動企業社會責任時所面臨的挑戰。當企業推動任何企業社會責任之相關活動時,企業的文化,與員工的價值認同,會提昇企業價值的實現與成長發展。 企業社會責任的推展除決策機制外,在選擇企業社會責任關鍵議題後,應考慮組織架構、方案的選擇、資源配置等。企業社會責任進行後,對組織的價值回饋有:正面提升企業形象、擴充公司品牌價值、吸引優秀人才、增進人際網絡與資源整合、獲得資金提供者信賴、增長與客戶之間良好關係;讓企業更朝向永續經營發展。 CSR 之發展與推廣在台灣正於萌芽蓬勃發展階段,CSR之探討需持續進行以提供其他企業借鏡之用。 / Due to the global climate change, resources exhaustion, energy shortage, population explosion, worsen impoverishment and species extinction, all the countries have to face unprecedented pressure and severe challenges in society, environment and economy. Discussed from Kyoto Protocol, 1997 through the United Nations Climate Change Conference, 2007, the “Bali Roadmap” was established, and it will be the guidance for those major nations that emit the Greenhouse Gas after 2012. While the demand for environmental protection and energy-saving is increasing and indeed, the enterprises have to suffer from the huge burdens. The burden of rising demand for environmentalism and energy-saving will eventually lie on the shoulders of the corporations, yet it is also corporations which can most likely carry out such policies in practice since the fulfillment of the policies is highly related to their future development. Looking at the development of Taiwan’s industry, all the products are technically sophisticated hardware products that are exported to America, Europe, and Japan. As the emphasis on environmentalism is prevailing over those regions nowadays, corporations will then have to face challenges more than just efficiency and costs. Michael E. Porter, a worldwide-known leading authority on competitive strategy, believed that for those corporations which can integrate social responsibilities and business strategies to implement corporation social responsibilities will be able to achieve innovation and build their competitive advantages at the same time. Case study method was adopted and Delta Electronic Inc. was selected to be the case study target for the purpose of observing the relationship between the CSR and the corporate development. In this research, the findings about the factors for the CSR formation and promotion during the corporate development process, the challenges the enterprises face while fulfilling the policies, and the influence on the corporate values and its development after impelling CSR, that will encourage Taiwanese enterprises to promote CSR vigorously. Based on this research, the key elements for the formation and the driving force for CSR are executives’ philosophy, government’s policy, industrial regulations and resource mobility, and constant commitment to CSR resulting in the trust and support from the stakeholders. In the process of impelling CSR, the scale of enterprise gradually enlarges, and the level and the complexity of supervision increases, so how to overcome the difficulties and impel consistently becomes the huge challenge. When the enterprises promote CSR activities, the forming of corporate culture and employee’s identification with the enterprises will increase the efficiency of corporation responsibility and social public welfare. Other than strategic alignment development, after choosing the key CSR issue, enterprises should consider the organizational structure, the selection of proposals, and the allocation of resources. The CSR effort will end up in vain if the executive doesn’t impel to action; even though the enterprise possesses sufficient resources. After the enterprise perform the CSR, the positive effects to the organization will increase enterprise’s reputation, enhance enterprise’s brand value, attract more talented persons, build up personal relationship network, integrate resources, gain the trust from investors, and develop harmonious relationship with customers. All these can make the enterprises run their business perpetually. The promotion and development of CSR in Taiwan is thriving. Research endeavors on CSR should be greatly extended to assist enterprises’ CSR commitment.

The Use of Personality Testing in Personnel Selection

Kumar, Riya 01 January 2019 (has links)
Research has shown that more than 45% of American companies are opting to integrate personality tests in their recruitment processes. Given this surge in personality testing, this thesis examines whether personality testing is a valid predictor of job-fit and performance in the context of personnel selection. A large proportion of this paper is focused upon the Big-Five factor model, its limitations, and derivative tests of the model. The impact of technology upon personality testing is also discussed as an emerging field. By tracing and examining the history of personality testing to current day, I have found that personality tests are best administered when they provide incremental validity over other tools and are matched to specific job-criteria.

Conflict Resolution: An Examination of Perceptions of Cultural Conflict Resolution Strategies in Organizations

Williams, Daniel 01 December 2016 (has links)
Conflict resolution research has resided at both the individual and group level for the many years. However, recent findings have provided evidence for the existence of conflict resolution strategies at the cultural level. As these recent findings indicate, the existence of such resolution styles at that macro level can have great implications on organizational outcomes. Therefore, the first goal of this study was to examine if these conflict resolution cultures would predict outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and psychological withdrawal behavior. Similarly, research on P-O fit has also provided some very interesting insights into employee behavior and attitudes. Given the idiosyncratic nature of conflict resolution and the recent findings mentioned in the previous paragraph, the second goal of this study was to examine if perceptions of congruence between an individual’s resolution style and the organization’s resolution style would affect job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and psychological withdrawal behavior. Finally, it was determined that perceptions of resolution (i.e. was the conflict constructively resolved) would be an appropriate and rather informative mediating variable for the relationships proposed above. Data was collected using a web-based survey software, which garnered 212 participants for the analysis. Evidence was found to support a majority of the proposed hypotheses. All three-conflict resolution cultures (collaborative, dominant, and avoidant) predicted the outcome variables in the directions consistent with both logic and the literature. Similarly, perceptions of resolution did mediate six of the nine proposed relationships between the resolution cultures and the outcome variables. Two of these mediation analyses were not conducted due to an insignificant initial bivariate correlation. Support was also found for all three proposed direct effects between perceptions of congruence and the proposed outcome variables. Finally, perceptions of resolution mediated the relationship between perceptions of congruence and all three-outcome variables. Again, the directions of these findings were consistent with both logic and the literature. Both the theoretical and practical implications, as well as the limitations with this study will be discussed.

The Impact of Low Retention of Nonprofit Organizations

Phillips, Yolanda, Hernandez, Jessica M 01 June 2018 (has links)
This study explored the impact of low retention rates in nonprofit organizations and review factors that are associated with this low rate. Nonprofit organizations are a crucial and integral part of our community, there are many factors that are influential in the retention of employees which impact the service that is available to those in need. The need for this study emerged from the researcher’s desire to raise awareness of the factors that lead to low retention rates in social service non-profit organizations and its effects on service provision This study allowed for administration to implement strategies that address the factors that lead to high turnover. Prevention strategies that can be utilized to decrease the dissatisfaction of current employees and increase engagement. The field of social services has been chosen for study because its programs are intended to improve the basic social welfare status of individual lives such that society is reformed. The following subsections were discussed: Growth of nonprofit organizations, nonprofits and human need, nonprofit relationship with funders, challenges within Nonprofits, why employees depart from these organizations and, retention focus. The research method used for this study was quantitative data. Since the research method used for this study was the methodology of quantitative design, snowball sampling was utilized. The Quantitative design was chosen to collect data from a larger group of service providers who worked primarily in a not for profit setting through Likert Scale surveys. The design assisted in quantifying the answer from the surveys to allow comparison, recognition of discrepancies, and or correlations of the iv data. The data was collected from 33 participants through an online survey program, utilizing Survey Monkey and, results were entered in SPSS, to compare relationships. Independent variable were the factors that contribute to low retention rate, and the dependent variable was the retention rate. The population this study focused on was management, staff and, direct service employees who work in social service nonprofits or have worked in the past. This study shows statistics which include ethnicity, age of the participants, marital status, education, and employment status. Along with statistical information on each item presented in the distributed survey, it outlines the statistical analysis that was conducted which includes a correlation study on the relationship between compensation, job training, professional development, filled positions, funding, disruption in services, self-care, access to management, and staff appreciate, and staff’s desire to leave a non-profit organization. The data was analyzed and found that the biggest impact to employee retention is compensation and the stress caused by chronically vacant positions. The study reviews the conclusions relative to our research questions and hypothesis in addition to, theories guiding conceptualization. This study discusses the limitations of study design and, procedures, as well as recommendations for future social work practice and policy. The findings were significant because the study could narrow down two out of the five factors that demonstrated an actual impact on retention in non-profit social service organizations, which gives non-profit managements clear barriers that they can attempt to address.

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