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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivation des salariés en Chine : établir un climat mobilisateur dans l’entreprise. / Motivation of employees in China : building a motivating climate in the company.

An, Yufei 16 October 2013 (has links)
La motivation des salariés est une nécessité vitale pour le succès d’une entreprise, notamment dans le contexte de la crise économique mondiale. En comprenant ce qui motive leurs membres, les dirigeants peuvent mobiliser le plein potentiel de chaque personne et diriger plus efficacement leur énergie. Le renouvellement des sources de motivation demande d’analyser au préalable les changements qui affectent actuellement le monde du travail et leurs conséquences. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à aider les personnes qui gèrent les ressources humaines (dans l’entreprise) à comprendre quelles sont et comment créer des conditions propices à la motivation des salariés, comment orienter, susciter et soutenir leur motivation et comment construire des stratégies motivationnelles adaptées. De plus, à cette fin, en favorisant la motivation et en suscitant les salariés, nous essayons de proposer d’établir un climat motivant dans l’entreprise chinoise. / The motivation of employees is vital necessity to the success of the enterprise, especially in the context of global economic crisis. By understanding what motivates their members, directors can mobilize and realize the full potential of each person and direct their energies more effectively. The renewal of sources of motivation asks that analyze in advance the changes currently affecting the world of working and their consequences. The objective of this thesis is to help people manage human resources (in the enterprise) to understand what and how to create conditions favor the employee motivation, how to orientate, to improve and to maintain the motivation of its employees and how to construct appropriate motivational strategies in the management. In addition, for this aim, in favorite of promoting the motivation and stimulating the employees, we try to propose to establish a dynamic environment in Chinese enterprises.

Les comportements anti-organisationnels au travail : exploration de l’interaction entre la personnalité et l’environnement organisationnel perçu

Duguay, Guillaume 06 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée grâce au soutien du Fonds Québécois de Recherche en Science et Culture (FQRSC) / La déviance organisationnelle ou encore les comportements contre-productifs au travail sont un sujet d’intérêt important pour les chercheurs en psychologie du travail. Que ce soit sur le plan individuel, organisationnel ou plus globalement sur toute l’économie, les impacts de ces comportements destructeurs suscitent l’intérêt des chercheurs en psychologie du travail et des organisations. De façon plus spécifique, la présente thèse s’intéresse aux comportements volontaires des membres d’une organisation et qui ont des conséquences négatives pour celle-ci (ci-après CAOT ou comportements anti-organisationnels au travail). Ainsi, nous mettrons l’accent sur les gestes qui portent une atteinte directe à l’organisation plutôt qu’à ses membres ou à ses clients. Les recherches précédentes ayant identifié des antécédents individuels, dont certains facteurs de personnalité, ainsi que différents antécédents liés à l’environnement organisationnel, la présente thèse vise à enrichir les connaissances dans le domaine en explorant certaines interactions entre ces variables. En d’autres mots, nous tenterons de déterminer si au-delà des prédispositions individuelles susceptibles d’accroître le risque de commettre des CAOT, la personnalité n’agirait pas comme un modérateur sur le lien entre différentes variables organisationnelles qui ont été identifiées comme de potentiels déclencheurs de CAOT. Le premier article de la thèse propose un modèle théorique intégrant différents mécanismes explicatifs des CAOT. Il identifie comme antécédents directs des CAOT les dimensions de personnalité amabilité et conscience ainsi que la justice organisationnelle, les normes perçues envers les CAOT et les mécanismes de contrôle et opportunités. Par ailleurs, trois interactions entre les dimensions de personnalité et différents antécédents organisationnels sont également suggérées en lien avec la documentation scientifique répertoriée. Le deuxième article consiste en la traduction, l’adaptation et la validation d’un instrument de mesure des CAOT. Une structure factorielle en quatre dimensions est identifiée suite à une analyse factorielle exploratoire. Une comparaison des dimensions retrouvées dans la mesure traduite et adaptée par rapport à la mesure originale ainsi que les implications pratiques de l’instrument mis à la disposition des chercheurs et des organisations sont discutées. Le troisième article vise principalement à vérifier les hypothèses des liens directs ainsi que des interactions qui ont été proposées dans le modèle théorique du premier article. Les liens directs entre la justice organisationnelle et la dimension de personnalité conscience avec les CAOT, pourtant largement supportés dans la littérature scientifique antérieure, ne sont pas confirmés, alors que les liens entre la dimension de personnalité amabilité, les normes perçues quant aux CAOT et les mécanismes de contrôle et opportunités avec les CAOT sont supportés. Aucune interaction significative n’a également pu être confirmée entre la personnalité et des variables organisationnelles. En somme, cette thèse met de l’avant un modèle théorique intégrant différents antécédents des CAOT qui agissent de façon additive pour expliquer une plus large portion de variance qu’un seul antécédent ne pourrait expliquer. Les différents mécanismes pouvant déclencher la manifestation des CAOT qui sont mis en lumière soulignent la complexité du phénomène. La présente thèse en appelle à poursuivre les recherches en gardant à l’esprit que les CAOT ne sont pas seulement le propre de certains individus, de certaines dynamiques de groupe ou de contextes organisationnels, mais d’une composition de tous ces facteurs. / Organizational deviance or counterproductive work behaviors are a subject of interest for work and organization psychologists. On the individual, organizational or economical levels, the impacts of these potentially destructive behaviors call the researchers to investigate. Specifically, this dissertation will address voluntary behaviors committed by organizational members that negatively impact the organization (hereafter AOWB for anti-organizational work behaviors). Henceforth, the focus is put on behaviors that directly target the organization rather than the behaviors that target its members or clients. Previous studies having identified individual predictors of AOWB, like personality factors, and work environment factors, this dissertation aims to further investigate the domain by exploring possible moderating relations between those variables. As such, we will examine the possibility that some individual dispositions can not only enhance the risk that an individual commit those behaviors, but that personality could act as a moderator on the relationship between different organizational variable that have been identified as triggers for AOWB. The first article of this dissertation propose a theoretical model integrating different mechanisms explaining AOWB. Agreeableness and conscientiousness personality factors are identified as individual predictors of AOWB. Organizational justice, perceived group norms regarding AOWB and control mechanism and opportunities are identified as organizational predictors of AOWB. Moreover, three interactions between personality dimensions and different organizational predictors are also suggested based on the review of the scientific documentation. The second article presents the translation, adaptation and validation of an instrument measuring the AOWB. A four dimensions’ structure is found following an exploratory factorial analysis. Comparison of the dimensions found in the translated and adapted measure with the original instrument are discussed. Practical implications regarding the instrument for researchers and organizations are also discussed. The main objective of third article is to test the direct relationships and moderating effects hypotheses presented in the theoretical model of the first article. Direct relationships between organizational justice and conscientiousness predicting AOWB were not supported event though the benefited from a large support from the previous scientific literature. Direct relationships between agreeableness, perceived group norms regarding AOWB, control mechanisms and opportunities as predictors of AOWB were supported. No moderating effect between personality and organizational variables could have been confirmed. Finally, this dissertation proposes a theoretical model integrating different predictors of AOWB that act in complementarity to explain a larger portion of variance that any single predictor could explain. The presented multiple mechanisms that can trigger AOWB underline the complexity of the phenomenon. This results of this dissertation invite the researchers to pursue the investigation while keeping in mind that AOWB can not be explained by individuals, work group dynamics or organizational contexts separately, but by a composition of those variables.

Tryggt anställd? : Tvärsnittsstudie om upplevd anställnings(o)trygghet, organisatorisk rättvisa och copingstrategier bland kommunal vård- och omsorgspersonal

Österman, Jennifer, Molin, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
En alltmer globaliserad och konkurrensutsatt ekonomi har de senaste decennierna krävt ökad flexibilitet på arbetsmarknaden. Tidigare forskning har uppmärksammat hur förändringarna påverkar anställdas attityder och välbefinnande i olika sektorer. Anställningsotrygghet, det vill säga oron över att förlora arbetet eller att arbetssituationen ska försämras, är ett väldokumenterat fenomen som visat sig ha negativ påverkan på psykisk hälsa. Få studier har dock undersökt anställningsotrygghet inom vård och omsorg. Syftet med föreliggande tvärsnittsstudie var att undersöka relationen mellan trygghet och otrygghet i anställningen, organisatorisk rättvisa samt copingstrategier för vård- och omsorgspersonal. Anställda inom kommunal vård och omsorg i Västerbotten (n = 205) besvarade en enkät om deras nuvarande anställning, arbetssituation och hur de hanterar problem kopplade till arbetet. Svarsfrekvensen uppskattades vara 12 %. Regressionsanalyserna visade att anställningstid minskar kvantitativ men inte kvalitativ anställningsotrygghet i vår data. Därtill fann vi ett negativt samband mellan anställningsotrygghet och organisatorisk rättvisa samt ett positivt samband mellan anställningsotrygghet och undvikande coping. Tvärtemot tidigare forskning fann studien inget samband mellan anställningstrygghet och problemlösande eller emotionsfokuserad coping. Sammantaget stödjer delar av resultatet tidigare forskning och belyser vikten av att studera anställningsotrygghet för yrkesgrupper med olika arbetsvillkor. / The labor market has changed dramatically during the last decades due to increased globalization and competition, and thus consequently increased the demands of flexibility. Thus, previous studies have examined the effects on employees’ attitudes and well-being in different sectors of the labor market. The negative impact of job insecurity – i.e worrying about potential job loss or loss of valued job features – on mental health is well established in the academic field of psychology. The purpose of the present thesis was therefore to investigate the relationship between job insecurity, organizational justice and coping mechanisms for health care workers in the public sector by using a cross-sectional study design. Municipality workers in Västerbotten (n = 205) answered a questionnaire concerning their current employment, work environment and how they cope with problems at work. The estimated response rate was 12 %. The regression analysis showed a statistically significant decrease of quantitative but not qualitative job insecurity in relation to job tenure. Furthermore, the results showed a negative correlation between job insecurity and organizational justice, and a positive correlation between job insecurity and avoidant coping. However, contrary to our hypothesis and previous studies no relationship was detected between job insecurity and problem-solving or emotion-focused coping. The results of this study partly supports the findings of previous research. Nevertheless it highlights the importance of research on job insecurity for employeesin different sectors with varying conditions.

Индивидуални и организациони корелати квалитета односа лидера и следбеника (LMX теорија) у туристичком и јавном сектору / Individualni i organizacioni korelati kvaliteta odnosa lidera i sledbenika (LMX teorija) u turističkom i javnom sektoru / Individual and organizational correlations of quality of the relationship of leaders and followers (LMX theory) in the tourism and public sector

Vanić Tatjana 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Испитивани су индивидуални и организациони квалитети повезаности лидера и следбеника. Узорак се састоји од запослених у туристичком и јавном сектору у Војводини и Србији.</p> / <p>Ispitivani su individualni i organizacioni kvaliteti povezanosti lidera i sledbenika. Uzorak se sastoji od zaposlenih u turističkom i javnom sektoru u Vojvodini i Srbiji.</p> / <p>They were evaluated for individual and organizational quality correlations of leaders and followers. The sample consists of employees in the tourism and the public sector in Vojvodina and Serbia.</p>

Time Orientation, Rational Choice and Deterrence: an Information Systems Perspective

Pope, Michael Brian 17 August 2013 (has links)
The present study examines General Deterrence Theory (GDT) and its "parent," Rational Choice Theory (RCT), in an information security setting, assessing the behavioral intent to violate organizational policy under varying levels of certainty, severity and celerity of negative sanction. Also assessed is the individual computer user's time orientation, as measured by the Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) instrument (Strathman et. al, 1994). How does rational consideration of violation rewards influence the impact of sanctions on individuals? How does time orientation impact intent to violate security policy? How do these operate in an IS context? These questions are examined by assessing the responses of university students (N = 443) to experimental manipulations of sanctions and rewards. Answering vignettes with the factorial survey method, intent to violate is assessed in a setting of Internet piracy of electronic textbooks while being monitored by computer security systems. Findings show that, although traditional GDT variables and reward impact intent to violate, CFC does not cause the hypothesized moderating effect on these variables. However, post-hoc analysis reveals a direct effect of time orientation on behavioral intent, as well as a weak moderating effect opposite of the hypotheses, indicating increased time orientation positively moderates, rather than negatively moderates, the impact of reward on intent to violate. Implications for theory and practice, and future research directions, are discussed.

Utredningsarbete – en förpappringsprodukt, för vem och till vad? : En kvalitativ studie i utredningsarbete för HR-specialister i offentlig verksamhet / Investigative work – documentation, for whom and for what? : A qualitative study in investigative work for HR specialists in the public sector

Björklund, Emma, Sjölin, Marie January 2023 (has links)
Dagens organisationer kontrolleras allt mer, där granskning och mätning tenderar att genomföras av all dokumentation som behandlats i offentlig verksamhet. I förlängningen är utredningar i offentlig verksamhet idag en vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgift för HR specialister och syftet med studien är att undersöka betydelsen av utredningar i kommuner. För att kunna utreda olika typer av ärenden som kan innefatta både arbetsrättsliga och arbetsmiljömässiga problem krävs vissa kunskaper. Mer specifikt innebär det att undersöka betydelsen av och kompetensförutsättningar för utredningar utförda i tre olika kommuner ur ett HR-perspektiv. Under tidigare forskning behandlas frågan om kontroll av medarbetares arbete, ansvarsutkrävning av professioner, värdeskapande organisationer, organisatoriskrättvisa samt, betydelsen av kunskap och New Public Management (NPM), en styrform som vunnit allt mer mark i offentlig verksamhet. Teorier som använts som grund för att analyserainsamlad empiri kring utredningar och dess betydelse är legitimitet, HR-transformation, ny institutionell teori, isomorfism och isärkoppling. För att kunna utreda olika typer av ärenden som kan innefatta både arbetsrättsliga och arbetsmiljömässiga problem krävs vissa kunskaper. Studiens resultat visar att HR-specialister anser att utredningar är betydelsefulla i offentlig verksamhet, både för de individer det berör men även för arbetsmiljön som helhet. De understryker vikten av kunskap i utredningsmetodik för att kunna genomföra utredningar av god kvalitet. Resultatet ger en indikation på att HR-specialister i offentlig verksamhet ser utredningar som värdefulla handlingar som kan bidra till en bättre arbetsmiljö. Dock saknas i organisationerna strukturer för återkoppling och uppföljning av genomförda utredningar, 3vilket innebär att det saknas en vetskap bland respondenterna om vad som sker efter en utfördutredning.

The influence of organisational justice on organisational citizenship behaviour of employees at a railway company in Johannesburg, Gauteng

Kgomo, Moratuwa January 2021 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Labour Relations Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / In South Africa, rail transport is an important element to support economic development and this service is provided by the railway company as the focus of this study. Similar to other companies, the selected railway company depends on its employees as a crucial resource to execute duties aimed at the realisation of its objectives. For the company to remain successful, its employees must have positive behaviours and attitudes and have the ability to work in a fair and just environment. Organisational justice, as an indicator of a fair and just work environment, and organisational citizenship behaviour, influence work-related behaviours and attitudes and are critical for the smooth operation of any organisation. Currently, the railway company seems to have a high number of reported incidents relating to organisational citizenship behaviour including misconduct, disciplinary, criminal and/or civil action. This might be an outcome of employee perceptions of organisational justice. This study examines the relationship between organisational justice and organisational citizenship behaviour for the first time in the rail industry in South Africa. Drawing on the Social Exchange Theory, the primary aim of this study is to investigate employees’ perceptions of organisational justice and their effects on organisational citizenship behaviour in a railway company in Johannesburg, Gauteng. The study adopted a deductive research approach and a quantitative method was used to collect data. Utilising a structured questionnaire, respondents were solicited to provide their demographic variables and their responses to four different measurement scales, namely procedural justice, distributive justice, interactional justice and organisational citizenship behaviour using a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1=strongly disagree to 7=strongly agree. Using convenience sampling, questionnaires were distributed to 400 identified employees of the railway company in Johannesburg, Gauteng. A total of 378 questionnaires were returned and this constituted the sample size of the study. The Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient was used to find the strength of relationships with the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. To assess the employees' perceptions of organisational justice, their levels of organisational citizenship behaviour and the relationship between the constructs, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation and regression analysis were used. Based on the findings, the results of the correlation analysis revealed no significant relationships between all three dimensions of organisational justice (procedural justice, distributive justice, interactional justice) and organisational citizenship behaviour. Regression analysis also resulted in no predictive relationships between organisational justice and organisational citizenship behaviour. Evidence indicates that the fairness of distribution, procedures and interactions are not the key contributors in affecting the level of organisational citizenship behaviour of employees at the railway company. The study makes various recommendations including that management should treat employees fairly and equally and apply fair decision-making processes with fair outcomes. Additionally, to improve, increase and keep the standard of OCB, an organisational policy on organisational justice should be in place, which must constantly be updated. Research on OJ and OCB is still limited, particularly in the field of rail transport, as this study is the first and only study that has been conducted in South Africa. This represents an opportunity for academics and labour relations practitioners to further engage in research on antecedents and outcomes of organisational behaviour in the railway industry.

L’émission des comportements inadaptés au travail : adaptation ou explication quant à la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail

Durand, Jean-Christophe 05 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle, l’émission de comportements inadaptés au travail et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. En plus de développer un outil de mesure des comportements inadaptés au travail et d’entreprendre un processus de validation de celui-ci, le présent travail propose que les comportements inadaptés au travail puissent occuper un rôle soit protecteur ou explicatif dans la relation qui unit la perception de la justice organisationnelle avec la santé psychologique des individus au travail. Au sein de cette thèse, le premier article recense la documentation scientifique quant aux variables de la perception de la justice organisationnelle, de l’émission des comportements inadaptés au travail et de la santé psychologique des individus au travail, ainsi que les liens qui unissent ces variables. Aussi, les modèles conceptuels des rôles modérateur et médiateur des comportements inadaptés au travail sont proposés au sein de la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. Le deuxième article a pour objectif de développer un outil de mesure des comportements inadaptés au travail et de tester ses propriétés psychométriques. Ainsi, des analyses statistiques exploratoires et confirmatoires ont été effectuées. Afin d’appuyer la valeur critériée de l’outil proposé, une analyse corrélationnelle a été réalisée avec le critère de l’adaptation. Certaines valeurs psychométriques de l’outil sont validées par les résultats obtenus. Le troisième article examine empiriquement les modèles conceptuels des rôles anticipés des comportements inadaptés au travail dans la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. La perception de la justice organisationnelle a été vue sous les composantes distributive, procédurale, informationnelle et interpersonnelle. De son côté, la santé psychologique des individus a été observée par le biais des éléments du bien-être et de la détresse psychologique au travail. Les différentes analyses de régressions multiples hiérarchiques ont permis d’observer l’absence du rôle modérateur des comportements inadaptés au travail. Pour sa part, l’utilisation du test de Sobel a démontré la présence du rôle médiateur des comportements inadaptés au travail dans certaines relations. Plus exactement, celles-ci sont la relation entre la justice interpersonnelle et le bien-être psychologique au travail, la relation entre la justice interpersonnelle et la détresse psychologique au travail, ainsi que la relation entre la justice distributive et la détresse psychologique au travail. Finalement, la conclusion de la thèse présente une synthèse des résultats et expose les limites et pistes de recherches futures. / The present doctoral thesis treats of the relation between perception of organizational justice, emission of misbehaviours at work, and individuals’ psychological health at work. In addition to developing and undertaking a validation process for a measuring scale of misbehaviours at work, the present thesis proposes that these behaviours may occupy either a protective or an explicative role in the relationship that unites the perception of organizational justice with individuals’ psychological health at work. Within the thesis, the first article lists scientific literature concerning the perception of organizational justice, the emission of misbehaviours at work, and individuals’ psychological health at work. This article also includes a revue of links that unite the variables presently at study. Following this review, two conceptual models about possible roles played by misbehaviours at work in the relationship between perception of organizational justice and individuals’ psychological health at work are developed. More precisely, these models are conceptualisation of the moderating and mediating roles of inadequate work behaviours. The second article’s goal is the development of a measuring scale for misbehaviours at work and testing its psychometric proprieties. In this context, exploratory and confirmatory statistical analyses were made. Also, in order to support the criterion value of the proposed tool, a correlation analysis was made with the criteria of adaptation. The results showed that certain psychometric values were validated. The third article empirically examines the conceptual models developed about the possible roles played by misbehaviours at work in the relationship between perception of organizational justice and individuals’ psychological health at work. Organisational justice perception was analysed under distributive, procedural, informational and interpersonal components. As for individuals’ psychological health at work, it was observed through the psychological well-being and distress elements. The different multiple hierarchical regression analyses helped observe the absence of a moderator role for misbehaviours at work. Using the Sobel test showed the presence of a mediator role for misbehaviours at work in the relationship between the interpersonal organizational justice component and well-being, as well as psychological distress at work. This same test highlighted the mediator role of misbehaviours at work in the relationship between the distributive component of organizational justice and the psychological distress at work of individuals. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis presents a synthesis of the results and highlights the limits and future research ideas.

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