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F.C. Erasmus as Minister van Verdediging, 1948-1959Jooste, L. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die portefeulje Verdediging het vanaf 1948 tot 1959 besondere eise aan F.C. Erasmus gestel. Hy moes
'n parate en doeltreffende Unieverdedigingsmag, wat Suid-Afrika teen moontlike kommunistiese aggressie
kon verdedig, daarstel. Hy moes ook die Nasionale Party se verdedigingsbeleid, tot nag toe abstrakte
beginsels vervat in die partyprogram, implementeer. Erasmus het die Mag d.m.v. 'n ingrypende
hervormingsprogram met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse identiteit beklee en Afrikaanssprekendes in groat getalle
daarheen gelok. Nieteenstaande die beperkte hulpbronne tot die land se beskikking en sterk kritiek teen
hom, het Erasmus Suid-Afrika se verdediging met rasse skrede laat vooruitgaan. Hy het die organisasie, opleiding en krygstuig van die Mag uitgebou en gemoderniseer, en ook die grondslag van 'n
onafhanklike, plaaslike krygstuigvervaardigingsbedryf gele. Voorts het Erasmus 'n prominente rol in
Suid-Afrika se internasionale militere strategie gespeel. Hy bet onvermoeid gepoog om die Europese
koloniale moondhede te oorreed om 'n Afrika-verdedigingsorganisasie op die been te bring. 'n
Hoogtepunt van sy dienstermyn aan die internasionale front was Brittanje se oordrag van Simonstad aan
Suid-Afrika. / The Defence portfolio placed heavy demands on F.C. Erasmus from 1948 to 1959. He had to transform
the South African armed forces into an efficient and combat ready Union Defence Force. He also had
to implement the National Party's defence policy, which hitherto consisted of abstract principles
contained in the party's political programme. Erasmus made far reaching changes to the Union Defence
Force, furnishing it with a distinct South African identity. Despite criticism against him and the
country's limited resources Erasmus improved South Africa's defence significantly. He modernized the
organization, training and equipment of the Union Defence Force and established the basis for an
independent local armaments industry. Erasmus also played a prominent role in South Africa's
international military strategy. He laboured unceasingly to persuade the European colonial powers to
enter into an African defence alli~nce. One of his greatest achievements is the transfer of Simonstown
to South Africa. / History / M.A. (Geskiedenis)
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Organisasievernuwing : 'n penologiese perspektiefBruyns, Hennie, 1959- 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die tradisionele benadering tot bestuur het die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe sisteem sedert sy
ontstaan gedomineer. Die vraag wat ontstaan, is of daar enige praktiese, werkbare
altematiewe is, veral omdat die huidige strategiese ingesteldheid, argitektuur en menslike
hulpbronne onder verdenking is.
Hierdie navorsing bevestig die vermoede dat 'n nuwe benadering tot strategie, struktuur,
kultuur, bestuursfilosofie, werkspraktyke en mense te voorskyn kom en dat dit alleenlik
gemobiliseer kan word deur organisasievernuwing.
'n Penologiese sisteem wat 'n deelnemende bestuursbenadering aanvaar, sal as 'n wereldleier
geklassifiseer word. / The traditional approach to management has dominated the South African correctional system
since its conception. The question arises whether there are any practical workable
alternatives, especially as the present strategic intent, architecture and human resources are
under suspicion.
This research confirms the supposition that a new approach to strategy, structure, culture,
management philosophy, work methods and people is emerging and that this approach can be
enabled only by organisational renewal.
A penological system that adopts a participative management approach would be classified as
a world leader. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)
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Sources of work stress, psychological attachment and attitudes towards change : constructing a psychological profile for change interventionsChetty, Pamela Jaskiaya Jeannette 09 1900 (has links)
This research focused on constructing a psychological profile for change interventions by investigating both the interrelationships and overall relationships between work stress (as the independent variable), psychological attachment (job embeddedness and organisational commitment) (as the mediating variables) and attitudes towards change (as the dependent variable).
A non-experimental cross-sectional quantitative survey design approach using standardised valid and reliable measuring instruments (Sources of Job Stress Scale, Organisational Commitment Questionnaire, Job Embededdness Questionnaire, Attitudes towards Change Questionnaire) was used on a non-probability purposive sample of employees from one of the largest, fast-moving consumer goods companies in South Africa (N = 350), ranging from administrative to executive level. Bivariate correlations showed a statistically positive inter-relationship between sources of work stress, psychological attachment (job embeddedness and organisational commitment) and attitudes towards change. A canonical correlation analysis indicated a significant overall relationship between the sources of work stress, psychological attachment (job embeddedness and organisational commitment) and attitudes towards change dispositions. Mediation modelling revealed the mediating role of psychological attachment (organisational commitment and job embeddedness) in the sources of work stress and attitudes towards change relationship. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses showed that age and gender significantly moderated the relationship between individuals’ sources of work stress and their attitudes towards change dispositions. Tests for mean differences revealed that significant differences exist between age and sources of work stress, affective and continuance commitment, fit and sacrifice embeddedness. Differences exist between race groups’ affective and continuance commitment. Job security is a concern across all employment levels in the organisation. Individuals at an executive, upper administrative and administrative level revealed significant differences in terms of their continuance commitment. Cognitive and behavioural attitudes towards change did not differ significantly across all employment levels.
At a theoretical level, this study developed an understanding of the cognitive, affective, conative and interpersonal behavioural dimensions of the hypothesised psychological profile to manage change. At an empirical level, it developed an empirically tested psychological profile for change interventions in terms of the various behavioural dimensions. At a practical level, organisational change practices in terms of the behavioural dimensions of the psychological profile were recommended. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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An evaluation of resistance to change of the East London industrial development zone (ELIDZ) structural realignmentMoonieya, Vernon Craig January 2014 (has links)
From Integrative Summary: This research paper comprises of three sections that include: an evaluation report, a literature review and the research methodology. The first section assesses the management of resistance to change as encountered during the ELIDZ structural re-alignment initiative. The assessment was done after the change initiative had been implemented to see what could be learnt from the exercise, in order to be better prepared for future change programmes. The implemented change was initiated by the CEO of the ELIDZ but its criticality in terms of purpose, or the need for the change was unclear to many employees at the time of initiation. An examination of the literature on change management highlighted the importance of managing resistance to change as part of a change initiative, so as to ensure a successful transition. The review of the literature on management of resistance to change in section 2 of this paper examines the definition of management of resistance to change and in particular, covers key factors like change readiness, participation in change and change communication. These key concepts underpin effective management of resistance during change. The literature on management of resistance to change with respect to the role of change readiness, participation in change and change communication was used to develop a questionnaire that was used to assess the ELIDZ change initiative. The questionnaire was developed in a Likert Scale format with questions across the spectrum of change readiness, change participation and change communication. Section 3 of this paper describes how the quantitative research was provided to the population sample of employees from the ELIDZ where the questions on change readiness, change participation and change communication was used to assess the effectiveness of management of resistance to change during the ELIDZ change initiative. In addition section 3 provides an explanation of how the results of the research were derived. The results on change readiness suggest that the ELIDZ change initiative did not address change readiness adequately. There is therefore a risk of resistance to change that could manifest. This also indicates that change readiness must be planned more thoroughly in future change endeavours. Most of the population sampled did not feel that they participated in the change initiative, suggesting that the ELIDZ did not address participation in the change initiative adequately. Not enabling employees to actively participate in the change is tantamount to decreasing the potential for acceptance of change and increasing the risk of resistance to change. In order to ensure that future change initiatives are not met with employee resistance to change, the ELIDZ should plan for employee participation throughout the change process. The extent to which change communication was addressed in the ELIDZ change initiative was demonstrated by very poor results. The results from the population sampled suggest that the change was not well communicated to employees. As change communication is known to reduce the potential for resistance to change, it is imperative for the ELIDZ to plan for comprehensive communication strategies to cover the change process for future change action.
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Total quality management and organisational performance in the Maluti-A-Phofung municipality in the Free State ProvinceMasejane, Thamae Paulus 02 1900 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to determine whether and how the application of Total Quality Management (TQM) can improve organisational performance in the Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality. There is a reason to believe that TQM can be and is a viable approach for improving productivity and performance in the public sector. TQM principles centred on customer satisfaction, process orientation and continuous improvement are very compatible with preferred public sector management styles. Therefore, a theoretical and conceptual analysis is undertaken of TQM as it is discussed in various volumes of published literature. As a result, quality is examined in terms of how it historically evolved during the various stages of development of mankind and overview of essential concepts that contributed to modern professional practice of the concept.
Furthermore, TQM defined within a broad framework of management theory and its dimensions are scrutinised. These dimensions are analysed in such a way that describe a model of how organisations could use TQM as a management theory. A thorough analysis of individual dimension and unique contribution of each to organisational performance is made. The role of managers to implement TQM principles and practices is analysed as well as factors contributing to failures as a check list of what managers must avoid in order to implement TQM effectively. Moreover, the criterion upon which TQM in public institutions could be evaluated is also discussed as the corner stone of a performance measurement system.
Local government introduced municipal performance management systems as part of the new public management paradigm shift, adopted in an attempt to find more effective and efficient methods of delivering services. Therefore, the concept of performance management and its impact on TQM on municipal performance is thoroughly discussed. The meaning of quality and performance is defined and evaluated in terms of components of performance management. In this way the fundamental value and impact TQM may have on performance management can be determined. To determine whether and how the application of TQM can improve organisational performance in the Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality, a structured questionnaire survey is undertaken based on nine TQM dimensions identified in the study. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Public Administration)
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Experiences of emergent change from an applied neurosciences perspectiveGarnett, Gabriella 11 1900 (has links)
Emergent change is a pervasive force in modern organisations. However, the subjective experiences of emergent change for frontline individuals and teams have not been explored in organisational change literature. The integrative field of applied neurosciences offers valuable insights into the underlying neural mechanisms that shape these experiences and drive responses in order to meet basic psychological needs. Using interactive qualitative analysis (IQA), this study involved a focus group and follow-up interviews with nine participants at a South African software development company to explore the experiences of emergent change at work. System dynamics reflected that these experiences are significantly more complex than literature and practice currently account for, and that individuals and teams find their experiences of emergent change to threaten their sense of safety and basic psychological needs. The physiological and emotional experiences were found to be driving elements. Peak performance state and the relational environment were found to be salient outcomes. Findings present the opportunity for the reconceptualisation of emergent change, a shift in focus from change itself to the human experiences thereof and the importance of embracing new possibilities, tools and practices for meeting needs and thriving in an ever-changing world. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The management of staff development programmes at FET colleges in the Gauteng ProvinceGeel, Pieter Andrew 30 June 2005 (has links)
The fragmented and unequal system of technical and vocational education and training in South Africa is a consequence of the apartheid era. Since 1994 comprehensive legislation has been introduced to create a transformed system of Further Education and Training (FET) guided by the principles of redress, equity and lifelong learning and aimed at producing graduates who can contribute to making South Africa a key player in the global economy. In particular, the Technical College sector requires transformation. This in turn demands new knowledge, attitudes and skills from college managers and educators. Therefore, relevant staff development programmes is a key instrument of change in colleges. Against this background this study examines the management of staff development programmes in FET colleges in Gauteng Province by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The former addresses the management of change, human resource management, staff development and organisational development with an emphasis on the application of chaos/complexity theory. Moreover, the dynamic FET landscape in South Africa is sketched and FET policies and legislation since 1994 are discussed. The empirical investigation adopts a qualitative approach using focus group and individual interviews, observation and document analysis to gather data from a small sample of participants: educators and members of senior and middle management. Participants were selected by purposeful sampling from three former Technical Colleges (one previously advantaged and two previously disadvantaged) in Gauteng, which have recently merged to create a new multi-campus college, the Tshwane North College. The findings of the interviews present the experience of participants according to six themes: the management of change; communication during change; stakeholder involvement in change; the impact of FET legislation; human resource management and the role of staff development programmes in this process. These findings were integrated with observations of staff development programmes and their management and analysis of key documents. It was concluded that people are complex and may resist change; during change effective communication, stakeholder participation, adequate funding for staff development and its effective management are essential. Recommendations for the improvement of practice are presented based on the findings of the literature and empirical study. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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The influence of psychosocial meta-capacities on learning capacity development in a foreign government agencyKhan, Rokshana 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study investigated the influences of psychosocial meta-capacities on learning capacity development in a foreign government agency that is undergoing extensive organisational change. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with seven participants, who are employees of a foreign visa-processing unit based in South Africa. The participants shared their experiences during the organisational change process, and how different aspects impacted on their learning capacity development. The study highlighted self-efficacy and emotional intelligence as key meta-capacities that can be enhanced to aid learning capacity development. Furthermore, the study recommended that organisations intending to introduce significant changes should be aware of the psychosocial meta-capacities that can be exploited to enhance employee learning capacity development, thereby ultimately ensuring organisational success. This study seems to suggest that the positive influences on learning capacity development are: self-efficacy in the form of self- beliefs about one’s performance ability; the ability to take initiative; and learning orientation - for example, a sense of exploration; emotional intelligence in the form of self-awareness in relation to what needs to happen, and the positive impact of social support systems, for example, supervisors, role models and fellow colleagues. Negative influences on learning capacity development seem to include the following: the inability to manage performance anxiety; high levels of self-doubt, the lack of technical expertise, and learning paralysis in the form of procrastination and the lack of self-motivation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The management of staff development programmes at FET colleges in the Gauteng ProvinceGeel, Pieter Andrew 30 June 2005 (has links)
The fragmented and unequal system of technical and vocational education and training in South Africa is a consequence of the apartheid era. Since 1994 comprehensive legislation has been introduced to create a transformed system of Further Education and Training (FET) guided by the principles of redress, equity and lifelong learning and aimed at producing graduates who can contribute to making South Africa a key player in the global economy. In particular, the Technical College sector requires transformation. This in turn demands new knowledge, attitudes and skills from college managers and educators. Therefore, relevant staff development programmes is a key instrument of change in colleges. Against this background this study examines the management of staff development programmes in FET colleges in Gauteng Province by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The former addresses the management of change, human resource management, staff development and organisational development with an emphasis on the application of chaos/complexity theory. Moreover, the dynamic FET landscape in South Africa is sketched and FET policies and legislation since 1994 are discussed. The empirical investigation adopts a qualitative approach using focus group and individual interviews, observation and document analysis to gather data from a small sample of participants: educators and members of senior and middle management. Participants were selected by purposeful sampling from three former Technical Colleges (one previously advantaged and two previously disadvantaged) in Gauteng, which have recently merged to create a new multi-campus college, the Tshwane North College. The findings of the interviews present the experience of participants according to six themes: the management of change; communication during change; stakeholder involvement in change; the impact of FET legislation; human resource management and the role of staff development programmes in this process. These findings were integrated with observations of staff development programmes and their management and analysis of key documents. It was concluded that people are complex and may resist change; during change effective communication, stakeholder participation, adequate funding for staff development and its effective management are essential. Recommendations for the improvement of practice are presented based on the findings of the literature and empirical study. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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An investigation into the experiences of remaining nurse tutors during transformation of nursing colleges in the Free StateVan Dyk, Ellie Catharina 01 January 2002 (has links)
The study investigated the experiences of remaining nurse tutors at the Free State School of Nursing during the transformation of Nursing Colleges and downsizing of personnel. The study aimed at describing the experiences of individuals during changes in their work environment, with the purpose of contributing to the identification of guidelines for 'surviving' transformation and downsizing at the workplace.
Three themes emerged from this study through the narrative descriptions and unstructured interviews. The first theme, affective responses, dealt with emotions, low morale, depressive moods and anxiety caused by transformation and downsizing. The second theme, cognitive and perceptual view, revealed the thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of remaining nurse tutors regarding transformation and downsizing. Perceptions of and opinions on how nursing education and human dignity were affected were also expressed. The third theme portrayed the coping responses, which described work-related personal and social adjustments nurse tutors made during the transformation of nursing colleges.
Recommendations included communication, participation and counseling of nurse tutors and to meet the requirements of nursing colleges during transformation and downsizing. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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