Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organize"" "subject:"maganize""
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nonePeng, Rong-Ming 22 July 2005 (has links)
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組織”教師工會”的適法性與前景 / Unionizing teachers: Legitimacy and prospect邱柏蒼, Chiou, Robert Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究我國教師組織未來發展之方向,校園內勞僱間權益事項的問題,是否必要透過”教師工會”的方式進行協商和討論,以謀求解決之道。目前的教評會和”教師會”在制度設計中,雖然也有若干工會的功能,但是在勞僱關係的法定權利當中最重要的團結、協商和爭議權等,皆不明確,因而在面對重大權利問題和決策的過程中,教師往往是政策的被動接受者,公務員的角色,也嚴重限制了教師可採取的行動策略與範圍。除非目前的教評會或”教師會”的權利取得突破,否則教育部實在沒有理由阻止教師籌組工會。”教師會”改變轉型為”教師工會”之過程與發展,及所遭遇之困境,為本研究之重點。 / This research will explore challenges and future development of the teacher’s organization in our country. Will there be any substantial changes in the relationship among stakeholders on campus in terms of rights and obligations? Will it a better solution to carry on consultation and dispute reconciliation by organizing teacher’s union? Although certain functions exist in the present system designs of the Teacher Arbitrating Committee and Teacher Association, crucial rights of unity, consultation, and dispute that teachers could enjoy are not all explicit. Teachers are often passive receivers of policies. Worse still, as para-public officials, they are severely limited in strategy and scope of viable options. Only when a Teacher Arbitrating Committee or Teacher Association makes a breakthrough, can we consider these rights adequately protected. The Ministry of Education has no reason to deny such unionizing. This research examines development of the Teacher Association (TA), and explores the need to transform TA into Teacher Union (TU), as well as obstacles encountered.
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Posouzení vlivu moderní organizační architektury na podnikové procesy / The impact recognition of the modern organizational architecture on the business processesCHROMULÁKOVÁ, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Today?s dynamic world is full of changing. Companies which wants to be succesfull must react on the changes on the market very quickly. The main changes must be concentrate in the district of the organization structure. The organization structure is the building stone of every company. The aim of this thesis was to propose the optimal organization structure and the evaluate effectiveness and the economic contribution of these proposals. The analysed company is ALFA join stock company.This company is a longtime manufacturer of kitchen doors and currently produces fire boards, particle boards and panels, floor panels, foiled boards, profiles and vermiculite expansion. STEP, SWOT and financial analysis were used for the analysing this company. The changes were realized in manufacturing sector, strategic purchasing sector and in commercial sector. The company reaches higher competitive advantage with these changes. Design changes in the organizational structure were projected on the basis of the organizational chart, organizational structure, operating rules and other internal sources.
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Applying Customer Involvement in B2B Sales : case study on a medical device companyDegrell, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Thesis Title: Applying customer involvement in B2B Sales – Case study on a medical device company Date: 10th of June, 2012 Subject, Course: Business Administration, 15 hec. Enterprising and Business Development, 2EB00E. Author: Anna Degrell, 25-01-1989 6647 Advisor: Magnus Forslund Examiner: Richard Nakamura Keywords: Customer Involvement, B2B, Sales, Organize, Apply, Value, Case Study, Medical Device Company Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how customer involvement can be applied in business to business (B2B) sales. Method: the method of choice for this thesis will be within a qualitative approach and contains a case study, with semi structured interviews based on Operationalization of theoretical concepts, and analyzed by grounded theory. Result: Customer Involvement can be presented in several ways within B2B sales; the case study on the medical device company in this thesis has applied the involvement in so-called Sight-visits and as a concept called doctor-to-doctor.
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Sutuoktinių gebėjimai planuoti ir organizuoti šeimos laisvalaikį / Married couples’ abilities to plan and organize the leisure time of their familyAlišauskienė, Kristina 27 February 2012 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama aktuali sritis – šeimos kaip pagrindinės visuomenės ląstelės ir tautos variklio tobulinimas, jos gyvavimo ir gyvenimo kokybės esmė. To pagrindas yra turiningas, kūrybingas bei atpalaiduojantis laisvalaikis. Retai kada susimąstoma, kad ne tik vaikams, jaunimui reikia kokybiško laisvalaikio, prasmingo bendravimo ir paprasčiausio laimės pilnatvės jausmo. Norint visa tai pasiekti, reikia daug, nuosekliai ir planingai dirbti su savimi ir šalia esančiais žmonėmis. Kokybiškas laikas kartu – tai brendimas, tobulėjimas santykyje su savimi ir kitais. Įvairūs žmogaus įgūdžiai geriausiai susiformuoja tada, kai su malonumu tyrinėjama ir atrandama kas nors naujo, panaudojamos naujos idėjos ar daiktai. Kadangi šeima vaikams yra saugi aplinka, todėl tėvai, skirdami laiką žaisti su vaikais ar pramogauti, gali stiprinti tarpusavio santykius, emocinius santykius, savo ir vaikų asmenybes. Per bendrą veiklą šeima tampa maža bendruomene, siekiančia bendro tikslo.
Sutuoktiniai, planuodami veiklą, turi atsižvelgti į kelis esminius kriterijus: savo ir vaikų amžių, gyvenamąją vietą, sveikatą, ekonominę situaciją, o svarbiausia – į savo šeimos narių poreikius. Šeimos laisvalaikio veikla turi įjungti visus šeimos narius ir taip suteikti šeimos gyvenimo pasitenkinimą. Suaugusiųjų pareiga vaiką mokyti ir pratinti kultūringai ir produktyviai leisti laisvalaikį, kuris duotų materialinės ir dvasinės naudos pačiam vaikui, artimiesiems ir visuomenei. Tai pavyksta tuomet, kai pačių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper is focused on a significant topic, namely, organization of a purposeful, creative and relaxing leisure time of a family. This topic is considered to be of high importance as it is closely related to the development and quality of life of a family, which in turn is often called to be the first cell and the leading force of society. Unfortunately, few people understand that children and youth are not the only ones in need of quality leisure time, meaningful communication and simply the feeling of happiness. In order to achieve this, one has to put a lot of time and efforts and to work consistently together with other family members. Quality leisure time spent together is a way of personal growth and development of relationships with others. As scholars has proved, various skills can best be formed when a person is involved in a pleasurable activity of exploring and discovering something new, using new ideas and things. Therefore, as children usually regard their family as a safe environment, it is important that parents would spend time playing or having fun with their children because it helps to strengthen their relationship, emotional ties and personalities of both adults and children. Joint activities help the family to become a small community united by a common goal.
When a married couple plans leisure time activities for their family, they have to regard several crucial criteria: age of themselves and their children, place of residence, health condition... [to full text]
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Posouzení vlivu tvorby organizační architektury na konkurenceschopnost podniku / Effect estimation of organizational architecture production to enterprise competitivenessROUBÍČKOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The aim of diploma work with the topic {\clqq}Effect estimation of organizational architecture production to enterprise competitiveness`` was to suggest optimal organizational architecture for a chosen business subject. Organizational architecture is fundamental for every company which wants to be successful in both Czech and world markets. The introductory part of the diploma work contains of survey of theoretical knowledge from the sphere of organizational architecture. Basic source were books and magazines deal with modern trends in the sphere of organizational architecture and its regulation. In literature search are mentioned key cognisances and statements of well-known authors from the sphere of organizational architecture. The second part deals with detailed description and analysis of company ALPLA limited liability company Petrovice and its present organizational architecture. The main source of information were controlled talks with employees of company. Further the information was gathered from provided internal documents and from other intradepartmental documents, directions, statistical data, annual reports etc. In the conclusive part there are proposed certain steps pointing optimal organizational architecture of a chosen business subject and their positive economic impact upon an analysed company.
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A new channel for organizing and distributing business events within B2B : On the prospects for a business event application of mutual value to attendees and organizers / En ny kanal för organisering och distribuering av företagsevent inom B2B : Om möjligheterna för en mobilapplikation för företagsevent som kan ge ett delat värde till både eventbesökare och eventarrangörerStipic, Anna Maria January 2016 (has links)
In this networked society, where social media becomes a natural meeting place, the need for physical encounters is greater than ever. In the business world, business events are a way for people to satisfy this need while they at the same time get the opportunity to exchange skills, information and experiences with other colleagues, thus expanding their and their company’s competencies. This report looks at how business events are distributed today and investigates the interest for a new channel where business events are collected which is of mutual value for business event organizers and attendees. In order to understand the needs of event organizers and attendees a survey has been conducted consisting of a questionnaire, interviews and a focus group, which helped pinpoint three relevant themes: discover, organize and connect. The themes were based on wishes left by the respondents, declaring that finding information about events were a difficult and time consuming procedure. They wanted an easier way to find interesting events and sorting out those that were of relevance to their jobs and surrounding areas. Similarly the organizers had noticed an increasingly competitive market making it difficult to reach customers. It was also observed by the organizers that people go to events to network, leading to the conclusion that one element of the service should be about connecting with colleagues, possible business partners and other interesting people. As a result, a design proposal was presented in the form of a mockup of a mobile application interface where the themes were present as sections of a quick access menu. To conclude, the report discusses suggestions on how to proceed with the design proposal and makes recommendations on future research on the development of an app for business events. / I ett samhälle som präglas av nätverkande och där sociala medier blivit en naturlig mötesplats, är behovet av fysiska möten större än någonsin. Företagsevent är ett sätt att fylla det behovet, samtidigt som man får möjlighet att utbyta kunskaper, information och erfarenheter med andra kollegor för att utveckla sin kompetens och därmed bli en större tillgång till företaget. Denna rapport tittar på hur företagsevent distribueras idag och undersöker intresset för en ny digital kanal som samlar aktuella företagsevent och som är av gemensamma intressen för företagare och kunder. För att förstå organisatörernas och användarnas behov har en undersökning genomförts bestående av en enkät, intervjuer och en fokusgrupp. Resultatet av undersökningen visar på tre relevanta teman, upptäck (discover), organisera (organize) och nätverka (connect), som skulle fungera som stöttepelare för en ny kanal. Dessa teman har framkommit i och med att de tillfrågade ansåg att det var svårt och tidskrävande att leta upp information om nya företagsevent. De ville ha ett enklare sätt att upptäcka intressanta event och möjligheten att sortera ut de event som var relevanta i relation till yrkesområden och intressen. Samtidigt har eventarrangörerna märkt av en allt tuffare konkurrens på marknaden som gör det svårt att nå kunder. Observationen att nätverkande är en stor faktor när det kommer till varför man deltar i företagsevent ledde till slutsatsen att en del av tjänsten ska tillåta kontaktutbyte med kollegor och andra intressanta personer. Slutligen presenteras ett konceptuellt designförslag i form av en mockup av en mobilapplikation där nämnda teman implementeras i varsina delar i en snabbåtkomstsmeny. Avslutningsvis diskuteras förslag på hur man kan gå vidare med designförslaget samt rekommendationer om fortsatt utveckling av en tjänst för företagsevent.
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Lärares beskrivningar av sin undervisning kring berättande texter / Teachers' descriptions of their teaching about narrative textsEkvall, Sofia, Lagerström, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Tidigare forskning har visat att elever i de lägre årskurserna som arbetar med att skriva sig till läsning, kan skriva längre texter eftersom det är fysiskt lättare för dem att skriva på datorn än för hand. Dock har vi inte funnit några belägg för hur elever organiserar och planerar sina texter vid skrivandet av berättande texter på datorn. Syftet med denna studie blev därför att undersöka vilka möjligheter elever i årskurs ett ges för att producera och organisera berättande texter, i en klass som arbetar med datorn som verktyg och en som inte gör det. Undersökningen utgick från två lärares beskrivningar av undervisningen och elevtexter. I studien utgick vi från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv eftersom vi tror att språk och skriftspråk konstrueras i en social kontext. Genom samtal kring texter, användningen av olika verktyg och stöd av en mer kompetent kamrat finner vi att elever kan utveckla sitt skrivande. Genom intervjuer har lärare fått beskriva sin undervisning. Denna undervisning jämfördes sedan med elevtexterna. Elevtexterna från de olika klasserna jämfördes också med varandra. I resultatet framkom det att båda undervisningssammanhangen möjliggör elevers skrivande, planerande och organiserande av berättande texter, fast undervisningssammanhangen ser olika ut. Klassen som arbetade med datorn skrev längre texter med ett bättre ordförråd än den andra klassen. Dock skrev den andra klassen med en mer sammanhängande röd tråd i sina berättande texter. I studien framkom även likheter mellan undervisningens stödstrukturer och hur eleverna organiserade sina texter. / ABSTRACT Previous research has shown that young children, who work with writing to reading, write longer texts because it is physically easier for them to write on the computer than by hand. However, we have not found any evidence of how pupils organize their texts when they write narrative texts. The aim of this study was to explore which possibilities the pupil gives to produce and organize the narrative texts, in the lower grades. One class worked with the computer as a tool and one did not. The survey was based on two teachers' descriptions of teaching and student texts. In this study, we assumed a sociocultural perspective because we think that language and written language is constructed in a social context. Through conversations about texts, the use of various tools and the support of a more competent person, we think that students can develop their writing. Through interviews with teachers who described their teaching and through pupil texts we found some interesting things. The result showed that both educational contexts allow students' writing, planning and organization of narrative texts. The teaching contexts were different from each other. The pupils who worked with writing through computers, wrote longer texts with a better vocabulary than the pupils who wrote by hand. However, the pupils who wrote by hand, had better support structures for the narratives red line and then wrote a more coherent text, than the pupils who worked on the computer. The study also showed similarities between the education support structures tours and how the students organized their text.
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Från toppen till botten och tillbaka : Om utformningen av ett användarvänligt multifunktionellt behandlingsrumBodin, Linnea January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en studie i hur ett multifunktionellt behandlingsrum kan utformas. I behandlingsrummet ska det finnas möjligheter att utföra ett flertal olika aktiviteter, och det ska vara smidigt att skifta mellan dessa. Målsättningen har varit att skapa goda förutsättningar för att utföra rehabiliteringsaktiviteter, genom att underlätta terapeuternas arbete men också kundernas möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig behandlingen. Arbetet har utgått från ett FMT- behandlingscenters lokaler i Eskilstuna. De har bland annat efterfrågat en gestaltning som hjälper till att reducera ljud, och optimera ljusförhållanden. Studien har baserats på teorier om färg, ljus, akustik, ergonomi, designprinciper och gestaltlagar. I arbetet har följande metoder utförts: intervju, platsanalys, observation och introspektion. Behandlingsrummet har blivit mer avskalat i och med den avskärmning som blivit nyckeln i denna flexibla lösning. / This is a study on how to design multi-functional treatment rooms. In this case the particular treatment room must support the possibility to perform a variety of activities, and it should be easy to switch between those. The goal is to provide favorable conditions to carry out rehabilitation, by facilitating the therapists' work, but also the customers’ ability to benefit from the treatment. This work has developed out of a FMT treatment centers premises in Eskilstuna. The request was a design that could help to reduce noise and optimize lighting conditions, this has also been the main focus for the choice of spatial elements that are included in the design. The study is based on the theories on color, light, acoustics, ergonomics, design principles and gestalt psychology. Methods in use were: interview, site analysis, observation and introspection. The treatment room has become more uncluttered thanks to the foreclosure that became a key in the new a key in this flexible design.
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De catadores de rua a recicladores cooperados: um estudo de caso sobre a formação e a gestão de uma cooperativa de reciclagemCoelho, Diego Bonaldo 13 March 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-13 / The present research analyses the way each person builds up and takes part into the solidary management process. It was tried to interpret the organize process of a kind of Solidary Economy which is insert into the pratical and theorical of the cooperativism and the Solidary Economy, taking into consideration the specific characteristics of these organizations, which break up with the economical matter, getting important political and social dimensions. It was chosen a recycling organization and the considered approach for the study of such fenomena was the qualitative one, developed trough the case study of interpretivist nature which used three collect data strategies: non-participative observation, interviews and document analysis. The field research permitted a kind of interpretation which takes into consideration three distinct moments of the case: its formation, construction and organizational dynamic experience. It was possible to conclude that the case presents insights and open doors to reflect about solidary enterprise not only for a possible action for the local development, but also as an organizational arrangement that influences social and political aspects of its workers. / O presente estudo analisa como os indivíduos constroem e vivenciam a gestão de um empreendimento solidário. Buscou-se interpretar o processo organizativo de um tipo de empreendimento que se insere no contexto prático e teórico do cooperativismo e da Economia Solidária, levando em consideração as características particulares dessas organizações, que rompem com a questão econômica, adquirindo importante dimensão social e política. A organização escolhida foi uma cooperativa de reciclagem e a abordagem adotada para estudo do fenômeno foi qualitativa, desenvolvida por meio de um estudo de caso de natureza interpretativista que usou três estratégias de coleta de dados: observação não-participante: entrevistas e análise de documentos. Os trabalhos de campo permitiram uma interpretação que leva em consideração três momentos específicos do caso: sua formação, construção e vivência da dinâmica organizacional. Concluiu-se que o caso apresenta insights e portas de entrada interessantes para se refletir sobre empreendimentos solidários, não apenas como uma ação viável para o desenvolvimento local, mas, principalmente, como um arranjo organizacional que influencia aspectos sociais e políticos da vida de seus trabalhadores.
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