Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organized crime"" "subject:"organized prime""
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Tráfico de seres humanos como ameaça na política internacional: um caso de desterritorialização? / Trafficking in Human Beings as a threat in international politics: a case of deterritorialization?De Leon Petta Gomes da Costa 01 November 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo trata acerca do Tráfico de Seres Humanos. Analisando a realidade por trás desse mercado ilícito através de seu desenvolvimento histórico, sua evolução passada até os dias de hoje; sua territorialidade e geografia, demonstrando que o tema é um problema de territorialização, com fluxos e fontes bem definidas; seu mercado e economia, para entender seu processo operacional. Objetivo será então o aprofundamento do tema para entender seu funcionamento geral e a desmistificação de problemáticas que giram em torno do assunto. / The study focuses on Trafficking in Human Beings. Looking at the reality behind this illicit market through its historical development, the evolution until today; its territoriality and geography, demonstrating that theme is a territorial problem, with well-defined streams and sources; its market and economy, to understand the operational process. Then the main goal will be to deepen the theme to understanding the general functioning and the demystification of issues that revolve around the subject.
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Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendantMusilová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute of Cooperating defendant. In particular, it focuses on its relation to the basic principles governing the Czech criminal proceedings, as well as selected aspects of its legal regulations. The institute of cooperating defendant has been in legal force since January 2010. Its legal regulation may be found in the legal provision 178a of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Criminal Code contains substantive legal provisions defining the consequences related to the attainment of the cooperating defendant designation. Such consequences especially include the exceptional reduction of the length of imprisonment or even complete waiver of any sort of punishment. The institute is typically used as a tool to fight organized crime. The institute has its roots in the common law legal system from which a lot of European countries have been importing many other legal institutes, especially in the last three decades, to speed up criminal proccedings, help solve the lack of evidence and fight against organized crime which poses a threat to the society as well as the democratic state. The import of legal institutes that are otherwise typical for the common law system, however, poses many obstacles, especially because the criminal proceedings of the continental legal...
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Kenya's implementation of the smuggling protocol in response to the irregular movement of migrants from Ethiopia and SomaliaBarasa, Noela N. January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa
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The war againts organised crime: a critical assessment of South African asset forfeiture law and its impact on redress for victims of crimeNdzengu, Nkululeko Christopher January 2009 (has links)
This research will be undertaken in the field of both criminal and civil law with particular focus on international interventions in the fight against organized criminal activities, assets forfeitsure in South Africa in general and its treatment of victims of the underlying forfeitsure crimes ("the victims") in assert forfeitsure, more specifically.
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O impacto do narcotráfico na dinâmica de homicídios e roubos : relações causais em 32 metrópoles da América LatinaAmorim, Francisco de Paula Rocha January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado verificou empiricamente a influência do tráfico de entorpecentes nos delitos de homicídio e roubo em 32 metrópoles da América Latina, por meio da análise dos delitos reportados por jornais diários dessas cidades nos anos de 2006 e 2011. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar o impacto em nível continental do comércio ilegal de drogas na prevalência de outros delitos, levando em consideração outras variáveis contextuais. A partir do entendimento de que a criminalidade urbana possui forte componente endógeno de organização, a hipótese central foi a de que o narcotráfico foi o principal impulsionador do surto de violência vivenciado nesta região do planeta. Para medir o peso desta atividade ilegal sobre outros crimes, empregou-se a metodologia quantitativa. Por meio de análises estatísticas multivariadas, as taxas de homicídio e roubo foram analisadas levando-se em consideração variáveis endógenas, como o tráfico, e variáveis de controle, de caráter exógeno à criminalidade. Os achados sociológicos demonstraram uma influência expressiva do narcotráfico na dinâmica dos dois crimes. No caso dos roubos, a relação detectada entre as taxas (criadas a partir dos delitos reportados) foi positiva e forte nos dois períodos pesquisados. Os homicídios, todavia, foram influenciados pelo comércio ilegal de drogas apenas no primeiro recorte temporal. No segundo momento pesquisado, são os roubos, influenciados pelo tráfico, que passam a impactar na prevalência de assassinatos em nível continental. / This dissertation presents an empirical verification of the influence of narcotics trafficking in the crimes of murder and robbery in 32 cities in Latin America, through the analysis of crimes reported by newspapers of those cities in the years 2006 and 2011. The aim of this study was to measure the impact at a continental level of illegal drug trade in prevalence to other crimes, taking also into account contextual variables. From the understanding that urban crime has a strong endogenous organizational component, the central hypothesis was that drug trafficking was the main factor of the outbreak of violence experienced in this region of the planet. To measure the weight of this illegal activity on other crimes, we used a quantitative methodology. Through multivariated statistical analysis, the rates of the three offenses were tested with control variables exogenous in relation to the crimes. The sociological findings are that there is a significant influence of the drug trade in the dynamics of the two crimes. In the case of robberies, the relation between crime rates was positive and strong in both periods studied. Homicides, however, were influenced by the drug trafficking only in the first period of time researched. In the second period researched, the rate of robberies (influenced by drug dealing) was the variable that impacted most in the prevalence of murders at a continental level.
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Vorové v zákoně - vůdcové zločinců postsovětského světa (od "perestrojky" k dnešku) / Thieves in law - post-soviet criminal world leaders (from "perestroica" until today)Dluhoš, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with thieves in law as chiefs of Russian-language criminal organizations. On the basis of an analysis of available sources, and their historical, criminologically focused processing, there is examined a hypothesis that criminality represented by the thieves in law creates in its fight against the society a specific form of self-defence. Part of the work being also an answer to a question to what extent today's division into old and new vors is topical, and whether this world has modernized in permanent relation to the environment surrounding it. The author proceeds in his analysis from the role of the thief in law as the individuality acting in constant tension with the society to the characterization of the thieves in law and to relations by which they are connected. He also focuses on power structures to which the thieves in law are subordinated. Thus, the author pursues an overall picture of chiefs of the Vor world and its possible modernization. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Postwar vice crime and political corruption in PortlandDonnelly, Robert Christian 01 January 1997 (has links)
The present thesis describes the connection between political corruption and vice crime in Portland as it was portrayed by media and public institutions and agencies in the 1940s and 1950s. The main body of the thesis discusses attempts to rid Portland of its vice problem through the City Club's crusade against crime and crooked politicians in the late 1940s and early 1950s and Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee's subsequent reform movements against gambling and prostitution. The thesis will analyze The Oregonian's expose' on bootlegging, gambling, prostitution and links drawn by the newspaper to the Teamster's Union and Oregon politicians. From there, the study focuses on Washington D. C. and the McClellan Committee's 1950s hearings on the mismanagement and corruption of Teamster leaders in local and national chapters. Finally, the thesis analyzes the role of Portland's two daily newspapers and their contributions to the controversies and mixed messages over vice and crime in the city between World War II and 1957.
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Maskulinitetsuttryck i Encrochatkonversationer : En diskurspsykologisk analys / Expressions of Masculinity Whithin Encrochat Conversations : a Discourse Psychological ApproachMalmström, Vanessa, Van Dongeren, Jorinde January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur maskulinitet uttryckte sig i chattmeddelanden mellan män involverade i organiserad brottslighet i Stockholm. Vi tillämpade en diskurspsykologisk analysmetod på ett datamaterial som bestod av 500 sidor chattkonversationer från fem slumpmässigt valda personer, vilka alla blivit dömda för brott kopplade till organiserad brottslighet inom samma brottmål. Materialet kom från krypteringstjänsten Encrochat och var del av polisens förundersökningsmaterial. Studiens resultat visade att männen å ena sidan hade ett ”horisontellt homosocialt” förhållande till varandra som kännetecknades av vänskap och omsorg. Å andra sidanvisade resultatet även att männen kunde inta ett ”vertikalt homosocialt” förhållande till varandra som karaktäriserades av ekonomisk lönsamhet och hierarki. Datamaterialet visade även hur våld och skjutvapen kunde användas av männen för att hävda sig inomgruppen och att relationen mellan männen prioriterades högre än kärleksrelationer till kvinnor. Övergripande utryckte männen olika former av maskulinitet, där dominerandeoch subordinerad maskulinitet var mest framträdande. / The aim of this study was to explore how masculinity was expressed within text messages sent between men participating in organized crime in Stockholm. Using discourse psychological analysis, we examined 500 pages worth of text conversations stemming from five randomly selected individuals, whom had been convicted of crimes related to organized crime all within the same criminal case. The data originated from the encrypted communication service Encrochat and was part of the Swedish Police Authority’s preliminary investigation protocol. The result of this study shows that the relationships between the men on one hand could be described using “horizontal homosociality” featuring expressions of friendship and care. On the other hand, the relationships could also manifest “vertical homosociality” in terms of economic profitability and hierarchy. The data also showed the usage of violence and firearms as a means for the men to assert themselves, and that the men prioritized relationshipsamongst themselves above loving relationships with women. Overall different forms of masculinity were exhibited by the men, the most prominent being dominating masculinity and subordinate masculinity.
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Ett svenskt kronvittnessystem? Att vara eller inte vara ett kronvittneMarkusson, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Kronvittnessystem har vid ett flertal tillfällen diskuterats i svensk politik som en möjlig åtgärd i arbetet mot organiserad brottslighet. Ett kronvittne är en person som vittnar om sin egen eller andras brottslighet och på grund av detta erhåller ett mildare straff för sina brott. Flera andra länder använder sig av kronvittnessystem på grund av de nyttor som finns med det, men forskning visar att det även finns problem med systemet. Syftet med denna studie är att besvara frågan vad kriminella personer har för uppfattning om att kronvittna i ett kronvittnessystem. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med före detta kriminella med erfarenhet av organiserad brottslighet. Resultaten visade att det fanns många aspekter av att kronvittna som skulle leda till problem. Det mest framträdande resultatet var bilden av det hot och våld som blir en effekt mot den person som kronvittnar, samt mot denna persons familj och vänner. Det rådde stor konsensus om att ett kronvittnessystem är farligt för människor och för med sig svåra konsekvenser. Resultaten pekar på att kriminella personer inte vill se ett kronvittnessystem införas i Sverige. / Crown witness systems have previously been discussed in Swedish politics as a possible way to fight organized crime. A crown witness, or supergrass, is a person who in return for giving information about his or her own crime or another person’s crime, is rewarded with a penalty discount. Many other countries use crown witness methods because of the positive things with doing so, but studies also show that there are problems with such a procedure. The purpose of this study is to answer the question what opinions criminals have about being a crown witness/accomplice witness within a crown witness system. The method that was used was interviews with former criminals who had experience regarding organized crime. The results showed that there are many aspects of testifying as a crown witness that would lead to problems. The most important result was that the crown witness and its family and friends would as an affect of the testimony be subjects of threats and violence against them. It was agreed that a crown witness system is dangerous for people and lead to severe consequences. The results indicate that criminals do not want to see a crown witness system be incorporated in Sweden.
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El injusto penal organizacional frente al injusto penal personal en el delito de criminalidad organizada dentro del ordenamiento jurídico peruanoCoronel Silva, Ruth Noemi January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfocó en determinar cómo la aplicación mixta del injusto organizacional y personal en la criminalidad organizada contribuiría a imputar a sus miembros inactivos, por lo que se abordaron discordancias normativas respecto a la sanción en casos de organizaciones criminales, las cuales aplican sanciones tanto a nivel organizacional como personal. Asimismo, el estudio se centró en desarrollar la figura de imputación subjetiva sistémica, con el objetivo de aplicar de manera conjunta el injusto organizacional y el injusto personal en delitos de criminalidad organizada, con el propósito de
prevenir la impunidad de los miembros inactivos que contribuyen al funcionamiento delictivo de la organización. Finalmente se aplicó un enfoque metodológico cualitativo para lograr estos objetivos, permitiendo una comprensión más profunda de las complejidades involucradas en la imputación de este tipo de delitos. / The present investigation focused on determining how the mixed application of organizational and personal injustice in organized crime would contribute to charging its inactive members, so normative discrepancies were addressed regarding the sanction in cases of criminal organizations, which apply sanctions both at an organizational and personal level.
Likewise, the study focused on developing the figure of systemic subjective imputation, with the objective of jointly applying organizational injustice and personal injustice in organized crime crimes, with the purpose of preventing impunity for inactive members who contribute to the crime. criminal operation of the organization. Finally, a qualitative methodological approach was applied to achieve these objectives, allowing a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in the imputation of this type of crimes.
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