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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’intégration des Nord-Coréens en Corée du Sud : la persistance de la division dans les représentations identitaires

Morin-Dion, Anne-Marie 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à comprendre la problématique de l’intégration des migrants Nord-Coréens en Corée du Sud à travers l’analyse de la dynamique des relations entre Nord et Sud-Coréens. Les objectifs particuliers sont d’identifier un processus d’ethnicisation dans la nation coréenne, de déterminer la place des cultures nord et sud-coréennes dans l’identité coréenne et de définir la reconfiguration identitaire nécessaire afin d’accéder à la reconnaissance du groupe majoritaire. Un séjour en Corée du Sud a été effectué en septembre 2010 afin de réaliser quatre entrevues avec des Nord-Coréens, en plus de rencontrer les gens travaillant dans des organismes promouvant l’intégration des Nord-Coréens en Corée du Sud. L’analyse des données a permis de comprendre de quelle manière la division de la nation coréenne persiste et comment elle influence le processus d’intégration des Nord-Coréens. En premier lieu, l’appartenance au groupe Hanminjok (nation coréenne) est conférée, mais la mise en relief de « marqueurs culturels » contraint l’accessibilité au groupe majoritaire. Deuxièmement, la présence de discours essentialistes exacerbent des représentations sociales négatives qui entravent l’intégration sociale et symbolique à la société sud-coréenne. Finalement, les résultats démontrent que le manque de liens sociaux entre Nord et Sud-Coréens tient une part importante dans la problématique de l’intégration, en plus de nuire à l’accessibilité au marché du travail ce qui compromet l’intégration économique. / This Master’s thesis aims at furthering the understanding of the integration process of North Korean migrants into South Korean society, through the analysis of the relationships between North and South Koreans. The specific objectives hereof are to identify an ethnicisation process, to define the place of North and South Korean culture in the Korean identity and to identify the identity reconfiguration necessary in order to access the recognition of the majority group. Fieldwork was completed in South Korea in September 2010, allowing for the interview of four North Koreans and the meeting of people working in organisations promoting North Korean integration into South Korea. The data analysis led us to a better understanding of how the division of the Korean nation is persisting and how it is influencing the integration process of North Koreans in South Korea. In the first place, belonging to the group Hanminjok (Korean nation) is granted, but the prominence of “ethnic markers” is restraining accessibility of North Koreans to the majority group. Secondly, the presence of essentialist discourses is deepening negative social representations which are deleterious to the social and symbolic integration of North Koreans into South Korean society. Finally, the results show that the lack of social relations between North and South Koreans plays a major role in the problematics of integration and is compromising accessibility to employment and therefore to economic integration.

Post-produced cultures : meta-images, aesthetics and the Hawzas

Fusari, Massimiliano January 2013 (has links)
The present work explores my practice as a photojournalist researching anthropological issues in the Muslim world. I use the Hawzas, the Muslim Shi’a seminaries, as my case study to invite a visually informed approach to the human sciences, and promote a practical usage of aesthetics. Because of the dramatic disproportion between socio-cultural relevance and under-representation, the Hawzas offer an extremely valuable opportunity to research issues of Orientalism and Orientalist visual archives. By questioning my own fieldwork practice alongside the visual signification of the Hawzas, I reconnect the pre-production to the post-production phase, and encompass within it a shared outlook issues of both the Real and the represented. I posit the photograph within wider multimedia and multi-audience practices as a stand-alone communicative device and part of a montage to assess its communicative features in relation to the verbal as a caption, and to the visual, in montage. Through this, I distinguish a phenomenological framework of analysis to urge a radical rethinking of personal and social agencies, and suggest the notion of communicative hubs for today’s globalised identities. I evince the extent to which the digital is reshaping forms of visual-led and multimedia production, knowledge distribution and media consumption to finally contextualise the photograph as ‘semantics without ontology.’ I conclude by advocating my ideas of the ‘Meta- Image’ and ‘Public Cultures 2.0’ as two integrated formats for visual-led communication, digital media practice, social engagement and public impact as specifically addressing Muslim cultures.

Orientalisme 2.0 : la Révolution verte iranienne en images

Gravel-Patry, Fanny 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis la colonisation jusqu’aux plus récents conflits qui affectent le « Moyen-Orient », le visuel participe à la création d’une image raciale et sexuelle du monde musulman dans laquelle l’Orient « archaïque » est représenté comme l’opposé moral de l’Occident « moderne ». Ce discours nommé Orientalisme (Saïd 1994) transforme l’Orient en objet du savoir et du regard occidental (Nochlin 1989). La peinture, la photographie, et les expositions universelles sont autant de moyens qui permettent d’instaurer un point de vue privilégié de l’Occident sur l’Orient. Avec le Web 2.0 et les technologies mobiles, le partage d’images fait partie intégrale de notre quotidien et celles-ci nous proviennent de partout et de n’importe qui. En considérant que l’Orientalisme est indissociable des techniques modernes de représentation du monde (Mitchell 2013), le présent mémoire souhaite interroger l’impact de ces nouvelles technologies sur la production, la circulation et la réception des images du dit Orient. Nous concentrerons notre étude sur les images captées et partagées depuis les manifestations de la Révolution verte iranienne de juin 2009, entre autres la vidéo de l’assassinat de la jeune Neda Agha Soltan qui a fait la une des médias occidentaux. En prenant comme base les écrits d’Edward Saïd, que nous réviserons par le biais de lectures féministes, nous verrons que l’Orientalisme visuel mute au rythme des changements politiques, culturels et technologiques qu’il rencontre. En plus d’éclairer les images de notre corpus, la question féministe nous permettra d’élargir la définition et les mécanismes de l’Orientalisme proposés par Saïd. Nous démontrerons que tout en ayant le potentiel de bouleverser l’image que construit l’Occident de l’Orient, le Web 2.0 actualise aussi l’Orientalisme visuel sous de nouveaux modes de production du savoir. / From the colonization era until the most recent conflicts in the "Middle East," visual culture contributes to the creation of a racial and sexual image of the muslim world, in which the "archaic" Orient is represented as the moral opponent of "modern" Occident. This discourse entitled Orientalism (Saïd 1994) transforms the Orient into an object of knowledge and of occidental gaze (Nochlin 1989). Painting, photography, and universal exhibitions are but a few of the means through which the West's privileged point of view is constructed over the Orient. With the Web 2.0 and mobile technologies, sharing images from everywhere and everyone has become part of our daily life. Assuming that Orientalism is indissociable from modern techniques of the world's repressentation (Mitchell 2013), this thesis aims to question the impact of such new technologies on the production, circulation and reception of images from the so-called Orient. This study will focus on images captured and shared since the protests of the Iranian Green Movement of June 2009, especially the video of the murder of the young Neda Agha Soltan, which made the headlines of Western media. Building on the writings of Edward Saïd, which will be revised through feminist readings, it will be demonstrated that visual Orientalism evolves in accordance with the political, cultural and technological changes it encounters. The feminist question will not only shed light on the images of this corpus, but also contribute to widen the definition and mechanisms of Orientalism suggested by Saïd. It will be demonstrated that if the Web 2.0 has the potential of disrupting the constructed image of the Orient by the Occident, it also updates visual Orientalism through new modes of knowledge production.

Rusko v pojetí A. I. Gercena / A. I. Herzen's concept of Russia

Kožíšková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on different conceptions of Russia developed throughout the philosophical- journalistic and prose works of an eminent Russian thinker of the 19th century - Alexander Herzen, who had lived and worked in Russia and later on continued his work as emigrant elsewhere in Europe. Applying E. Said's Orientalism, I. Buruma's and A. Margalit's Occidentalism, and A. Etkind's internal colonization, a representative sample of Hezen's work has been analyzed to embrace the changes of the author's perception of Russia. In particular, Etkind's concept is used to bridge the divergence between a conventional understanding of Orientalism directed upon Middle East and the canonical texts of the Russian 19th century (pre-revolutionary) intelligentsia. Herzen's work has been thus situated within the context of postcolonial studies. The analysis studies the images and scenes used by Herzen to build up his ideas and understandings of Russia and Europe, or more precisely his constructions of East and West, indirectly intertwined with the social characteristics of Russia and his various conceptions, including the imaginary role of Russian intelligentsia and the author's own role in Russia and Europe.

Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis : drogman et orientaliste 1739-1799

Jauffret-Derville, Sibylle 19 December 2011 (has links)
Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis est né à Marseille en 1739. Admis, en 1752, à l'École des Enfants de Langue, créée par Colbert, il apprend le métier de drogman. Outre l'enseignement des discipline classiques qui est dispensé par les jésuites, il y commence l'apprentissage des langues orientales et reçoit une solide formation à l'érudition. Devenu drogman, il passe plus de trente ans de sa vie dans les Échelles du Levant et de Barbarie et sa carrière remarquable lui ouvre les portes de la Bibliothèque du Roy dans laquelle il sera nommé Secrétaire Interprète pour les Langues Orientales, l'acmé de la profession. Il se consacre alors à la philologie, à la traduction d'ouvrages orientaux et fait bénéficier de nombreux auteurs de son savoir sur l'Orient. Il devient un jalon marquant de l'orientalisme académique français. L'Expédition d'Égypte est sa dernière mission, il y accompagne le général Bonaparte et meurt lors de la retraite de Syrie. L'utilisation du prisme biographique permet, au delà de la vie et de l'œuvre de Jean- Michel Venture de Paradis, d'avoir une vision d'ensemble de la constitution et de la professionnalisation du corps des drogmans français, tout au long du XVIIIe siècle français. il permet également de mettre en évidence l'évolution de cette profession aux multiples facettes, médiation linguistique, commerciale et diplomatique, qui se transforme , se divise et donne naissance à la fin du siècle, à la diplomatie et à l'orientalisme académique. / Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis was born in Marseille in 1739. In 1752 he boarded the Ecole des Enfants de Langue, founded by Colbert, where he is trained as a drogman. Aside from the classical disciplines teached there by the Jesuits, he studies oriental languages and receives a solid training in erudition. Once a drogman, Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis will spend more than 30 years in the Levant and Barbary. His successful career leads him to the Bibliothèque du Roy where he is named Secrétaire Interprète pour les Langues Orientales, the most important post in the profession of drogman. He then studies philology, translates oriental texts and shares his knowledge with many authors, becoming a key personality in the academic circle of Oriental studies. The Expédition d’Egypte will be his last assignment. He accompanies General Bonaparte and dies during the retreat of the French army from Syria.The use of biographical material taken from the life of Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis opens to a broader vision of the creation, and professionnalization, during all of the 18th century, of the position of drogman. It also permits to focus on the evolution of a profession which relies on a variety of competencies : linguistic, diplomatic, and commercial mediation, which transforms itself, splits up, and gives birth, at the end of the century, to professional diplomacy on the one hand, and academic orientalism on the other.

Constructions littéraires et idéologiques autour de la figure de l’émir Abd el-Kader (1808-1883) : une individualité complexe / Literary and ideological constructions around the figure of Emir Abd al-Qādir : a complex individuality

Zaouache, Kahina 05 December 2018 (has links)
À travers cette recherche, nous avons tenté d’élucider la complexité de la vie de l’émir Abd el-Kader. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi d’étudier un certain nombre de productions littéraires, iconographique et historiques en lien avec cette figure centrale de l’histoire de la colonisation et de l’indépendance de l’Algérie. L’intérêt principal de ce travail intitulé : Constructions littéraires et idéologiques autour de la figure de l’émir Abd el-Kader : Une individualité complexe à l’épreuve de la modernité, au-delà de l’aspect biographique, réside dans l’argumentation élaborée depuis le comparatisme et l’imagologie. La méthodologie choisie découle de la nécessité de croiser les regards et les points de vue, afin de faire ressortir la vie de l’émir comme le symptôme d’un malaise et du refus d’une parole pleine, afin de rendre compte de la difficulté de l’écriture de l’histoire. Ainsi certains aspects de la vie de l’émir, tels que son séjour forcé en France de 1847 à 1852, tout comme son adhésion à la franc-maçonnerie sont des faits purement occultés dans l’Algérie officielle. C’est ici que la complexité de l’individualité de l’émir résiste au moule idéologique dans lequel on veut l’enfermer, et cela des deux côtés de la Méditerranée / This research undertaking represents an attempt to shed light on the life of Emir Abd al-Qādir in all its complexity. In order to do so, we chose to study various literary, pictorial and historical productions linked to this key figure in the history of colonisation and of the independence of Algeria. The main interest of this work, entitled Literary and Ideological Constructions around the Figure of Emir Abd al-Qādir, lies in lines of argumentation drawn from comparativism and imagology. The chosen methodology derives from the need to confront outlooks and points of view, so as to study the Emir’s life as a symptom of malaise and refusal to engage in comprehensive discourse, and thereby bear witness to the difficulty of writing history. Thus, some aspects of the Emir’s life, such as his enforced stay in France between 1847 and 1852, as well as his membership of the Freemasons, are wholly suppressed in official Algeria. It is at this point that Abd el Kader resists the ideological mould in which he has been imprisoned, and this on both sides of the Mediterranean

As aventuras de Tintim na África: representando o outro nas HQ s As Aventuras de Tintim: Tintim no Congo (1931-1946)

Moraes, Fábio Cornagliotti de 28 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Cornagliotti de Moraes.pdf: 18847801 bytes, checksum: a20c2592e7f3f27e56d7c3f77d2ece9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work tries to analyses the 1931 and 1946 editions of the comic book The adventures of Tintin: Tintin in Congo . The purpose is to investigate how the Congolese are represented in this comic book. The author of the comics and many authors that wrote about the comics considers the stories realists . My goal is not to tell how the real world is, but to demonstrate that these comic books are not realists, but are committed to a viewpoint about reality that is based in racism, paternalism and colonialism. I will analyze the images and text in order to understand how the discourse it produces works. This discourse is not only a result of its society, but also something that built the said society, not only because it had a huge base of children readers, but because it was a commercial success. This discourse presents various racists ideas, shown naturally, where Congolese are systematically put down by Tintin, in a association with the Congolese historical experience, where they were put down by government officials, police force, work exploration and an extremely biased legislation. Thus, I will study the representation of this colonized people as an important part of the process of identity construction, either for the colonized and the colonist / Este trabalho procura analisar as edições de 1931 e de 1946 da história em quadrinhos As Aventuras de Tintim: Tintim no Congo . O objetivo é investigar a representação dos congoleses nessas HQs (histórias em quadrinhos). O autor da obra e muitos dos autores sobre sua obra chamam a atenção para como suas HQs são realistas. O objetivo não é mostrar como é o mundo real, mas demonstrar que essas HQs não são realistas, mas sim comprometidas com um ponto de vista da realidade pautado pelo paternalismo, racismo e violência colonial. Serão analisados as imagens e o texto para se entender como o discurso proposto pelo autor opera. Esse discurso não é meramente um fruto de sua sociedade, mas também algo que ajudou a moldar a sociedade, não só por contar com uma grande base de leitores infantis, mas por ser um enorme sucesso comercial. Nesse discurso estão presentes diversas ideias racistas, colocadas de forma quase natural, em que os congoleses são sistematicamente inferiorizados por Tintim, a exemplo da experiência histórica da colonização, em que eram sistematicamente inferiorizados por oficiais do governo, forças policiais, exploração do trabalho e uma legislação segregacionista. Dessa forma, busca-se estudar a representação desse povo colonizado como uma parte importante do processo de construção da identidade do colonizado e do colonizador

Adapting Shakespearean drama for and in the Middle East : process and product

Al-Bassam, Sulayman January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation chronicles the development of a series of plays, collectively referred to as The Arab Shakespeare Trilogy, from the perspective of their playwright Sulayman Al-Bassam. Together, The Al-Hamlet Summit (2002-2005), Richard III, An Arab Tragedy (2007-2009), and The Speaker's Progress (2011-2012) register the eruptive social, political, and cultural contexts of the Arab world during the first decade of the twenty-first century while negotiating the adaptation of Shakespeare's plays to a form thought-provoking and entertaining to audiences both within and outside the Middle East. The document outlines the inception of the project, which includes both personal and historical context, and provides more specific commentary on the production of each play individually. In addition to its focus on the specific impact of 9/11, and its global consequences, on the development of these dramatic works, it attends to topics including the technical and ideological challenges of linguistic and cultural translation, the adaptation of Shakespeare in Arabic theatre, the politics of art and drama in the Arab world, and the involvement of art in the shaping of the ethics of cross-cultural representation. Of particular interest are the linguistic conditions bearing upon the adaptation of English language texts into multi-lingual and cross- cultural works, the effects of the globalisation of politics and media, and the international touring life of the plays between the Arab region and wider world. The play texts of the Trilogy make up the second part of the document. The methodology of this dissertation deploys historical contextualisation, autobiographical memoir, literary analysis and creative improvisation. The play-texts are dramatic adaptations of specific Shakespeare texts to the Arab world.

Class acts : the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth earls of Crawford and their manuscript collections

Hodgson, John January 2017 (has links)
Throughout Victoria's reign, Lord Lindsay and his son Ludovic, respectively twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth earls of Crawford, created one of the largest private libraries ever assembled in Britain. The Bibliotheca Lindesiana included some six thousand manuscripts, which Ludovic sold to Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 for £155,000. The principal problematic that I address in this thesis is: Why did the earls of Crawford invest vast amounts of financial and cultural capital in this endeavour? In other words, what factors - both structural and specific - led to the formation of the library, what purposes did it serve, and what roles did its manuscript components in particular perform? Other questions include: How - and how successfully - did Lindsay and Ludovic maintain physical and intellectual control over the rapidly growing library? How did they position themselves within networks of connoisseurship and collecting in Victorian Britain? How was the formation of the Oriental manuscript collections connected with Lindsay's interest in racial classification and with wider racial discourses? And how did the library reflect and reinforce Lindsay's identity as a gentleman-scholar? Previous studies of this and other manuscript collections have adhered to an antiquarian, bio-bibliographical model, focusing on the detailed matter and mechanisms of collecting, rather than exploring the socio-cultural and epistemological contexts of their development. This thesis, by contrast, constitutes the first extended application of cultural theory to a manuscript collection, or indeed to any private library, in the nineteenth century. I combine close archival work with Bourdieu's concepts of field, capital and habitus to reveal the complex structuration and signification of the library, and to investigate the imbrication between the earls' personal agency and wider forces operating upon the library. My examination of the Bibliotheca Lindesiana has uncovered several key issues and themes hitherto unexplored in this or any other major private library of the nineteenth century. First, I argue that the reasons for the library's development reside principally in various forms of classification, which preoccupied Lindsay and reflected wider societal trends and taxonomies: the classification of libraries and the ramification of knowledge; Lindsay's deployment of the library to corroborate his and his family's social and cultural distinction (i.e. social classification); and an interest in racial classification, which reflected Orientalist discourses associated with imperialism. Secondly, while the dispersal of aristocratic collections in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is a familiar trope, this study is the first to contextualize the decline of a private library within the struggle between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. Finally, this is the first examination of the impact of professionalization upon private as opposed to public libraries, revealing the tensions between amateur traditions and growing professionalism and specialization in the nineteenth century. I thus 'read' through the library some of the wider socio-economic and cultural issues operating in Victorian Britain and its empire.

Les voyages en Orient des écrivains français de 1919 à 1952 : l'Orient romantique à l'épreuve du nouveau siècle / Journeys to the East of French writers (1919-1952) : the romantic "East" faces the new century

Bovio, Maéva 14 November 2016 (has links)
Au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale, le Moyen Orient connaît de profonds bouleversements : la carte géopolitique est entièrement modifiée et de nouvelles problématiques se font jour (sionisme, montée des nationalismes arabes). La France s'implante politiquement dans la région en tant que puissance coloniale, par le biais des mandats qui lui sont confiés par la Société des Nations en Syrie et au Liban. Le Moyen Orient de 1952, où figurent désormais l’État d'Israël et de nombreux pays indépendants réunis au sein de la Ligue arabe, n'offre plus le même visage qu'avant 1914.Ces renversements politiques, joints aux progrès de la modernité technique et matérielle et au développement du tourisme de masse, affectent directement la tradition littéraire française du Voyage en Orient, qui a connu son âge d'or au siècle précédent avec les productions de Chateaubriand, Lamartine, Nerval, Flaubert et Loti. Force est de constater que les voyageurs ne désertent pourtant pas les lieux. De Maurice Barrès à Roger Vailland en passant par Paul Morand, Louis Bertrand, Myriam Harry, Roland Dorgelès, Joseph Kessel ou encore Albert Londres, nombreux sont les écrivains et reporters qui se rendent dans la région et lui consacrent un ou plusieurs ouvrages.Notre travail a donc d'abord consisté à constituer un corpus, c'est-à-dire à identifier et classer un vaste ensemble de textes (ouvrages et articles), dont certains fort méconnus aujourd'hui alors qu'ils ne l'étaient pas à l'époque, afin de pouvoir les analyser dans une démarche d'histoire littéraire et selon un point de vue en partie inspiré des études postcoloniales.Il s'est agi de rendre compte d'une production dans son ensemble, tiraillée entre rétrospection mélancolique et description enthousiaste de la modernité : l'Orient romantique fait alors l'objet de vifs débats et le Voyage en Orient se teinte d'une coloration polémique de plus en plus marquée. Loin de l'abandonner, les écrivains voyageurs tentent de redonner vie à cette tradition littéraire en réinventant ses formes et en adoptant une posture parfois moins européocentrée, à rebours de l'acmé coloniale des années trente.L'étude de ces textes qui n'avaient pas encore fait l'objet d'une approche synthétique nous a ainsi permis d'écrire un chapitre nouveau de l'histoire de l'orientalisme littéraire. / The First World War has changed the face of the Middle East. As the geopolitical map is fully modified, new issues emerge (zionism, rise of Arab nationalisms, etc.). France sets up politically in the region as a colonial power through mandates in Lebanon and Syria. In 1952, the Middle East, where the state of Israel and numerous independent countries reunited in the Arab League can be found, no longer offers the same face as before 1914.Along with technical progress and modernity hardware and with the development of mass tourism, these political upheavals directly affect the french literary tradition of the Journey to the East. It experienced its golden age during the XIXst century, with the artworks by Chateaubriand, Lamartine, Nerval, Flaubert and Loti. But it must be observed that French travelers don't stop coming in the region for all that. From Maurice Barrès to Roger Vailland, passing by Paul Morand, Louis Bertrand, Myriam Harry, Roland Dorgelès, Joseph Kessel or Albert Londres, a lot of writers and reporters go to the Middle East and dedicate a book to this experience.Our work was to build a corpus, which means identify and classify a wide range of texts (books and journalistic articles) – some of which are not well known today – in order to analyze them in a process of literary history and according to a postcolonial perspective.The goal was to give an account of a whole production torn apart melancholic retrospection and enthusiastic description of the modern oriental realities. The Romantic “East” is then the subject of an intense debate and the Journey to the East is tinged with controversy colouring. Travel writers try to revive this literary tradition, reinventing its forms and adopting a less eurocentric point of view, contrary to the colonial acme of the thirties.The analysis of these works which were never studied together before allowed us to write a new chapter of the history of french literary orientalism.

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