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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Archiving Authors: Rethinking the Analysis and Representation of Personal Archives

Douglas, Jennifer Lynn 07 August 2013 (has links)
Personal archives are those created by individuals for their own individual needs and purposes. As a category of archive, personal archives are under-studied and under-represented in the archival literature. This dissertation seeks to fill some of the gaps identified by archival theorists by investigating the nature of personal archives and the application of foundational principles of archival theory to them. Focusing on the archives of a particular sub-set of creators, literary authors, I question both recent and persistent trends toward a psychological or character-based approach to personal archives, and call attention to the limitations of past and current interpretations of the principle of provenance (and its sub-principles, the principle of respect for original order and the principle of respect des fonds) as it is understood in relation and applied to writers’ archives. I argue that archival theory is too strongly oriented toward the creator of archives as referent rather than to the archive itself as referent, and propose the need for a stronger focus, both in theory and in practice, on the various individuals and processes that shape an archive. Finally, I call for more candid descriptive practices that better convey to researchers the complicated life histories of the archives they consult and that admit the degree to which archives are the self-conscious constructs of a variety of archival agents.

Archiving Authors: Rethinking the Analysis and Representation of Personal Archives

Douglas, Jennifer Lynn 07 August 2013 (has links)
Personal archives are those created by individuals for their own individual needs and purposes. As a category of archive, personal archives are under-studied and under-represented in the archival literature. This dissertation seeks to fill some of the gaps identified by archival theorists by investigating the nature of personal archives and the application of foundational principles of archival theory to them. Focusing on the archives of a particular sub-set of creators, literary authors, I question both recent and persistent trends toward a psychological or character-based approach to personal archives, and call attention to the limitations of past and current interpretations of the principle of provenance (and its sub-principles, the principle of respect for original order and the principle of respect des fonds) as it is understood in relation and applied to writers’ archives. I argue that archival theory is too strongly oriented toward the creator of archives as referent rather than to the archive itself as referent, and propose the need for a stronger focus, both in theory and in practice, on the various individuals and processes that shape an archive. Finally, I call for more candid descriptive practices that better convey to researchers the complicated life histories of the archives they consult and that admit the degree to which archives are the self-conscious constructs of a variety of archival agents.

A New Global Unconventional Natural Gas Resource Assessment

Dong, Zhenzhen 2012 August 1900 (has links)
In 1997, Rogner published a paper containing an estimate of the natural gas in place in unconventional reservoirs for 11 world regions. Rogner's work was assessing the unconventional gas resource base, and is now considered to be very conservative. Very little is known publicly about technically recoverable unconventional gas resource potential on a global scale. Driven by a new understanding of the size of gas shale resources in the United States, we estimated original gas in place (OGIP) and technically recoverable resource (TRR) in highly uncertain unconventional gas reservoirs, worldwide. We evaluated global unconventional OGIP by (1) developing theoretical statistic relationships between conventional hydrocarbon and unconventional gas; (2) fitting these relationships to North America publically available data; and (3) applying North American theoretical statistical relationships to evaluate the volume of unconventional gas resource of the world. Estimated global unconventional OGIP ranges from 83,300 (P10) to 184,200 (P90) Tcf. To assess global TRR from unconventional gas reservoirs, we developed a computer program that we call Unconventional Gas Resource Assessment System (UGRAS). In the program, we integrated a Monte Carlo technique with an analytical reservoir simulator to estimate the original volume of gas in place and to predict production performance. We used UGRAS to evaluate the probabilistic distribution of OGIP, TRR and recovery factor (RF) for the most productive unconventional gas formations in the North America. The P50 of recovery factor for shale gas, tight sands gas and coalbed methane is 25%, 79% and 41%, respectively. Finally, we applied our global OGIP assessment and these distributions of recovery factor gained from our analyses of plays/formations in the United States to estimate global technically recoverable unconventional gas resource. Global technically recoverable unconventional gas resource is estimated from 43,000 (P10) to 112,000 (P90) Tcf.

A relevância das línguas originais da bíblia na exegese e os problemas de tradução como principais motivadores para seu uso

Belmiro Medeiros da Costa Júnior 09 July 2013 (has links)
A partir dos problemas de tradução, este trabalho se propõe a demonstrar a relevância do uso das línguas originais na exegese. Este trabalho está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se trabalhar o conhecimento da língua hebraica, apresentando sua história, características e peculiaridades. Estas primeiras informações leva o leitor a perceber as várias diferenças que esta língua tem em relação às línguas ocidentais, levando-o, assim, a entender um pouco do trabalho que há para traduzir o Antigo Testamento. Ainda é apresentada uma explicação sobre a exegese, e como as línguas originais são importantes nesse processo. O pastor ou teólogo que usa os originais como instrumento para seus estudos exegéticos, passa a ter em seus sermões, estudos e aconselhamentos um teor mais profundo, teológico e menos superficial. Os mesmos podem pisar em terreno mais seguro com as línguas bíblicas. O segundo capítulo, traz uma compreensão sobre a tradução e suas dificuldades. Apresenta ainda uma explicação sobre signos linguísticos. Pois, não há como realizar uma boa tradução sem que o tradutor tenha em mente este assunto. O signo linguístico irá mostrar que os conceitos que temos hoje de determinadas palavras não são os mesmos que os ouvintes originais das Sagradas Escrituras tinham mais de dois mil anos atrás, no Oriente. O mesmo capítulo se propõe a apresentar e explicar os quatro tipos de traduções existentes. O trabalho é finalizado com o terceiro capítulo, que traz como estudo de caso nove textos bíblicos, contendo alguns problemas de tradução, como, paronomásia, onomatopéia, eufemismo, ambiguidade de sentidos, possíveis falhas na tradução e palavras em que os vocábulos não têm correspondentes satisfatórios em português. Este trabalho, não pretende mostrar que quem conhece e usa as línguas originais terá todas as respostas na exegese. O ponto aqui é apresentar à comunidade acadêmica, a exegetas, pregadores, entre outros, alguns pontos que dão às línguas originais, uma grande importância na exegese, convidando-os a sair da superfície do texto sagrado e, assim, começar a escavá-los1, pois, o tesouro, que pode representar a real intenção do escritor sagrado, nem sempre está na superfície, mas dentro do texto. O leitor deste trabalho terá a percepção de que o hebraico é uma língua fascinante, instigadora e desafiadora, pois o mesmo traz outras propostas de significado e de intenção do texto, desconstruindo pensamentos de até mesmo doutrinas bíblicas. Diante de toda uma responsabilidade que o teólogo, exegeta, biblista e pastor têm frente à comunidade acadêmica, eclesiástica e de toda a sociedade, de trazer respostas às várias questões referentes às Sagradas Escrituras, que surgem a cada momento, não há como negar a importância deste trabalho e sua proposta. / Based on translation problems, this paper proposes to demonstrate the relevance of using the original languages in exegesis. This paper is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we sought to deal with the knowledge of the Hebrew language, presenting its history, characteristics and peculiarities. This first information will lead the reader to perceive the various differences which this language has with regard to the Western languages, thus leading the reader to understand a little of the work demanded to translate the Old Testament. Besides this, there is an explanation about exegesis and how the original languages are important in this process. The pastor or theologian who uses the original languages as instruments in his/her exegetical studies will have a deeper theological content, being less superficial in their sermons. These people will be able to step on surer ground with biblical languages. The second chapter presents a comprehension about translation and its difficulties. It also presents an explanation about the linguistic signals. For one cannot carry out a good translation without having this subject in mind. The linguistic signal will show us that the concepts which we have today about certain words are not the same which the original hearers of the sacred scriptures had more than two thousand years ago in the East. The same chapter intends to present and explain the four types of existing translations. The paper ends with the third chapter, which brings as case studies, nine biblical texts containing some translation problems, such as paronomasia, onomatopoeia, euphemism, meaning ambiguities, possible mistakes in the translation and words which have no satisfactory equivalents in Portuguese. This paper does not intend to show that those who know the original languages and use them will have all the answers in exegesis. The point here is to present to the academic community, exegetes, preachers, among others, some points which give the original languages a great importance in exegesis, inviting them to leave the surface of the sacred text and thus, begin to dig into them2, since the treasure, which can represent the real intention of the sacred writer, is not always on the surface, but within the text. The reader of this paper will have the perception that Hebrew is a fascinating, instigating and challenging language, because it brings other proposals of meaning and of intention of the text, deconstructing thoughts and even biblical doctrines. Faced with all the responsibility which the theologian, exegete, biblicist and pastor have with regard to the academic, ecclesiastical community and with all of society, to bring answers to the various issues referring to the Sacred Scriptures which arise every moment, there is no denying the importance of this work and its proposal.

Análise das intervenções na morfologia original e na dinâmica geomorfológica em áreas alagáveis do município de Porto Alegre – RS

Dias, Tielle Soares January 2014 (has links)
A ocorrência de inundações e alagamentos em Porto Alegre é objeto de estudo de diversas pesquisas, as condições climáticas e o relevo do município propiciam que esses fenômenos sejam recorrentes. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as intervenções realizadas pelo uso e ocupação da terra na morfologia original e na dinâmica geomorfológica no entorno de vias do município de Porto Alegre onde é identificada a concentração dos eventos de inundação e/ou alagamento que causam interferências no trânsito. Como contextualização histórica foram realizadas a análise da expansão urbana do município de Porto Alegre e a verificação da ocorrência de inundações e/ou alagamentos no município. A partir da análise dos dados climáticos foram selecionadas datas nas quais houve um total pluviométrico acima de 30 mm. Com isso foram identificadas as áreas de concentração dos eventos que causaram alteração no trânsito, a saber: a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Almirante Tamandaré e a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Cavalhada (a com maior número de ocorrências na zona sul de Porto Alegre). A partir da seleção dessas áreas mapeou-se a morfologia original, caracterizando a morfodinâmica anterior às intervenções antrópicas. A morfologia original dessas áreas, quando analisada em conjunto com dados históricos, remete à condição potencial aos alagamentos e/ou inundações. Posteriormente foram mapeados o uso e ocupação da terra atual das áreas de estudo, destacando a densidade de ocupação dos lotes, assim pode-se analisar a relação entre as intervenções na dinâmica geomorfológica originalmente existente e a concentração de alagamentos nessas áreas. As intervenções realizadas pelo processo de ocupação desses espaços acarretaram mudanças na morfologia original que interferiram na dinâmica superficial, especialmente no que se refere ao escoamento das águas pluviais, podendo gerar ou potencializar os eventos de alagamento e inundações na área de estudo. / The occurrence of floods and inundation in Porto Alegre is the object of study of several research efforts. These are recurrent events determined by the climatic conditions and topography of the city. The present research aims at analyzing the interventions made by the use and occupation of the land and its effects on the original morphology and geomorphology around the city of Porto Alegre, where the concentration of floods and / or inundation are identified and the impacts on urban traffic evaluated. As a historical perspective, the analysis is made of the urban expansion of the city of Porto Alegre, that focus on the descrition of flooding and / or inundation occurences in the city. From the analysis of climate database, specifc dates were selected in which the rainfall was higher than 30 mm. The areas of concentration of events that caused changes in traffic, were identified namely: the Admiral Tamandaré hydrographic system and the Cavalhada stream (with the highest number of events in the southern area of Porto Alegre). From the selection of these areas, the original morphology was mapped allowing the characterization of morphodynamic features previous to human interventions. The original morphology of these areas, were analyzed in conjunction with the historical database, which enabled the potential for flooding and / or inundation to be identified. Subsequently the use and occupation of the current areas of study were mapped, highlighting the density of occupation, in a way of assessing the relationship between interventions in the original geomorphological dynamics and concentration of flooding in these areas. The interventions by the process of occupation in these areas led to changes in the original morphology that interfered in the dynamic surface, especially in regard to stormwater runoff. This may generate or enhance the event of flooding and inundation in the area of study.

Renaissance Performance Practices on Modern Stages

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: The original-practices movement as a whole claims its authority from early modern theatrical conditions. Some practitioners claim Shakespeare in many ways as their co-creator; asserting that they perform the plays as Shakespeare intended. Other companies recognize the impossibility of an authorial text, and for them authority shifts to the Renaissance theatre apparatus as a whole. But the reality is that all of these companies necessarily produce modern theatre influenced by the 400 years since Shakespeare. Likewise, audiences do not come to these productions and forget the intervening centuries. This dissertation questions the new tradition created by using early modern performance practices, asking how original-practices theatre is situated and arguing that though the desire to rediscover the past fueled the movement, the productions actually presented are in negotiation with modernity. The dissertation begins by looking at the rhetoric surrounding the original-practices movement, then at the physical aspects of early modern performance recreated for modern stages and the desire for material authenticity. This project also explores the ways in which race and gender play key roles within Shakespearean texts presented on stage, and argues that while gender occasionally has attention called to it, race is nearly always ignored to the point of whitewashing. I argue that because these companies insist on the universality of Shakespeare, they need to examine and deal with the racism and sexism inherent within the plays. Finally, this project explores the influence original-practices productions exerts upon audiences, including aspects such as attendees' expectations, architectural spaces, and performance, and argues that together, these elements lead to a far more cohesive and responsive audience than that which is found at traditional theatre performances. This interactivity and group mentality can lead to thrilling theatre, but can also pose dangers in the form of positive responses to xenophobic, racist, or misogynist elements within the texts, acting as early-modern audiences did and reifying those negative stereotypes and prejudices. While original-practices theatre includes the danger of being something only of historical interest, it also presents opportunities for exciting, progressive theatre that reaches audiences who do not typically go to see Shakespeare or other performances. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. English 2013

Análise das intervenções na morfologia original e na dinâmica geomorfológica em áreas alagáveis do município de Porto Alegre – RS

Dias, Tielle Soares January 2014 (has links)
A ocorrência de inundações e alagamentos em Porto Alegre é objeto de estudo de diversas pesquisas, as condições climáticas e o relevo do município propiciam que esses fenômenos sejam recorrentes. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as intervenções realizadas pelo uso e ocupação da terra na morfologia original e na dinâmica geomorfológica no entorno de vias do município de Porto Alegre onde é identificada a concentração dos eventos de inundação e/ou alagamento que causam interferências no trânsito. Como contextualização histórica foram realizadas a análise da expansão urbana do município de Porto Alegre e a verificação da ocorrência de inundações e/ou alagamentos no município. A partir da análise dos dados climáticos foram selecionadas datas nas quais houve um total pluviométrico acima de 30 mm. Com isso foram identificadas as áreas de concentração dos eventos que causaram alteração no trânsito, a saber: a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Almirante Tamandaré e a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Cavalhada (a com maior número de ocorrências na zona sul de Porto Alegre). A partir da seleção dessas áreas mapeou-se a morfologia original, caracterizando a morfodinâmica anterior às intervenções antrópicas. A morfologia original dessas áreas, quando analisada em conjunto com dados históricos, remete à condição potencial aos alagamentos e/ou inundações. Posteriormente foram mapeados o uso e ocupação da terra atual das áreas de estudo, destacando a densidade de ocupação dos lotes, assim pode-se analisar a relação entre as intervenções na dinâmica geomorfológica originalmente existente e a concentração de alagamentos nessas áreas. As intervenções realizadas pelo processo de ocupação desses espaços acarretaram mudanças na morfologia original que interferiram na dinâmica superficial, especialmente no que se refere ao escoamento das águas pluviais, podendo gerar ou potencializar os eventos de alagamento e inundações na área de estudo. / The occurrence of floods and inundation in Porto Alegre is the object of study of several research efforts. These are recurrent events determined by the climatic conditions and topography of the city. The present research aims at analyzing the interventions made by the use and occupation of the land and its effects on the original morphology and geomorphology around the city of Porto Alegre, where the concentration of floods and / or inundation are identified and the impacts on urban traffic evaluated. As a historical perspective, the analysis is made of the urban expansion of the city of Porto Alegre, that focus on the descrition of flooding and / or inundation occurences in the city. From the analysis of climate database, specifc dates were selected in which the rainfall was higher than 30 mm. The areas of concentration of events that caused changes in traffic, were identified namely: the Admiral Tamandaré hydrographic system and the Cavalhada stream (with the highest number of events in the southern area of Porto Alegre). From the selection of these areas, the original morphology was mapped allowing the characterization of morphodynamic features previous to human interventions. The original morphology of these areas, were analyzed in conjunction with the historical database, which enabled the potential for flooding and / or inundation to be identified. Subsequently the use and occupation of the current areas of study were mapped, highlighting the density of occupation, in a way of assessing the relationship between interventions in the original geomorphological dynamics and concentration of flooding in these areas. The interventions by the process of occupation in these areas led to changes in the original morphology that interfered in the dynamic surface, especially in regard to stormwater runoff. This may generate or enhance the event of flooding and inundation in the area of study.

A leitura de textos originais de Faraday por alunos do ensino fundamental e medio

Montenegro, Anisabel da Gloria Pacheco de Macedo 25 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Jose Pereira Monteiro de Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T20:00:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Montenegro_AnisabeldaGloriaPachecodeMacedo_M.pdf: 10253870 bytes, checksum: 3c1cff858493be431cff478c086c04f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Mestrado / Ensino, Avaliação e Formação de Professores / Mestre em Educação

Análise das intervenções na morfologia original e na dinâmica geomorfológica em áreas alagáveis do município de Porto Alegre – RS

Dias, Tielle Soares January 2014 (has links)
A ocorrência de inundações e alagamentos em Porto Alegre é objeto de estudo de diversas pesquisas, as condições climáticas e o relevo do município propiciam que esses fenômenos sejam recorrentes. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as intervenções realizadas pelo uso e ocupação da terra na morfologia original e na dinâmica geomorfológica no entorno de vias do município de Porto Alegre onde é identificada a concentração dos eventos de inundação e/ou alagamento que causam interferências no trânsito. Como contextualização histórica foram realizadas a análise da expansão urbana do município de Porto Alegre e a verificação da ocorrência de inundações e/ou alagamentos no município. A partir da análise dos dados climáticos foram selecionadas datas nas quais houve um total pluviométrico acima de 30 mm. Com isso foram identificadas as áreas de concentração dos eventos que causaram alteração no trânsito, a saber: a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Almirante Tamandaré e a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Cavalhada (a com maior número de ocorrências na zona sul de Porto Alegre). A partir da seleção dessas áreas mapeou-se a morfologia original, caracterizando a morfodinâmica anterior às intervenções antrópicas. A morfologia original dessas áreas, quando analisada em conjunto com dados históricos, remete à condição potencial aos alagamentos e/ou inundações. Posteriormente foram mapeados o uso e ocupação da terra atual das áreas de estudo, destacando a densidade de ocupação dos lotes, assim pode-se analisar a relação entre as intervenções na dinâmica geomorfológica originalmente existente e a concentração de alagamentos nessas áreas. As intervenções realizadas pelo processo de ocupação desses espaços acarretaram mudanças na morfologia original que interferiram na dinâmica superficial, especialmente no que se refere ao escoamento das águas pluviais, podendo gerar ou potencializar os eventos de alagamento e inundações na área de estudo. / The occurrence of floods and inundation in Porto Alegre is the object of study of several research efforts. These are recurrent events determined by the climatic conditions and topography of the city. The present research aims at analyzing the interventions made by the use and occupation of the land and its effects on the original morphology and geomorphology around the city of Porto Alegre, where the concentration of floods and / or inundation are identified and the impacts on urban traffic evaluated. As a historical perspective, the analysis is made of the urban expansion of the city of Porto Alegre, that focus on the descrition of flooding and / or inundation occurences in the city. From the analysis of climate database, specifc dates were selected in which the rainfall was higher than 30 mm. The areas of concentration of events that caused changes in traffic, were identified namely: the Admiral Tamandaré hydrographic system and the Cavalhada stream (with the highest number of events in the southern area of Porto Alegre). From the selection of these areas, the original morphology was mapped allowing the characterization of morphodynamic features previous to human interventions. The original morphology of these areas, were analyzed in conjunction with the historical database, which enabled the potential for flooding and / or inundation to be identified. Subsequently the use and occupation of the current areas of study were mapped, highlighting the density of occupation, in a way of assessing the relationship between interventions in the original geomorphological dynamics and concentration of flooding in these areas. The interventions by the process of occupation in these areas led to changes in the original morphology that interfered in the dynamic surface, especially in regard to stormwater runoff. This may generate or enhance the event of flooding and inundation in the area of study.

Italský novo-parmenideismus ve 20. století. Filosofie Emanuele Severina a smrt jako životní nutnost / Italian Neo-Parmenidism in the XXᵉ century. The philosophy of Emanuele Severino and death as a necessity of being

Barbieri, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Keywords: Emanuele Severino, Neo-Parmenidism, original structure, Being, Nothingness, death. The aim of this work is to put into circulation the thought of the Italian philosopher Emanuele Severino. The Neo-Parmenidism, of which Severino is the most important representative, is an interesting voice in the Italian and European philosophical panorama nowadays and it can open a new field for philosophical research, especially in the theme of death. A definition of Neo-Parmenidism will be given and the context from which and in which it was born and developed in the XXᵉ century will be outlined. The 'original structure' will then be explained. It is the logical-conceptual knot which, according to Severino, is the true foundation, since it allows the Being to be shown in its full authenticity, that is, without contamination by nothingness. The second half of Severino's writings will also be discussed. The path to the affirmation of authentic Being through the "sunset" of being-that-is-not will be shown. Finally, we will expose how Severino manages to give a new meaning to the phenomenon of death, which no longer has to do with nothingness but only with Being, as an approach to the Glory.

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