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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professional development of teachers for effective environmental education

Bopape, Johannah 30 November 2006 (has links)
Studies have shown that most teachers in South Africa have no background in Environmental Education (EE), have not received pre-service training in EE and very little teacher education has taken place in EE. The Revised National Curriculum Statements emphasise the infusion of EE in all learning areas. There is, however, a problem whether there is a need for professional development of teachers for effective EE. The main aim of this study is to enable teachers to acquire knowledge and skills to infuse EE in all learning areas. The study gathered data through literature review from primary and secondary sources. The questionnaire was developed as a research tool and was sampled to 216 Tshwane North District Office teachers. The collected data are analysed by using the frequency tables indicating percentage of respondents in each category. The study recommends the professional development of teachers for effective implementation of EE in schools. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

A qualitative study of the impact of organisational development interventions on the implementation of Outcomes Based Education

Ramroop, Renuka Suekiah 30 November 2004 (has links)
Outcomes Based Education (OBE), has been, since its inception, fraught with problems. OBE in its very nature is complex. To fully embrace this method and ensure its success, schools must be able to make the necessary paradigm shift. This can only be achieved when schools receive relevant and empowering training, support and development. In other words, organisational development must be the key words. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of organisational development interventions on the implementation of OBE. The case study method was employed where it was realised that schools that received organisational development interventions, together with Outcomes Based Education, were able to implement this method with greater understanding, skill, and confidence. The investigation recommends an organisational development design that could be used instead of the cascade model, and provides suggestions on what can be done to ensure a more successful implementation process. / Educational Studies / M. Ed (Education Management)

Uitkomsgebaseerde assesseringsmodel vir die ontvangsjaar

Davin, Reda J. (Reda Johanna) 30 June 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study addresses the problem of the lack of an assessment model for the reception year that is theoretically grounded and can be implemented in practice by developing an outcomes-based assessment model. Assessment in an outcomes-based approach moves from an evaluative model to a model designed to appraise the learner's development and learning. Learners are assessed continuously and in an holistic manner by means of multiple methods that are part of the daily facilitation of learning. Following an introductory orientation (chapter 1), it is indicated that despite the radical transformation in education there are as yet few signs of any direct impact on assessment practices in the reception year. The importance of assessment in an outcomes-based model is firmly rooted in official policies but its implementation in practice is problematic. Assessment in the reception year is also complicated by problems in teaching practice. The unique nature of outcomes-based teaching is analysed in depth in chapter 2 in order to draw up theoretical guidelines on which to base the assessment model. The theoretical reflection in chapter 3 provides answers to the question: "Why should assessment take place?" The question is answered after considering the distinctive nature of and main reasons for reception year teaching. In an outcomes-based teaching approach it is particularly important to answer this question because assessment is more than simply evaluating the extent to which demarcated contents have been mastered. Chapter 4 explores authentic assessment methods that accommodate the unique nature of reception year teaching and an outcomes-based approach. Methods such as parent interviews, portfolios of learners' work and observation by means of incident records, checklists and participation charts are appropriate assessment methods. The points at which assessment information is collected and how it is interpreted and communicated are also examined. The proposed model, based on the theoretical findings, was presented to experts in the field of early childhood development for their input on its practical implementability. It was found that the model can be implemented in practice, provided in-service training is provided. The final chapter of the study consists of a summary, findings and recommendations regarding the practical implementation of the assessment model in the reception year. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Teacher Education)

Environmental education and the cross-curricular nature of outcomes based education: an investigation of methodological compatibility

Kgatitsoe, Peter Paul 01 1900 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the congruence in methodology between out-comes based education and environmental education. EE and OBE advocate for an integration of educational approaches and methodology. The focus being the introduction of integrated cross-curricula approach to education. Questionnaires were administered to educators in the sampled schools in order to get the understanding and perceptions of educators about the compatibilty of EE and OBE methodologies. The hypothesis: OBE in South African Education allows for the implementation of EE methodologies. The finding is that common approaches i.e. interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approaches and similar methods are used in OBE and EE. Several proposals were made: There should be workshops, support and mentoring approaches to EE and OBE. Resources should be available to educators and learners and there should be research on OBE and EE methodologies should be made / This study is aimed at examining the compatibility in methodology and approaches of South African Out-comes Based Education and Environmental Education. Data collection was based on questionnaires administered to the primary school educators in the Rustenburg District. Extensive knowledge was gained concerning the nature, approaches and methodologies of Environmental Education and Out Comes Based Education. The educators' understanding of the compatibility or degree of agreement between OBE and EE methodologies, approaches and methods was examined. Problems related to the methodological incompatibility of EE and OBE are identified and solutions are proposed. The core of this study is to examine the compatibility between OBE and EE in terms of approaches and methodologies. It is noted by this study that compatibility between EE and OBE, is not without problems. This study will make valuable contributions to examine the extent of OBE as a curriculum policy for addressing methodological issues raised by EE. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

The role of the school principal in the implementation of outcomes-based education in KwaMashu schools

Mazibuko, Sipho Patrick 28 February 2003 (has links)
The introduction of outcomes-based education in South African schools has changed the roles of all role players. For outcomes-based education to be successfully implemented everyone should fully understand these new roles. Since the principal should ensure that there is effective teaching and learning at school, this study explored his/her role in the implementation of outcomes-based education. This study includes a literature review of instructional leadership and outcomes-based education in South African schools. A qualitative investigation of the role of the school principal in the implementation of outcomes-based education in KwaMashu schools was conducted. Data were analysed, discussed and synthesised. It was found, inter alia that principals and educators do not fully understand the instructional role of the principal in the implementation of outcomes-based education. Lack of training appeared to be the major reason that exacerbates the problem. Based on findings, recommendations for improving the role of the principal were proposed. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

Fasilitering van krities reflektiewe leer in verpleegonderwys

Van Kleef, Heidi 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The purpose of this research was to draw up guidelines for nursing tutors on the facilitation of critical reflective learning in student nurses within the context of nursing education. The research question was stated as follows: What guidelines does the nursing tutor need to facilitate critical reflective learning in student nurses? The research design was qualitative, contextual, explorative and descriptive of nature. Ten nursing tutors were selected for participation on the basis of their expertise and experience. Data collection was in the form of written narratives. The data was analysed according to the eight-step method of Tesch (1990) in Cresswell (1994:155). An independent coder was involved in the judgement and interpretation of data. The research guidelines were derived from the research findings. These guidelines are applicable directly to nursing education and indirectly to the nursing practice, therefore it contributes to the scientific body of nursing knowledge. / Die doel van hierdie navorsing was die beskrywing van riglyne vir verpleegdosente om krities reflektiewe leer by verpleegstudente te fasiliteer binne 'n verpleegonderwys konteks. Die navorsingsvraag is soos volg gestel: Walter riglyne benodig die verpleegdosent om krities reflektiewe leer by verpleegstudente te fasiliteer? Die navorsingsontwerp was kwalitatief, kontekstueel, verkennend en beskrywend van aard. Tien verpleegdosente is geselekteer vir deelname op grond van hulle kundigheid en ervaring. Geskrewe narratiewe is gebruik om data in te sa mel. Die data is geanaliseer volgensdieagt-stap metodevan Tesch (1990) in Cresswell (1994:155). 'n Onafhanklike kodeerder was betrokke by die beoordeling en interpretasie van data. Die navorsingsriglyne is afgelei vanuit die navorsingsbevindinge en lewer 'n bydrae tot die wetenskaplike verpleegkennisbasis deurdat dit direkte toepassing vind in verpleegonderwys en indirek in die verpleegpraktyk. / Health Studies / M.A. (Verpleegonderwys)

The creative use of music to support learning disabled learners in an inclusive classroom : a continuous professional learning programme in distance education

Gous-Kemp, Catharina Susanna 01 1900 (has links)
In the past decade, education has undergone fundamental changes, such as the simultaneous implementation of Outcomes-based Education and Inclusive Education. A study of different sources has led me to realise that many teachers lack the skills needed to cope with a diversity of learners in their classrooms, which results directly and indirectly in a drop in teacher morale, which in turn causes emotional problems like stress and a lack of motivation. This has a spill-over effect on the learners in their classes, who have no role model for their emotional development and often have weak results. I argued that proof exists that music can alleviate stress, while creative skills can help teachers to better cope with their emotions and develop more effective problem-solving skills, which will help them to attain emotional stability and better academic results in the inclusive classroom. The purpose of the study was to determine how to design an effective continuous learning programme for distance education. The purpose of the programme is to train teachers to use music creatively to support learners experiencing learning difficulties. The information obtained by means of a literature study was used to develop the first draft of the programme, Music for All. After the first draft of the programme had been developed, the skills of experts in the fields of creativity, music and materials development in open and distance learning were utilised to evaluate the programme. This was done by applying the principles of the Delphi Method to ensure a sound theoretical and practical base for the course. A summary of the aspects that should be considered when developing such a programme (as identified during the literature study and through the evaluation by experts) was put forward and it was concluded that the knowledge and experience of the experts greatly enhanced the practical value of the programme. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Education towards education integration : an alternative programme

Lennox, Tonia T. 11 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to attempt to establish by the use of an environmental specific Personal Growth Programme, whether it is possible to assist students towards a more ‘holistic’ personal formation. It also aimed to investigate whether a move away from traditional education in the form of alternative or parallel programmes, would assist in bringing about an integrated individual, who is more capable of dealing with life as a whole (Krishnamurti 1953). The research was undertaken with adult students between the ages of 21 and 60, at the multi-cultural and extremely diverse residential theological College of the Transfiguration, in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape Province. An overview of Holistic and Mainstream education was explored in this study, which included also the challenges and influences which each type of education faces. The study then went on to investigate whether it is possible to bridge the gap that exists between holistic and mainstream education using various methods of alternative education. In the qualitative study, the Personal Growth Programme Annual Review Questionnaire was used to obtain feedback from the students to assess the usefulness of the Personal Growth Programme in their journey towards wholeness. This, together with the student’s responses from the in-depth interviews were used to ascertain the study’s limitations, credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability.

Teacher training as prerequisite for quality early childhood development programmes in South Africa

Govindasamy, Sharon 01 1900 (has links)
The Reception Year (Grade R) classroom is the educational setting for lifelong learning to take place. The Reception Year teacher is primarily involved in equipping the young child with care and education. Quality education calls for trained teachers with diverse, intense training; teachers who would use their knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead the child to ultimately reach his/her full potential in the classroom setting through the curriculum. This study investigates what constitutes and influences quality teaching in the Reception Year classroom. The investigation includes a literature review and empirical research using quantitative research approaches and expands on the role of the Reception Year teacher with regards to the child in totality, Grade R curriculum and outcomes-based education. Findings show that teachers with specialised qualifications in early childhood education bring to the Grade R classroom relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes that affect the young child’s developmental needs. / Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Didactics)

An investigation of the role of learners and teachers resource materials in determining a school performance and quality education : a case study of Isiphosemvelo Secondary School

Manqele, Clement Mandlenkosi 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of the study was to investigate the role of Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSMs) in determining a school performance and quality education. For sampling purposes, a rural disadvantaged school was selected to reveal how such schools organise and implement their instructional programs devoid of LTSMs. A school library, school laboratory and computer technology were prioritised for their bearing on National Curriculum Statement (NCS) implementation. According to the study‘s findings, the prioritised LTSMs were found to be vital in modernising, appropriating and improving a school performance and the quality of education. The study argued that without relevant LTSMs, schools can neither hope nor manage to successfully implement outcomes based education. Hence, learners in those schools are still excluded from quality education. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies and Didactics)

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