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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

琉球久米村人的民族學研究 / An Ethnological Mapping of Okinawa’s Kume Villagers in Ryukyu from 1392 to Present: Language, Religion, Occupations and Identity

呂青華, Lu,ching hua Unknown Date (has links)
久米村是十四至十五世紀琉球地方向明國朝貢初期移住那霸的福建人-「閩人三十六姓」-所形成的聚落。久米村人對琉球王國外交、文化、思想、信仰有深遠的影響。本論文以時間為縱軸,以民族集團客觀特徵的姓名、語言、信仰、主觀認同意識為橫軸,探討閩人三十六姓自十四世紀末移住琉球那霸久米村之後至今600年之間,在琉球‧沖繩社會脈絡下改變的過程和因應機制,以及客觀文化特徵與主觀認同意識的相互關係。 論文除「緒論」、「結論」外,本論有六章,第一章「久米村人的形成」,寫久米村人的人來源、社會組織、現況,和久米村的地理位置。第二章「久米村人的職業」,重點在描述久米村人在封貢體系中擔任外交官重要角色的實態。第三章「久米村的姓名」,探討久米村人的命名制度及其因時代所起的變化。第四章「久米村人的語言」,析論久米村人閩南話、漢語官話、琉球語及日語之使用與變遷。第五章「久米村人的宗教信仰」,研析久米村人之祖先崇拜、天妃信仰,以及琉球民間信仰與日本民間信仰對久米村人信仰的影響。三、四、五章並分別就姓名、語言、信仰之客觀的文化特徵,探討其作為久米村人民族邊界的有效性。第六章「久米村人的認定與認同」,敘述琉球王國的身分認定制度,並析論此一制度對久米村人主觀認同的影響。 關鍵詞:沖繩 閩人三十六姓 認定 認同 / Kume Village was initially formed by 36 Fujian clans in the 14th Century when the Ryukyu Islands became one of the tributaries to the Ming Empire of China. Kume Villagers had a great influence on the Ryukyu Kingdom in diplomacy, culture, thought, and belief perspectives. The tenets of this dissertation focus on the development of the people of Kume Village; their careers, the evolution of their languages, their system of assigning names to individuals, and how they related first to China, then later to the Okinawa Kingdom, Japan, and how they were perceived by Okinawans throughout this time. The dissertation consists of six chapters. The first chapter, "The Kume Village", writes where Kume villagers come from originally, its past and present social organization, and the Kume Village geographical position. The second chapter, "The Kume Villagers’ Social Niche", mainly describes the important role Kume villagers play in the tribute system as diplomats. The third chapter, "The Naming of a Kume Villager", discusses the Kume Villagers naming system and its evolution. The fourth chapter "The Kume Villager’s Language” analyzes these 4 languages: Southern Fujian, Chinese Mandarin, Ryukyu Islands, and Japanese as they are imported and integrated by the Kume community. The fifth chapter, "The Kume Villagers Religious Beliefs", analyzes the Kume Villagers worship of ancestors, Tian Fei beliefs, as well as how the Ryukyu Islands folklores and the Japanese folklores influenced Kume Villagers. The third, fourth, and fifth chapters test the validity of name, language, and general belief mores as robust ethnic boundaries. The sixth chapter, "Caste-assignment and Social Identity", narrates the establishment of distinct castes and government relegation of the Kume Villagers into an elite class and analyzes how this policy influenced Kume Villagers. Applying time and several ethnic features as its frames of reference, this dissertation debates in detail the development of the culture of Kume Villagers parallel to and as the result of their interaction with Okinawa society in the last 600 years. Keywords:Okinawa, 36 Fujian clans, Chinese overseas, Identity

The Chinese policy on overseas foreign direct investments: approaches and limits in Brazil / A política do Estado Chinês sobre investimentos diretos no exterior: abordagens e limitações no Brasil

Zhao, Yuan 26 February 2018 (has links)
Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), since the reform and opening up in 1978, has experienced from slow growth to today\'s vigorous development. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the increasing development of Chinese economy and outward investment have all strictly followed the path of The Five-Year Plan. Besides of the success that China made on its economy in just 30 years, more scholars have focused on the intentions and motivations of Chinese large scale outward investments. Aiming to know better about China\'s motivations on OFDI, this dissertation studies and analyzes Chinese investment policies profoundly and comprehensively through a chronological as well as spatial order. Specifically, it demonstrates the development process of Chinese OFDI\'s general policies by analyzing official sources of documents and legal provisions, and then in spatial dimension it compares Chinese investment policy with that from developed countries. It follows by discussing the Chinese different investment policies in different levels of countries and in different regions. All these analyses will provide an integrated and overall cognition about the perceptions of China in its practice of outward investments. Finally, this work chooses Brazil as a case study, which has been an important new destination of Chinese OFDI but also an emerging power, in which Chinese policies in general have been devoting increasing attention in the last years. By interviewing Chinese companies investing in Brazil for some years, this study investigates whether the motivations that discussed or mentioned previously have been applied in practice in Brazil. The result of all five interviews done with three Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and two private companies shows us that the diversification of investing sectors, demand for resources and political goals have been weakened little by little, while expanding new markets and profit are still the main drivers. Furthermore, private companies have gained more flexibility and autonomy where their investment scale is relatively smaller than of SOEs, which maintain a close relationship with the Chinese government but are also slower to make market decisions. Other ten companies and institutes that had not reacted to our interviews show us many Chinese are cautious and reluctant to share their thoughts. / O investimento estrangeiro direto (IED) chinês, desde a abertura e reforma a partir de 1978, teve desde um lento crescimento até a vigorosa expansão dos dias atuais. Sob a liderança do Partido Comunista chinês, o crescente desenvolvimento da economia chinesa e o investimento exterior seguiram rigorosamente o Plano de Cinco-Anos, estabelecido pelo governo chinês. Apesar do sucesso alcançado pela China com o IED em apenas 30 anos, cada vez mais estudiosos estão questionando as intenções e motivações dos grandes investimentos externos feitos pela China. Para entender as verdadeiras motivações do IED chinês, esta dissertação estuda e analisa sua política de maneira profunda em ordem cronológica e apresenta os resultados de forma compreensiva. De maneira especifica, é demonstrado a evolução da política do IED chinês através do processamento de documentos oficiais e fontes legais de informação. Além disso, compara de forma espacial a política de investimento estrangeiro chinês frente a outros países desenvolvidos, e posteriormente, discute as diferentes abordagens com relação a países em níveis diferentes de desenvolvimento e em regiões distintas do globo. A análise geral apresentada provê um conhecimento amplo sobre a visão da China no que se refere a investimento no exterior. Finalmente, o Brasil é escolhido como caso de estudo, pois além de ser um país emergente, é alvo de crescente investimento estrangeiro chinês nos últimos anos. Por meio de entrevistas com empresas chinesas residentes no Brasil já há alguns anos, o estudo empírico valida às motivações discutidas previamente e mostra que as políticas definidas pelo governo chinês são aplicadas devidamente no Brasil. O resultado de todas as cinco entrevistas realizadas com três empresas estatais chinesas (SOEs) e duas empresas privadas nos mostra a diversificação dos setores de investimento, os recursos exigidos e o apelo político foram enfraquecidos de forma gradativa, ao mesmo tempo em que a expansão do novo mercado e a lucratividade ainda são os principais objetivos. Além disso, as empresas privadas possuem maior flexibilidade e autonomia, e a escala de investimento é relativamente menor do que as vistas nas empresas controladas pelo Estado, enquanto essas mantêm uma estreita relação com o governo e são mais lentas para tomar decisões no mercado. As dez empresas e institutos restantes que não conseguimos fazer as entrevistas nos mostram que muitos Chineses são cautelosos e relutantes em compartilhar seus pensamentos e políticas.

O império da fiscalidade: um estudo serial das conjunturas fiscais do Atlântico português (1720-1807) / The governance of taxation: a serial study of tax conjunctures in the Portuguese Atlantic (1720 - 1807)

Paiva, André Filippe de Mello e 06 December 2016 (has links)
A dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo das conjunturas fiscais no Atlântico Português por meio da análise dos contratos régios arrematados no Conselho Ultramarino. O recorte cronológico se inicia no ano de 1720, com a centralização das arrematações dos contratos no Conselho Ultramarino e a crescente exploração do ouro, e tem como marco final o ano de 1807, com o fim do exclusivo metropolitano. A pesquisa analisa séries inéditas dos dízimos e dízimas das principais praças coloniais (Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais). Por meio do cruzamento desses contratos régios com outros indicadores, como preços e exportações, foi possível concluir a existência de uma conjuntura atlântica comum entre alguns ramos da economia colonial. Os resultados alcançados, por meio da análise fiscal, permitem relativizar e problematizar algumas questões recentes da história econômica colonial, como a plausibilidade de se conjecturar um mercado colonial autônomo das variações externas. / This dissertation aims to study the tax conjunctures in the Portuguese Atlantic by analyzing the royal contracts auctioned in the Overseas Council. The chronological cut begins in the year 1720, with the centralization of contracts by public sales in the Overseas Council and the increasing exploitation of gold; finishing in the year 1807 with the end of the metropolitan exclusive. This research analyzes unprecedented series of church tithes and other tithes and taxes of the main colonial squares (Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais). By crossing these regal contracts with other indicators such as prices and exports, it was concluded that there is a common Atlantic juncture between some branches of the colonial economy. The results achieved through the fiscal analysis allow us to relativize and discuss some recent issues of colonial economic history, such as the plausibility of conjecture an autonomous colonial market of external variations.

Migration DOM-métropole des années 1960 à nos jours : itinéraires d’une minorité française / The routes of a French minority : DOM-mainland migration since the 1960’s

Haddad, Marine 03 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la relation entre les dynamiques migratoires et les trajectoires sociales des migrants nés dans les DOM et installés en France métropolitaine. Ma recherche se focalise sur la démographie des flux migratoires, l’insertion sur le marché du travail, ainsi que le rôle joué par la citoyenneté et les frontières ethno-raciales. J’adopte une approche multi-méthodes. D’une part, je combine des bases de données issues d’enquêtes menées en métropole et dans les DOM, offrant une perspective de long terme sur les flux migratoires et les trajectoires des migrants (Recensements de la Population 1968-1999 ; Enquêtes Emploi 1982-2012 ; Trajectoires et Origines 2008 ; Migration Famille Vieillissement 2012). D’autre part, j’ai mené 40 entretiens semi-directifs avec des ultramarins de la région parisienne, travaillant pour beaucoup dans le secteur public. Mes résultats montrent l’impact des politiques publiques encourageant la migration sur la croissance, la structure et la sélection des flux. En étudiant l’effet croisé des politiques, du contexte économique et des dynamiques familiales, mes analyses montrent comment la mobilité des ultramarins répond à des enjeux économiques, émotionnels et normatifs. La position intermédiaire des migrants des DOM – situés entre la population majoritaire et les immigrés – joue à des niveaux objectifs et subjectifs. Les effets combinés de leur catégorisation raciale en tant que Noirs, des variations liées aux perceptions de leur couleur de peau et de la légitimité conférée par l’ancienneté de leur citoyenneté française façonnent leurs positions socioéconomiques et symboliques dans la stratification sociale française. / This thesis studies the relation between migration dynamics and social paths of migrants born in the French Overseas Departments (DOM) and living in mainland France. My research focuses on the demography of migration flows, labor market outcomes, as well as the role played by citizenship and ethno-racial boundaries. I follow a mixed-methods approach. On the one hand, I combine large datasets from surveys conducted in mainland France and the DOM, providing a long-term assessment of migration flows and migrants’ trajectories (the French Census from 1968 to 1999; the Labor Force Survey from 1982 to 2012; Trajectoires et Origines, 2008; Migration Family Ageing, 2012). On the other hand, I conducted 40 semi-directive interviews with overseas migrants living in the Paris area, focusing mainly on public servants. My results show the impact of public policies promoting migration on flows’ growth, structure, and selection. Looking at the crossed effect of policies, economic context, and family dynamics, my analysis reveals how migrants balance economic, emotional, and normative concerns. The intermediary position of overseas migrants – positioned between the majority population and international migrants – plays at objective and subjective levels. The combined effects of their racial categorization as Black, the within-variations related to perceptions of their skin color, and the legitimacy granted by their long-held French citizenship, shapes their socioeconomic and symbolic positions within the French social stratification.

Flight of the kiwi : an exploration of motives and behaviours of self-initiated mobility : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Thorn, Kaye Jennifer January 2008 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to identify the motives for self-initiated mobility of highly educated New Zealanders across national boundaries. It further seeks to identify the relative importance of these motives and to explore relationships between motivation and mobiity behaviour.  This study on self-initiated mobility is opportune as an increasingly globalised market place and a demand for the skills of the highly educated rsult in competition for workers.       Most literature concerning mobility focuses on expatriate assignment.  By comparison, self-initiated movers remain an under-researched group.  Moreover, of the limited research on self-initiated mobility, most have used interviewing and narrative methods, so that the available information is detailed but restricted to individual experiences.  This study used a self-report survey via the internet to collect both quantitative and qualitative data and yielded 2,608 useable responses from New Zalanders living and working throughout the world.  It was highly exploratory, using the analytical marketing tool CHAID to show linkages between subjective attitudinal motives and objective measures of moility behaviours.     The desire for cultural and travel opportunities was the dominant subjective motive, being the best predictor for the objective mobility behaviours of establishment, current spatiality and return propensity and being a secondary predictor for restlessness.  Other associations were evident between the quality of life motive and the behaviour of restlessness, the career motive and cultural globalism and the relationships motive and the behaviour of latent transience.  Economics and the political environment motives were not found to be significant predictors of any behaviour.     The subjective data reinforced the importance of the cultural and travel opportunities and career motives, ranking these the most important motives in a decision to be mobile.  Within these motives, opportunities for travel and adventure and for career development were central.  Economics was ranked as the third most important motive, contrary to extant literature, followed by relationships, quality of life and the political environment.  The priority accorded to each of these six motives varies according to gender, location and life stage, creating different equations of motivation.

Flight of the kiwi : an exploration of motives and behaviours of self-initiated mobility : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Thorn, Kaye Jennifer January 2008 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to identify the motives for self-initiated mobility of highly educated New Zealanders across national boundaries. It further seeks to identify the relative importance of these motives and to explore relationships between motivation and mobility behaviour. This study on self-initiated mobility is opportune as an increasingly globalised market place and a demand for the skills of the highly educated result in competition for workers. Most literature concerning mobility focuses on expatriate assignment. By comparison, self-initiated movers remain an under-researched group. Moreover, of the limited research on self-initiated mobility, most have used interviewing and narrative methods, so that the available information is detailed but restricted to individual experiences. This study used a self-report survey via the internet to collect both quantitative and qualitative data and yielded 2,608 useable responses from New Zalanders living and working throughout the world. It was highly exploratory, using the analytical marketing tool CHAID to show linkages between subjective attitudinal motives and objective measures of moility behaviours. The desire for cultural and travel opportunities was the dominant subjective motive, being the best predictor for the objective mobility behaviours of establishment, current spatiality and return propensity and being a secondary predictor for restlessness. Other associations were evident between the quality of life motive and the behaviour of restlessness, the career motive and cultural globalism and the relationships motive and the behaviour of latent transience. Economics and the political environment motives were not found to be significant predictors of any behaviour. The subjective data reinforced the importance of the cultural and travel opportunities and career motives, ranking these the most important motives in a decision to be mobile. Within these motives, opportunities for travel and adventure and for career development were central. Economics was ranked as the third most important motive, contrary to extant literature, followed by relationships, quality of life and the political environment. The priority accorded to each of these six motives varies according to gender, location and life stage, creating different equations of motivation.

服務業海外投資進入策略之研究-以海運業為例 / The Research of the Service Firms' Entry Mode Choice

陳偉康, Chen, Wel l Come Unknown Date (has links)
服務業對我國而言,是一個極為重要的產業,服務業的持續增加,使得服務業對我國的經濟成長有著舉足輕重的影響。然而對我國而言,對服務業國濟化的研究相形之下卻較為稀少,目前大部份的研究都針對製造業所做,所討論的策略及理論大多只適用於製造業。因此本研究的目的就是在於歸納已有之有關進入策略之文獻,建構較完整之服務業進入策略理論模型,並以之驗證於海運業探討其進入策略為何﹔以及就海運業之所採行之策略,分析其背後影響因素以尋求策略上的涵義。研究對象為我國有定期航線的國際輪船公司為主,以郵寄問卷法進行資料的蒐集,並以主成份分析、Logistic迴歸分析、複迴歸分析、t檢定等統計方法進行資料分析。   就研究之結果發現,市場大小、文化差距、勞工成本、基礎設施、經驗、快速進入市場等因素較顯著,也就是當地主國基礎設施愈健全、國外經營的經驗愈多、愈穩健成長時,海運公司會採取分公司進入模式進入海外市場。而其他通路狀況、競爭狀況、政府政策、國家風險、公司模式、知識、跟隨顧客等因素則不顯著,在進入國外市場時並不會詳加考慮,並不影響分公司或代理行的選擇,其理由可能在於海運業的特性。研究結果顯示,大多數海運公司認為國內海運市場的大小及全球策略的採用不會影響到國外分公司或國外代理行的選擇。而當對國外分公司的控制程度愈高時,為了成為區域營運中心時,海運公司會傾向成立分公司。而大部份的海運公司都認為設立分公司並不是為了給內部員工的升遷管道。   本研究的建議為,在政府暢導「亞太營運中心」的今天,如何將各公司的營運中心留在台灣成為極重要的一件事,而海運業又是在「亞太營運中心」中極為重要的角色。而海運公司在國外設立分公司一部分理由是為了成立區域營運中心,因此如何使其他國家的海運公司在我國設立分公司。做為亞太地區的營運中心,是政府必須要努力的。由於市場的大小和分公司的設立有密切關係,如果政府能有效規畫境外航運中心,或開放和中國大陸直接通航,使台灣能夠能直接接觸中國大陸的業務,則能夠使台灣變成重要的轉運港,而使得業務量增加,吸引國外海運公司來台設立分公司。而基礎設施良善與否亦會影響國外海運公司設立分公司的意願,因此政府必須致力於改善國內的各項基礎設施,如交通建設、港埠設備、通關流程及基本資訊建設等,才能有效地吸引分公司的設立。而是否獎勵外國輪船公司來台設營運中心,由分析結果顯示,亦無太大效果,重要的是要有龐大的業務量才能有效吸引海運業者來台設立營運中心。

Overseas Chinese students’ attitudes toward the role of China in the circumstance of global climate change

Hu, Jing January 2013 (has links)
Global climate change is becoming increasingly evident. There has been increased attention paid to the impact of human activity on climate. As a rising power, China’s energy needs to fuel its rapid economic growth with the resulting potential impacts of climate change presents an enormous climate policy dilemma not only for China but also for the entire world. The role of China is an issue of perennial concerns at the international climate change negotiation: its energy saving, emission reduction and clean production reflect China’s dual objectives about sustainable development and efforts on international legal obligations.Education abroad is an integral part of China’s development strategy. The abroad Chinese students who possess the knowledge, technologies skills and ideas, as well as information are playing an important role to assist China retain or increase its competitive advantage. The aim of this paper is to analyze the abroad Chinese students’ opinion on China’s role under the circumstance of global climate change, with main focus on three aspects: Energy consumption and environment situation in China; Several current domestic policies regarding problems of climate change and energy consumption in China; Issues facing the country on its road map to future mitigation action regarding climate change.Alongside the interviews carried out within ten overseas Chinese students, using the social science of Science, Technology and Society (STS) especially its public understanding of Science and Technology as the theoretical perspective, this thesis is exploring the interviewees’ attitudes toward current China’s climate change related issues from a deeper sense of human, culture and public perspective.

Constructing notions of development : an analysis of the experiences of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and the Peace Corps in Latin America and their interaction with indigenous communities in Ecuadorian Highlands

Kawachi, Kumiko 18 October 2013 (has links)
Post-development theorist, Arturo Escobar's influential work, Encountering Development as well as other post-development academic works discussed the concept and delivery of "development" based on known antecedents--Western countries as practitioners and non-Western countries as beneficiaries. Even though cultural sensibility has become a significant issue in development today, there is little research that analyzes the construction of non-Western donors' discourse such as those of the Japanese governmental aid agency, Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. Moreover, non-Western aid donors and practitioners' engagement with indigenous development in Latin America has not been discussed. This dissertation aims to answer the following questions: How do Western and non-Western governmental donor agencies construct and deliver 'development' to 'non-developed' countries in Latin America, particularly to countries with large indigenous populations? How do these donor agencies' volunteer practitioners implement development projects in the field? What are the differences in the aims and delivery of development projects between Western and non-Western donors and their volunteer practitioners, especially in those projects aimed at indigenous populations? A corollary to those questions was to attempt to discover how the agencies and their volunteers negotiated notions of development with indigenous peoples as well as how agencies and volunteers perceived and addressed ethnic differences in the aid recipients' countries. To answer these questions I compared and contrasted two governmental agencies that are the most prominent and with the longest record of volunteer aid in Latin America: the United States Peace Corps and the Japanese agency, Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV). Although the U.S. Peace Corps and its notion of development were models of "development" for the JOCV program, JOCV's discourse of development and its development practices are not the same as the Peace Corps. Both agencies' cross-cultural policies for their volunteers as well as the development practices the agencies adopted likely reflect how the Japanese and United States understand their own societies in general cultural terms, as well as in terms of moral and religious preferences, ethnicity and sexual orientation. The Peace Corps and JOCV volunteers' experiences with indigenous populations showed several limitations to their programs and provided suggestions for the future particularly in the area of indigenous development. / text

Overseas trained doctors in rural and remote Australia: do they practise differently from Australian trained doctors?.

Laurence, Caroline Olivia Mary January 2008 (has links)
Over the last seven years the recruitment of overseas trained doctors (OTDs) has formed a significant part of Australia’s policy to address the medical workforce issue of geographic maldistribution to ensure that communities in rural and remote Australia have access to adequate general practice (GP) services. This policy has not been without problems, particularly in the areas of assessment of skills and qualifications, appropriate orientation and integration into Australian communities, and retention of these doctors within rural and remote communities. To date there has been little evidence-based research on the role of OTDs in the medical workforce in Australia. This study explores the service provision and quality of care provided by OTDs using the 5 Year OTD Scheme as the case study. In doing so, it assesses the adequacy of this strategy and discusses the implications for future workforce policies and programs. A mixed method design was used in the study. The quantitative component involved secondary analysis of Medicare Australia data for all OTDs participating in the 5 Year OTD Scheme in 2002 and all Australian trained doctors (ATDs) practising in rural and remote Australia in the same year. A log Poisson regression model was used to assess the interactive effect of the various GP characteristics, such as age, sex, experience and practice location with OTD/ATD status on the rate of a particular service item per patient, adjusted for patient age and sex. The qualitative component involved two focus groups with OTDs which were used to help explain the relationships between variables found in the quantitative component of the study. Template analysis was used to identify themes from the focus group. Significantly different rates per patient between OTDs and ATDS were found across most service items and GP characteristics examined. The greatest variation was found among items relating to in-surgery consultations and non-surgery consultations such as nursing home visits. Fewer differences were found between groups relating to pathology, imaging or procedural services. Analysis of surrogate quality items identified few differences between OTDs and ATDs. The focus group identified a number of other factors that influenced their patterns of service and accounted for some of the differences identified in the quantitative analysis. These factors included knowledge of the health care system in Australia, cultural and communication influences, health conditions of patients, patient and community attitudes, remuneration influences and training influences. These had varying degrees of influence on their patterns of service. The reasons for the differences found between OTDs and ATDs are partially explained by the characteristics of the GPs examined and partially explained by other external influences that relate to the particular circumstances of the OTDs, such as knowledge of the Australian health care system and cultural and communication issues. Understanding the nature of practice is central to ensuring appropriate professional support measures. The study findings highlight the need for a targeted training program for OTDs that address the areas that have the greatest influence on patterns of service to ensure that rural and remote communities receive the same quality of service from OTDs as provided by ATDs. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1320385 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008

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