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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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段恩雷, Enlei Tuan Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際貿易有助於一國的經濟福祉,故各國政府為促進對外輸出而紛紛設立以促進輸出為目的之貿易推廣機構。各貿易推廣機構並在國外設立辦事處以執行其任務。   應如何評估貿易推廣機構之績效,目前尚在萌芽階段;至有關貿易推廣機構應如何評估其國外辦事處績效,目前則只有UNTAD/ITC曾作過研究。不過它的建議只能用為績效評估的輔助方法,而不能引為績效評估的依據。因此本研究之目的即在為貿易推廣機構國外辦是處的績效評估指標建立,發展一個可以遵行的方法。   經參酌營利事業、非營利機構、多國藉企業國外分支機構等的績效評估理論與實務,本研究為貿易推廣機構國外辦事處績效評估指標之建立,發展出下列五個命題;   命題一:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關達成目標的績效評估指標,應以其工作項目中,有關促進貿易之項目為對象,作為建立之基礎。   命題二:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關善用資源的績效評估指標,應以其運用可控制資源的效率,作為建立之基礎。   命題三:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關使所屬貿易推廣總部滿意的績效評估指標,應以所屬貿易推廣總部決策人員,對於「何謂有效達成目標」的主觀價值,作為建立的基礎。   命題四:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關使本國廠商滿意的績效評估指標,應以本國廠商利用其與促進貿易有關工作後的評價,作為建立的基礎。   命題五:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關使駐在國進口廠商滿意的績效評估指標,應以駐在國廠商利用其與促進貿易有關工作的次數增減比率,作為建立的基礎。   為驗證前述五個命題在實務上的適用性,本研究續以我國的駐外商務單位為對象,初步發展出23個績效評估指標,再繼以駐外商務單位主管、國內總部決策人員、出口貿易廠商為對象,進行間卷調查之實證研究。   調查結果顯示本研究為貿易推廣機構國外辦事處所建立的績效評估五項命題,其有適用價值。貿易推廣機構可據以發展績效評估指標,以對其國外辦事處,進行績效管理。

政治風險管理之研究-以台商海外投資為例 / The Research of Political Risk

陳素慧, Chen, S.H. Unknown Date (has links)
「政治風險」近來成為台商海外投資時討論的重要議題,但國內目前在這方面的探討多僅限於個案式的報導,本研究的貢獻即在於將國外學者對政治風險的討論統整歸納,建立整合性的理論架構,在此架構中將澄清政治風險的慨念、找出可能導致政治風險的事件來源、討論政治風險的評估機制並提出管理政治風險的方式。研究中將政治風險的來源分為地主國的政治情況、地主國政府政策、地主國政府行為、當地社會情況及地主國與他國的關係五類;其會影響企業海外投資的管控權、營運、利潤與績效及個人生命財產安全;其因應策略則有經濟上的嚇阻、規避及適應策略三類。而為試驗此一架構的實用性,本研究以台商的海外投資行為作一驗証。   本研究的發現如下:   1. 大部份台商不認為其海外投資面臨了高度政治風險,而其對政治風險的認知著重在「地主國的政治情況穩定度」,忽略其他來源(如:地主國與他國的關係),顯示政治風險的慨念尚待推展。   2. 七成的台商有進行海外投資相關訊息的搜集,但基本上台商大多缺乏系統性的評估機制,以主觀的評估為主,但多會將評估的結果納入長期規劃的考量中;而評估機制的完善與否會影響公司海外投資的績效。   3. 進入策略的選擇與政治風險有關,當面臨高度政治風險時,台商多不願進入投資,若必須進入則會採取「合資」的方式,以降低風險。   4. 台商對政治風險的管理會因風險所造成的影響不同而有異,但普遍說來,台商主要是採「適應策略」與「規避策略」,主控性較高的「經濟上的嚇阻策略」在運用上尚不普遍。這與台商對投資國的依賴度太深有關。   5. 研究中發現不同的產業別其所面臨的政治風險並無顯著不同,這與國外文獻的採討結果有所差異。   6. 海外投資的規模與企業所面臨的政治風險無顯著相關,公司的規模愈大,其評估證制會較有系統,但未達統計上的顯著性。   7. 高階管理者的個人特質會影響公司對政治風險的因應對策:主管特質為「混合型」者,偏向於採行建立人際網路、從事公關活動的方式來降候風險;具「冒險/好挑戰」特質的高階主管喜採取經濟上的嚇阻策略來因應政治風險;「保守型」的高階主管則較常以規避風險策略來因應。   8. 針對上述發現,本研究的建議為:(1)台商應擴大對政治風險的認知、將風險的評估機制制度化、並在進行海外投資時掌握關鍵活動,如此一來可以增加管理政治風險的彈性;(2)由於目前台商偏向以規避的方式來因應政治風險,因此政府應扮演更積極的角色,提供管理政治風險的具體協助,如:與投資國訂定保障投資條款、非商業風險投保的推動等。

高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究 / The Relationship with Overseas Chinese Student's Self-Concept, Life- Adjustment, and Academic Achievement.

李麗花, Lee, Li Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查並分析高中僑生在自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之相關,研究結果提供教育當局,作為高中僑生教育政策及加強僑生教材教法、課程設計及生活輔導之參考。   本研究依據研究目的,以文獻分析法探討自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之理論及相關研究,以問卷調查法測量高中僑生的自我概念及高中僑生生活適應困擾,並分別就自我概念及適應問題,比較不同背景變項僑生之差異,加上學期學業成績之蒐集,用以分析不同自我概念及適應狀況僑生學業成就之差異情形。   本研究以國立華僑實驗高級中學高中部僑生344位為對象,使用「田納西自我概念量表」(2000年版)及「高中學生生活經驗量表」為研究工具,問卷回收後篩選有效樣本316份,將所得之資料分別以下列方法處理:描述性統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、二因子單變量變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定,F檢定,Scheffe法事後比較,Pearson積差相關法等統計方法,探討各變項間的關係。   綜合上述,本研究假設結論如下:   一、不同背景變項之高中僑生,自我概念有顯著差異:    1.在「道德自我」及「家庭自我」項目有顯著差異。女生均高於男生。    2.不同年級的高中僑生,在「道德自我」「學業自我」「自我認同」「自我滿意」「自我總分」等項目,高二僑生得分優於高一僑生,另外高二僑生及高三僑生在「心理自我」得分上,皆優於高一僑生。    3.不同區域的高中僑生,在「生理自我」、「家庭自我」「自我認同」「自我總分」項目上,第一區域即印尼、緬甸、泰國、菲律賓等地的高中僑生,其得分優於第二區域即香港、澳門、新加坡等地的高中僑生。    4.「自我行動」項目,第一區域的高中僑生及第三區域高中僑生,得分皆優於第二區域的高中僑生。   二、不同背景變項之高中僑生,生活適應問題有顯著差異:    1.在「用錢」項目上,男生困擾大於女生。高二、高三僑生困擾都大於高一僑生。    2.在「就業前途」項目上,高三僑生困擾大於高一僑生。    3.男生生活適應,最感困擾的是「用錢」,其次是「就業前途」,「課業」。而在女生的適應經驗排序上,最感困擾的是「就業前途」,其次是「課業」,而「用錢」排行第三。    4.高一僑生生活適應困擾首推「課業」項目,而高二高三僑生生活適應最感困擾則為「就業前途」項目。   三、不同背景變項之高中僑生,學業成就有顯著差異:    1.在性別上:女生優於男生。    2.在年級上及科目上:    (1)高二僑生國文科成績優於高一、高三僑生。    (2)高一僑生英文科成績優於高二僑生。    (3)高一、高三僑生數學成績皆優於高二僑生。   四、年級、地區交互作用後,高中僑生自我概念與生活適應有顯著差異:    1.在「生理自我」項目,第二區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一區域高一僑生得分優於第二區域高一僑生。    2.在「學業自我」項目,第一區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一、二區域的高二僑生得分優於第三區域的高二僑生。    3.在「人際交往」項目,第一區域的高二僑生得分優於第二區域的高二僑生。   五、高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就部分有顯著相關:    1.自我總分與學業成就,學業自我與學業成就,學業成就科別之間,分別顯現正相關。    2.生活適應各向度,課業項目或整體生活適應總分上與學業成就皆無顯著相關。    3.自我總分高低分組在生活適應總分性別、年級間,也未顯示出顯著相關。   依據上述幾點結論,提出各項對僑教政策、僑生教育及未來研究者研究方向之建議:   一、在僑教政策上的建議   僑生返國之人數在不同地區有消長的情形,最明顯為港澳地區的僑生,因為,受兩岸政治情勢的影響,加上取消加分優惠,因此,返國就學的人數明顯地逐年下降。可見得政策的改變與僑生的返國行為之間存在一定的關係。因此符應需求修訂僑教政策有其必要。    (一)委託國內大學培育僑教師資。    (二)提供清寒僑生工讀機會。    (三)建立僑生監護人公證制度。    (四)設立國語文中心,編製銜接教材。   二、僑校編制上的建議    (一)國立華僑高中    (二)對其他高中僑生就讀之學校   三、在教學上的建議   四、對未來研究之建議    (一)研究對象    (二)研究變項    (三)研究方法    (四)文獻資料的蒐集 / The purpose of this research on investigation is to analyze the relationship with overseas Chinese student's self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement. The results of research will provide an education authority as references for overseas Chinese student educational policy, instructional material teaching reinforcement, curriculum design, and living guidance.   According to the purpose of research, our research has applied literature analysis to discuss with theory of self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement and related research. For example, a questionary method measures overseas Chinese student's self-concept and life-adjustment problem. Furthermore, from self-concept and life-adjustment, it compares students with different background variables and collections of academic achievement at school that analyze different self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement situation.   The objects of our research were 344 students from National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School, and research tools were “Tennessee Self-Concept Scale” (version 2000) and ”Senior High School Student's Life Experience Measurement”. After questionary feedback and filtration, there are effective 316 copies. Then, all information has dealt as the following processes to discuss with correlation among variables, such as Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, independent sample for Matched-pair T-test, F-test, Scheffe Rule of Post Hoc Tests, Pearson’s correlation statistics method etc.   In summary of the mentioned statements, conclusions of our research hypotheses are as the followings:   1 Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious self-concept differences:    a. There are obviously differences on item of ”MOR” & “FAM” variables that school girls have greater than boys.    b. For the different year of senior high school overseas Chinese students on the items of ” MOR ”, “ACA”, “IDN”, “SAT”, and “TOT”, sophomore year of students have scored more than freshman year of students; furthermore, on the item of “PER”, sophomore and junior year of students have scored greater than freshman year of students.    c. On the items “PHY”, “FAM”, “IDN”, and “TOT”, in the different locations overseas Chinese students of the first region (Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines etc.) have scored the second region Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore) of students.    d. On the item of “BHV”, students of the first and third region have scored greater than the second region.   2. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, life-adjustment problems that have dramatically differences:    a. On the item of “spending”, schoolboys have disturbance greater than girls; sophomore and junior year of students have disturbance greater than freshman year of students.    b. On the item of “career prospect”, junior year of students have obsession greater than freshman year of students.    c. Schoolboys on the life-adjustment have harassment, for example, first item is “spending”, and the followings are “career prospect” and “school work”. In contrast to schoolgirls on the living accommodation experience in sequence are the first item of “career prospect”, the secondary item of school work” and the third item of “spending”.    d. Freshman year of students on the life-adjustment is “school work”; nevertheless, sophomore and junior year of students is “career prospect”.   3. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious differences on academic achievement:    1. On the item of sex: schoolgirls are greater than boys.    2. On the item of grade and subjects:     a. Sophomore year of student's scores on Chinese subject has greater than freshman and junior year of student.     b. Freshman year of student's scores on English subject has greater than sophomore year of student.     c. Freshman and junior year of student's on math subject has greater than sophomore year of student.   4. After grade and location interaction, overseas Chinese senior high school students who have remarkably differences on self-concept and life- adjustment:    a. On the item of “PHY”, sophomore year of students in the second region has greater than freshman year of students; freshman year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.    b. On the item of “ACA”, sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than freshman year of students; sophomore year of students in the first and second region has greater than that of the third region.    c. On the item of “interpersonal relationships” sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.   5. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have highly relationship with self-concept and life- adjustment, and academic achievement:    a. Obviously, there are some correlations among “TOT vs. academic achievement”, “ACA vs. academic achievement” and “academic achievement”.    b. Nevertheless, there are no correlations among “life-adjustment condition”, “school work subjects” or “total of general life-adjustment ” and “academic achievement”.    c. There are no obviously differences on TOT score of life-adjustment between sex and grade.   According to the previous suggestions, here are some suggestions on overseas educational policy, student education, and future research approach:   I. Suggestions on overseas Chinese educational policy   The numbers of overseas Chinese students in different locations have growth or decline situation, especially for students from Hong Kong and Macao. Because political situation between China and Taiwan and cancellation on premium score, the numbers of students have obviously down year after year. Hence, policy change and students returning Taiwan for studying behavior have certain relations. Therefore, it is necessary to modify a suitable overseas educational policy.    (1) Authorizing domestic universities to educate qualified teachers for overseas Chinese students    (2) Providing straitened overseas Chinese students who have opportunities for part-time jobs    (3) Setting up overseas Chinese student's guardian notarial system    (4) Establishing Mandarin centers and compiling connected teaching materials   II. Suggestions on overseas school system    (1) National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School    (2) For other overseas Chinese students who study at senior high school   III. Instructional suggestion   IV. Suggestions for future research    (1) Research object    (2) Research variable    (3) Research approach    (4) Literature collection

海外事業行銷方式決定因素之探討 / The determinants of overseas marketing strategy in Taiwan FDI manufacturing industry

李率慧 Unknown Date (has links)
海外事業行銷方式會影響其經營績效之良窳,本研究主要目的在於探討海外事業行銷方式之決定因素,根據經濟部2007年製造業對外投資實況調查,分別由公司特性、產業特性、地主國特性及營運特性四個構面進行探討,運用二階段Multinomial logit model進行實證分析。經本研究第一階段實證發現,投資地區數、組織型態、最主要投資地區、國內生產毛額及技術來源是影響廠商選擇海外事業行銷方式之重要因素,第二階段再進一步討論選擇母公司行銷、子公司行銷及混合行銷三種自行行銷方式之決定因素,研究結果發現投資年限、投資地區數、海外營業額占比、組織型態、行業類別、經營方式、市場競爭激烈、技術來源、當地銷售占比、外銷接單大陸出貨比率及回銷比率皆為重要影響因素,實證結果供台灣製造業廠商海外事業行銷方式之參考。 / The overseas marketing strategy can affect firm’s performance. The main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of overseas marketing strategy. Using data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 2007 survey of foreign investment in manufacturing, this empirical study applies a two-stage multinomial logit model to analyze the issue based on the following four dimensions: company characteristics, industry characteristics, operating characteristics and characteristics of the host country. For the first stage regarding the oversea marketing strategy decision, the empirical results show that the number of investment areas, organization type, key investment areas, and those areas’ GDP and source of technology are important. For the second stage of the parent company marketing decision, a subsidiary marketing and mixed marketing approach, the three kinds of self-marketing study, include investment period, the number of investment areas, overseas sales contribution, the organization type, industry type, mode of operation, market competition, technology source, local sales contribution, export orders delivered by mainland ratio, and reverse ratio are prominent.


黃琮祺 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣經濟高度依賴對外貿易,經濟成長與出口成長的變化關係密切,但是近年來由於廠商大量對外投資,赴海外設立生產基地,特別是製造業中主要的資訊電子產業很多廠商到大陸設廠。因此部分人士認為海外生產係造成台灣出口不振,就業機會減少,產業空洞化的原因。但也有人認為這反而證明台灣在產業全球化、自由化及產業升級轉型的成功證明。 台灣對外投資從1987年開始蓬勃發展,1990年開放對大陸間接投資後,對外投資金額更是快速成長,也形成廠商大量海外生產的營運模式,這種現象到底對台灣就業市場造成何種影響?本論文主要研究海外生產會不會造成就業機會減少等產業空洞化現象?特別是對於製造業中海外生產比重越來越高的資訊電子產業而言,海外生產比率變動情形與該產業就業人數之間到底存在何種連動關係,對廠商勞工雇用又具何種影響? 本論文研究發現資訊電子產業海外投資增加及外銷比例的提升,可以增加就業機會,但海外生產是造成勞工雇用減少的主因。資訊電子產業產品生命週期短,低附加價值製程應開放赴大陸或其他地區投資,高附加價值製程設法留在台灣生產;也就是將核心競爭力的關鍵技術或零組件保留台灣製造,以製程切割,垂直分工的模式開放對外投資,才能維持國內廠商的國際競爭力,提高產品附加價值,加強研發創新、品牌行銷,協助廠商在地升級及全球佈局,才能減少海外生產對國內勞工雇用的衝擊。 另外本論文建議,政府應該改善投資環境,輔導廠商在地升級,協助提升廠商全球運籌佈局能力,改善生活環境加強人才培訓,才能提升廠商競爭力,如此才能有效降低廠商海外生產的比率。 / Taiwan economy is highly dependent on its international trade -- economic growth is highly influenced by exports growth. Nevertheless, the increasing outward investment, especially the huge IT investments in China, may change this trend. Some people argue that overseas production is the key factor of slacked export, diminished job opportunities, and industrial hollowing-out, the other people insist that the above phenomenon is an evidence of Taiwan’s globalization, liberalization, and Industrial Upgrades. The Taiwan’s outward investment started from 1987, accelerated in 1990, the year that Taiwanese government lifted the ban against indirectly investing China and formed a new business model of “Taiwan Orders, Overseas (Chinese) Productions”. What is the influence of this new business model? Is this the root of diminished job opportunities and industrial hollowing-out? What’s the correlation between overseas production growth rate and unemployment rate in Taiwan IT Industry particularly? This article discovered the increment of outward investment and export ratio in IT industry could boost job opportunities; however, overseas production is the key factor to cause layoffs. As a result of short product life cycle characters, the low value-added IT production should apply open door policy while high value-added ones should be encouraged to produce locally and keep the core competency domestically. Keep the key component or technology manufacture in Taiwan will help create Taiwanese international competitiveness, increase added values, inspire research and innovation, direct brand marketing, upgrade industries levels, connect globally, and lower the impact of overseas production on employment. In addition, this article advised the government should cement Taiwanese companies’ international competitiveness and lower overseas production ratio by improving the investment climate, assisting local industries’ upgrades and the abilities of global logistics, improving living environment, and reinforcing manpower cultivation.

Combining and analyzing the tanker and aircrew scheduling heuristics

Boke, Cem. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Air Force Institute of Technology, 2003. / Title from title screen (viewed Oct. 28, 2003). "March 2003." Vita. "AFIT/GOR/ENS/03-04." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 69-70). Also issued in paper format.

How can professional service industry achieve sustainable competitive advantage through relationship marketing strategy? : A qualitative Study on Self-financed Overseas Study Agencies in Hubei, China

Zhou, Ye January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT Purpose The aim of this study is to provide an insight into relationship marketing from a strategic view in Chinese context.Meanwhile, it analyzes how empirical study such as self-financed overseas study consulting agency could use this relationship marketing as a strategic tool to help it to achieve competitive advantage.   Theoretical methodology Theoretical methodology covers theoretical considerations that influence how the study is designed and conducted.   Theoretical framework and literature review This section gives readers a general understanding with related literature. . In order to access this perception, this study employs a related theory as the main conceptual framework for examining theories and major findings. Furthermore, by studying empirical findings, it acts as mirror to reflect prior scholar’s literature in order to have a critical and in-depth research study.   Practical methodology Several practical techniques were chosen for this research, such as qualitative approach, semi-constructed interviews, samplings etc. The purpose of this study is to find out how relationship marketing can bring to a self-financed overseas study consulting agency in China sustainable competitive advantage based on customer satisfaction and customer retention perspective.   Empirical observation and analysis The thesis is based on the case studies within the Chinese market, with two special Agencies: Hubei Education Service Center for Scholary Exchange, Hubei Jinmao Foreign consultants Managerial co., Ltd. The questions are addressed using information obtained in interview with respondents from the agencies and from secondary data. (Documentary secondary data)   Conclusion The author found that by using customer retention to ‘individual clients’ and by using customer satisfaction (eventually by using word of mouth) to individual clients can bring a self-financed overseas study consulting agency in China sustainable competitive advantages based on the commitment and trust mechanism. However, author could not find out the evidence to prove that using relationship marketing tools is the single solution to compete more successfully than without it. It is further argued by author that relationship marketing is just one aspect strengthening the generic strategy in order to gain sustainable competitive advantage.

Student Perceptions & The Value of Studying Abroad : A Look at Michigan State University Undergraduate Business Students

Roy, Travis January 2014 (has links)
The multitude of existing research conducted within the field of study abroad programs generally reinforces the popular understanding that the practice not only broadens the mind, provides valuable experiences and enhances stagnating perspectives, but also contributes to a skillset that is becoming increasingly necessary for success in the globally focused world of today. Despite the evidence supporting their effectiveness, relatively few undergraduate students in the United States choose to participate in some form of study abroad program. The following analysis will examine the potential reasoning of why this is so. Through the administration of questionnaires and interviews along with a comprehensive review of existing research, the following pages examine the attitudes and inhibitions of undergraduate university students as they relate to studying abroad and to what extent these perceptions fall in line with the escalating importance of multicultural competence. Used as an exemplifying case of American undergraduate students, Michigan State University’s Eli Broad College of Business furnished the sample of participants used in this study. Largely supported through the data obtained from the conducted interviews, undergraduate students are seen to place a high value on the personal and cultural benefits acquired through study abroad participation while relegating academic focus to a somewhat tangential position. Factors such as a student’s previous international travel experience and awareness of available programs are seen to influence these perceptions to some degree. Despite the significant value placed on such programs, a large percentage of students express concern over a variety of barriers prohibiting them from pursuing enrollment. The financial commitments associated with the participation in a study abroad program were almost unanimously considered to be a serious burden on individuals. These concerns were supplemented and at times exacerbated by other factors such as a student’s availability of time, willingness to suspend important personal relationships and needed class credit. Covered in detail below, these findings are seen to support and corroborate much of the existing research that has been previously conducted within this field while providing additional insight by way of student testimony.

銀行海外擴張的因素探討與貪污對其影響 / The Analysis of Overseas Expansions for MNBs: Determinants and Corruption's Impact

蔡淵禮 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究主題有二,第一,我們以全球1,000大銀行至40國家金融中心城市所設立的據點資料,探討全球大型銀行的海外擴張動機因素。第二,我們使用45個國家銀行在46個國家金融中心城市所設立的分行資料,探討貪污對銀行海外擴張的影響。第一個研究主題可得知全球大型銀行海外投資的一般性策略思維與吸引全球大型銀行投資的一般性誘因,不同於過去文獻以特定單一國家或先進國家銀行為研究對象,只能探究得知特定策略思維與特定吸引誘因;第二個研究主題可得知貪污在銀行跨國投資裡所扮演的角色,而此角色在過去銀行跨國投資文獻裡並未被探究。   第一個研究主題,我們以折衷理論(eclectic theory)為基礎探究銀行海外擴張動機因素,依該理論得三項主要實證研究結果:所有權優勢方面,規模越大或經營績效越佳的銀行在海外擴張態度上較為積極;內部化優勢方面,銀行會選擇與來源國貿易往來密切的國家設立據點;區位優勢方面,業務機會、市場成長空間及熟悉度皆是吸引銀行設立海外據點的重要誘因。與我們預期相反的是,銀行喜歡進入業務高度限制的國家設立據點,其可能原因是這些國家的銀行市場有較高利潤與較大成長空間之故。 第二個研究主題,由實證研究得知,貪污會對跨國投資產生負向影響,亦即貪污會阻礙跨國銀行分行投資活動的進行。再者,我們進一步檢視兩國貪污環境差異的影響是否為負向與其負向影響是否會隨來源國貪污程度的增加而減少,亦即負向影響是否存在不對稱性,兩者皆得到證實。此結果顯示貪污差異性會增加跨國投資的進入成本,銀行因而較傾向在貪污環境相似的國家設立分行。不對稱的負向影響則意味著來自越貪污國家的銀行對於貪污環境差異性有相對較佳的適應能力,因此,我們建議銀行應培養高貪污環境政治風險因應能力以利跨國投資的進行。 / This paper has two topics. First, we investigate the determinants of the overseas physical expansions of world’s large banks, using individual bank data on the number of foreign offices set up by top 1,000 world banks in host financial center cities located in 40 countries. Second, we explore the impact of corruption on banks’ overseas physical expansions, using data on the number of foreign branches set up by banks of 45 countries in host financial center cities located in 46 countries. Through the first one, we can know the strategy thinking of world’s large banks and common incentives that attract their investments, differing from previous studies. Through the second topic, we can know the playing role of corruption in banks’ overseas investment, which no previous study had explored before. In the first studing, we investigate the determinants of the overseas expansions of world’s large banks in views of eclectic theory and our results lead to three result. First, about the factors of ownership advantage, larger size or better performance banks tend to be aggressive in internationalization. Second, about the factor of internalization advantage, banks tend to establish more overseas offices in the countries that have closer relationship of international trade with home country. Finally, about the factors of location advantage, banks are more likely to operate in countries that have more banking opportunities, higher accessibility of market or lower information costs. But, not consistent with our expectations, banks also prefer to invest in more regulated markets, possibly because they expect to obtain higher profits or market shares in these countries. In the second studing, we examine the impact of corruption on overseas investment and find the negative impact. Corruption impedes multinational banks’ cross-border investment and thus decreases foreign branch establishing. We also find the negative impact of corruption difference between two countries and its asymmetric effect. The first one indicates that corruption difference would increase the entry cost to foreign banks and result in negative investment decisions. The second one means that negative impact of corruption difference diminishes with the level of source-country corruption. It shows that bank from higher corruption country has better capacity to handle this difference. We suggest that multinational banks should improve the managing bribery skills to benefit their overseas investment.

1960年代《台灣青年》的民族主義論述 / The national discourse of Taiwan Chinlian in1960's

嚴婉玲, Yen, Wan Ling Unknown Date (has links)
日本系統的台獨運動在1950年代發端至1960年代由台灣青年社扛起大旗並引領、啟蒙世界各地的台灣留學生,在1970年代交棒,台獨運動的重心轉至美國。在這樣一個運動興衰的過程中,台灣青年社無疑扮演了 「銜接與轉換點」的關鍵角色。《台灣青年》作為台灣青年社的機關刊物,更承擔起論述台灣民族主義的重責大任。《台灣青年》所呈現的台灣民族主義面貌,在對外的界線上,劃出了中國人與台灣人的清楚鴻溝,但包納了在海外的台僑,在對內的界線上,曖昧的區分出原住民與漢人,但對閩客問題卻未有更多的討論。在 「台灣人」的內涵中,《台灣青年》試圖以多種方式定義台灣人,有從族群演變的觀點,也有從歷史事實的分隔點,更試圖直接探討抽象理論,希望找到清楚定義的嘗試。而對於台灣人過去的書寫,具有代表性的「列傳」專欄,卻呈現出立場跳動的問題,最後草草收場。在觀察史明等人的共同體論述後,大致可以認定,《台灣青年》主張台灣人意識與中國人意識從未重疊發展,而是在不同的空間下各自發展,而當台灣在日本統治下發展出具近代性意義的共同體意識時,中國卻尚未形成,這也是兩者無法消弭的界線。而台灣的現在到未來,《台灣青年》也持續不斷的觀察、思考與想像。在國際上,他們堅持要求尊重台灣人民族自決的權利,進而創造出一中一台的國際空間,在國內,他們針貶時政,並在海外對島內的政治反對運動遙相呼應,同時以清晰的表達台灣民族主義運動的立場來為將來定調。 / The Taiwan independent movement in Japan launched from 1950’s.During 1960’s ,it was lead by Taiwan Chinglian(Youth) Association, to inspire Taiwanese students studying abroad worldwide. Until 1970’s the independent movement was transported from Japan to America. From 1960’s to 1970’s, Taiwan Chinglian(Youth) Association played a key role .Taiwan Chinglian , as a journal of Taiwan Chinglian(Youth) Association, took the great responsibility of defining and explaining the meaning of Taiwanese Nationalism.First of all, The defining made by Taiwan Chinglian , it clearly told the difference of Chinese and Taiwanese, but including overseas Taiwanese .Second, it not apparently told the difference of aborigine and Han people , and did not discuss the difference of the problem between Minnan people and Hakka people .In the contents of Taiwanese , Taiwan Chinglian tried to use variety approaches to define Taiwanese, someone defined it from the changing of folk ,someone defined from confirming the turning point of historical truth ,and someone even tried to discuss the abstract theory . In explanation of Taiwan history ,the representative column ‘Biography(列傳)’ failed to find the same standard to define Taiwanese. After observing the community discourse of Su-Bing and the others, we can find that they considered Taiwanese awareness and Chinese awareness has never engaged and developed in different spaces. When Taiwanese had developed the modern community consciousness under Japan’s domination , Chinese modern community consciousness had not yet .And that is the line between Taiwanese and Chinese that can not be erased. In 1960’s ,Taiwan Chinglian continued to observe and imagine the exist and the future of Taiwanese. About international affair , they demanded other countries to respect the Taiwanese right of national self-determination , and claim one China and one Taiwan . They discussed and cared about the politics and democracy activities on the inside of Taiwan . and clearly stated the stand point of Taiwanese nationalism activity to define the future of Taiwan.

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