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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’immigration de la population domienne entre 1990 et 1999 : regard sur le processus d’intégration des natifs des DOM en métropole à travers les différentes instances de socialisation / Immigration from the French Overseas Dominions (DOM) between 1990 and 1999 : an Overview of the Process of Integration of DOM Natives in Metropolitan France as seen through the Institutions of Socialisation

Holder, Delina 09 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l’étude de la population domienne ayant immigré en métropole. Il est principalement basé sur les données des recensements de l’INSEE de 1990 et 1999, mais aussi sur l’enquête « Trajectoires et Origines » et sur une enquête de terrain menée par le biais d’un questionnaire. L’analyse proposée dans le cadre de cette thèse permet de faire un retour sur l’histoire des DOM et de leurs populations. Le processus d’intégration de la population native des DOM en métropole sera observé à travers différentes instances de socialisation telles que la famille, l’école ou le travail. La finalité de cette thèse est de porter un regard sur le processus d’intégration des natifs des DOM résidant en métropole, à partir de concepts sociologiques connexes, et de l’apport de nombreux chercheurs concernés / This work focuses on the study of French people born in the overseas departments (DOM) who have immigrated to France. It is mainly based on statistical data from the population census carried out by the French national institute of statistics, INSEE, in 1990 and 1999, supplemented by the survey « Trajectoires et Origines » and a questionnaire-based field survey. The theoretical framework enables an analysis of the history of the overseas departments and their populations. Ways in which people born in the DOM become integrated in metropolitan France are observed through instances of socialisation such as family, school or the workplace. The aim of the thesis, then, is to employ relevant sociological concepts and existing work in the field to examine processes of integration of DOM-born immigrants.

Pauvreté et mal-développement. Une géographie sociale de la Martinique / Poverty and underdevelopment. A social geography of Martinique

Legrand-Picard, Dominique 12 January 2015 (has links)
Les déséquilibres socio-économiques entre les départements d’Outre-mer et l’Hexagone sont criants. En Martinique, la pauvreté est plus intense et plus diffuse qu’au plan national, elle frappe fortement les exclus du marché du travail et jusqu’aux salariés. Le chômage, un phénomène structurel et endémique, y est deux fois plus élevé et touche majoritairement les jeunes, les femmes et les non-diplômés. Depuis le mouvement social de 2009, et l’instabilité politico-institutionnelle qui l’a accompagné, les tensions sociales restent vives et sont l’expression de frustrations liées à des inégalités persistantes. Comment s’expliquent-elles ? La paupérisation croissante d’une part importante de la population découle d’un environnement économique particulièrement défavorable. La région se caractérise par un développement faible, une situation dégradée du marché de l’emploi, une économie dépendante des transferts publics. L’analyse géographique met en lumière les structures de la pauvreté : profils des familles, accès à l’emploi, qualification et formation, conditions de logement et situation sanitaire des publics démunis. Les dimensions territoriales des dynamiques de pauvreté soulignent le lien entre espace social et espace géographique : les phénomènes de pauvreté, de précarité et d’exclusion sont étudiés à l’échelle des quartiers d’habitat spontané et informel, encore nombreux aujourd’hui en Outre-mer, principaux espaces de production de pauvreté et de ségrégation dans les milieux urbains et ruraux. / There exist blatant socio-economic imbalances between the French overseas departments and metropolitan France. In Martinique more particularly, poverty is more intense and more diffuse than at the national level; it strongly hits both people excluded from the labor market and wage-earning laborers. Unemployment, both a structural and an endemic phenomenon, mainly affects young women and non-graduates. Since the social movement of 2009 and the political and institutional instability that followed, social tensions have remained high, revealing the people’s frustration as to persistent inequalities. How can one account for these inequalities? The increasing impoverishment of a large part of the population stems from a particularly unfavorable economic environment. The region is characterized by its low development, its degraded and deteriorating labor market, and its peculiar economy, relying on government subsidies. The geographic analysis provided by this dissertation highlights the distinctive features of poverty: the profiles of affected families, as well as the characteristics of the impoverished populations in terms of access to employment, skills and training, and health. The territorial dimensions of the dynamics of poverty will also be studied, thus emphasizing the link between social space and geographic space, as poverty, insecurity and exclusion will be analyzed at the level of spontaneous settlement areas (shantytowns / squatter homes). Indeed, poverty and segregation are primarily found in these spontaneous settlements – which are still very numerous in the French overseas departments – in both urban and rural environments.

A Study of Relationships Between Selected Personality Factors and Personal Adjustment of Overseas Personnel

Guynes, Delmer R. 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was the assessment of the value of the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the DF Opinion Survey, and An Inventory of Factors STDCR for use in identifying personality factors significant to overseas adjustment. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. The TSCS and the DFOS lacked validity as predictors of personal adjustment as measured by the MPAS. 2. Freedom from depression tendencies (Factor D) and freedom from fluctuating emotions (Factor C) of the STDCR were significantly related to overseas adjustment. 3. The best combination of factor scores for predicting personal adjustment included D (Depression), CC (Cultural Conformity), and S (Social Introversion-Extraversion). 4. The Candidate Graduate Training Program was not effective in producing change in the psychological factors tested.

瑞典一个印度客家华人家庭文化认同之个案研究 / A Case Study on the Cultural Identity of an Indian Hakka Family in Sweden

Yen, Pi-Yin January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the cultural identity of Chinese overseas in Sweden, especially the identity of Chinese culture. A Hakka family in Sweden from Kolkata, India was a target of a case study in this thesis from the viewpoint of life history research and semi-structured interviews for the three female members in this family.The Indian Hakka Chinese, though spending more than 100 years in India, emigrate to other countries commonly. During the migration, this family well sustain their Chinese culture.This research reveals the following findings. Firstly, the identities in the family of this case show the differences between generations. The main deciding factor of their identities is based on both the ethnic identity of Chinese and Chinese culture. The second generation of immigrants in Sweden reveals the dual identities of Chinese culture and Swedish culture, which is consciously decided by them under the social and cultural background of the country of residence.Secondly, this case's family demonstrates a strong atmosphere of Chinese cultural identity in their daily life. The most significant symbol is that family members use Hakka to communicate at home. Furthermore, their cultural values follow a Chinese tradition of family-centred and ethical cultural values. However, in this case, Chinese culture is not as complete as the Chinese mainstream society. It also includes foreign elements in the country of residence. This clearly shows the process of Chinese overseas adapting and integrating with the country of residence.Thirdly, the influencing factors to this case's Chinese cultural identity include the Chinese community in Kolkata India, usage of Chinese language, Chinese education, intermarriage, and the external environment of Swedish society based on democracy multi-culturalism and popularization of internet information under globalization. The key factor in constructing and maintaining the Chinese cultural identity, in this case, is that the elders consciously insist on preserving Chinese tradition in this family.To sum up, this study's results contribute to the knowledge and understanding of Chinese overseas' cultural identity in Sweden. / 本论文以瑞典一个来自印度加尔各答的客家华人家庭进行个案研究,采用生命史研究的视角、半结构式的深度访谈法访问三位家庭女性成员,探讨瑞典的海外华人的文化认同,尤其是中国文化的认同。在海外延续百年的印度客家华人再度从印度移出已是常态,而此个案家庭中国文化的传承未曾中断。个案研究结果发现:首先,个案的身份认同呈现出世代的差异,身份认同以中国人的族群认同及中国文化认同为最主要的决定因素,移民瑞典第二代显示出中国及瑞典文化的双重文化认同,是历经所处的社会文化环境选择的文化认同。其次,此个案展现出浓厚的中国文化认同形式,以客家话的使用最为显著,也展现出以家庭为中心、注重伦理的文化价值观,然而不像中国主流社会文化的完整,而是包含了居住国的外国元素,显见海外华人在居住国适应、融合的过程。最后,影响个案维护中国文化认同的因素,包括:印度加尔各答的华人社区、世代的传承、中文的使用、中文教育、族内通婚、以民主为基础的多元文化瑞典社会的外部生存环境、全球化下网际网络资讯的普及等因素,而家中长辈有意识地传承与坚持,是文化认同建构及维护最重要也是最主要的因素。总之,本论文的研究结果可为瑞典海外华人的文化认同增添知识与理解。

Experiences of Chinese Higher Education Faculty members at American Universities and Their consistency with China's World-Class University Reform Policy

Ni, Liangtao 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Stakeholder Roles and Stakeholder Analysis in Project Planning: A review of approaches in three agencies - World Bank, ODA and NRI .

MacArthur, John D. 05 2011 (has links)
yes / Stakeholder topics are one of the main ideas in development thinking that have been introduced in the last few years, certainly a concept of the 1990s. The use of stakeholder language and the application of analysis, planning and management methods directed towards different interest groups are increasingly becoming commonplace, especially amongst some anglophone donors, Three main general applications of stakeholder ideas have been developed in the literature: - the involvement of Stakeholders in Participatory methods of Development intended to achieve sustainable poverty relief; - the use of Stakeholder Analysis to assure the implementation soundness of development projects; and - its use as a means of understanding the many economic interests and processes that relate to "systems" for Natural Resource Management, this understanding to be applied in a number of developmentally beneficial uses.Naturally the three strands of applying stakeholder ideas draw from each other. This paper looks at the emergence of thinking and applications from them all, leading towards a more full consideration of the application of Stakeholder Analysis in the planning of projects of various kinds. / ID-7098D - Project Planning and Financial Analysis

Children of the U.S. Military and Identity: A Narrative Inquiry into the "Brat" Experience

Queair, Edward C. 20 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Eccentric Networks: Patterns of Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Participation, and Mass Media Use Among Overseas Filipino Workers

Paragas, Fernando 13 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

L'outre-mer au regard du droit européen et du droit international : evolutions statutaires influencées par le droit européen et le droit international / Overseas under European and International Law

Kerdreux-Fulrad, Anne Louise 08 December 2014 (has links)
L’outre-mer comprend des régions, des pays et des territoires aux statuts divers et au passé hérité en grande partie des grandes puissances européennes, ce qui les a placés dans une communauté d’intérêts avec les Etats auxquels ils sont rattachés mais aussi avec l’Union européenne (UE).Néanmoins, ces régions, pays et territoires n’ont eu cesse de reconstruire entre eux des liens historiques et culturels et de tisser des relations avec l’ensemble de l’outre-mer afin de présenter une cohérence d’ensemble dans leur négociation avec l’Union européenne.Les régions ultrapériphériques appliquent le droit communautaire tandis que les pays et territoires d’outre-mer, situés en dehors du territoire communautaire, connaissent un régime d’association avec l’Union européenne.Le Danemark, l’Espagne, la France, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et le Royaume-Uni ont procédé aux réformes constitutionnelles autorisant de multiples évolutions statutaires dans le respect du droit à l’autodétermination des populations.Forts d’une évolution statutaire et d’un développement économique et social continu, les régions, pays et territoires d’outre-mer souhaitent maintenant faire valoir leurs droits et défendre leurs intérêts au niveau européen et sur la scène internationale.La globalisation des politiques les incite à se regrouper au sein d’institutions internationales. Le rattachement de ces territoires à des Etats de droit leur a ouvert la voie à des systèmes juridiques bien structurés mais aussi aux valeurs européennes. Leur ultrapériphérité les a placés dans une situation géopolitique qui les a fait accéder aux relations internationales.L’objet de cette thèse est de démontrer l’interdépendance entre ces différents ordres juridiques et l’influence du droit européen et du droit international sur l’évolution statutaire de l’outre-mer vers davantage d’autonomie, mais aussi de responsabilisation et de prise en charge de son développement au moyen d’une implication dans son environnement régional, d’une coopération inter-régionale ou transnationale et d’une participation aux travaux des organisations internationales. / The Overseas regions, countries and territories present various statuses inherited mainly from the major European Powers which placed them in a relationship of a common interest not only with their mother countries but also with the European Union (EU).However, these territories have continuously re-built between them historical and cultural links, and weaved relationship within the entire Overseas to appear as a constituted whole while negotiating with the EU.The outermost regions (OR) apply Community Law while the Overseas Countries and territories (OCT) situated outside the territory of the Community, have Association Arrangements with the EU.Denmark, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom have proceeded to necessary constitutional reforms to allow numerous articles amendments in respect of right to self-determination of peoples.At the light of statutory amendments and of a continuous economic and social development, the Outermost regions (OR) and the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT), now wish to assert their rights and to defend their interests at European and International level.Globalisation of policies encourages OR and OCT to gather within International bodies. The rule of law of the related countries opens them to well-structured legal systems and to European values. The outermost geopolitical localisation makes them to have access to international relations.The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the interdependence between these different legal systems and the impact of European and International Law on the statutory amendments of the Overseas towards more autonomy, but also liabilities and involvement on their own development by using their regional environment, inter-regional and transnational cooperation and taking part at the works of international organisations.

An investigation of performance in the Biology 5090 at selected high schools in Lesotho / Investigation of performance in the Biology five thousand and ninety at selected high schools in Lesotho

Lebata, Mamalanga Calextina 06 1900 (has links)
Performance in Lesotho at senior level (COSC) has been poor. One of the subjects which is performed poorly is Biology 5090. This prompted the researcher to examine factors responsible for the poor performance in Biology 5090. The study also aimed at finding ways in which teachers envisage to improve Biology 5090 performance. Data was collected from three schools through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study also adopted the General System Theory (GST) as the theoretical framework. Data was analyzed in line with qualitative content analysis, and from the perspective of the GST. The data analysis scheme was developed and presented (appendix P). The results of the study showed that Biology 5090 performance was affected by factors such as human resources, and the transformation process. The study also suggested ways in which Biology 5090 performance could be improved in Lesotho. These include: in-serving training, team work and others. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

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