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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors influencing urban on-street parking search time using a multilevel modelling approach

Brooke, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
Vehicles searching for on-street parking create environmental and economic externalities through increasing network traffic flow and congestion, heightening pollutant emission levels, creating additional noise, giving rise to time delays for through vehicles, and leading to potential safety hazards caused by vehicles manoeuvring into or out of on-street spaces. Despite extensive negative impacts on individual drivers and on society, parking search is an under-researched area, particularly in more recent years and within the UK. Furthermore, current statistical modelling techniques applied to parking search time have not utilised a more comprehensive analysis in which hierarchically structured data on multiple levels could be addressed. The aim of this thesis, therefore, is to investigate and compare the factors that influence drivers urban on-street parking search time and its policy implications. A mixed methods approach was applied that comprised qualitative interviews conducted with local government authority Council Officers and a quantitative revealed preference on-street parking survey (sample size, 1,002 observations) undertaken in four cities in the East Midlands region of the UK in order to obtain individual driver-level socio-economic and other parking related factors that may influence parking search time. Statistically significant variables for each of the cities were identified by employing separate linear regression models. A multilevel mixed-effects model in which drivers (Level 1) are nested within streets (Level 2) was then applied to the pooled dataset. Significant factors in the multilevel (street level) model were identified as: time of arrival at a parking place (for which every time period after the 07:00-07:59 reference case indicated increased search time); parking habit; parking tariff; the number of parking places previously visited (on the same trip); trip time from origin to parking place; area type; trip purpose; weather; vehicle type; and walking time from a parking place to a destination. Comparison of the factors that influence parking search time revealed important differences in statistically significant variables and coefficient values between the single-level and multilevel regression modelling approaches. Policy recommendations based upon the findings of the parking survey, modelling analysis, and further interviews conducted with local authority Council Officers, focus around time of arrival at a parking place, area type, parking charges and the potential technological advances that, if implemented, could have a considerable effect on parking search times within urban areas. Robust data collection and subsequent monitoring of parking search activity within each city should be undertaken in order to provide an evidence base which would support the introduction of future policy measures to reduce parking search activity.

Combinatoire des fonctions de parking : espèces, énumération d’automates et algèbres de Hopf / Parking functions combinatorics : apecies, automata enumeration and Hopf algebras

Priez, Jean-Baptiste 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans les domaines de la combinatoire algébrique, bijective et énumérative.Elle s'intéresse à l'étude des fonctions de parking généralisées suivant ces trois axes.medskip. Dans une première partie, on s'intéresse aux fonctions de parking généralisées en tant qu'espèce de structures combinatoires (théorie introduite par A.nom{Joyal} et développée F. nom{Bergeron}, G. nom{Labelle} et P.nom{Leroux}). On définit cette espèce à partir d'une équation fonctionnelle faisant intervenir l'espèce des séquences d'ensembles.On obtient un relèvement non-commutatif de la série indicatrice de cycles dans les fonctions symétriques non-commutatives, exprimé dans différentes bases.Par spécialisation, on obtient de nouvelles formules d'énumérations des fonctions de parking généralisées et de leurs types d'isomorphismes.En remplaçant l'espèce des ensembles par d'autres espèces dans l'équation fonctionnelle, on définit de nouvelles structures: les $seqPF$-tables de parking. Dans les cas particuliers où $seqPF : m mapsto a + b(m-1)$, on établit une bijection entre les $seqPF$-tables de parking et de nouvelles structures arborescentes, généralisant la bijection de C. H.nom{Yan} entre les $seqPF$-fonctions de parking et les séquences de $a$forêts de $b$-arbres.medskip. Dans une seconde partie, on s'intéresse à l'énumération d'automates. On commence par construire une bijection simple entre les automates(non-initiaux) et les séquences d'ensembles. À partir de cette bijection, on extrait la sous-famille des automates quasi-distingués (c'est-à-dire les automates pour lesquels les couples status de terminaison et fonction de transition des états sont distincts). L'énumération de ces automates quasi-distingués fournit une meilleure borne supérieure pour le nombre d'automates minimaux que celle obtenue par M.nom{Domaratzki} & textit{al}. Ensuite, on construit une nouvelle bijection entre les $2m^k$-fonctions de parking et les automates acycliques (non-initiaux) sur un alphabet à $k$ symboles. De cette dernière, on extrait, directement sur les fonctions parking, denombreuses informations de structure sur les automates, en particulier des informations liées à la minimalité.À partir de ces informations, on déduit une formule d'énumération des automates acycliques minimaux.medskipDans une troisième partie, on formalise la technique commune de réalisation polynomiale des algèbres de Hopf: fqsym, wqsym, pqsym, etc. Pour ceci, ondéfinit la notion de type d'alphabet et d'application partitionnante. La notion d'application partitionnante formalise les bonnes propriétés de la standardisation, le tassement, la parkisation, etc associées à ces précédentes algèbres de Hopf. On montre que certaines opérations, produit cartésien, coloration, union ouencore intersection, stabilisent ces notions.À partir de celles-ci, on définit deux constructions d'algèbres de Hopf combinatoire en dualité; et l'on montre qu'elles sont automatiquement munies de structures d'algèbres dendriformes et du produit $#$. En guise d'applications, on définit, pour toute famille de $seqPF$-fonctions deparking, une application généralisant la parkisation. On montre que cette dernière est une application partitionnante si et seulement si $seqPF : nmapsto 1 + m(n-1)$. Ceci permet de retrouver les algèbres de Hopf sur les$m$-fonctions de parking généralisées de J.-C. nom{Novelli} et J-.Y.nom{Thibon}. / This thesis comes within the scope of algebraic, bijective and enumerative combinatorics. It deals with the study of generalized parking functions following those axes.In the first part, we are interested in generalized parking as a species of combinatorial structures. We define this species from a functional equation involving the species of set sequences. We lift the cycle index serie to the non-commutative symmetric functions, express in several bases. By specialization, we obtain new enumeration formula of generalized parking and their isomorphism types.In the functional equation, the species of sets can be replaced by some other species. This defines new structures: the $chi$-parking tables. In particular cases with $chi : m mapsto a + b(m-1)$, we define a bijection between the $chi$-parking tables and new tree structures. This defines a generalization of the C. H. Yan bijection.In the second part, we are interested in the enumeration of automata. Firstly, we construct a simple bijection between (non-initial) automata and sequences of sets. From this bijection we extract a subfamily of quasi-distinguished automata. We obtain a better upper bound of the number of minimal automata than the one of M. Domaratzki.Then we construct a new bijection between $2m^k$-parking functions and (non-initial) acyclic automata over an alphabet of $k$ symbols. From this bijection we extract, from parking function, informations about automata structures. We deduce an enumeration formula of the minimal acyclic automata.In a third part, we formalize the common technique of polynomial realization of Hopf algebras: FQSym, WQSym, PQSym, etc.. We define a notion of type of alphabet and partitioning map. We highlight some operation which stabilizes these notions. Based on this, we define two constructions of dual combinatorial Hopf algebra; and we show that they are automatically endowed of dendriform coalgebra, and $#$-product.As an application, we define, for every family of $chi$-parking functions, a generalization of the parkization. We show that this is a partitionning map if and only if $chi : m mapsto 1 + b(m-1)$.

Easy Parking

Galarreta Alemán, Mariafe, Perez Silva, Neri, Sato Noriega , Akemi, Torres Ramírez , Ingrid Fabiola, Torres Lázaro, Rommel Jair 15 July 2020 (has links)
En Lima, se ha incrementado la cantidad de autos y camionetas, pese a ello no hay una adecuada infraestructura lo que genera déficit de estacionamientos para la cantidad de personas que compran autos nuevos (Gestión, 2018). Un informe de INEI (2018) manifiesta que los espacios para estacionar son escasos para el incremento de autos de 20% desde el 2014 al 2018. Pese a ello, las playas de estacionamiento no se han visto incrementados en la misma proporción debido a la menor cantidad de terrenos libres para operar. En consecuencia, no se ha podido cubrir la demanda de parqueos en la actualidad (Municipalidad de Lima, 2017). Por ello, se creó a Easy parking, un sistema de parqueo innovador en el centro histórico de Lima que consiste en dar solución a la escasez de estacionamientos, un sistema de parqueo rotativo y automático que utiliza el espacio vertical de los aires para aparcar y no el espacio horizontal. Con esta tecnología, Easy Parking podrá estacionar 10 autos en lugar de 2 como los estacionamientos tradicionales de la competencia, siendo una alternativa de solución al congestionamiento vehicular y a la falta de parqueos en el lugar. Asimismo, para hacer el negocio más eficiente e innovador, se creó una aplicación móvil para reservar los estacionamientos disponibles en línea. Luego de analizar el mercado y de diseñar las especificaciones técnicas del servicio se concluye que Easy Parking es un proyecto viable y rentable por sus indicadores que confirman su rentabilidad y viabilidad. / In Lima, the number of cars and trucks has increased, despite this, there is no adequate infrastructure, which generates a parking deficit for the number of people who buy new cars (Gestión, 2018). A report by INEI (2018) states that parking spaces are scarce for the 20% increase in cars from 2014 to 2018. Despite this, parking spaces have not been increased in the same proportion due to the lower amount of free land to operate. Consequently, it has not been possible to cover the parking demand at present (Municipality of Lima, 2017). For this reason, Easy parking was created, an innovative parking system in the historic center of Lima that consists of solving the shortage of parking lots, a rotary and automatic parking system that uses the vertical space of the air to park and not horizontal space. With this technology, Easy Parking will be able to park 10 cars instead of 2 like the traditional parking lots of the competition, being an alternative solution to vehicular congestion and the lack of parking on site. In addition, to make business more efficient and innovative, a mobile application was created to reserve parking spaces available online. After analyzing the market and designing the technical specifications of the service, it is concluded that Easy Parking is a viable and profitable project due to its indicators that confirm its profitability and viability. / Trabajo de investigación

Nudging towards automobile- free living in Stockholm : An analysis of Stockholm's 2015 Green Parking Rates guideline and its impact on mode shift

Mečár, Matej January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the impact of the city of Stockholm􏰀s 2015 Green Parking Rates guideline on transportation mode shift. The guidelines were established in hopes of nudging occupants of newly built residential developments towards a mode shift and in so doing, towards car-light, car- free and more sustainable living. This nudging is facilitated through the utilization of positive mobility services such as the offering of bike-share and car-share services to residents, in hopes of reducing their need and desire for private automobiles. As a result of incorporating positive mobility services, the development community receives a reduction on the parking spaces they are obligated to construct, which come at a high economic cost to the individual property developers, those purchasing or renting their units as well as society as a whole. Consequently, the guidelines are a meant to be a tool to help the city of Stockholm reduce congestion and meet their newest sustainability goals. This thesis explores the perspectives of the development community as well as the planning departments at the city of Stockholm through the conducting of a policy analysis as well as through 16 semi structured interviews and explores some of the successes and challenges in establishing a mode shift. However, due to the short time period since the establishment of the guidelines, the city of Stockholm nor the development community have conducted a comprehensive evaluation to assess the guidelines􏰀 utility in facilitating a mode shift. The thesis suggests that a more collaborative process pre, during and after the development of projects would better serve Stockholm and its development community in achieving its sustainability goals.

Fysiska miljöns påverkan på bilinnehav : Aggregerad linjär modellering av rumsliga faktorer i Göteborg / The Built Environment’s Effect on Car Ownership : Aggregated Linear Modelling of Spatial Factors in Gothenburg

Holmberg, Otto, Rosing, Joel January 2021 (has links)
Where we live and how our immediate environment looks and functions affect how we travel. Through changes in the immediate urban area, it seems natural that the choice of car ownership would be affected. This study examines the connection between the physical environment and car ownership in the case study area of Gothenburg. The study is based on previous models and quantitatively examines the variance of car ownership per household at a statistical neighbourhood level through linear regression analysis. The study aims to shed light on how physical variables that can be controlled through municipal planning (factors that can be regulated through detailed planning or, for example, influenced by municipal investment in public streets) can explain the variance in car ownership per household. The City of Gothenburg's work with planning regarding mobility and how individual planners within the municipality evaluates the independent physical variables in the model were examined through a survey and a shorter series of interviews. In tandem with the statistically proven valuation of the variables impact on car ownership, this visualises how the mathematical and professional approaches differ.When developing the model of how the city's network, structure and housing supply potentially affect private car ownership per person, four main physical variable themes were investigated: parking (e.g., bicycle and car), network and density (e.g., building density, traffic network density or distance), housing (e.g., design, owning or renting and average size) as well as public transport (bus and tram networks).  The resulting model shown on the right explains 91.5% of the variance of cars per household. A total of 55 different physical or descriptive variables were tested. The study’s model and the survey points to underlying factors that impact car ownership. The method can be criticized based on its delimitation to focus on physical factors whilst leaving out economic factors such as households’ economic prerequisites. Furthermore, private parking is not included in the model due to a lack of data. These two factors are highlighted by the survey respondents as well as the planners who were interviewed as being factors of great importance for the variance of car ownership. Knowing the approximate number of cars in an area after physical urban changes helps not only to see how many parking spaces are needed but also to align car ownership with the current sustainable development goals. However, this does not mean that you can completely trust the model and you will not be able to see any exact effects of restrictions on parking numbers in the model. / Var vi bor och hur vår närmiljö ser ut och fungerar påverkar hur vi rör oss. Genom att ändra förutsättningarna i närområdet förefaller det naturligt att valet av bilinnehav skulle påverkas. Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan den fysiska miljön och bilinnehav i fallstudieområdet Göteborg.Studien tar avstamp i tidigare linjära aggregerade modeller och undersöker variansen av bilinnehav per hushåll på basområdesnivå kvantitativt genom linjär regressionsanalys. Studien ämnar till att belysa hur de faktorer som kan styras genom kommunal styrning (faktorer som kan regleras genom detaljplanering eller exempelvis påverkas genom kommunal investering i gatumark) kan förklara variansen av bilinnehav. Frågeställningar kring Göteborgs Stads arbetssätt och värderingar av de oberoende fysiska variablerna i modellen som lyfts undersöks genom en enkätstudie och kortare intervjuserie i tandem med de statistiskt påvisade förhållandena för att se hur dessa två synsätt skiljer sig åt. I byggandet av modellen över hur stadens nätverk, struktur och bostadsutbud potentiellt påverkar privat bilinnehav per person valdes fyra huvudsakliga fysiska variabelteman: parkering (exempelvis cykel och bil), nätverk och densitet (exempelvis bebyggelsetäthet, trafiknätverksdensitet eller avstånd), bostäder (exempelvis utformning, upplåtelseform och medelstorlek) och kollektivtrafik (buss och spårvagn). Den resulterande modellen som visas till höger förklarar till 91,5% variansen av bilar per hushåll. Totalt testades 55 olika fysiska eller områdesbeskrivande variabler. Modellerna som studerades och enkätstudien pekar på underliggande faktorer som påverkar bilinnehavet. Studiens metod kan kritiseras utifrån sin avgränsning: att fokusera på fysiska faktorer, att utelämna hushållens ekonomiska förutsättningar och att privat parkering inte är inkluderat i modellen på grund av databrist. Dessa två faktorer ansågs vara av stor vikt enligt enkätstudiens respondenter och de planerare som intervjuades. Att känna till approximativa antalet bilar som kommer att finnas i ett område hjälper inte bara till att se hur många parkeringsplatser som behövs men även hur man skulle kunna styra bilinnehavet mot något mer i linje med den nuvarande målsättningen, att minska bilanvändande. Detta betyder inte att man kan förlita sig helt på den presenterade modellen och man kommer heller inte kunna se några exakta effekter från begräsningar av parkeringstal i den

Bicycle Parking in the City Centre: Nationaler Radverkehrsplan - Fahrradportal - Cycling Expertise

Thiemann-Linden, J., Van Boeckhout, S., Korn, S. 03 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

A Mini-Max Cost Projection Study of Long and Short Range Planning for Campus Parking at Bowling Green State University from 1960 Through 1975

Trowbridge, Keith W. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

Optimalizace návrhových prvků ČSN 73 6056 / Optimalization of design elements in ČSN 73 6056

Závadská, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis in general is about the basic standard for designing parking places, which is ČSN 73 6056 Parking areas for road vehicles. The aim of thesis was to find parameters to be updated since last version of standard in 2011. The basic step to reach this goal is detailed study of current standard, the standard before 2011 and other European standards. Parameters to upgrade could be size of design vehicle and some types of parking spaces. All results of analysis used for finding parameters to be changed are engaged in annexes of thesis.

Vilniaus m. automobilių stovėjimo vietų informacinės sistemos kūrimas / Development of the information system of parking lots in Vilnius city

Palevičius, Vytautas 21 July 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – sudaryti automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių ir atskirų automobilių stovėjimo vietų informacinę sistemą Vilniaus mieste. Taip pat sudaryti geoinformacinę sistemą, kurią naudojant galima parodyti automobilių aikštelių ir informacinių stendų išsidėstymą tarp atskirų rajono dalių, bei jų tipų ir automobilių aikštelių užimtumą. Magistro darbe analizuojama ir įdiegiama keturių lygmenų informacinė sistema t.y. Vilniaus miesto priemiesčiuose ties įvažiavimais, centrinėje miesto dalyje, gyvenamuosiuose rajonuose ir atskirose automobilių stovėjimo aikštelėse. Panaudojant GIS, sukurta automobilių aikštelių informacinės sistemos duomenų bazė, kuri leidžia lengviau susisteminti duomenis. / The goal of this paper is to create an informational system generalizing information on distribution of car parking in Vilnius. As well as this, to create a geoinformational system which could be used to visually demonstrate distribution of car parking information system between separate parts of Vilnius area and analysis of distribution of their types and car parking busy. In the paper the full analysis and instal car parking four level informational system of the town near entry, of the town centre, living district. Using GIS was created car parking information basis.

Parking policy and- problems in business areas with reference to the central business district of Paarl

King, David John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The problem of parking has been with mankind almost from the day that the first carriage was invented. Everyone that owns a motor car knows competing for a parking space in a town centre can be frustrating. This study sets out to explain the phenomenon of parking and attempts to discover how the demand and supply of parking interacts with one another. Parking demand and supply needs to be balanced by policy makers in local governments. Local govemments are in a unique position in laying down guidelines for the provision of parking. These guidelines can influence and direct the way in which parking is supplied in the central business district. A better understanding of parking demand was attained through examining parking behaviour in the central business district of Paarl. The demand for parking was measured and conclusions drawn regarding on-street and off-street parking provision. In-lieu parking fees were found to be a viable alternative to providing parking in the central business district. The minimum parking standards for Paarl were examined and the conclusion arrived at showed that the standards need to be revised. The standards seem to be too high if compared to the current supply of parking in the central business area. The main recommendations made in this study are that further parking survey studies . need to be conducted to forecast the demand for parking in the central business area over the short- to medium term. The Municipality of Paarl should adopt a comprehensive parking policy that guides and manages the provision of parking in the central business district. This policy should be continually adapted and updated to keep track with the changing nature of transport modes and behaviour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Parkering as 'n probleem is saam met die mensdom al vandat die eerste trekkar ontwikkel is. Elke motoreienaar weet dat dit baie frustrerend kan wees om parkeerplek in die dorpskern te soek. Die studie ondersoek die fenomeen van parkering en poog om te ondek hoe die vraag en aanbod van parkering by mekaar inskakel. Dit is die taak van beleidsmakers in plaaslike owerhede om parkeervraag en -aanbod te balanseer. Plaaslike owerhede is in 'n unieke posisie as dit kom by die ontwerp en implementering van regulasies oor parkeervoorsiening. Hierdie regulasies beïnvloed en lei die manier waaarop parkering in die sentrale sakekern voorsien word. 'n Beter begrip van parkeervraag is verkry deur parkeergedrag in die sentrale sakekern van die Paarl te ondersoek. Die vraag na parkering is gemeet oor 'n sekere tydperk en gevolgtrekkings oor op-straatse en af-straatse parkeervoorsiening is gemaak. Parkeervoorsieningsfooie in plaas van parkeerplekvoorsiening word gesien as 'n goeie alternatief om te sorg dat genoegsame parkeerplekke beskikbaar is in die sentrale kern. Die minimum parkeerstandaarde vir Paarl is ook ondersoek en die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat hierdie standaarde hersien moet word. Die standaarde kom voor as te hoog as dit vergelyk word met die huidige vraag na parkering in die sentrale sakekern. Die hoof aanbevelings wat in hierdie studie gemaak is sluit in dat verdere parkeerstudies gedoen moet word om die vraag na parkering te kan vooruitskat. Die vooruitskattings moet oor die kort- tot mediumtermyn geskied om te voorkom dat die data relevansie verloor. Paarl Munisipaliteit moet ook 'n omvattende parkeerbeleid wat die voorsiening en beheer van parkering defineer en lei daarstel. Die beleid moet gereeld verander en aangepas word om tred te hou met veranderings in vervoermodusse en parkeergedrag.

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