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Patientsäkra förmågor och beteenden : En begreppsanalys av non-technical skills i anestesiologisk omvårdnadAnker, Josephine, Hemström, Annika January 2020 (has links)
Hälso- och sjukvården är en komplex och riskfylld verksamhet där mänskliga faktorer och brister i kommunikation och samverkan kan orsaka vårdskador och onödigt lidande för patienten. För att öka patientsäkerheten inom anestesiologisk omvårdnad behöver specialistsjuksköterskan agera med ett visst beteende, de behöver så kallade non-technical skills [NTS]. Syftet med studien var att göra en begreppsanalys av NTS inom anestesiologisk omvårdnad. Metoden har utgått från Walker och Avants begreppsanalys i åtta steg och datainsamlingen har skett genom en variation av sökningar från ordböcker, litteratur, webbpublikationer samt vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att NTS beskrivs som kognitiva förmågor och sociala beteenden. Det finns sju kategorier: situationsmedvetenhet, beslutsfattande, hantera stress, hantera trötthet, kommunikation, teamarbetet och ledarskap med tillhörande element för att beskriva NTS. Attributen för NTS är 1) Anestesisjuksköterskan mobiliserar nödvändiga kognitiva förmågor vid omhändertagande av patienten. 2) Anestesisjuksköterskan uppvisar säkra sociala beteenden vid omhändertagande av patienten. 3) Anestesisjuksköterskan använder en kombination av kognitiva förmågor och sociala beteenden för ett säkert omhändertagande av patienten. Konsekvensen av NTS är patientsäker vård. Slutligen har anestesisjuksköterskans empiriska kännetecken sammanfattats och fallbeskrivningar skapats för att demonstrera hur begreppet framträder i verkligheten. Slutsatsen är att NTS kan definieras som patientsäkra förmågor och beteenden. När anestesisjuksköterskan använder sig av NTS uppstår patientsäker vård. I framtiden behövs djupare beskrivningar om hur anestesisjuksköterskan skapar situationsmedvetenhet och fattar beslut, hur strukturerade kommunikationsverktyg används och hur barriärer för att våga kommunicera med det multidisciplinära teamet kan ta sig i uttryck. Det behövs också tydligare beskrivningar av specialistsjuksköterskans ledarskap inom anestesiologisk omvårdnad. / Health care is a complex organization where human factors and deficiencies in communication and collaboration can cause unnecessary suffering for the patient. In order to increase patient safety in anesthesiologic care the specialist nurse need to act with a certain behavior, they need non-technical skills [NTS]. The aim of this study was to do a conceptual analysis of NTS in anesthesiologic care. The method was based on Walker and Avant's conceptual analysis in eight steps, and data was collected from dictionaries, literature, web publications and scientific articles. The result shows that NTS is described as cognitive abilities and social behaviors. Seven categories: situation awareness, decision-making, managing stress, coping with fatigue, communication, teamwork and leadership with related elements describes NTS. The attributes of NTS are 1) The nurse anesthetist mobilizes the necessary cognitive abilities in the care of the patient. 2) The nurse anesthetist exhibits safe social behavior when caring for the patient. 3) The nurse anesthetist uses a combination of cognitive abilities and social behaviors for the safe care of the patient. The consequence of NTS is patient-safe care. The conclusion is that NTS can be defined as patient-safe abilities and behaviors. When the nurse anesthetist uses NTS, patient-safe care arises. In the future deeper descriptions are needed about how the nurse anesthetist creates situational awareness and about the decision-making process, there is also a need to examine how structured communication tools are used and how barriers to daring to communicate within the multidisciplinary team can be expressed. Also, a clearer description of the leadership role of the specialist nurse in anesthesiologic care are needed.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hinder vid avvikelserapportering : En allmän litteraturstudie / Nurses' experiences of obstacles in error reporting : A literature reviewBertilsson, Sara, Engman, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Avvikelserapportering är en viktig del i sjuksköterskors arbete för att upptäcka brister inom verksamheten som kunnat medföra vårdskada och onödigt lidande för patienten. Trots regler och riktlinjer kring avvikelserapportering beslutar sjuksköterskor vid vissa tillfällen att inte rapportera en avvikelse. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hinder vid avvikelserapportering. En allmän litteraturstudie genomfördes med tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Därefter sammanställdes insamlade data genom innehållsanalys. För att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hinder vid avvikelserapportering identifierades fyra kategorier: bristande kunskap, brist på tid, brist på återkoppling och känslor av skam och rädsla. I resultatet framkom det att okunskap kring avvikelsehantering samt hög arbetsbelastning i förhållande till tidsbrist utgjorde ett hinder för sjuksköterskors avvikelserapportering. Sjuksköterskor uttryckte bristande återkoppling av avvikelser som en avgörande faktor i viljan att fortsätta rapportera avvikelser. Slutligen var känslor av skam och rädsla ett återkommande hinder för sjuksköterskorna. En ledning och verksamhet som kan skapa förutsättningar och hanterar dessa faktorer samt uppmuntrar till avvikelserapportering kan generera till fler avvikelserapporter. Samtidigt krävs fortlöpande kompetensutveckling och utbildning inom ämnesområdet för att sambandet mellan avvikelser och patientsäkerhet skall tydliggöras. / Error reporting is an important tool in detecting deficiencies and errors in healthcare services that could otherwise result in healthcare injuries and unnecessary suffering for patients. Despite rules and guidelines with requirements on error reporting, nurses sometimes decide not to report incidents. The aim of the literature study was to describe nurses' experiences of obstacles in error reporting. A general literature study was conducted with ten scientific articles with a qualitative approach. The collected data were then compiled through content analysis. Four categories of factors are identified: lack of knowledge, lack of time, lack of feedback and feelings of shame and fear. The results show that incident management and a high workload coupled with lack of time constitute an obstacle to nurses’ error reporting. Nurses express a lack of feedback on incidents as a decisive factor in the willingness to continue to report. Finally, feelings of shame and fear is a recurring obstacle for nurses. The study indicates that health systems management and leadership could generate higher levels of error reporting by paying close attention to these factors and encourage error reporting. At the same time, continuing professional development and training in the subject area for nurses are required to clarify the connection between incidents and patient safety
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Simulera mera : Ger övning färdighet?Björk, Johan, Ellery, Kristofer January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommunikation mellan personal inom hälso- och sjukvården är viktiga faktorer för att kunna garantera patienten säker vård. Sjuksköterskan ska ha kompetens att kunna fördela och koordinera uppgifter samt ha översikt av teamarbetet. Sjuksköterskan bör ha kunskap om säkerhetsarbete för att kunna garantera säker vård. Det finns ett uttryckt behov inom vården av relevanta och tidsenliga lag- och kommunikationsövningar, där teambaserade simulatorövningar framstår som en pedagogisk och tillförlitlig inlärningsmetod. Syfte: Att beskriva vad studenter vid ett lärosäte, som utbildar sig till specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård, anser om teambaserad fullskalesimulatorträning. Metod: En pilotstudie där 32 sjuksköterskor som studerar till specialister inom intensivvård, ombads svara på en enkät om vad de ansåg om en simulatorövning som de genomfört där omhändertagandet av svårt skadade patienter tränades i team. Resultat: Majoriteten av studenterna ansåg att simulatorövningen haft god effekt och beskrev att övningen haft positiv inverkan på deras förmåga att öva kommunikation i ett team samt att få tillämpa teori i praktik. De uttryckte önskemål om mer simulatorträning under utbildningen samt kontinuerlig övning i sin yrkesverksamma roll. Slutsats: Teambaserade fullskalesimulatorövningar tycks vara en pedagogisk inlärningsmetod för att öka kompetenser och lära studenter att arbeta tillsammans mot ett gemensamt mål. / Aim:To describe what nursing students, specializing in intensive care, at a university college think about team based simulation training. Background: Communication and organization in health care are important factors to ensure patient safety. Nurses are called upon to be able to distribute and coordinate work tasks, while at the same time nurses should also be aware of safety promotion in health care to be able to provide safe patient care. There is a need in healthcare for team and communication training where team based simulation appears to be a pedagogic and reliable educational tool. Method: A pilot study where 32 nurses specializing in intensive care, were asked to respond to a survey on what they thought about a previously performed team based full scale simulation training. Results: In general the students confirmed that the exercise had a positive impact on their ability to practice team communication skills and to apply theory in practice. They expressed a wish for more simulation training during their education and in their upcoming professional role. Conclusion: Team based full scale simulation exercises seem to be a pedagogical teaching method to enhance competences and teach students to work together toward a common goal.
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Orientation of Nurses Transitioning into Hospital Specialty UnitsChacko, Mary Laly 01 January 2016 (has links)
Competency-based nurse orientation programs focus on the new nursing graduate and experienced nurse employees' ability to perform skills necessary in a new work setting. The purpose of this project was to develop a learner-focused and competency-based orientation program for new nursing employees at a large urban hospital to enhance patient safety and nurse retention. The Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice model and guideline were used in the selection of articles with higher levels of evidence and research quality for the critical appraisal of literature in support of the program development. The best practices for nursing orientation content and delivery for positive effects on hospital finances, nurse turnover rates, and patient safety were the focus of the literature review. Benner's model of 5 levels of skill development was the theoretical framework for advancing skills of nurses who enter the orientation program with different expertise and skill sets. Nurse orientation materials and processes, comprising a collaborative team approach to orientation and a guideline for preceptor selection, were developed as the essential components for successful orientation at the project hospital. A nursing orientation based on the evidence may provide an infrastructure and operational process for the organization in developing the competencies of all levels of nurses, including experienced nurses transitioning to new units or duties. The social change resulting from the project will be a supportive and seamless transition of nurses into the new practice role and work environment. When implemented, this project is anticipated to increase nurse satisfaction, improve quality of health care delivery, decrease anxiety related to the new nursing role, and improve collegiality among all levels of nurses.
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A Nurse's Perception of Hand-Off Communication Before and After Utilization of the I-5 Verification of Information ToolBowersox, Maryann 01 January 2016 (has links)
Miscommunication or omission of critical patient information contributes to preventable
medical errors that result in 98,000 patient deaths each year. The hand-off
communication process creates a critical time for the patient as necessary information for
the continuity of care must be communicated. The purpose of this practice project was to
evaluate the nurses' perception of the current hand-off communication process before and
after an educational intervention and implementation of the I-5 Verification of
Information Tool. Registered nurses were asked to complete a pre survey of their
perception of the current hand-off communication process, followed by an educational
power point describing the I-5 Verification of Information Tool. Participants utilized the
I-5 Verification of Information Tool during hand-off over a 3-week period, and then were
asked to complete a post survey to evaluate the nurses' perception of the hand-off process
including of the I-5 Verification of Information Tool. A paired t test was used to
determine if there was a difference in the nurses' perception of the current hand-off
communication process before and after an educational intervention and implementation
of the I-5 Verification of Information Tool. Although there was no statistically significant
difference in the pre- and post-survey scores, post survey results demonstrated clinical
significance. This project has implications for positive social change by addressing nurse
communication as a method to improve the quality of hand-off reports, which has the
potential to reduce medical errors and improve patient outcomes.
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Staff Education Module for Bar Code Medication AdministrationJuste, Francoise 01 January 2018 (has links)
Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) is a technology-supported nursing tool that has become the standard of practice for medication administration. When used effectively and efficiently, this tool has the potential to reduce medication errors in acute care settings. In a pediatric unit at a major urban hospital in the northeast region of the United States, the absence of a BCMA nursing staff educational module affected the use of this safety tool leading to an increase of medication errors. The purpose of this DNP project was to develop a comprehensive educational module to promote BCMA in the pediatric unit of the hospital. Two theories were used to guide the translation of research into practice. Lewin's theory of planned change was used as a conceptual model to understand human behavior related to change management. Also employed was Benner's novice to expert theory to define the learning process. The research question for this project involved whether a staff education module of BCMA would optimize the medication administration process and prevent medication errors. The research design included an expert panel that used a 5-point Likert scale to evaluate the BCMA education module for clearness, effectiveness, relevance and utilization in practice. Subsequently, the effectiveness of the module was determined through a descriptive analysis. Findings that resulted from the analysis of the evidence revealed 80% percent felt the education module will increase BCMA compliance and all agreed the education module would help identify areas of needed improvement with the current process. The social change of this study will impact nurses to deliver medications safely with the use of BCMA resulting in improved patient outcomes and safe medication administration.
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Examining Nurse Satisfaction with a Bedside Handover Report ProcessPrincipe, Imelda C. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Nurses' job satisfaction affects work performance at the point of care in hospitals. The incoming nurses who are able to receive a comprehensive patient report at shift change are more prepared in comparison to incoming nurses who are not able to receive a comprehensive patient report to provide care that is safe. The purpose of this project, guided by the theory of organization change, was to explore whether the use of a bedside handover process impacts nurses' satisfaction in an adult postoperative orthopedic and spine unit. A post-implementation survey of the bedside handover process was conducted after one month and two months to examine registered nurses' (RN) (n = 50) satisfaction using a 7-question self-designed instrument with a reliability coefficient of 0.80. The Bedside Handover Report Staff Nurses' Satisfaction Survey consisted of 5-item Likert scale with scores ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The survey results found that RNs were satisfied with the bedside handover report process. Matched-pair t tests revealed significant differences between the first and second months after the handover report process was implemented. Specifically, 'Bedside handover report provides time for the incoming RN to verify patient's health issues' (p = .05),' I am satisfied with the handover report process conducted at the patient's bedside' (p = .01), and total score (p = .03) improved from the first to second month. A longitudinal study spanning 6 months to a year is recommended when the project will be implemented in the entire facility. A bedside handover report increases nurse satisfaction because the process allows the nurses to verify and address patient health issues that are essential for positive social change.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av överrapportering och dess inverkan på patientsäkerhet : En litteraturstudie / Nurses' experiences of shift report and its impact on patient safety : A literature reviewLindelöf Holmqvist, Johanna, Pedersen, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att säkerställa säker och kontinuerlig vård är det väsentligt att kommunikation och samverkan mellan sjukvårdspersonal fungerar. Exempel på sådan samverkan kan äga rum vid överrapportering mellan två sjuksköterskor under skiftbyte, vilket innebär att sjuksköterskor delger varandra väsentlig patientinformation. Informationsöverföring är ett särskilt utsatt riskområde i vården och ett kritiskt moment för att uppnå god patientsäkerhet. Det finns olika typer av överrapportering, det går även att anpassa överrapporteringen med olika modeller och verktyg. God kommunikation är ett av sjuksköterskans viktigaste redskap i omvårdnadsarbetet. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att belysa grundutbildade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av överrapportering och dess inverkan på patientsäkerheten. Metod: Litteraturstudien baserades på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats som sedan utgjorde studiens resultat. Artiklarna inhämtades från två olika databaser, med inriktning på omvårdnad. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades med SBU:s granskningsmall som underlag. Data analyserades i fem steg som tog isär artiklarnas helhet till delar. Slutligen bildade delarna en ny helhet. Resultat: Utifrån analysen kunde två teman identifieras och utifrån dem kunde tio tillhörande underkategorier formas. De två temana var Bygga en gemensam patientbild och Överrapportering. Konklusion: Överrapportering är en mångsidig process. Sjuksköterskor beskrev många upplevda faktorer som kunde påverka kvalitén på överrapporteringen och därmed hur överrapporteringen påverkade patientsäkerheten. Sjuksköterskor upplevde att en fullgod överrapportering hade positiv inverkan på patientsäkerheten. / Background: To ensure safe and continuous care it’s vital that communication and coordination amongst medical personnel is working. This type of coordination can take place during shift report between two nurses at shift change, during which nurses share vital patient information. Transfer of information is an especially vulnerable risk area within health care and a crucial moment to ensure patient safety. There are different types of shift report, different models and instruments can also be used to customize the shift report. Adequate communication is one of nurses’ most important tool in nursing care. Aim: The aim of the study is to highlight nurses’ experiences of shift report and its impact on patient safety. Method: The literature review was based on twelve scientific articles with qualitative study design that created the structure for the literature review’s result. The articles were retrieved from two databases focusing on nursing care. The articles’ quality was assessed using a template from the SBU. The data was analyzed in five steps where the essence from the articles’ results was extracted from a whole into individual parts. Finally, the parts were assembled making a new whole. Result: Two themes were identified from the analysis, and based on them ten subcategories could be created. The themes were Building a mutual patient picture and Experiences of shift report. Conclusion: Shift report is a many-sided process. Nurses described having experienced many different factors that could affect the quality of the shift report and therefore the shift report’s effect on patient safety. Nurses experienced that an adequate shift report had a positive impact on patient safety.
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Utmaningar för den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan : En litteraturstudie / Challenges for the newly graduated nurse : A literature studyEyre, Maria, Mattiasson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Background: Nurse's education includes theoretical and practical knowledge and the newly graduated nurse is expected to be ready for the upcoming working life, where nursing and patientsafe care should be provided based on the same guidelines as a seasoned nurse. How the first time in the profession is experienced is important for the continued role. Purpose: To describe the experience of being a newly graduated nurse. Method: A literature study containing 10 qualitative articles with analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman's model has been conducted. Results: Three themes have been identified that describe experiences of being a newly graduated nurse; uncertainty in nursing work, the importance of good communication and lifelong learning. Stress, nervousness and insecurity are emotions that occurred during the first time in the profession. Conclusion: A number of factors are important for the newly graduated nurse to feel safe in and develop in her profession. Supervision and security to colleagues had a major impact on how the first time in the profession was experienced, but also a lack of clinical knowledge regarding, above all, communication and the conduct of patient-safe care. By drawing attention to the experience of newly graduated nurses, it can provide a understanding of what measures need to be taken to promote professional development. / Bakgrund: I sjuksköterskans utbildning ingår teoretisk och praktisk kunskap och den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan förväntas vara redo för det kommande arbetslivet, där omvårdnad och patientsäker vård ska ges utifrån samma riktlinjer som en rutinerad sjuksköterska. Hur den första tiden i professionen upplevs har betydelse för den fortsatta rollen som sjuksköterska. Syfte: Att beskriva erfarenheter av att vara nyutexaminerade sjuksköterska. Metod: En litteraturstudie innehållande 10 kvalitativa artiklar med kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundmans modell har genomförts. Resultat: Tre teman har identifierats som beskriver erfarenheter av att vara nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska; osäkerhet i omvårdnadsarbetet, vikten av god kommunikation och livslångt lärande. Stress, nervositet och otrygghet är känslor som förekom under den första tiden i yrket. Slutsats: En rad faktorer är betydelsefulla för att den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan ska känna sig trygg i och utvecklas i sin profession. Handledning och trygghet till kollegor hade stor inverkan på hur första tiden i yrket upplevdes, men också brist på klinisk kunskap gällande framför allt kommunikation och bedrivandet av patientsäker omvårdnad. Genom att uppmärksamma de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter kan det ge en ökad förståelse för vilka åtgärder som behöver vidtas för att främja den professionella utvecklingen.
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Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamarbete : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Operating theatre nurses´experiences of teamwork : - A qualitative interview studyEmanuelz, Emelie, Näselius, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige inträffar cirka 110 000 vårdskador varje år där 45% av fallen innebär en förlängd sjukhusvistelse för patienten. Tidigare forskning har visat att teammedlemmarna i en operationssal har olika uppfattningar när det gäller teamarbete på sal. Samverkan i team är en viktig aspekt där alla olika yrkesprofessioner behövs för att kunna säkerställa att patienten erhåller en god och säker vård. Ett samarbete som fungerar väl och en god kommunikation leder till att misstag och felsteg kan elimineras och kan främja patientsäkerheten. Motiv: Författarna till föreliggande studie har under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen observerat hur brister i teamarbetet kan få förödande konsekvenser. Genom att genomföra intervjuer med fokus på operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamarbete skapas en ökad kunskap hos teammedlemmarna vilket kan leda till förbättrat teamarbete i operationssalen. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamarbete i operationssalen. Metod: Studien har utförts i kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta operationssjuksköterskor vid tre operationsavdelningar i Sverige. Data har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamarbete på operationssal redovisas i huvudkategorierna Strategier för att skapa ett positivt arbetsklimat, Tillvägagångssätt för kommunikation i teamet och Attityder i teamet med underliggande subkategorier. Konklusion: Operationssjuksköterskorna upplevde att kommunikationen hade betydelse för ett fungerande teamarbete. Vikten av en god kommunikation i teamet kunde påverka patientsäkerheten vilket kan ha betydelse för patientens liv. Att uppmärksamma operationssjuksköterskor om teamarbetets betydelse för patientsäkerheten, tror författarna är av vikt för att minimera antalet allvarliga händelser vilket kan leda till vårdskada. / Background: Approximately 110 000 healthcare injuries occur every year in Sweden, where 45% of the cases involve an extended hospital stay for the patient. Previous research has shown that team members in an operating room have different views of teamwork. Collaboration in the team is an important aspect where all different professions are needed to be able to ensure that the patient receives good and safe care. A collaboration that works well and good communication is required so that mistakes can be eliminated and promote patient safety. Motive: The authors have observed how deficiencies in the teamwork can have devastating consequences. By conducting interviews with a focus on the operating theatre nurses’ experiences of teamwork, increased knowledge is created among team members, which can improve teamwork in the operating room. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate operating theatre nurses’ experiences of teamwork in the operating room. Methods: The study was conducted in a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews with eight operating theatre nurses from three operating wards in Sweden. Data has been analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Result: Operating theatre nurses’ experiences of teamwork in the operating room are presented in the main categories Strategies for creating a positive work climate, Approaches to communication in the team and Attitudes in the team with underlying subcategories. Conclusion: The operating theatre nurses experienced that communication was of importance for a functioning teamwork. The importance of good communication in the operating team could affect patient safety which can have an impact on the patient’s life. The authors believe it is important to make operating theatre nurses aware of the importance of teamwork for patient safety, to minimize the number of serious incidents that can lead to a healthcare injury.
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