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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chefens roll i medarbetarsamtal : En kvalitativ studie om hur medarbetarsamtal som fenomen upplevs av chefer

Brandt, Ellinor, Eriksson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
The manager is a leading figure in the success of the private sector, an individual who has many tasks and areas of responsibility, one of which is performance appraisals (PA). This study uses the following definition of PAs coined by Fletcher (2001, p. 473) "a variety of activities through which organizations try to assess employees and develop their skills, improve performance and distribute rewards." Performance appraisal is one of the most used recipes in the Human Relations sector. The recipe that is used within organizations has a historically long connection back to the 1970s when the recipe first began to be implemented. Despite the fact that it is a well-known and well-used recipe, there are divided opinions about whether PAs are effective and legitimate.  Studies have shown that there are three variables that can affect the effectiveness of PAs, in those variables we find the most significant for this study as the appraisers role in the PAs. The problem formulated was; How do managers perceive performance appraisal? With this study we aim to understand first line managers' perceived reality of performance appraisal. Previous studies show that the inefficiency of employee interviews can depend on three different variables. The main factor in the variables lies with the appraiser, such as, managers. This study provides a deeper insight into the role of first-line managers at Scania and their experience of PAs, the purpose is to gain an understanding of their perceived reality of the phenomenon as an effective instrument.   When conducting this study, we have used an abductive approach, where we used a qualitative method. Ten semi-structured interviews have formed the basis for the collection of empirical data. Each of the respondents who participated in the study was selected through subjective selection. The interviews were conducted through video link, recorded and transcribed. Prior to the analysis, a coding was performed that resulted in three themes; process, experience and relationship. The empirical material together with the theories formed the basis for the analysis, which then led to the final analysis that revolves around employee conversation venn diagram that visualize the purpose of the study.  A common perception among all participants was that they had a positive mindset towards the instrument and the guidelines provided by the organization, Scania. The study concluded that first line managers perceive PAs as a good instrument that is being used in their daily process. Furthermore, they perceived the reality of the phenomenon were based on the following key variables; Balance, Communication and Responsibility. Additionally, the study confirmed that the managers perceive PAs as an effective tool for their own daily use. Finally, we found that the human factor in PA is perceived to be of great importance for managers in their managers culture. / Chefen är en ledande figur för den privata sektorns framgång, en individ som har många uppgifter och ansvarsområden, varav ett av dem är medarbetarsamtal. Denna studie använder sig av följande definition av medarbetarsamtal som är myntad av Fletcher (2001, s. 473) “a variety of activities through which organizations seek to assess employees and develop their competence, enhance performance and distribute rewards.”. Medarbetarsamtal erkänns som ett viktigt och användbart HR-recept som används inom organisationer och har historiskt sett en lång koppling ända till1970-talet där receptet först började implementeras. Trots att det är ett så pass känt och välanvänt recept så finns det delade meningar kring om medarbetarsamtal är effektivt och legitimt. Tidigare studier visar på att ineffektiviteten av medarbetarsamtal kan vara beroende av tre olika variabler. Den tyngsta faktorn i variablerna ligger på bedömaren, såsom chefen. Detta ledde tillstudiens frågeställning; Hur upplevs medarbetarsamtal av chefer? I denna studie ges en djupare inblick i första linjens chefsroll på Scania och deras upplevelse av medarbetarsamtal, syftet är attfå en förståelse för deras upplevda verklighet av fenomenet medarbetarsamtal. I genomförandet av denna studie har en abduktiv ansats använts, där vi använt oss av en kvalitativmetod. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer har legat till grund för empiriinsamlingen, där respondenterna som deltog i studien valdes ut genom ett subjektivt urval. Intervjuerna genomfördes via videolänk, spelades in och transkriberades. Inför analysen genomfördes en kodning som mynnade ut i tre teman; process, upplevelse och relation. Materialet tillsammansmed teorierna utgjorde grunden för analysen, vilket sedan ledde till slutanalysen som kretsar runt medarbetarsamtals-venndiagram som visualiserar studiens syfte.  I studien kom vi fram till följande slutsatser. Den första slutsatsen är att balans, kommunikation och ansvar är tre nyckelbegrepp som beskriver chefernas upplevda verklighet av medarbetarsamtal. Den andra är att medarbetarsamtal som fenomen upplevs som ett effektivt verktyg för den enskilda chefen. Den tredje och sista slutsatsen visar att den mänskliga faktorns roll i medarbetarsamtal upplevs vara av stor vikt för chefer i deras chefskultur.

A Multi-Attribute Approach to Understanding Image of a Theme Park: The Case of Santapark in Lapland

Haahti, Antti, Yavas, Ugur 01 August 2004 (has links)
This study investigates the image of a theme park by determining the relative importance of factors tourists rely on in their evaluations of a theme park and their assessments of that theme park in satisfying these motives. The analytical framework of the importance- performance technique is used in analyzing the data. The SantaPark in Rovaniemi, Finland serves as the study setting. Study results and their implications are discussed.

Impact of Organizational Signals on Dynamic Performance Appraisal

Dovel, Jordan 13 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of Performance Appraisal Purpose and Goal Orientation on Self-Efficacy

Smith, Ethan M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Medarbetarsamtal med stöd av en lärplattform – En studie om förskolechefers upplevelser och erfarenheter

Dorls, Patrick January 2017 (has links)
The digitalization of Swedish preschools can be shown by three different indicators. First, the on-going revision of the national curriculum for preschool where children’s digital competences will be added. Second, the research about how digital devices (e.g. tablets) are used in preschools (e.g. Kjällander & Moinian, 2014; Petersen, 2015). Third, the introduction of learning management systems (LMS) designed for preschools.In a recent article, preschool principals in Swedish municipalities are shown to be the group of principals with the largest amount of employees (Hägström, 2017, March).Therefore, this study’s aim is to get a better understanding in which way preschool principals experience that they can use their LMS in conjunction with performance appraisal interviews with their employees. Four research questions have been developed: (1) How do principals describe their use of a LMS?, (2) What do they experience the system give insight in and what not?, (3) To which extent do they regard that the performance appraisal interviews change while using a LMS? and (4) Which ethical dilemmas do preschool principals experience by using a LMS for performance appraisal interviews?Five preschool principals in one southern Swedish municipality have been interviewed. All respondents have been using their learning management system for performance appraisal interviews. The results have been analyzed by activity theory, in particular Engeström’s (2001, 2015) activity system and his cycle of expansive learning (Engeström, 1999, 2001).The findings show that preschool principals are part of an activity system with both resources and limitations. Resources by delegating tasks and discussing and sharing in groups, while their decisions can be limited by national laws and municipal orders. In this activity system, the learning management system can be used both as a communication and an administration tool to realize two of the principals’ outcomes with performance appraisal interviews: to increase the speech time for the employees and to give them possibility to see their own professional development.

Det är min skyldighet som chef! : En studie om chefers prestationssamtal med medarbetare

Kolmodin, Rebecca, Johansson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att studera hur chefer förbereder, genomför och utvecklas av prestationssamtal med medarbetare på arbetsplatsen. Med prestationssamtal menas de formella samtal/möten som innefattar att chefen tar upp en medarbetares prestation. Detta har undersökts genom frågeställningarna: Hur förbereder chefer sig inför ett prestationssamtal?, Hur beskriver chefer sin roll under ett prestationssamtal? samt Vilka lärdomar drar chefer från olika prestationssamtal?. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom åtta semistruktureradeintervjuer med chefer som har eller har haft personalansvar. Databearbetningen har genomförts genom en tematisk analys, där resultatet analyserats utifrån Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv samt Illeris syn på lärande. Studien har funnit att det finns en variation i hur chefer förbereder sig inför prestationssamtal. Förberedelser som bland annat nämnts är att gå igenom anteckningar, ta fram dagordningar, samla bakgrundsfakta, samt gå igenom eventuella mallar. Vidare har studien presenterat att chefer beskriver sina roller i prestationssamtal olika. Något som bedömdes vara gemensamt är att det finns en ökad struktur och tydlighet i de roller som innefattade att ta upp en medarbetares prestation. Samtliga chefer förklarade med varierande ord att erfarenheter är viktiga i prestationssamtal. Lärdomar som cheferna nämnt är exempelvis vikten av relationsuppbyggnad, förberedelser, individanpassning samt att vara tydlig i sin roll. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att det finns individuella skillnader i omständigheterna kring samtalet beroende påbland annat vilken typ av prestationssamtal cheferna pratade om och även vilken medarbetare de pratade med. / This study aims to examine how managers prepare, conduct and develop their knowledge through performance interviews with employees in the workplace. With performance interviews we mean the formal discussions or meetings where the manager addresses an employee's performance. This has been investigated through the following questions: How do managers prepare for a performance interview?, How do managers describe their role during a performance interview? and What lessons do managers learn from different performance interviews?. The empirical material gathered consists of eight semi-structured interviews with managers who have or have had staff responsibility. The data processing has been carried out through a thematic analysis where the results have been analyzed with the help of Goffman's dramaturgical approach and Illeris’ concept of learning. The study has found that there is a variation in how managers prepare for performance interviews. Preparations that were mentioned included going through notes, drawing up agendas, researching background facts and reviewing meeting templates. Furthermore, we have also found that managers describe their roles in performance interviews differently. But something that all the managers described, in different ways, was an increased structure and clarity in their role and communication with an employee when discussing their performance. All managers explained in varying words that experience is important in relation to performance interviews. Different lessons learned by the managers include the importance of building relationships with the employees, preparation, individual adaptation and being clear in their role. Overall, individual differences emerged depending on the manager we spoke to, the type of performance interview they were talking about, and also the individual they were dealing with.

The Need for Capacity Building in Human Resource Management Related Issues: A Case Study from the Middle East (Lebanon)

El Mouallem, Lara, Analoui, Farhad 06 1900 (has links)
Yes / The remarkable evolution in the twentieth century has been a result of a new perspective in understanding the importance of investing in individuals and organizational human resources, and the implementation of capacity building strategies in various organizations and in societies. This paper explores the case of ICO, an international consultancy organization, based in the Middle East, specialized in architecture, engineering, planning, environment and economics. This qualitative study, using thirteen selected semi-structured interviews, observations, and secondary data, has been conducted in the Beirut design office of the organization. The paper aims to examine major human resource related capacity building themes in ICO which include employee involvement and motivation, recruitment and selection, in addition to performance appraisal and reward management.

Cognitive processing models in performance appraisal: evidence from the Malaysian education system

Spicer, David P., Ahmad, Rusli January 2006 (has links)

The dilemma of performance appraisal

Prowse, Peter J., Prowse, Julie M. 04 December 2009 (has links)
No / This paper deals with the dilemma of managing performance using performance appraisal. The authors will evaluate the historical development of appraisals and argue that the critical area of line management development that was been identified as a critical success factor in appraisals has been ignored in the later literature evaluating the effectiveness of performance through appraisals. This paper will evaluate the aims and methods of appraisal, the difficulties encountered in the appraisal process. It also re-evaluates the lack of theoretical development in appraisal and moves from the psychological approaches of analysis to a more critical realisation of approaches before re-evaluating the challenge to remove subjectivity and bias in judgement of appraisal.

Veiklos vertinimo sistema Lietuvos viešojo administravimo institucijose ir įstaigose / Performance appraisal system in institutions and agencies of Lithuanian public administration

Adomaitytė, Alma 05 July 2011 (has links)
Darbuotojų veiklos vertinimas yra svarbi tiek viešojo administravimo, tiek privačios organizacijos vadybos sritis, skatinanti organizaciją ir jos žmogiškuosius išteklius tobulinti veiklą, didinti produktyvumą, bei suteikti darbuotojams grįžtamąjį ryšį. Darbe keliami šie probleminiai klausimai: kokie pagrindiniai Lietuvos viešojo administravimo darbuotojų vertinimo sistemos teoriniai ir praktinio įgyvendinimo privalumai ir trūkumai? kokia žmogiškojo faktoriaus įtaka tobulinant viešojo administravimo darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo sistemą? Tyrimo objektu laikomas darbuotojų veiklos vertinimas Lietuvos viešojo administravimo institucijose ir įstaigose. Veiklos vertinimas darbe analizuojamas kaip procesas, kuriuo vertinama individuali darbuotojo veikla, ne organizacijos visuminė veikla. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti Lietuvos viešojo administravimo institucijose ir įstaigose egzistuojančią veiklos vertinimo sistemą, nustatyti jos atitiktį teoriniams veiklos vertinimo modeliams ir išryškinti vertinimo sistemos teorinio pagrindo bei praktinio jo taikymo santykį bei tobulinimo perspektyvas. Šiam tikslui pasiekti darbe keliami šie uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti teorinius veiklos vertinimo modelius, išryškinti veiklos vertinimo sistemos sudedamąsias dalis. 2. Išanalizuoti Lietuvos viešojo administravimo institucijų ir įstaigų darbuotojų veiklos vertinimą reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, išryškinti jų teorinius privalumus ir trūkumus. 3. Nustatyti Lietuvos viešojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Personnel performance appraisal is a substantial area of both public administration and private organization management. It encourages an organization and human resources of organization to improve its activity, enhance productivity and provide a feedback for personnel. This work contains of further problematic questions: what are advantages and disadvantages of academic performance appraisal system and practical implementation of Lithuanian public administration? What is the impact of human factor for the improvement of public administration staff performance appraisal system? The object of research is a performance appraisal off staff in institutions and agencies of Lithuanian public administration. In this work appraisal of activity is analysed as a process by which individual employee activity, but not entirety of organization activity is assessed. The purpose of research – to analyse the existing activity performance appraisal system of Lithuanian public administration in institutions and agencies, to identify this system coincidence to academic models of performance appraisal and highlight the relation between academic basis of activity assessment and practical adaptation and improvement perspectives. For this purpose the main tasks are set: 1. To analyse and summarize academic models of performance appraisal, to highlight the main components of performance appraisal system. 2. To analyse the legislation that regulates personnel performance appraisal in institutions... [to full text]

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