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Degradação do conservante etilparabeno por processos eletroquímicos e fotoquímicos acompanhados por CLAE utilizando filmes finos baseados em TiO2 / Degradation of the ethylparaben preservative for electrochemical and photochemical processes followed by HPLC using thin films based on TiO2Emerson Jeronymo Eduardo 06 October 2016 (has links)
Desreguladores Endócrinos (DE) é um termo dado a todos agentes ou substâncias químicas que promovem alterações no sistema endócrino e hormonal dos seres vivos. Estes compostos são encontrados em quantidades escalares micrométricas ou até mesmo nanométricas, em várias matrizes ambientais aquáticas, oriundos dos mais diferentes meios, notavelmente, dos esgotos das residenciais, industriais e agropecuário. Bem como, são derivados químicos antropogênicos, provenientes de pesticidas, plásticos, detergentes, lacas, tintas e ainda estão presentes em cosméticos, medicamentos e alimentos, dentre outros. Neste trabalho estudouse a degradação eletroquímica e fotoquímica do DE conservante parabeno, denominado etilparabeno. A degradação eletroquímica se deu por meio da técnica a potencial controlado, denominada cronoamperometria, enquanto que a fotoquímica se deu por meio das técnicas fotólise, fotocatálise e eletrofotocatálise. Dedicou-se a técnica eletrofotocatalitica uma maior atenção, pois atribui-se a ela a possibilidade de agir de forma extremamente eficaz na degradação de poluentes orgânicos. O agente catalítico utilizado no revestimento das superfícies dos eletrodos foi, o dióxido de titânio (TiO2), depositado por técnicas distintas, tanto para a formação dos nanotubos, quanto para aderência das nanopartículas de TiO2@SiO2 ao substrato. Nas técnicas fotocatálise e eletrofotocatálise estudou-se comparativamente a eficiência dos eletrodos revestidos de nanopartículas (CNP), nanotubos (CNT) e nanotubos revestidos com nanopartículas de TiO2@SiO2 (CNT/P). As degradações do etilparabeno foram acompanhadas por espectrofotometria na região do UV-Vis, cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e espectrometria de massas (MS) Os resultados da degradação fotoquímico e eletroquímico do etilparabeno foram abordados em termos qualitativos por meio de cromatogramas e quantitativos por meio das propriedades da lei cinética das reações, constante da velocidade (k) e tempo de meia vida (t1/2). Por fim, os produtos da degradação foram identificados por meio de espectroscopia de massas MS e COT onde por meio destes resultados foi sugerido um mecanismo para a reação eletrofotocatalitica utilizando o catalisador CNT/P e ainda, testou-se o seu grau de toxidade por meio do teste fitotóxico com sementes de lactuca sativa (alface lisa). / Desreguladore Endocrine (DE) is a term given to all agents or chemicals that promote changes in the endocrine and hormonal system of living thing. These chemicals are found in scalar quantities (micrometer or even nanometric) in various aquatic environmental matrices, deriving from different means, notably from residential sewage, industrial and agricultural and are derived from anthropogenic chemicals from pesticides, plastics , detergents, lacquers, paints, is still present in cosmetics, medicines and food, among others. In this work we studied the electrochemical and photochemical degradation of DE ethylparaben preservative. Electrochemical degradation occurred through the controlled potential technique, called chronoamperometry, while the photochemical was through the photolysis, photocatalysis and electro photocatalysis techniques, while the later received more attention due to better performance. The catalyst used on the surface electrode coating was titanium dioxide (TiO2), deposited by three different techniques, for both the formation of nanotubes, both of TiO2 and for the adhesion of the nanoparticles of TiO2@SiO2 to the substrate. The photocatalysis and electro photocatalysis technique were studied comparing the effectiveness of coated electrodes nanoparticles (CNP), nanotubes (CNT) and nanotubes coated with nanoparticles of TiO2@SiO2 (CNT/P). The ethylparaben degradations were accompanied by spectrophotometrically in the UV-Vis region, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS). The results of electrochemical and photochemical degradation of ethylparaben were discussed in qualitative terms by chromatograms and quantitative kinetic law by means of the properties of reaction, rate constant (k) and half-life (t1/2). Finally, the degradation products were identified by mass spectroscopy MS and also tested for its degree of toxicity by the test phytotoxic seed Lactuca sativa (butter lettuce).
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Estudo de espécies de transigentes em reações iniciadas por laser / Excited transient species produced in multiphoton dissociation processesHarrald Victor Linnert 07 August 1989 (has links)
Esta tese explora a potencialidade da radiação roveniente de um laser de gás carbônico para iniciar a combustão-modelo de substâncias simples oxigenadas com o bjetivo de estabelecer algumas das reações elementares relevantes ao processo de combustão. Esta tese é baseada no fato de que espécies intermediárias são geradas frequentemente em estados eletrônicos excitados no pulso do laser. O decaimento destas espécies em função do tempo foi observado pelas medidas de emissão por meio de uma fotomultiplicadora acoplada a filtros de interferência de banda estreita e, registrado em um osciloscópio de 100 MHz cuja base de tempo é gatilhada pelo laser de CO2. A evolução temporal do sinal de emissão foi analisada por um modelo cinético que compreende: 1) um processo de de pseudo-primeira ordem resultante por excitação multifotônica vibracional de colisões moduladas, e 2) decaimento através de emissão espontânea, reações químicas ou supressão radiativa. A cinética resultante das curvas experimentais foi obtida por um método de ajuste de curvas por simulação em um microcomputador. Os sistemas químicos estudados nesta tese compreendem o metanol, etanol, n-propanol, n-butanol e o éter dietílico. A eficiência na formação de C2, CH e OH foi estabelecida pela medida da intensidade e o tempo de subida da quimiluminescência determinado de acordo com o procedimento mencionado acima. A análise das curvas de subida e descida foram estudadas com o precursor puro e na presença de Ar, O2, NO, H2, Cl2, CH4 e C2H6, utilizando nestes casos pressões relativamente altas para garantir um número elevado de colisões. Nos sistemas em mistura com ar ou O2 as espécies emissivas CH e OH apresentam um prolongamento do tempo de decaimento, em geral não-exponencial. Ao mesmo tempo a intensidade relativa dos sinais de quimiluminescência atinge um máximo, sendo particularmente significativa para a espécie OH a uma determinada pressão de oxigênio. Misturas de etanol com O2/Ar resultam para a espécie OH num aumento no valor da vida média radiativa, enquanto que em misturas com CO, C2H6 e propileno (C3H6) é observado uma diminuição significativa. No caso de CO este comportamento é assumido como sendo de processos de relaxação, tendo-se para os dois últimos um processo de abstração de hidrogênio por parte da espécie OH. A presença de um inibidor de reações de radicais livres, NO, tem pouco efeito nos valores das constantes das espécies estudadas. Entretanto, a emissão da espécie OH foi totalmente suprimida em misturas do precursor com Cl2. Neste caso a observação de CH3CL por cromatografia em fase gasosa sugere que reações químicas de alguns dos fragmentos primários inibem o adicional bombeamento pelo laser. Um modo particular de se interpretar o possivel mecanismo de formação das espécies transientes, foi desenvolvido através do cálculo teórico RRKM dos principais processos primários aventados para a decomposição por excitação multifotônica vibracional da molécula de etanol. O cálculo RRKM foi modelado para a eliminação de H2O, processo majoritário a pressões baixas, e diferentes processos de cisões que passam a ter importância a intensidades elevadas de laser. O cálculo teórico mostra claramente que a eliminação de H2O é o canal preferido a baixas energias de excitação, sendo rapidamente reposto pelos outros canais a valores maiores de energia. Um efeito similar é observado para a decomposição unimolecular completa em função da pressão, onde a pressões elevadas, os processos de cisão com produção de radicais livres são dominantes como conseqüência da desativação das moléculas com energia mínima antes que sofram reação química. / This thesis explores the use of a CO2 laser to initiate combustion type reactions in a number of simple oxygen containing organic compounds. This method offers a potential tool to isolate and establish some of the elementary reactions responsible for the initial steps of combustion reactions. The core of the thesis is based on the fact that transient chemical species are generated in electronically excited states by the laser pulse. The time dependent behavior of this species has been observed by measuring the emission on a fast photomultiplier provided with narrow band filtres, and recording it on a 100 MHz oscilloscope triggered by the laser pulse. The time evolution of the emission signal has been analyzed by a kinetic model which includes: 1) an ill-defined pseudo-first arder process as a consequence of collisionally modulated multiphoton vibrational excitation, and 2) decay through spontaneous emission, chemical reaction ar radiative quenching. The resulting kinetics were fitted to the experimental curves by computer simulation. The chemical systems covered in this thesis include methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, n-butanol and diethyl ether. Under pulsed CO2 laser radiation, the efficiency of formation of C2, CH and OH have been established by intensity measurements and the rise time for chemiluminescence determined according to the procedure mentioned above. Emission rise times and decays were studied for the neat systems and in the presence of Ar, O2, NO, H2, CH4, and C2H6 at pressures for which collisional processes are important. Emission from the CH and OH species are sustained for longer times in the presence of air or O2 and the decay becomes distincly non-exponential. There is also a significant intensity effect which is particularly noticeable for OH which reaches a maximum at a given oxygen pressure. Mixtures af ethanol with O2/Ar result in longer lifetimes for OH whereas in mixtures with CO, C2H6 and C3H6 a significant decrease is observed. In the case af CO, this behavior is assumed ta be due to relaxation processes, while in the latter cases hydrogen abstraction by OH is presumably responsible for the decrease. The presence of the well known scavenger NO had little effect on the rate constants used to describe the emission process. On the other hand, OH emission was completely quenchend in mixtures of the precursor with Cl2. In this case, the observation of CH3Cl by gas chromatography suggests that chemical reaction of some of the primary dissociation fragments inhibits further laser pumping. An attempt to understand the possible mechanism for the formatiun of the transient species was developed through the use of an RRKM calculation of the primary dissociation processes of ethanol under multiphoton excitation. The RRKM calculations were modelled for the H2O elimination, the main process at low pressures, and different bond scission processes which may become important at higher laser intensities. The theoretical calculation clearly shows that H2O elimination is the preferred pathway at lower excitation energies but is rapidly replaced by the other channels at higher energy contents. A similar effect is observed for the complete unimolecular decomposition as a function of pressure, where at the higher pressures, the bond scission processes yielding free radicals are dominant as a consequence of the deactivation of the molecules with threshold energies before they can undergo chemical reaction.
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Photochemical Silaylide, Silylene and Silene SynthesesTan, Changqing 08 1900 (has links)
The synthesis of o-(N,N-dimethylamino)methylphenyl tris (trimethylsilyl) silane (II), a photochemical precursor of o- (N,N-dimethylamino) methylphenyl (trimethylsilyl) sila ammonium ylide (intramolecular silylene complex) and otolyl(trimethylsilyl)silylene is reported. Photolysis of II at room temperature in a cyclohexane solution of triethyl silane produced the silylene ylide and the presumably uncomplexed isomer, a silylene, which is trapped to afford the 2-(o-(N,N-dimethylamino)methylphenyl) -1,1,1-triethyl 3,3,3-trimethyltrisilane, 33% yield. A second decomposition pathway, a photodeamination, produced o-tris(trimethyl silyl) silyltoluene. UV spectra of the silaammonium ylide formed in the photochemical reaction of II was observed at 77k in hard or soft matrices.
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Modélisation des processus bio-physico-chimiques du milieu nuageux : devenir de la matière organique / Modelling the bio-physico-chemical processes of the cloudy environment : future of the organic matterPerroux, Hélène 22 December 2017 (has links)
Le rôle des nuages sur la composition chimique atmosphérique est encore mal connu. Les composés chimiques présents sous forme de particules et de gaz sont transformés efficacement lors de leur passage dans le nuage par des processus photochimiques et microbiologiques. Les objectifs de ce travail de thèse étaient d’analyser l’efficacité de ces processus dans la transformation des composés chimiques à l’aide du modèle multiphasique de chimie du nuage CLEPS (CLoud Explicit Physico-chemical Scheme). Le premier travail a consisté à étudier la capacité oxydante du nuage sur la base de comparaisons entre des données expérimentales et simulées de vitesses de production du radical HO• pour des eaux nuageuses prélevées au puy de Dôme. Ces comparaisons ont montré que la photoréactivité du fer comme source de ce radical est surestimée par le modèle. Cela provient de la complexation du fer dans les échantillons naturels qui n'est pas considérée dans le modèle. Le modèle a également montré que la photolyse du peroxyde d’hydrogène représente la voie majoritaire dans la formation des radicaux HO•. Dans un second temps, les hypothèses formulées lors de la construction du nouveau mécanisme chimique en phase aqueuse CLEPS ont été validées par le biais d’expériences d’irradiation sur un composé cible, l’acide tartronique, réalisées en laboratoire et simulées avec le modèle. Le travail expérimental a confirmé la formation de l’acide glyoxylique prédite par le mécanisme en phase aqueuse du modèle. Ce dernier reproduit l’évolution temporelle des concentrations en acide tartronique et de son premier produit d’oxydation, l’acide glyoxylique mais sous-estime la formation de l’acide formique qui est un des produits finaux de l’oxydation de l’acide tartronique. Enfin, le modèle a été développé pour prendre en compte des vitesses de biodégradation mesurées en laboratoire. Le modèle permet de comparer l’efficacité des processus radicalaire et microbiologique dans la dégradation de quatre espèces chimiques en testant l’effet de paramètres environnementaux clés (température, flux actinique). L’activité biologique a été reconnue comme plus efficace dans le scénario estival que dans le cas hivernal et la contribution des microorganismes la nuit est dominante pour les deux scénarios. Un test de sensibilité a démontré que la contribution de l’activité microbienne dans la dégradation des composés chimiques est fortement accrue par rapport à la réactivité photochimique lorsque le fer est entièrement complexé. / The role of clouds on the atmospheric chemical composition is still poorly known. The chemical compounds under the form of particles and gases are efficiently transformed in the cloud by photochemical and microbiological processes. The thesis objectives were to analyze the efficiency of these processes in the transformations of the chemical compounds using the multiphase cloud chemistry model CLEPS (CLoud Explicit Physico-chemical schema). The first work consisted in studying the cloud oxidizing capacity based on comparisons between HO• radical production rates for irradiated cloud water sampled at the puy de Dôme station determined experimentally in the lab data and modeled with CLEPS. These comparisons showed that the model overestimates the contribution of the iron photolysis in the production of HO• radicals. This is due to the complexation of iron in cloud water samples that is not considered in the model due to the lack of data. The model also showed that the photolysis of hydrogen peroxide represents the major source of the HO• radicals in the aqueous phase. Secondly, the new protocol for cloud aqueous phase oxidation of organic compounds developed to build the CLEPS model was validated based on irradiation experiments of a target compound, the tartronic acid that were simulated by the model. The experimental work confirmed the formation of glyoxylic acid predicted by the aqueous phase mechanism in the model. It reproduces the temporal evolution of the concentrations of tartronic acid and of its first oxidation product, the glyoxylic acid but underestimates the formation of formic acid which is one of final products of the tartronic acid oxidation. Finally, the model was developed to take into account biodegradation rates measured in the laboratory. The model allows comparing the efficiency of the chemical and microbiological processes for the degradation of four chemical species and testing the effect of key environmental parameters (temperature, actinic flow). The biological activity was recognized as more effective in the summer case than in the winter case and the contribution of microorganisms the night is dominant for both scenarios. A sensitivity test demonstrated that the contribution of the microbial activity in the degradation of the chemical compounds is strongly increased in comparison with the photochemical reactivity when the iron is supposed to be totally complexed.
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Edifices porphyrine-diaryléthène : synthèses et propriétés / Porphyrin-diarylethene scaffolds : synthesis and propertiesBiellmann, Thomas 19 May 2017 (has links)
Visant des applications en électronique moléculaire, de nouveaux édifices moléculaires combinant quatre dithiényléthènes (DTEs) et une porphyrine ont été synthétisés par de nouvelles voies de synthèse. Les études en solution par photochimie ou spectroélectrochimie des édifices tetraDTEs-porphyrine métallée ou base livre ont montré l’efficacité (62-88 pourcent) des photochromes en tant qu’interrupteurs et la possibilité de lire l’état des DTEs par la fluorescence de la porphyrine. Pour mieux comprendre les interactions électroniques DTEs- porphyrines, des édifices plus simples, bis(porphyrine)DTE, déjà partiellement étudiés dans la littérature, ont été explorés. L’ensemble de ces études à mis en évidence l’impact des métaux sur la capacité photochromique des édifices dithiényléthène – porphyrine. / The main purpose of this thesis was the synthesis of new molecular structures, combining dithienylethenes and porphyrins, for applications in molecular electronics and spintronic. Metallated and free base porphyrins bearing four DTEs were characterizes and studied in solution by photochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry. The efficiency of switching of our systems reach 88 percent and strong quenching porphyrin’s fluorescence was reported. New synthetic pathways were investigated to prepare a broader scope of tetraDTEs-porphyrin derivatives. Moreover, to better understand the electronic communications between DTEs and porphyrins, a simpler bis(porphyrin)DTE molecular structure was synthetized and studied. These studies demonstrated showed the important role of the metal on photochromic behavior of dithienylethene – porphyrin architectures.
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Conception et application de nouveaux outils photochimiques pour l’étude des récepteurs canaux P2X / Conception and application of new photochemical tools to study P2X receptorsPeverini, Laurie 02 November 2017 (has links)
Les récepteurs P2X (P2XR), activés par l’ATP, sont impliqués dans des rôles physiopathologiques. Leur fonctionnement est associé à différents états conformationnels. Le projet de thèse a mené à associer la synthèse organique et l’application de molécules photo-activables avec des techniques d’électrophysiologie patch-clamp, pour décortiquer les mouvements moléculaires de ces récepteurs et effectuer des relations structure-fonction, via trois stratégies : - La synthèse et application d’agrafes photo-isomérisables qui permet le photo-contrôle des P2XR et l’étude de mouvements - La synthèse et caractérisation d’un acide aminé (aa) photo-clivable pour étudier les implications de zones sur la fonction des P2XR via une photolyse - L’incorporation d’un aa non naturel dans les P2XR pour étudier des interactions et mouvements via un « photo-pontage ». Nous avons élucidé les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la perméabilité des P2XR, récusé l’existence de l'état dilaté et identifié un cation organique physiologique pouvant les traverser. Nous avons aussi conçu un acide aminé photo-clivable pouvant mener à des études structure-fonction des P2XR. / P2X receptors are cationic ligand-gated ion channels, activated by extracellular ATP, involved in many physio-pathological roles. Their function is associated with different allosteric states. During this PhD, we have designed three new strategies, spanning photochemical organic synthesis and patch-clamp electrophysiology to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in these conformational states and to collect data in order to study structure-function relationships. - Synthesis and application of molecular tweezers, which allows the photo-control of P2X Rand the study of molecular motions - Synthesis and characterization of a photo-cleavable amino acid with the aim of incorporating it into P2XR and doing structure-function relationships - Incorporation of an unnatural amino acid for photo-crosslinking studies. We have been able to probe the molecular mechanism involved in large organic cations permeation of P2XR, to bring into question the dilated state and to identify a physiological cation that can flow through P2XR. We have also designed a photo-cleavable amino acid which could serve in the study of structure-function relationships.
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Valorisation de la biomasse pour l'élaboration de matériaux bioactifs sous irradiation / Valorization of biomass for the design of bioactive materials under irradiationModjinou, Tina 03 July 2017 (has links)
La valorisation des dérivés phénoliques et terpéniques issus de la biomasse s’insère parfaitement dans le défi actuel de nos sociétés qui pousse la chimie traditionnelle à évoluer vers une chimie durable. De par leur nature insaturée, les terpènes se montrent particulièrement intéressants pour synthétiser de nouveaux matériaux par réaction de chimie thiol-ène. Parallèlement, les dérivés phénoliques peuvent être facilement modifiés en synthons insaturés, susceptibles de réagir dans ces mêmes réactions. Ainsi, une large gamme de matériaux à base de linalol et d’eugénol a été élaborée sous irradiation UV. Une approche par photochimie a été privilégiée puisqu’elle s’inscrit parfaitement dans le cadre d’une chimie plus respectueuse de l’environnement. L’effet bénéfique des fonctions oxygénées du linalol et du phénol de l’eugénol sur l’activité antibactérienne a été démontré contre deux souches bactériennes principalement responsables du développement des maladies nosocomiales : S. aureus et E. coli. L’incorporation de nanoparticules de ZnO, de carvacrol ou d’acide tannique lors de la réaction de réticulation permet d’améliorer les propriétés antimicrobiennes de manière significative. L’association avec des polyesters semi-cristallins biosourcés et biodégradables présente une alternative intéressante pour optimiser les performances thermomécaniques des matériaux obtenus.Un deuxième type de matériaux a été synthétisé par photo-réticulation de dérivés phénoliques époxydés comme le résorcinol ou l’eugénol. La polymérisation cationique par ouverture de cycle photoamorcée permet la synthèse de matériaux dont les propriétés mécaniques sont plus élevées que les matériaux obtenus par réaction thiol-ène, et d’autre part de s’affranchir de l’agent réticulant à base de thiol. La synthèse de différents dérivés de l’eugénol mono-époxydés offre l’avantage de pouvoir moduler la composition des matériaux obtenus qui peuvent contenir des fonctions phénol et/ou des insaturations. Les groupements phénols sont indispensables à l’activité antibactérienne et sont à l’origine des propriétés anti-oxydantes. La possibilité d’introduire des insaturations permet une post- fonctionnalisation de la surface des matériaux.Ainsi une large gamme de matériaux réticulés, biosourcés et bioactifs dont les propriétés varient de l’élastomère au thermodurcissable a été synthétisée sous irradiation / The valorization of phenolic and terpene derivatives of biomass is perfectly in line with the current challenge of our societies that drives traditional chemistry to evolve towards a sustainable chemistry. Because of their unsaturated nature, terpenes are particularly interesting for synthesizing new materials by thiol-ene chemistry. At the same time, the phenolic derivatives can easily be modified to unsaturated synthons capable of reacting in these same reactions. Thus, a wide range of materials based on linalool and eugenol has been developed under UV irradiation. An approach by photochemistry has been selected since it fits perfectly within the framework of a chemistry more respectful of the environment. The beneficial effect of the oxygenated functions of linalol and phenolic functions of eugenol on antibacterial activity was demonstrated against two bacterial strains mainly responsible for the development of nosocomial diseases: S. aureus and E. coli. The incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles, carvacrol or tannic acid during the crosslinking reaction makes it possible to improve the antimicrobial properties significantly. The association with semi-crystalline biobased and biodegradable polyesters presents an interesting alternative to optimize the thermomechanical performance of the obtained materials.A second type of materials has been synthesized by photocrosslinking epoxidized phenolic derivatives such as resorcinol or eugenol. The photoinitiated cationic polymerization by opening of the ring enables the synthesis of materials whose mechanical properties are higher than the materials obtained by thiol-ene reaction and on the other hand to get rid of the thiol-based crosslinking agent. The synthesis of various monoepoxidized eugenol derivatives offers the advantage of being able to modulate the composition of the obtained materials which may contain phenol functions and / or unsaturations. The phenol groups are essential to the antibacterial activity and lead to the antioxidant properties. The possibility of introducing unsaturations allows a post-functionalization of the surface of the materials.Thus, a wide range of crosslinked, biosourced and bioactive materials whose properties vary from elastomer to thermosetting have been synthesized under irradiation
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Étude des cibles bactériennes du procédé photocatalytique : devenir des bioaérosols dans les filtres photocatalytiques / Study of the potential bacerial targets of photocatalysis : analysis of the behaviour of microorganisms within photocatalytic filtersPigeot-Rémy, Stéphanie 07 February 2012 (has links)
La qualité de l’air que nous respirons à l’intérieur des espaces clos est devenue une préoccupation environnementale majeure. Il est aujourd’hui avéré que la présence de microorganismes dans l’air intérieur peut avoir des conséquences néfastes sur la santé humaine. Les systèmes de ventilation, lorsqu’ils sont mal entretenus, peuvent être eux-mêmes la source de bioaérosols suite à la contamination de leurs filtres. Afin de pallier ce problème, des filtres photocatalytiques ont été développés et testés dans des centrales de traitement d’air (CTA). Ce projet de thèse s’intéresse donc au devenir des microorganismes aérosolisés dans des filtres photocatalytiques. La première étape a consisté à étudier les mécanismes de dégradation par photochimie et photocatalyse d’une bactérie modèle, Escherichia coli (E. coli), en suspension dans l’eau sous irradiation UV-A ou UV-C. Ces deux traitements sont plus efficaces sous UV-C et engendrent des dommages oxydatifs au niveau de la membrane externe et des acides nucléiques bactériens. Le dosage de sous-produits chimiques permet de conclure que la photocatalyse UV-C est plus efficace pour dégrader irréversiblement les bactéries. La seconde étape a été consacrée à l’étude de l’inactivation de spores d’Aspergillus niger et de bactéries E. coli dans les filtres Ahlstrom. Nos résultats confirment l’intérêt d’utiliser des filtres photocatalytiques dans les CTA en comparaison avec les filtres non photocatalytiques. L’utilisation de filtres à haute efficacité, afin d’optimiser le temps de contact entre les microorganismes et le dépôt de dioxyde de titane, permet d’augmenter l’efficacité de dégradation du procédé photocatalytique / Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become of particular concern from an environmental and health and safety point of view. It is now proven that the presence of microorganisms in indoor air can have hazardous consequences on human health. HVAC systems, when poorly maintained, can themselves become source of bioaerosols when their filters are contaminated. To tackle this issue, photocatalytic filters have been developed and tested within HVAC systems. The aim of this PhD thesis is to look at the behaviour of microorganisms aerosolized through photocatalytic filters. The first step consisted of analysing the photochemistry and photocatalysis degradation mechanisms of a model bacterium, Escherichia coli (E. coli), in suspension in water under UV-A or UV-C radiation. These two treatments were proven to be more efficient under UV-C radiation and led to oxidative damages to outer membrane and nucleic acids. The measurement of chemical by-products allowed us to conclude that UV-C photocatalysis is more effective in damaging bacteria in an irreversible manner. The second step focused on the analysis of the inactivation of Aspergillus niger spores and E. coli bacteria within Ahlstrom filters. Our results confirm the benefits of using photocatalytic filters in HVAC systems instead of non-photocatalytic filters. The use of high efficiency filters to optimise the contact between the microorganisms and the titanium dioxide deposit, allows an increase in the damaging efficiency of the photocatalytic process
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Characterization and application of phthalocyanine-gold nanoparticle conjugatesTombe, Sekai Lana January 2013 (has links)
This work presents the syntheses, photophysical and photochemical characterization of arylthio zinc phthalocyanines and their gold nanoparticle conjugates. Spectroscopic and microscopic studies confirmed the formation of the phthalocyanine-gold nanoparticle conjugates which exhibited enhanced photophysicochemical properties in comparison to the phthalocyanines. The studies showed that the presence of gold nanoparticles significantly lowered fluorescence quantum yields and lifetimes. However, this interaction did not restrict the formation of excited singlet and triplet states and hence the formation of singlet oxygen required for photocatalysis. The conjugates showed significantly higher singlet oxygen quantum yields and therefore enhanced photocatalytic activity compared to the phthalocyanines. The zinc phthalocyanines and their gold nanoparticle conjugates were successfully incorporated into electrospun polymer fibers. Spectral characteristics of the functionalized electrospun fibers indicated that the phthalocyanines and phthalocyanine-gold nanoparticle conjugates were bound and their integrity was maintained within the polymeric fiber matrices. The photophysical and photochemical properties of the complexes were equally maintained within the electrospun fibers. The functionalized fibers were applied for the photoconversion of 4-chlorophenol and Orange G as model organic pollutants. / Microsoft� Word 2010 / Adobe Acrobat 9.53 Paper Capture Plug-in
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Towards Photocatalytic Overall Water Splitting via Small Organic ShuttlesSommers, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies the development of a new method for photochemical overall water splitting using a small organic shuttle.
In Section 2, BiVO4, was studied to determine the CO2 reduction mechanism and how catalytic activity decays. BiVO4 catalysts were capable of producing a maximum of 200 μmol of methanol per gram of catalyst from CO2 in basic media, and later decomposed by BiVO4. The decay of BiVO4¬ was studied by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, demonstrating reversible decomposition of BiVO4. BiVO4 is etched, leeching vanadium into solution, while nanoparticles of bismuth oxide are deposited on the surface of BiVO4.
In Section 3, ferrocyanide salts, an aqueous, cheap, and abundant photocatalyst was used for the first time to dehydrogenate aqueous formaldehyde selectively into formate and hydrogen. The catalyst is capable of record turnovers and turnover frequencies for formaldehyde dehydrogenation catalysts. A preliminary mechanism was proposed from experimental and computational data.
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