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An epidemiological study of childhood asthma care by general practitioners in the Nelson Mandela MetropoleWickens, Nicolas John January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to measure and evaluate GPs' practices, perceptions, and beliefs with regard to chronic childhood asthma management and to identify GPs' attitudes towards practice guidelines in particular the SACAWG (South African Childhood Asthma Work Group) guideline (Motala et al., 2000). In 2001 a single period cross-sectional survey was conducted among 300 GPs in the Nelson Mandela Metropole (NMM) which comprised the Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, and Despatch regions. GPs in clinical practice in the NMM were identified from the register of the Health Professions Council (HPC) CD-ROM (2000). The register contains names and professional information on all physicians in South Africa who have completed or in the process of completing requirements to practice medicine. GPs meeting the following criteria were identified: (1) primary self-designated practice specialty of general practice; (2) practice location in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, and Despatch areas; and (3) engaged in direct patient care. The HPC register contained listings for 300 GPs that matched the study criteria. Data were collected by means of a structured self-administered questionnaire. Questionnaires with a return envelope were mailed to the GPs' practices. Questionnaires were returned by 89 of the 300 eligible NMM GPs, reflecting a 29,7 % response rate. A 43-item Chronic Childhood Asthma Management questionnaire was developed and validated to assess the delivery of asthma care by GPs in the NMM. Forty-four per cent of the respondents reported performing spirometry on patients with newly diagnosed asthma as part of their initial evaluation. For patients with moderate persistent asthma prescribing of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) varied by patient age, with 57,4% of physicians routinely prescribing them for patients < 5 years, compared with 76,5% of physicians prescribing them for patients 5 years. Awareness of the SACAWG guidelines among these GPs was high, with 76,8% reporting that they have heard of the guidelines, and 59,4% reporting having read them. 14,5 per cent of the GPs reported developing written treatment plans for patients with moderate or severe asthma. To achieve the best results with their asthma patients, 68,1% of the physicians reported that patient compliance was imperative, 49,3% reported education as the most important, pharmacotherapy / good products was reported as most important by 29,0% of the group, environmental control was cited by 18,8% of the GPs. Several aspects of the SACAWG guidelines appear to have been incorporated into clinical practice by GPs in the NMM, whereas other recommendations do not appear to have been readily adopted. This information suggests areas for intervention to improve primary care for asthma in the NMM.
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The middle-aged smoker in health care:primary health care use, cardiovascular risk factors, and physician’s help in quittingKeto, J. (Jaana) 16 January 2018 (has links)
The research focus for smoking and public health has typically been on serious smoking diseases such as cancer and coronary thrombosis, which typically require treatment in a hospital setting at an older age. In this thesis, primary health care utilisation and cardiovascular risk factors according to smoking status were studied in a younger cohort: at age 46 in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort of 1966. Primary health care costs of smokers vs. never-smokers were 28% higher for men and 21% higher for women. Signs of elevated risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease were visible: smokers had 20% higher triglycerides, slightly larger waist-to-hip ratio, and type 2 diabetes prevalence was twice as high among smokers than never-smokers after adjustment for covariates. The calculated ten-year risk of a cardiovascular event was twice as high for smokers vs. either never-smokers, former smokers or recent quitters. These results should be seen as early warning signals in primary health care, and cost-effective actions should be taken to prevent later multimorbidity – smoking cessation aid by a physician is very cost effective. Only a minority of smokers receive cessation support from a physician, even though the majority of them wish to quit. In order to understand this discrepancy, a survey was conducted on physicians and smoking cessation. Physicians thought it was their responsibility to try to get the patient to quit, but practical measures to treat smoking dependence were rare. The most commonly reported restrictions for smoking cessation work – lack of time and functional treatment paths – could be addressed by administration and management. The attitudes and experiences of Finnish physicians were in line with the WHO recommendation to improve smoking cessation services and integrate them into health care: 80% were in favour of more resources being directed to smoking cessation services, and less than one third thought that smoking cessation was even somewhat well organised in the Finnish health care system. / Tiivistelmä
Tupakoinnin terveys- ja talousvaikutusten tarkastelu keskittyy usein myöhemmällä iällä sairaalahoitoa vaativiin tupakkasairauksiin kuten syöpään ja sepelvaltimotautiin. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan tupakoinnin ja perusterveydenhuollon käytön sekä sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskitekijöiden yhteyttä nuoremmassa otoksessa: 46 vuoden iässä Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortissa. Perusterveydenhuollon vuosittaiset kustannukset olivat tupakoivilla korkeammat kuin tupakoimattomilla: miehillä 28% ja naisilla 21%. Merkkejä kohonneesta metabolisen oireyhtymän ja sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskistä oli havaittavissa: tupakoivien triglyseridit olivat 20% korkeammat, heidän lantio-vyötärösuhteensa oli hieman suurempi kuin tupakoimattomilla, ja tyypin 2 diabetes oli heillä kaksi kertaa yleisempää taustamuuttujien vakioinnin jälkeen. Arvioitu riski saada vakava sydän- tai verisuonitapahtuma seuraavan kymmenen vuoden kuluessa oli tupakoivilla kaksi kertaa suurempi kuin heillä, jotka joko eivät olleet ikinä tupakoineet, olivat aiemmin tupakoineet, tai jotka olivat hiljattain lopettaneet. Perusterveydenhuollon tulisi nähdä nämä ilmiöt varhaisina varoitussignaaleina ja ryhtyä kustannusvaikuttaviin toimenpiteisiin myöhemmän multimorbiditeetin ehkäisemiseksi – lääkärin antama tuki tupakoinnin lopettamisessa on erittäin kustannusvaikuttavaa. Vaikka suurin osa tupakoitsijoista haluaa lopettaa, vain vähemmistö saa siihen tukea lääkäriltä. Tämän epäsuhdan ymmärtämiseksi tehtiin kyselytutkimus lääkäreille tupakastavieroituksesta. Lääkärit näkivät velvollisuudekseen yrittää saada tupakoiva potilas lopettamaan, mutta käytännön toimet tupakkariippuvuuden hoitamiseksi olivat harvinaisia. Yleisimmin raportoidut esteet vieroitustyölle – aikapula ja puutteelliset hoitopolut – olivat hallinnon ja johdon ratkaistavissa. WHO:n mukaan Suomella on parantamisen varaa lopettamisen tukipalveluissa ja tupakkariippuvuuden hoidon integroimisessa terveydenhuoltojärjestelmään. Tästä väitöskirjasta käy ilmi, että suomalaisten lääkäreiden asenteet ja kokemukset ovat linjassa WHO:n ohjeistuksen kanssa: 80% kannatti lisäresurssien ohjaamista lopettamispalveluihin ja alle kolmanneksen mielestä tupakastavieroitus toteutui edes jokseenkin hyvin suomalaisessa terveydenhuoltojärjestelmässä.
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Perspektivy tradiční čínské medicíny v České republice / The Prospects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Czech RepublicKaprová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis is looking to expand on the previously written bachelor's thesis describing the current situation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the Czech Republic. It represents an attempt to interpret medicine as paradigm while reflecting the current political environment. The relevance of the topic is proved by the recently increasing interest of media which have been covering the Czech-Chinese Centre for TCM in Hradec Kralove and activities of the Ministry of Health in discussions about possible synergies between modern medicine and TCM. The thesis compares modern medicine and TCM from the perspective of the theory of paradigms and relativity of knowledge by Thomas Kuhn. It aims to test aspects of the theory by conducting research among practitioners and students of TCM. The thesis also tries to find parallels between the two medicinal approaches and to identify their respective advantages and disadvantages. It attempts to gauge how challenging it is for students of TCM to comprehend two different medicinal approaches and whether they had any issues understanding them. Among other goals of the thesis is to give some insight into the process and possible future trends of the legal basis of TCM in the Czech Republic. In order to accomplish these goals, a set of questionnaires was...
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1842年至1937年間政府醫療政策與西醫體制在香港的發展 = Medical policies and the development of Western medical system in Hong Kong, 1842-1937羅婉嫻, 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Lärande av yrkesidentiteter : en studie av läkare, sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor / Learning occupational identities : A study of physicians, nurses and assistant nursesThunborg, Camilla January 1999 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the learning of occupational identities in health care and medical services. The aim is to increase the knowledge of what characterizes occupational identities how these are learnt, and what potential driving forces exist that can contribute to the development of both occupational identities and health care activities. Learning is seen as a continuous process of participation in everyday social practices, in which occupational identities are formed, maintained and developed. Both occupational identities and social practices are context-bound. In order to shed light on the forming, maintaining and developing character of learning I have started from three different models; a social-interactionist, an institutional and a contextual. The dissertation is based on case studies of three care units. A health-care centre, a medical clinic and an anaesthesia clinic. The study comprises two data-collection phases. The first phase includes interviews with personnel and management at the three care units. The second phase includes self-observation studies in the form of diaries kept by personnel at the medical and anaesthesia clinic. It appears from the results that there are both similarities and differences between occupational groups and the activities in which they work. There also exist certain differences that have to do with the individuals' experience, career paths and length of employment. On this basis, occoupational identities can he analyzed on a occupational-related, an activity-related and an individual-related level. Learning can also from this point of view be seen as an interplay between those three levels.
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Development of a bulbine frutescens and carpobrotus edulis cream in collaboration with african traditional healers of the Nelson Mandela MetropoleKeele, Mbali Zamathiyane January 2014 (has links)
Collaborations between researchers and African traditional healers on medicinal plants need to go beyond the flow of information from African traditional healers to researchers. Mutual beneficiation wherein African traditional healers reap rewards due to the information they possess is necessary and has been legislated in South Africa. The manner in which such beneficiation occurs and how it will be distributed should be subject to negotiation between (a) the researchers and holders of indigenous knowledge and (b) among holders of indigenous knowledge themselves. Beneficiation can be in the form of access to information, monetary or through shares in commercialised products, amongst others. African traditional healers involved in the collaboration with researchers of the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology and the Department of Pharmacy at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University beneficiated by having access to knowledge and medicinal plants cultivated in the medicinal garden. Beneficiation was expected to extend to monetary gains from the sale of sewn garments and plants from a medicinal plants nursery which was to be developed and from a herbal topical product which was also to be developed. The aim of this research project was to develop a wound healing herbal cream consisting of Bulbine frutescens and Carpobrotus edulis as active ingredients. B. frutescens demonstrated better wound closure properties when compared to C. edulis and the combined extracts. The scratch assay wound was completely closed after 24 hours at B. frutescens concentrations of 5 μg/ml and 10 μg/ml. B. frutescens was more toxic to 3t3-L1 cells than C. edulis, but it was less toxic than the combined extracts. None of the extracts were toxic to Vero cells and the combined extracts significantly promoted their proliferation. Antibacterial activity of all the extracts was low. C. edulis showed antiviral activity against human herpes simplex virus 1 at 62.5, 125 and 250 μg/ml, while the combined extracts were active at 250 μg/ml. The combined extracts exhibited synergistic antioxidant activity. A reverse phase, gradient, high performance liquid chromatography method was developed and validated and used to conduct quality control tests on the extracts and the finished product. It was concluded that the use of whole chromatographic data instead of common peaks data is best for analysis of medicinal plants. The cream that was developed used buffered cream as the base and was stable at 25 °C/65 percent RH for one month with regard to organoleptic and rheological properties and microbial preservation.
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Burnout en profesionales de establecimientos de salud del primer nivel de atención de Lima MetropolitanaNunura-Linares, Luis-Ernesto January 2016 (has links)
Se presenta un trabajo de investigación sobre el Síndrome de Burnout y su presencia en profesionales de la salud de Policlínicos de Lima metropolitana. Los motivos que impulsan la realización de este estudio parten de la preocupación sobre el incremento del número de personas que presentan el síndrome y la poca investigación realizada en el área de la salud que se pueda aplicar al contexto peruano. Esta investigación se centró en hallar y describir los niveles del síndrome de Burnout en una muestra de 85 médicos y 41 enfermeras, los cuales fueron evaluados con el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach adaptado al contexto peruano por Victoria Llaja en el año 2007. La investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo y un alcance de tipo descriptivo comparativo. La muestra fue seleccionada de manera no probabilística por conveniencia. Además de hallar los niveles de Burnout en los participantes, se realizaron comparaciones entre las tres escalas del Burnout, (Agotamiento Emocional, Despersonalización, Reducida Realización Personal) según sexo, profesión, años de servicio, y horas de trabajo semanales. Los resultados comprueban la presencia del síndrome en la muestra estudiada y justifican la necesidad de intervenir en estos profesionales, a través de estrategias que les permitan afrontar las demandas que exigen sus profesiones, y de efectuar mejoras en las instituciones de salud. / The present research is about the burnout´s syndrome and its presence in health professionals in metropolitan Lima Polyclinics. The reasons that drive this study are based on concerns about the increasing number of people with the syndrome and the limited research in the health area that can be applied to peruvian context.
This research focused on finding and describing levels of Burnout´s syndrome in a sample of 85 doctors and 41 nurses, who were assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory adapted to peruvian context by Victoria Llaja in 2007. The research is descriptive comparative and has a quantitative approach. The sample was selected on a
non-probabilistic way and by convenience. Besides finding Burnout levels in participants, comparisons were made between the three scales of Burnout, (Emotional Weariness, Selflessness, Reduction of the personal
Accomplishment) based on gender, profession, years of service and hours of work per week. The results prove the presence of the syndrome in the study sample and justify the need to intervene in these professionals, providing them with strategies to face with the demands required by their professions and for improvements in health institutions. / Tesis
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National Survey of Physicians on the Need for and Required Sensitivity of a Clinical Decision Rule to Identify Elderly Patients at High Risk of Functional Decline Following a Minor InjuryAbdulaziz, Kasim January 2014 (has links)
Many elderly patients visiting the emergency department for minor injuries are not assessed for functional status and experience functional decline 6 months post injury. Identifying such high-risk patients can allow for interventions to prevent or minimize adverse health outcomes including loss of independence.
For the purpose of a planned clinical decision rule to identify elderly patients at high risk of functional decline a survey of physicians was conducted. A random sample of 534 Canadian geriatricians, emergency and family physicians was selected with half randomly selected to receive an incentive.
A response rate of 57.0% was obtained with 90% of physicians considering a drop in function of at least 2 points on the 28-point OARS ADL scale as clinically significant. A sensitivity of 90% would meet or exceed 90% of physicians' requirements for a clinical decision rule to identify injured seniors at high risk of functional decline 6 months post injury.
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Prescription Express SystemTsai, Chia-Yu 01 January 2003 (has links)
The Prescription Express System is a software program that was developed with express service of health care in mind. The purpose was to provide easy access for doctors to check on upcoming appointments with patients and send prescriptions via wireless network directly to the pharmacy to provide faster service.
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Синдром сагоревања код здравствених радника који се баве лечењем болесника оболелих од респираторних болести / Sindrom sagorevanja kod zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem bolesnika obolelih od respiratornih bolesti / Burnout syndrome in healthcare professionals involved in the caring for patients with respiratory diseasesKovačević Tomi 16 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Sindrom sagorevanja, eng. Burnout Syndrome (BOS) je oblik profesionalnog stresa koji se najčešće javlja u zanimanjima koja podrazumevaju direktan kontakt sa ljudima, a nastaje kao odgovor na hroničan stres. Ogleda se kroz aspekte: emocionalne iscrpljenosti eng. Emotional Exhaustion (EE), depersonalizacije eng. Depersonalisation (DP) i osećaja smanjenog ličnog postignića eng. Personal Accomplishment (PA). Sprovedena istraživanja ukazuju na visoku zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika i njegovu zavisnost ne samo od ličnih karakteristika nego i od mnogobrojnih faktora na poslu. Dokazano je da BOS dovodi do posledica kako na individualnom, tako i na organizacionom nivou. Usled oštećenja fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja lekara i medicinskih sestara/tehničara indirektno dolazi i do smanjenja nivoa zdravstvene usluge sa svim svojim posledicama po zdravstveni sistem i zdravlje pacijenata. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj da ispita zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti, utvrdi da li postoji razlika u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije (lekari i medicinske sestre/tehničari) i u odnosu na radno mesto (zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od neizlečivih (terminalnih) u odnosu na zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od izlečivih (kurabilnih). plućnih bolesti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno među zaposlenim zdravstvenim radnicima u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Кamenici u periodu april-jun 2019. godine kao studija poprečnog preseka. Podaci istraživanja su prikupljeni pomoću sledećih upitnika: Upitnik o socio-demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, Maslač inventar izgaranja (MBI), Skala izgaranja izvedene iz Kopenhagen inventara izgaranja – srpska verzija (SI), Upitnik opšteg zdravlja (UOZ-12) i Upitnik o stresorima na radnom mestu, zadovoljstvu na poslu i motivaciji i opuštanju nakon posla. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 165 zdravstvena radnika: 64 (38.8%) lekara i 101 (61.2%) medicinskih sestara/tehničara. BOS je utvrđen kod 47% ispitanika. Visoki stepen EE potvrđen je kod 43.0%, visok stepen DP kod 21.8%, a nizak stepen PA kod 32.1% ispitanih. Statistički značajna razlika u zastupljenosti nije dokazana u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (40.6% vs. 51.5%) niti u odnosu na radno mesto (45.3% vs. 48.2%). Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na socio-demografske karakteristike ispitanika. Psihički distres prisutan je kod 30.8% zdravstvenih radnika sa potvrđenim BOS-om. Pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u povezanosti BOS-a i psihičkog distresa i u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (p=0.000) i u odnosu na radno mesto (p=0.000), a ova povezanost je izraženija kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara (p=0.000). Značajna korelacija nije nađena samo između dva pretpostavljena stresora i BOS-a: prekovremenog rada i nedostatka odgovarajuće kontinuirane edukacije. Statistički značajna je i korelacija između svih domena BOS-a i ukupnog zadovoljstva radnim okruženjem. (EE p=0.000, DP p=0.000 i PA p=0.000). Trećina ispitanika sa potvrđenim BOS-om razmišlja o promeni zanimanja, a njih 41% o promeni radnog mesta. Sindrom sagorevanja kod zdravstvenih zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti zastupljen je u visokom procentu. BOS značajno korelira sa psihičkim distresom, a ova povezanost je izraženija u populaciji medicinskih sestara. Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije, niti u odnosu na radno mesto. Izražena je kompleksnost, varijabilnost i različitost u zastupljenosti pretpostavljenih stresora na poslu. Neophodnost otkrivanja stresogenih faktora i donošenje mera sa ciljem njihovog sprečavanja i/ili ublažavanja je nesumnjiva. Unapređenje edukacije radi prepoznavanja BOS-a i prevazilaženju stresogenih faktora kao i iznalaženje novih organizacionih šema u cilju eliminacije stresora na poslu trebalo bi da budu jedni od prioriteta svake zdravstvene institucije.</p> / <p>Sindrom sagorevanja, eng. Burnout Syndrome (BOS) je oblik profesionalnog stresa koji se najčešće javlja u zanimanjima koja podrazumevaju direktan kontakt sa ljudima, a nastaje kao odgovor na hroničan stres. Ogleda se kroz aspekte: emocionalne iscrpljenosti eng. Emotional Exhaustion (EE), depersonalizacije eng. Depersonalisation (DP) i osećaja smanjenog ličnog postignića eng. Personal Accomplishment (PA). Sprovedena istraživanja ukazuju na visoku zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika i njegovu zavisnost ne samo od ličnih karakteristika nego i od mnogobrojnih faktora na poslu. Dokazano je da BOS dovodi do posledica kako na individualnom, tako i na organizacionom nivou. Usled oštećenja fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja lekara i medicinskih sestara/tehničara indirektno dolazi i do smanjenja nivoa zdravstvene usluge sa svim svojim posledicama po zdravstveni sistem i zdravlje pacijenata. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj da ispita zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti, utvrdi da li postoji razlika u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije (lekari i medicinske sestre/tehničari) i u odnosu na radno mesto (zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od neizlečivih (terminalnih) u odnosu na zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od izlečivih (kurabilnih). plućnih bolesti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno među zaposlenim zdravstvenim radnicima u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici u periodu april-jun 2019. godine kao studija poprečnog preseka. Podaci istraživanja su prikupljeni pomoću sledećih upitnika: Upitnik o socio-demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, Maslač inventar izgaranja (MBI), Skala izgaranja izvedene iz Kopenhagen inventara izgaranja – srpska verzija (SI), Upitnik opšteg zdravlja (UOZ-12) i Upitnik o stresorima na radnom mestu, zadovoljstvu na poslu i motivaciji i opuštanju nakon posla. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 165 zdravstvena radnika: 64 (38.8%) lekara i 101 (61.2%) medicinskih sestara/tehničara. BOS je utvrđen kod 47% ispitanika. Visoki stepen EE potvrđen je kod 43.0%, visok stepen DP kod 21.8%, a nizak stepen PA kod 32.1% ispitanih. Statistički značajna razlika u zastupljenosti nije dokazana u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (40.6% vs. 51.5%) niti u odnosu na radno mesto (45.3% vs. 48.2%). Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na socio-demografske karakteristike ispitanika. Psihički distres prisutan je kod 30.8% zdravstvenih radnika sa potvrđenim BOS-om. Pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u povezanosti BOS-a i psihičkog distresa i u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (p=0.000) i u odnosu na radno mesto (p=0.000), a ova povezanost je izraženija kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara (p=0.000). Značajna korelacija nije nađena samo između dva pretpostavljena stresora i BOS-a: prekovremenog rada i nedostatka odgovarajuće kontinuirane edukacije. Statistički značajna je i korelacija između svih domena BOS-a i ukupnog zadovoljstva radnim okruženjem. (EE p=0.000, DP p=0.000 i PA p=0.000). Trećina ispitanika sa potvrđenim BOS-om razmišlja o promeni zanimanja, a njih 41% o promeni radnog mesta. Sindrom sagorevanja kod zdravstvenih zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti zastupljen je u visokom procentu. BOS značajno korelira sa psihičkim distresom, a ova povezanost je izraženija u populaciji medicinskih sestara. Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije, niti u odnosu na radno mesto. Izražena je kompleksnost, varijabilnost i različitost u zastupljenosti pretpostavljenih stresora na poslu. Neophodnost otkrivanja stresogenih faktora i donošenje mera sa ciljem njihovog sprečavanja i/ili ublažavanja je nesumnjiva. Unapređenje edukacije radi prepoznavanja BOS-a i prevazilaženju stresogenih faktora kao i iznalaženje novih organizacionih šema u cilju eliminacije stresora na poslu trebalo bi da budu jedni od prioriteta svake zdravstvene institucije.</p> / <p>Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a form of occupational stress as a response to chronic stress. It occures most commonly in occupations that involve direct contact with people and manifests as: emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and feelings of diminished personal achievement (PA). Large numbers of research indicates a high prevalence of BOS in healthcare professionals and its dependence on work related stressors. BOS has been proven to lead to consequences on individual and organizational levels. The level of health care can be reduced due to the decreased physical and mental health of helathcare providers caused by BOS. It is possible consequences on the patient health and healthcare system raises the need for further investigation. The aim of this research was to examine the prevalence of BOS among healthcare providers treating patients with respiratory diseases, to determine difference in the prevalnce of BOS regarding to education level (physicians vs. nurses), and regarding workplace (terminal vs. curable respiratory diseases). This exploratory study was conducted among healthcare providers at the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica in the period April-June 2019 as a cross-sectional study Quantitative and qualitative data were collectedtrough survey using the following questionnaires: Questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, Maslach burnout inventory (MBI), Work burnout scale from the Copenhagen burnout inventory – serbian version (SI), General health questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Questionnaire on workplace stressors, job satisfaction, motivation and after work relaxation. Out of total 165 healthcare professionals 64 (38.8%) were physicians and 101 (61.2%) nurses. Prevalence of BOS was 47%. High level of EE was confirmed in 43.0%, of DP in 21.8%, and low level of PA in 32.1%. No statistically significant difference was observed in relation to the education (40.6% vs. 51.5%) nor the workplace (45.3% vs. 48.2%). There were no statistically significant difference in socio-demographic characteristics. Psychological distress was present in 30.8% of healthcare professionals with BOS. Statistically significant difference was observed between BOS and psychological distress in terms of educational level (p = 0.000) and workplace (p = 0.000) This correlation was more accentuated in nurses (p = 0.000). Significant correlation was not confirmed only between two perceived stressors and BOS: job overtime and lack of appropriate education. A statistically significant correlation was observed between all domains of BOS and overall job satisfaction. (EE p = 0.000, DP p = 0.000 and PA p = 0.000). One third of respondents with observed BOS are thinking about changing occupation, and 41% of them changing workplace. Prevalence of burnout syndrome among physicians and nurses caring for patients with respiratory diseases is high regardless of education level or workplace. It significantly correlates with level of psychological distress which is is more accentuated among nurses. There is no diference in BOS prevalence regarding neither educational level nor workplace. The complexity, variability and diversity of assumed work stressors is undoubtley related to BOS. The need for determination of job stressor and actions in order to prevent and/or mitigate them is beyond doubt. Improvement of recognition and overcoming stress factors and finding new organizational charts to eliminate potential stressors at work should be one of the priorities of any healthcare institution.</p>
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