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In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and the farnesoid x receptor (FXR)Vaqué Marquès, Montserrat 19 December 2007 (has links)
In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)Montserrat Vaqué Marquès En aquesta tesis es pretén aplicar metodologies computacionals (generació de farmacòfors i docking proteïna lligand) en l'àmbit de la nutigenòmica (ciència que pretén entendre, a nivell molecular, com els nutrients afecten la salut). S'aplicaran metodologies in silico per entendre a nivell molecular com productes naturals com els compostos fenòlics presents en la nostra dieta, poden modular la funció d'una diana comportant un efect en la salut. Aquest efecte es creu que podria ser degut a la seva interacció directa amb proteïnes de vies de senyalització molecular o bé a la modificació indirecta de l'expressió gènica. Donat que el coneixement de l'estructura del complex lligand-receptor és bàsic per entendre el mecanisme d'acció d'aquests lligands s'aplica la metodologia docking per predir l'estructura tridimensional del complex. En aquest sentit, un dels programes de docking és AutoGrid/AutoDock (un dels més citats). No obstant, l'automatització d'AutoGrid/AutoDock no és trivial tan per (a) la cerca virtual en una llibreria de lligands contra un grup de possibles receptors, (b) l'ús de flexibilitat, i (c) realitzar un docking a cegues utilitzant tota la superfície del receptor. Per aquest motiu, es dissenya una interfície gràfica de fàcil ús per utilitzar AutoGrid/AutoDock. Blind Docking Tester (BDT) és una aplicació gràfica que s'executa sobre quatre programes escrits en Fortran i que controla les condicions de les execucions d'AutoGrid i AutoDock. BDT pot ser utilitzat per equips d'investigadors en el camp de la química i de ciències de la vida interessats en dur a terme aquest tipus d'experiments però que no tenen suficient habilitats en programació. En la modulació del metabolisme de la glucosa, treballs in vivio i in vitro en el nostre grup de recerca s'han atribuït els efectes beneficiosos de l'extracte de pinyol de raïm en induir captació de glucosa (punt crític pel manteniment de l'homeostasis de la glucosa). No obstant alguns compostos fenòlics no tenen efecte en la captació de la glucosa, d'altres l'inhibeixen reversiblement. En alguns casos aquesta inhibició és el resultat de la competició dels compostos fenòlics amb ATP pel lloc d'unió de l'ATP de la subunitat catalítica de la fosfatidil inositol 3-kinasa (PI3K). Estudis recents amb inhibidors específics d'isoforma han identificat la p110α (la subunitat catalítica de PI3Kα) com la isoforma crucial per la captació de glucosa estimulada per insulina en algunes línies cel·lulars. Els programes computacionals han estat aplicats per tal de correlacionar l'activitat biològica dels compostos fenòlics amb informació estructural per obtenir una relació quantitativa estructura-activitat (3D-QSAR) i obtenir informació dels requeriments estructura-lligand per augmentar l'afinitat i/o selectivitat amb la diana (proteïna). Tot hi haver-se demostrat que l'adició d'extractes de compostos fenòlics en l'aliment pot tenir en general un benefici per la salut, s'ha de tenir en compte que l'estudi 3D-QSAR (construït a partir d'inhibidors sintètics de p110α) prediu que algunes d'aquestes molècules poden agreujar la resistència a la insulina en individus susceptibles dificultant la capatació de glucosa en múscul i teixit adipós i, per tant, produir un efecte secundari indesitjat. Resultats en el nostre grup de recerca han demostrat que compostos fenòlics presents en extractes de llavor de raïm incrementen l'activitat del receptor "farnesoid x receptor" (FXR) de manera dosi depenent quan el lligand natural de FXR (CDCA) és present. Les metodologies in silico, docking i 3D-QSAR, han estat aplicades juntament amb dades biològiques d'agonistes no esteroidals de FXR que s'uneixen a un lloc d'unió proper però diferent al lligand esteroidal 6CDCA. Els resultats han mostrat que els compostos fenòlics no són capaços d'activar FXR per ells mateixos però poden afegir noves interaccions que estabilitzarien la conformació activa de FXR en presència del lligand natural CDCA. Els compostos fenòlics podrien induir canvis conformacionals específics que augmentarien l'activitat de FXR. In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)Montserrat Vaqué Marquès This thesis was written with the aim of applying computational methods that have already been developed for molecular design and simulation (i.e. pharmacophore generation and protein-ligand docking) to nutrigenomics. So, in silico tools that are routinely used by the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs have been used to understand, at the molecular level, how natural products such as phenolic compounds (i.e. molecules that are commonly found in fruits and vegetables) can improve health and prevent diseases. Therefore, we first focused on predicting the structure of protein-ligand complexes. The docking algorithms can use the individual structures from receptor and ligand to predict (1) whether they can form a complex and (2) if so, the structure of the resulting complex. This prediction can be made, for instance, with AutoGrid/AutoDock, the most cited docking software in the literature. The automation of AutoGrid/AutoDock is not trivial for tasks such as (1) the virtual screening of a library of ligands against a set of possible receptors; (2) the use of receptor flexibility and (3) making a blind-docking experiment with the whole receptor surface. Therefore, in order to circumvent these limitations, we have designed BDT (i.e. blind-docking tester; http://www.quimica.urv.cat/~pujadas/BDT), an easy-to-use graphic interface for using AutoGrid/AutoDock. BDT is a Tcl/Tk graphic front-end application that runs on top of four Fortran programs and which controls the conditions of the AutoGrid and AutoDock runs. As far as the modulation of the glucose metabolism is concerned, several in vivo and in vitro results obtained by our group have shown that grape seed procyanidin extracts (GSPE) stimulate glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and thus help to maintain their glucose homeostasis. In contrast, it is also well known that although some phenolic compounds do not affect glucose uptake, others reversibly inhibit it in several cell lines. Moreover, for at least some of these phenolic compounds, this inhibition is the result of their competition with ATP for the ATP-binding site in p110α (i.e. the α isoform of the catalytic subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase or PI3Kα). Furthermore, recent studies with isoform-specific inhibitors have identified p110α as the crucial isoform for insulin-stimulated glucose-uptake in some cell lines. Therefore, although it has been proved that the addition of phenolic compound extracts to food can have an overall benefit on health, it should be taken into account that some of these molecules may exacerbate insulin resistance in susceptible individuals via impaired glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissues and, therefore, produce an undesirable side effect. In this context, we have applied computational approaches (i.e. protein-ligand docking and 3D-QSAR) to predict the IC50 (i.e. the concentration that reduces the p110α activity to 50%). Our results agree with previous experimental results and predict that some compounds are potential inhibitors of this enzyme. Recent results in our research group have demonstrated that the phenolic compounds in GSPE increase the activity of the farnesoid X receptor (i.e. FXR) in a dose-dependent way when the natural ligand of FXR (i.e. CDCA) is also present. The phenolic compounds might induce specific conformational changes that increase FXR activity and then contribute to cardioprotection through mechanisms that are independent of their intrinsic antioxidant capacities but that involve direct interaction with FXR to modulate gene expression. Taking into account this hypothesis a 3D-QSAR analysis was made in an attempt to understand how phenolic compounds activate FXR. So, our results explain why phenolic compounds cannot activate FXR by themselves and how they can add new interactions to stabilize the active conformation of FXR when its natural ligand (i.e. CDCA) is present. Therefore, we proposed a mechanism of FXR activation by dietary phenolic compounds in which they may enhance bile acid-bound FXR activity.
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L'agent anticonvulsant valproate induit l'expression de la PIMT via la voie de signalisation PI3K/AKT/GSK-3Corluka, Slavisa 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les protéines subissent des modifications post-traductionnelles tout au long de leur vieillissement mais aussi dans certains états pathologiques. Parmi ces modifications progressives des protéines, on retrouve notamment la formation des résidus aspartates isomérisés. La protéine L-isoaspartyl méthyltransférase (PIMT) reconnaît et répare des résidus L-isoaspartates anormaux retrouvés dans des protéines. Il a été démontré que la PIMT joue un rôle crucial dans la formation et le maintien du système nerveux central. Ainsi, son fonctionnement s'est avéré important dans le désordre neurologique qu'est l'épilepsie, mais aussi potentiellement dans certaines maladies neurodégénératives comme l'Alzheimer. Notre laboratoire a déjà démontré que l'acide valproïque (VPA), un médicament anticonvulsant, induit l'expression de la PIMT via la voie de signalisation de ERK et également la voie de signalisation glycogènen-synthase-kinase-3 (GSK-3)/β-caténine. Le but de notre recherche a été d'identifier des nouvelles voies de signalisation qui contrôlent l'expression de la PIMT lorsque celle-ci est stimulée par le VPA. Comme modèle cellulaire nous avons utilisé des neuroblastomes SH-SY5Y qui ont été traités avec le VPA pour étudier l'implication de la voie de signalisation phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt dans l'induction de la PIMT. Nos résultats montrent que lors de l'induction de la PIMT par VPA, la protéine Akt est phosphorylée (Thr 308). De plus, lorsque la protéine PI3K est inhibée par des inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, wortmannin et le LY294002, la phosphorylation de Akt est bloquée et l'induction de la PIMT par VPA est arrêtée. L'inhibition de Akt par un siRNA spécifique produit le même effet. Également, lorsque la voie de signalisation PI3K/Akt est stimulée par le VPA on observe une phosphorylation de la protéine GSK-3 (Ser 21) qui est également observable lorsque les cellules sont traitées avec le lithium, un inhibiteur directe de GSK-3. Finalement, l'inhibition du facteur de transcription CREB avec un siRNA spécifique n'a pas affecté l'induction de la PIMT par VPA. En conclusion, notre étude a démontrée que j'induction de la PIMT par VPA est dépendante de la voie de signalisation PI3K/Akt. L'activation de cette voie de signalisation permet la phosphorylation et donc l'inhibition de la kinase GSK-3, mais l'induction de la PIMT par VPA est indépendante de facteur de transcription CREB. Ces résultats suggèrent plutôt que VPA en inhibant la kinase GSK-3 stabilise la β-caténine permettant ainsi l'expression de la PIMT.
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The role for the p85 subunit of PI3kinase in the regulation of rab proteinsKing, Jennifer C 26 January 2009 (has links)
Upon activation by the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K) converts phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate to activate the PI3K/Akt cellular survival signalling pathway within cells. The p85 subunit of PI3K has also been shown to have GTPase activating protein (GAP) activity towards Rab proteins involved in receptor endocytosis and trafficking, specifically Rab5 and Rab4. Rab5 is responsible for regulating the fusion of vesicles containing activated receptors to traffic them to intracellular early/sorting endosomes. Rab4 is responsible for regulating the exit of receptors to a recycling pathway back to the plasma membrane. The p85 RabGAP activity is responsible for deactivating Rab5 and Rab4 function by accelerating their GTPase activity, resulting in the inactive conformation of Rab5 and Rab4, and decreased vesicle fusion events during receptor trafficking. The work in this thesis was performed to understand how p85 interacts with, and regulates, Rab5 and Rab4. Glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments showed the p85 protein was able to interact with Rab5 through its BH domain and another unidentified domain. Cells expressing a p85-R274A mutant defective for RabGAP activity displayed increased PDGFR activation and decreased degradation. To understand the mechanism of decreased PDGFR degradation, PDGFR immunoprecipitation experiments showed the PDGFR was ubiquitinated, a signal needed for multi-vesicular body sorting. Biotinylation experiments showed the PDGFR was being more rapidly endocytosed and then sequestered within the cell. Immunofluorescence experiments showed cells expressing the p85-R274A mutant clearly altered PDGFR trafficking during receptor endocytosis. These results suggest the PDGFR was not spending longer periods of time on the cell surface to continue signalling and was not lacking the modification needed to be sorted to a degradative pathway. The defective trafficking observed in p85-R274A expressing cells, over time, may block PDGFR trafficking, which prevents normal PDGFR dephosphorylation and degradation, and could be attributed to a lack of sufficient cytosolic Rab5-GDP and Rab4-GDP required to associate with new membranes and facilitate additional vesicle fusion events. The lack of lysosomal targeting allows the receptor to be sequestered in cells, but still have the ability to signal as the receptor would not be targeted to multi-vesicular bodies where signalling is abolished.
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SHP-1 and PDK1 Form a Phosphotyrosine-Dependent Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Shuttling Complex: Implications for DifferentiationSephton, Chantelle Fiona 28 June 2007 (has links)
SHP-1 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase that often targets the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signalling pathway. PI3K/Akt signalling regulates cell growth and survival, proliferation and differentiation. Growth factor-stimulated PI3K phospholipid production at the plasma membrane helps to recruit 3'-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) and Akt, where PDK1 phosphorylates and activates the pro-survival kinase Akt.<p>Tyrosine phosphorylation of PDK1 may regulate its function and, perhaps more importantly, its nuclear localization. Yet, it is unclear how PDK1 is imported into the nucleus as it does not contain a nuclear localization signal (NLS), although it does contain a nuclear export signal (NES). Interestingly, several tyrosines in PDK1 are targets for Src kinase and are putative target motifs for SHP-1, which does have an NLS.<p>Hypothesis: SHP-1 and PDK1 form a tyrosine-dependent, nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling complex. <p>Removal of serum from C6 glioma cell cultures induces a platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)-sensitive redistribution of PI3K lipid kinase activity to the nucleus. PDK1 tyrosine phosphorylation and its association with SHP-1 are also increased, as is the accumulation of both SHP-1 and PDK1 in the nucleus. Site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine residues in PDK1 reveals that tyrosine 9 (Tyr9) and Tyr376 are important for the interaction of PDK1 with SHP1, whereas Tyr333 and Tyr 373 are not. Using pharmacological and genetic manipulations, it was demonstrated that SHP-1 and PDK1 shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm, and that the C-terminal-expressed NLS of SHP-1 facilitates shuttling, while dephosphorylation of PDK1 Tyr9 and Tyr376 regulates the rate of PDK1 (and by virtue of association, SHP-1) export from the nucleus. The SHP-1/PDK1 complex, which is constitutive in most cell lines, is functionally relevant as indicated by its requirement for NGF-induced differentiation of preneuronal cells to a neuronal phenotype.
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Scaffolding functions of MAGI-2 in the PTEN mediated attenuation of the PI3K/Akt signalling pathwayPoland, Sharon Franceska 24 September 2009 (has links)
Activated receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), such as the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) and the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor (PDGFR), recruit downstream signalling proteins, including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). PI3K, composed of a regulatory p85 subunit and a catalytic p110 subunit, phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate at the 3 position to generate phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. This lipid second messenger activates Akt, which promotes cell growth, cell cycle entry and progression, as well as cell survival and cellular migration. PTEN, a tumor suppressor protein, dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate at the 3 position, turning off Akt signalling. PTEN contains a C-terminal PDZ binding motif that binds to the PDZ2 domain of MAGI-2, a scaffolding protein that localizes signalling molecules to the plasma membrane. MAGI-2 has ten domains that potentially mediate multiple protein-protein interactions simultaneously. A PTEN associated-complex (PAC) has been described and may contain MAGI-2, PTEN and p85. The PAC is hypothesized to form at the plasma membrane at appropriate sites for PTEN to gain access to its lipid substrates, since the binding of PTEN to MAGI-2 has been shown to enhance the suppression of PI3K-mediated Akt signalling. In order to better understand the role of the PAC in attenuation of the Akt signalling pathway, regions of the MAGI-2 scaffolding protein were mapped to identify the interactions taking place in the PAC. MAGI-2, and its individual domains, were expressed as GST fusion proteins. These were immobilized onto beads and allowed to bind to cellular proteins including PTEN, p85, PDGFR and EGFR using a GST pull-down experiment. The proteins bound to GST-MAGI-2 were identified using an immunoblot analysis. In vitro pull-down experiments revealed that MAGI-2 PDZ2 and PDZ5 domains bind to PTEN, and both MAGI-2 WW domains were shown to bind to p85. EGFR and PDGFR did not bind to the PDZ domains of MAGI-2 under the conditions studied. In order to study protein-protein interactions in cells, immunoprecipitation assays were also performed. Full length MAGI-2 was expressed tagged to a Myc epitope. This was used in immunoprecipitation assays to determine if MAGI-2 could co-immunoprecipitate with proteins involved in the Akt signalling pathway, such as PTEN, p85, PDGFR and EGFR. MAGI-2 can co-immunoprecipitate with PTEN upon 5 min EGF stimulation however, this result was inconclusive because replicate experiments did not verify this initial observation. MAGI-2 does not co-immunoprecipitate with the EGFR nor p85, under the conditions tested. We examined for these interactions after 5 min of growth factor stimulation and more experiments that test different time points after growth factor stimulation would reveal if these interactions are present at shorter time points. MAGI-2 has been shown to bind to PTEN and p85 in vitro and therefore has the potential to regulate the attenuation of the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway in response to activated EGFR and/or PDGFR.
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A Paradoxical Role for PTEN in the Cellular Response to HypoxiaMelonakos, Janet Hart January 2010 (has links)
<p>Regulation of cell growth is controlled by a variety of factors, including a number of oncogenes and tumor suppressors. PTEN is an inositol phosphatase that regulates cell growth by hydrolyzing the phospholipid products of PI3K. PTEN is mutated in a number of cancers, leading to its characterization as an important tumor suppressor. Recent data indicate that PTEN may also perform important functions that are independent of its phosphatase activity, most notably within the nucleus. Studies in this thesis addressed a novel role for PTEN in the regulation of the cellular response to hypoxia.</p>
<p>PTEN overexpression significantly increased hypoxic gene expression independent of its catalytic activity, while shRNA-mediated silencing of PTEN significantly inhibited hypoxia-mediated HRE-luciferase activity. Nuclear-localized PTEN was more effective in promoting HRE activity than nuclear-excluded PTEN. These results suggested a scaffolding function of PTEN in the hypoxic nucleus. To identify specific gene targets regulated by PTEN in hypoxia, a custom oligo-array consisting of 46 hypoxia-responsive genes was utilized following both gain- and loss-of- PTEN function. Based on real-time quantitative results, PTEN positively regulated genes involved in metabolism (PFKFB3, PFKFB4, ALDOA, PGK-1), oxygen supply (VEGFA, EPO), cell growth (Tgf-a, TERT, cyclin D1, BNIP3), motility (E-cadherin) and transcription (DEC2). A single missense mutation at isoleucine 224 (I224M) of PTEN, however, abrogated the ability of PTEN to regulate the hypoxia response without affecting its lipid phosphatase activity. PTEN has previously been shown to bind to the co-activator p300 and to affect p53 acetylation and stabilization. As p300 is also a co-activator for the HIF proteins, we hypothesized that PTEN's association with p300 would promote the HIF/p300 complex to positively regulate hypoxic gene transcription. Overexpression of PTEN-WT extended the half-life of p300 and histone acetyltransferase activity of p300 in hypoxia, while overexpression of PTEN-I224M or PTEN silencing decreased both. In vivo, these effects resulted in a significant increase in hypoxic area in PTEN-null tumors compared to tumors expressing endogenous levels of PTEN, suggesting an inability to mount a hypoxia response necessary for revascularization of the tissue. PTEN's effect on p300 extended to other functions of p300 outside of the hypoxia response, most notably p300's role in p53 stability and p53-mediated gene transcription. Overexpression of PTEN resulted in an increase in p53 reporter activity following DNA damage (mitomycin C treatment). PTEN silencing or overexpression of PTEN-I224M resulted in abrogation of these effects. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that PTEN is required for the hypoxia response and they suggest that PTEN acts as a scaffold for p300 and the HIF machinery in the hypoxic nucleus independent of its canonical lipid phosphatase activity. These results may have important implications for the treatment of tumors in which PTEN is lost or mutated. The potential use of PTEN-I224M as a therapeutic is also discussed</p> / Dissertation
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HSV-1 Remodels PI3-Kinase/AKT SignalingQuach, Kevin Unknown Date
No description available.
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Cartographie du phosphoprotéome régulé par les isoformes du PI3K de classe I dans le cancer du pancréas / Phosphoproteome mapping regulated by class I PI3K isoforms in pancreatic cancerCintas, Célia 24 November 2017 (has links)
L'adénocarcinome pancréatique est un des cancers les plus létaux, avec une survie à 5 ans après diagnostic de seulement 5%. L'absence de traitement curatif et les nombreux échecs des thérapies ciblées mettent en avant l'urgence d'identifier une stratégie thérapeutique efficace. L'atteinte de cet objectif doit passer par l'identification de biomarqueurs diagnostic et pronostic, l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques et la connaissance des mécanismes de résistance induits par les thérapies ciblées. La voie PI3K/Akt/mTOR, une des voies les plus altérées dans les cancers, est suractivée dans les cancers du pancréas et corrélée à un mauvais pronostic. Chez les Vertébrés, la famille des phosphoinositide-3-kinases (PI3K) de classe I est constituée des isoformes p110a, p110ß, p110d et p110?. Bien qu'elles réalisent toutes la même réaction biochimique (phosphorylation du PIP2 en PIP3, second messager lipidique), chaque isoforme de PI3K possède des rôles physiologiques spécifiques. Les inhibiteurs globaux de PI3Ks actuellement testés en phase I/II dans les cancers solides avancés présentent un bénéfice thérapeutique limité à des doses maximales tolérées. Les inhibiteurs des isoformes de PI3K sont actuellement les agents les plus prometteurs car ils offrent les avantages d'être, à de faibles doses, plus efficaces, plus puissants dans l'inhibition d'une PI3K et donc moins toxiques que les inhibiteurs pan-PI3K. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de déterminer les rôles isoforme-spécifiques des PI3K et l'intérêt thérapeutique de cibler une ou plusieurs isoformes dans la pancréatite et l'adénocarcinome pancréatique, par l'identification de voies isoforme-spécifiques et l'étude des réponses adaptatives induites par le ciblage d'une ou de toutes les isoformes de PI3K. Dans un premier temps, mon travail a permis de mettre en évidence, valider et compléter des résultats obtenus dans l'équipe, visant à démontrer l'importance de la signalisation PI3K/Akt dans ces deux processus physiopathologiques : la pancréatite chronique et l'initiation de la carcinogenèse pancréatique. Plus précisément, l'hyperactivation de la voie PI3K/Akt observée dans des échantillons humains et murins atteints de pancréatique chronique est corrélée avec l'enrichissement d'une signature transcriptomique d'activation de l'isoforme p110a. Par ailleurs, l'inactivation génétique et pharmacologique de p110a lors d'une inflammation chronique pancréatique ou en présence de Kras oncogénique empêche l'apparition de métaplasies acino-canalaires, structures associées à l'initiation de la carcinogenèse pancréatique. L'élaboration d'un protocole de transdifférenciation acino-canalaire in vitro m'a permis de valider que seule l'isoforme p110a est nécessaire à cette étape d'initiation de la carcinogenèse pancréatique en régulant les petites GTPases Rho, essentielles au remodelage du cytosquelette d'actine. Dans un deuxième temps, grâce à une analyse quantitative du phosphoprotéome d'une lignée cancéreuse pancréatique traitée ou non à différents temps par un inhibiteur pan- ou isoforme-sélectif, j'ai démontré pour la première fois l'existence de cibles, de réseaux de signalisation et de réponses adaptatives régulés par chaque isoforme de PI3K. Pour conclure, l'ensemble des résultats démontrent le rationnel de l'utilisation combinatoire d'inhibiteurs isoforme-spécifiques de PI3K chez les patients atteints de cancer du pancréas pour une meilleure réponse clinique. / Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is one of the most lethal cancers, with a 5 year-survival rate below 5%. Lack of curative treatment and failure of targeted therapies urge the need to identify novel efficient therapeutic strategy. Achievement of this goal will be obtained through the identification of diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers, identification of novel therapeutic targets and the knowledge of resistance mechanisms induced by these targeted therapies. PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling, one of the most altered in cancers, is overactivated in pancreatic cancer and correlated with poor prognosis. In the Vertebrates, the family of class I phosphoinoitide-3-kinase (PI3K) includes four isoforms: p110a, p110ß, p110d and p110?. Although they all perform the same biochemical reaction (phosphorylation of PIP2 in PIP3, a membrane lipid messenger), each isoform were demonstrated to have specific physiological roles. Global PI3K inhibitors are currently being tested in phase I/II clinical trials in advanced solid cancers, but show at maximal doses tolerated a limited therapeutic benefit. Isoform-selective PI3K inhibitors are currently the most promising agents because, at low doses, they are more efficient to inhibit one PI3K isoform, and thus, less toxic than pan-PI3K inhibitors. The objectives of this thesis are to determine isoform-specific PI3K roles and the therapeutic interest to target one or more isoforms in pancreatitis and PDAC, by the identification of isoform-specific pathways and the study of adaptive responses induced by targeting of one or all isoforms of PI3K. In a first part, my work has highlighted, validated and completed results obtained in the team, to demonstrate the significance of PI3K/Akt signalling in two physiological processes: chronic pancreatitis and initiation of pancreatic carcinogenesis. Precisely, the overactivation of PI3K/Akt pathway measured on human and murine chronic pancreatitis samples is correlated with a specific p110a activation gene expression signature. Moreover, genetic and pharmacologic inactivation of p110a during pancreatic chronic inflammation or cancerogenesis (by oncogenic Kras) prevents the formation of acino-ductal metaplasia, structures at the origin of pancreatic carcinogenesis initiation. Development of in vitro acino-ductal transdifferentiation protocol allowed me to demonstrate that only p110a is necessary at this initial step of pancreatic carcinogenesis by the regulation of Rho small GTPases, further regulating actin remodelling. In the second part, by a phosphoproteomic-based approach, I quantified PI3K downstream phosphorylation-regulated targets in a pancreatic cancer cell line treated or not by a pan- or selective PI3K inhibitor at different times. I demonstrated for the first time existence of targets, signalling pathways and adaptive responses regulated by each PI3K isoform. To conclude, all these results demonstrate the rational of combinatorial use of isoform-specific PI3K inhibitors in patients with pancreatic cancer for better clinical response.
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Diferentes doses de Triiodotironina (T3) aumentam a expressão gênica de leptina, adiponectina e TRα com o envolvimento da via fosfatidil inositol 3 quinase (PI3K) em adipócitos, 3T3-L1Oliveira, Miriane de [UNESP] 29 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os hormônios tireoidianos (HT) são essenciais para a sobrevivência, estando envolvidos nos processos de desenvolvimento, crescimento e metabolismo. As ações dos HT são distintas para diferentes órgãos alvos, e podem ocorrer por meio de seus receptores TRα e TRβ, ou por vias alternativas, as quais podem envolver a integrina αvβ3, as proteínas quinases ativadas por mitógenos (MAPK) e a fosfatidil inositol 3 quinase (PI3K). O tecido adiposo (TA) representa um importante alvo dos HT; produzem várias substâncias biologicamente ativas com diferentes funções fisiológicas, denominadas adipocinas, entre elas a leptina e adiponectina. A leptina é considerada um sinal adipostático ao cérebro e está envolvida na regulação do balanço energético. Adiponectina está envolvida em importantes efeitos metabólicos, como estimulação da oxidação de ácidos graxos, redução da gliconeogênese e aumento da termogênese. Vários estudos têm procurado relacionar a síntese de leptina e adiponectina com os HT; entretanto, os resultados obtidos são controversos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o envolvimento da via PI3K nos efeitos da triiodotironina (T3) sobre a expressão gênica de leptina, adiponectina e do TRα em cultura de adipócitos, 3T3-L1. Para isso utilizamos inibidor da via PI3K, LY294002 e inibidor da síntese proteica (ciclohexamida - CHX), para verificar se ação do T3 é direta ou indireta. Após a diferenciação das células 3T3-L1 elas foram incubadas por uma hora com T3 na presença ou ausência dos inibidores citados acima. Posteriormente ao período de tratamento foi realizada a análise de expressão gênica de mRNA (leptina, adiponectina e TRα) por RT- PCR e de proteina (leptina) pela técnica de Western Blot. Os resultados para leptina, assim como para TRα, demonstraram a ativação da via de sinalização PI3K para ação do T3 na expressão gênica desses genes, sendo que essa ação pode ser indireta ou direta, dependendo da dose de hormônio administrada. Em relação a adiponectina, a dose suprafisiológica de T3 (sem a ativação da via PI3K) ou desativação da via PI3K eleva os níveis dessa adipocina, e constatamos que a ação do T3, nessa dose, sobre os níveis de mRNA de adiponectina é indireta em adipócitos, 3T3-L1. Em resumo, durante uma hora de tratamento, diferentes doses de T3 aumentam os níveis de expressão das adipocinas, leptina e adiponectina, e do TRα em cultura celular de adipócitos, 3T3-L1, e a via de sinalização PI3K se faz importante para a ação do T3. / The thyroid hormones (HT) are essential for survival, being involved in the processes of development, growth and metabolism. Process actions are distinct for different organs, and may occur either directly through its receptors TRα and TRβ, or indirectly through alternative pathways, which may involve integrin αvβ3, the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) or phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase (PI3K). Adipose tissue (TA) is an important target of HT; it produces various biologically active substances with different physiological functions, called adipokines, including leptin and adiponectin. Leptin is considered an adipostatic signal to the brain and is involved in the regulation of energy balance. Adiponectin is involved in important metabolic effects, such as stimulating fatty acid oxidation, reducing gluconeogenesis and increasing thermogenesis. Several studies have sought to relate the leptin and adiponectin synthesis with HT, however the results are controversial. The present study aimed to examine the effects of triiodothyronine (T3), on the modulation of leptin, adiponectin and TRα expression and the involvement of the PI3K signaling pathway in adipocytes, 3T3-L1, cell culture. Will be used pathway inhibitors PI3K, LY294002, and protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide - CHX), to examine whether directly or indirectly T3 action. After the differentiation of the cells 3T3-L1 will be incubated by one hour with T3 in the presence or absence of the inhibitors mentioned above. After hormone treatment was measured the of leptin, adiponectin and TRα gene expression using RT-PCR in real time, it was also assessed the expression of leptin by Western blot. The results to leptin, as well as TRα, demonstrated that the activation of the PI3K signaling pathway has a role in TH-mediated direct or indirect gene expression, depending on the dose administered. Regarding adiponectin, T3 supraphysiological dose (without activation of the PI3K pathway) or deactivation of the PI3K pathway raises the levels of this adipokine in adipocytes, 3T3-L1. In summary, during an hour of treatment, different doses of T3 increase of adipokines levels of expression, leptin and adiponectin, and TRα in cell culture of adipocytes 3T3-L1 and PI3K signaling pathway becomes important for action T3.
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Estudo funcional da via PI3K/AKT em Aedes aegyptiNunes, Tinoco Nunes January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jayme Augusto de Souza Neto / Resumo: Aedes aegypti é a espécie de mosquito emergente em áreas urbanas com maior impacto na saúde pública, sendo o principal vetor dos arbovírus dengue, Zika e chikungunya. Por esse motivo, se faz indispensável a compreensão de mecanismos moleculares associados a processos fisiológicos em A. aegypti, como resposta imune, comportamento e homeostase intestinal. Conforme observado em outros organismos, a via PI3K/AKT tem papéis importantes no metabolismo, na reprodução, na tolerância ao estresse e na imunidade. A quinase AKT atua como um regulador negativo da via PI3K/AKT, fosforilando o fator de transcrição FOXO e impedindo sua translocação nuclear. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o perfil transcricional em A. aegypti com o gene akt silenciado e avaliar as consequências deste silenciamento sobre a microbiota bacteriana. Além disso, investigamos uma provável ativação mitocondrial quando do silenciamento de akt. Mostramos que o silenciamento de akt resultou na ativação de genes essenciais para a manutenção da homeostase intestinal do mosquito, como peptídeos antimicrobianos (AMPs) e genes codificadores de enzimas associadas à produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS). Notavelmente, observou-se uma forte repressão de 11 profenoloxidases (PPOs), além de uma potente indução de genes codificadores de subunidades da enzima NADH desidrogenase, em comparação com o respectivo grupo controle, sugerindo que tal indução esteja associada a um provável aumento da atividade mitocondrial. No context... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Aedes aegypti is the emerging mosquito species in urban areas with the greatest impact on public health, being the main vector of arboviruses dengue, Zika and chikungunya. For this reason, it is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms associated with physiological processes in A. aegypti, such as immune response, behavior and intestinal homeostasis. As observed in other organisms, the PI3K / AKT pathway has important roles in metabolism, reproduction, stress tolerance and immunity. AKT kinase acts as a negative regulator of the PI3K / AKT pathway, phosphorylating the FOXO transcription factor and preventing its nuclear translocation. Our objective was to evaluate the transcriptional profile in A. aegypti with the silenced akt gene and to evaluate the consequences of this silencing on the bacterial microbiota. In addition, we investigated a possible mitochondrial activation during the akt silencing. We have shown that akt silencing resulted in the activation of essential genes for the maintenance of mosquito intestinal homeostasis, such as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and genes encoding enzymes associated with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Notably, a strong repression of 11 profenoloxidases (PPOs) was observed, as well as a potent induction of genes encoding subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme, in comparison with the respective control group, suggesting that such induction is associated with a possible increase in mitochondrial activity. In t... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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