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Development and Engineering Properties of Construction Materials Made Using Melted Plastics Wastes as the Only Binding PhaseThiam, Moussa 07 September 2021 (has links)
Modernization has brought about steady increase in the consumption of goods and services by human societies across the globe, which mostly driven by both population growth and the change of individual living standards. This, of course, leads to an ever-increasing waste production that ends up in landfills and very often as a source of pollution on natural ecosystems, especially in the low and middle-income countries where waste management is almost inexistent.
The management of waste streams is a huge challenge for developed countries as well, where societal and environmental impacts are visible despite massive investments in waste management. One of the most problematic waste materials is plastic, which can remain in nature for over 100 years without degradation, leading to serious environmental concerns. As one of the most significant innovations of the 20th century, plastic is a widely used and cost-effective material for many applications. After their useful lifetimes, their management is problematic. Thus, robust and innovative approaches of managing such waste material are needed in order to mitigate the problem.
One of the innovative approaches of tackling the menace cause by plastic waste is through its incorporation into the construction materials. This thesis seeks to address this problem by exploring the use of melted plastic wastes (High Density Poly Ethylene, HDPE and Low Density Poly Ethylene, LDPE) as binder in developing new construction materials (mortar with melted plastic as the only binder, MPB and Plastic Waste Crete, PWC) as an alternative to partially replace traditional concrete and mortar, or finding other engineering uses for this type of waste.
Worldwide, about 190 m3 of concrete is poured every second, which translates to 6 billion m3 per year and making it, one of the most widely used manufactured materials. However, the production of concrete requires water and cement. Cement is expensive, and its production contributes to the emission of environmentally polluting gases. Replacing this binding element with recycled plastic derivatives would have significant economic and environmental benefits. In addition to the elimination of cement cost, this will result in water savings, which is especially important for areas without fresh water scarcity.
Some researchers have used plastics in concrete and mortars as additives and/or replacement for fine and coarse aggregates. In addition, different types of plastics have been used in bitumen as an additive to reduce construction cost and improve sustainability by adding value to wastes materials. However, there is paucity of technical information about the use of the melted HDPE and LDPE plastic wastes as the only binding phase in concrete- or mortar-like materials. Moreover, many parameters such as preparation conditions, field variables, constituent elements, and final applications have impacts on the performance of construction materials
Thus, the key objective of this PhD research is to develop the mortar with plastic binder (MPB) and PlasticWasteCrete (PWC) by using molten HDPE and LDPE plastic wastes as the only binder as well as to investigate the engineering properties of these new types of construction materials.
The plastic contents of 45%, 50%, 60% and 65% and HDPE to LDPE ratios of 40/60, 50/50, and 60/40 were selected for the experimental tests. Clean river sand was used as the only aggregate for the MPB, while both sand and gravel were used for the PWC. Various tests were then performed on prepared MPB and PWC samples at different curing times from early to advanced ages to assess their engineering properties. These tests were conducted in accordance with the ASTM standards to evaluate the mechanical properties (compressive strength and splitting tensile strength), permeability and density of the MPB and PWC materials. Additional tests were carried out to analyze the products at the microstructural level (optical microscope, SEM, MIP and thermogravimetric analysis) to gain an insight into the microstructural properties of the developed materials and how that affect their engineering properties.
The compressive strength tests revealed the optimal plastic content for the MPB and PWC with the best strength performance. The average compressive strength values for various optimal formulations after 28 days were found to be in the range of 9 to 18 MPa. The splitting tensile strength for the new materials from 1 to 28 days of curing time, were found to be between 1 and 5 MPa. The average hardened density of the MPB and PWC is about 2 g/cm3, which makes them lightweight material according to RILEM classification. In addition, various absorption tests (capillary and immersion) were performed on different MPB and PWC samples, and the obtained results showed that they are porous materials having lower rate of absorption than the traditional cementitious materials (mortar, concrete). This observation was supported by the results from both MIP and SEM analyses. Finally, thermogravimetric analysis provided interesting details on the thermal decomposition of the new materials, with significant changes or mass loss for these products being observed only at temperatures higher than 300°C.
The findings from this study suggest MPB and PWC made with melted plastic waste as the only binder have a promising potentials for use in construction. The research conducted in this PhD study offers a good understanding of the engineering properties of the materials as well as the optimal formulations that yield best performance in terms of strength and durability. In summary, it provides useful technical information and tools on the MPB and PWC that will contribute in setting guidelines on the optimal applications of these products in the field of construction in order to have safe, durable and cost-effective structures.
Avec la modernisation de nos sociétés, les habitudes ont considérablement changé, ainsi, on observe une forte consommation des biens et services, due à l’augmentation de la population et l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie. Ce qui conduit à une augmentation considérable des quantités des déchets qui terminent leurs cycles au niveau des décharges ou dans les océans/fleuves devenant ainsi une source de source de pollution des écosystèmes naturels, surtout dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire avec des systèmes défaillants ou moins performants de gestion des déchets. La gestion des flux de déchets est aussi un défi pour certains pays développés, où les impacts sociaux et environnementaux sont visibles en dépit des investissements massifs dans ce secteur.
Parmi ces déchets, nous avons les plastiques, l’une des innovations du 20e siècle avec des qualités versatiles et coût faible, se trouve partout dans nos vies quotidiennes. Après leur utilisation, les plastiques deviennent des déchets qui peuvent rester dans la nature plus de 100 ans sans aucune dégradation, avec des conséquences néfastes sur l’Homme et l’environnement. Ainsi, une approche robuste et innovante de gestion de ces déchets est nécessaire afin d'atténuer leurs impacts. L'une des approches innovantes pour réduire l’impact causé par les déchets plastiques consiste à les incorporer dans les matériaux de construction.
Ainsi, le problème est abordé dans cette thèse en développant des technologies permettant de recycler les plastiques fondus comme liant dans les nouveaux matériaux de construction (MPB et PWC), afin d’offrir une alternative pour remplacer partiellement le béton / mortier traditionnel.
Le béton est l’un des matériaux les plus utilisés au monde, avec environ 190 m3 coulés chaque seconde, correspondant à 6 milliards de m3 par an. Cependant, la production de béton nécessite de l'eau et du ciment. Le ciment coûte cher et sa production contribue à l'émission de gaz polluants l'environnement. Le remplacement d'une partie du béton traditionnel par un matériau à base des déchets plastique aura des avantages économiques, sociaux et environnementaux importants.
Allant dans ce sens, certains chercheurs ont utilisé les plastiques dans le béton et le mortier comme additifs et / ou substituts des matériaux granulaires tels que le sable et le gravier. Aussi, différents types de plastiques ont été utilisé dans le bitume comme additif pour réduire les coûts de construction et améliorer la durabilité, ainsi contribuer à donner de la valeur aux déchets. Cependant, jusqu'à présent, il existe peu d’informations techniques sur l'utilisation de déchets plastiques (HDPE et LDPE) fondus comme seuls liants pour développer de nouveaux types de matériaux de construction. En plus, plusieurs facteurs (les conditions de préparation, les éléments constitutifs, les applications finales, etc.) ont un impact sur les caractéristiques des matériaux de construction.
Ainsi, l'objectif de cette recherche doctorale est de développer des nouveaux matériaux de construction (MPB et PWC) en utilisant les déchets plastiques fondus (HDPE et LDPE) comme seul liant, puis déterminer les propriétés caractéristiques de ces matériaux afin de trouver la formulation optimale conduisant à la meilleure résistance. En plus de l'élimination du coût du ciment, cette technologie permet aussi de faire des économies d'eau, bénéfique surtout pour les zones avec des difficultés d'accès à l’eau potable. Cela contribuera à la réduction des coûts de la construction en utilisant les produits innovants comme alternative au béton / mortier conventionnel.
Un vaste programme expérimental, comprenant des tests à petite et grande échelle, a été développé afin d'atteindre les objectifs de cette étude de doctorat. La campagne expérimentale a comporté différentes étapes comprenant la sélection des matériaux, la détermination de la formulation optimale et les conditions appropriées pour la préparation des matériaux susmentionnés. Par la suite, pour une meilleure compréhension du comportement technique et des propriétés du produit final, divers tests ont été effectué sur les matériaux préparés à différents temps de durcissement. Ces tests ont été menés conformément aux normes ASTM pour évaluer les propriétés mécaniques (résistance à la compression et à la traction), la perméabilité et la densité des nouveaux matériaux. Les expériences ont été approfondies en analysant les produits au niveau microstructural (microscope optique, SEM, MIP et analyse thermique) pour avoir un aperçu des propriétés microstructurales des matériaux développés et essayer de comprendre les relations avec leur comportement mécanique.
Les essais de compression ont permis de trouver la teneur en plastique optimale pour les matériaux (MPB et PWC) avec les meilleures valeurs de résistance. Les résistances moyennes à la compression à 28 jours pour diverses formulations étaient comprises entre 9 et 18 MPa. La résistance à la traction par fendage des nouveaux matériaux entre 1 et 28 jours se situait entre 1 et 5 MPa. La densité moyenne du béton et mortier écologique est proche de 2 g / cm3, ils peuvent donc être considérés comme des matériaux légers selon la classification RILEM. De plus, divers tests d'absorption (capillaire et par immersion) ont été réalisé sur différents échantillons de MPB et PWC, les résultats obtenus ont montré qu'il s'agit de matériaux poreux ayant un taux d'absorption plus faible que les matériaux traditionnels contenant du ciment. Plusieurs analyses microstructurales ont été réalisées sur différents échantillons des nouveaux produits (MPB et PWC) et les matériaux cimentaires traditionnels ont été utilisés pour renforcer notre compréhension. Enfin, l'analyse thermique a fourni des détails intéressants sur la décomposition thermique de ces nouveaux matériaux ; des changements significatifs avec une perte de masse considérable ont été observés seulement pour des températures supérieures à 300 ° C.
Les résultats de ces essais permettent d'acquérir une bonne compréhension des propriétés techniques des nouveaux matériaux (MPB et PWC) ainsi que de déterminer les teneurs optimales en plastique conduisant aux meilleures performances en termes de résistance et de durabilité. Ainsi, les recherches menées dans cette étude de doctorat fournissent des informations techniques et des outils utiles sur le MPB et le PWC; et contribueront à installer des bases pour guider les applications optimales de ces nouveaux produits dans le domaine de la construction afin d'avoir des structures sûres, durables et rentables.
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Integrovaná technologie pro zpracování nevyužitelného plastového odpadu a kalů z ČOV / Integrated technology for environmentally safe residual plastic waste and sewage sludge disposalKadlecová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The existing methods of sewage sludge and non-recyclable plastic waste management turn out to be unsatisfactory in long terms. Landfilling of the high-calorific-value wastes will be lim-ited in near future and the potential soil contamination by some of the sewage sludge contents led to several legislation changes in the field of using the sewage slugde in agriculture. The presented thesis aims to find an integrated solution for sewage sludge and plastic waste with a focus on the possibility of phosphorus recovery from the resulting ash. Based on the study of the available separate solutions and relevant legislative regulations, three variants of possible integration were proposed. Subsequently, the basic energy and material balance of these vari-ants were performed using W2E software.
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Avfallsplast i asfaltvägar : En granskning av möjligheten att implementera polyeten som polymertillsats i svenska vägar / Waste plastic in asphalt roads : A review of the possibility of implementing polyethylene as a polymer additive in Swedish roadsEkeroth, Sara, Lind, Elvira January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport utreder möjligheten att implementera avfallsplast, specifikt polyeten, som polymertillsats i svenska asfaltvägar. Tekniken, med avseende på avfallsplast, används idag i begränsad utsträckning i andra länder samt utreds på flera håll som en möjlig metod att främja hållbar utveckling genom att öka materialåtervinningen av plast. I Sverige förbränns idag en stor mängd plast för energiåtervinning och införandet av metoden skulle, förutsatt att den ersätter en del av energiåtervinningen, bidra till att minska växthusgasutsläpp från fossila material. Det används idag jungfruliga polymerer som tillsatser i vägmaterial tillsammans med bitumen som utvinns ur råolja, införandet av metoden kan således även substituera uttag av fossila råvaror. För att inhämta resultatet har en litteraturstudie tillsammans med intervjuer med representativa experter inom området utförts. Resultatet redogör för plasters egenskaper och hur dessa fördelaktigt samverkar med, och kan integreras i, asfaltmaterial. Vidare hur dessa egenskaper bidrar till att klimatanpassa vägbyggnationer, leva upp till kravställningen på vägar samt hur egenskaperna utreds genom olika mätmetoder. Även negativa aspekter som kan uppstå kopplat till miljö- och hälsorisker redogörs för. Ett urval av aktuella aktörer som berörs av implementeringen presenteras ur konkurrens- och synergiperspektiv samt med en beskrivning av verksamhetens mål och drivkrafter kopplat till metoden. En stor del av aktörsperspektivet inhämtades från de genomförda intervjuerna med representanter inom asfaltindustrin, bitumentillverkning och innovations- och kemiindustrierna. Inställningen till implementeringen i syfte att arbeta med hållbar utveckling bedöms vara försiktigt positiv på grund av höga krav på sorteringsgrad, jämnhet hos materialströmmar samt eventuella följdproblem som kan följa av införandet. Däremot har tekniken visat sig vara positiv ur ett prestandahöjande perspektiv för vägen genom att vidga tillgängligt temperaturområde, öka åldrings-, deformations- och nötningsresistens samt vattenbeständigheten. För att göra en mer rättmätig bedömning, och ytterligare slutsatser, krävs vidare studier för att undersöka de långsiktiga effekterna av att tillämpa metoden i svenska vägar. / This report investigates the possibility to implement plastic waste, specifically polyethylene, as a polymer additive in Swedish asphalt roads. The technique, when applied with waste plastic, is used to a limited extent in other countries and is investigated as a method in order to forward sustainable development by increasing material recycling of plastics. A large quantity of plastics is incinerated for energy recovery in Sweden today and introducing the method would, given that it replaces parts of the energy recovery method, contribute to decrease greenhouse gas emissions derived from fossil materials. Today virgin polymers are used as additives in road materials as well as bitumen that is extracted from crude oil, introducing the method could therefore substitute the outtake of fossil raw materials. In order to obtain the result a literature review was carried out along with interviews with representative experts related to the area. The result presents properties of plastics and how these can beneficially cofunction and integrate with asphalt material. Furthermore, how these properties contribute to adapt the road to climatic changes, achieve overall related demands and how these properties are measured. Negative environmental and health aspects related to the method are also presented. A selection of would-be affected actors are portrayed with regards to competition and synergies as well as overall goals and driving factors related to the method. A large portion of the chapter portraying actors is based on the information collected during the interviews with representatives from the asphalt industry, bitumen manufacturers and the Chemical and innovation companies. The overall outlook on implementing the method in order to forward sustainable development is considered carefully optimistic, due to high requirements on consistent material streams and potential problems that can arise from the implementation. The technique has been proven to be beneficial regarding performance by broadening the available temperature range as well as increasing resistance towards aging, deformation, wear and water. In order to more precisely analyse and make conclusions regarding the method further studies regarding long-time effects in Swedish roads are needed.
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Recycling Plastic Materials in Concrete InfrastructureAbduallah, Ramzi Muftah Ali January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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What is the Connection Between the Import Regulations in Southeast Asia and the 2019 Changes to the Basel Convention Regarding Plastic Waste? : A Study on Governance Solutions and National Policy Responses to the Issues of Marine Plastic Pollution and the Global Plastic Waste TradeAlbinger, Laura Katharina January 2022 (has links)
Since the 2018 Chinese plastic waste import ban, the global plastic waste trade has been increasingly problematized, especially considering the correlated global environmental issue of marine plastic pollution. Therefore, governance approaches are required to curb marine plastic pollution and regulate the plastic waste trade to prevent situations of “waste dumping” in Global South countries. This thesis will examine the connection between the 2019 changes Basel Convention as a global governance approach and the tendency of Southeast Asian countries to implement import regulations due to an increase in plastic waste exports to the region and resulting environmental concerns. The empirical context of both plastic problems and the central theoretical concepts of waste distancing and environmental justice associated with a postcolonial, environmental theory approach are discussed in the literature review. The 2019 changes to the Basel Convention will be first examined with a content analysis and then the changing international context resulting in national import regulations will be studied with a process-tracing approach focused on the cases of Malaysia and Thailand. To conclude the Basel Convention provided a regulative framework for certain plastic waste imports and can also be related to the Southeast Asian countries’ response of repatriating illegal imports.
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Kinetics Of Polymerization And Degradation By Non-Conventional TechniquesKarmore, Vishal K 02 1900 (has links)
Non-conventional techniques for polymerization and depolymerization were investigated. The rates of polymerization were enhanced higher in ultrasonic, supercritical fluids and microwaves. However in these system under certain conditions, simultaneous degradation also occurred. Depolymerization was studied by various methods like thermal degradation in supercritical fluids and in presence of oxidizers, Lewis acid and other organic acids. Degradation by ultrasound and thermal degradation of polymer mixtures were also investigated. The scission of the polymer backbone is random for thermal degradation while the scission occurs at the midpoint for ultrasonic degradation. The degradation rates in all the investigated techniques were higher than the degradation rates observed for pyrolysis. Degradation was possible at low temperature (< 50°C) for oxidative and ultrasound degradation while the degradation rates were two orders of magnitude higher in supercritical conditions. The molecular weight distribution was obtained by GPC analysis and the continuous distribution models were used to obtain the rate coefficients. The activation energies were calculated from the temperature dependence of the rate coefficients.
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Contribution à l’étude de la valorisation énergétique des résidus de plastique par craquage catalytique / Contribution to the study of energy recovery of plastic waste by catalytic crackingKassargy, Chantal 22 May 2018 (has links)
La consommation continue de matières plastiques a conduit, jusqu’à 2015, à l'accumulation de 6,3 milliards de tonnes de déchets plastiques. En Europe, le recyclage des plastiques ramassés ne dépasse pas les 30% pour des raisons logistiques et économiques liées à cette filière. La valorisation énergétique de ces déchets, non valables pour le recyclage, est alors préférée aux autres modes de gestion. L’incinération étant controversée pour son bilan énergétique et environnemental, d’autres moyens de valorisation tels que la pyrolyse sont privilégiés. Les travaux de recherche menés dans cette thèse ont été focalisés sur la pyrolyse des polyoléfines, le polyéthylène (PE) et le polypropylène (PP), en raison de leur forte présence dans les déchets plastiques municipaux. L’influence de la zéolithe Ultrastable Y (USY) sur la pyrolyse du PP et du PE, récupérés d’une déchèterie, a été étudiée par une analyse thermogravimétrique (ATG) puis sur un réacteur en batch à lit fixe et un réacteur continu. L’étude cinétique dedécomposition thermique des mélanges de PP et de PE a été réalisée, les paramètres cinétiques ont été déterminés et les interactions entre les différents composants du mélange ont été analysées. La quantité de zéolithe a été optimisée et le rapport catalyseur/plastique de 1:10 a été adopté durant les essais expérimentaux. L’utilisation de l’USY comme catalyseur a conduit à une distribution plus ciblée de composés et des temps de réaction plus courts. Les liquides de pyrolyse obtenus ont été séparés en différentes fractions de carburants compatibles avec les normes Européennes EN 590 et EN 228. Afin de réduire le coût de production de ces carburants, une étude de régénération du catalyseur a été menée et a montré que son niveau d’activité a diminué au bout de 14 cycles de régénération. A la fin de la thèse, un bilan d’énergie et de masse du procédé a été effectué puis les perspectives d’amélioration sont présentées afin de transposer l’étude à l’échelle industrielle. / Continuous consumption of plastics led, until 2015, to the accumulation of 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste. In Europe, the recycling of collected plastics does not exceed 30% for logistical and economic reasons related to this sector. The energy recoveryof this waste, which is not valid for recycling, is then preferred to other management methods. Incineration is controversial for its energy and environmental balance; other means of recovery such as pyrolysis are preferred. The research carried out in this thesis focused on the pyrolysis of polyolefins, polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), because of their strong presence in municipal plastic waste. The influence of the ultrastable Y zeolite (USY) on the pyrolysis of PP and PE, recovered from a waste collection center, was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and then on a fixed bed batch reactor and a continuous reactor. The kinetic study of thermal decomposition of the PP and PE mixtures was carried out, the kinetic parameters were determined and the interactions between the various components of the mixture were analyzed. The amount of zeolite was optimized and the catalyst/plastic ratio of 1:10 was adopted during the experimental tests. The use of USY as a catalyst has led to a more targeted distribution of compounds and shorter reaction times. The pyrolysis liquids obtained were separated into different fuel fractions compatible with the European standards EN 590 and EN 228. In order to reduce the production cost of these fuels, a catalystregeneration study was conducted and showed that its activity level decreased after 14 cycles of regeneration. At the end of the thesis, an energy and mass balance of the process was carried out and the prospects for improvement are presented in order to transpose the study on an industrial scale.
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AvaliaÃÃo das estratÃgias de desenvolvimento de produtos ecolÃgicos na cadeia de transformaÃÃo dos resÃduos plÃsticos industriais / Evaluation of product development strategies ecological in the chain of transformation of plastic waste industrialMichele AragÃo Fernandes 23 August 2011 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A pesquisa, que tem como tema a avaliaÃÃo das estratÃgias de desenvolvimento de produtos ecolÃgicos na cadeia de transformaÃÃo dos resÃduos plÃsticos industriais, justifica-se pela mudanÃa de comportamento e novos posicionamentos das empresas com relaÃÃo ao ambiente. O trabalho apresenta metodologia de natureza qualitativa com fins descritivos e procedimentos de coleta bibliogrÃfica com estudo de caso mÃltiplo. As empresas selecionadas para pesquisa sÃo cadastradas na Bolsa de ResÃduos e NegÃcios da FIEC â FederaÃÃo das IndÃstrias do Estado do CearÃ. O presente estudo tem por objetivos investigar se os produtos derivados de resÃduos plÃsticos industriais podem ser classificados como ecolÃgicos, mapear a cadeia de suprimentos e transformaÃÃo dos resÃduos plÃsticos reciclÃveis das empresas pesquisadas e analisar o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos derivados de resÃduos plÃsticos industriais à luz do modelo de Morilhas e Nascimento (2007). Como resultado, verificou-se, que nem todo produto derivado de resÃduos plÃsticos industriais sÃo considerados ecolÃgicos segundo o modelo, pois esses produtos devem atender todas as fases dos critÃrios apontados como ambientais do ciclo de vida de um produto ecologicamente correto. PorÃm, esse modelo nÃo deve ser considerado o Ãnico instrumento de avaliaÃÃo para classificar um produto ecolÃgico, e sim considerÃ-lo como complementar aos referenciais teÃricos para tal anÃlise. / The survey, whose theme is the evaluation of strategies for development of green products in the chain of industrial plastic waste, is justified by the behavior change and new positioning of the companies with the environment. The paper presents a qualitative methodology with descriptive purposes and procedures of collecting literature on multiple case study. The selected companies are registered for research at the Stock FIEC Waste and Business - Federation of Industries of the State of CearÃ. The present study aims to investigate whether products derived from industrial plastic waste can be classified as green, mapping the supply chain and processing of waste plastics recycling companies surveyed and analyze the process of developing products derived from industrial plastic waste in the light model Morilhas and Nascimento (2007). As a result, it was found that not all products derived from industrial plastic waste are considered according to the ecological model, because these products must meet all the criteria set out stages and environmental life cycle of an environmentally friendly product. However, this model should not be considered a unique assessment tool to classify an ecological product, but consider it as complementary to theoretical frameworks for such analysis.
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Metamorphosis - Making plastic transparentRydholm, Rosanna January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis project I try to make visible the complex problems behind the plastic pollution crisis, the skewed ideas of synthetic plastic and recycling we as consumers are taught, and in what way architecture can help make these systems visible. This is achived through a design method of growth and transformation using plastic waste to create a building that uncovers what would otherwise not bee seen.
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Cirkulär ekonomiför plastavfall : Hantering av akrylplast som ett steg mot ett merhållbart samhälle / Circular economy of plasticwaste : A step towards a more sustainable society by handling acrylic plasticBondemark, Emma, Heinevik, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – The aim of the study is to investigate the possibilities for circular economy in acrylicplastic in the lighting industry. To answer the purpose, it was broken down into two researchquestions: [1] What characterizes the handling of acrylic plastic waste by lighting manufacturers? [2] How can lighting manufacturers achieve a more circular handling of acrylic plastic waste? Method – To be able to answer the research questions, a case study was conducted at acompany active in the lighting industry. The data collection consisted of observations,interviews, and document studies. The observations were unmasked and of a direct nature. Theinterviews that were held were both unstructured and semi-structured. The documents wereinvoices and quotations mostly collected from the case company. Furthermore, four differentsolutions were developed with help of the theoretical framework and collected data. The empiricand the theoretical chapters were compared to be able to analyse and answer the researchquestions. Findings – The study shows that a company in the lighting industry throw away plastic lensesas they believe that they have no use for them. The lenses are made of acrylic plastic and arethrown in combustible waste. The waste goes to energy recovery that provides electricity,district heating and district cooling. During the combustion process, carbon dioxide is releasedwhich affects the environment. It is better to let the waste go to energy recovery than landfilling.To achieve a more circular handling of acrylic plastic waste, it is recommended to first andforemost reduce the waste. It is the result of one of the solution proposals "Minimize worksteps" which involves a point effort to take advantage of acrylic plastic instead of throwing itaway. In situations where there is no possibility of reducing, companies should instead try toreuse the acrylic lenses, which is a result of the solution proposal "reuse". In 2024, there willopen a new chemical recycling centre in Sweden that companies should keep track of. Implications – The study has implications for companies in the lighting industry that useacrylic plastic. It is also suitable for companies outside the lighting industry that handle acrylicplastic waste, as the study contributes to increased knowledge about circular economy and howacrylic plastic waste should be handled to benefit the circular economy. The study helps tohighlight potential approaches for environmentally friendly handling of acrylic plastic. A newrecycling centre opens 2024 in Stenungsund, which is the first in Sweden that can chemicallyrecycle acrylic plastic. It is recommended to talk to them early to review costs and opportunitiesthat arise in connection with the opening of the recycling centre. Limitations – The environmental impact of the study is measured in carbon dioxideemissions. No other environmental aspects are considered as carbon dioxide includes the areasthat are relevant, based on the size of the study. Due to the time constraint, the study wasconducted on only one case company, which may lower credibility. More companies should bestudied in order to further generalize and strengthen credibility even more.
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