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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Money and production : a pluralist analysis

Weir, Diarmid J. G. January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to argue that the core of a monetary economy is a network of triangular contracts between banks, firms, workers and capital goods suppliers. Not only does this network give rise to the creation and valuation of money but it is the organising feature of modern economies, giving rise to both episodes of stability and crises. In constructing this argument I consider both orthodox and heterodox points of view. We analyse equilibrium models of money, and find that while money can exist in sequence economies with frictions, models of this type give no justification for its creation, valuation or holding for any significant duration, either theoretically or experimentally. Models that introduce dated goods and trading frictions to motivate the issue of risk-spreading ‘bundled’ debt are more promising for money creation, although they still cannot explain the the holding and valuation of money. Using the concept of team-production of Alchian and Demsetz and that of ‘hostage-taking’ in contracts owing to Williamson, we demonstrate how the issue of a token of generalised purchasing power from a team-production contract can enhance output and consumption. This conclusion motivates an original monetary theory of production that integrates the insights of Post-Keynesian monetary theory and the triangular contracts of the Circulation Approach and expresses them in a way that shows consistent asset and liability matching through a balance sheet approach. The creation and valuation of money and the determination of interest are embedded within the central processes of this economy. The features of the monetary production economy we analyse are in contrast to the mainstream proposition that the economy as a whole is rendered coherent by the existence of a unique and stable equilibrium determined by the utility-maximisation of households and the profit maximisation of firms. Apart from their inability to describe the economy in aggregate, such models treat money as an afterthought that is in no way core to their conception. We set the triangular contracts within a rigorous stock-flow framework of the type developed by Godley and Lavoie and argue that the shifting of the level of impact of uncertainty and failed expectations induced by money leads to specific patterns of economic disruption. These patterns are independent of the specific behavioural characteristics of households and firms and so are robust to policy changes that leave the institutions of the monetary production economy intact. We briefly assess current monetary policy and alternatives in the light of these findings.

Les pratiques communautaires de lutte au VIH et le droit à la santé : une exploration de l’effectivité internormative du droit

Vézina, Christine 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la vie empirique du droit à la santé, à l’échelle locale, dans le contexte de la lutte au VIH au Québec. Ce sujet soulève des questions particulières au Québec en raison de l’absence d’intégration de ce droit, en tant que droit de la personne, au plan interne. En raison de cette situation, cette thèse propose une réflexion qui s’inscrit d’abord dans une analyse plus vaste du droit à la santé en tant que droit international des DESC. Ainsi, après avoir situé la réflexion dans le contexte de l’émergence d’une nouvelle ère des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels à l’échelle globale, l’analyse met en lumière les développements marquants du droit à la santé en droit international et en droit comparé, lesquels tranchent par rapport à l’absence de ce droit, au plan formel, dans les ordres juridiques constitutionnel et quasi constitutionnel. Dans un tel contexte de décalage juridique et alors que de nombreux obstacles à la réalisation du droit à la santé des personnes marginalisées et vulnérables au VIH traduisent de réelles violations des obligations internationales qu’impose le droit à la santé aux autorités gouvernementales, cette thèse nous amène en dehors des cadres prédéterminés, pour penser le droit à la santé en action. Ainsi, la réflexion est orientée en direction du travail des acteurs qui luttent contre les obstacles au droit à la santé, en agissant localement, en entretenant un lien social avec les personnes vulnérables au VIH/sida et en portant, par le biais de réseaux multiples, leurs revendications à une plus grande échelle. Au Québec, en matière de lutte au VIH, ces acteurs sont les organismes communautaires. Leur travail de terrain s’inscrit dans le paradigme de la santé et des droits humains, dont le postulat fondamental est de considérer que le respect des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH et vulnérables au VIH est intimement lié à la lutte au VIH. Ainsi, de nombreuses stratégies de défense, de promotion et de protection des droits de la personne colorent leur approche de travail, le tout valorisé par les contributions expertes d’organismes non gouvernementaux québécois et canadiens et parfois, par les instances internationales, telle ONUSIDA. Cette posture place les organismes communautaires dans un rapport théorique privilégié avec le droit à la santé. Que ce soit en tant qu’acteurs de proximité offrant des soins et services de santé ou en tant qu’entité de transformation sociale, les organismes communautaires semblent en effet particulièrement bien placés pour concrétiser, via leurs services ou à travers leur plaidoyer, l’accès à des soins, services et facteurs déterminants de la santé adaptés, en l’absence de toute discrimination et en accordant une attention prioritaire aux besoins des personnes vulnérables. Mais qu’en est-il concrètement dans les faits ? Est-ce que leurs pratiques sont véritablement en adéquation avec le contenu normatif du droit à la santé ? Est-ce que leur engagement en faveur des droits de la personne englobe le droit à la santé, dans un État où ce droit n’est pas incorporé formellement ? Et en l’absence de relais par le droit interne, est-ce que le droit international du droit à la santé peut entraîner des effets chez ces acteurs ? Comment ces derniers se perçoivent-ils à l’égard de ce droit, dans un contexte de gouvernance décentralisée en santé ? Ce sont ces questions qui ont structuré la présente thèse et qui nous ont poussé à proposer une nouvelle approche théorique, se voulant complémentaire à la théorie de l’effectivité du droit. Partant du constat d’une pluralité de normes, provenant des paliers normatifs international, national et local, en co-existence dans le champ social de la lutte communautaire de lutte au VIH, nous avons proposé une rencontre entre l’effectivité du droit et le pluralisme normatif, pour explorer l’effectivité internormative du droit à la santé. Selon notre approche, l’effectivité internormative se concrétise à travers l’existence de zones d’adéquation entre des pratiques et le contenu normatif d’un droit lesquelles sont attribuables à la force normative d’une norme instituante autre que celle actualisée en pratiques. Dans ce schéma, les pratiques d’actualisation du droit, qui concrétisent le rapport internormatif, se comprennent à travers l’analyse d’affinités électives qui relient de manière dynamique la norme instituante à l’esprit de la norme instituée. Sur cette base, nous avons avancé, à titre d’hypothèse de recherche, qu’il existe, entre les pratiques de revendications et de services des organismes communautaires et, le droit à la santé, un phénomène d’effectivité internormative. Plus concrètement, nous avons suggéré qu’il existe une adéquation entre les pratiques et le droit à la santé et que celle-ci s’explique par l’existence d’une norme communautaire qui influence et oriente les pratiques et qui entretient avec l’esprit du droit à la santé, des affinités électives. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, une étude empirique auprès des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte au VIH a été réalisée. L’analyse des données nuance quelque peu l’hypothèse de départ et offre une réponse en trois volets. C’est le premier volet de l’analyse qui nous invite à revenir sur l’hypothèse puisqu’il révèle l’existence d’une adéquation partielle entre les pratiques communautaires de lutte au VIH et le droit à la santé. Plus précisément, l’analyse qualitative révèle des zones de recouvrement entre les pratiques des organismes communautaires et les dimensions matérielle et procédurale du droit, laissant, en dehors de l’adéquation, les dimensions formelles et opératoires. Concrètement, cela signifie que les pratiques communautaires de lutte au VIH, tant à travers leurs services que leurs revendications, contribuent à rendre disponibles et accessibles des soins, services et facteurs déterminants de la santé de qualité, qui sont acceptables pour les personnes vulnérables au VIH. Ils réussissent à inscrire leurs pratiques dans ce spectre d’adéquation en raison des espaces de non jugement, de dignité et de respect des personnes qu’ils créent dans leurs milieux. Leurs approches de travail, ancrées dans les concepts de réduction des méfaits, de sexualité à risques réduits, de santé globale et de participation, leur souci constant de l’anonymat et de la confidentialité, les cliniques mobiles qu’ils mettent sur pied, l’information adaptées aux réalités et aux besoins qu’ils diffusent, leur conception large et englobante de la non-discrimination et leur prise en compte des besoins et des réalités des personnes les plus vulnérables de la société, sont les facteurs qui entraînent le plus haut niveau d’adéquation entre les pratiques et le droit à la santé. Ce rapport d’adéquation est toutefois fragilisé par les exigences liées au financement des organismes qui mettent en péril la disponibilité de leurs activités et, de manière plus pernicieuse, leur autonomie, en dictant des objectifs déconnectés des besoins réels des personnes et des enjeux véritables du terrain. Dans la mesure où ces contraintes de financement proviennent des autorités gouvernementales provinciales et fédérales, ce constat vient formaliser l’idée qu’en restreignant l’autonomie des organismes communautaires, en limitant leur champ d’action, les gouvernements créent de nouveaux obstacles à la réalisation du droit à la santé des personnes vulnérables au VIH. Pour expliquer le phénomène d’adéquation des pratiques au droit à la santé, le deuxième volet de notre analyse met en lumière l’existence d’une norme, la norme du terrain, qui oriente les pratiques et ce, en l’absence de rapport (connaissance et usage) au droit à la santé, tel qu’il est posé en droit international des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. Cela signifie qu’il existe, chez les organismes communautaires, une méconnaissance du droit à la santé au plan formel, plutôt en phase avec l’état du droit, au plan interne. Cette méconnaissance se présente en parallèle à une connaissance profane d’un droit moral à la santé qui surdétermine subtilement le travail des organismes et qui, par ailleurs, entretient certaines correspondances avec le contenu normatif du droit à la santé posé en droit international des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. Cette situation de pluralisme normatif, inconsciente chez les acteurs eux-mêmes, suscite une certaine confusion, notamment quant aux modalités des obligations imposées par ce droit. En l’absence de rattachement du droit à une source formelle, et à un contenu normatif déterminé, le droit à la santé, en tant que valeur morale, apparaît comme un concept large qui semble davantage représenter, en soi, un objectif à atteindre plutôt qu’un outil juridique destiné à réaliser la dignité humaine. Ainsi, dans l’esprit des acteurs communautaires, leurs pratiques donnent effet au droit à la santé, en tant que concept moral dissocié de toute juridicité, mais ne peuvent être orientées en amont, par ses prescriptions juridiques puisqu’il ne s’agit pas, selon eux, d’une norme juridique. Cette situation démontre que la connaissance profane qu’ont les organismes du droit à la santé est influencée par l’état du droit interne québécois et est peu familière avec le droit international, et encore moins avec les spécificités du droit international des droits économiques sociaux et culturels. En demeurant innomé, cet état de fait contribue à entretenir un certain flou autour de l’idée du droit à la santé et n’est pas favorable au développement de stratégies ancrées dans la norme juridique. Cela n’altère en rien, chez les organismes communautaires, la force de la norme du terrain qui oriente de manière régulière les pratiques de lutte au VIH dans le sens de l’inclusion sociale. En tirant ses sources des besoins et réalités du terrain, cette norme, tributaire de la position d’acteurs de proximité des organismes, occupe une place prioritaire de l’univers normatif au moment de concevoir leurs pratiques. Bien qu’informelle, dans le sens où elle n’est pas exprimée de manière explicite, cette norme est intériorisée et partagée par l’ensemble des acteurs. Elle est structurée sur un axe bottom up et requiert un accès, une captation et un décodage des besoins et réalités du terrain pour catalyser les besoins des milieux. Elle s’avère également surdéterminée par des valeurs propres à la lutte au VIH, telles la justice sociale, la santé globale et l’autonomisation des personnes. Tout en ciblant les pratiques de services et de revendications des organismes, nous observons que cette norme du terrain est susceptible de transiter, du bas, vers le haut, en direction des institutions publiques ou des acteurs privés, le cas échéant. Dans de tels cas, les organismes communautaires revêtent les traits de véritables passeurs entre le monde du terrain et le monde institutionnel. Dans tous les cas, la norme prescrit l’élaboration de pratiques qui s’arriment véritablement aux enjeux et problématiques qui sont vécus sur le terrain, loin des pratiques standardisées. Le fait que cette norme du terrain oriente les pratiques des organismes dans la zone d’adéquation au droit à la santé témoigne d’un véritable phénomène d’effectivité internormative au sein du champ social de la lutte communautaire au VIH. Pour explorer plus profondément le rapport internormatif qui sous-tend les pratiques d’actualisation du droit à la santé, nous avons recours au concept d’affinités électives. Ce dernier est particulièrement pertinent, au plan heuristique, pour comprendre les relations dynamiques de convergence entre la norme instituante et la norme instituée. Dans le cadre de notre démarche, ces affinités électives sont repérables chez les organismes communautaires, entre la norme du terrain et la norme morale du droit à la santé. L’analyse des pratiques et des représentations des organismes nous amène en effet à constater qu’il existe, selon leur point de vue, des convergences réciproques entre la norme du terrain et l’esprit du droit à la santé. Ces affinités prennent forme à trois niveaux. D’abord, entre la structure bottom up de la norme du terrain et l’exigence de participation associé au droit moral à la santé. Ensuite, entre l’ancrage de la norme du terrain dans une conception globale de la santé et la place des facteurs déterminants dans la définition du droit moral à la santé. Et enfin, entre l’exigence de non-jugement de la norme du terrain et les composantes de la non-discrimination, de l’accès et de l’acceptabilité des soins, services et déterminants au cœur de l’esprit du droit à la santé. Tout en étant innomées et implicites, ces convergences naturelles entre la norme du terrain et l’esprit du droit à la santé se déploient de manière fluide et naturelle chez les organismes communautaires en traduisant à la fois, leur manière d’être et de faire. Ces attirances réciproques s’activent concrètement par le biais des pratiques qui prennent alors les traits de véritables pratiques d’actualisation du droit à la santé. En attirant l’attention sur ces dynamiques de parentés intimes, c’est à un réel travail de compréhension de la généalogie normative des pratiques d’actualisation du droit à la santé que nous convie le concept des affinités électives. Cet exercice nous invite alors à réintroduire, dans l’analyse, l’influence des structures et des systèmes dans la concrétisation de l’effectivité internormative. Sur cette base, notre analyse démontre que l’autonomie des organismes communautaires est la pierre angulaire du rapport de convergence mutuelle entre la norme du terrain et l’esprit du droit à la santé. Par conséquent, toute atteinte à cette autonomie, notamment par les exigences du financement, est susceptible de déséquilibrer les rapports dynamiques d’attirances réciproques et ainsi, de nuire à la concrétisation des pratiques d’actualisation du droit à la santé. / The objective of this thesis is to understand the links that take form between the community based practices, in the context of the fight against HIV/aids, and the right to health as an economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), pursuant to international law. More precisely, it proposes a new theoretical approach, complementary to the sociological theory of effectivity, according to which effectivity and normative pluralism combine to give way to the exploration of the internormative effectivity of the right to health in the social field of the fight against HIV/aids at the community level. Bearing this in mind, we suggest, as a research hypothesis, that exists, between the advocacy practices and services of community organisms and the right to health, an internormative effectivity phenomenon. To verify this hypothesis, an empirical study was conducted among community groups in Québec involved in the fight against HIV/aids. Analysis of the findings reveals a tree component answer. The first confirms the existence, between the fight against HIV/aids practices at the community level and the right to health, of a partial adequation area linking these practices to the substantive and procedural dimensions of the right to health, while not taking into account the formal and operational dimensions. Explaining this phenomenon, the second component of our analysis reveals the lack of relation (knowledge and use) to the right to health, as it is defined by international law, incidentally mitigated by a lay knowledge of the moral right to health. The latter intuitively influences the organisms, but the legal dimension of the right to health provokes confusion and is ignored by the actors involved. In this context, the third component highlights the existence of a specifically community norm, the field norm, which directs the practices in the adequation area and enables them to become, in a certain way, right to health actualization practices. This shows a genuine internormative effectivity phenomenon, according to which the social norm compensates, up to a certain point, the absence of law in the relevant legal order and in the normative universe in which the actors manoeuvre. To further explore this internormativity, we apply the elective affinities concept, which is ideal when it comes to identify the strong relationship between the two norms, and the mutual attraction that links them in a dynamic way. Analysis of the practices and of the actors’ representations enables us to confirm the presence of these elective affinities between the field norm and the spirit of the right to health, which explains the fact that the application of the norm field places de facto the organisms in the the right to health’s spectrum. Examining further the dynamics of these intimate relationships constitute a genuine understanding of the “chemical genealogy” behind the right to health actualization practices brought forward by the elective affinities. It consequently invites us to reintroduce in the analysis, the influence of the structures and systems on the realization of the effective internormativity.

Les maux de ventre des enfants haïtiens de Montréal : entre la recomposition culturelle et la souffrance familiale

Gomez Cardona, Liliana 03 1900 (has links)
Le mal de ventre chez les enfants est un lieu de métissage et de créolisation traversé par des dimensions sociales et culturelles. Il est construit collectivement au sein des familles nucléaires avec leurs parcours migratoires et leurs souffrances. Par le biais d’entretiens menés auprès de familles haïtiennes vivant à Montréal, nous documentons les trajectoires de ces douleurs, dans lesquelles les perceptions, les explications et les moyens mis en œuvre pour les soulager interagissent d’une manière dynamique. En général, les enfants perçoivent leurs maux de ventre comme une expérience insaisissable, diffuse et ayant un impact sur leur vie sociale, tout en étant tolérés par les enfants et par les mères. Ces familles n’ont pas reçu de diagnostic médical et elles attribuent à ces maux des explications provisoires en constante recomposition. En général, elles ont recours à différentes méthodes de prise en charge des maux de ventre. L’espace familial, les activités réalisées au sein des églises et la médecine officielle sont des espaces thérapeutiques privilégiés. / Belly-stomachaches in children are a space of hybridity and creolization, affected by social and cultural dimensions. These aches are collectively constructed within nuclear families, with their migratory histories and their sufferings. Having interviewed Haitian families living in Montreal, we documented the illness trajectories, the perceptions, explanations and means of relieving the aches, which all interact in a dynamic mode. Generally speaking, the children perceive their belly-stomachaches as an irregular experience that has an impact on their social life, although tolerated by the children and theirs mothers. Families have not received a medical diagnosis and give temporary, changing explanations to the aches, in a constant reformulation. In general, families will use different methods to deal with belly and stomach aches. The family space, church activities, and official medicine are privileged therapeutic spaces.

Standing with Unfamiliar Company on Uncommon Ground: The Catholic Church and the Chicago Parliaments of Religions

Parra, Carlos 18 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the struggle of the Catholic Church to be true to itself and its mission in the midst of other religions, in the context of the non-Catholic American culture, and in relation to the modern world and its discontents. As milestones of the global interfaith movement, American religious freedom and pluralism, and of the relation of religion to modernity, the Chicago Parliaments of Religions offer a unique window through which to view this Catholic struggle at work in the religious public square created by the Parliaments and the evolution of that struggle over the course of the century framed by the two Chicago events. In relation to other religions, the Catholic Church stretched itself from an exclusivist position of being the only true and good religion to an inclusivist position of recognizing that truth and good can be present in other religions. Uniquely, Catholic involvement in the centennial Parliament made the Church stretch itself even further, beyond the exclusivist-inclusivist spectrum into a pluralist framework in which the Church acted humbly as one religion among many. In relation to American culture, the Catholic Church stretched itself from a Eurocentric and monarchic worldview with claims of Catholic supremacy to the American alternative of democracy, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. In relation to modernity, the Church stretched itself from viewing the modern world as an enemy to be fought and conquered to befriending modernity and designing some specific accommodations to it. In these three relationships, there was indeed a shift, but not at all a clean break. Instead a stretch occurred, acknowledging a lived intra-Catholic tension between religious exclusivism and inclusivism, between a universal Catholic identity and Catholic inculturation in America (and in other cultures), and between the immutability of Catholic eternal truths and their translatability into the new languages offered by the modern world. In all this the Second Vatican Council was the major catalyst. For all three cases the Chicago Parliaments of Religions serve as environments conducive to the raising of important questions about Catholic identity, the Catholic understanding of non-Catholics, and Catholic interfaith relations.

Standing with Unfamiliar Company on Uncommon Ground: The Catholic Church and the Chicago Parliaments of Religions

Parra, Carlos 18 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the struggle of the Catholic Church to be true to itself and its mission in the midst of other religions, in the context of the non-Catholic American culture, and in relation to the modern world and its discontents. As milestones of the global interfaith movement, American religious freedom and pluralism, and of the relation of religion to modernity, the Chicago Parliaments of Religions offer a unique window through which to view this Catholic struggle at work in the religious public square created by the Parliaments and the evolution of that struggle over the course of the century framed by the two Chicago events. In relation to other religions, the Catholic Church stretched itself from an exclusivist position of being the only true and good religion to an inclusivist position of recognizing that truth and good can be present in other religions. Uniquely, Catholic involvement in the centennial Parliament made the Church stretch itself even further, beyond the exclusivist-inclusivist spectrum into a pluralist framework in which the Church acted humbly as one religion among many. In relation to American culture, the Catholic Church stretched itself from a Eurocentric and monarchic worldview with claims of Catholic supremacy to the American alternative of democracy, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. In relation to modernity, the Church stretched itself from viewing the modern world as an enemy to be fought and conquered to befriending modernity and designing some specific accommodations to it. In these three relationships, there was indeed a shift, but not at all a clean break. Instead a stretch occurred, acknowledging a lived intra-Catholic tension between religious exclusivism and inclusivism, between a universal Catholic identity and Catholic inculturation in America (and in other cultures), and between the immutability of Catholic eternal truths and their translatability into the new languages offered by the modern world. In all this the Second Vatican Council was the major catalyst. For all three cases the Chicago Parliaments of Religions serve as environments conducive to the raising of important questions about Catholic identity, the Catholic understanding of non-Catholics, and Catholic interfaith relations.

La protection légale des connaissances traditionnelles des peuples autochtones Mapuches, par rapport à l’utilisation des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) au Chili

Honorato Marin, Paula 06 1900 (has links)
Devant le manque de ressources économiques et la pauvreté, les « OGM » apparaissent comme un outil visant à contribuer à la croissance économique et alimentaire, notamment dans les pays en voie de développement et sous-développés. Cependant, nous devons nous pencher sur un sujet tout aussi fondamental, à savoir la protection juridique, accordée par la législation tant nationale qu’internationale en lien avec les « connaissances traditionnelles » quand elles sont aux prises avec l’utilisation des OGM. Connaître cette interaction et évaluer ses effets sur la culture est un sujet d’une ampleur considérable à l’heure actuelle, principalement lorsque l’on considère les « savoirs locaux » comme des éléments fondamentaux pour la conservation de la « biodiversité » et le « développement durable ». / Given the lack of economic resources and poverty, « GMOs » would appear to be a useful tool contributing to economic growth and food production, particularly in developing and underdeveloped countries. However, there is an equally important corollary issue we must address, namely the legal protection afforded by legislation both nationally and internationally, to « traditional knowledge » when they are faced with the use of GMOs. Understanding this interaction and its impact on culture is a significant issue at present, especially when one considers the importance of «local knowledge » as an element for the preservation of « biodiversity » and « sustainable development ».

La dialectique pluralisme religieux/incertitude religieuse dans la pensée de Peter L. Berger : analyse conceptuelle et essai critique.

Nizigama, Isaac 06 1900 (has links)
La dialectique pluralisme religieux/incertitude religieuse, sur laquelle porte cette thèse, se révèle être un thème majeur dans la pensée de Peter L. Berger, en sociologie des religions et en théologie protestante. Une analyse systématique et détaillée des concepts-clés qui la constituent débouche sur la question des rapports entre sociologie et théologie à laquelle Berger lui-même s’est confronté. Abordée sous l’angle de l’idée du principe protestant, cette question s’est résolue, dès la fin des années 1960, en un certain « mariage » entre son approche de la sociologie de la connaissance et son approche théologique libérale. Les concepts de foi et théologie « inductives », de « voie médiane entre le fondamentalisme et le relativisme », semblent jaillir de cette dialectique et de ce « mariage ». Si néanmoins cette dialectique se retrace dans la pensée de Berger dès ses premières œuvres, la défense d’une via media théologique appliquée à toutes les religions se révèle être la conséquence de l’abandon (dès 1967), de sa posture théologique néo-orthodoxe. Dans cette posture, la dialectique bergérienne s’appliquait à toutes les religions mais laissait la foi chrétienne intouchée et pensée en termes de certitude. Or, une analyse critique de sa pensée permet de situer au moins à trois niveaux un certain nombre de problèmes : le niveau de sa conception de la religion manifestant une ambiguïté; le niveau des rapports entre sociologie et théologie révélant un biais libéral et une absence de contenu religieux concret pour le principe protestant; enfin le niveau de sa critique des quêtes contemporaines de certitudes religieuses, critique dont le fondement sur sa dialectique peut être questionné par des exemples de conception différente de la religion et de la certitude religieuse. Pour ces trois niveaux, l’exemple de la conception de la certitude religieuse par les protestants évangéliques permet au moins une ébauche d’un tel questionnement. Cette conception, surtout dans son idée de l’« assurance du salut», se fonde, dans son approche surnaturelle de la certitude religieuse, sur une adhésion et une confiance fortes quant aux contenus traditionnels de la foi chrétienne. Si les arguments avancés dans cette perspective demeurent discutables, ils semblent assez pertinents puisque la vitalité contemporaine de la religion à l’ère du pluralisme religieux (voir notamment le protestantisme évangélique aux États-Unis) constitue une indication que la validité empirique de la dialectique bergérienne, et la critique qu’elle fonde, sont largement problématiques si l’on tient compte de l’auto-compréhension des groupes religieux eux-mêmes. / The dialectic religious pluralism/religious uncertainty, with which deals this dissertation, reveals itself as a major theme in Peter L. Berger’s thought, in sociology of religion and in protestant theology. A systematic and detailed analysis of the key concepts which constitute that dialectic leads to the question of the relationship between sociology and theology, which has been confronted by Berger himself. It is at the time Berger studied that question from the point of view of the idea of the protestant principle, during the late sixties, that he solved it by a kind of ‘wedding’ between his approach in the sociology of knowledge and his liberal theological approach. Concepts as ‘inductive faith and theology’, ‘middle position between fundamentalism and relativism’, seem to emerge both from that dialectic and from that ‘wedding’. Nevertheless, while that dialectic can be retraced in Berger’s thought since his earlier works, the defence of a theological via media applied to all religions, appears to be the consequence of his rejection (since 1967), of his earlier theological stance deployed from the neo-orthodox approach. In that stance, the bergerian dialectic was applied to all religions but not to the Christian faith, thought in terms of certainty. But, a critical analysis of Berger’s thought allows one to identify some problems at least at three levels: the level of his concept of religion which evidentiates an ambiguity ; the level of the relationship between sociology and theology which reveals a liberal bias and a lack of specific religious content for the protestant principle; and finally, the level of his critique of the contemporary religious certainty impulses; a critique whose base on his dialectic can be questioned by some examples of different conceptions of religion and of religious certainty. About those three levels, the example of the conception of religious certainty by the Evangelical Protestants allows at least a draft of that questioning. It deploys a supernatural conception of the religious certainty, especially by the notion of « assurance of salvation », based on strong adherence and confidence in the traditional contents of the Christian faith. While the arguments of that conception can be subjected to questions, they seem enough relevant since the contemporary vitality of religion at the pluralistic era (cf. Evangelical Protestantism in U.S.A for example) constitutes an indication that the empirical validity of the bergerian dialectic, and of the critique based on it, is largely problematic if one takes into account the self-understanding of the religious groups themselves.

'n Hermeneuties-empiriese strategie rakende die verskynsel van kerkkrimping in tradisioneel Afrikaanse susterkerke in Suid-Afrika : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Sophia van Helden

Van Helden, Sophia January 2010 (has links)
The phenomenon of the decline in numbers in traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” - in the midst of the complex South African society of the first decade of the 21st century - was researched in the light of the command that Jesus himself gave to his church (Math 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8). The Great Commission directed the aim of the research to evaluate this phenomenon hermeneutically and empirically in order to develop a reformed strategy in a practical theological way. The grounding of the investigation was the communicative action theory, which simultaneously integrates with a basic theoretical model developed from a combination of basic theoretical models as suggested by Dingemans, Heitink en Zerfass. To reinforce the exegetical/hermeneutical perspective of the basic theory, a historical study was conducted regarding the growth and decline of power basises since the Jesus movement until now. The interaction between perspectives was subsequently extended by metatheoretical perspectives, based on the research regarding the influence of schools of thought, as well as the influence of circumstances in the country, which determine the “sister church” praxis of the 21st century. The traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” as a problematic ecclesiastical community of practice was further examined as part of the empirical perspective. On this basis an attempt was made to gauge the thinking of the “sister churches” in the intricate and problematic ecclesiastical praxis. The gauging was executed by means of a random test in one of the “sister churches”, namely the Reformed Church of South Africa (GKSA). It was found that this problematic church praxis is directed by strong institutional thinking. An adjusted practice theory, as well as a supporting practical theoretical model, were formulated in order to realise a reformed strategy for church growth as opposed to the decline in numbers. Considering the above mentioned interactive perspectives, the conclusion was reached that the praxis in the “sister churches” at the beginning of the 21st century, functions in an ecclesiastically imbalanced way. The imbalance lies in the fact that Christ-centred thinking, and thus also Christ-centred ecclesiology (as balancing thinking and balancing ecclesiology), does not manifest in “sister church” thinking. The unbalanced thinking as an all-encompassing factor in the church praxis, confirms and promotes the tendency of the decline in numbers. The proposed strategic perspective as the adjusted practice theory is thus a contribution to formulating an obedient, covenant-centred and reformed answer to declining numbers. This adjusted strategy can bring about the wonder of revival and growth in the “sister churches” by means of the basic theoretical truth elements, which were pointed out in this research. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

'n Hermeneuties-empiriese strategie rakende die verskynsel van kerkkrimping in tradisioneel Afrikaanse susterkerke in Suid-Afrika : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Sophia van Helden

Van Helden, Sophia January 2010 (has links)
The phenomenon of the decline in numbers in traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” - in the midst of the complex South African society of the first decade of the 21st century - was researched in the light of the command that Jesus himself gave to his church (Math 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8). The Great Commission directed the aim of the research to evaluate this phenomenon hermeneutically and empirically in order to develop a reformed strategy in a practical theological way. The grounding of the investigation was the communicative action theory, which simultaneously integrates with a basic theoretical model developed from a combination of basic theoretical models as suggested by Dingemans, Heitink en Zerfass. To reinforce the exegetical/hermeneutical perspective of the basic theory, a historical study was conducted regarding the growth and decline of power basises since the Jesus movement until now. The interaction between perspectives was subsequently extended by metatheoretical perspectives, based on the research regarding the influence of schools of thought, as well as the influence of circumstances in the country, which determine the “sister church” praxis of the 21st century. The traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” as a problematic ecclesiastical community of practice was further examined as part of the empirical perspective. On this basis an attempt was made to gauge the thinking of the “sister churches” in the intricate and problematic ecclesiastical praxis. The gauging was executed by means of a random test in one of the “sister churches”, namely the Reformed Church of South Africa (GKSA). It was found that this problematic church praxis is directed by strong institutional thinking. An adjusted practice theory, as well as a supporting practical theoretical model, were formulated in order to realise a reformed strategy for church growth as opposed to the decline in numbers. Considering the above mentioned interactive perspectives, the conclusion was reached that the praxis in the “sister churches” at the beginning of the 21st century, functions in an ecclesiastically imbalanced way. The imbalance lies in the fact that Christ-centred thinking, and thus also Christ-centred ecclesiology (as balancing thinking and balancing ecclesiology), does not manifest in “sister church” thinking. The unbalanced thinking as an all-encompassing factor in the church praxis, confirms and promotes the tendency of the decline in numbers. The proposed strategic perspective as the adjusted practice theory is thus a contribution to formulating an obedient, covenant-centred and reformed answer to declining numbers. This adjusted strategy can bring about the wonder of revival and growth in the “sister churches” by means of the basic theoretical truth elements, which were pointed out in this research. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Pluralism, Australian newspaper diversity and the promise of the Internet

Lewis, Kieran Joseph January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis I address the research question: 'How has the Internet delivered pluralism by promoting structural diversity and/or content diversity in Australia's newspaper industry?' Structural diversity is defined here as diversity in newspaper ownership and content diversity as the diversity of views published by individual newspapers. Central to the thesis is the notion of pluralism, the belief that the news media should provide a range of views and opinions, contradictory as well as complementary, to allow informed citizens to effectively take part in the democratic process. The newspaper industry in this country, however, is controlled by a powerful press oligopoly across a range of markets, a situation believed to greatly limit pluralism. A review of newspaper ownership and circulation from 1986 to 2002 shows that, as at 2002, four newspaper owners are the sole occupants of Australia's national and capital city newspaper market. Seven owners are predominant in Australia's regional daily newspaper market, although just three owners controlled 69 per cent of the market's circulation in 2002. Two owners controlled 69 per cent of Australia's suburban newspaper market in 2002. Similar trends were seen in the country's Saturday newspaper and Sunday newspaper markets. In all markets except the regional daily newspaper market, News Limited is the dominant newspaper owner. Australian Provincial News and Media is the dominant owner in the regional daily newspaper market with a 27 per cent share of circulation in 2002. Australia's concentrated newspaper ownership structure has led to a number of formal inquiries into diversity in the industry since 1980. In this thesis I review two of these inquiries, the 1991-92 House of Representatives Select Committee on the Print Media (the Print Media Inquiry) and the 2000 Productivity Commission Inquiry into Broadcasting, to determine (among other things) the nature of and the relationship between structural and content diversity as they apply to Australia's newspapers. (By virtue of major media groups' involvement in the Productivity Commission's inquiry - particularly News Limited, Publishing and Broadcasting Limited and, to a lesser extent, Rural Press - this inquiry, although broadcast-oriented, considered Australia's newspaper industry at length.) This review shows both inquiries were clear on how they saw this relationship - structural diversity is necessary for content diversity. However, the Print Media Inquiry suggested it was almost impossible to guarantee structural diversity in the nation's newspaper industry. The Productivity Commission, meanwhile, said that while it accepted content diversity was not inconsistent with media ownership concentration, it was more likely to be achieved where there was diverse ownership. With the relationship between structural and content diversity in mind, and the Print Media Inquiry's and the Productivity Commission's beliefs that new entrants in the newspaper industry were unlikely in the short term, I examine the suggestion that the Internet has the potential to increase structural diversity in Australia's newspaper industry by allowing new players to efficiently enter the industry via the World Wide Web. The extent to which this might occur is determined by a study of 18 Australian newspaper websites with one argument being that if established newspapers find the transition online relatively easy, then independent online-only news sites might be similarly established. Mings and White's four online news business models - a subscription model, advertising model, e commerce-based transactional model and partnership-based model - are used as a framework to examine the study's results. The study shows Australia's experience mirrors international experience in terms of the growth of newspapers online and in terms of their lack of profitability. It shows that 28 per cent of the newspapers surveyed maintained their circulation while offering free online news content, while a further 33 per cent registered circulation increases. Advertising revenue increased for seven of the nine newspaper websites containing advertising, suggesting that, for some Australian newspapers at least, gaining online advertising (as opposed to gaining overall profitability) has proved successful. And while the survey shows little evidence of Australian newspapers using the transactional model in any real sense, it does show that Australian newspapers are forming local online partnerships with other media and non-media businesses to facilitate their online activities. The study's key finding is that of the 18 newspapers surveyed, just two websites were profitable. This finding is consistent with literature that highlights a lack of commercially viable independent online news ventures both in Australia and internationally. While considerable hopes were held that the Internet would introduce more structural diversity into Australia's newspaper industry, I argue that the Internet's commercial imperatives, as they apply to newspapers, have to a large extent precluded it from adding structural diversity in the industry. In these circumstances, it may be that the only viable way of increasing content diversity in the nation's newspaper industry is to increase the availability of diverse information sources to journalists. I propose that one way to do this is via the Internet. The extent to which this is occurring is determined by a survey of Australian journalists' Internet use, the survey results showing that 97.4 per cent of the journalists who responded now use the Internet regularly, including 97.5 per cent of newspaper journalists. But most journalists who responded use the Internet as a preliminary research tool and as a way to check facts rather than as a means of accessing diverse news sources. The respondents' top five Internet uses, for example, are to e-mail work colleagues, to undertake preliminary research, to access media releases from websites, to verify facts and to search other news organisations' websites. They access major news organisation websites most frequently, followed by government websites, university/research institution websites and corporate/company websites. The least frequently accessed websites are those that could conceivably provide the alternate views demanded by pluralism: online news and current affairs discussion groups and websites set up by private individuals. The survey shows the types of websites Australian journalists most frequently access are linked to the credibility they give to information contained on those websites. Major news organisation websites are seen as providing the most credible information, followed by university/research institution websites and government websites. Websites perceived as providing the least credible information were those that host online news and current affairs discussion groups and websites set up by private individuals. The survey also shows Australian journalists have not embraced online reader interaction to any extent, lessening the likelihood that readers will be able to provide journalists with more diverse news sources. Less than 20 per cent of journalists interact with readers via the Internet and less than 10 per cent use this interaction to create or follow up news stories. The survey does provide results that support source diversity, however. It shows that almost a third of Australian journalists have obtained additional news sources via the Internet. The Internet has also allowed more than 40 per cent of journalists to access individuals or groups that they would not otherwise have accessed. The survey also shows that journalists who have had experience working in the online media environment consistently use the Internet more productively, in terms of diversity, than other journalists. It is these journalists that interact online with readers more, that participate in online discussion groups more and that appear more willing to seek online information from non-traditional sources such as independent news websites and the websites of private individuals or groups. Journalists with online media experience also represent the group that has most sought training in online journalism and online media practice and that most believes the Internet will play an increasingly important role for journalists and news consumers in the future. At present, the survey suggests, journalists with this online media experience comprise just 19 per cent of Australian journalists. But as the number of journalists with online media experience increases in the workforce, these journalists' greater acceptance of the Internet may then assist in greater source diversity leading to greater content diversity in Australia's news media. The studies of newspaper websites and journalists' Internet use suggest and support differing diversity models. In this thesis I propose two models for diversity, the first drawn from views espoused by the Print Media Inquiry and the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Broadcasting. This model (below) sees a one-to-one correspondence between structural and content diversity and assumes that to increase the diversity of views available to the public, the number of media outlets must similarly be increased. The argument that the Internet can provide media pluralism by permitting new players to enter the media market relatively easily, an argument tested by my study of Australian newspaper websites, is commensurate with this model. The second model is based on my inquiries into journalists' Internet use and proposes a method of increasing content diversity within a fixed media ownership structure. This model (below) acknowledges that journalists produce content mostly via traditional news sources, but proposes this content can be increased and/or changed, with an emphasis on more diverse information, via non-traditional news sources obtained via the Internet. The success of this model, however, is predicated on journalists' acceptance of online information as a viable news source. The implication for journalism is that established journalistic norms and practices, which can limit online-supported content diversity, need to be overcome. Overall, the results of my inquiries suggest the answer to the research question is that the Internet has so far delivered little in terms of structural and content diversity in Australia's newspaper industry. However, the Internet's potential to do so remains, particularly if independent online-based media ventures find ways to become commercially viable and if journalists adopt the technology as a means of finding more diverse news sources.

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