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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stadens interna och externa samutveckling: ett icke-dualistiskt perspektiv på problemet hållbar stadsutveckling

Sharif, Shawky, Lindström, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Vi har sett ett behov av att lyfta fram tillvaratagandet av människors potential som en nyckelfaktor för hållbar utveckling. Med bakgrund i en doxologisk kunskapssyn har vi intagit rollen som bricoleurer, där vi utifrån ett heuristiskt angreppssätt och ett pragmatiskt användande av teori-U, eklektiskt hanterat teorier från olika forskningsfält. Först har vi undersökt hur människors uppfattning om staden kanaliseras genom metaforer och hur det påverkar våra städer och våra liv. Därefter har vi med stöd av komplexitetsteori, kaosteori och systemteori undersökt staden som en helhetsmetafor. Tillsist, med hjälp av i huvudsak Ken Wilbers integralfilosofi och Gilles Deleuze eklektiska filosofi når vi vår syntes om det vi kallar Stadens interna och externa samutveckling som på sätt och vis sätter stadens metaforer i ett sammanhang. / We have seen a need to embrace human potential as a key factor for sustainable development. With a background in a doxological epistemology we have taken the role of the bricoleur, and based on a heuristic approach and a pragmatic use of Theory U we have dealt with different research fields in an eclectic fashion. First, we have investigated how people´s perceptions of the city are channeled through metaphors and how it affects our cities and our lives. Drawn on complexity theory, chaos theory and systems theory, we examined the city as a whole. Finally, using Ken Wiber´s Integral Philosophy and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze we reach our synthesis called The City´s Internal and External Co-evolution, which puts metaphors of the city in a context.

Muslims in Interfaith Marriages in the West: Gender, Globalization, and Pluralism / Muslims in Interfaith Marriages in the West

Ali, Nida January 2017 (has links)
As Muslims increasingly cross ethnic, religious, and social barriers within Western societies, the rate of interfaith marriages continues to rise. As a result, several issues are generated within the Muslim community globally. One of these issues focuses on the subjectivity of Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men since Islamic religious texts may be unclear and indirect regarding the issue. Additionally, Muslims in the West are increasingly exposed to individuals from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, which raises the probability of exogamy. Many Muslims residing in the West do not have issues with exogamy; it is mostly familial and societal expectations that exude stress when individuals intermarry within the Muslim community. Openness to intermarriage among Muslims in the West can be attributable to differences in faith and identity development of second-generation Muslims growing up in Western countries, which can lead to a differentiation of Muslim identity in comparison to their parents and extended family. Regardless of the taboo and stigma that exist with regard to intermarriage in Islam, Muslim interfaith marriages in the West arguably can be seen as microcosmic representations of positive pluralistic relations in contemporary times. Through discussions of data collected for this research, this thesis considers the issues and ideas mentioned above as it considers the experiences of Muslims in interfaith marriages in Western societies by considering notions of gender, globalization, and religious pluralism. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Foi chretienne à l'heure du pluralisme religieux actuel

Villeneuve, Denis January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Ce que pensent les jeunes de la culture et de l’identité québécoise : l’imaginaire collectif en question

Goulet, Mathilde 12 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la mondialisation et de la croissance du pluralisme, ce mémoire s’intéresse à la manière dont les jeunes perçoivent l’identité et la culture québécoise. Si le Québec s’est construit sur la base d’un passé colonial et linguistique qui en fait une province culturellement distincte dans le Canada, ce qui symbolise la nation et l’identité demeure au centre de la négociation des relations interculturelles. Les arts et la culture au Québec demeurent des ancrages de l’identité francophone dans la province, malgré les changements dans les domaines culturels que l’on observe actuellement. De plus en plus portés par les artistes issues de l’immigration, les produits culturels se modifient pour être plus éclatés et personnalisés dans le contexte numérique, ce qui tend à projeter un désintérêt généralisé pour les œuvres québécoises. En ce sens, les représentations qui sont intégrées par l’ensemble des individus tendent à influencer le sentiment d’appartenance à notre collectivité, favorisant une cohésion sociale. Ce mémoire s’intéresse particulièrement à la situation des jeunes Québécois qui ont grandi dans les milieux empreints de diversité tout en étant exposé à la globalisation des arts et de la culture. Qu’ils soient issus de famille immigrante ou de parents nés au Québec, il est pertinent de se questionner sur ce qui demeure dans leur imaginaire collectif pour définir la culture québécoise, mais surtout s’ils y adhèrent dans ce nouveau contexte de pluralité. Par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 12 jeunes entre 18 et 25 ans, cette recherche permettra de souligner les perceptions qu’entretiennent les jeunes envers la culture au Québec, mais également leur rapport à l’identité québécoise et au groupe majoritaire. En s’inscrivant dans la lignée des travaux de Gérard Bouchard sur les imaginaires collectifs, le mémoire permet d’approfondir la façon dont les représentations de la culture et de l’identité québécoise influencent les appartenances individuelles et collectives. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans la volonté d’ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles réflexions sur les relations entre les groupes ethnoculturels en s’intéressant aux dynamiques culturelles et identitaires de la « majorité québécoise » et son rapport à la diversité. / In the context of globalization and pluralism, this thesis focuses on the way young people perceive Quebec identity and culture. If Quebec was built based on a colonial and linguistic past, which makes it a culturally distinct province within Canada, what the nation and identity symbolize remains at the center of intercultural relations. Arts and culture in Quebec remain anchors of francophone identity in the province, despite the changes in cultural practices that we are currently observing. Everyone's cultural practices are changing to be more personalized, which tends to project a general disinterest in Quebec productions especially for younger generations. In this sense, the representations that are integrated by individuals tend to influence the feeling of belonging to the community, defining social cohesion. This research is mainly interested in the situation of young Quebecers who grew up in environments marked by diversity while being exposed to the globalization of arts and culture. Whether they come from immigrant families or parents born in Quebec, it is relevant to question what remains in their collective imagination to define Quebec culture, but especially if they adhere to it in this context of plurality. Through semi- structured interviews with 12 young people between 18 and 25 years old, this research will highlight perceptions of arts and culture in Quebec, but also how their relationship to Quebec identity and the ethnocultural majority. By following in the footsteps of Gérard Bouchard's work on collective imaginations, the research allows us to delve deeper into the way in which representations of Quebec culture and identity influence individual and collective belonging. This approach is part of the desire to open new reflections on the relations between ethnocultural groups by focusing on the cultural and identity dynamics of the “Quebec majority” and its relationship to diversity.

Då idealet blir protagonist : Återuppbyggnadsprocessen av Stocksundstorps gård / When the ideal becomes the protagonist : The reconstruction process of Stocksundstorps Gård

Fäldt, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
Den 19 april 1996 stod den kulturhistoriska byggnaden Stocksundstorps Gård i lågor. Historiskt hade tillägg från rivningsobjekt införts i byggnaden. Bland annat väggmålerier från Gustav III:s Opera; element som nu stod i riskzon att gå förlorade. Återuppbyggnadsprocessen fokuserade på att återskapa den ursprungliga utformningen. Återvunnet material applicerades, upptäckta historiska skikt återinfördes liksom de konserverade elementen som överlevde branden. Uppsatsen syftade till att forma en förståelse för vilka aspekter som formar en återuppbyggnadsprocess då byggt kulturarv har brandskadats. Därigenom undersöktes aktörers delaktighet och urval i representationer och bevarande av historiska tidsskikt, metoder och materialval. Genom studier av arkivmaterial; som arbetsbeskrivningar, ritningar, artiklar och foton, formades en uppfattning om processen. Platsbesök och en intervju utfördes, vilka gav en vidare förståelse om återuppbyggnadsprocessen och dagens syn på den. Resultatet redogjorde för ett pluralistiskt förhållningssätt kring hantering av olika principer, metoder och olika historiska skikt kopplat till 1990-talets restaureringsideologier och bevarandeprinciper, samt kulturvårdens utveckling i Sverige under 1900-talets andra hälft. Fallet Stocksundstorp redogör för hur en brandskadad privatbostad har hanterats och belyser därmed en mindre beforskad aspekt. / On the 19th of April 1996 the listed building Stocksundstorps Gård was in flames. Historically, elements from demolished historical buildings had been integrated to the building, such as murals from Gustav III’s Opera; elements that now were at risk of being lost. The reconstruction process focused on recreating the original design. Recycled materials were applied, discovered elements were re-introduced as well as restored elements that survived the fire.  The purpose of this study was to form an understanding regarding which aspects form a reconstruction process when listed buildings, built heritage, have been fire-damaged. This case study examplifies actors’ participation and selection regarding representation and preservation of historical layers. Through study of archival material; such as descriptions, drawings, articles and photos, an idea of the case was formed. Site visits were carried out, and an interview, which gave a wider understanding of the reconstruction process and today’s view of it. A pluralistic approach to the management of different preservation methods was regarded as a result of this study. Methods and management of different historical layers were linked to restoration ideologies and preservation principles of the 1990’s, as well as the development of preservation and conservation in Sweden during the second half of the 20th century. Furthermore, the object of study highlights a less researched area: when a historical, but private, building is reconstructed.

Integrative Levels of Knowing / A Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Knowledge Organization

Kleineberg, Michael 23 August 2021 (has links)
Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit einer systematischen Organisation der epistemologischen Dimension des menschlichen Wissens in Bezug auf Perspektiven und Methoden. Insbesondere wird untersucht inwieweit das bekannte Organisationsprinzip der integrativen Ebenen, das eine Hierarchie zunehmender Komplexität und Integration beschreibt, geeignet ist für eine grundlegende Klassifikation von Perspektiven bzw. epistemischen Bezugsrahmen. Die zentrale These dieser Dissertation geht davon aus, dass eine angemessene Analyse solcher epistemischen Kontexte in der Lage sein sollte, unterschiedliche oder gar konfligierende Bezugsrahmen anhand von kontextübergreifenden Standards und Kriterien vergleichen und bewerten zu können. Diese Aufgabe erfordert theoretische und methodologische Grundlagen, welche die Beschränkungen eines radikalen Kontextualismus vermeiden, insbesondere die ihm innewohnende Gefahr einer Fragmentierung des Wissens aufgrund der angeblichen Inkommensurabilität epistemischer Kontexte. Basierend auf Jürgen Habermas‘ Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns und seiner Methodologie des hermeneutischen Rekonstruktionismus, wird argumentiert, dass epistemischer Pluralismus nicht zwangsläufig zu epistemischem Relativismus führen muss und dass eine systematische Organisation der Perspektivenvielfalt von bereits existierenden Modellen zur kognitiven Entwicklung profitieren kann, wie sie etwa in der Psychologie oder den Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften rekonstruiert werden. Der vorgestellte Ansatz versteht sich als ein Beitrag zur multi-perspektivischen Wissensorganisation, der sowohl neue analytische Werkzeuge für kulturvergleichende Betrachtungen von Wissensorganisationssystemen bereitstellt als auch neue Organisationsprinzipien vorstellt für eine Kontexterschließung, die dazu beitragen kann die Ausdrucksstärke bereits vorhandener Dokumentationssprachen zu erhöhen. Zudem enthält der Anhang eine umfangreiche Zusammenstellung von Modellen integrativer Wissensebenen. / This dissertation is concerned with a systematic organization of the epistemological dimension of human knowledge in terms of viewpoints and methods. In particular, it will be explored to what extent the well-known organizing principle of integrative levels that presents a developmental hierarchy of complexity and integration can be applied for a basic classification of viewpoints or epistemic outlooks. The central thesis pursued in this investigation is that an adequate analysis of such epistemic contexts requires tools that allow to compare and evaluate divergent or even conflicting frames of reference according to context-transcending standards and criteria. This task demands a theoretical and methodological foundation that avoids the limitation of radical contextualism and its inherent threat of a fragmentation of knowledge due to the alleged incommensurability of the underlying frames of reference. Based on Jürgen Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action and his methodology of hermeneutic reconstructionism, it will be argued that epistemic pluralism does not necessarily imply epistemic relativism and that a systematic organization of the multiplicity of perspectives can benefit from already existing models of cognitive development as reconstructed in research fields like psychology, social sciences, and humanities. The proposed cognitive-developmental approach to knowledge organization aims to contribute to a multi-perspective knowledge organization by offering both analytical tools for cross-cultural comparisons of knowledge organization systems (e.g., Seven Epitomes and Dewey Decimal Classification) and organizing principles for context representation that help to improve the expressiveness of existing documentary languages (e.g., Integrative Levels Classification). Additionally, the appendix includes an extensive compilation of conceptions and models of Integrative Levels of Knowing from a broad multidisciplinary field.

Un groviglio di mondi. Studio sul pluralismo fisico, metafisico e letterario postmoderno

Graziani, Lorenzo 15 May 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this PhD dissertation is to explore the relation between postmodern poetics and some features of other theories developed at the same time in various areas of knowledge – mainly metaphysics, physics and sociology. If we can say that the modern paradigm was born with the question of how a multiplicity of different points of view could coexist, the postmodern paradigm seems to arise with the awareness that a systematic legitimation of differences cannot be based on a sole foundation that leads to a complete inclusion. For this reason, we argue that the concept of possible world is not only a useful heuristic metaphor adopted in different areas of the artistic and scientific postmodern culture, but it can put in constructive conversation different areas of knowledge which are usually thought to be more isolated and refractory to mutual influence than they actually are. Precisely because of the diverse usages and meanings that the term ‘world’ acquires in different contexts, the ontological commitment toward possible worlds varies significantly. They can be godly concepts, fictional scenarios, real sums of individuals that are isolated from each other, or ideal set of objects that are associated with different and mutually exclusive frames of reference and cultural coordinates. To shed a light on these matters is the main goal of the first book, entitled "What is a possible world?". The second book, entitled "Entangled worlds: the postmodernist literature", is committed to explore the topology of the possible worlds projected by postmodernist texts; in fact, the paradoxical topology that emerges from these texts appears to be inherently connected with a vast range of issues concerning our world.

Recht als Übersetzung / Rechtspluralismus und Gewohnheitsrecht in ghanaischen Gerichten

Schneider, Tillmann 30 August 2016 (has links)
Die Erkenntnis, dass der Staat nicht die einzige Quelle von Recht ist, verbreitet sich zusehends auch in der Rechtswissenschaft. Die Vielfalt normativer Ordnungen wird gewöhnlich mit dem Begriff "Rechtspluralismus" beschrieben. In der Rechtspluralismusforschung besteht weitgehend Einigkeit darüber, dass normative Ordnungen nicht parallel nebeneinander und unabhängig voneinander koexistieren, sondern dass diese sich wechselseitig beeinflussen. Dieses Miteinander kann konfliktreich wie auch kooperativ sein, es kann zum Transfer von Normen und Vorstellungen, aber auch zu Widerstand und Abgrenzung kommen. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur interdisziplinären Rechtsforschung, indem sie Austauschprozesse zwischen verschiedenen normativen Ordnungen analysiert. Hierbei wird "Übersetzen" als maßgebliche Praxis des Rechtspluralismus verstanden und ein methodischer Zugang angeboten, um Austauschprozesse machtsensibel zu analysieren. Am Beispiel Ghanas wird untersucht, wie die Anerkennung von Recht nicht-staatlichen Ursprungs in der Rechtsprechung staatlicher Gerichte praktiziert wird. Ghana ist nicht nur durch eine Vielzahl verschiedener Gesellschaften, sondern auch durch die Koexistenz unterschiedlicher normativer Ordnungen geprägt. Neben dem zur Zeit des britischen Kolonialismus eingeführten Common Law werden zahlreiche lokale Gewohnheitsrechte vom Staat als Rechtsquelle anerkannt. Über den ghanaischen Kontext hinaus ergeben sich auch allgemeine Fragen zum Umgang mit gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt und den damit einhergehenden Konflikten. / Jurisprudence acknowledges more and more that the state is not the only source for legal norms. The diversity of normative orders is usually described with the term "legal pluralism". Scholarship on legal pluralism emphasizes that normative orders do not exist parallel and independently from each other, but that they influence each other mutually. The relationship can be conflictual but also cooperative, there can be transfers of norms and ideas, but also resistance and dissociation. This study contributes to inter-disciplinary jurisprudence by analysing transfer processes between normative orders. It understands "translation" as essential practice of legal pluralism and offers a methodological approach to analyse transfer processes sensitively to power. Using the example of Ghana the study explores how state courts practice the recognition of non-state law. Ghana is characterised not only by the coexistence not only of different cultures, but of different normative orders as well. Next to the common law which had been introduced by British colonialism there is a plurality of local customary laws that are officially recognised as law by the state. This situation raises questions beyond the Ghanaian context on how to deal with social diversity and the conflicts the come along with it.

KG Hammar och Rowan Williams : en studie av två ärkebiskopar ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats består av en jämförande studie av två ärkebiskopar – KG Hammar (Svenska kyrkan) och Rowan Williams (Church of England) - ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv. Syftet var att söka finna postmoderna influenser hos de båda ärkebiskoparna i såväl teori som praktik och undersöka konsekvenserna av ett postmodernt teologiskt agerande.  Undersökningen visade att båda ärkebiskoparna influerades av postmodern teologi i teorin. Hammar förde också som ärkebiskop fram sina personliga postmoderna insikter, medan Williams av olika anledningar generellt valde att endast föra fram kyrkans åsikt. Båda handlingsalternativen medförde såväl kritik som uppskattning. Båda ärkebiskoparna tog fasta på den postmoderna teologins framhållande av dialog som metod: Dialog kännetecknade allt deras handlande, såväl inomkyrkligt som mot andra religiösa och samhälleliga grupper. Trots dialogen kunde dock inte vissa splittringar undvikas. Samhällsengagemanget visade sig däremot till största delen framgångsrikt och visade en postmodern insikt om kyrkans roll i en sekulär värld. Trots att ett postmodernt förhållningssätt inte helt accepterades, medverkade ärkebiskoparnas agerande till att skapa intresse för framför allt religiös dialog bland många olika grupper.</p> / <p>This essay is a comparative study of two archbishops - KG Hammar (Church of Sweden) and Rowan Williams (Church of England) - from a postmodern theological perspective. The aim was to discover postmodern influences for the archbishops in theory and practice, and to investigate the consequences of acting from a postmodern theological perspective. The study revealed postmodern influences in both archbishops' theory. Hammar chose to act according to his personal postmodern convictions also as archbishop whereas, for various reasons, Williams generally chose to speak only for the whole church. Both strategies were criticized as well as appreciated. Both archbishops were committed to dialogue as described by postmodern theology. This influenced all their actions, within the church as well as with other religious denominations and various groups in society. However, even with dialogue certain schisms proved to be unavoidable. The engagement in society proved more successful and showed a postmodern understanding of the church in a secular world. Even though a postmodern course of action was not totally accepted, the archbishops managed to promote a wide interest especially for religious dialogue.</p>

Making sense of smell : classifications and model thinking in olfaction theory

Barwich, Ann-Sophie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses key issues of scientific realism in the philosophy of biology and chemistry through investigation of an underexplored research domain: olfaction theory, or the science of smell. It also provides the first systematic overview of the development of olfactory practices and research into the molecular basis of odours across the 19th and 20th century. Historical and contemporary explanations and modelling techniques for understanding the material basis of odours are analysed with a specific focus on the entrenchment of technological process, research tradition and the definitions of materiality for understanding scientific advancement. The thesis seeks to make sense of the explanatory and problem solving strategies, different ways of reasoning and the construction of facts by drawing attention to the role and application of scientific representations in olfactory practices. Scientific representations such as models, classifications, maps, diagrams, lists etc. serve a variety of purposes that range from the stipulation of relevant properties and correlations of the research materials and the systematic formation of research questions, to the design of experiments that explore or test particular hypotheses. By examining a variety of modelling strategies in olfactory research, I elaborate on how I understand the relation between representations and the world and why this relation requires a pluralist perspective on scientific models, methods and practices. Through this work I will show how a plurality of representations does not pose a problem for realism about scientific entities and their theoretical contexts but, on the contrary, that this plurality serves as the most reliable grounding for a realistic interpretation of scientific representations of the world and the entities it contains. The thesis concludes that scientific judgement has to be understood through its disciplinary trajectory, and that scientific pluralism is a direct consequence of the historicity of scientific development.

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