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Soudcovská tvorba práva. Srovnání Evropského soudního dvora s Nejvyšším soudem USA / Judge-made Law. Comparison between the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court of the United StatesDumbrovský, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
JUDGE-MADE LAW COMPARISON BETWEEN THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Keywords: judge-made law; the European Union; the Court of Justice of the European Union; the Supreme Court of the United States; judicialization of governance; Kelsenian court; European constitutional space; European constitution; normativity; constitutional pluralism; sovereignty; federalism; post-communist states; new Member States of the European Union. Standard page (that is 1800 characters per page) and word count (including footnotes; without the contents, bibliography and annexes): 327 standard pages; 82 795 words. The Ph.D. thesis offers a complex reconceptualization of the constitutional system in the European Union. The constitutional systems of the Member States have been substantially transformed during the 20th century. Meanwhile a new constitutional system functioning in the Member States alongside their own systems has emerged - the constitutional system of the European Union. These two fundamental changes are difficult to grasp through an existing theoretical framework. That is because the framework is based on a set of outdated concepts: (i) Rousseau's concept of volonté générale that forms the basis of the parliamentary supremacy in a constitutional system; (ii)...
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Le pluralisme juridique de la justice et ses limites dans l'Union des Comores / The legal pluralism of justice in the Union of the Comoros and its limitsDjaé Oulovavo, Mohamed 25 June 2018 (has links)
Première partie : La pluralité des juridictions : une pluralité assumée et organiséeTitre I : La composition de l’appareil de justiceTitre II : L’organisation des juridictions dans l’optique d’un ordre juridictionnelDeuxième partie : Le juge comorien face aux impératifs de justiceTitre I : Le respect des fondements de la justiceTitre II : Le juge comorien à la jonction d’un pluralisme désordonné / Part 1: The plurality of courts: an assumed and organized pluralityTitle I: The composition of the judicial systemTitle II: The organisation of the courts from the perspective of a jurisdictional systemPart 2: The Comorian judge facing justice dutiesTitle I: The observations of the foundation of justiceTitle II: The Comorian judge in junction of a disordered pluralism
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Étude ethnographique des stratégies sociojuridiques des professionnelles oeuvrant auprès des femmes en situation de violence domestique à MumbaiViau-Tassé, Mathilde 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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De l’influence des puissances européennes sur la résolution des conflits en Afrique de l’Ouest : la culture juridique « africaine » / The influence of european powers on dispute resolution mechanisms in West Africa : the african legal cultureTravaini, Grégory 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale a pour objet l’étude et en particulier l’influence qu’a pu avoir, et qu’ont toujours, les puissances européennes sur la résolution des conflits en Afrique de l’Ouest et ainsi déterminer s'il existe une culture juridique « africaine ». / This thesis is devoted to the study the influence of the European powers on past and present dispute resolution in West African legal systems and thereby to determine whether an "African legal culture" exists.
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Le burkina faso depuis 1991 : entre stabilite politique et illusionnisme démocratique / Burkina faso since 1991 : between political stability and democratic illusionismNatielse, Kouléga Julien 01 July 2013 (has links)
Le « Burkina Faso depuis 1991 : entre stabilité politique et illusionnisme démocratique » ambitionne de se projeter au cœur du régime de la IVème République. Les fondements de la domination de l’élite politique post-transition sont examinés à travers la stratégie de conquête du pouvoir politique et la légitimation électorale à travers l’organisation des premières élections pluralistes. Le président Blaise Compaoré progressivement met en place un système de domination verrouillé où les possibilités de changements démocratiques s’amenuisent pour ses adversaires politiques. Cette mainmise du régime de M. Blaise Compaoré nécessite des ressources qui se déclinent en ressources internes et en un répertoire de légitimation internationale qui fait aujourd’hui du président Blaise Compaoré un acteur majeur du jeu politique sous-régional. / "Burkina Faso since 1991: between political stability and democratic illusion" aims to project in the heart of the regime of the Fourth Republic. The foundations of the dominance of the post-transition political elite are examined through the strategy of conquest of political power and electoral legitimacy by organizing the first multiparty elections. President Blaise Compaoré gradually set up a system of domination locked where the possibilities of democratic change are dwindling for his political opponents. This control regime Blaise Compaoré requires resources that are available in-house resources and a directory of international legitimacy that is now President Blaise Compaoré a major player in the political game sub regional levels.
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Miinigowiziwin: all that has been given for living well together: one vision of Anishinaabe constitutionalismMills, Aaron James (Waabishki Ma’iingan) 22 July 2019 (has links)
Ending colonialism requires the revitalization of not only indigenous systems of law, but also the indigenous legalities of which they form part. This means that Canada’s unique form of liberal constitutionalism cannot serve as the constitutional framework within which indigenous law is revitalized. Rather, we shall have to advert to the fact that indigenous law was and is generated by unique indigenous legal processes and institutions, which find their authorization in unique indigenous constitutional orders, which are in turn legitimated by indigenous peoples’ unique and varied creation stories. Through the gifts of diverse Anishinaabe writers and orators, and through work with my circle of elders, with aadizookaanan, in community, and on the land, I present one view of Anishinaabe legality. I give special emphasis to its earth-centric ‘rooted’ form of constitutionalism, which is characterized by mutual aid and its correlate structure, kinship.
In the second half, I examine the problem of colonial violence in contemporary indigenous-settler relationships. I identify two principles necessary for indigenous-settler reconciliation and I consider how commonly proposed models of indigenous-settler relationship fare against them. I conclude that one vision of treaty, treaty mutualism—which is a form of rooted constitutionalism—is non-violent to indigenous peoples, settler peoples and to the earth. Finally, I consider counter-arguments on themes of fundamentalism, power, and misreading. / Graduate
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La reconnaissance des discriminations multiples en droit du travail français : état des lieux et perspectives / The acknowledgment of multiple discriminations in french employment law : inventory and prospectsRossignol, Sophie 07 July 2017 (has links)
La non-discrimination est une notion en constante évolution. Elle se doit d’être réceptive aux nouvelles formes discriminatoires vécues par les travailleurs afin de garantir un niveau de protection juridique conforme aux exigences internationales et nationales. En ce sens, les discriminations multiples sont un parfait exemple. Il s’agit de situations dans lesquelles interviennent et interagissent plusieurs motifs prohibés. Or, le concept de discriminations multiples, issu des sciences sociales, n’est théorisé en droit que depuis les années 1980. Si elles sont inconnues du droit positif, la doctrine et la pratique tendent à souligner la nécessité de leur reconnaissance juridique. Saisies par le droit du travail, elles posent de nombreuses questions quant à leur définition et leur mise en oeuvre. Leur étude va permettre de délivrer une approche différente de l’exigence de non-discrimination en droit du travail mais également des objectifs de diversité en entreprise. / Anti-discrimination law is always evolving. It must be receptive to new types of discrimination against workers to guarantee a level of legal protection consistent with international and national standards. In that sense, multiple discriminations are a perfect example. They take place when several protected characteristics occur and interact with each other. The concept of multiple discriminations arises from social sciences but has only been legally theorized since the 80s. If French law does not consider them, jurisprudence and practice tends to underline the necessity of a legal acknowledgment. Seized by employment law, multiple discriminations pose many questions with regard to their definition and implementation. Nonetheless, studying them offers a different approach to the duty to not discriminate at work, and to insuring diversity in the workplace.
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The Christian theology of religions reconsidered : Alan Race's theology of religions, Hans Frei's theological typology and 20th century ecumenical movements on Christian engagement with other faithsCollins, Dane Andrew January 2018 (has links)
The contemporary debate concerning the Christian theology of religions has been profoundly shaped by Alan Race’s three-fold typology of exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism. Although the insufficiency of this typology’s descriptive and critical capacity has become increasingly acknowledged within the field, widespread agreement about its replacement remains elusive. This thesis argues that a replacement can be found in Hans Frei’s five-fold typology of Christian theology, which differentiates between a range of approaches to theology, from theology as philosophical discourse (Type 1) to theology as quarantined, Christian self-description (Type 5). It is suggested that the more basic question posed by Frei’s typology of how Christian theology is understood in relation to philosophy and other external discourses, provides a better means of accounting for the different positions in the Christian theology of religions within 20th century ecumenical movements. It is shown how Frei’s typology emerges from his emphasis on both the limitations and the significance of external discourses for Christian theology, an emphasis which results from his construal of the mystery of Christ’s universal presence as a function of the particular incarnation in Jesus of Nazareth. Chapter one considers the philosophical foundations upon which Race’s typology is constructed, with particular emphasis on Troeltsch’s historicism, Hick’s epistemology of religious experience and WC Smith’s phenomenological hermeneutic, concluding that they determine the typology’s apologetic approach. It is shown how these commitments lead Race’s typology to differentiate between types of Christian theology primarily in relation to the philosophical viability, as Race understands it, of their Christology. Chapter two focuses first on the theology of Hans Frei and his analysis of the relationship between Christology and historicism, epistemology, and hermeneutics. It is suggested that Frei’s focus on the ordering of the relationship between Christian theology and external discourses, while undermining Race’s approach, affirms the possibility of a theologically valuable relationship between Christian theology and external discourses. Moreover, unlike Race, Frei’s emphasis on the significance of external discourses for Christian theology is derived in light of, and not in spite of, a faith in the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Chapter three looks at Frei’s fivefold typology as a better means of accounting for the differences Race posits between exclusivists, inclusivists and pluralists. It is argued that in following Frei’s typological logic and the historical, epistemological and hermeneutical considerations characteristic of a Christian theology between types three and four, an approach to the theology of religions emerges which addresses the question of the universality of divine revelation – the central concern of Race’s typology – while also showing the inadequacy of Race’s typology and its prioritisation of philosophy. This will be shown by applying Frei’s typology to 20th century ecumenical movements and the positions on the theological significance of non-Christian religions that have emerged therein. Though Frei did not directly take up the issue of the Christian theology of religions, chapter three will demonstrate how his typology of Christian theology is of particular importance for this discussion. For his typology highlights the central question driving the theology of religions – how the ‘internal’ discourse of Christian self-description in reference to the gospels’ history-like witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ relates to the historically contingent, public world outside the church. The conclusion will point toward a constructive proposal for a theology of evangelism and interfaith dialogue in pluralist societies of the 21st century, drawing on the ecumenical discussion viewed in relation to the theological and typological insights of Hans Frei.
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Le droit à l'instruction dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme / The right for the instruction in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human RightsLe Rouzic, Louis-Marie 01 December 2014 (has links)
La protection du droit à l’instruction a fait l’objet de longues discussions lors des travaux préparatoiresà la Convention européenne des droits de l’Homme. Si l’idée d’un droit à l’instruction pour tous s’esttrès vite imposée dans l’esprit de ses rédacteurs, le respect des convictions religieuses etphilosophiques des parents, qui assurent en priorité l’éducation et l’enseignement de leurs enfants, afait l’objet de davantage de controverses. Ces hésitations expliquent la présence de ce droit à l’article 2du premier protocole additionnel à la Convention du 20 mars 1952. Son importance n’est cependantpas à négliger. Qualifié de droit matriciel, le droit à l’instruction participe à la garantie concrète eteffective des autres droits et libertés de la pensée protégés par le corpus européen. Il assure en celal’épanouissement de la personne et lui garantit le droit de se déterminer librement. Il peut donc êtrerevendiqué par tous, élève ou étudiant, et peu importe la structure fréquentée (établissement public,privé, scolaire ou supérieur). Consciente de cet enjeu décisif pour la sauvegarde d’une sociétédémocratique, la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme a su interpréter l’article 2 du Protocoleadditionnel de manière à assurer un juste équilibre entre la marge nationale d’appréciation et lapromotion du droit à l’instruction. Pour cela, elle a mis à la charge des Etats des obligations positivesafin d’assurer à chacun la possibilité, notamment, de se servir des moyens d’instruction existants. Engarantissant ainsi l’égal accès de tous aux structures existantes, la Cour européenne des droits del’Homme a également incité les autorités étatiques à respecter les particularités de chacun. A cette fin,une obligation de neutralité leur est imposée aussi bien dans les établissements d’enseignement quedans les programmes dispensés. Aucun élève ni étudiant ne doit se sentir exclu ou stigmatisé en raisonde ses convictions propres. La garantie d’un droit universel à l’instruction implique alors la garantied’un droit à une instruction pluraliste. / The Protection of the right to education has been the subject of endness debates troughout thepreparatory work on the European Convention of Human Rights. While the idea of a right to educationfor all was quite evident in the mind of the drafters of the European Convention of Human Rights, therespect for religious and philosophical convictions of parents, who come first in the education of theirchildren, has been more controversial. Theses doubts explain the inscription of this right in Article 2 ofthe Protocol to the Convention on 20 March 1952. Its importance mustn’t be overlooked. Described asa « matrix right », the right to education contributes to a concrete and effective guarantee of the rightsand freedoms protected by the European Convention of Human Rights. It ensures personal blossomingand the right to make up their own minds. Therefore, everybody can claim this right, whether it be apupil or a student, regardless of the institution (public or private school, primary school or furthereducation). Aware of this key issue to protect a democratic society, the European Court of HumanRights has interpreted article 2 of the Protocol in order to reach a fair balance between the nationalmargin of appreciation and the protection of the right to education. That’s the reason why the Courtrequires States to achieve some positive obligations especially to enable everyone to use existingeducation means. Through the guarantee to an equal access of everyone to education institutions, theEuropean Court of Human Rights also encourages national authorities to observe the distinctivefeatures of each individual. In order to do so, the authorities must remain neutral both in educationalinstitutions and their curriculum. No pupil or student must feel excluded or chastised because of hispersonal convictions. Then, securing the universal right to education implies securing the right to apluralistic education.
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Perspective vol. 25 no. 1 (Feb 1991) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)Fernhout, Harry, Clemenger, Bruce J. (Bruce James), Postma, Gayle, Reinder, J. Klein 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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