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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A estamparia têxtil contemporânea: produção, produtos e subjetividades / The contemporary textile printing: production, products and subjectivities.

Liliana Bellio Vieira 24 June 2014 (has links)
A contemporaneidade vem sendo marcada por mudanças em vários aspectos, em especial para o design. As últimas décadas inauguraram tecnologias digitais em que os recursos para captura, tratamento e reprodução de imagens alteram modos de desenvolvimento, produção e percepção estética. Este estudo refere-se ao design de superfície, especialidade do design, especificamente à estamparia têxtil digital. Tem como propósito investigar os recursos digitais voltados à estamparia têxtil como produtores de elementos visuais causadores de sentido e significado tendo em vista a relação: produção criativa, produto (aspectos subjetivos da estampa) e diferenciação. A pesquisa parte da abordagem qualitativa de caráter exploratório, por meio de referências bibliográficas, observação em estamparia digital selecionada na cidade de São Paulo e entrevistas a designers de superfície atuantes. Este estudo também propõe uma reflexão sobre alguns aspectos diferenciais e de subjetividade que as estampas permitem em produtos de moda em vestuário e decoração. Ao identificar e discutir possibilidades, potencialidades e limitações da estamparia digital nas áreas mencionadas, sugere-se contribuições para o design de superfície na criação de estamparia com fotografia a partir da demanda por diferenciação, em engineered print, tendo a peça impressa como suporte de arte e comunicação. / The contemporaneity has been marked by changes in various aspects, in particular for design. The latest decades inaugurated digital technologies in which the capabilities for capturing, processing and reproducing images changes modes of development, production and aesthetics perception. This study refers to the surface design, specialty of design, specifically the digital textile printing. It aims to investigate the digital resources intended for the textile printing as producers of visual elements that causes sense and meaning to the partnership: creative production, product (subjective aspects of print) and differentiation. This is a qualitative research of exploratory character approach, by means of bibliographical references, observation of selected digital prints in the city of São Paulo and interviews of the active surface designers. This study also proposes a reflection on some differential and subjective aspects that prints allows in fashion and decoration products. Identifying and discussing possibilities, potentials and limitations of digital printing in the areas mentioned, it suggests contributions to surface design in the creation of engineered prints from the differentiation demand, making the piece printed as art and communication support.

3D FDM tiskárna s výměnnou tiskovou hlavou / 3D FDM printer with a replaceable print head

Čuma, Zdeněk January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the work is to design and manufacture a mechanism for setting up and clamping the replaceable head of a 3D FDM printer. The first part of the thesis deals with 3D printing in general, the second part describes the FDM method. Part three is devoted to the selection and construction of a suitable 3D printer, the fourth part to the actual design of the head attachment. In the fifth part, a technical and economic evaluation is carried out.

Plain Print : a surface pattern collection screen printed with natural dye

Hüls, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
The interest for natural dye has increased together with the concern in sustainability and environmental awareness within the textile industry. Natural dye is one of the oldest techniques when it comes to textile production, but when synthetic dyestuffs were discovered, the usage of the technique decreased. Today, the technique is slowly coming back together with the awareness in sustainability. However, regarding surface patterns, the expression is quite limited, and patterns are created by dyeing techniques, muted colors and nature as an obvious inspiration. This degree work explores natural dye print by designing a screen printed surface pattern collection, and the project advocates for and is an addition to the field of natural dye print. The methods used were drawing, digital sketching and screen printing. The methods of designing were done through practical workshops, both for sketching patterns and to explore techniques within natural dye print. The female body is a design theme in the work and the intention is simply to portray the body as it is. The motive has not been chosen to provoke, to address a political issue or to evoke discussion. The result is three surface patterns printed with different printing techniques on different fibers. A significant part of the result is the reference library containing all the printed samples and can be used for further research within the field. Choice of fabric and scale of design was done with fashion fabric in mind, however, to focus on the design and technique the designs are not presented on any kind of product. Tests were done to try out the light fastness of the different colorants on different fibers. This project has expanded the field of natural dye print by adding a screen printed surface pattern collection with thematic patterns and an expression that does not reveal the use of natural dye. The project also resulted in a steppingstone for further work within the field.

Textildruckverfahren im Bereich Print-on-Demand: Eine terminologische Untersuchung im Deutschen und Französischen am Beispiel der sprd.net AG

Benelli Paredes, Dorothee 29 July 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit verschiedenen Textildruckverfahren und der terminologischen Untersuchung dieses Fachbereichs im Bereich Print-on-Demand. Die Untersuchung wurde am Beispiel der bei der sprd.net AG angewendeten Verfahren für die Sprachen Deutsch und Französisch angewendet.

A Low-Temperature Printing Technology for Fabricating Electrically Conductive Structures and Devices Using Plasma-Activated Stabilizer-Free Inks

Sui, Yongkun 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Reading watermarks with a camera phone from printed images

Pramila, A. (Anu) 13 February 2018 (has links)
Abstract There are many reasons for sharing a photo of a printout. The intention might be to copy the image for personal use or experience an interesting ad with friends. With watermarking, the images can also carry side information and with specialized watermarking methods the information can be read with a mobile device camera. In digital image watermarking, information is hidden on an image in such a way that a computer can read the hidden information but a human cannot discern it. The aim of this thesis is to research the process in which the watermarked image is printed and then read with a digital camera or a camera phone from the printed image. In order to survive the process, the watermark must survive multiple attacks. Some of the attacks occur during printing as the image is halftoned, others when the image is recaptured with a camera, in which case the camera might be rotated around multiple axis. These attacks may cause a loss of synchronization of the watermark and make the extraction impossible. The main objective of the thesis is thus to develop methods that are robust to the printing and capturing process, especially for the situations when the capturing angle is large. This problem contains the circumstances in which the synchronization is lost and the camera lens is not focused properly. In this work, research on digital image watermarking, computational photography and mobile phones are combined. The contributions of this thesis lie in two main parts: First, two print-cam robust methods are proposed, one based on a frame and the other on autocorrelation for synchronization. These two are then used as a basis for an algorithm that recovers the watermark even after camera rotation and image blurring caused by the narrow depth of focus of the lens. The algorithm is later refined and implemented for a mobile phone. The results show that the method is highly robust to capturing the watermark without errors in angles up to 60° with processing times acceptable for real-life applications. / Tiivistelmä On olemassa useita syitä tulosteesta otetun valokuvan jakamiseen. Aikomuksena voi olla kopioida kuva omaan käyttöön tai jakaa mielenkiintoinen ilmoitus ystävien kanssa. Vesileimauksessa kuvaan voidaan sijoittaa lisätietoa ja erityisillä menetelmillä tieto voidaan myöhemmin lukea mobiililaitteen kameralla. Digitaalisten kuvien vesileimauksen tavoite on piilottaa tietoa kuvaan siten, että tietokone pystyy lukemaan piilotetun informaation, siinä missä ihminen ei pysty sitä havaitsemaan. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia prosessia, missä vesileimattu kuva tulostetaan ja vesileima luetaan digitaalisella kameralla tai kamerapuhelimella tulosteesta. Selviytyäkseen tästä prosessista, vesileiman on kestettävä useita hyökkäyksiä. Osa hyökkäyksistä esiintyy tulostuksen aikana, kun kuva rasteroidaan, ja osa valokuvatessa, jolloin kamera voi olla kiertynyt. Näiden hyökkäysten seurauksena vesileiman synkronointi voi kadota, jolloin vesileiman lukeminen ei enää onnistu. Väitöskirjan päätavoitteena on siis kehittää tulostuksen ja valokuvauksen kestäviä vesileimausmenetelmiä erityisesti niitä tilanteita varten, jolloin kuvauskulma on suuri. Tämä ongelma sisältää olosuhteet, joissa synkronointi menetetään, ja kun kameran linssi ei ole kohdistunut oikein. Työssä yhdistetään digitaalinen kuvien vesileimaus, laskennallinen valokuvaus ja matkapuhelimet. Tutkimus voidaan jakaa kahteen osa-alueeseen: Ensimmäisessä kehitetään kaksi tulostuksen ja valokuvauksen kestävää menetelmää, joista toinen perustuu kehykseen ja toinen autokorrelaatioon synkronoinnin säilyttämiseksi. Toisessa osassa näitä menetelmiä hyödynnetään algoritmissa, joka kykenee vesileiman lukemiseen myös silloin kun kameran kiertyminen on voimakasta ja objektiivin kapea tarkennussyvyys aiheuttaa sumeita alueita kuvassa. Tutkimustyön lopussa tätä algoritmia viedään eteenpäin ja testataan matkapuhelinalustalla. Tulokset osoittavat menetelmän kestävän kameran kiertymistä 60°:seen saakka suoritusajoilla, jotka ovat hyväksyttäviä sovelluskäyttöön.

Batch eller Print-on-demand? : En analys kring för- och nackdelar med make to stock och make to order vid outsourcad print on demand av böcker.

Lindgren, Johan, Näslund, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Mossberg (1998) bekräftar att batch-baserad logstik inom bokbranschen har flertalet negativa konsekvenser. Mossberg (1998) skriver följande; ”ETT PÅGÅENDE RESURSSLÖSERI De osålda böckerna drar på sig transport- och lagerkostnader… …överskottet -- inte sällan mer än halva upplagan! -- makuleras inom en treårsperiod. Bortsett från det stötande i detta resursslöseri bidrar förfarandet till att den svenska bokmarknaden har fått den ’’färskvaruprägel’’ som tidigare berörts -- och som innebär en tidsmässig begränsning av den svenskspråkiga litteraturen.” (Mossberg, 1998)  Mossbergs (1998) iakttagelser stödjer även de observationer vi gjort på fallföretaget. Detta är också grunden till vårt projekt där vi bidrar till ett mera effektivt och hållbart arbetssätt hos en av Sveriges största ekonomiboksproducenter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka fördelar som enligt teorin kan uppnås vid en övergång från en batch-baserad till en print-on-demand baserad logistikhantering av böcker.    Målet är att presentera rekommendationer för beslutsfattande och framtida strategi för fallföretaget, men också för att hjälpa andra företag med liknande krav och behov. Denna fallstudie genomförs på ett svenskt företag där man i huvudsak arbetar med kundservice/support till företag som använder sig av deras bokföringsprogram och servicetjänster. En viktig del i deras tjänst innebär publicering samt e-försäljning av informationsböcker. Vi har dock kunnat se att ytterst lite görs för att förbättra sin kvalitet inom detta område.  Vår undersökning visar att fallföretaget sammantaget skulle vinna flera fördelar genom att använda sig utav en print-on-demand-lösning. Detta eftersom man skulle förbättra sin kvalitet i alla de avseenden vi fokuserat på, med en lägre totalkostnad, ingen kapitalbindning och en minskad påverkan på miljön. / Mossberg (1998) confirms that batch-based logistics in the book industry has several negative consequences. Mossberg (1998) writes the following;  "AN ONGOING WASTE OF RESOURCES The unsold books are incurring transportation and inventory costs ... ... surplus - often more than half the recipients edition! -- canceled within three years. Aside from the offensive in this waste of resources, this procedure contributes to the fact that the Swedish book market has got the '' fresh character '' as mentioned earlier -- and as entails a temporal limitation of the Swedish-language literature" (Mossberg, 1998)  Mossberg's (1998) findings also support the observations we have made in this study. This constitutes the foundation of this survey, where we contributes for a more effective and sustainable operation at one of Sweden's largest economy book producers.  The purpose of this study is to examine the advantages and disadvantages that come with make-to-stock and a batch based logistics management of books. But also to identify the advantages that, according to the theory, can be achieved in a transition to make-to-order with a print-on-demand solution.   The goal is to present recommendations for decision-making and future strategy for the company where this study took place, as well as to help other companies with similar needs and requirements.  This case study is conducted at a Swedish company which essentially work with customer service / support to businesses using their accounting software and services. An important part of their service means publishing as well as e-books sale of information books. We have noticed that little is done to improve their efficiency and quality in this area.  Our study shows that this company would gain several benefits by making use out of a print-on-demand solution. This because it would improve their quality in all respects we’ve focused on, with a lower total cost, no tied up capital and en reduced environmental impact.

Reichenbachia, Imperial Edition: Rediscovering Frederick Sander’s Late-Victorian Masterpiece of Botanical Art

Borey, Erica 03 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis project examines the history, provenance, and contemporary treatment of a rare Imperial Edition of Frederick Sander’s print collection Reichenbachia, Orchids Illustrated and Described, a high-quality orchid compendium dating to the late-nineteenth century. A local philanthropist loaned the Imperial Edition Reichenbachia, number 86 of 100 to Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in 2011 on a long-term basis as a promised donation. Research into the origins of this collection involves several disparate historical topics, including the Victorian period of “orchid mania,” imperialist business practices, and chromolithographic printmaking. Discussion of the transition of this collection into a museum art collection covers its consequent registration, conservation, and exhibition. Finally, this thesis project considers the advantages and disadvantages of managing an art collection at a botanical garden.

Everyday Haunting

Condon, Thomas John, Jr. 01 January 2006 (has links)
This document outlines a journey of self-exploration, discovery, construction and destruction. It is a story of learning, a testament to impermanence, and a proposal for possibility. The words and work contained in this document are exclusive to the thoughts and actions of one man that hopes to share with others.

Mediální reflexe českého pavilonu na EXPO 2015 v českém a italském tisku / The media reflection of the Czech pavilion at EXPO 2015 in Czech and Italian press

Roubíčková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the media reflection of the Czech pavilion from the recent EXPO in Czech and Italian print. The research sample comprised of 12 daily newspapers (Hospodářské noviny, Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta DNES, Právo, E15, Deník, Corriere della Sera, la Repubblica, La Stampa, Il Giornale, Il Messaggero, Il Sole 24 Ore) that were monitored from 1. 3. 2015 until 30. 11. 2015. Firstly, the content analysis of 137 articles was performed on the individual level for both states. Subsequently, the media reflections in Czech and Italian print were compared to each other. The research found out for both countries that the highest number of media outputs was in May and that one particular journal was dominant in each country. On the contrary, the primary differentiation point was the extent of interest of the media outcomes. As the focus range of the articles differed (the Czech pavilion only in contrast to multiple national pavilions), other distinctions imply, such as the main subject of the articles or the most accented news values.

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