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Machine translation of proper names from english and french into vietnamese : an error analysis and some proposed solutions / Traduction automatique des noms propres de l’anglais et du français vers le vietnamien : analyse des erreurs et quelques solutionsPhan Thi Thanh, Thao 11 March 2014 (has links)
Dans l'ère de l'information et de la connaissance, la traduction automatique (TA) devientprogressivement un outil indispensable pour transposer la signification d'un texte d'une langue source versune langue cible. La TA des noms propres (NP), en particulier, joue un rôle crucial dans ce processus,puisqu'elle permet une identification précise des personnes, des lieux, des organisations et des artefacts àtravers les langues. Malgré un grand nombre d'études et des résultats significatifs concernant lareconnaissance d'entités nommées (dont le nom propre fait partie) dans la communauté de TAL dans lemonde, il n'existe presque aucune recherche sur la traduction automatique des noms propres (TANP) pourle vietnamien. En raison des caractéristiques différentes d'écriture de NP, la translittération ou la transcription etla traduction de plusieurs de langues incluant l'anglais, le français, le russe, le chinois, etc. vers levietnamien, le TANP de ces langues vers le vietnamien est stimulant et problématique. Cette étude seconcentre sur les problèmes de TANP d’anglais vers le vietnamien et de français vers le vietnamienrésultant du moteurs courants de la TA et présente les solutions de prétraitement de ces problèmes pouraméliorer la qualité de la TA. A travers l'analyse et la classification d'erreurs de la TANP faites sur deux corpus parallèles detextes avec PN (anglais-vietnamien et français-vietnamien), nous proposons les solutions concernant deuxproblématiques importantes: (1) l'annotation de corpus, afin de préparer des bases de données pour leprétraitement et (2) la création d'un programme pour prétraiter automatiquement les corpus annotés, afinde réduire les erreurs de la TANP et d'améliorer la qualité de traduction des systèmes de TA, tels queGoogle, Vietgle, Bing et EVTran. L'efficacité de différentes méthodes d'annotation des corpus avec des NP ainsi que les tauxd'erreurs de la TANP avant et après l'application du programme de prétraitement sur les deux corpusannotés est comparés et discutés dans cette thèse. Ils prouvent que le prétraitement réduitsignificativement le taux d'erreurs de la TANP et, par la même, contribue à l'amélioration de traductionautomatique vers la langue vietnamienne. / Machine translation (MT) has increasingly become an indispensable tool for decoding themeaning of a text from a source language into a target language in our current information and knowledgeera. In particular, MT of proper names (PN) plays a crucial role in providing the specific and preciseidentification of persons, places, organizations, and artefacts through the languages. Despite a largenumber of studies and significant achievements of named entity recognition in the NLP communityaround the world, there has been almost no research on PNMT for Vietnamese language. Due to the different features of PN writing, transliteration or transcription and translation from a variety of languages including English, French, Russian, Chinese, etc. into Vietnamese, the PNMT from those languages into Vietnamese is still challenging and problematic issue. This study focuses on theproblems of English-Vietnamese and French-Vietnamese PNMT arising from current MT engines. First,it proposes a corpus-based PN classification, then a detailed PNMT error analysis to conclude with somepre-processing solutions in order to improve the MT quality. Through the analysis and classification of PNMT errors from the two English-Vietnamese and French-Vietnamese parallel corpora of texts with PNs, we propose solutions concerning two major issues:(1)corpus annotation for preparing the pre-processing databases, and (2)design of the pre-processingprogram to be used on annotated corpora to reduce the PNMT errors and enhance the quality of MTsystems, including Google, Vietgle, Bing and EVTran. The efficacy of different annotation methods of English and French corpora of PNs and the results of PNMT errors before and after using the pre-processing program on the two annotated corporaare compared and discussed in this study. They prove that the pre-processing solution reducessignificantly PNMT errors and contributes to the improvement of the MT systems’ for Vietnameselanguage.
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Le champ notionnel des noms de mémoire « Easter rising » et « Bloody sunday » dans la littérature irlandaise d'expression anglaise du xxème et du xxie siècle / The conceptual field of the memory names "easter rising" and "bloody sunday" in Anglo-Irish literature of XX and XXI centuriesKhmelevskaya, Inna 10 December 2015 (has links)
Сette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des noms de mémoire « Easter rising » et « Bloody sunday » et les constellations onomastiques qui les entourent, dans la littérature irlandaise d’expression anglaise du XXe et XXIe siècle. La recherche est menée sur trois axes : historique, linguistique et littéraire. Cette thèse démontre, à travers l'analyse des contextes littéraires des noms de mémoire et de leur mise en discours, les fonctions que ces derniers peuvent remplir dans le discours littéraire irlandais. Elle s’interroge sur les valeurs culturelles et symboliques qu'ils sont aptes à véhiculer, aux mécanismes du développement d'un nom de mémoire,à l'interrelation entre un événement historique, son image et le (ou les) discours élaboré(s) sur cet événement et sur ces acteurs. Elle se concentre particulièrement sur les cadres discursifs (verbaux) et prédiscursifs (tacites) que ces noms de mémoires activent en discours, et aux moyens que l’écrivain utilise pour déstabiliser ces cadres ou en sortir. / The study focuses on « memory names » « Easter Rising » and « Bloody Sunday » and on onomastic fields buildt around them in Anglo-Irish contemporary fiction. This researсh is conducted at the crossroads of history, linguistics and literary analysis. It aims to show the functions they can fill in Irish literary discourse through an analysis of the contexts surrounding the « memory names » and the ways they are expressed. The cultural and symbolical values that they convey, the mecanisms of development of a memory name, as well as the interrelation between an historical event, its representation and (or) the discours about the event and its actors are examined in detail. The study focuses in particular on discursive and non-verbal ideological frames conveyed by the « memory names », and on the means that a writer uses to deconstruct these frames or to move outside the framework.
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La récupération du nom propre d'une personne : éléments fondamentaux sur les informations sémantiques en mémoire et éléments appliqués pour la prise en charge de la maladie d'Elzheimer.Germain, Veronique 28 May 2013 (has links)
Pouvoir identifier la personne en face de soi et être capable de retrouver son nom apparaissent des activités indispensables aux interactions sociales quotidiennes. Or, le nom propre s‟avère être une information spécifique comparée aux autres informations disponibles sur une personne. La récupération de cette information est souvent décrite comme difficile. Pour autant, si les auteurs s‟accordent sur la spécificité du nom propre, l‟examen de l‟organisation en mémoire du nom propre et des informations sémantiques liées aux personnes sera l‟objet de ce travail. De plus, l‟accès aux informations sémantiques s‟avère déficitaire dans la maladie d‟Alzheimer.Une première expérience a permis d‟élaborer un matériel normé sur 210 visages/noms, permettant la sélection précise de stimuli. Afin d'étudier la question de l‟organisation en mémoire des informations sémantiques et plus particulièrement l‟information nom propre, deux études comportementales et trois études électrophysiologiques ont été menées. Dans les deux dernières études, nous avons travaillé sur l‟apprentissage et le maintien en mémoire de l‟information spécifique nom propre auprès d‟une population Alzheimer. La discussion des différents résultats s‟appuie sur les connaissances théoriques actuelles sur le sujet. / Being able to identify the person in front of us and being able to remember his or her name appear to be essential activities to daily social interactions. However, compared to other available information related to a person, the proper name seems to be specific information. Proper name retrieval has been very often described as particularly difficult. Although this work aims to study the organization of semantic information in memory, and more specifically the proper name information. Moreover, access to semantic information is known be deficient for Alzheimer disease.A first study has allowed to develope out a standardized material of 210 faces/names, permitting an accurate selection of stimuli. Two behavioural and three electrophysiological studies have been carried out to study the organization of semantic information in memory, and more specifically the proper name. For the last two experiments, we have worked on learning and how to keep specific information « proper name » into memory for Alzheimer‟s disease patients. Discussion of the different results is based on current theorical knowledge on the subject.
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A Study on English Article Acquisition by Mandarin-Chinese SpeakersShao, Yea-chyi 27 August 2009 (has links)
The study aims to discuss how English article system is acquired by Mandarin-Chinese speakers at two domains, semantic domain and sentence level, by analyzing oral-story-telling data produced by forty 19-to-20-year old college students in Taiwan (20 males and 20 females), divided into low proficiency and high proficiency levels based on their results of Michigan Listening Comprehension Test. The production data was classified into four semantic types marked by a combination of two universal semantic concepts, specificity and definiteness for the purpose of examining Fluctuation Hypothesis (FH) proposed by Ionin (2004), who argued that L2 access to Universal Grammar by predicting L2 learners without article system will fluctuate between two parameter settings of specificity and definiteness. It is found that overuse of the did occur in [+specificity, -definiteness] contexts where target use is a, particularly for low-level learners. Besides, to closely probe into how L1 Mandarin-Chinese speakers use articles in L2 grammar within Ionin¡¦s framework, a model for linguistic properties marking specificity and definiteness in Chinese was proposed so as to compare the differences between English article system and Chinese classifier system, arguing that the interference of L1 may take place at semantic domain by L1 Mandarin-Chinese speakers. The evidence that the substitution of nage for definite article the in [+specificity, +definiteness] contexts and that of numeral one yige for indefinite article a in only [+specificity, -definiteness] and [-specificity, -definiteness] contexts sheds the light on the possibility of the occurrence of L1 transfer at the semantic domain. As for article use in sentential positions, due to definiteness effect and subject indefinite effect in Chinese, it is predicted that L1 Mandarin-Chinese speakers would drop articles more often in preverbal positions than in postverbal positions. The result showed that low-level learners did drop more articles in preverbal positions than in postverbal positions, but advanced learners showed the contrast, which implies that the beginners are easily governed by the definiteness effect, that is, L1 is at play at the initial state of L2 grammar. Overall, the advanced learners used articles more accurately than the low-level learners did, suggesting that the advanced Mandarin-Chinese L2 English learners may gradually reset the parameter of L2 grammars in acquiring English article system.
Furthermore, different error types produced by the participants were classified in the study and provided with theoretical discussion. A surprising finding is that the low-level learners highly misused the Cinderella for Cinderella in the data. Such error production may show the evidence of L2 access to UG since the Cinderella cannot be used in English and there is no determiner the projecting in Chinese proper name. The overuse of the further illustrates the existence of projecting D for L1 Chinese learners.
The acquisition rate of article use was measured by SOC (Suppliances in Obligatory Contexts) and TLU (Target-Like-Use). The results showed that the most difficult article use for both proficiency levels is zero article Ø. The advanced learners can use the more accurately than the learners at proficiency level due to the high occurrences of overgeneralization of the by the low-proficiency levels.
In general, the result of the current study bears on the issue of accessibility of UG and the possibility of parameter (re-) setting. It is also shown that L1 plays a significant role in L2 article use not only at the semantic domain but also at the sentential level by L1 Mandarin-Chinese speakers, especially for those at the initial state of L2 grammar.
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Les dénominations monoréférentielles dans un guide touristique sur l'Algérie : approches linguistique et traductologique / Analysis of uniquely-referring names in a tourist guide about Algeria : linguistic and translatological approachesZeboudj, Karima 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l‘analyse des dénominations monoréférentielles (DM) dénommant des référents singuliers ─ lieu, personne, événement, institution ou produit de l‘activité humaine ─ dans un corpus établi à partir de guides touristiques consacrés à l‘Algérie. L‘analyse des données révèle un champ linguistique complexe et multilingue (arabe-français-berbère) où l‘auteur du guide est confronté aux problèmes posés par le transfert de dénominations idiosyncrasiques relatives à la réalité algérienne. Dans le cadre d‘une recherche impliquant une dimension nécessairement traductologique, nous effectuons une analyse morphosyntaxique et sémantico-référentielle de ces DM. Au terme de cette analyse qui met en évidence la complexité de ces formes appellatives, tant au plan de la forme qu‘à celui du sens, nous proposons des éléments susceptibles de contribuer à une nouvelle définition du nom ! propre. / This thesis aims to analyze uniquely-referring names which refer to singular referents indicating a place, a person, an event, an institution or a product of human activity in a corpus of tourist guide specific to Algeria. It is evident from the analysis that the issue of language contact poses a multilingual (Arabic – Berber – French) complexity in the linguistic field where the author is constantly confronted with idiosyncratic names that identify Algerian reality. In addition to translatological aspects, we conduct an analysis of morpho-syntactic and semantic-referential properties of these uniquely-referring names which highlights their formal and semantic complexity hence contribute towards new definition of proper names.
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La part réelle du langage. Essai sur le nom propre et sur l’antonomase de nom commun / He real part of language. An essay about proper name and antonomasia of common nounLaurent, Nicolas 19 November 2010 (has links)
Cet essai explore les singularités du nom propre, à la fois propriété d’un x et désignateur de l’x nommé. Le nom porté par l’x n’est pas tout à fait le nom qui réfère à cet x, et l’on envisage la propriété dénominative « être appelé Npr » aussi bien d’un point de vue « ontologique » que d’un point de vue linguistique. La dissociation des deux « parties » du nom propre permet de reprendre la question de son « sens » (sens du nom propre qui réfère à l’x, signification du nom porté par l’x), avant que soient examinées certaines des constructions dites « modifiées » du nom propre. On essaie de montrer que trois types de concepts (individuel, dénominatif, non dénominatif) échelonnent un continuum qui mène du nom propre au nom commun.On propose également une analyse des noms propres du type « le Philosophe », « la Ville Lumière » ou « le Docteur angélique », qu’on considère habituellement comme des surnoms. Un examen diachronique du terme d’« antonomase » précède une réhabilitation de l’antonomase de nom commun destinée à identifier un seuil dénominatif en synchronie. / This essay explores the singularities of the proper name, which is both owned by x and refers to x. The name which x bears is not exactly the name that refers to that x and I’ll try to describe the denominative property « being called N » from an « ontological » as well as a linguistic point of view. The dissociation of the proper name’s two parts allows us to reconsider the question of its « meaning » (meaning of the proper name which refers to x and what the name that x bears signifies), before some proper names’ constructions, that are deemed « modified », are examined. I’ll try to show that three types of concepts (individual, denominative and non denominative) stratify a continuum that leads from proper names to common nouns.In a second time, I’ll try to analyze proper names such as « the Philosopher », « the City of Life » or « the Angelic Doctor », that are usually considered as nicknames. A diachronic study of the word « antonomasia » precedes a rehabilitation of the antonomasia of common noun, which aims at identifying a synchronic denominative level.
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Eine empfehlenswerte Datenbank für die Arbeit des NamenforschersHellfritzsch, Volkmar January 2009 (has links)
In this article the author recommends a hierarchically structured data base, called MemoMaster, as a mighty tool to replace traditional card indexes in the preparatory stage of onomastic research. Referring to Karlheinz Hengst’s exemplary monograph on place names in the South-West of Saxony, he demonstrates how MemoMaster enables the scholar to store and structure information in folders, subfolders, and “memos“ to be utilized in a manuscript later on. His explanation is supported by two screenshots.
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Leipzigs Name im Lichte seiner Frühüberlieferung: Karlheinz Hengst zum 75. Geburtstag am 2. März 2009Walther, Hans January 2009 (has links)
Die intensive Ortsnamenforschung der vergangenen 50 Jahre hat dazu geführt, dass auch der Name Leipzigs heute in einem etwas veränderten Licht gegenüber den Darlegungen in Band 8 der Schriftenreihe „Deutsch- Slawische Forschungen zur Namenkunde und Siedlungsgeschichte“ von 1960 erscheint. Insbesondere ergaben sich neue Aspekte durch die Sprachkontaktforschung / Kontaktonomastik seit den 1980er Jahren. So bleibt zwar die Deutung des Namens Leipzig – alt *Lipsk(o) – zu dem aso. Appellativ lipa ,Linde‘ unangefochten, doch handelt es sich bei den diesbezüglichen Namenbelegen offensichtlich um die hochmittelalterliche Umdeutung eines älteren Vorgängernamens mit einer anderen Grundlage. Die genauere Überprüfung der Gesamtüberlieferung führte dazu, die abweichenden Erstbelege bei Thietmar von Merseburg und den frühesten anderen Bezeugungen in Urkunden und Annalen kritischer zu bewerten.
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Имя и местоимение в прозе Марины Цветаевой : магистерская диссертация / The proper name and pronoun in the M.Tsvetaeva’s proseДжаббарова, Е. Я., Djabbarova, E. Y. January 2016 (has links)
The paper is devoted to the specific functionality of proper names and pronouns and their connection with the author’s worldview in the poet’s prose. Crucial consistent patterns in using of proper names and pronouns are revealed. The great number of Tsvetaeva's prose in the period from 1917 to 1938, including such genres as: philological treatises, critical articles, essays and fiction, was analyzed. Moreover, the paper highlights the transformation of the proper names and personal pronouns in Tsvetaeva’s prose and separately analyzed the features characteristic of the phenomenon of «poet’s prose». / Работа посвящена специфике функционирования имени и местоимения в прозе поэта с особенностями цветаевского мировосприятия. Выявлены основные закономерности в употреблении имен собственных и личных местоимений в прозаических текстах поэта. Проанализирован обширный пласт прозы Цветаевой в период с 1917 по 1938 год, включая такие жанры как: филологические трактаты, критические статьи, эссе и художественная проза. В работе показана трансформация имен собственных и личных местоимений в прозаических текстах поэта, а также отдельно проанализированы особенности, характерные для феномена «проза поэта».
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Impasses na relação do aluno com a escrita no ensino fundamentalSantos, Regiane Vieira dos 05 December 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-12-05 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The present study discusses some specific students problems in the acquisition of writing. The focus is directed to special, though widely spread difficulties, related to a dramatic phenomenon: the acquisition process may be interrupted because problems which affect or interferes in the student-written language relationship get stable. The data analyzed here are written composition tests applied by SARESP (Scholling Result Avaluation System from the State of São Paulo) to students still attending the so called basic education . Written texts done by those who were at the 4th grade were selected since it is expected that, at the grade, students should be able to read and write. It is worth mentioning that such a supposition is, in a large extent, frustrated. In fact, the texts we analyzed could not/cannot be read by anyone. We argue that, even so, they are real texts and should be, as such, recognizes as writing by the teachers (who simply ignore them). The theoretical basis of this study is the dialogical linguistic trend proposed by De Lemos and advanced since 1982. That theoretical approach endeavors to articulate fundamental concepts settled in two areas: la langue, the object of Linguistics, enunciated by Saussure and sustained by authors from the European Structuralism (Saussure, 1916; Jakobson, 1954, 1960 and others) and the psychoanalytic hypothesis of the unconscious, introduced by Freud (1900). The status and nature of the concept of representation is at stake here, not only because this is no doubt a crucial subject when writing is at issue, but also because this discussion sheds light on the distinction between the theoretical viewpoint adopted here and cognitive ones, which are traditional in the area of Education. Thus, this study should not be identified to either behaviorist or constructivist approaches to the process of writing acquisition/learning. This discussion was conducted in accordance with the De Lemos reflections on the child-language interdependent development and with Lier-DeVitto s proposal concerning symptomatic child-language development. This Master Thesis was carried on at LAEL-PUCSP under the supervision of Maria Francisca Lier-DeVitto, who is the leader of the CNPq Research Group Language Acquisition, language pathology ands language clinic / Esta dissertação discute a questão da dificuldade envolvida nos primeiros passos de um sujeito na escrita. Focalizo nas análises, em especial, casos em que essa dificuldade se cristaliza, tornando mais árduo o caminho de alguns alunos. De fato, quando se observa apenas suas idades, espera-se a expectativa é a de que já seriam escreventes. Os dados forma selecionados de provas do SARESP (Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar no Estado de São Paulo) - tratam-se de textos que causam ilegíveis porque, neles, os arranjos de letras não correspondem às restrições da escrita constituída. Esta dissertação alinha-se á reflexão realizada no Interacionismo em Aquisição da Linguagem, proposto por De Lemos (desde 1992), que tem como fundamento o Estruturalismo Europeu e que adota, também, a hipótese do inconsciente introduzida por Freud (1900). Em destaque estão duas autoras que, voltados para a escrita, destacaram o nome próprio como porta de entrada nesse domínio. Isso por ser notável, nos arranjos textuais que têm ares de frases com palavras, a presença das letras dos nomes das crianças. A questão da representação e do sujeito são aqui abordadas com o objetivo de deixar nítida a diferença entre o ponto de vista assumido nesta dissertação e aquele que toma é tradicional na Educação, qual seja aporte comportamentalistas e/ou construtivistas. Desta forma, afasto-se da Psicologia e, portanto, de autores como Emília Ferreiro, que entendem que o aprendiz constrói hipóteses sobre a escrita para controlar suas produções. Este trabalho se insere no Grupo de Pesquisa LAEL/CNPq: Aquisição, patologias e clínica de linguagem, liderado pela Profa. Dra. Maria Francisca Lier-DeVitto
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