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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hipoterapijos poveikis vaikams, sergantiems cerebriniu paralyžiumi / The influence of hypoterapy on children sick with cerebral paralysis

Simonavičienė, Regina 11 May 2006 (has links)
The subject ot the research: children sick with cerebral paralysis. The problem of the research: hypotherapy is a new and hot theme, because this kind of treatment is rather obscure and rarely applied in treating children with cerebral paralysis in Lithuania. The aim of the research: to determine the influence of hypotherapy on children sick with cerebral paralysis. Tasks of the paper: 1. To evaluate the movements of sick children according to GMFM test before hypotherapy, during it and after it. 2. To determine the possibilities of the accomplishment of exercises both on a standing horse and walking at foot‘s pace of children sick with cerebral paralysis . 3. To evaluate the achievements of children sick with cerebral paralysis ( riders) before and after hypotherapy. 4. To make a survey among parents having children sick with cerebral paralysis. The hypothesis of the research: the application of hypotherapy should improve the motion functions and the children‘s emotional state. The methods of the research: the analysis of scientific literature, interview, testing, observation, statistical analysis of the research data. The results of the research: comparing the initial Gross Motor Function Measure – GMFM (Ulrich, 1993 ) testing results to the final ( after hypotherapy ) ones, the improvement in children‘s health is obvious. The achievements of most children sick with cerebral paralysis ( riders ) before hypotherapy were poor, and satisfactory or good after it. Summing up... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos ir įtvarų poveikis 6–10 metų vaikų su cerebriniu paralyžiumi eisenai / Influence of the Physioteraphy and Orthoses on Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Šulinskienė, Aušra 17 May 2005 (has links)
Background: Some authors suggest that correction of ambulation using orthosis is required for children with cerebral palsy. Nowadays major attention is paid to orthopedic shoes. However, joint deformities, which are a result of spastic paralysis, are not corrected by orthopedic shoes because child’s foot deformity is not adjusted to the foot but vice versa. Aim: The aim of the study was to find out if ankle-foot orthoses (AFO) and physiotherapy intervention improves ambulation in 6-10 year old children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: In the study, 6-10 year old children (n=10) with CP (2 girls and 8 boys) were selected from kindergarten-school. Control group (n=20) was used to compare gait parameters. Gait parameters, 10 meter walking speed and passive range of motion (ROM) was measured for comparison. Conclusions: Findings of the study suggest that, both ankle-foot orthoses and orthoses combined with physiotherapy improve ambulation in children with cerebral palsy.

Vaikų su žymiu cerebriniu paralyžiumi judesių tobulinimas piešiant / Perfecting the moving skills of children with severe Cerebral Palsy by means of drawing

Strolia, Marius 15 June 2005 (has links)
The theme: Perfecting the moving skills of children with severe Cerebral Palsy by means of drawing. The goal of the research: To perfect the movements of children with severe Cerebral Palsy during the classes of drawing. The tasks of the research: 1. To find out the particularities of Art education for children with severe Cerebral Palsy. 2. To find a scientific approval for the impact of Art education on the quality of movements of children with severe Cerebral Palsy. 3. To create an Art educational program. The stages: September, 2004. Realization of the Art educational program. The beginning of September 2004. The amplitude of each child’s movement is measured by goniometer (vertical, horizontal, as well as the movement in circle). April 8th, 2005. The end of the realization of the Art educational program. April 8th to15th, 2005. The amplitude of each child’s movement is measured by goniometer one more time. The second measuring by goniometer showed, that in comparison with the earlier measuring, there was no difference noticed in the amplitude of each child’s movement. It happened because: The level of disability, the difficulty to fix small differences in the child’s movement amplitude, the short time of the research, the pure presence at the participants during the classes. The conclusions of the research: 1. Drawing itself is motivating the child to make a movement, playing is encouraging the child to complete the movement. 2. Adapting of the necessary aids... [to full text]

Vaikų turinčių cerebrinį paralyžių fizinis ir funkcinis pajėgumas / Assessment of physical and functional capable for children with cerebral

Dambrauskaitė, Rasa 03 September 2010 (has links)
Temos aktualumas: Cerebrinis paralyžius (CP) – tai neprogresuojantis galvos smegenų pažeidimas, atsiradęs galvos smegenyse prenataliniu, perinataliniu, neonataliniu ar postnataliniu laikotarpiu. Cerebrinis paralyžius apibūdinamas kaip būklė, kuriai būdingas raumenų silpnumas, nekoordinuoti judesiai ir/arba kitokie motorinių funkcijų sutrikimai, sukelti dar nesubrendusių vaiko smegenų pažeidimo. Nuo CP kenčiančio vaiko judėjimas (gulėjimas, sėdėjimas, vartymasis, vaikščiojimas) yra sutrikęs. Vaiko raumenų tonusas gali būti sumažėjęs arba padidėjęs, susijęs su pusiausvyros ir koordinacijos problemomis. CP neretai lydi motorinės (judesių) kontrolės, raumenų jėgos, sensorinės (jutiminės) integracijos ir judesio planavimo sutrikimai, taip pat fizinis ir funkcinis pajėgumas. Fizinis pajėgumas bei aktyvumas yra pagrindinis organizmo augimo bei tobulėjimo stimuliatorius. Kiekviena judėjimo forma optimizuoja žmogaus ne tik motorikos, bet ir jo psichinės bei socialinės brandos vyksmą. Labai svarbu, kad vaikai turintys CP galėtų siekti fizinio ir funkcinio gebėjimo panašiai kaip ir įprastai besivystantys vaikai. Tyrimo dalyviai: 10 vaikų su CP. Probleminiai klausimai: koks vaikų su CP fizinis pajėgumas? Koks vaikų su CP funkcinis pajėgumas? Ar yra ryšys tarp vaikų su CP fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo? Probleminiai klausimai įgalino iškelti kryptingą hipotezę: tikėtina, kad vaikų su CP funkcinis pajėgumas priklauso nuo fizinio pajėgumo. Tyrimo objektas –fizinis ir funkcinis pajėgumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic relevance: Cerebral Palsy (CP) – non-progressive brain violation, which develops during Prenatal, Perinatal, Neonatal, Post-natal period. Muscle weakness, uncoordinated movements and/or other motor function disorders are the state of the immature brain sufferers of CP. Movements, such as lying, sitting, tumbling, hiking, are malfunctioning for those who has CP. Muscle tone of the child (that relates to balance and coordination problems) can be decreased or increased. CP often comes along with motor (movement) control, muscle strength, sensory integration, and movement planning problems as well as physical and functional capacity weakness. Physical capacity and activity are the main stimulus of the body whilst growing. Each and every movement optimizes not only motor movements, but also psychological and social pubescence. It is important that those who have CP would have an ability to achieve and aim same physical and functional ability exactly the same like those who progress and develop normally. Participants of the research: 10 children with CP. Questions to research: what is the physical capacity of those who have CP? What is the functional capacity? What is the connection amongst CP physical and functional capacity? Hypothesis made out of those questions: it is believed that CP functional capacity is depends on the physical capacity. Object of the research – physical and functional capacity. Aim of the research – find out the physical and functional capacity of... [to full text]

Neįgalių vaikų gyvenimo kokybės socialinių aspektų tyrimas / Research on social aspects of disabled children’s life quality

Jurkutė, Eglė 25 July 2006 (has links)
General aim of the study: to identify the main social factors, which have negative effect on quality of life of 10-16 years old children with cerebral palsy, and to formulate recommendations for the elimination or reduction of these factors. Objectives: 1. To estimate the social �� economical status of the families, having healthy or disabled children. 2. To evaluate some social integration aspects of healthy or disabled children: the access to health care, education and social services. 3. To find out differences in incidence of some social factors which have negative effect on quality of life in study populations. 4. To formulate the recommendations for the reduction of social factors, which have negative effect on quality of life of children. Research method: The study was performed in Kaunas County (Kaunas, Jonava, Kedainiai, Raseiniai) in 2005. 154 families which have healthy children, and 150 families which have children with cerebral palsy aged from 10 to 16, were interviewed. For the data collection anonymous questionnaire was structured by the author of the study and tested in pilot study. Results: The results of the study showed that the quality of life of Lithuanian disabled children and their families in the social and economic aspects is worse than in families which raise healthy children. It was estimated that the disabled children more often than healthy children grow with one of the parents (21%), in orphanage (10%) or at foster care (4, 4%). Disabled... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos poveikis vaikų, turinčių cerebrinį paralyžių ir Dauno sindromą, fiziniam išsivystymui ir motoriniams įgūdžiams / The influence of physioterapy on physical development and motor skills for children with cerebral palsy and Down syndrom

Gervickienė, Lina 17 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of physiotherapy on physical development, motor skills and function of movements for children with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. The subjects were divided into two groups: children with cerebral palsy (2-8 years old) and Down syndrome (2 – 8 years old). All children were engaged in regular physiotherapy sessions. Special complex of exercises and treatment sessions were created specially for each group. All subjects underwent two testing sessions. Both testing sessions were performed eleven months apart (except height and weight were measured after twelve months). All tests were given to estimate balance, posture, flexibility of joints, motor skills and function of movements. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. The height and weight of subjects with cerebral palsy were almost the same in comparison with the standard of healthy children. The height and weight of subjects with Down syndrome were under standard of healthy children. 2. The posture was improved under the influence of physiotherapy sessions. 3. The balance was improved under the influence of physiotherapy sessions. 4. The amplitude of joints of children with cerebral palsy was the same in comparison with the standard of healthy children during first testing session. The amplitude of joints increased after physiotherapy sessions. The amplitude of joints of children with Down syndrome was under standard of healthy children. After physiotherapy sessions... [to full text]

Šiuolaikinio patyrimo atvaizdavimas Džeimso Džoiso apsakymų rinkinyje "Dubliniečiai" / Representation of Modern Experience in James Joyce's "The Dubliners"

Šidlauskaitė, Edita 03 June 2005 (has links)
The work analyses representation of modern experience in James Joyce's "The Dubliners". Due to economic, political and philosophic revolutions of the 19th century people have experienced severe changes in there lives. Alienation, loneliness, death and paralysis of social and cultural life has become their reality which is depicted in everyday lives of the Dubliners.

Bendrosios motorikos funkcijų vertinimo skalės taikymo ypatumai vaikams, sergantiems cerebriniu paralyžiumi / Characteristics of Application of Gross Motor Function Measure for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Danilevičienė, Vilma 10 May 2006 (has links)
Object: children with cerebral palsy. Problem: Cerebral palsy (CP) is frequent cause of children’s motor disorder. It affects person’s relationship with environment and limits his participation. Motor disorder and motor development in cerebral palsy depends on form and level of impairment and is very individual. Persons with cerebral palsy achieve different level of mobility. It is very important to choose properly responsible Gross Motor Function Measure scale. It should be clinically informative and be able to reflect changes in gross motor development. Besides, it should show effect of applied treatment method and help to formulate concrete goals of physical therapy. Physical therapy is an important part of any treatment plan for cerebral palsy patients. Treatment plan should be organized considering functional level and abilities of the children. There should be formulated goals and indicated means for reaching these goals in the treatment plan. Motor development will improve if treatment plan is purposeful. It should protect from developing contractures and deformations. In general treatment plan should increase cognitive skills and social integration. Purpose: to evaluate characteristics of application of Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) Scale for children with cerebral palsy. Tasks: to compare results of children with cerebral palsy evaluated according Gross Motor Function Measure Scale in both (88 and 66) versions; to determine aims of physiotherapy for 6 month... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos efektyvumas vaikams, sergantiems cerebrinio paralyžiaus forma-spastine diplegija / Efficiency of physiotherapy of children with cerebral palsy-spastic diplegic form

Malinauskas, Airidas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: vaikai, sergantys cerebrinio paralyžiaus forma ─ spastine diplegija. Tyrimo problema: vaikų, sergančių spastine diplegija, stambiosios motorikos funkcijų gerinimas, spastikos ir kontraktūrų mažinimas, plaštakos raumenų funkcijos stiprinimas. Hipotezė: kineziterapija, vaikams, sergantiems spazmine diplegija, turėtų padėti pasiekti kuo geresnių rezultatų stiprinant raumenų jėgą, mažinant spastiką ir kontraktūras bei tobulinant stambiosios motorikos funkcijas. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti kineziterapijos efektyvumą vaikams, sergantiems cerebrinio paralyžiaus forma ─ spastine diplegija. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti išrašus iš tiriamųjų medicininių dokumentacijų. 2. Įvertinti vaikų plaštakos raumenų jėgą amžiaus ir lyties aspektu prieš kineziterapiją ir po jos. 3. Įvertinti stambiosios motorikos funkcijų, pagal „Ėjimo, bėgimo ir šokinėjimo“, „Stovėjimo“ ir „Šliaužimo ir klūpėjimo“ testų parametrų dinamiką, taikant kineziterapiją amžiaus ir lyties aspektu. 4. Įvertinti vaikų kojų spastiškumą ir išmatuoti pėdos tiesimo amplitudę prieš kineziterapiją ir po jos. Išanalizavus tyrimo rezultatus padarytos šios išvados: 1. Išanalizuota, kad daugiausiai iš visų tiriamųjų cerebrinio paralyžiaus forma ─ spastine diplegija susirgo dėl gimdymo metu ištiktos hipoksijos ir pasireiškus infekcijai, tik vienas atvejis dėl auglio sukeltų padarinių. Tyrime dalyvavo daugiau berniukų nei mergaičių. 2. Nustatyta, kad po kineziterapijos tiriamųjų plaštakų raumenų jėga padidėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: children with cerebral palsy ─ spastic diplegic form. Problem of the study: development of spastic diplegic children’s gross motor function, decreasing of spasticity and contractures, strengthening of palms’ muscles. Purpose of the study: to define efficiency of physiotherapy of spastic diplegic children. Tasks of the study: 1. To analyze extracts from medical documentation. 2. To evaluate strength of palms’ muscles of spastic diplegic children in sex and age aspects before and after physiotherapy. 3. To measure dynamics of gross motor function tests’– “Walking, running and jumping”, “Standing”, “Crawling and kneeling” parameters according gender and age before and after physiotherapy. 4. To evaluate spasticity of legs and measure range of passive dorsi-flexion of feet before and after physiotherapy. Conclusions: 1. Analyzed, that in the majority of studied cases the reason of getting sick with cerebral palsy – spastic diplegia – is suffering of a child from hypoxia or catching infection during bearing, only one case - aroused growth. In the survey took part more boys than girls. 2. Defined, that after physiotherapy strength of palms’ muscles of tested children increased. The best result was showed by boys of 8-9 years old and the worse ─ by girls and boys of 4-5 years old. 3. Having measured parameters of Gross Motor function tests’ – “Walking, running and jumping”, “Standing”, “Crawling and kneeling”, it was found out that dynamics of tests’... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos poveikis vaikų, sergančių cerebriniu paralyžiumi, Dauno sindromu ir autizmu, rankų judesiams / The effect of kinezetherapy for hand movements of the children suffering from cerebral paralysis, down's sindrome and autism

Juškaitė, Inga 26 May 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: vaikų, sergančių cerebriniu paralyžiumi, Dauno sindromu ir autizmu, rankų judesių funkcijos rodikliai ir jų kaitos ypatumai. Tyrimo problema: vaikų, sergančių cerebriniu paralyžiumi, Dauno sindromu ir autizmu, priežiūra labai įtakoja šeimos gyvenimą, skatina prisitaikyti prie vaiko poreikių. Dirbant su šiais vaikais ne visuomet galima pritaikyti įprastinius metodus jų motorikos funkcijai atkurti ar stiprinti. Vaikams, turintiems fizinę ir psichinę negalią, judėjimas yra neišsenkanti saviraiškos, savirealizacijos ir supančio pasaulio pažinimo priemonė. Dėl bendrosios ir smulkiosios motorikos nepakankamumo gali sutrikti judesių koordinacija. Neįgalusis vaikas negali arba ribotai gali atlikti judesius, keičiant padėtį erdvėje. Daugelio autorių nuomone, kineziterapijos užsiėmimai yra veiksminga priemonė lengvinanti fizinę negalią, padedanti integruoti šiuos vaikus į visuomenę. Šiam magistriniam darbui parinkta tokia kineziterapijos programa, kuri būtų efektyvi ir veiksminga šių vaikų rankų judesiams pagerinti. Nes tik įvairių motorikos ugdymo metodų taikymas didina vaikų gebėjimą atlikti taisyklingą judesį ir aktyvina vaiko dalyvavimą savitarnos, bendravimo bei pažinimo veikloje. Todėl kuo ilgiau nekreipiamas pakankamas dėmesys į šias problemas, tuo sunkesnių pasekmių galime tikėtis. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti kineziterapijos poveikį vaikų, sergančių cerebriniu paralyžiumi, Dauno sindromu ir autizmu, rankų judesiams. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti vaikų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research: indicators of hand movement functions and the specific features of their change among the children suffering from cerebral paralysis, Down's sindrome and autism. The problem of research: The care of the children with cerebral paralysis, Down's sindrome and autism has a great influence upon family life and makes it adapt to the needs of the child. While working with these children it is not always possible to employ conventional methods for the recreation of their motoric function and find the ways of how to strengthen it. Movement is an inexhaustible means of self realization, self expression and the way of learning about the surrounding world for the children with physical and psychic disability. Due to the lack of general and small motoric movements, a child‘s coordination can be impaired. A disabled child cannot or is limited to make movements changing his position in space. According to the opinion of many authors, kinesitherapy exercises are an effective way of making physical disability more bearable and help to integrale the children into the life of the society. Only the use of different methods of movement increases a child‘s ability to make correct movements and makes him more active in taking care of himself, in communication and in the course of gaining knowledge. For this reason, if the problems are neglected, more serious outcomes can be expected. This Master‘s degree thesis deals with such a program of kinesitherapy which could... [to full text]

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