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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La vanité et la rhétorique de la prédication au XVIIᵉ siècle / Vanity and the Rhetoric of Preaching in the Seventeenth Century

Thouin-Dieuaide, Christabelle 21 January 2019 (has links)
Le travail de recherche que nous proposons a pour cadre la prédication au XVIIe siècle dans la période de l’édit de Nantes (1598-1685) et concerne l’expression de la vanité dans des oeuvres oratoires (sermons catholiques et protestants) et picturales (Vanités, tableaux d’autel). Ces dernières années, l’étude de la rhétorique a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles perspectives intéressantes à exploiter. La problématique qui guide cette recherche concerne la manière dont le concept de la vanité permet de renouveler, à cette époque, la rhétorique de la prédication. Autrement dit, il s’agit de montrer que le concept de vanité est, dans la prédication, un enjeu théologique et littéraire. Ma démarche consiste donc à étudier lescaractéristiques d’un discours, héritier des conceptions antiques, remodelé pour s’adapter aux circonstances qui imposent une nécessaire réflexion sur la nature et le pouvoir de la parole exprimée dans les sermons et les tableaux de Vanité. Le concept de vanité témoigne non seulement d’un douloureux constat anthropologique, mais est aussi employé, dans le discours, comme un argument moral, religieux, tout en étant source paradoxalement de fascination esthétique. Nous reconsidérons donc plus précisément les thèmes privilégiés de la prédication (mort, mépris du monde, pénitence…), et les stratégies discursives mises en place par les prédicateurs protestants et catholiques pour étudier les paradoxes du discours sur la vanité. / This research is set within the framework of XVIIth-century preaching during the Edict of Nantes period (1598-1685). It regards the expression of vanity in oratorical works (Catholic and Protestant sermons) as well as pictorial works (Vanitas, altar paintings). These last years, the study of rhetoric opened new paths that are interesting to explore. The issue at thecore of this study is the way the concept of vanity led to a renewal of the rhetoric of preaching in that period. In other words, I will show that for preachers the concept of vanityis both a theological and a literary concern. Thus my approach is to study the characteristics of a form of speech which, while it is heir to ancient conceptions, is also remodeled in order to adapt tonew circumstances that demand necessary reflections about nature and the power of speech as expressed in sermons and in Vanitas. The concept of vanity isnot only evidence of painful anthropological assessments, but is also used as a moral and religious argumentin sermons, while paradoxically generating an aesthetic fascination. I will thus consider moreparticularly the preachers’ favorite themes (death, scorn for the world, penitence) and their speech strategies, as Catholics and as Protestants, in order to study the paradoxes of speeches about vanity.

Nos dificeis caminhos da liberdade: estudo sobre o papel do trabalho na vida de egressos do sistema prisional / Difficult ways to freedom. Study about the work role in the egresses\' life from the penitentiary system

Paulo Cesar Seron 16 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado com o objetivo de compreender o papel do trabalho na trajetória de vida dos egressos do sistema prisional, a partir do ponto de vista dos participantes. O estudo se encontra fundamentado em pressupostos teóricos baseados na Psicologia Social e da legislação penal. Participaram da pesquisa empírica, quatro egressos do sexo masculino, com idade que varia de 24 a 55 anos. Oriundos do sistema prisional do Estado do Paraná e beneficiários do Programa Pró-Egresso de Maringá. Todos os sujeitos se encontravam cumprindo pena sob regime aberto, isto é, em liberdade condicional (sursis). A investigação foi realizada com base na metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, e a coleta de dados, por meio de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, conduzidas de maneira assistemática. O registro das informações de cada entrevista foi gravado em áudio e, posteriormente, convertido para a forma escrita. A trajetória da vida de cada participante foi cronologicamente, organizada com base em sete aspectos diferentes, da infância até a fase adulta, período em que eles já estavam em liberdade. A partir dessa organização das informações foi possível identificar a maneira como o trabalho fez e faz parte da vida de cada sujeito, nas diferentes fases de suas vidas. O estudo permitiu perceber e compreender que: quase todos os egressos são oriundos de famílias de classe socioeconômica baixa, cujos pais possuíam uma renda muito pequena: a decisão de trabalhar ainda na infância quase sempre está relacionada com a dinâmica familiar: quase todos os sujeitos deixaram de estudar ainda no ensino fundamental, e passaram somente a trabalhar, o que de certa forma lhes trouxe limitações profissionais futuras; nenhum dos entrevistados recebeu algum tipo de qualificação profissional durante o tempo em que se encontrava preso, a não ser um incincipiente aprendizado na confecção de artesanato; após a obtenção da liberdade, a maioria passou a trabalhar na informalidade, sem nenhuma garantia trabalhista nem previdenciária: o trabalho, em suas vidas, representou quase que somente uma estratégia de sobrevivência: o acesso ao universo produtivo sempre foi limitado, tomando-se ainda mais difícil após o episódio da prisão. Entretanto, foi possível identificar que o trabalho representa um papel importantíssimo, mas não suficiente, para que essas pessoas se lancem na busca de novas conquistas, seja materiais ou socioafetivas. O trabalho, formal e ou informal, possibilita ao egresso se manter junto da família, na medida em que viabiliza as condições materiais mínimas para a convivência do grupo familiar, condição importantíssima, segundo os depoentes. para a sua (re)íntegração social. Na opinião deles, a família aparece como sendo o principal ponto de referência no momento em que deixaram a prisão e representa o primeiro grupo social do qual passam a fazer parte ao conquistar a liberdade. Ela se constitui também no primeiro apoio material e afetivo, e ainda é a família que o estimula a traçar planos para o futuro, e a assumir o compromisso e a responsabilidade de se manter firme na intenção de não reincidir. Concluo este trabalho com a compreensão de que o papel do trabalho é de grande importância na vida do egresso, posto que ele se constitui na única alternativa ao crime: serve como base para a existência da família, que por sua vez representa um papel significativo no processo de (reintegração social do egresso. Trabalho e família desempenham papeis complementares nos difíceis caminhos da liberdade do egresso do sistema prisional. / The aini of this research is to comprehend the work tole iu the egresses\' life trajectory from the penitentiary system accordíng to the participants\' pomt of view. The study is established m the theoretical presuppositions based ou the Social Psychology and the penal legislation. The empírica! research participante were four male egresses who were between 24 and 55 years old Som the penítentiaiy system iu Paraná State and beneficíaries of the Pto Eaes: Program (Pró- Egresso Programa) from Maringá. Ali the subjects were serving the sentence iu open regime that is, on parole (sursisf. The iuvestígation wa: ba:ed on the qualitativa research niethodology aud the data eollectíon ws: done through the individual serni-strucrured inter.iews m an unsystematK way The register of the informauon of each mterview was recorded aud after it was couvetted to writing forui The li» trajectory of each paiticípant wa: organized iu a chronologácal way ba:ed on ;even different aspects since the childhood untíl the adult stage when they .veie at líberty Frour this organizatíon of iufoimatíou, it wa: po::ible to identify how the work was and is part of their hfe iu each different stage of life. The study peimitted us to percei\'.\'e and comprehend that almost ali the egresses belonged to familie: ivith a lower socioeconomíc levei. who:e parente had a low iucorne; the decision to ;tart workmg since the adolescence is almost related to the familiar dynamic; almost ali the subjects stop studying in the elementary school and started workíng ouiy. it consequentiy brought some future IJmitatious; noue of the mterviewees receíved any kmd of professional qualrfication during ie time they were in prison unless an incipient learning in handicraft confectiou; after beuig at Überfy almost ali of them started working in an iufoimal way without a labor and social security guarantee; the job represented a survíval strategy; the access to producuve uníverse was a!na>- limited and it become more difficult after the pnson. However, it was possíble to identify that the work represents an imponau: fimctíon iu the epesses\' life, but not enough to make them to run after new material or socio-emotional achievements The informai audbr informal job enable the egresses to ;tay with their family a: they see the miuimum material conditioris for the family group coexistence, according to the deponents these conditioris are very imponau: for their teintegraríou Iu their opínion, the family i: the maiu point of reíèrence when they leave the prison aud represents the first social group they start to be part of after receiving the líberty. It al:o constitute: the first material aud affective support aud the family still stímulates the egresses to draw piau: for the future aud a::ume the compromi:e and responsibilíty to keep them stroug to not to fali back. I conclude this :tudy wíth the comprehen;ion that the work role ha: a great importance in the egresses\' life. although it constitutes the only altemative for the crime: it servevs a: base for the family existence that iu fura represents a significam functicn in the egres:\': social reintegration proces: Family and work execute complementaiy roles in the hard ways to egresses freedotn fiom the penitenríary system

Neural machine translation architectures and applications / Traduction neuronale : architectures et applications

Bérard, Alexandre 15 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée sur deux principaux objectifs : l'adaptation de techniques de traduction neuronale à de nouvelles tâches, et la reproduction de travaux de recherche existants. Nos efforts pour la reproductibilité ont résulté en la création de deux ressources : MultiVec, un outil permettant l'utilisation de plusieurs techniques liées au word embeddings; ainsi qu'un outil proposant plusieurs modèles pour la traduction automatique et d’autres tâches similaires (par ex. post-édition automatique). Nous travaillons ensuite sur plusieurs tâches liées à la traduction : la Traduction Automatique (TA), Traduction Automatique de la Parole, et la Post-Édition Automatique. Pour la tâche de TA, nous répliquons des travaux fondateurs basés sur les réseaux de neurones, et effectuons une étude sur des TED Talks, où nous avançons l'état de l'art. La tâche suivante consiste à traduire la parole dans une langue vers le texte dans une autre langue. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur le problème inexploré de traduction dite « end-to-end », qui ne passe pas par une transcription intermédiaire dans la langue source. Nous proposons le premier modèle end-to-end, et l'évaluons sur deux problèmes : la traduction de livres audio, et d'expressions de voyage. Notre tâche finale est la post-édition automatique, qui consiste à corriger les sorties d'un système de traduction dans un scénario « boîte noire », en apprenant à partir de données produites par des post-éditeurs humains. Nous étendons des résultats publiés dans le cadre des tâches de WMT 2016 et 2017, et proposons de nouveaux modèles pour la post-édition automatique dans un scénario avec peu de données. / This thesis is centered on two main objectives: adaptation of Neural Machine Translation techniques to new tasks and research replication. Our efforts towards research replication have led to the production of two resources: MultiVec, a framework that facilitates the use of several techniques related to word embeddings (Word2vec, Bivec and Paragraph Vector); and a framework for Neural Machine Translation that implements several architectures and can be used for regular MT, Automatic Post-Editing, and Speech Recognition or Translation. These two resources are publicly available and now extensively used by the research community. We extend our NMT framework to work on three related tasks: Machine Translation (MT), Automatic Speech Translation (AST) and Automatic Post-Editing (APE). For the machine translation task, we replicate pioneer neural-based work, and do a case study on TED talks where we advance the state-of-the-art. Automatic speech translation consists in translating speech from one language to text in another language. In this thesis, we focus on the unexplored problem of end-to-end speech translation, which does not use an intermediate source-language text transcription. We propose the first model for end-to-end AST and apply it on two benchmarks: translation of audiobooks and of basic travel expressions. Our final task is automatic post-editing, which consists in automatically correcting the outputs of an MT system in a black-box scenario, by training on data that was produced by human post-editors. We replicate and extend published results on the WMT 2016 and 2017 tasks, and propose new neural architectures for low-resource automatic post-editing.

Stress in corrections: a critical racist, feminist and neoliberalism analysis

Shoker, Jasbir Kaur 25 January 2019 (has links)
This study explores the risk and resiliency factors for stress within a correctional environment and how correctional staff are impacted personally and professionally by occupational stress. Employing a qualitative research methodology, this research utilized thematic analysis to examine existing literature on stress in corrections. Study findings revealed that high levels of stress impacted the physical health, emotional well-being, family and relationships of correctional staff as well as the quality of service provided to clients. The risk factors for stress were identified as increased workload, lack of resources, time pressures, performance expectations, the culture of the criminal justice system, job experience/training, inadequate management support and dangerous working conditions. The resiliency factors utilized by correctional staff to cope with stress were divided into the themes of colleagues, family, social activities, career changes, training and organizational support and self-preservation. The themes of race, gender and neoliberalism also emerged throughout the literature and a Critical Race Feminism lens was applied to explore how these themes were interconnected with stress within a correctional environment. A deductive analysis of the themes of race, gender and neoliberalism revealed the further complicated nature of occupational stress and how racism, sexism and the infiltration of neoliberal policies contribute as risk factors for stress. / Graduate

Exploration de l’interface langage-motricité : le traitement lexical dans la Maladie de Parkinson / Exploration of the motor-language interface : lexical processing in Parkinson's Disease

Letanneux, Alban 04 December 2014 (has links)
Bien que les symptômes moteurs soient prédominants chez les individus atteints de la maladie de Parkinson, les troubles cognitifs font aujourd'hui partie intégrante du spectre symptomatique de la maladie. Depuis peu, des troubles du langage ont été rapportés. Cette étude s'inscrit dans ce contexte et a pour objectif d'explorer l'influence de facteurs cognitivo-linguistiques sur la motricité des patients parkinsoniens. Pour cela, nous avons comparé trois tâches mettant en jeu trois types de motricités différentes chez quatre groupes de sujets : des sujets sains jeunes et âgés ; des patients parkinsoniens avec médication et d'autres patients parkinsoniens sans médication. Ces trois tâches avaient comme caractéristique principale de comparer des mots et des pseudo-mots. La 1ère tâche était une tâche de décision lexicale, la 2ème une tâche de réponse verbale et la 3ème une tâche d'écriture. Dans les 3 tâches, les stimuli étaient vus ou dictés. Nos résultats confirment que les patients parkinsoniens sans médication sont plus lents à réagir que les contrôles âgés. Néanmoins, ce ralentissement ne résulte pas de l'akinésie classiquement décrite. Ces patients parkinsoniens sans médication présentent en effet un trouble auditif majeur et un ralentissement cognitif dans les situations qui nécessitent un traitement lexical. Enfin, ces mêmes patients ont des difficultés à inhiber des processus automatiques qui viennent interférer et ralentir l'exécution de leur tâche motrice. Ces déficits semblent s'estomper sous traitement. Notre étude met ainsi en évidence l'existence de déficits cognitifs qui retardent l'initiation de la réponse motrice des patients parkinsoniens sans médication. / Even though the dominant symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD) is motor impairment, cognitive impairment is currently also considered an important symptom. Recently, language impairment has been reported in PD as well. The present study follows up on recent advances in PD research, and aims to explore the influence of cognitive-linguistic factors on motor control in PD. To this end, we compared three tasks, each of which relies on a different type of motor control. We tested four groups of participants: healthy young participants, healthy elderly participants, PD patients on medication, and PD patients off medication. In all three tasks, the primary comparison was between responses to words and pseudo-words, which were presented visually or auditorily. The first task was a lexical decision task, the second a verbal response task, and the third was a handwriting task. Our results show, in line with previous studies, that off-medication PD patients respond more slowly than healthy control participants. However, this slow-down does not result from akinesia, a well known symptom of PD. Instead, off-medication PD patients show auditory impairment and cognitive slowing in situations that require lexical processing. Moreover, these patients have an additional deficit in inhibiting automatic (lexical) processes, which interfere with the motor task. All of these deficits seem to be reduced by medication. Therefore, our study shows clear evidence for cognitive deficits in PD. These cognitive deficits slow the initiation of a motor response in off-medication PD patients.

Recidivism: An Analysis of Race, Locus of Control, and Resilience

Thomas, Danisha Latrell 01 January 2017 (has links)
Recidivism is a growing problem in the United States that has contributed to prison overcrowding. In the United States, this is especially true for minorities, who have the highest incarceration, conviction, and recidivism rates. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore the relationship between race, recidivism, locus of control, and resilience. For the quantitative component, the Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC) and the multidimensional locus of control scales were used to measure resiliency and locus of control differences among racial groups (N = 126) on parole at a Fort Worth, Texas parole office. For the qualitative component, in-depth interviews of participants (n = 12) provide a context for them to express the challenges they face that may contribute to recidivism. Data collected from both the CD-RISC, and the three multidimensional locus of control subscales were used in a MANOVA analysis to find differences and commonalities among racial groups. The findings showed there were no significant racial differences among resilience and locus of control scores. However, there were noticeable trends revealed from in the in-depth interviews regarding socioeconomic status, education, employment, and neighborhood. Future research should focus on a longitudinal examination of resilience and locus of control, and on how factors such as education, familial involvement, and employment may impact an individuals' success or failure while on parole. This study may bring social change by alerting policy makers to the challenges offenders face, thereby creating laws that help change how the criminal justice system addresses recidivism.

Lived Experiences of Secondary Victims During the Parole Process: A Phenomenological Approach

Millimen, Jessica 01 January 2017 (has links)
Secondary victims of traumatic violent crimes are subject to continuing the process of fighting for the loved ones they have lost. Once the offender is incarcerated, such victims may still have to face the process of parole if the offender has been granted a possibility of parole after years served. There is a gap in the literature and a need for research in the area of lived experiences for secondary victims as they progress through the parole process. For this study, a phenomenological study was utilized with 10 secondary victim participants. Participants were interviewed questions via telephone and the data were clustered and then thematically analyzed, revealing that participants had feelings of fear, depression, and being forgotten. The participants also stated a lack of aid and knowledge during the parole process and expressed their experiences of difficulty during the parole process. The study found a need for victim aid and resources. The study has positive social implication through research examining the need for victim aid and education for the criminal justice system.

An Evaluation of Juvenile Lifers in Pennsylvania Pre and Post Act 33 of 1995

Martin, Kieshia 01 January 2018 (has links)
Act 33 of 1995 is an amendment to Pennsylvania's Juvenile Act (2008). This amendment changed jurisdictional boundaries for juvenile offenders who committed violent crimes with weapons. As a result, youth who committed violent crimes with weapons were automatically transferred to the adult criminal justice system. Using punctuated equilibrium as the theoretical foundation, the purpose of this study was to determine if Act 33, as a punctuating event, resulted in an increase in the number of youth transferred to the adult criminal justice system and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole in an urban county in Pennsylvania. Secondary data (N = 143) were acquired from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections on juveniles sentenced to life without the possibility of parole in Pennsylvania pre and post Act 33. Chi-square test with 2-way contingency table analysis was used to analyze the data. Results did not indicate a statistically significant association between the numbers of juveniles transferred to the adult criminal justice system and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole and the implementation of Pennsylvania of Act 33. The positive social change implications of this study include recommendations to the Pennsylvania legislators to increase state funds in order to implement service integration for juvenile lifers returning to the community.

Probation Officers' Attitudes on Illinois Electronic Monitoring Program for Drug Offenders

Jones-Dilworth, Erika J 01 January 2018 (has links)
Probation Officers' Attitudes on Illinois Electronic Monitoring Program For Drug Offenders by Erika Jones-Dilworth MPA, Governors State University, 2009 BS, Governors State University, 2007 Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Public Policy & Administration Walden University November 2018

African American male offenders experiences of successful parole/post-release completion

Veale, Frances R. B. 01 December 2015 (has links)
With over 2.3 million individuals in a states, federal prison and/or local jail, the United States has the largest prison population in the world. Ninety-five percent of all offenders incarcerated will return to society at some point in their lives; nevertheless, at least two-third recidivate within three years of their parole/post-release and return to prison. The high volume of offenders contributing to the crime rates, enormous prison growth and the budget needed for correctional operation, has led scholars, policymakers, and correctional officials, in addition to society as a whole, to give great attention in discovering and determining ways to break the repetitive cycle of incarceration and recidivism. Once an offender returns to society after incarceration, they face perplexing challenging barriers, and obstacles that impedes upon their ability to resist crime and complete parole supervision. For African American men, these challenging barriers and obstacles are exacerbated, because of their race and gender. Research shows that African American men are disproportionally represented, among the incarceration rates, prison population and are highly susceptible to factors that lead to recidivism. The purpose of this study sought to gain more in-depth understanding of former African American male offenders’ experiences and perceptions of resisting crime and completing parole/post-release supervision. In particular, this study used qualitative methods to interview six African American men, in order to determine the significant impact which social and personal factors led them to successful parole/post-release supervision completion. The results of this study indicated that African American male offenders have the ability to complete parole/post-release supervision, when provided the opportunity to gain employment, higher levels of education and vocational training, strong support from their family and friend, establish positive social networks, participate in rehabilitative programs. The research further revealed other contributing factors aids in their success as well.

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