Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cartner iolence"" "subject:"cartner ciolence""
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Predictive Relationships Between Cultural Coping Strategies, Intimate Partner Violence, and Depression in African American WomenWiggins, Tiffany 01 January 2018 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women has been linked to long-term, negative health consequences such as depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation. There is a growing perception that African American women are the most affected by IPV, but the current literature does not confirm this perception. The purpose of this nonexperimental, correlational study was to examine the predictive relationships between the independent variables (spiritual coping, religious coping, and levels of IPV) and the dependent variable (level of depression). The ecological systems theory provided the framework for the study. The research question addressed how well variables such as religious coping, spiritual coping, and level of IPV predicted levels of depression in African American women. Convenience sampling was used to recruit 63 participants. Data were collected using a survey methodology. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data. Results indicated a statistically significant negative correlation between spiritual coping and depression, as well as a statistically significant positive correlation between IPV scores and level of depression. No statistically relationship was found between religious coping and depression. Human services and other professionals could use the results to advocate for the development of educational and counseling programs that inform African American women of the benefits of culturally based coping strategies such as spiritual coping. Findings from the study could contribute to social change by adding information to the literature on coping strategies that can potentially improve negative outcomes such as levels of depression for female survivors of IPV, particularly African American Women.
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Effects of Education on Victims of Domestic ViolenceAnderson, Julette N. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to improve support for victims of domestic violence. To that end, this project developed an evidence-based program to provide information about domestic violence including safe and confidential ways to seek assistance, rights as cohabiting intimate partners, and the resources available to community members. Several approaches were used to develop, validate, and plan for implementation and evaluation of this program, which was developed for 3 sites in Broward and Miami-Dade counties where the project is situated. The program logic model and the social ecological model, including the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels, were used to guide this project. In addition, scholarly works from 2000 to 2013 were selected from ProQuest, CINAHL, Ebscohost, Medline, and Ovid Nursing Journals to develop this program in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of 7 community stakeholders including a physician, advanced practice nurse, law enforcement officer, pastor, and 3 recovery center directors with knowledge in these areas. Content validation involved incorporating feedback from the project team. The target population for the project includes women and men aged 18 or higher who have experienced domestic violence, homelessness, and drug addiction. Community operationalization of the initiative will be facilitated by implementation and evaluation plans developed as part of this project. The project includes community education that may help organize events and campaigns, increase domestic violence awareness among community members, and influence policy regarding issues pertaining to domestic violence.
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"I feel that I have no one to help me" : Women’s perceptions of causes of alcohol-related violence and what coping strategies these women use in the context of Livingstone, ZambiaFlodkvist, Evelina January 2019 (has links)
Background: Intimate partner violence is a major human rights problem, that affects all sexes of all ages in all societies. Men are the primary perpetrators, and women are more likely to get injured since the violence against women also tends to be more severe. The majority of the perpetrators of violence are in an intimate relationship and in many of the cases, alcohol is a significant contributor to the abuse. Aim: To investigate which societal factors drive and maintain the alcohol-related violence towards women and what coping strategies these women use to handle this form of violence in Livingstone, Zambia. Methods: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with 16 Zambian women who had experienced violence by alcohol abusive male partners was conducted. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The results in this study shows that poverty is the source of this form of violence. It is not only the absence of money but also the presence thereof and the way in which this challenges the traditional gender roles. These traditional gender roles are changing because men do not take their responsibilities as providers. Women used emotion-focused and problem-focused strategies to cope with these stressful situations. Conclusion: This study concludes that poverty and the challenging of traditional gender roles perpetuate violence. These women, who are exposed to this violence are reaching out for help but are not getting the help they need, which is partly due to the society’s view of the importance of marriage.
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Partner violence during pregnancy, psychosocial factors and child outcomes in NicaraguaValladares Cardoza, Eliette January 2005 (has links)
The objectives of the thesis was to explore partner violence during pregnancy in Nicaragua – its prevalence and characteristics, how women perceive, understand and cope with it, its association with specific child outcomes such as low birth weight (LBW), small for gestational age (SGA) and preterm birth, and possible pathways. A cross-sectional community-based study was conducted with 478 pregnant women and for a sub-sample of 147 salivary cortisol was measured. A case-referent hospital-based study was organized including 303 mothers immediately after delivery. In-depth interviews were conducted with women survivors to increase understanding of partner violence during pregnancy. The prevalence of emotional, physical and sexual partner abuse during pregnancy was 32.4%, 13.4% and 6.7% respectively. Seventeen percent of the victims suffered all three types of violence and in two thirds the abuse was severe and repeated. Half of the abused women had experienced punches and kicks directed to the abdomen; however, only 14% had sought health care and very few had disclosed the abuse or contacted police or authorities. Adolescent mothers, unwanted pregnancy and late registration for antenatal care or no check-ups were more likely among victims. The access to social resources facilitated the women’s ability to cope with the abuse, but the pregnancy itself was a barrier to receiving support from family, friends or society. The ability to confront abuse was determined by a complex interplay of factors such as economic independence, severity of abuse, access to social resources, implications for important others (i.e. children), socioeconomic group and a personal ability to cope with social norms. Low social resources, high levels of emotional distress and attempted suicide were associated with violence during pregnancy. Abuse during pregnancy was also found as an independent risk factor for LBW. Sixteen percent of LBW was attributed to physical abuse by a partner during pregnancy. A significant association between abuse during the index pregnancy and SGA was found. Partner violence during the pregnancy, low social resources and emotional distress were associated with higher levels of salivary cortisol. Pregnant women with high cortisol values were significantly more likely to give birth to SGA babies. A substantial decrease of birthweight, 142 grams, was estimated to be associated with increases in cortisol due to violence exposure. Partner violence during pregnancy is a serious social problem that impacts the rights, health and wellbeing of both the woman and her unborn child. The studies call for prioritization of intervention programmes for prevention and detection of violence, treatment and rehabilitation of the victims and the perpetrators, and change of the structural causes producing violence in society.
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Estudio longitudinal del impacto de la violencia de pareja sobre la salud física y el sistema inmune de las mujeresSánchez Lorente, Segunda 29 September 2009 (has links)
Introducción: Diversos estudios transversales han demostrado el impacto negativo quela violencia de pareja tiene en la salud mental, en la salud física y en el funcionamientode los sistemas fisiológicos de las mujeres. Si bien, han sido pocos los estudioslongitudinales realizados para establecer la evolución de dicho impacto en la salud delas mujeres a lo largo del tiempo. Objetivos: En este estudio se pretendió, en primerlugar, determinar la evolución del estado de salud física y del funcionamiento delsistema inmune de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de pareja y, en segundo lugar,establecer los factores personales y sociales que contribuyen a la recuperación de lasalud o la perjudican. Métodos: Las mujeres (n=91) que participaron en un estudiotransversal previo (T-1) fueron evaluadas tres años después (T-2): mujeres víctimas deviolencia psicológica (n=23), mujeres víctimas de violencia física/psicológica (n=33) ymujeres control en cuya relación de pareja no existía violencia (n=35). Tanto en elestudio transversal (T-1) como en el estudio longitudinal (T-2) se llevaron a caboentrevistas estructuradas a través de las cuales se recogió información sobrecaracterísticas sociodemográficas, relaciones de pareja, características de la violencia depareja, historial de victimización, salud física, apoyo social y acontecimientos vitales. Elestado de salud física de las mujeres se midió a través de tres indicadores: incidencia desíntomas físicos, incidencia de enfermedades físicas y utilización de servicios de salud.Finalmente, en ambos momentos temporales se recogieron muestras de saliva paraevaluar el control del sistema inmune sobre el virus Herpes simple tipo 1 (HS-1) através de tres medidas: neutralización del virus HS-1, cantidad de inmunoglobulina A(IgA) específica contra el virus HS-1 (IgA HS-1) y cantidad total de IgA en la saliva(IgA total). Resultados: La incidencia de síntomas físicos disminuyó significativamentea lo largo del tiempo en ambos grupos de mujeres víctimas de violencia de pareja,psicológica y física/psicológica, si bien se observó una mayor disminución en lasmujeres víctimas de violencia física/psicológica. Los factores que contribuyeron a estarecuperación fueron el estado de salud física de las mujeres en T-1, el grado de apoyosocial percibido y el cese de la violencia física. Por el contrario, los factoresperjudiciales para su recuperación fueron el consumo de psicofármacos, la convivenciacon el agresor, las experiencias de victimización en la edad adulta durante T-2, lapercepción negativa de los acontecimientos vitales y el mantenimiento de la violenciapsicológica. Por otro lado, en las mujeres víctimas de violencia física/psicológica seprodujo una disminución a lo largo del tiempo en la cantidad total de enfermedadesagudas padecidas, así como en el número de veces que utilizaron los servicios deurgencia por motivos de violencia. En cuanto al funcionamiento del sistema inmune a lolargo del tiempo, las mujeres víctimas de violencia física/psicológica mostraron unaumento tanto en la capacidad para neutralizar el virus HS-1 como en los niveles de IgAHS-1. El cese de la violencia física fue el principal factor predictor de dicharecuperación. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra que es posible la recuperación de lasalud física previamente deteriorada en mujeres que han sido víctimas de violencia depareja, psicológica o física/psicológica. Además, indica que es posible la recuperacióndel control inmune sobre el virus HS-1 en mujeres que han estado expuestas a violenciafísica/psicológica a pesar de su baja capacidad antiviral inicial. Son necesarios otrosestudios longitudinales para determinar los factores que mejor predicen la recuperaciónde la salud de las mujeres con la finalidad de diseñar programas de intervención máseficaces. / Introduction: Several cross-sectional studies have demonstrated the negative impactthat intimate partner violence (IPV) has on women's health. However, few longitudinalstudies have been carried out to establish the course of this impact over time.Objectives: This study pretended to determine the course of the physical health and theimmune system function on women victims of IPV and to establish the factors thatcontribute or impair to its recovery. Methods: Women (n=91) who took part in aprevious cross-sectional study (T-1) were evaluated three years later (T-2): victims ofpsychological IPV (n=23), victims of physical/psychological IPV (n=33) and controlwomen (n=35). Information about characteristics of IPV, physical health and lifestylevariables was obtained by structured interviews. Finally, saliva samples were collectedto assess the immune system control over Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1).Results: The incidence of physical symptoms decreased in time in both groups ofwomen, psychological and physical/psychological victims of IPV. Factors thatcontributed to this recovery were the women's health condition in T-1, the socialsupport and the physical IPV cessation. On the contrary, factors that impaired thisrecovery were the psychopharmacological treatment, the cohabitation with theaggressor, the experiences of victimization during T-2, the negative perception of lifeevents and the continuation of psychological IPV. Furthermore, the amount of acutediseases suffered by women and the visits to emergency rooms because of violencereasons decreased in time in physical/psychological IPV victims. With regard to thecourse of immune system over time, women who were victims ofphysical/psychological IPV had a significant improvement in both the capacity toneutralize HSV-1 and HSV-sIgA levels. Physical IPV cessation was the main predictorof this recovery. Conclusions: This study shows that physical health recovery ispossible in women that have been IPV victims. Furthermore, it shows that recovery ofimmune control over HSV-1 is possible in women who have been exposed tophysical/psychological IPV. Other longitudinal studies are needed to determine whichfactors best predict the restoration of health in order to design effective interventionprograms.
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Hur vanligt är det? : Våld i nära relationer: män som offer och kvinnor som förövare. En systematisk litteraturstudieJonasson, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and that they in many ways doconform to abused women. There are many underlying causes to the violence inclose relationships. There are also many shapes and degrees in violence and inIntimate Partner Violence (IPV). Furthermore, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) exhibitssymmetry in socio-demographic characteristics, such as gender and ethnicity. Thefindings also points out that Common Couple Violence (CCV) are a much morecommon form of violence than Intimate Terrorism (IT) and that both forms areused by men and women. Finally, violence is ambiguous, includes many aspectsand is not easy to explain among cultural values, norms and social contexts.Still, violence is a universal human issue which demands social interventions.
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Distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn : En deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudieLobanova, Olga January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Distriktssköterskor på BVC möter ibland våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn i sitt arbete. Följder av våld i nära relationer kan vara försämrad psykosocial hälsa både hos kvinnor och barn. Att tidigt upptäcka och hjälpa en sådan kvinna och hennes barn är ett viktigt uppdrag som distriktssköterskan har på BVC. Syftet med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn på BVC samt ta reda på vad som saknas kunskaps- och metodmässigt i deras arbete när det gäller att hjälpa denna patientkategori. Metod: Sju distriktssköterskor på BVC intervjuades och kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera data. Resultat: Intervjuinnehållet delades i fyra huvudkategorier och sexton underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna var följande: Upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn, Tillvägagångssätt vid mötet med våldutsatta kvinnor med barn, Upplevelser av möten med barn till den våldutsatta kvinnan på BVC, Förslag på förbättringar inom arbetet med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn. Slutsats: Tydliga riktlinjer och metoder för screening för våldutsatthet behövs på BVC. Fördjupad utbildning inom olika kulturer och om våld i nära relationer är nödvändiga för ett mer effektivt och förebyggande arbete med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn på BVC. Mer tid och förståelse från ledningen är viktiga aspekter när det gäller att hjälpa våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn. Nyckelord: Distriktssköterska, sjuksköterska, våldutsatta kvinnor, våld i nära relationer, BVC, kultur. / Background: Public health nurses working at child health clinics sometimes meet abused women and their children in their work. Consequences of domestic violence can be impaired psychosocial health in both women and children. To identify and help such a woman and her children early is an important mission that a public health nurse has at child health care. The Aim of this study was to investigate the public health nurses' experiences of meetings with abused women and their children at child health care and what knowledge and methods are lacking in terms of their work in terms of helping this group.Method: Semi structured interviews with seven public health nurses at child health care were carried out and qualitative content analysis was used to analyze data. Results: The content of the interviews were divided into four main categories and sixteen sub-categories. The main categories were: Public health nurses’ experiences of meetings with abused women and their children, Approach the meeting with abused women and their children, Experiences of meetings with children of the abused woman at child health care, Suggestions for improvements in work with abused women and their children.Conclusion: Explicit guidelines and methods for screening for violence exposure needed within child health care. Deeper knowledge about different cultures, and domestic violence is necessary for a more effective and preventive work with abused women and their children. More time and understanding from management are important aspects when it comes to helping domestically violated women and their children. Keywords: District nurse, nurse, domestically violated women, IPV (intimate partner violence), child health care, culture.
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Sjuksköterskans roll och upplevelse i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan : En litteraturstudieNätterlund, Anna, Stålberg, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld mot kvinnor är ett känt socialt problem världen över och har under 2000-talet ökat med 30 procent. År 2007 anmäldes i Sverige ca 27 000 brott rubricerade som misshandel mot kvinnor och drygt 2/3 av dessa brott utfördes av en bekant gärningsman. Sjuksköterskan har en potentiellt unik och viktig roll i att identifiera och ta hand om kvinnor som söker hjälp gällande våld i parrelationer. Syfte: Att beskriva vilken roll sjuksköterskan har i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan, samt hur sjuksköterskan upplever mötet. Metod: En deskriptiv litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar har granskats och sammanställts. Resultat: Sjuksköterskans roll går ut på att skapa en trygg miljö och stödja den våldsutsatta kvinnan. Sjuksköterskan bör använda sig av ett professionellt bemötande och skapa en relation där en god kommunikation är möjlig. Sjuksköterskor upplever ofta frustration i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan då det kan vara svårt att skapa en öppen dialog. Sjuksköterskor beskriver även en känsla av maktlöshet, då kvinnan väljer att gå tillbaka till ett våldsamt förhållande. Det är vanligt att sjuksköterskor i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan blir känslomässigt engagerade. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor saknar kunskap inom screening, bemötande samt omhändertagande av våldsutsatta kvinnor och är i behov av mer utbildning inom ämnet. / Background: Violence against women is a known social problem worldwide and increased by 30 percent in the 2000s'. In 2007, about 27 000 crimes captioned as abuse against women were reported in Sweden and just over 2/3 of these crimes were carried out by a known perpetrator. As a nurse you have a potentially unique and important role in identifying and taking care of women seeking help regarding intimate partner violence. Aim: To describe the role nurses have in the meeting with the abused woman, and how nurses perceive meeting. Method: A descriptive literature review in which 13 scientific papers have been reviewed and compiled. Results: Nursing role is to create a safe environment and support the abused woman. Nurses should use a professional approach and create a relationship where good communication is possible. The nurse often experience frustration in the meeting with the abused woman as it can be difficult to create an open dialogue. Nurses also describe a sense of powerlessness, when the woman chooses to go back to a violent relationship. It is common for nurses, in the meeting with the abused woman, to become emotionally involved. Conclusion: Nurses lack training in screening, treat and care for abused women and need more education in the subject.
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Du är ingen riktig man : En studie om socialarbetares arbete med män som utsatts för relationsvåld ur genus-, maskulinitets- och hegemoniperspektivAndersson Bonnevier, Camilla, Norström, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Du är ingen riktig man - En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare arbetar med män som utsatts för våld i nära relationer och hur de hanterar föreställningar som finns i samhället om män Författare: Camilla Andersson Bonnevier och Helena Norström Örebro universitet Institutionen för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete. Socionomprogrammet Socialt arbete 30-60 hp C-uppsats, 15 hp Vt 2012 Sammanfattning Studien handlar om våld mot män i nära relationer och syftet är att undersöka hur föreställningar om män som finns i samhället påverkar socialarbetares tankar och agerande i mötet med våldsutsatta män. En kvalitativ metod har använts och sex intervjuer har utförts. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är genus, maskulinitet och det hegemoniska perspektivet. Resultatet framhäver att respondenterna är medvetna om de föreställningar som finns i samhället. Detta är något som de måste förhålla sig till i mötet med de utsatta männen. De föreställningar som finns angående män som blir utsatta för våld i nära relationer är även något som kan påverka män, exempelvis genom att skamkänslor uppstår i samband med att männen ska söka professionell hjälp. Vi har även valt att titta på hur socialarbetarna arbetar och vad det är som primärt styr deras arbete. Nyckelord: genus, hegemonisk maskulinitet, offerrollen, socialt arbete, utsatta män och våld i nära relationer / You're not a real man - A qualitative study of how social workers working with men who are victims of violence in intimate relationship and how they deal with beliefs that exist in society about men Author: Camilla Andersson Bonnevier och Helena Norström Örebro University School of Law, Psychology and Social Work Social Work Program Social Work 30-60 points C-essay, 15 points Spring term 2012 Abstract This study is about violence against men in intimate relationships and the purpose of this essay is to examine how conceptions of men which exists in society affects social workers thoughts and behaviors in the meetings with men who are victims of domestic violence. A qualitative method was used and six interviews were conducted. The theoretical perspectives are gender, masculinity and the hegemonic perspective. The results demonstrate that the respondents are aware of the conceptions that exist in society. This is something that they must relate to in the meeting with exposed men. The conceptions about men, who become a victim of domestic violence in close relationships is also something that can affect men, for example shame can occur when men seek professional help. We have also chosen to look at how social workers work and what it is that primarily govern their work. Key words: gender, hegemonic masculinity, victimization, social work, abused men and intimate partner
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Experiences of support and help-seeking: A secondary analysis of interviews with women with disabilities who have experienced intimate partner violenceKeys, Shannon 12 September 2011 (has links)
While previous research has explored women’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV), their help-seeking experiences and the barriers they encounter when seeking support, little research has explored the perspectives of women with disabilities regarding helpful IPV prevention, intervention and healing strategies. My qualitative research project sought to address two research questions: what have women with disabilities experienced when accessing support (from family, friends, and services) for IPV; and what do women with disabilities say would be helpful in the prevention or intervention of intimate partner violence. I undertook a secondary analysis of six interviews of women with disabilities who had been interviewed as part of a larger research study. My thematic analysis revealed many themes including experiences with sources of support—such as family, friends, counselling, and shelters—and strategies for prevention, including education and awareness; support system; affordable childcare and transportation; and self-care, spirituality, community, and social change. Barriers to support I identified include lack of education and awareness, lack of resources, lack of services, community size and dynamics, and potentially exclusive admission criteria. My intersectional analysis revealed the ways in which women’s social locations—such as their gender, cultural background, socio-economic situation, religion, disability and relationship status—influenced and shaped their help-seeking behaviours and their access to support systems. Several recommendations to address gaps in service provision are provided.
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