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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Prospective Randomized Study of the Efficacy of "Turning Point", An Inpatient Violence Intervention Program

Loveland-Jones, Catherine Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
Background: From 2002-2011, there were over 17,000 shootings in Philadelphia. "Turning Point", Temple University Hospital's violence intervention program, takes advantage of the teachable moment that occurs after violent injury. In addition to receiving social work services, Turning Point patients watch their trauma bay resuscitation video and a movie about violence, meet with a gunshot wound survivor and an outpatient case manager, and undergo psychiatric assessment. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of Turning Point in changing attitudes toward guns and violence among victims of penetrating trauma. Methods: This prospective randomized study was conducted from January-June 2012. Patients who sustained a gunshot or stab wound were randomized to Standard of Care, which involved social work services only, or Turning Point. The Attitudes Toward Guns and Violence Questionnaire was administered to assess attitude change. Analysis was performed with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. A p < 0.05 was significant. Results: A total of 40 out of 159 patients with gunshot or stab wounds were enrolled and completed the study in its entirety. The most common reason for exclusion was anticipated length of stay being less than 48 hours. The two groups were similar with respect to most demographics. Unlike the Standard of Care group, the Turning Point group demonstrated a 44% reduction in its Aggressive Response to Shame, a 33% reduction in its Comfort with Aggression, and a 20% reduction in its overall proclivity toward violence. Conclusion: Turning Point is effective in changing attitudes toward guns and violence among victims of penetrating trauma. Continued enrollment and longer follow-up are necessary to determine if this program can have a long-lasting impact and truly be a turning point in patients' lives. / Public Health

Insatser för att rädda liv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om projektet Sluta skjut i Malmö / Efforts to save lives : A qualitative interview study on the stop shooting campaign in Malmö

Rosenblom Petersson, Jeanette, Khabbazi Zowj, Ayda January 2021 (has links)
In 2017, an average of one person a month was shot dead in Malmö. Authorities in Sweden stated that more serious violence linked to criminal groups is increasing and measures are being implemented. Malmö's strategy was then to implement a method from the USA called GVI (Group Violence Intervention). The purpose was to reduce the serious violence through cooperation between the police, the municipality and civil society. The method was initially used as a time-limited project, but when the effect showed good results, it was decided to extend it. As a result, we want to investigate how the professionals within the project, Stop Shooting, perceived and thought about the project and its effects. The survey is qualitative and consists of eight semi-structured interviews with professionals within the project. The interviewees work in the police, probation and for Malmö Municipality. The results were interpreted and analyzed on the basis of previous theory and previous research, and the results showed that all in general were positive about the project and its effects, despite the fact that the effects of the project could be perceived in different ways. Finally, we resulted in the project's success being largely due to collaboration between the various actors. The strategy is partly proactive as it tries to counteract continued crime through informative contact with the criminals before they commit more crimes, and partly reactive because the heavier sanctions were introduced only when the criminal groups became the most violent. / Under 2017 var det i genomsnitt en person i månaden som blev ihjälskjuten i Malmö. Myndigheter i Sverige konstaterade att grövre våldet kopplat till kriminella grupperingar ökade allt mer och åtgärder implementeras. Malmös strategi var då att implementera en metod från USA som kallades GVI (Group Violence Intervention). Syftet var att minska det grova våldet genom en samverkan mellan polis, kommun och civilsamhället. Metoden användes till en början som ett tidsbegränsat projekt men då effekten visade goda resultat har man beslutat om att förlänga den. Vi vill till följd av detta undersöka hur de yrkesverksamma inom projektet, Sluta skjut, uppfattat och tänkt om projektet och dess effekter. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och utgörs av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom projektet. Intervjupersonerna arbetar inom polisen, frivården samt för Malmö Kommun. Resultatet tolkades och analyserades utifrån tidigare teori och tidigare forskning och resultatet visade att samtliga överlag var positivt ställda till projektet och dess effekter trots att effekterna av projektet kunde uppfattas på olika sätt. Slutligen drar vi slutsatsen att projektets framgång till största delen har berott på samverkan mellan de olika aktörerna. Strategin är dels proaktiv då den försöker motverka fortsatt kriminalitet genom informativ kontakt med de kriminella innan de begår fler brott, dels reaktiv eftersom de grövre sanktionerna infördes först när de kriminella grupperingarna blivit de mest våldsamma.

A case study of integrated mental healthcare with violence intervention programming

Levin, Samantha 08 April 2016 (has links)
This study will describe Boston Medical Center's (BMC) Community Violence Response Team (CVRT) a program that provides mental health services to victims of interpersonal violence. Though these services are offered to all traumatic injury patients regardless of specific injury type, CVRT patients are almost exclusively victims of gunshot and stab wounds. This study focuses specifically on this patient population. CVRT counselors work in close collaboration with members of BMC's Violence Intervention Advocacy Program, as well as physicians and staff of the Emergency and Trauma departments. While many hospitals have violence intervention programs (VIPs), BMC is one of the first hospitals in the country to integrate mental health services into the hospital-based model of violence intervention and violent injury prevention. It is planned to conduct anonymous recorded interviews of people who have been through the violence intervention programs and received mental health services. A professionally licensed member of CVRT will screen the patient database for potential interview subjects. Subjects will be chosen based on when and for how long they were involved with our programs, as well as other factors such as injury type and language spoken. The subjects' anonymity will be protected and risks minimized as much as possible throughout the screening and interview process. Interview data will be examined for trends among the clients served. This will be a first look at evaluating CVRT, which was launched in 2011. The purpose of this study is to provide feedback on BMC's novel model for an integrated hospital-based violence intervention program and mental health services program for victims of interpersonal violence. The patient's perspective on these programs will provide valuable insight on this approach to violence intervention. The benefits of this model will be explored to identify any ways in which violence intervention services at BMC might be improved. Outcomes of the assessment of study data will be used to generalize the model for adaptation in other trauma centers. In addition, it is anticipated that this study will demonstrate the importance of seamless, integrated collaboration between community advocates of hospital-based intervention programs and trained professionals dedicated to providing mental health care to this vulnerable patient population and their families. It is hypothesized that BMC's integrated model for violence programming makes it easier for patients to take advantage of mental health services. This ease of access and comfortable transition from advocacy interventions to mental healthcare may translate into better long-term outcomes for patients. More patients may also use mental health services with this model than with a model that requires patients to access mental health services at another facility. A detailed explanation of BMC's programs complete with patients' experience will inform other institutions which may choose to adapt this integrated model to their practices. Finally, this pilot study will inform future research on violent injury patients and their treatment. This research has the potential to improve recovery and quality of life for future violent injury patients at BMC and other trauma centers.

Approved Victim Contact and Treatment Outcomes Among Domestic Violence Offenders

Longworth, Brian Timothy 01 January 2019 (has links)
Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) were developed to address high recidivism rates and low treatment completion rates in domestic violence offenders. Segregation between these offenders and their victims has been traditional in BIPs, but there has been no research exploring if this separation is related to treatment outcome. This research explored the relation between offender contact with their children or victims and outcomes including recidivism and treatment completion. Most domestic violence interventions are psychoeducational in nature and are based on the cognitive behavioral theory premise that if an individual'€™s thinking process can be changed, a change in actions can result. This was a quasi-experimental study using archived data including 213 individuals who participated in a BIP in Oregon between 2010 and 2012. Nonparametric analyses were used to investigate the relations between categorical variables. There were no significant associations between victim-partner contact and/or child contact and treatment outcomes. There was also no statistically significant association between victim-partner and/or child contact and the treatment outcomes of general recidivism, person-on-person recidivism, or treatment completion. The null hypothesis was retained for all of the research questions, as there was no apparent relation between victim family contact and any of the dependent variables. The findings may be used to guide social change in that they may help inspire future research on the topic and may also be used to help BIPs re-examine policies of segregating domestic violence perpetrators from their victim families.

Experiences of support and help-seeking: A secondary analysis of interviews with women with disabilities who have experienced intimate partner violence

Keys, Shannon 12 September 2011 (has links)
While previous research has explored women’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV), their help-seeking experiences and the barriers they encounter when seeking support, little research has explored the perspectives of women with disabilities regarding helpful IPV prevention, intervention and healing strategies. My qualitative research project sought to address two research questions: what have women with disabilities experienced when accessing support (from family, friends, and services) for IPV; and what do women with disabilities say would be helpful in the prevention or intervention of intimate partner violence. I undertook a secondary analysis of six interviews of women with disabilities who had been interviewed as part of a larger research study. My thematic analysis revealed many themes including experiences with sources of support—such as family, friends, counselling, and shelters—and strategies for prevention, including education and awareness; support system; affordable childcare and transportation; and self-care, spirituality, community, and social change. Barriers to support I identified include lack of education and awareness, lack of resources, lack of services, community size and dynamics, and potentially exclusive admission criteria. My intersectional analysis revealed the ways in which women’s social locations—such as their gender, cultural background, socio-economic situation, religion, disability and relationship status—influenced and shaped their help-seeking behaviours and their access to support systems. Several recommendations to address gaps in service provision are provided.

Experiences of support and help-seeking: A secondary analysis of interviews with women with disabilities who have experienced intimate partner violence

Keys, Shannon 12 September 2011 (has links)
While previous research has explored women’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV), their help-seeking experiences and the barriers they encounter when seeking support, little research has explored the perspectives of women with disabilities regarding helpful IPV prevention, intervention and healing strategies. My qualitative research project sought to address two research questions: what have women with disabilities experienced when accessing support (from family, friends, and services) for IPV; and what do women with disabilities say would be helpful in the prevention or intervention of intimate partner violence. I undertook a secondary analysis of six interviews of women with disabilities who had been interviewed as part of a larger research study. My thematic analysis revealed many themes including experiences with sources of support—such as family, friends, counselling, and shelters—and strategies for prevention, including education and awareness; support system; affordable childcare and transportation; and self-care, spirituality, community, and social change. Barriers to support I identified include lack of education and awareness, lack of resources, lack of services, community size and dynamics, and potentially exclusive admission criteria. My intersectional analysis revealed the ways in which women’s social locations—such as their gender, cultural background, socio-economic situation, religion, disability and relationship status—influenced and shaped their help-seeking behaviours and their access to support systems. Several recommendations to address gaps in service provision are provided.

Sluta skjut! : En poststrukturell policyanalys av dokumentationen efter pilotprojektet Sluta skjuts införande i Malmö

Lister, Emilia, Bengtsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
De senaste 30 åren har det grova och dödliga våldet mellan grupper ökat kraftigt i Sverige. De åtgärder som vidtagits har inte lyckats stävja våldet. Under 2018 startades därför pilotprojektet Sluta skjut upp i Malmö för att testa den amerikanska modellen Group Violence Intervention (GVI). Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera på vilka sätt som processutvärderingen av Sluta skjut, vilken producerades vid pilotprojektets slutperiod 2020, förstår och förklarar våldsdrivande grupper. Genom detta ämnar vi bidra med en insikt i vägledande dokuments eventuella påverkan på det sociala arbetet. Studien utgår från ett kritiskt poststrukturellt perspektiv vilket utmanar upplysningens förgivettagande om vetenskap och förnuft, samt hur detta tankesätt kan leda till social ojämlikhet. Mer specifikt använder sig studien av metoden ”What’s the problem represented to be?” (WPR) utvecklad av Carol Bacchi (2009; Bacchi & Goodwin, 2016). Studiens resultat visar på tre problemframställningar: våldet är orsakat av (1) våldsbejakande grupprocesser vilka leder till att våldet (re)produceras inom grupperna, att (2) våldet inte beror på enstaka individers handlingar utan hela gruppers agerande, men samtidigt att (3) individerna själva ses som rationella och måldrivna, och är ansvariga för att söka hjälp och stöd själva. Dessa problemframställningar bygger på antaganden om grupprocesser vars mekanismer kan användas till att sprida önskvärda normer och värderingar, kallat informell social kontroll. Genom samverkan mellan myndigheter, samt mellan myndigheter och civilsamhälle, bygger aktörerna legitimitet för sitt handlande. Insatser mot eller frihetsberövande av enskilda individer som begår brott ses som ineffektivt. Detta lämnar vissa delar oproblematiserade. I samverkan framkommer en diskrepans mellan aktörerna samt en dominerande polisdiskurs vilket ibland leder till att de sociala insatserna hamnar i skymundan. Våldet betraktas som det illegitima, fysiska våldet från grupperna vilket gör att andra våldstyper inte hörs. Slutligen analyseras det individfokus som präglar de sociala insatserna i strategin, och bortfallet av andra faktorer problematiseras.

Gênero e violência no âmbito doméstico: a perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde / Gender and violence in the domestic ambit

Angulo-Tuesta, Antonia de Jesús January 1997 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-06T01:11:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) 132.pdf: 1578645 bytes, checksum: c4e2b53095b2d457290ae90e4019719e (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997 / A violência de gênero no âmbito doméstico é um fenômeno extremamente complexo, que perpassa as classes sociais, os grupos étnicos-raciais e as diferentes culturas de inúmeras famílias brasileiras. As mulheres em situaçöes de violência procuram freqüentemente atendimento nos serviços de saúde por agravos à saúde física, à saúde reprodutiva e à saúde mental relacionados direta ou indiretamente com a violência. Entretanto, os profissionais de saúde tem sérias dificuldades para identificar esse fenômeno, inclusive quando as mulheres apresentam severos danos a sua saúde e na ampla maioria dos casos em que se suspeita de violência, estes näo säo investigados. Analisa as representaçöes dos profissionais de saúde sobre a violência de gênero no âmbito doméstico e da forma como essas representaçöes influenciam a visäo destes profissionais acerca do papel dos serviços públicos do setor, diante desse tipo específico de violência. As questöes básicas que a pesquisa busca responder säo: como os profissionais de saúde percebem a questao da violência contra a mulher? será que eles consideram essa realidade como um "problema privado" e que "em briga de marido e mulher ninguém mete a colher? qual a prática atual dos profissionais perante mulheres em situaçäo de violência? de que maneira as dificuldades relacionadas com a organizaçäo de serviços, o tipo de inserçäo nos programas de saúde e a escassa experiência de atuaçäo diante da violência doméstica estao influenciando as propostas desses profissionais sobre o papel do seus próprios serviços? Para compreender a complexidade dessa temática, adota-se como referencial teórico a categoria de GENERO, que postula a construçäo histórica das relaçöes sociais entre os sexos e a REPRESENTAÇAO SOCIAL que analisa a construçäo do sujeito enquanto sujeito social, articulando elementos efetivos, mentais, integrando a cogniçäo, a linguagem, a comunicaçäo às relaçöes sociais que afetam as representaçöes sociais e à realidade material sobre a qual elas intervêm. Adotou-se a metodologia qualitativa e desenvolveram-se 30 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com profissionais (médicos, enfermeiros, assistentes sociais, auxiliares de enfermagem e psicólogos) inseridos em dois modelos de atençäo primária (Centros de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro e no Programa Médico de Família em Niterói). Discute a prática dos profissionais, as dificuldades para identificar e atuar diante deste fenômeno e, as possibilidades de atuaçäo que podem ser consideradas em alternativas para contribuir junto com as mulheres a enfrentar e superar a violência doméstica. Os resultados apontam que as diferenças encontradas em ambos modelos de atençäo está fortemente associada à organizaçäo desses serviços, definindo práticas que favorecem ou dificultam a abordagem integral da violência de gênero. Nesse sentido, existe a necessidade de capacitar os profissionais e acompanhar suas açöes permanentemente assim como construir respostas interdisciplinares e intersetoriais. / Domestic gender-based violence is an extremely complex phenomenon cutting across social classes, ethnic/racial groups, and different cultures in a large number of Brazilian families. Women living in violent relantionship frequently seek treatment at health care facilities because of damage to their physical, reproductive, and mental heath related directly or indirectly to violence. However, health professionals have serious difficulty in identifying this phenomenon, even when the woman’s health is severely jeopardized. The vast majority of suspected cases of violence are not investigated. Considering the importance of active participation by health services, this study focuses on health care professionals’ representations concerning domestic gender-based violence and the way these representations influence their view of the role of public health care services towards this specific type of violence. The basic questions the research aims to answer are the following: how do health care professionals perceive the issue of violence against women? do they consider this reality a “private matter”, and do they agree with the Brazilian saying that “it takes two to fight, so don’t break one up between husband and wife”? what is the current stance by health care professionals towards women subject to violence? how are the difficulties related to organization of health care services, type of participation, and limited experience in dealing with domestic violence influencing these professionals’ proposals towards the role of their own health care facilities? In order to understand this issue’s complexity, the basic theoretical references for this research are the GENDER category, proposing the historical construction of social relations between the sexes, and that of SOCIAL REPRESENTATION, which analyzes the construction of the subject as a social subject, linking affective and mental elements, integrating cognition, language, and communications with the social relations that affect social representations and the material reality in which they intervene. The research use a qualitative methodology, developing 30 semi-structured interviews with health care professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers, nursing aids, and psychologists) working in two primary health care models (Public Health Centers in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the Family Physician Program in the city of Niterói). Based on an analysis of the interviewees’ discourse, the study discusses the health care professionals’ practice, difficulties in identifying and intervening on this phenomenon, and possibilities for working together with women as alternatives to help confront and overcome the problem of domestic violence. The results suggest that the differences between the two health care models are heavily correlated with the way they are organized, establishing practices that favor or hinder an integral approach to gender-based violence. In this sense, there is a real need to train these professionals and monitor their activity on an on-going basis, as well as to develop interdisciplinary and intersectorial approaches.

Spolupráce orgánů sociálně-právní ochrany dětí Jihočeského kraje a Intervenčního centra České Budějovice při řešení případů domácího násilí / Cooperation of the Authorities for social and legal protection of children of South Bohemia and Interventional Centre České Budějovice to deal with cases of domestic violence

JANŮ, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Domestic violence highlights as a significant social problem, it introduces frequent and least controlled form of violence included all manifestations of violence among close people. Domestic violence is a form of violence widespreaded throughout the world, in all cultures, appears among people of all social levels, regardless of education, economic situation or ethnicity. Victims of domestic violence are in up to 98% women. In families with domestic violence living minor children, so that they are also victims. According to available research domestic violence takes place in the presence of children in nearly 90% of families. The child itself is a family environment affected by domestic violence for the healthy development very threatening.The theory explains the basic concepts in the field of domestic violence. By children, victims of domestic violence, it is described the impact of domestic violence on the mental and social development of the child. The thesis also summarizes the possibilities of legal protection for persons at risk of domestic violence. They are characterized major institutions involved in solving this problem, including intervention and assistance to victims of the various actors involved. From 2007 operates in the Czech Republic interventional centres that provide emergency assistance to victims of domestic violence and at the same time coordinate interdisciplinary collaboration between other related services. In cases reporting a violent person out of household cooperate with the Police, in the event that in the family with domestic violence are living minor children involved in the process of help the social and legal protection of children, because a child who lives in a family with domestic violence can described as a threatened child.The objective of practical part of the thesis is to determine how cooperation works between the Interventional Centre České Budějovice and the authorities for social and legal protection of children in South Bohemia cases of domestic violence, to find out the view of the issues on the part of social and legal protection of children and intervention center and to map the differences between specific interventions and professional care dedicated to victims of domestic violence with a view to the minor children present violence in families. The qualitatively research uses the method of questioning and analysis of documents. The main techniques of data collection are, with regard to the objective of the thesis, semi-structured interviews with open questions with the staff of the authorities for social and legal protection of children selected municipal authorities of municipalities with extended powers and personnel Interventional Centre České Budějovice, made with a face to face meeting. Another method used is content analysis of secondary data generated by studying the documents of cases currently handled by the authorities for social and legal protection of children and Interventional Centre. Through selected case studies of children attending domestic violence and analysis is found functioning cooperation between the intervention center and the authorities for social and legal protection of children, described the process and specifics of the work, it is obtained information by looking at the issue of domestic violence in families with minor children, and specific interventions of stakeholders assistance and their subsequent comparison. On the basis are the hypotheses formulated.Domestic violence is a complex issue with many specifics, which should take into account the system of assistance to vulnerable persons and indirect victims. Cooperation of bodies in the course of the intervention and assistance to victims of domestic violence are entering, is very important, it´s increase the efficiency of the process. Based on the collected data was pointed out the major importance of the interdisciplinary team, as well as cooperation with problems and possible solutions.

Humane Education: Perspectives of Practitioners on Program Evaluation Efforts and Analysis of Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Empathy in Two Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs

Wagner, Melanie 20 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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