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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Law Applicable to International Trade Transactions with Brazilian Parties: A Comparative Study of the Brazilian Law, the CISG, and the American Law About Contract Formation

Aguiar, Anelize 25 August 2011 (has links)
Despite Brazil’s importance in the world economy and its increasing participation in foreign trade, there is considerable legal uncertainty regarding the law applicable to international commercial contracts involving Brazilian parties because Brazilian judicial courts do not respect parties’ freedom to choose the governing law, thus this determination is only made by a judge, according to Private International Law rules of the forum. Applying these rules, this study demonstrates that there are at least three potential legal regimes: the Brazilian law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and a foreign domestic sales law. Making use of the American law as the foreign law, a comparative analysis of these three legal regimes regarding contract formation demonstrates that their approaches are very distinct, and this confirms the legal uncertainty. In order to reduce this problem, three different strategies are proposed to the Brazilian government.

The Law Applicable to International Trade Transactions with Brazilian Parties: A Comparative Study of the Brazilian Law, the CISG, and the American Law About Contract Formation

Aguiar, Anelize 25 August 2011 (has links)
Despite Brazil’s importance in the world economy and its increasing participation in foreign trade, there is considerable legal uncertainty regarding the law applicable to international commercial contracts involving Brazilian parties because Brazilian judicial courts do not respect parties’ freedom to choose the governing law, thus this determination is only made by a judge, according to Private International Law rules of the forum. Applying these rules, this study demonstrates that there are at least three potential legal regimes: the Brazilian law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and a foreign domestic sales law. Making use of the American law as the foreign law, a comparative analysis of these three legal regimes regarding contract formation demonstrates that their approaches are very distinct, and this confirms the legal uncertainty. In order to reduce this problem, three different strategies are proposed to the Brazilian government.

Eleição de foro estrangeiro: o princípio da autonomia da vontade e seu reconhecimento no direito convencional, regional e brasileiro / Election of a foreign court: the principle of autonomy and recognition of treaty law, regional and Brazilian

Lidia Spitz 04 May 2010 (has links)
O reconhecimento, pelos tribunais, da possibilidade de as partes escolherem livremente o foro que deverá decidir eventual litígio consiste em um tema de estudo do direito internacional privado que gera intensas discussões. Embora seja possível se argumentar que, com base no princípio da autonomia da vontade, seja plenamente aceitável a fixação da competência do tribunal a partir da vontade das partes, a jurisprudência brasileira, de maneira não uniforme, ainda reluta em aceitar esse fato. Entende-se que não seria possível às partes afastar a atuação do judiciário brasileiro em hipótese de competência concorrente. O estudo do direito convencional e regional (União Européia e Mercosul) acerca da matéria evidencia uma tendência em favor do reconhecimento da possibilidade de escolha de foro estrangeiro pelos contratantes. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação pretende demonstrar que as justificativas jurídicas que embasam a denegação à eleição de foro estrangeiro à luz do ordenamento brasileiro não se sustentam, e que se faz necessário o reconhecimento, pelo país, da possibilidade de escolha pelos contratantes do tribunal competente para decidir a causa. / The courts acceptance of the freedom of the parties in choosing the court under which they will seek to resolve any possible litigation is a controversial matter of international private law. Although it is possible to state that the choice of court based on the free will principle is entirely legitimate, the Brazilian case law, even if not unanimously, still resists accepting this fact. It is understood that the contracting parties could not fail to resort to the Brazilian courts in the event of concurring jurisdiction. The study of contractual and regional law (European Union and Mercosur) on this matter shows a tendency towards the acceptance of choice of court by the contracting parties. In this context, the aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate the lack of legal reasons for denying the choice of court in light of the Brazilian legal system, as well as that Brazil should accept the discretion of the contracting parties in choosing the court under which they want to litigate their case.

Eleição de foro estrangeiro: o princípio da autonomia da vontade e seu reconhecimento no direito convencional, regional e brasileiro / Election of a foreign court: the principle of autonomy and recognition of treaty law, regional and Brazilian

Lidia Spitz 04 May 2010 (has links)
O reconhecimento, pelos tribunais, da possibilidade de as partes escolherem livremente o foro que deverá decidir eventual litígio consiste em um tema de estudo do direito internacional privado que gera intensas discussões. Embora seja possível se argumentar que, com base no princípio da autonomia da vontade, seja plenamente aceitável a fixação da competência do tribunal a partir da vontade das partes, a jurisprudência brasileira, de maneira não uniforme, ainda reluta em aceitar esse fato. Entende-se que não seria possível às partes afastar a atuação do judiciário brasileiro em hipótese de competência concorrente. O estudo do direito convencional e regional (União Européia e Mercosul) acerca da matéria evidencia uma tendência em favor do reconhecimento da possibilidade de escolha de foro estrangeiro pelos contratantes. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação pretende demonstrar que as justificativas jurídicas que embasam a denegação à eleição de foro estrangeiro à luz do ordenamento brasileiro não se sustentam, e que se faz necessário o reconhecimento, pelo país, da possibilidade de escolha pelos contratantes do tribunal competente para decidir a causa. / The courts acceptance of the freedom of the parties in choosing the court under which they will seek to resolve any possible litigation is a controversial matter of international private law. Although it is possible to state that the choice of court based on the free will principle is entirely legitimate, the Brazilian case law, even if not unanimously, still resists accepting this fact. It is understood that the contracting parties could not fail to resort to the Brazilian courts in the event of concurring jurisdiction. The study of contractual and regional law (European Union and Mercosur) on this matter shows a tendency towards the acceptance of choice of court by the contracting parties. In this context, the aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate the lack of legal reasons for denying the choice of court in light of the Brazilian legal system, as well as that Brazil should accept the discretion of the contracting parties in choosing the court under which they want to litigate their case.

A cláusula compromissória arbitral: uma perspectiva comparada do direito canadense e do direito brasileiro / The arbitration clause: a comparative perspective of the Brazilian and Canadian law

Caroline Sampaio de Almeida 18 June 2013 (has links)
Todos os sistemas jurídicos produzem leis e decisões judiciais, cuja diferença reside principalmente na predominância de uma dessas características. No sistema de civil law, preponderante no Brasil, prevalece a elaboração das normas, organizadas em códigos e leis. O sistema jurídico da common law, por sua vez, é baseado primordialmente em decisões judiciais, que inclusive condicionam a admissibilidade da intromissão normativa, vinculando a todos, independentemente de obrigatoriedade expressa ou sanções por descumprimento, como no Canadá. Apesar das diferenças, a rápida adesão do universo do civil law à economia de mercado e à globalização, por um lado, e o esforço de harmonização e unificação, por outro, têm contribuído para a diluição de fronteiras teóricas práticas entre os dois sistemas, além de suscitar um recrudescimento do interesse pela teoria do contrato. No Brasil, um dos exemplos dessa diluição, motivada principalmente pela morosidade processual ligada à tradição e cultura nacionais que nutrem certa simpatia pelos recursos, é a Lei de Arbitragem por meio da qual se conferiu aos tribunais arbitrais uma natureza quase judicial, iniciativa pioneira dos sistemas de common law. A difusão da arbitragem como meio alternativo de solução de controvérsias, sobretudo no âmbito empresarial, decorre em especial de sua flexibilidade procedimental, em cujo ambiente de liberdade se destaca seu grande protagonista, o árbitro, ao lhe permitir experimentar novos e variados meios de investigação dos fatos, otimizando a capacidade de compreensão do direito aplicável ao caso sob análise. As cláusulas arbitrais, particularmente, compatibilizam-se com os princípios da autonomia privada e da duração razoável do processo, refletindo inteiramente nos custos de transação das relações entre agentes econômicos. Elas instrumentalizam as denominadas estruturas de conservação, que remetem a uma atuação pacificadora de baixa litigiosidade, de modo a preservar e atualizar os valores inicialmente perseguidos pelos contratantes. Com isso, viabiliza-se a minimização dos riscos, maximização dos direitos e aprimoramento dos resultados das transações, sendo uma ferramenta eficiente sob a ótica econômica. Em sendo a cláusula arbitral uma extensão da autonomia negocial, constitui um poderoso instrumento de auxílio à cooperação eficiente entre as partes, induzindo comportamento mediante redução de custos de transação e incentivando o cumprimento do contrato com a interpretação e regulamentação de promessas. Considerando, assim, a forte interpenetração das duas tradições jurídicas, torna-se imperiosa a análise da cláusula arbitral no contexto de um sistema misto, cujo ponto de partida será o Canadá em confronto com o sistema brasileiro. A pesquisa, por sua vez, não prescindirá dos contributos da análise econômica do Direito que compaginam o Direito com a própria evolução da sociedade, com destaque para a interação entre organizações econômicas e instituições, pois estas, ao estruturarem incentivos para os intercâmbios humanos (políticos, sociais e econômicos), afetam o desempenho da economia, definem e limitam o conjunto de escolha dos indivíduos, permitindo-lhes a redução de incertezas. A mesma lógica aplicar-se-á à arbitragem frente à postura do Poder Judiciário, cuja instituição é fundamental para garantir direitos de propriedade, fazer cumprir contratos e, acima de tudo, atribuir enforcement à cláusula compromissória arbitral. / All legal systems produce laws and judgments, whose difference consists mainly on the predominance in one of those characteristics. The civil law system, preponderant in Brazil, prevails the preparation of rules, organized in codes and laws. The legal system of common law is based primarily on judicial decisions that condition, inclusive the admissibility of the normative intromission, binding to all, regardless of the obligation expressed or sanctions for default, as in Canada. Despite the differences (the quick adhesion of the civil law universe to the market economy and globalization for one side, and the effort of harmonization and unification on the other side), they have contributed to the dilution of practical theoretical borders between the two systems, in addition to causing a resurgence of interest in contract theory. In Brazil, one of the examples of this dilution, motivated mainly by slowness procedural, linked to national tradition and culture which maintained some sympathy for appeals, it is the arbitrations law through whereby was conferred to arbitral tribunals a quasi-judicial nature, pioneering initiative of common law systems. Specially in the commercial context, the arbitration diffusion as an alternative dispute resolution derives mainly from its procedural flexibility, in which freedom environment makes its big protagonist stand out, the arbitrator, because it allows him to try new and varied means of facts investigation, optimizing the ability of understanding the law applicable to the case under examination. Particularly, the arbitration clauses are compatible with the principle of private autonomy and reasonable duration of proceedings, reflecting in transaction costs on relations between economic agents. They prime the socalled \"conservation structures\", which refer to a peacemaking activity of the lower litigation, in order to preserve and update the values initially persecuted by contractors. So, the risks are reduced, the rights are maximized and the results of the transactions are improved, being a powerful tool under the economic perspective. As the arbitration clause is an extension of the negotiating autonomy, it constitutes a powerful aid tool to the efficient cooperation between both, inducing behavior through transaction reduction costs and encouraging the fulfillment of the contract with the interpretation and regulation promises. Considering the strong interpenetration of the legal traditions, it becomes essential to analyze the arbitral clause in the mixed system context, whose starting point will be the Canada in confrontation with the Brazilian. The research, wont do without the contribution of economic analysis of Law which paginate the Law with the society evolution, with emphasis on the interaction between economic organizations and institutions, that structuring incentives for human exchanges (political, social and economic), they affect the economy performance, define and limit the choice of individuals by allowing them to reduce uncertainties. The same logic will apply to arbitration before the judiciary\'s attitude, whose institution is critical to ensure property rights, enforcing contracts and assign enforcement to arbitration clause.

Main inclusions and general and property modifications to the Book X: International Private Law / Principales inclusiones, y modificaciones generales y patrimoniales al Libro X: Derecho Internacional Privado

Delgado Barreto, César 25 September 2017 (has links)
International Private Law has gone through several changes and modifications, in step with the globalization phenomenon, for whichthe  relations  between  citizens of  different countries have become more frequent and complex. In that regard, it is necessary to ask how International Private Law should react tobe in accordance with the new scenarios.In this article, the author examines the general and patrimonial aspects of International Private Law that he considers must be redefined, comparing the current dispositions of the Peruvian Civil Code with international regulations and national reform projects, and introducing a modification proposal for each topic. / El Derecho Internacional Privado ha venidosufriendo diversos cambios y modificaciones, al ritmo del fenómeno de la globalización, porel cual las relaciones entre los ciudadanos dediversos países se han ido haciendo más frecuentes y complejas. En ese sentido, es necesario  preguntarse  cómo  debe reaccionar el Derecho Internacional Privado para estaracorde a los nuevos escenarios.En el presente artículo, el autor hace un recorrido por los aspectos generales y patrimoniales del Derecho Internacional Privado que considera deben ser replanteados, comparando las normas del Código Civil vigentes con las normas internacionales y los proyectos de reforma nacionales, y presentando para cadatema una propuesta de modificación.

Nulla executio sine titulo: the scrutiny of awards in the practice of international arbitration as a mechanism to optimize the enforcement of awards in Peru / Nulla executio sine titulo: el escrutinio de los laudos en la práctica del arbitraje internacional como mecanismo para optimizar la ejecución de los laudos en el Perú

Rivarola Reisz, José Domingo, Núñez del Prado Chaves, Fabio 10 April 2018 (has links)
What is «liquidable» and how should this concept be faced by arbitrators and judges? Can an enforcement judge determine concepts such as costs, interests and/or penalties if the arbitral tribunal has not provided any parameters? What fundamental rights might be violated? In accordance with international arbitration practice, we will deal here with the problems arising from the division of functions between judges and arbitrators in relation to the enforcement of the «liquidable» concepts. / ¿Qué es lo «liquidable» y cómo debe ser este concepto enfrentado por los árbitros y jueces? ¿Puede un juez en ejecución determinar conceptos como costas, intereses y/o las penalidades sin que el tribunal arbitral le haya brindado ningún parámetro?¿Qué derechos fundamentales están en juego? En función de la práctica arbitral internacional, nos ocuparemos de los problemas que surgen por la división de funciones entre jueces y árbitros en relación con la ejecución de lo «liquidable».

L'interprétation des écritures des parties par le juge administratif français / The interpretation of the parties' writings by the French administrative judge

Meurant, Cédric 19 October 2017 (has links)
En vertu de la règle du principe dispositif qui s’applique au procès administratif, le litige est la chose des parties : la matière de l’instance est fixée par les écritures que les parties rédigent et qu’elles soumettent au juge administratif. L’essence de l’office de ce juge consiste à trancher le litige en répondant juridiquement aux prétentions et à l’argumentation développées par les parties dans leurs écritures. L’étendue de son intervention est donc tributaire de la formulation des écritures qu’il devrait se borner à interpréter littéralement, et ce même lorsqu’elles sont maladroitement rédigées. Pourtant, le juge s’autorise à les interpréter extensivement ou restrictivement. Les raisons qui président à ce choix sont incertaines. L’un des enjeux de cette recherche est de les clarifier. Elle doit aussi déterminer l’étendue de ce pouvoir, et notamment son caractère – est-ce une faculté ou une obligation ? –, les éléments des écritures susceptibles d’être interprétés, les parties dont les écrits peuvent être appréciés, les méthodes mobilisées, ou encore ses limites et les contrôles auxquels il est soumis. Mais, à cause du rôle central des écritures dans le procès administratif, leur interprétation peut avoir d’importantes conséquences sur cette instance. Certaines interprétations peuvent même la déstabiliser. La recherche doit donc envisager les mécanismes permettant de corriger ces déséquilibres. En interprétant les écritures des parties, le juge participe à la fixation de la matière de l’instance. Dès lors, cette étude doit, plus fondamentalement, contribuer à déterminer l’auteur de cette substance : les parties ou le juge ? / According to the principle of party autonomy that rules the administrative trial, the litigation is the thing of the parties: the disputed matter is set out in the contentious writings the parties submit to the administrative judge. The essence of the office of this judge is to settle the disputed by legally answering the claims and arguments developed by the parties in their written pleadings. The scope of his intervention is therefore dependent on the wording of the contentious writings, which the judge should confine himself to literally interpreting, even when they are badly written. However, he allows himself to interpret them extensively or restrictively. The reasons for this choice are uncertain. One of the stakes of this research is to clarify them. It must also determine the scope of that power, and in particular its character - is it a possibility or an obligation? -, the elements of the written submissions likely to be interpreted, the parties whose writings can be assessed, the methods used, or its limits and the controls to which it is subject. But, because of the central role of the written pleadings in the administrative process, their interpretation can have important consequences on this instance. Some interpretations can even destabilize it. This research should therefore consider ways to correct such imbalances. In interpreting the parties’ written submissions, the judge participates in the determination of the disputed matter. Consequently, this study must, more fundamentally, contribute to determining the author of this matter: the parties or the judge?

Le mariage en droit libanais : étude de droit international privé / Marriage in Lebanese Law : a study in International Private Law

Bou Aoun, Melynda 12 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le système pluraliste libanais, le mariage ainsi que les matières du statut personnel relèvent exclusivement de la compétence des dix-huit communautés religieuses qui ont un véritable pouvoir de juridiction et de législation en la matière. Cependant, le législateur a permis aux Libanais d’échapper aux statuts religieux applicables en droit interne en célébrant un mariage civil à l’étranger. Ce mariage est reconnu au Liban et il est soumis intégralement à la loi civile étrangère choisie indirectement par les parties. C’est en cela que consiste le libéralisme du droit international privé en matière de mariage qui accorde, en définitive, un rôle important à l’autonomie de la volonté des époux. Cependant, ce libéralisme n’est pas inconditionnel. Il ne déploie ses effets qu’en l’absence de toute célébration religieuse. Les règles du droit international privé deviennent même impérialistes dans la mesure où elles garantissent l’exclusivisme des droits religieux dès qu’un mariage religieux est en cause. C’est la raison pour laquelle les règles du droit international privé du mariage oscillent entre libéralisme et impérialisme et révèlent ainsi le paradoxe du système matrimonial libanais. Cette étude a pour but d’analyser en profondeur les termes de ce paradoxe dans toutes ses nuances. Elle se penche sur les domaines respectifs des droits civils et religieux en matière de mariage pour examiner comment ces droits s’articulent entre eux. Elle tente aussi de mener une réflexion sur les solutions de substitution au système actuel dans le but d’améliorer la législation sur le mariage au Liban. / In the Lebanese pluralist legal system marriage and personal status matters fall exclusively within the competence of the eighteen religious communities which have real power of jurisdiction and legislation in this area. However, the legislator allowed the Lebanese to escape the religious laws applicable locally by celebrating a civil marriage abroad. This marriage is recognized in Lebanon and is subject in full to the foreign civil law chosen indirectly by the parties. That is the liberalism of private international law for marriage which assigns an important role to the spouses’ autonomy and freedom of choice. Yet this liberalism is not unconditional and takes no effect unless the parties have not concluded a religious marriage. Private International laws become even imperialistic when they ensure the exclusive application of religious laws each time a religious marriage takes place. This is the reason why private international laws of marriage oscillate between liberalism and imperialism, and thus reveal the paradox of the Lebanese matrimonial system. This thesis is an in depth study of the terms of this paradox in all its nuances and it aims to determine respectively the competence area of civil and religious laws to better understand how they articulate with each other in marriage conflicts. Also, it examines alternative solutions to the actual system in order to improve the regulations that are applicable to marriage in Lebanon.

Le droit applicable au contrat en droit international privé colombien. Etude comparée, critique et prospective / The law applicable to the contract in colombian private international law. Comparative, critical and prospective study

Rojas Tamayo, Daniel Miguel 01 February 2017 (has links)
Le droit international privé colombien demeure tributaire d’une approche publiciste qui repose sur les principes de territorialité et de souveraineté. Ces principes, pourtant délaissés depuis le début du XXe siècle en droit international privé comparé, constituent encore aujourd’hui le fondement des règles de conflit en matière contractuelle qui forment le droit positif. Bien que la jurisprudence colombienne ait aussi utilisé des méthodes qui s’apparentent à d’autres proposées plus récemment aux États-Unis et en France, le système colombien n’offre pas de solutions satisfaisantes aux problèmes que posent les situations internationales, y compris en matière contractuelle. Le droit international privé colombien doit donc être repensé. À cet égard, il est possible, sur le fondement des textes en vigueur, de justifier tant la transformation de l’approche que l’adoption de nouvelles solutions. En matière de contrats, il est possible d’identifier au sein de l’ordre juridique colombien une tendance favorable à la consécration de la liberté de choix de la loi applicable en tant que solution de principe. En effet, cette solution est conforme au principe constitutionnel d’internationalisation et compatible avec le rôle reconnu à l’initiative privé en droit colombien. Largement répandue en droit international privé comparé, la liberté de choix a les faveurs des institutions internationales et, en 2015, la Conférence de La Haye a publié des principes sur le choix de la loi applicable aux contrats commerciaux internationaux. Cet instrument non contraignant peut servir d’inspiration pour l’élaboration d’une réglementation du choix de loi en droit colombien. / Colombian private international law remains in thrall to a public-law inspired approach resting on the principles of territoriality and sovereignty. These principles, which have been abandoned since the beginning of the twentieth century in comparative private international law, still form the basis of the choice-of-law rules for contractual matters found in positive law. Even though the courts have also used methods that are similar to others put forward more recently in the United States and France, the Colombian system does not offer satisfactory solutions to the issues raised by international situations, particularly in contractual matters. Colombian private international law therefore needs to be rethought. In this respect, it is possible, on the basis of existing texts in Colombian law, to justify both the transformation of the approach and the adoption of new solutions. As far as contracts are concerned, a favorable trend towards the consecration of the freedom of choice of the applicable law as a solution of principle can actually be identified within the Colombian legal order. Indeed, this solution aligns with the constitutional principle of internationalization and is compatible with the role recognized to private initiative in Colombian law. Choice of law, which is widely used in comparative international private law, is also favored by international institutions. In 2015, The Hague Conference thus published its Principles on the choice of law applicable to international commercial contracts. This non-binding instrument can provide inspiration for the development of a choice of law regime in Colombian law.

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