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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terapia comunitária: ética, resiliência e aconselhamento pastoral

Elizabeth Luiza da Silva 13 January 2014 (has links)
A área da Assistência Social vem experimentando um avanço rumo a uma maior aproximação com os pressupostos do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS). Uma das possibilidades de avanço pode ser a Terapia Comunitária (TC), que funciona como uma ferramenta de ajuda no cuidado do outro. Esta pesquisa investiga as transformações produzidas que, a partir de várias rodas de terapia comunitária, promovemos junto a pessoas oriundas do Programa Bolsa Família. Essas pessoas passam diariamente pelo CRAS/CREAS do Gama, Cidade Administrativa de Brasília, com a busca de uma melhor compreensão de si mesmas e dos outros, acreditando no potencial de transformação de cada pessoa. A Terapia Comunitária vem interagindo com a Ética, a Resiliência e o Aconselhamento Pastoral, propostas estas que ajudam a melhorar e mudar a autoestima, transformando o cotidiano das pessoas. O vínculo comunitário, a amizade e a presença da resiliência tornam possível uma reconstrução de vínculos perdidos. Algo dessa transformação conseguimos alcançar com o nosso trabalho. Esperamos que este estudo sirva de incentivo para novas investigações. / The area of Social Assistance has been experiencing a progress towards a closer relationship with the assumptions of the Social Assistance System (SUAS). One of the possibilities for the progress may be the Community Therapy (TC), which functions as a tool to assist in the care of others. This research investigates the transformations, from various community therapy circles, that we promoted along with these people from the Bolsa Família Program. These people come daily to the CRAS/CREAS Gama, Administrative City of Brasilia, searching for a better understanding of themselves and others, believing in the potential of transformation of each person. Community Therapy has interacted with Ethics, Resilience and Pastoral Counseling, proposals that help them improve and change their self-esteem, transforming people's daily lives. The community bond, the friendship and the presence of resilience make a reconstruction of lost links possible. Some of such transformation we have achieved with our work. We hope that this study encourages further investigations.

Aconselhamento pastoral com pessoas em situação de depressão: um estudo teórico na perspectiva da prática do cuidado

Fernando José Matias 18 December 2014 (has links)
A depressão é um dos transtornos, condições e estados mais frequentes entre a humanidade contemporânea, tanto assim que foi chamada de resfriado da psicopatologia. Vivemos em tempos de depressões. Essa sua prevalência faz com que se imponha como uma das situações mais desafiadoras na sociedade atual, revelando, assim, a necessidade de alternativas que sejam metodologicamente refletidas e aprofundadas pelas mais variadas áreas do saber, especialmente as das Ciências Humanas. Na área da teologia, optamos no presente trabalho pelo aconselhamento pastoral. Isso porque o mesmo tem a sua principal inquietação e interação relacionada com o sofrimento humano, seja ele individual ou coletivo. Nesse sentido, o aconselhamento pastoral, que tem como base a fé cristã e a comunidade eclesial como espaço terapêutico de cuidado, apresenta preciosas ferramentas que, como ação prática e metodologicamente refletida, visam interagir, entender e intervir também no que se passa com quem está sofrendo por depressão. Conseguintemente, a presente pesquisa analisa como a poimênica e o aconselhamento pastoral podem se desenvolver como formas de cuidado com pessoas em situação de depressão. Para tanto, averigua as principais implicações, influências e características das depressões e dos estados de depressividade na vida humana, e o faz especialmente através de contribuições das áreas da Psiquiatria e da Psicologia, estabelecendo, assim, um diálogo interdisciplinar de ambas com a teologia, na construção e no aperfeiçoamento daquilo que envolve a tarefa do saber cuidar. A presente dissertação está ligada especialmente à área da Teologia Prática, mais especificamente ao cuidado, à poimênica e ao aconselhamento pastoral com pessoas fragilizadas pelas mais diversas formas de depressões, sejam elas visíveis ou invisíveis, mantendo-se firme na busca por promoção de vida digna, transformada e liberta. / Depression is one of the most frequent disorders, conditions and states within contemporary humanity, so much so that it has been called the psychopathology cold. We live in times of depressions. This prevalence has caused it to impose itself as one of the most challenging situations in current society, thus revealing the need for alternatives which are methodologically reflected upon and deepened in the various areas of knowledge, especially the Human Sciences. In the area of theology, we have opted to focus this present work on pastoral counseling. This because it has its main concerns and interactions related to human suffering, be it individual or collective. In this sense pastoral counseling, which has as a base the Christian faith and the ecclesial community as a therapeutic space of care, presents precious tools, which, as a practical and methodologically reflected action, aim at also interacting, understanding and intervening in what goes on with the person suffering with depression. Therefore, the present research analyzes how pastoral care and pastoral counseling can be developed as ways of caring for people in situations of depression. For this, it verifies the main implications, influences and characteristics of depressions and the states of depression in human life and it does this especially through contributions from the areas of psychiatry and psychology, thus establishing an interdisciplinary dialog of both of these with theology in the construction and improving that which involves the task of knowing how to care for someone. This present thesis is especially tied to the area of Practical Theology, more specifically to caring, pastoral care and pastoral counseling of people weakened by various forms of depression, be they visible or invisible, maintaining itself firm in seeking the promotion of a dignified, transformed and liberated life.

Opleiding van leiers met die oog op die pastoraal-terapeutiese funksie van selgemeentes

Du Plessis, Joachim Jan Hendrik 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Onderlinge sorg is 'n wesenlike bedieningsaspek van die christelike geloofsgemeenskap. Ongelukkig kom daar soms weinig hiervan tereg. Gemeentes het egter geleentheid om in kleingroep-verband (soos in sefgemeentes) 'n effektiewe sorgsisteem te herbou. Die toerusting van groepleiers bied voorts 'n sleutel tot die ontwikkeling van die pastoraal-terapeut1ese waarde van sulke kleingroepe. Vanuit 'n post-moderne diskoersposisie vir die pastoraat (soos dit neerslag vind in 'n narratiewe benadering) is in hierdie navorsing narratief en ko-konstruktief gewerk aan die opleiding van selgemeenteleiers. Daar is spesifiek gefokus op die vestiging van die deursigtige, narratiewe praktyk van veelvuldige refleksiewe en reflekterende gesprekke in die onderlinge versorging in selgemeentes, dus: die benutting van die selgemeente as getuiegroep. Daarmee word aangesluit by die feit dat selgemeentes 'n forum en konteks bied vir die vertelling en hervertelling van stories, 'n narratiewe proses wat die potensiaal het om byte dra tot die generering van ryker beskrywrngs van mense se lewens. / Mutual care amongst believers is fundamentally part of the pastoral ministry of the church. The situation in this regard leaves much room for improvement in many churches. However, churches have the opportunity to rebuild an effective system of mutual care through small groups (ce11s). An important key to the development of the pastoral-therapeutic impact of such small groups, lies in the training of group leaders. This research project used a narrative, co-constructive approach toward the traintng of cell leaders. It was done from a post-modern discourse position for pastoral care. The specific intent was to establish the transparent, narrative practice of multiple reflexive conversations as a basis for mutual care within church cells thus utilizing cells as witness groups. This was done as cells provide a forum and context for the telling and re-telling of stories and th1s has the potential to contribute to the generation of richer descriptions of people's lives. / Practical theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie (Pastorale Terapie))

Die man wie se vrou 'n mastektomie gehad het : 'n pastorale beradingsmodel

Barnard, Hendrik Johannes Jacobus 03 April 2014 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ‘n Praktiese teologiese probleem is in die bediening geïndentifiseer: die man wie se vrou ‘n mastektomie gehad het, word nie pastoraal ondersteun nie. Hierdie probleem is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing ondersoek. Met die kennis uit die navorsing en die literatuurstudie is daaraan die navorsingsdoelstelling beantwoord. Hierdeur is die praktiese teologie op ‘n unieke wyse verryk, deur ‘n wetenskaplike bydrae om die pastorale berader beter te bekwaam. Borskanker is ‘n lewensbedreigde siekte waarop geen man voorberei is nie. Met die verlies van ‘n kosbare liggaamsdeel van die vrou en haar behoefte aan ondersteuning van haar man, begin hy om sy ware-man wees (identiteit) te bevraagteken. Die verlies het ook trauma by die man tot gevolg. As die man deur sy emosies oorweldig word en hy nie oor die vermoë beskik om dit te verwerk nie, kan hy in wanhoop verval. Die man lewe in die postmoderne era. Die uitdagings en onsekerhede van hierdie era het ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die “Post-foundational” praktiese teologiese benadering gelewer. Daarom het die navorser besluit om hierdie benadering in die studie te volg. Hierdeur is ‘n gesprek tussen die praktiese teologie, mediese- en geesteswetenskappe vanuit ‘n transversale perspektief moontlik, om die invloed van die mastektomie op die man te bepaal. Duidelike behoeftes en vrae kom navore wat vereis dat die berader homself sal onderskei in kennis van die onderskeie pastorale benaderings en tegnieke, toepaslike mediese, Bybel- en geestes wetenskappe. Die omstandighede waarin die man hom bevind het die bevraagtekening van sy spiritualiteit tot gevolg. Sy spiritualiteit kan vir hom van groot waarde wees. Die doel van die beradingsmodel is om die man te fasiliteer om sy ware identiteit in Christus te ontdek. Deur die genade van die Here word geloofsvolwassenheid in die man ‘n waarheid. Daardeur vind transendering ten opsigte van ‘n “bevraagde identiteit” na ‘n “identiteit van betekenis en hoop” plaas. Deur die werking van die Heilige Gees word die man op die vervulling van God se heilsbeloftes vir die nood waarin verkeer verseker. Die doel van hierdie beradingsmodel vir die praktiese teologie, is ‘n geloofsvolwasse man met ‘n nuwe toekomsverhaal. / A practical theological problem was identified in the ministry: a husband whose wife undergoes a mastectomy does not receive pastoral care. This problem was investigated through a qualitative research study. The research objective was answered by doing research and a literature study. This scientific research enriches the practical theology in an unique way so that the pastoral counsellor is supported and can be more competent. Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease that no husband is prepared for. The wife loses an intimate part of her body and needs to be supported by her husband. He starts to question his own manhood (identity). This loss is also a traumatic experiences for him. He is overwhelmed by his emotions and can fall into despair if he does not have the ability to process the problem. We live in the post-modern era. This has lead to the development of the Post-foundational practical theological approach. The researcher therefore decided to follow this approach in his study. This help to determine the influence of the disruption and uncertainties in the life of the man through a discourse between the practical theology, medical- and human science from a transversal perspective. Evident questions were raised for which the counsellor needs to distinguish himself with knowledge about the various pastoral approaches and techniques, appropriate knowledge of the Bible, medical- and human science. The circumstances in which the man finds himself raise questions about the meaning of his spirituality. Spirituality can be of great help for the husband. The aim of this counseling model is to facilitate the husband through the narrative approach to find the meaning of his true identity in Christ. Through the grace of God the husband becomes spiritually mature. The dependence on God through a process of transcendence changes the ‘question identity’ to an ‘identity of value and hope’. Through the work of Holy Spirit the husband is reassured of the fulfillment of the promises of salvation by God. The aim of this counseling model for the practical theology is a spiritually matured husband with a new future story. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Huweliksvoorbereiding : 'n teologiese praktykteorie

Pretorius, Willem Abraham 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie proefskrif het ontstaan uit die behoefte aan 'n bruikbare huweliksvoorbereidingsprograrn wat op 'n teologiese praktykteorie gebaseer is. Die proefskrif word in die praktiese teologie gedoen waar die interaksie tussen teorie en praktyk met verwysing na die huwelik bestudeer is. Hieruit is 'n teologiese praktykteorie vir huweliksvoorbereiding opgestel. In die definiering van 'n program vir huweliksvoorbereiding moet die vraag gevra word waarvoor die paartjie voorberei moet word. 'n Ander wyse om die vraag te stel, is bloot dit: Wat is 'n huwelik? Die probleem is dat daar nie huweliksvoorbereidingsprogramme bestaan met 'n teologiese basis wat gebruik kan word in die voorbereiding van paartjies vir hul huwelik nie. Daar is heelwat programme wat met verskillende vraelyste en formules byvoorbeeld kommunikasie kan verbeter; maar daar is nie programme wat geformuleer is vanuit 'n teologie van die huwelik nie. 'n Definisie vir die huwelik is saamgestel uit die beoordeling van bestaande definisies en die analisering van huweliksmodelle en -vorms. Daarna is 'n definisie vir huweliksvoorbereiding geformuleer. Hierdie definisie is saamgestel uit 'n literatuurstudie en evaluering van bestaande definisies en omskrywings en 'n beoordeling van die geskiedenis van huweliksvoorbereiding in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. Die definisie vir huweliksvoorbereiding word in hoofstukke 4 en 5 verduidelik en in hoofstuk 6 word 'n teologiese praktykteorie geformuleer. In hoofstuk 7 word praktiese riglyne vir die implementering van die program gegee. In die definisie word die noodsaaklikheid van interaktiewe kommunikasie tussen pastor en paartjie verduidelik en die betrokkenheid van die pastor, die gemeente en die kerk by die aanbieding van huweliksvoorbereidingsprograrnme word beklemtoon. Verder plaas die definisie die huwelik binne vier teologiese konsepte, naamlik roeping (die paartjie moet geroepe wees om die ouerhuis te verlaat om in die huweliksverhouding bevestig te word); verbond (die begin van 'n nuwe verhouding); sakrament (die huwelik wat as kerk in die kleine moet funksioneer); en liefdesgemeenskap (die stimulering van die inherente groeipotensiaal van die paartjie). / This thesis originated from the need for a pragmatic pre-marital counselling program based on a theological theory of practice. The research was done in practical theology where the interaction between theological theory and praxis with regard to marital life was studied. Out of this work a theological theory of practice for pre-marital counselling and enrichment was formulated. In defining a program for pre-marital counselling the question is "What to prepare the couple for?'' In other words, the question "What is a marriage?" arises. The problem is that no premarital counselling program based on a sound theological theory of practice (theology of marriage) currently exists that can be used as a program to prepare couples for their marriage. A definition of marriage was compiled from existing definitions and formulations which were analyzed and evaluated in terms of models and forms of marriage. Thereafter a defintion for pre-marital counseling was developed. This defintion was compiled from a study of literature; an evaluating of existing definitions and formulations; and the history of pre-marital counselling in the Dutch Reformed Church. This definition is explained in chapter 4 and 5 in chapter 6 a theological theory of practice is formulated. In chapter 7 a program is presented with practical guidelines for implementation. In the definition the necessity of interaction between pastor and couple is explained as well as the need for the pastor, congregation and the church to participate in adininistering counselling programs. Finally, the definition places marriage in four theological concepts namely, vocation (the calling to leave home and enter a marrital relationship); covenant (commencing a new relationship); sacrament (the marriage as church personified); and community (stimulating the growth potential of the couple). / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Re-authoring narratives in a divorce recovery ministry

Skidmore, Susan Ann 09 1900 (has links)
This study began from the pain of a woman going through divorce and experiencing invisibility in the church. Through conversations with divorced people in a small research group and a participatory research process, the study brings together the narratives of literature, narrative therapy and pastoral care to challenge the dominant discourses of divorce and its influence and effects on people's lives and the communities in which they live and worship. From the study has grown a healing ministry with people who are divorced, which has begun to tum around their experience of invisibility and isolation into an experience of community, inclusion and care. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

Here-and-now : linking practical theology with group psychotherapy

Watkins, Duff 11 1900 (has links)
Facilitating improvement, here-and-now, in a person's psycho-spiritual functioning is an aspect of both practical theology and group psychotherapy. This improvement can only occur through human intermediary, as both practical theology and group psychotherapy recognise. The premise of this thesis is that people reveal their religious and existential concerns (i.e., one's deepest feelings about God, life, and existence) through their here-and-now interpersonal interactions. These existential and religious concerns can be successfully addressed within psychotherapy groups by adopting a nonlinear, psychotherapeutic approach which focuses on here-and-now interpersonal interactions. This here-and-now style of psychotherapy provides the pastor/therapist with a practical-theologically sound method by which to relate to another person on the deepest level, and it provides the means by which the pastor/therapist can identify, describe, and analyse another person's existential/religious issues. The following propositions are put forth: * * * * * * * Existential concerns are inevitably religious in nature but not always articulated in religious terms. These existential/religious concerns are the subject of both group therapy and practical theology. Practical theology is characterised by a Janus-like, self-reflective loop of theory to praxis. This loop is also seen in the here-and-now style of group psychotherapy. Group psychotherapy and practical theology deal with religious ideation: group therapy by examining interpersonal interactions; practical theology by examining the person-to-God relationship. Psychotherapy groups can be a "coming of God with human action as intermediary." Group psychotherapy and practical theology address genuine human need through the four pastoral functions. Group psychotherapy and practical theology adhere to the scientific method of constructing hypotheses based on deductions stemming from heightened awareness. Group psychotherapy has a practical theological function when it serves as a means of transitin~ through the theological stages of God the void, to God the enemy, to God the companion. Group psychotherapy fulfils a practical theological function by transforming human ways, i.e., opening one up to the influence of other people and the Christian God who works through those people as intermediaries. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Aconselhamento pastoral em meio a crises de doença e morte

Carmita Schulz 29 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho nós apresentamos um estudo da disciplina Teologia Prática, com a análise do aconselhamento pastoral diante de crises ocasionadas por doença que leva à morte. A primeira parte aborda a morte, como o último estágio da vida, buscando compreender os casos de enfermidades graves: a morte; o comportamento do ser humano, juntamente com seus familiares; suas atitudes; pensamentos; silêncio e esperança. E o comportamento do ser humano durante uma doença grave até a morte. A segunda parte se refere à crise gerada pela doença terminal; definição e tipos de crises; como lidar com as crises. Falamos, também, sobre a sobrevivência das famílias após perdas, especialmente, sendo uma crise que culminou em morte, utilizando-a como fator de crescimento. Nós analisamos a relação pastoral, seus objetivos e métodos de apoio em caso de crises por doença terminal. A terceira e última parte, traz um pequeno relato da história do aconselhamento pastoral; algumas contribuições históricas; como se tornou aconselhamento e a forma que chegou até nós. Algumas formas de abordagem com moribundos e suas famílias, e da maneira que isso pode ser usado com doentes no limiar da morte. Nós verificamos que em quase todas as situações com doentes terminais e morte, o ser humano precisa de algum aconselhamento / In this work we present a study of Practical Theologys discipline, with the analysis of the pastoral counseling ahead of crises caused by illness that leads to the death. The first part treats the death, as the last stage of the life, searching to understand the cases of grave diseases; the death; the behavior of the human being together with its familiar ones; its attitudes; thoughts; the silence and the hope. And the human beings behavior during a grave illness until the death. The second part relates to the crisis generated by the terminal illness; the definition and the types of crises; how to deal with the crises. We speak, also, on the survival of the families after losses, especially, being a crisis that culminated in death, using it as growth factor. We analyze the pastoral relation, its objectives and methods of support in case of crises by the terminal illness. The third and last part brings a small record of the history of the pastoral counseling; some historical contributions; as counseling became and as it arrived until us. Some forms of boarding with dying and its families, and how this can be used with diseased in the threshold of the death. We verify that in almost all the situations with sick terminals and death, the human being needs some counseling.

É possível aliar a psicanálise ao aconselhamento religioso?

Francisco de Assis Souza dos Santos 16 March 2010 (has links)
A psicanálise conseguiu chamar a atenção não só das ciências ligadas ao comportamento humano (antropologia, filosofia, psicologia, sociologia e pedagogia, dentre outras), mas também da teologia, em especial aquela que se relaciona diretamente com a psicologia e o aconselhamento pastoral. Teologia, religião e conselheiro ainda mantêm algumas restrições quando se trata de aconselhamento pastoral e método psicanalítico de terapia a ser utilizado como instrumento válido em sessões de gabinete pastoral. A religião e seus efeitos no comportamento do ser humano são alguns dos aspectos mais importantes estudados no método psicanalítico freudiano. Assim como a teologia se situa diante das outras ciências, buscando o diálogo interdisciplinar, é saudável que mantenha uma via de comunicação com a psicanálise. Dessa forma, buscamos estudar o que existe na psicanálise de positivo e livre de atrito com a teologia, especialmente com o aconselhamento pastoral, que pode ser entendido como a dinâmica prática mais próxima do modelo apresentado por Freud como terapia. O que pretendemos neste trabalho é não temer os possíveis antagonismos entre as teorias apresentadas pelo pai da Psicanálise e o aconselhamento pastoral, mas, sem preconceito, sabermos tirar proveito daquilo que pode ser útil para o conselheiro cristão no exercício de sua função. Os limites entre aconselhamento pastoral e psicanálise não devem descredenciar a importância desta para o conhecimento da psique e da alma humana. / Psychoanalysis was able to call the attention not only of the sciences related to human behavior (anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology and education, among others), but also of theology, specifically one that is directly related to psychology and pastoral counseling. Theology, religion and counselor still maintain some restrictions when it comes to pastoral counseling and psychoanalytic method of therapy to be used as a valid tool in the pastor's study sessions. Religion and its effects on human behavior are some of the most important study in Freudian psychoanalytic method. Just as theology stands before the other sciences, seeking interdisciplinary, it is healthy to maintain a means of communication that can dialogue with psychoanalysis. Thus, we seek to study what is positive in psychoanalysis and which is not at odds with the theology, especially in pastoral counseling, which can be understood as a dynamic practice closer to the model presented by Freud as therapy. In this study we intent to show that possible antagonism between the theories presented by the father of psychoanalysis and pastoral counseling, can be seen but without prejudice. We draw out what can be useful for the Christian counselor in the exercise of its function. The boundaries between pastoral counseling and psychoanalysis should not discredit the importance of this to the knowledge of the psyche and the human soul.

Aconselhamento pastoral em casos de abuso sexual

Ana Alice Teixeira de Lima Coelho 15 June 2010 (has links)
O abuso sexual além de ser considerado pela lei como crime é também um problema de saúde pública, cujos resultados imediatos e tardios para as vítimas englobam problemas físicos, emocionais, comportamentais e espirituais. O número de casos é subestimado nas pesquisas, pois na grande maioria não há uma denúncia oficial. A sociedade como um todo precisa se unir num esforço comum para diminuição da violência, e este tipo de problema deve ser abordado por diversos profissionais, de uma maneira interdisciplinar. A igreja cristã como instituição social não pode se abster desta responsabilidade. Seu papel vai desde a conscientização dos fieis em relação ao tema da violência até a recuperação espiritual e emocional das vítimas, através do aconselhamento pastoral. A redescoberta contemporânea do poder dos pequenos grupos é um desenvolvimento interessantíssimo nas igrejas, e o uso criativo destes grupos é uma das áreas mais promissoras do aconselhamento pastoral. Envolve não somente o pastor, mas também líderes leigos comprometidos e treinados e ainda, a comunidade como um todo, fazendo da igreja inteira um agente transformador das realidades sociais vigentes. Na experiência da Comunidade Evangélica Batista Ágape, o aconselhamento em grupo tem sido uma excelente ferramenta para ajudar vítimas adultas de abuso sexual na infância. Os grupos aplicam o método do Ministério REVER, que utiliza os Doze Passos dos Alcoólicos Anônimos com estudo bíblico e os Nove Passos do GAVS (Grupos de Apoio a vitimas de Abuso Sexual) traduzidos e organizados por Débora Kornfield, associados às ferramentas da imaginação pela fé e aconselhamento pela oração . Para o aconselhamento pastoral das famílias a Comunidade Ágape tem adaptado o método da terapeuta Cloé Madanes, que consiste em vinte passos que podem aplicar-se a uma grande variedade de casos, proporcionando apoio à vítima, aos familiares e ao abusador. Sem dúvida estas ferramentas não são as únicas que funcionam, e seria interessante que as comunidades disponibilizassem seus recursos para que houvesse uma troca de experiências, aumentando ainda mais a eficiência de suas abordagens na tentativa de diminuir o impacto negativo do abuso sexual na sociedade. / Sexual abuse is not only considered a crime before the law, is also a public-health problem, with both immediate and later-appearing effects on the victims which include physical, emotional, behavioral and spiritual problems. Society as a whole needs to join in a common effort to reduce the incidence of violence, and this type of problem needs to be addressed by people from several professions, in an interdisciplinary manner. The Christian church, as a social institution, must not abdicate this responsibility. Its role ranges all the way from raising the awareness of its members concerning the issue of violence, to the vitally important spiritual and emotional recovering of the victims across counseling pastoral. The present-day rediscovery of the power of small groups is one of the most promising areas of pastoral counseling. This approach involves not only the pastor but also committed and trained lay leaders, and also the entire congregation, thus making the whole church into an agent of change with regard to what is happening in society. In the experience of the Ágape Evangelical Baptist Community, group counseling has been an excellent tool for helping adults who in childhood were victims of sexual abuse. These groups apply the method of REVER Ministry, which uses the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, along with Bible study and the Nine Steps of Support Groups for Victims of Sexual Abuse, translated and organized by Deborah Kornfield, linked with the tools of faith imagination and prayer counseling. For the pastoral counseling of families, the Ágape Community has adapted the method of therapist Cloé Madanes, consisting of twenty steps which can be applied in a great variety of cases, providing support for the victim, his/her family members and the abuser. Doubtless these tools are not the only ones that produce results, so it would be helpful if the communities would make available their resources so that there could be an exchange of experiences, thus increasing even more the efficiency of their approaches that seek to diminish the negative impact of sexual abuse on society.

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