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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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O aconselhamento pastoral e a sua abordagem em pacientes oncológicos: da crise à intervenção

Rafael Souza Rodrigues 19 January 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo tem por finalidade refletir sobre as contribuições do aconselhamento pastoral, com ênfase na espiritualidade, em pacientes oncológicos. O câncer é uma doença que pode instaurar um sério momento de crise e afetar todas as áreas da vida de uma pessoa. Desse modo, torna-se pertinente apresentar definições e tipos de crises, assim como a natureza e os processos dinâmicos que envolvem uma crise. No caso deste estudo, isto é realizado na perspectiva do aconselhamento pastoral e buscando referenciar biblicamente situações de crises. Também é necessário compreender o câncer nos seus aspectos gerais e analisar como esta doença, que acomete um número cada vez maior de pessoas, provoca diversas alterações no universo do paciente e de sua família. Ao final da pesquisa são abordados três modelos de aconselhamento pastoral que preconizam a espiritualidade em situações de crises, tais modelos são: os modelos de Gary Collins, Howard Clinebell, concebidos em um contexto norte-americano e o modelo de Daniel Schipani, construído a partir da realidade latino- americana. Além disso, é descrito um exemplo de aconselhamento pastoral dentro de um contexto hospitalar. Em suas diferentes visões, os modelos de aconselhamento pastoral pesquisados fornecem subsídios importantes para auxiliar as comunidades de fé a cumprirem sua missão de servir ao próximo, através do apoio e suporte a pacientes oncológicos. / The present study aims to reflect on the contributions of pastoral counseling, with emphasis on spirituality in cancer patients. Cancer is a disease that can bring a moment of crisis and seriously affect all areas of a person's life. Thus, it is pertinent to present some definitions and types of crises, as well as the nature and the dynamic processes involving a crisis. In this study, this is done throught the pastoral counseling and in the seeking for biblical references for the crisis. It is also necessary to understand the cancer in its general aspects and analyze how this disease that affects a growing number of people, causes several changes in the patient and in his family. At the end of the study three models of pastoral counseling that preconize spiruality in crisis situations are discussed, such models are: the Gary Collins models, Howard Clinebell, designed in the North American context and the model of Daniel Schipani, based on the Latin American reality. In addition, we describe an example of pastoral counseling in a hospital setting. In their different visions, the pastoral counseling models surveyed provide important support to assist faith communities to fulfill its mission that is to serve others, throught the support to cancer patients.

A família de pessoa com autismo e o cuidado na perspectiva do aconselhamento pastoral

Marcelo Martins 09 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação tem como objeto de pesquisa a família de pessoa com autismo e, como o Aconselhamento Pastoral pode contribuir como apoio em uma situação assim, ou semelhante. Procura-se com este trabalho ter uma compreensão melhor da questão do autismo, através do relato de um caso, e pretende-se perceber os caminhos que o Aconselhamento Pastoral tem apontado para contribuir em casos como este. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a situação real de uma família que, constata através de diagnóstico, que seu filho é portador de autismo. Dessa forma, será descrito como é entrar em contato com esta realidade constatar que o filho é portador de autismo. No segundo capítulo são averiguados três conceitos: autismo, família e cuidado. Com relação ao conceito autismo, faz-se um estudo sobre definição, história e diagnóstico, para compreensão deste tema que ainda não é tão explorado. Depois, aborda-se a questão da família, com destaque para os sentimentos e crises que envolvem uma família com um filho/a com autismo. Por fim, apresenta-se a questão do cuidado. O propósito do segundo capítulo é estabelecer um tripé, que será necessário para a sequência da pesquisa. O terceiro capítulo apresenta o Aconselhamento Pastoral como referencial para apoio em casos como o que será abordado no primeiro capitulo. O capítulo se inicia com algumas definições, depois é discorrido sobre as bases bíblicas e teológicas do Aconselhamento Pastoral e suas raízes históricas e, na sequência, é apontado como o Aconselhamento Pastoral pode contribuir para a ajuda e a restauração das famílias que enfrentam crises profundas é dado ênfase neste ponto no Aconselhamento Pastoral Sistêmico. O quarto, e último capítulo, apresenta algumas possibilidades que o Aconselhamento Pastoral pode oferecer para ajuda às famílias com um filho com autismo. Apresenta-se alguns apontamentos de contribuição na ajuda espiritual, eclesiástica e familiar para a família que vivencia a realidade do autismo. / This dissertation has as research object the family with an autistic child and as the Pastoral Counseling can contribute as support in a situation like this, or similar. Search with this study to have a better understanding of the issue of the autism, through the report of a case, and intend to understand the ways that The Pastoral Counseling has shown to help in cases like these. The first chapter presents the actual situation of a family that, notes through diagnosis that your child is suffering from autism. Thus, is described as is contact with this reality-note that the child is suffering from autism. In the second chapter are investigated three concepts: autism, family and care. With respect to the concept of autism, a study on definition, history and diagnosis, to understanding of this subject that not yet so is explored. Later, it is approached question of the family, with emphasis on the feelings and crises that involve a family with a childs autism. Finally, it presents the issue of care. The purpose of the second chapter is to establish a tripod, that will be necessary to the sequence of the research. The third chapter presents The Pastoral Counseling as a reference for support in cases like that will approached in the first chapter. The third chapter presents The Pastoral Counseling as a reference for support in cases like that will be addressed in first chapter. The chapter begins with some definitions, then it is talking about the biblical and theological foundations of Pastoral Counseling and their historical roots and, subsequently, is appointed as Pastoral Counseling can help and contribute to restoration of families deep crises is given emphasis at this part Systemic Pastoral Counseling. The fourth and last chapter presents some possibilities that Pastoral Counseling can offer help to families with a child with autistic. It presents some notes on the contribution of spiritual help to the family and church family that experiences the reality of autism.

Interface psicologia e aconselhamento pastoral: o cuidado nas crises atrávés da psicologia pastoral

Alexandre Rosa 11 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho indaga sobre a interface da ciência psicológica com o aconselhamento pastoral, culminando nas contribuições da psicologia pastoral. O primeiro capítulo contempla o desenvolvimento da psicologia e aborda algumas escolas tradicionais até a contemporaneidade. No segundo capítulo vislumbra-se a história do aconselhamento pastoral e sua evolução, transcorrendo por modelos proeminentes, como o fundamentalismo de Jay Adams, o modelo evangelical conforme Gary Collins e por fim o modelo holístico de libertação e crescimento de Howard Clinebell, além de seu destaque ao ministério de cura como amplo e inclusivo de toda a comunidade cristã. Aponta-se o ministério de aconselhamento pastoral como de grande evidência na atualidade. A psicologia pastoral é apresentada no terceiro capítulo como ponto de confluência da psicologia e do aconselhamento pastoral, pois ao mesmo tempo em que se vale da ciência é também um ministério eclesiástico. Como pano de fundo este estudo expõe a pós-modernidade e o momento de transição social, as possíveis crises contemporâneas e o papel do aconselhamento pastoral nas diferentes situações. O aconselhamento pastoral é um momento em que conselheiro e aconselhado caminham juntos, refletindo sobre as situações vivenciadas no sentido de empoderar a pessoa fragilizada a fazer escolhas autônomas e retomar o rumo da sua vida. / This work inquires on the interface of the psychological science with pastoral advising culminating in the contributions of the psychology pastoral. The first chapter covers the development of psychology and addresses some contemporary to traditional schools. The second chapter glimpses the history of pastoral counseling and its evolution, elapsing by prominent models, such as Jay Adams fundamentalism, the model as evangelical Gary Collinsand finally the holistic model of liberation and growth of Howard Clinebell, beyond its highlight to the healing ministry as broad and inclusive of the entire Christian community. It points out the ministry of pastoral counseling as great evidence today. The pastoral psychology is presented in the third chapter as point of confluence of the psychology and of pastoral advising, so at the same time in what it uses the science it is also it is an ecclesiastical ministry. The backdrop to this study exposes the postmodern and the moment of social transition, the possible contemporary crises and the role of pastoral counseling in different situations. Pastoral counseling is a time and advised counsel that go together, reflecting the situations experienced in order to empower the individual to make autonomous choices weakened and resume the course of your life.

O modelo do discipulado apostólico um a um da Igreja da Paz Central de Santarém-Pará: um diálogo com o aconselhamento pastoral

Raimunda Margarete Teixeira Muniz 30 March 2012 (has links)
O modelo do discipulado apostólico um a um (MDA) e o Aconselhamento Pastoral (AP) se constituiu a temática deste trabalho que objetivou verificar a possibilidade de um diálogo entre os dois. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. O MDA é uma estratégia que pertence a Igreja da Paz em Santarém e se configura em estabelecer um relacionamento pessoal com o discípulo. A palavra discipulado no Antigo Testamento era halak que literalmente conotava ir atrás de. No Novo Testamento discipulado remete à idéia de akolouteo traduzida por seguir; a palavra denota a ação de atender ao chamado de um mestre e passar a ter uma vida inteira de obediência. A igreja da Paz em Santarém considera esse seguir como envolvendo dois seres humanos em que um conduz o outro a Cristo devido a sua maturidade. Porém, por outro lado há afirmações teológicas que pontua, desde Cristo já não há nenhuma relação imediata, quer entre o ser humano e Deus, quer entre o ser humano e o mundo e qualquer ponte colocada não é saudável para o crescimento integral dos pares. O Aconselhamento Pastoral se constitui em uma relação de cuidado em que há o respeito mútuo em que o conselheiro preparado é um facilitador para o crescimento do aconselhando em todas as dimensões da vida. Não se esquecendo de contextualizar com a cultura e, no caso em questão, considerou-se o contexto da América Latina com a sua pobreza e ao mesmo tempo riqueza sócio-cultural. Quanto ao diálogo possível entre MDA e AP, pode-se dizer que enquanto o AP enfatiza uma fé vivenciada no dia a dia, o MDA proporciona uma fé mais individualizada. Constitui-se num processo de amadurecimento para que esse diálogo ocorra. / The model of an apostolic discipleship to one (MDA) and Pastoral Counseling (AP) constituted the theme of this work aimed to verify the possibility of a dialogue between the two. The methodology used was documentary and bibliographical research. MDA is a strategy that belongs to the Church of Peace in Santarém and is configured to establish a personal relationship with the student. The word in the Old Testament discipleship Halak was literally connoted "go after". In the New Testament refers to the idea of discipleship akolouteo translated as follows: the word denotes the action of the call of a master and go on to have a lifetime of obedience. The Church of Peace in United States considers the following as involving two human beings that one drives the other to Christ because of his maturity. But on the other hand there are theological statements that score, since Christ already there is no immediate relationship, whether between man and God and between man and the world and put any bridge is not healthy for the integral growth of the couple. The Pastoral Counseling constitutes a relationship of care where there is mutual respect in which the trained counselor is a facilitator for the growth of advising on all aspects of life. Not forgetting the culture and context, in this case, we considered the context of Latin America with its poverty and wealth while socio-cultural. As for the possible dialogue between the MDA and PC, it can be said that while the PC emphasizes a lived faith in everyday life, the MDA provides a more personal faith. It constitutes a process of maturation for this dialogue takes place.

Aconselhamento pastoral e homossexualidade: a dimensão da fé cristã nas angústias da homossecualidade

Rosana Orlandi Meira 01 July 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho inicia com o posicionamento histórico da religião cristã a respeito da homossexualidade. Em seguida, discorre de forma sintética, acerca da evolução de sua abordagem na medicina e na psicologia. No mesmo capítulo são tratados os temas da instituição do preconceito e da homofobia. O trabalho se reporta à religião cristã, não se referindo a nenhuma igreja em especial, mesmo quando utilizados documentos de alguma igreja cristã em particular. No segundo capítulo procura-se conceituar a homossexualidade a partir do entendimento da sexualidade, esta como uma das estruturas do corpo humano que não pode ser negada, devendo ser integrada a ele. Este capítulo expõe também a questão da angústia que pode surgir nas pessoas que não estão no padrão de heterossexualidade. No terceiro e último capítulo são apresentadas novas formas de interpretação bíblica e novas teologias que procuram desmistificar a homossexualidade nos ambientes religiosos. Neste capítulo se busca questionar os entendimentos já cristalizados nas igrejas cristãs diante das novas interpretações e levar o leitor a uma reflexão mais madura. O objetivo deste capítulo é filtrar e evidenciar elementos apresentados nos outros capítulos, que possam incitar o acolhimento do homossexual na sua comunidade de fé, na tentativa de que o fortalecimento de sua fé gere esperança, diminuição da angústia e melhora da auto-estima. Este capítulo foi denominado Busca de novos ares na esperança de que o Espírito Santo sopre, como em Pentecostes, sobre aqueles que se dispõem a seguir Jesus Cristo no acolhimento e aconselhamento pastoral aos homossexuais. / The present work starts with the historical positioning of Christian Religion about homosexuality, further, in a synthetic way, it expatiates about the evolution of the approach of homosexuality in medicine and psychology. In this same chapter are studied the themes of an imposition of prejudice and homophobic. The work reports to the Christian religion as a whole, not referring to any Church in particular, even when documents of some Christian church in particular. Are used in the second chapter, it seeks to conceptualize the homosexuality by the understanding of the sexuality, as one of the structures of the body that cannot be denied, but integrated to it. This chapter also approaches the question of the distress that can arise in people who are not in the heterosexual standard. In the third chapter, new ways of biblical interpretation and new theologies that seek to demystify homosexuality in religious environments are presented. This chapter seeks to question the understandings that are already crystallized in Christian churches in face of new interpretations, and to take the reader to a more mature reflection. The goal of this chapter is to filter and to bring up elements presented in other chapters that can encourage the reception of the homosexual into his/her community of faith, on the attempt that the strengthening of his/her faith can generate hope, decrease anguish and improve self-esteem. This chapter was named Search for fresh air in the hope that the Holy Spirit blast, as in Pentecost over those that follow Jesus into the reception and pastoral counseling towards homosexuals.

The Theological Development of the Biblical Counseling Movement from 1988

Lambert, Heath Blane 01 December 2009 (has links)
This dissertation examines how the thought uder girding the biblical counseling movement as founded by Jay Adams has developed since 1988 Chapter 1 examines the historical and theological context for that development. This chapter is concerned to set the context necessary in understanding the work to follow. Chapter 2 evaluates the conceptual development of the biblical counseling movement. The development in the movement regarding sin and suffering and motivational issues is considered. Chapter 3 addresses the methodological development of the biblical counseling movement. The shift from the formal and authoritative method of Adams to the relational method of the second generation of leaders is documented. Chapter 4 tackles the apologetic development of the biblical counseling movement. The chapter highlights the various approaches in engaging with outsiders of the movement. Chapter 5 engages the work of Eric Johnson. Johnson is the only other scholar who seriously evaluates the counseling movement as anything other than monolithic. This chapter assesses the correctness of his approach. Chapter 6 seeks to address areas in further need of development with regard to motivational issues in biblical counseling. Efforts are made here to further develop a biblical counseling understanding of human motivation. Chapter 7 concludes this dissertation. The argument is made that, in evaluating the development of the biblical counseling movement, it is important to embrace the founding work of the first generation and the developing work of the second generation, being thankful for each. This work argues that the biblical counseling movement is one, single movement that has experienced conceptual, methodological, and apologetic development from a first, founding generation to a second, developing generation. It is further argued that this development has improved the theological foundation of the movement.

Die evaluering van 'n opleidingsprogram vir Christelike lekeberaders.

Human, Lourens Hendrik 15 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The Institute of Child and Parental Guidance at the Rand Afrikaans University presents a training course in Christian Lay Counselling. The aim of the course is to train people with a christian background as lay counsellors so that they can do counselling in a congregation and/or a church environment. This research entails a critical, scientific evaluation of this training programme to determine whether the experimental group's (n = 30) theoretical knowledge, counselling skills and attitudes was significantly enhanced by the training programme in comparison to the control group (n = 30). Chapter one addresses the problem and objective of the project. An overview of lay christian counselling is given in chapter two and in chapter three the training programme for christen lay counsellors of the Rand Afrikaans University is presented. The research procedures of the project are discussed in chapter four and the results of the research are given in chapter five. The results of the research are interpreted, conclusions are drawn, critique and recommendations are made based on the research findings in chapter six. The pass rate for the course in christian lay counselling was 100%. There is a negative correlation (r = -0,254) between the theoretical and practical mark for counselling skills. The growth in counselling skills is measured by using the "Group Assessment of Interpersonal Traits" (GAIT) by menas of pre- and post test procedures. The experimental group showed a marked, positive growth (p = 0,0160) in their application of counselling skills within a counselling framework. The control group showed a marked decline (p = 0,0156) in terms of the application of counselling skills within a counselling framework. The improvement in attitudes (personal growth) is measured by using the "Personal Orientation Inventory" (P01) by means of pre- and post test procedures. The experimental group showed a marked, positive growth in the following four scales of the PO1: Time Competent (Tc)(POI 1)(p = 0,0296), Inner Directed (1)(POI 2)(p = 0,0242), Feeling Reactivity (Fr)(POI 5)(p = 0,0255) and Intimate Contact (C)(POI 12)(p = 0,0013). The control group showed a marked decline (p = 0,0229) in terms of post test scores in relation to the Inner Directed scale (1)(POI 2). It would appear that the training programme for christian lay counsellors did in effect have a distinct positive influence on the experimental group's theoretical knowledge of counselling, the application of counselling skills in practise as well as the personal growth of course attendants.

Terapeutiese paradoks as fasilitering van hoop binne 'n pastoraal-narratiewe benadering (Afrikaans)

Redelinghuys, Heindrich Jacobus Petrus 23 March 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (DD (Pastoral Family Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Perspectives on counselling and the counsellor in the Korean culture : a narrative approach

Burger, Dennis Frederick 29 March 2007 (has links)
I studied perspectives on counselling and the counsellor in Korean culture. For this research I made use of a Narrative pastoral counselling approach that was situated in a Postmodern paradigm. As this research method concentrates on the life stories told by the life-story-tellers or co- researchers, I chose a few focus groups consisting of Koreans of different ages and both genders to help me to correct and understand my findings. I also used a questionnaire because language and communication is and was a big problem in Korea (I cannot speak Korean, and most Korean people cannot speak English). The findings were used as discussion topics in the focus groups and also in the interviews I had with several Korean individuals. In this study I dealt with many of the interesting and new things I learnt in Korea and from the Korean people (my story). Secondly, I shared the results from the questionnaires and also the feedback from the focus groups and interviews concerning these results (the Action story). Thirdly, I also tried to share a very in-depth picture of the Korean people’s history, customs, language, psychology, present-day Korea and Korean religions (their story or background story). In the background story, I used their stories, thus, I have made use of different story tellers’ stories and have used these voices as is. In listening to all of these life stories from Korean people, I have come to a better understanding of how Korean people deal with their problems. Coming from a paradigm where I tell my story with a Western culture’s tune, I have also came to see that even though I have come to a better understanding of how Korean people deal with their problems, it was still impossible for me to come to a true understanding of their approach. My biggest discovery was that one has to realize that each culture, even each individual, has a unique story. To come to a better understanding of this story, I have to have empathy and also to allow myself to be pulled over the threshold into the other person’s life. Even so, I also have to realize that my listening will still be obscured by the “noise” of my own self. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / Unrestricted

Pastoral-therapeutic work with family members infected and affected by HIV/AIDS : a narrative approach

Klein, Hector Leon 22 August 2005 (has links)
This research reports on narratives of people whose lives had been infected and affected by the devastating disease - HIV/AIDS. The core information, on which this study is based, comes from experiences of those infected and/or affected by HIV/AIDS as well as from caregivers. It sweeps away statistics and places those seeking to offer help in the midst of those seeking to be helped. This mutual subject-to-subject relationship becomes the stage on which research/therapy, interviews and conversations are conducted. This study therefore opts for an approach that is informed by the experiences of those infected and/or affected and that addresses the realities of their lives. Care and/or lack of care is identified as a phenomenon, which is a direct reflection on how therapy (research) is done by those providing the care and perceived by those receiving the care. In the light of the experiences (stories) shared by the companions, it became evident that there is an existing need for alternative therapeutic ways, which seeks to embrace a therapeutic approach, which will minimize the external authority, or power of the therapist and at the same time maximizes the authority of those seeking therapy. The Narrative approach is explored as a possible therapeutic approach that could be used to empower those infected and/or affected pastorally in a less¬knowledgeable fashion that is not-controlling, not-manipulative, not¬-authoritative and not-knowing - as "guiding" metaphor which will permit the infected and/or affected to use their own thinking, understanding, emotions, creativity and own resources in a way that best fits them in bringing meaning to their own lives. The entire study seeks to emphasise the importance of a therapeutic approach, which seeks to symbolically embrace the "clouded" story of the infected and affected in a story of God's hope. In this approach the therapist simply becomes aware of the presence of a person(s) for whom the devastating reality of HIV/AIDS is an every day reality. This research does not claim to have the solutions or quick fix miracle answer to the complex HIV/AIDS phenomenon, and it neither claims to have the power to bring any neat conclusion to the HIV/AIDS story, but rather have the potential to stimulate a new story of hope and purpose in the lives of the infected and affected. This research emphasises a position where the infected and affected can inhabit and lay claim to the many possibilities of their own lives that lie beyond the knowledge, assumptions, expectations, goals and understandings of the therapist. A position in which the therapist simply becomes available to talk, listen and support. A position that will empower those infected and affected to tell: • the story of need as broadly as possible, • the story of the past, • the future story in the story of the past, • the reinterpreted story of the past, • the imagined story of the future. (Muller 1999:84) / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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