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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framtagning av en ny sårhake / Development of a new surgical retractor

Rosenlund, Angelica, Gren, Pia January 2013 (has links)
Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med innovationsföretaget ProboNova Medical Innovations AB. ProboNova jobbar främst med konceptframtagning av medicintekniska produkter. ProboNova tar sedan en Provisional Patent Application på konceptet och licenserar ut det till ett större företag. Genom att licensera ut koncepten slipper de kostnaderna för kliniska tester bland annat.  Examensarbetet grundades i att ProboNova ville ha hjälp med att ta fram ett koncept på en ny sårhake. Projektet har genomsyrats av designprocessen där förstudie och idégenerering har varit de två dominerande delarna. I slutet av projektet presenterades ett koncept som uppfyllde alla krav och detta koncept togs det senare en Provisional Patent Application på.  Tanken är att examensarbetet ska ge läsaren en bättre förståelse för hur man kan jobba med designprocessen och lära sig fördelarna med att välja en Provisional Patent Application istället för en Nonprovisional ansökan. / The thesis was carried out in cooperation with the company ProboNova Medical Innovation AB. ProboNova works mainly with the concept development of medical devices. Then they take a Provisional Patent Application on the concept and licensing it out to a larger company. By licensing out the concepts they don’t have to take the costs of clinical trials for example.   The thesis was founded in that ProboNova wanted help with developing a concept on a new surgical retractor. The project has been characterized by the design process in which the feasibility studies and brainstorming has been the main parts. At the end of the project a concept was presented. The final concept met all the requirements from ProboNova and from the functional analysis that was done in the feasibility studies. A Provisional Patent Application was taken later on the final concept.    The idea is that the thesis should give the reader a better understanding of how to work with the design process, and learn the benefits of choosing a Provisional Patent Application instead of a Nonprovisional application.

Patent inom produktframtagning : En utredning om fördelar, motiv och nackdelar med patent / Patent in Product Development : An Analysis about Advantages, Motives and Disadvantages with Patents

Sverin, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Samhället utvecklas snabbt med avseende på teknik där patent utgör en viktig del. Att söka patent på en uppfinning eller inte, är ett strategiskt beslut. Det krävs ett omfattande analysarbete för att uppnå ett effektivt patent och för att undvika misstag. Idag är kunskapen om patent bland innovatörer inte tillräckligt hög och en högskoleutbildning för patentingenjörer saknas. I denna rapport undersöks produktframtagning med avseende på patent. Arbetet utgör en analys och jämförelse mellan litteratur och praktik där intervjustudie med intervjuguide och kodning tillämpats. Deltagare i studien har varit stora företag med omfattande och lång erfarenhet inom patent. De motiv och fördelar med att söka patent som framkom är följande: ● Uppnå ensamrätt till försäljning och tillverkning ● Förhindra kopiering och imitation ● Alstra kompetensutbyte med konkurrenter ● Öka inkomster genom monopol på marknaden samt licensiering eller försäljning av patentportföljer ● Möjliggöra samarbeten ● Uppmuntra intern utveckling genom målsättningar kring antal patent per år ● Uppnå förbättrad image och möjlighet att attrahera kompetent personal Till skillnad från dessa fördelar finns även två genomgående nackdelar: enkelhet att kringgå patent, liksom förändringar i vår omvärld, vilka kan vara svårt att förutse vid ansökningsdatumet och kan därmed påverka framtida inkomster. Ytterligare nackdelar finns och kan sammanfattas under rubriken kostnader. Dessa gäller både stora och små företag, men de mindre påverkas mer procentuellt sett och misstag kan resultera i mer allvarliga ekonomiska konsekvenser. Slutligen belyser rapporten ett antal aspekter som bör beaktas innan man ansöker om patent för att uppnå en hög effektivitet hos patentet som verktyg inom produktframtagning. / Society is developing rapidly in terms of technology, where patents are an important part. Applying for a patent on an invention or not, is a strategic decision. Extensive analytical work is required to achieve an effective patent and to avoid mistakes. Today knowledge about patents among innovators is not high enough and a university degree for patent engineers is lacking. This report examines product development regarding patents. The work is an analysis and comparison between literature and practice, where an interview study with an interview guide and coding has been applied. Participants in the study are large companies that have deep and long experience in patents. A number of motives and benefits of applying for a patent are to: ● Achieve exclusive sales and manufacturing rights ● Prevent copying and imitation ● Generate skills exchange with competitors ● Increase income through monopoly on the market as well as licensing or selling patent portfolios ● Enable collaborations ● Encourage internal development through targets for the number of patent applications per year ● Achieve an increased image and the opportunity to attract competent staff In contrast to these advantages, there are also two general disadvantages: simplicity in circumventing patents, as well as changes in our environment, which can be difficult to predict on the application date and can thus affect future income. Additional disadvantages exist and they can be gathered under the headline costs. These apply to both large and small companies, but for the smaller companies high costs have a greater impact and mistakes can lead to more severe financial consequences.

Utveckling av ett aktivt fiskedrag / Design and development of an active fishing lure

Westlund, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Sportfiskarna söker ständigt efter nyheter inom branschen. Konkurrensen är tuff bland företag inom branschen och det gäller att ständigt kunna erbjuda det senaste. En innovativ produkt som kan skapa uppmärksamhet hos fisken är en eftertraktad nyhet. Examensarbetets genomförande sker med en projektplan innehållande en tidplan, riskhantering, organisation och filhantering. Projektets faser består av planering, förstudie, produktspecificering, konceptgenerering, konceptval, konstruktion, formgivning, prototyp samt en patentansökan. Med hänsyn taget till en kravspecifikation, som upprättades under förstudien där brukarens behov och önskemål samt krav från samarbetspartnern definieras, genererades det slutgiltiga konceptet. Förstudien fokus har främst legat på brukaren, för att definiera vad han eller hon vill ha. Förstudien visar att brukaren i första hand vill ha något innovativt och enkelt.  Vid idégenerering användes verktyg som 6-3-5, skissande av hela koncept samt brainstorming. Dessa verktyg användes vid konceptgenerering, men även under arbetet med patentansökan. Den förstnämnda användes för att generera olika möjligheter för hur och vad som konceptet ska lösa. Den andra användes för att identifiera vad experter inom sportfiskebranschen anser vara ett lyckat fiskedrag. Det tredje verktyget användes för att finna potentiella lösningar vid en specifik frågeställning. Efter sortering av konceptet kvarstod nio unika kombinationer. Det slutgiltiga konceptet består av ett fiskedragshuvud (jigghuvud) med implementerad modul som blinkar vid kontakt med vatten. Detta slutgiltiga val beslutades tillsammans med samarbetspartnern. En patentansökan fick projektplanen och rapporten korrigeras till version 2.0.  Genom projektet har skisser använts frekvent för att testa idéer och kombinationer. Prototyper av det valda konceptet gjordes för att erhålla ytterligare information om konstruktion och funktion. / The fishermen are constantly looking for something new. As a company, specialized in this profession, it is necessary to be able to offer the newest thing within fishing. A new kind of fishing lure that creates attention among the fish is an innovative new and welcomed product among fishermen’s. The thesis work is carried out as a project with a project plan containing a time chart, risk management, organization and file management. The phases of the project consist of planning, research, product specification, concept generation, evaluation, construction, design and patent application. The concept was developed with a product specification in mind. This specification is a list of the users needs and preferences, as well as requirements from the cooperation partner. The research focused on the users need, to determine what the customer really wants. The result from the research was that the user wants something innovative and easy to use. Idea generation utilized tools like 6-3-5, generating entire concepts as well as brainstorming. These tools were used in concept generation, but also during the work with the patent applications. The first mentioned tool was used to generate possibilities for how and what the product will do. The second mentioned tool was used to identify what those within this profession think would be a successful fishing lure. The third tool was used to find potential solutions for a specific issue. Evaluation of the ideas resulted in nine different kinds of concepts. The final concept consists of a fishing lure head (jig head) with implemented module that illuminates when in contact with water. This final decision was made after presentation and discussion with the partner. With a patent application, the project plan and the report were corrected to version 2.0. Sketches were frequently used to through the project to test ideas and combinations. Prototypes of the chosen concept were made to obtain additional information on design and function.

Analysis of a novel thermoelectric generator in the built environment

Lozano, Adolfo 05 October 2011 (has links)
This study centered on a novel thermoelectric generator (TEG) integrated into the built environment. Designed by Watts Thermoelectric LLC, the TEG is essentially a novel assembly of thermoelectric modules whose required temperature differential is supplied by hot and cold streams of water flowing through the TEG. Per its recommended operating conditions, the TEG nominally generates 83 Watts of electrical power. In its default configuration in the built environment, solar-thermal energy serves as the TEG’s hot stream source and geothermal energy serves as its cold stream source. Two systems-level, thermodynamic analyses were performed, which were based on the TEG’s upcoming characterization testing, scheduled to occur later in 2011 in Detroit, Michigan. The first analysis considered the TEG coupled with a solar collector system. A numerical model of the coupled system was constructed in order to estimate the system’s annual energetic performance. It was determined numerically that over the course of a sample year, the solar collector system could deliver 39.73 megawatt-hours (MWh) of thermal energy to the TEG. The TEG converted that thermal energy into a net of 266.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity in that year. The second analysis focused on the TEG itself during operation with the purpose of providing a preliminary thermodynamic characterization of the TEG. Using experimental data, this analysis found the TEG’s operating efficiency to be 1.72%. Next, the annual emissions that would be avoided by implementing the zero-emission TEG were considered. The emission factor of Michigan’s electric grid, RFCM, was calculated to be 0.830 tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) per MWh, and with the TEG’s annual energy output, it was concluded that 0.221 tons CO2e would be avoided each year with the TEG. It is important to note that the TEG can be linearly scaled up by including additional modules. Thus, these benefits can be multiplied through the incorporation of more TEG units. Finally, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of the TEG integrated into the built environment with the solar-thermal hot source and passive ground-based cold source was considered. The LCOE of the system was estimated to be approximately $8,404/MWh, which is substantially greater than current generation technologies. Note that this calculation was based on one particular configuration with a particular and narrow set of assumptions, and is not intended to be a general conclusion about TEG systems overall. It was concluded that while solar-thermal energy systems can sustain the TEG, they are capital-intensive and therefore not economically suitable for the TEG given the assumptions of this analysis. In the end, because of the large costs associated with the solar-thermal system, waste heat recovery is proposed as a potentially more cost-effective provider of the TEG’s hot stream source. / text

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