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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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FELIPE ANDRADE OLIVEIRA 26 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Diversos estudos sobre risco percebido em compras online têm sido realizados, porém poucas foram as pesquisas que compararam a percepção de risco do consumidor entre canais distintos de uma mesma empresa de varejo. Da mesma forma, também são poucos os estudos encontrados na literatura que consideram o efeito da orientação para compras sobre a propensão do consumidor realizar compras online. Nesta pesquisa, conduziu-se um survey em uma amostra de 397 consumidores de um grande varejista multicanal, para mensurar a percepção de risco e a orientação de compra predominante em decisões de compra que privilegiam um dos canais disponibilizados pela empresa – Internet ou suas lojas físicas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o risco de desempenho e a orientação por conveniência são predominantes para a escolha do canal utilizado para a busca de informações, enquanto que os riscos de tempo, psicológico e financeiro são relevantes para a escolha, pelo consumidor, do canal em que será efetuada a transação de compra. Os consumidores que buscam informações no canal online, mas efetivam a compra na loja física, parecem perceber risco financeiro e risco de tempo (ou de conveniência) mais elevados do que os consumidores que privilegiam a loja online para essas duas etapas do processo de compra. Os consumidores que buscam informações na loja física, mas preferem efetuar a transação na loja online, parecem perceber maior risco de desempenho, sendo orientados mais por recreação do que os consumidores que tanto buscam informações quanto efetuam a transação no canal online. / [en] Many studies on perceived risk in online shopping has been made, but few of them compared the consumer s risk perception between different channels of the same multichannel company. Similarly, there are few studies in literature that consider the effect of shopping orientation on the propensity of consumers to make purchases online. In this study, a survey was performed in a sample of 397 consumers of a large multichannel retailer, to measure the predominant risk perception and purchase orientation in purchasing decisions that decide the choice of one of the channels offered by the company - Internet or their physical stores. The results suggest that the performance risk and convenience orientation are predominant in the choice of channel used for information search, while the time, psychological and financial risks are relevant to make a purchase. Consumers who seek information on the online store but buy in physical store seem to perceive higher financial and time risks (or convenience) than those consumers who prefer to use the online channel for these two buying process stages. Consumers who seek information on the physical store prefer to complete the transaction online store seem to realize higher performance risk and are more recreational oriented than consumers who seek information and buy the product on the online store.

Användbarhet vs Integritet : En fallstudie om hur användbarhet påverkar villighet att dela personlig information på Facebooks plattformar

Blume, Pontus, Ekberg, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Increased participation in various social media platforms have led to large amounts of user data being generated, creating an opportunity for businesses that run the platforms to store and sell the data. This has created a situation where users are forced to weigh the benefits of using the platforms against sharing their personal information, which is a risk to their privacy. To address this issue, this study investigates how users weigh usability benefits against the perceived risks of sharing personal information. A case study was conducted on platforms run by Facebook (FP). Data collection was done through interviews and by gathering previous research before the result was analyzed using a qualitative method. The interview questions addressed usefulness, perceived risk and integrity management and were, among other research, formulated from the Technology Acceptance Model. The study made several interesting findings about usefulness, users’ need for integrity and how they perceive and tolerate various risks. Conclusions could then be drawn about how these findings affect users’ decision making process regarding their intention to use FP.

Los riesgos percibidos y la confianza en relación a la intención de compra dentro de las plataformas E-commerce en los usuarios de Lima Metropolitana / Perceived risks and trust in relation to the purchase intention within the E-commerce platforms with the users of Metropolitan Lima

Arce Morales, Valeria, Zamalloa Meza, José Alonso 08 July 2021 (has links)
La tecnología ha ido avanzando, lo que ha hecho que el canal de compra migre a lo online. A causa de la pandemia, la evolución de las compras por medio de este canal, ha obligado a las empresas a adaptarse al e-commerce. Por ello, esto es fundamental para mantenerse vigentes en el mercado. Sin embargo, el ecommerce ha ocasionado que exista un cambio de comportamiento en las personas al momento de realizar una compra. Debido a ello, decidimos realizar nuestra investigación acerca de los riesgos percibidos y la confianza en relación a la intención de compra dentro de las plataformas E-commerce en los usuarios de Lima Metropolitana. Por lo cual, hemos optado en desarrollar la variable riesgo, confianza, intención de compra. / The technology has been growing, which has made the purchase channel migrate to online. The evolution of purchases through this channel has forced companies to adapt to e-commerce, this being essential to stay current in the market. However, ecommerce has caused a change in people's behavior when they make a purchase. Because of this, we decided to carry out our research on the perceived risks and the confidence in relation to the purchase intention into the E-commerce platforms of the users of Metropolitan Lima. That's why we have chosen to develop the variable risk, confidence, purchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación

Acciones del social media marketing que construyen confianza en los nuevos emprendimientos. / Social media marketing actions that build trust in new businesses.

Luzon Renteria, Ana Melissa de los Milagros, Vela Deza, Fabrizio 08 July 2021 (has links)
La pandemia del COVID 19 que empezó en marzo del 2020 en nuestro país generó el cierre de varias empresas y la posterior crisis económica. Sin embargo, pese a ello, nuevos emprendimientos se formaron durante ese tiempo y otros negocios cambiaron de rubro adaptándose así a la coyuntura y a los nuevos hábitos de compra de los consumidores. Múltiples empresas que no tenían como herramienta a las redes sociales, se vieron obligadas a implementar plataformas digitales para la exposición de sus productos o servicios. Por ello, diversas empresas se vieron obligadas a realizar estrategias que generen confianza a los consumidores ya que para estos no contaban con la posibilidad de visitar una tienda física por lo tanto eran conscientes de que el vínculo de confianza era clave para generar un interés en su marca y posteriormente lograr la compra, plasmando en el documento, las acciones que funcionan en estos tiempos inciertos. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo busca las acciones de social media marketing, como interacción, tendencia y riesgo percibido, que construyen confianza en los nuevos emprendimientos. / The COVID 19 pandemic that began in March 2020 in our country led to the closure of several companies and the subsequent economic crisis. However, despite this, new ventures were formed during that time and other businesses changed their category, thus adapting to the situation and to the new purchasing habits of consumers. Multiple companies that did not have social networks as a tool were forced to implement digital platforms for the exposure of their products or services. For this reason, various companies were forced to carry out strategies that generate confidence in consumers since for them they did not have the possibility of visiting a physical store, therefore they were aware that the bond of trust was key to generate an interest in their brand and subsequently achieve the purchase, reflecting in the document, the actions that work in these uncertain times. Therefore, the present work looks for social media marketing actions, such as interaction, trend and perceived risk, which build trust in new ventures. / Trabajo de investigación

Le rôle des informations de santé en ligne sur le processus décisionnel d’achat de médicaments d’automédication / The role of online health informations on the decision-making process of buying self-medication drugs

Sadli, Nabila 16 December 2016 (has links)
La généralisation de l'usage destechnologies numériques a imposé au secteur dela santé de nombreux changements, notammentceux qui se rapportent à la circulation del'information sur les médicaments. Le volumeconsidérable d'informations de santé auquel sontconfrontés régulièrement les consommateurs estsusceptible d'affecter la manière avec laquelle cesderniers évaluent les différentes opportunités dece marché, notamment celles qui sont relatives àl'automédication. L'analyse des données obtenues,d'une part à l'aide d'entretiens approfondis avecdes pharmaciens, et d'autre part, grâce à uneimmersion totale en officine, nous ont apporté deséléments de réponses sur les implications quidécoulent de l'usage d'internet en sa qualité desource d'informations sur la perception du risquelors du processus de décision relatif à l'achat debiens de santé, plus particulièrement celui desmédicaments d'automédication. / The general use of digital technologieshas imposed on the healthcare sector manychanges, in particular, those relating to the flowof information on drugs. Consumers areconfronted with a sheer volume of healthinformation that is likely to affect the way inwhich they evaluate the different opportunitiesin this market, particularly those related to selfmedication.In this research, in-depth interviewswith pharmacists and participant observation(full immersion in pharmacies), were selected asthe data collection techniques. The analysis ofdata provided some possible answers about theimplications arising from the use of the Internetas a source of information on perceived risk inthe health products decision-making process,more particularly, that of self-medication drugs.

Factores que influyen en la intención de compra de los clientes de plataformas de venta online en el mercado peruano

Castro Arvildo, Christopher Neil Alberto, Vargas Roa, Arlett Maritza 03 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer el nivel en que las variables: riesgo percibido, confianza, seguridad de la plataforma web, accesibilidad, valor percibido están relacionados o tienen influencia en la intención de compra de los usuarios de plataformas de ventas online dentro del contexto peruano. En este sentido, se realizará una contextualización del estado actual del mercado peruano sobre las compras a través de plataformas virtuales. Asimismo, se identificará la relevancia, los alcances y las limitaciones que se pudieron hallar en el contexto en el que se desarrolla la presente investigación. Del mismo modo, para la misma, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica cómo referencias para poder conocer la relación de las variables en los diferentes contextos. / The main objective of this research work is to show the level of influence of the factors: perceived risk, trust; accessibility; online security; perceived value, in users of online sales platforms within the Peruvian context. In this sense, a contextualization of the current state of the market on purchases through virtual platforms will be carried out. Likewise, the relevance, scope and limitations that could be found in the context in which this research is developed will be identified. Likewise, a bibliographic search was carried out as a reference in order to know the relationship of the variables in the different contexts. / Trabajo de investigación

Las acciones del chatbot con respecto a la satisfacción del cliente en el sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana / Chatbot Actions Regarding Customer Satisfaction In Banking Sector Of Metropolitan Lima

Almeida Paitanmala, Delia Yadira, Peña Vera, Karla Patricia 03 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente vivimos en un mundo lleno de cambios tecnológicos y muchos sectores del mercado se han vuelto más digitales. De esta manera, los chatbots, a través de la inteligencia artificial, se encuentran posicionándose en todos los sectores del mercado para diversos usos. Es por ello que en esta investigación se analiza las acciones del uso del chatbot en el sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana con respecto a la satisfacción del cliente final. / Nowadays we live in a world plenty of technological changes and many market sectors have become more digital. In this context, chatbots, by the use of artificial intelligence, are positioning themselves in all sectors of the market for various uses. For this reason, this research analyzes the actions of chatbot use in the banking sector of Metropolitan Lima with the aim of satisfying the final client. / Trabajo de investigación

Digitala banktjänster och kundernas förtroende : En empirisk kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan digitala banktjänster och bankkunders förtroende

Abdirahman, Leensaa, Kombarova, Lalitta January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Skiftet till digitala banktjänster innebär ett annat arbetssätt att bibehålla förtroendet hos sina kunder då servicen blir mindre personlig. Förtroende och service är en viktig del hos kunderna samtidigt som det ställs nya krav gällande bekvämlighet och automatiserade självtjänster. Mot denna bakgrund är möjliga problem som kan uppstå en bristande säkerhet samt riskerna kring integriteten.  Syftet: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan kundernas förtroende och bankernas digitala banktjänster. Utöver detta vill forskarna få en förståelse för bankkunders förtroende för sin digitala bank.  Metod: Undersökningen bygger på kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning som sedan används för att genomföra en korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys. Teoretisk referensram: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory, Perceived Risk och Digitala Tillitsmodellen. Empiri: Empirin har fyra olika fokusområden: kontrollfrågor, förtroende, digitala banktjänster samt risk och säkerhet. Dessa sammanställs och testas i en korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys för att undersöka samband och testa hypoteser.  Slutsats: Resultatet visar att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan digitala banktjänsters användbarhet och förtroende för digitala banktjänster samt att upplevd integritetsrisk har ett negativt samband med förtroendet. Trots att det kan finnas ett samband mellan digitala banktjänsternas användarvänlighet och förtroende finns inte tillräckligt med stöd för att bevisa detta. / Background and problem formulation: The shift to digital banking services means a different way of working to maintain the trust of its customers, this as the service has become less personal. Trust and service are valued highly for the customers, while new demands are being made regarding convenience and automated self-service. Against this background, possible problems that may arise are a lack of security and the risks surrounding integrity. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between customers' trust and the banks' digital banking services. In addition to this, the researchers want to gain an understanding of bank customers' trust in their digital bank. Method: The survey is based on a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire which is then used to carry out a correlation and regression analysis. Framework: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory, Perceived Risk and Digital Trust Model. Empiricism: The empiricism has four different focus areas: control questions, trust, digital banking services and lastly risk as well as security. These are compiled and tested in a correlation and regression analysis to examine relationships by testing hypotheses. Conclusions: The findings show that there is a positive relationship between the usability of digital banking services and trust in digital banking services, and that perceived integrity risk has a negative relationship with trust. Although there may be a link between the ease of use of digital banking services and trust, there is not enough support to prove this.

Förtroende och FinTech : En studie om kunders upplevda förtroende fördigitala finansiella tjänster

Sundin, Elisabeth, Stifanos, Sharon January 2021 (has links)
During the last couple of years there has been a major digitalization of the financial sectorwhich FinTech have largely contributed to. FinTech does not solely contribute withpossibilities, but it also inflicts risks within the financial system when adding challengesrelated to IT-security. These risks pose new operational risks within the financial sector.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine as well as analyse different variables thatexplain the perceived trust and risks when using these digital financial services. This isbecause customers play a vital role in keeping their services as well as maintaining financialstability within the FinTech corporations. To examine the subject in this study a deductiveapproach is applied which focuses on previous empirical research and models likeTechnology Acceptance Model (TAM), Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) as well asBehavioral finance. These models aim to explain how customers accept new digitalphenomenon. Furthermore, the study performs a quantitative research method through a webbased survey questionnaire. The study examines the independent variables usage, perceivedability to adapt and perceived risk in relation to the dependent factor perceived trust. Thestudy’s sample consists of 185 survey responses which were analyzed through descriptive andinferential statistics. The hypotheses were tested using a multiple regression analysis wherethe independent variables and control variables were analyzed against the dependent variable.The empirical findings showed that customers' perceived ability to adapt to FinTech servicesdid not have a statistically significant effect on perceived trust. Furthermore, perceived riskand usage had a statistically proven influence on perceived trust. The control variables for thisstudy were age and gender where neither had a statistical association to the dependentvariable. Lastly, the empirical findings of the study can be useful for FinTech companiessince it proves that risks need to be minimized to increase perceived trust / Det har skett en stor digitalisering av den finansiella sektorn under de senaste åren därFinTech och dess tjänster har haft en betydande roll. Dock är inte de innovativa digitalatjänsterna som FinTech bidrar till enbart möjligheter, utan det utsätter även den finansiellasektorn för risker. På grund av digitaliseringen medför dessa risker nya operationella riskerinom den finansiella sektorn. Studiens syfte är därav att undersöka och analysera de variablersom förklarar det upplevda förtroendet och riskerna som finns vid användningen av digitalafinansiella tjänster. Studiens fokus ligger på kunderna då de har en nyckelroll i bevarandet avdessa tjänster. Studien har sin grund i ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt med fokus på tidigareempirisk forskning på området, men även olika modeller som Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) samt Behavioral finance som syftar till attförklara hur kunden accepterar nya digitala fenomen. För att undersöka detta tillämpas enkvantitativ metod genom användningen av en webbaserad surveyundersökning. Urvalet bestårav 185 svar som därefter analyserades genom deskriptiv statistik och inferentiell statistik.Detta skedde i form av en multipel regressionsanalys som analyserade studiens tre hypoteserdär studiens tre oberoende variabler och kontrollvariabler analyserades emot studiensberoende variabel. Resultaten visade på att risk och användning hade ett statistiskt sambandmed det upplevda förtroendet medan den egna upplevda förmågan inte hade det. Studiensresultat kan vara användbara för FinTech-företag då resultaten visar att risker måste minskasför att kundförtroendet ska öka.

Konsumenters adoption till mobila betalningar : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie mellan Sverige och Kina med fokus på generation Z / Consumers adoption of mobile payments : A quantitative cross-sectional study between Sweden and China with a focus on generation Z

Zhang, Jian, Villberg, Leo January 2022 (has links)
I samband med den digitala teknikens utveckling som i dag är en stor del i många människors liv och vardagliga aktiviteter påverkas också sättet människor konsumerar och kommunicerar på. Generation Z är generationsgruppen som redan under uppväxten integrerat sina liv med den digitala tekniken och den har därför präglat generationen. Utvecklingen av digital teknik handlar om att hela tiden effektivisera och optimera, vilket också satt nya krav på hur konsumenter väljer att betala för produkter, tjänster och till varandra. Mobila betalningar är en av de växande alternativen till transaktioner och motsvara både betalningar med fysiska sedlar och kreditkort. Kina är i framkant gällande mobila betalningar och i Sverige ökar användningen av mobila betalningar för varje år.    Syftet med forskningsstudien är därmed att ta reda på jämförelsen mellan Sverige och Kina samt konsumenters adoption till mobila betalningar. Fokusgruppen i forskningsstudien är generation Z och för att kunna utföra studien används teorin Diffusion of innovations av Rogers (2003). Forskningsstudien använder sig av de fem befintliga variabler inom diffusion of innovations som teoretiskt bas för adoptionen till mobila betalningar där ytterligare två variabler lades till (Upplevd risk och socialt inflytande). Teoretiska basen konstaterades därmed av variablerna: relativa fördelar, kompatibilitet, komplexitet, observerbarhet, prövbarhet, upplevd risk och socialt inflytande. Totalt sett konstruerades 14 hypoteser för forskningsstudien.    För att kunna utföra forskningsstudien användes forskningsmetoden kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Data som samlades in var via webbenkäter där de skickades ut till både svenska och kinesiska konsumenter. Totalt samlades in 125 webbenkät svar som kunde användas för analys där 50 var från svenska konsumenter och 75 kinesiska konsumenter. All data som samlades in analyserades genom regressionsanalys med hjälp av det digitala verktyget IBM SPSS version 28.0. Hypoteserna testades genom att använda multipel regressionsanalys samt Mann-Whitney U Test. Det  analysen har identifierat var att socialt inflytande, kompatibilitet och relativa fördelar hade högst påverkan för adoptionen till mobila betalningar. Kina hade även högre signifikans i alla faktorer förutom komplexitet. / The purpose of the research study is to find out the comparison between Sweden and China and consumers' adoption of mobile payments. The focus group for the research study is generation Z and to be able to carry out the study, the theory Diffusion of innovations by Rogers (2003) is used. The research study uses the five existing variables in diffusion of innovations as a theoretical basis for the adoption of mobile payments where two additional variables were added (Perceived risk and social influence). A total of 14 hypotheses were constructed for the research study.   In order to be able to carry out the research study, the research method quantitative cross-sectional study was used. Data collected were through web surveys where they were sent out to both Swedish and Chinese consumers. All data collected was analyzed by regression analysis using the digital tool IBM SPSS version 28.0. The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis and Mann-Whitney U Test. What the analysis has identified was that social influence, compatibility and relative advantages had the greatest impact on the adoption of mobile payments. China also had higher significance in all factors except complexity.

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