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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of transport systems in cortisol release from human adrenal cells / Rolle der Transportsysteme in der Cortisolsekretion von den menschlichen adrenalen Zellen

Asif, Abdul Rahman 27 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.

分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制及其在智能合約之應用 / Reputation-based Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Environments and It’s Application Based on Smart Contracts

詹琨泰, Chan, Kun-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
近年來區塊鏈技術及其相關應用成為熱門焦點,區塊鏈最大的特色包含去中心化以及匿名性等特性,然而在這樣的分散式網路中我們很難判斷對方是否值得信賴,在數位憑證中我們透過可信賴第三方擔任憑證中心為用戶簽發金鑰憑證以此建立用戶之間的信賴關係,但在區塊鏈此種分散式網路中找到一個可信賴第三方實屬不易,並且可能會與區塊鏈去中心化之特性背道而馳,因此本研究參考PGP信任網與小世界理論的概念,建立一套可適用於分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制,並將此機制結合智能合約實現一個信任度評估機制購物平台,目的希望用戶與陌生人交易前,可透過此機制計算出信任度,提供用戶做為參考,幫助用戶更容易判斷陌生人是否可信,以降低受騙風險。 / In recent years, the blockchain technology and its relevant applications become hot spots. The greatest feature of the blockchain is the decentralization. Nonetheless, it is difficult for us to judge whether the other person get involved in the decentralized network is credible. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a reliable third party in such a point-to-point network. Consequently, this paper refers to the PGP web of trust and the small world problem to establish a set of reputation-based trust evaluation mechanism for decentralized environments, we combine this mechanism with a smart contract to achieve a trust evaluation mechanism shopping platform, It is expected that achievements of the paper can facilitate people’s judgment regarding the reliability of strangers and reduce the risks of being deceived.

Workshop Metacomputing 96

25 March 1996 (has links)
Vortragsfolge Prof. Uwe Huebner: Metacomputing - neue Aufgabenverteilung im Netz Dr. Wolfgang Riedel: Was nuetzt uns SGML Sven Graupner: What's up in Operating System Research Sven Koehler: IP Security (nach RFC 1825) Holger Trapp: Kryptographisch gesicherte Kommunikation und Datenhaltung Dr. Joerg Anders: ATM-Eine kritische Betrachtung Guenther Fischer: Cacheserver-Hierarchien Frank Richter: Ein neuer WWW-Server fuer www.tu-chemnitz.de Steffen Brose: Web-Zugang zu DQS Jens Kraizci, Volker Holfeld: Wie weiter mit dem CSN? Jan Wunderlich: Harvest Michael Hasenstein: Datenbank-Klienten auf Java-Basis Andreas Koehler: Form-based File Upload in HTML Gerd Heide: BROADWAY - Interaktivitaet im WWW mittels X-Protokoll Matthias Ehrig: NFS 2 - Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen Ronald Koehler: NFS 3 Christoph Ziegler: HSM - Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Kai Zscheile: Hardware-Loesungen fuer HSM Matthias Clauss: Vergleich und Bewertung von HSM-Loesungen Thomas Mueller: Fileserving an der TUCZ Karsten Baensch: AFS-Loesung fuer die Softwareumgebung der Parsytec-Maschinen Joern Wohlrab: Alternative verteilte Filesysteme Jens Junghaenel: Integration von PC's mittels Samba Merten Schumann: Archivierung elektronisch publizierter Dokumente Michael Tautenhahn: Fast Ethernet Jens Wagner: Firmenadressverwaltung am URZ Dr . Wolfgang Riedel: Neues aus der TeX-Welt (METAPOST, lyx) Carsten Mund: Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf SPEC CINT- und CFP-Benchmarks


黃奕栩, Huang, I Hsu Unknown Date (has links)

Barrière hémato-encéphalique humaine et endothéline 1 : régulation des transporteurs ABC et des cytokines inflammatoires

Hembury, Alexandra 12 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le système nerveux central est un organe complexe et privilégié, protégé, entre autres, par la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE), sur laquelle se trouvent des transporteurs d'efflux telle que la P-glycoprotéine (Pgp).<br />La BHE est impliquée dans la neuro-inflammation et les maladies cérébrales associées, et la littérature laisse penser que l'endothéline 1 (ET-1) y joue un rôle important. En utilisant un modèle in vitro autologue de BHE humaine adulte et un modèle in vitro de BHE humaine fœtale (co-culture de cellules gliales et de cellules endothéliales microvasculaires cérébrales), nous avons étudié l'effet de l'ET-1 sur la Pgp.<br />Une différence, en termes de modulation de l'activité de la Pgp, a été observée entre la BHE fœtale et la BHE adulte suite à l'exposition à l'ET-1. Nous avons également évalué la modulation induite par l'ET-1 sur la sécrétion de la MCP-1 (Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) et de l'IL-8. Les résultats montrent que l'ET-1 diminue l'activité de la Pgp et induit la sécrétion de MCP-1 et d'IL-8.

Workshop Metacomputing 96

25 March 1996 (has links)
Vortragsfolge Prof. Uwe Huebner: Metacomputing - neue Aufgabenverteilung im Netz Dr. Wolfgang Riedel: Was nuetzt uns SGML Sven Graupner: What's up in Operating System Research Sven Koehler: IP Security (nach RFC 1825) Holger Trapp: Kryptographisch gesicherte Kommunikation und Datenhaltung Dr. Joerg Anders: ATM-Eine kritische Betrachtung Guenther Fischer: Cacheserver-Hierarchien Frank Richter: Ein neuer WWW-Server fuer www.tu-chemnitz.de Steffen Brose: Web-Zugang zu DQS Jens Kraizci, Volker Holfeld: Wie weiter mit dem CSN? Jan Wunderlich: Harvest Michael Hasenstein: Datenbank-Klienten auf Java-Basis Andreas Koehler: Form-based File Upload in HTML Gerd Heide: BROADWAY - Interaktivitaet im WWW mittels X-Protokoll Matthias Ehrig: NFS 2 - Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen Ronald Koehler: NFS 3 Christoph Ziegler: HSM - Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Kai Zscheile: Hardware-Loesungen fuer HSM Matthias Clauss: Vergleich und Bewertung von HSM-Loesungen Thomas Mueller: Fileserving an der TUCZ Karsten Baensch: AFS-Loesung fuer die Softwareumgebung der Parsytec-Maschinen Joern Wohlrab: Alternative verteilte Filesysteme Jens Junghaenel: Integration von PC's mittels Samba Merten Schumann: Archivierung elektronisch publizierter Dokumente Michael Tautenhahn: Fast Ethernet Jens Wagner: Firmenadressverwaltung am URZ Dr . Wolfgang Riedel: Neues aus der TeX-Welt (METAPOST, lyx) Carsten Mund: Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf SPEC CINT- und CFP-Benchmarks

ATP-Binding-Cassette Transporters in Biliary Efflux and Drug-Induced Liver Injury

Pedersen, Jenny M. January 2013 (has links)
Membrane transport proteins are known to influence the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) of drugs. At the onset of this thesis work, only a few structure-activity models, in general describing P-glycoprotein (Pgp/ABCB1) interactions, were developed using small datasets with little structural diversity. In this thesis, drug-transport protein interactions were explored using large, diverse datasets representing the chemical space of orally administered registered drugs. Focus was set on the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport proteins expressed in the canalicular membrane of human hepatocytes. The inhibition of the ABC transport proteins multidrug-resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2) and bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11) was experimentally investigated using membrane vesicles from cells overexpressing the investigated proteins and sandwich cultured human hepatocytes (SCHH). Several previously unknown inhibitors were identified for both of the proteins and predictive in silico models were developed. Furthermore, a clear association between BSEP inhibition and clinically reported drug induced liver injuries (DILI) was identified. For the first time, an in silico model that described combined inhibition of Pgp, MRP2 and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) was developed using a large, structurally diverse dataset. Lipophilic weak bases were more often found to be general ABC inhibitors in comparison to other drugs. In early drug discovery, in silico models can be used as predictive filters in the drug candidate selection process and membrane vesicles as a first experimental screening tool to investigate protein interactions. In summary, the present work has led to an increased understanding of molecular properties important in ABC inhibition as well as the potential influence of ABC proteins in adverse drug reactions. A number of previously unknown ABC inhibitors were identified and predictive computational models were developed.

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/1998

Huebner, U., Grunewald,, Heide,, Huettmann,, Trapp, 05 August 1998 (has links)
Perspektiven im Netzbereich C.A.N. - Chemnitzer AbsolventenNetz Grafische Benutzeroberfl¨achen im Netz (VNC) PGP 5.x und GNUPG Neuigkeiten bei der Secure Shell (SSH) Vim 5.x Richtlinien zur Sicherheit im Campusnetz Ein Jahr Einsatz von Windows NT im URZ


07 May 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Vortragsfolge: J. Anders Ein H261-Player in Java D. Thie Wavelet- und fraktale Kompression von Videodaten A. Karwath Audiokomprimierung J. Hüttmann Chemnitzer Absolventennetz M. Ehrig Betrachtungen zu verteilten Filesystemen Th. Müller Migration und Datensicherung im MR-AFS M. Clauß Management von Nutzeranforderungen im URZ M. Tautenhahn Systemmanagement auf der Basis von LDAP und SSL S. Brose Zero-Administration-Client mit Ignite-UX und CFENGINE Chr. Ziegler Backupdienst - Stand und Perspektiven Th. Müller BOF: Sicherheit im Campusnetz A. Breiler Server Side Applets N. Schulze Java Beans C. Ranfeld Softwaremanagement RPM vs. OSD G. Heide Neue PD-Software für graphische Benutzeroberflächen J. Wagner Untersuchung zur Neugestaltung der WWW-Seiten zur Softwareausleihe B. Auerbach Digitale Signaturen in MONARCH W. Riedel Lyx - das Wysisyg-LaTeX? W. Riedel BOF: StarOffice - Die vertane Chance? G. Fischer Skalierbarkeit von Serverleistung und Level-4-Switching H. Trapp aktuelle Entwicklungen bei: PGP 5.0, TLS, SSH, Kerberos, vim-5.0 R. Sontag Kommunikationsserver in Schulen: Stand der Vernetzung U. Hübner Perspektiven im Netzbereich

DCE-MRI assessment of hepatic uptake and efflux of the contrast agent, gadoxetate, to monitor transporter-mediated processes and drug-drug interactions : in vitro and in vivo studies

Georgiou, Leonidas January 2015 (has links)
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) techniques offer the opportunity to understand the physiological processes involved in the distribution of the contrast agent in vivo. This work utilises a liver specific contrast agent (gadoxetate) and demonstrates the potential use of these techniques to study transporter-mediated process in vivo. In vitro experiments investigated gadoxetate’s interaction with uptake and efflux transporters at the cellular level, ideally a prerequisite to understand the contribution of transporter proteins in in vivo pharmacokinetics. MRI was used to measure the accumulation of gadoxetate in fresh rat hepatocytes. Furthermore, LC-MS/MS methodology was optimised in conjunction with two in vitro systems to determine the role of transporters in gadoxetate uptake and efflux. HEK-OATP1B1 transfected cells were used to optimise the LC-MS/MS technique and Caco-2 cell monolayers were used to examine whether gadoxetate is a substrate of the efflux transporters, Pgp and BCRP. Subsequent studies demonstrated the use of DCE-MRI techniques to study transporter-mediated processes. Two pharmacokinetic models were proposed to quantify the uptake and efflux of gadoxetate in vivo. The suitability of the models in describing the liver concentration profiles of gadoxetate was assessed in pre-clinical and clinical reproducibility studies. Further pre-clinical experiments demonstrated the ability of the proposed DCE-MRI techniques to monitor changes in the uptake and efflux rate estimates of gadoxetate into hepatocytes, through co-administration of the transporter inhibitor, rifampicin, at two doses. The work presented demonstrates the potential use of DCE-MRI techniques as a diagnostic probe to assess transporter-mediated processes and drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in vivo.

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