Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phraseology"" "subject:"fraseology""
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Česká a srbská frazeologie: srovnání, aspekty a struktura česko-srbského frazeologického slovníku. / Czech and Serbian phraseology: comparison, aspects and structure of the Czech-Serbian phraseological dictionaryLinda Popović, Snežana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Czech and Serbian phraseology: comparison, aspects and structure of the Czech-Serbian phraseological dictionary Author: Mgr. Snežana Linda Popović Department: Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies Supervisor: prof. PhDr. František Čermák, DrSc. Abstract Despite the fact that phraseology is present-day and appealing theme in linguistic, that many linguists gain from, which is due to fact that our language is made up of many steady and idiomatic structures that foreign students have to learn, this scientific discipline is still an area where the linguists have not yet agreed on the definition of its basic unit and field of research. Besides that, there is evident variance in the number of works within phraseology and phraseography in Czech and Serbian linguistics. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse the Czech and Serbian phraseological theory, classification of phrasemes and phraseography, including the theoretical background to create a bilingual phraseological dictionary. The analysis was based on field of definition of phrasemes, its formal distribution, equivalents on all combinatorial levels and design of dictionary entry in monolingual and bilingual phraseological dictionaries. The findings have confirmed that there are areas in context of phraseology that did...
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Étude contrastive de la phraséologie des noms d’éléments du corps en coréen et en français / Contrastive study on the phraseology of body element nouns in Korean and FrenchKim, Mi Hyun 17 February 2017 (has links)
L’hypothèse sur laquelle repose notre travail est que la comparaison de la lexicalisation des noms d’éléments du corps (dorénavant, NEC) et de la phraséologie des NEC entre deux langues va permettre de mettre en évidence des différences de conceptualisation et de culture entre deux sociétés. En fonction de cette hypothèse, notre thèse aborde deux thèmes principaux. Premièrement, nous étudions les NEC coréens (dorénavant, NECC) en nous focalisant sur les noms neutres d’éléments externes du corps humain. Les NECC ont des caractéristiques universelles : richesse lexicale, éléments du vocabulaire basique, source de l’« embodiment », universel physio-conceptuel et nature de quasi-prédicats sémantiques. En même temps, les NECC montrent des particularités sémantiques, syntaxiques et morphologiques liées aux spécificités de la langue coréenne. La comparaison de la lexicalisation des NECC et des NEC français montre que même si les éléments du corps sont des universels physio-conceptuels, il n’y a pas de correspondance lexicale univoque entre les deux langues. Deuxièmement, nous focalisons notre attention sur la phraséologie des NECC et sa modélisation dans le Réseau Lexical du Coréen, une modélisation lexicographique formelle fondée sur une conception relationnelle du lexique. Nous bornons la phraséologie des NECC aux collocations contrôlées par les NECC (par ex. koga oddukhada, litt. nez+SUB être.haut ‘avoir un nez haut et beau’). Dans la phraséologie des NECC, nous prenons aussi en compte la phraséologisation dans un mot-forme (par ex. napjakko, ‘nez aplati’). Nous appelons collocation morphologisée ce type de phrasème morphologique par opposition à la collocation lexicale. À partir de l’examen des collocations non seulement lexicales mais aussi morphologisées contrôlées par NEC, nous pouvons obtenir les composantes sémantiques de la définition de la base, le NEC. Après cela, nous proposons un patron universel de définition des NEC, qui est le fondement du modèle explicatif de la phraséologie des NEC. Ce modèle s’appuie sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle on peut trouver dans les définitions des NEC des composantes récurrentes. Différentes collocations (du type Magn, Ver, Bon, Real1, en termes de fonctions lexicales de la Théorie Sens-Texte) sont alors générées relativement au sémantisme de ces composantes. Finalement, nous comparons la description de la phraséologie des NECC à celle des NEC français, afin d’observer les diverses non-correspondances entre les phrasèmes des deux langues. Ce travail approfondit notre compréhension de la phraséologie aussi bien en général, qu’en tant qu’elle est appliquée au coréen et au français, et met en relief des différences culturelles encodées dans les deux langues. Il peut également trouver des applications en didactique et en traductologie. / The hypothesis on which our work is based is that the comparison of the lexicalization of body element nouns (henceforth, NEC, Fr. nom d’élément du corps) and the phraseology of the NEC between two languages will make it possible to highlight the differences of conceptualization and culture between two societies.According to this hypothesis, our thesis deals with two main themes. Firstly, we study the Korean NEC (henceforth, NECC, Fr. nom d’élément du corps coréen) focusing on the neutral nouns of human external body elements. The NECC have universal characteristics: lexical richness, elements of the basic vocabulary, sources of the embodiment, physio-conceptual universals and their nature of semantic quasi-predicates. At the same time, the NECC show language-specific semantic, syntactic and morphological characteristics. The comparison of the lexicalization of the NECC and the French NEC shows that even if the elements of the body are physio-conceptual universals, there is no univocal lexical correspondence between the two languages.Secondly, we focus our attention on the NECC’s phraseology and its modeling in the Korean Lexical Network, a formal lexicographic model based on a relational conceptualization of the lexicon. We limit the NECC’s phraseology to collocations the NECC control (ex. koga oddukhada, ‘have a high and pretty nose’). Within the NECC’s phraseology, we also take into account the phraseologisation in a word-form (ex. napjakko, ‘flat nose’). We denote this morphological phraseme by the term morphologised collocation, as opposed to the lexical collocation. From the examination of lexical and morphologised collocations which NECC control, we can identify the semantic components of the definition of the NECC. After that, we propose a universal definition pattern of the NEC, which is the foundation of the explanatory model of the NEC’s phraseology. This model is based on the assumption that recurrent components can be found in the definitions of NEC. Different collocations (of the type Magn, Ver, Bon, Real1, in terms of Lexical Functions of the Meaning-Text Theory) are then generated from the semantism of these components. Finally, we compare the description of the phraseology of the NECC with that of the French NEC, in order to observe the various non-correspondences between the phrasemes of the two languages.This work deepens our understanding of phraseology in general and in specific languages (Korean and French), and highlights cultural differences encoded in both languages. It can also find applications in didactics and translation.
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Lidské tělo v české paremiologii (Etnolingvistická studie) / Human Body in the Czech Paremiology: An Ethnolinguistic StudyKovařík, Tadeáš January 2015 (has links)
The submitted Master's thesis deals with the linguistic picture of the human body and its parts in proverbs, which are listed in Václav Flajšhans's dictionary Česká přísloví (Czech proverbs). The material is processed using approaches and methodological tools of cognitive linguistics and ethnolinguistics. First of all the theoretical and methodological framework of the thesis is outlined, these are in particular approaches of cognitive linguistics and ethnolinguistics to language and the theory of linguistic picture of the world. These methods are then used to analyse the linguistic picture of human body and its parts in Czech, as arises from proverbs. Then the research paremiological context is defined and possible approaches to proverbs are characterized. The proverb is then defined using specialized literature. Individual chapters that focus on parts of human body present meanings of somatic idioms that are explained with help of monolingual dictionaries. Also there are lists of the most common collocations and idioms in which these somatic idioms occur. The linguistic picture of the human body and its parts in the Czech language picture of the world is then worked out on the basis of the analysed proverbs. These proverbs are used to present linguistic pictures of the sense of sight and hearing...
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Španělská a česká frazeologie a idiomatika s přihlédnutím k publicistickým textům / Spanish and Czech Phraseology and Idioms Considering Journalistic TextsBernáthová, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the analysis of phrasemes and idioms in Spanish and Czech journalistic texts. In its theoretical part, we discuss the definition of phraseology and idioms as linguistic disciplines within Czech and Spanish linguistics. The practical part contains a sample corpus of phrases and idioms based on selected excerpts from newspaper articles during a specific time period. These linguistic units are divided into thematic groups by their base words, their meaning is explained and formal and substantive similarities between Czech and Spanish are observed. We do not aim at presenting a set of idioms of the language, only to point out the currently used idioms in journalistic texts. Key words phraseology, set phrase, idiom, Czech language, Spanish language, journalism, semantics, equivalent
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Traduire les expressions figées de l’espagnol au français / Fixed expressions translation between Spanish and FrenchHaquin, Yohan 03 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les stratégies de traduction des expressions figées de l’espagnol vers lefrançais. Pour ce faire, un corpus contrastif d’expressions figées a été constitué, permettant d’interrogerleurs propriétés – sémantiques, syntaxiques et pragmatiques – et d’aborder, tout en les discutant, desnotions fondamentales en phraséologie comme celles de figement, d’opacité ou de non-compositionnalité.Sont notamment introduites comme outils d’analyse sémantique les distinctions entre compositionnalitélexicale et compositionnalité globale d’une part, et entre scène lexicale et scène réelle, d’autre part.Dans un deuxième temps est présentée une typologie descriptive des opérations de traduction à l’oeuvredans le corpus, qui permet de disposer d’une vue d’ensemble des stratégies adoptées par les traducteurspour traduire les expressions sources recueillies tout en préparant la réflexion sur des questions commel’équivalence ou les méthodes de traduction des expressions figées. Cette typologie révèle la largeur et lagradualité du spectre de variation et de correspondance que l’on trouve parmi les expressions figées.La dernière partie est entièrement consacrée à la dimension traductologique des expressions figées. A partirdes travaux qui traitent de cette question, et du cadre théorique introduit antérieurement, elle interroge lanotion d’équivalence sur corpus afin d’en proposer une caractérisation plus précise. Une méthodologie de latraduction, qui fait de l’étude des expressions sources elles-mêmes le moyen de mieux cerner les difficultésliées à leur traduction – que celles-ci soient ou non spécifiques à l’objet étudié – est enfin proposée afin dedisposer de critères robustes et opérationnels pour traduire ces dernières de façon satisfaisante. / This thesis aims at analyzing Spanish to French translation strategies of fixed expressions. In thisperspective, we have gathered a contrastive corpus of fixed expressions in order to question their semantic,syntactic and pragmatic properties and to discuss phraseology’s fundamental notions such as fixation,opacity or non-compositionality. We also introduce semantic analysis tools : distinctions between lexicalcompositionality and global compositionality, on one hand, and between lexical scene and real scene, onanother hand.The second part of the study proposes a descriptive typology of translation operations observed in thecorpus offering a global view of the strategies adopted by the translators that allows reflection on questionssuch as the equivalence or methods in fixed expressions translation. This typology reveals the width and thegradualism of the variation and correspondence spectrum that we find among fixed expressions.After introducing the theoretical framework and the state of art in the previous chapters, the last part of thethesis is entirely dedicated to the translation dimension of fixed expressions. We examine here theconstrative corpus in order to question the notion of equivalence and to propose a more precisecharacterization of it. In order to have strong and operational criteria for an optimal translation, we propose atranslation methodology based on the study of the source expressions as a mean to identifying translationdifficulties whether they are specific or not of the object.
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Analýza nizozemských idiomů s komponentem "peníze", srovnání míry ekvivalence v češtině / Analysis of the Dutch Idioms Containing the Word "Money" and their Semantic Similarity with the Czech IdiomsŠivecová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The thesis aims to conduct a semantic analysis of the Dutch idioms containing the word "money", categorization of the idioms to semantic categories and comparison of the semantic similarity with the Czech idioms. The theoretical part describes general phraseology and also takes up with the features and the classification of idioms. Moreover, it focuses on the theory of cognitive semantics and the history of phraseology in general, within the Netherlandistics and the Czech phraseology. The practical part takes up with the characterization of the Dutch corpus, the semantic analysis of the Dutch idioms and determining of the semantic similarity in Czech. The corpus consists of 133 Dutch idioms containing the word "money". The results of the thesis show that the idioms can be categorized on the ground of their prototypical qualities or concepts. The most dominant concept is called "the power of money". In general, we can assume that the meanings of the idioms are really various and do not have to relate only with financial affairs. The analysis of the semantic similarity with the Czech idioms has shown that the most of the Dutch idioms do not have any Czech equivalent. The result of this thesis is also a Dutch-Czech phraseological dictionary.
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Kateřina Šichová: Mit Händen und Füßen reden. Verbale Phraseme im deutschtschechischen Vergleich: BuchbesprechungTyczka, Agnieszka 20 July 2020 (has links)
In den letzten vier Jahrzehnten hat sich auf dem Gebiet der vergleichenden Phraseologieforschung eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung vollzogen, die sich auf den Forschungsbedarf der Übersetzungswissenschaft, der Lexikographie und der Fremdsprachendidaktik gründet. Vor allem seit den 1990er Jahren entstanden viele auf theoretischer und auch praktischer Ebene fundierte germanistische Studien. Zu nennen sind zum Beispiel Barbara Wotjaks „Verbale Phraseolexeme in System und Text“ (1992), Csaba Földes’ „Deutsche Phraseologie kontrastiv. Intra- und interlinguale Zugänge“ (1996) oder der von Harmut Lenk und Stephan Stein herausgegebene Band „Phraseologismen in Textsorten“ (2011). Zum Tschechischen liegen wichtige Untersuchungen vor wie die von Franz Schindler, „Das Sprichwort im heutigen Tschechischen. Empirische Untersuchung und semantische Beschreibung“ (1993) oder Helgunde Henschels „Die Phraseologie der tschechischen Sprache“ (1993).
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Frazémy v reklamě / Idioms in AdvertisingHelcmanovská, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the text-forming and pragmatic potential of phraseological units in advertising. The aim is to document the phraseological apparatus within the Czech and Slovak advertising space from 2017 to 2019. The theoretical basis of the work are the concepts of two dimensions of phraseology - forms and faces of the idioms, linguistic actualization and linguistic picture of the world. In the practical part, idioms in selected Czech and Slovak advertising communications are interpreted by a descriptive and comparative method through a qualitative analysis. The anthropocentric orientation of phraseology and the linguistic image of the world is confirmed, as well as the thesis about the dominance of somatic components in phraseological units (life and phraseological universals). Idioms, linguistic peculiarities, an aestheticizing factor with a charge of expressiveness, an attractive function and the ability to evoke a persuasive effect, have proven to be productive and effective means of expression of advertising messages that can present any message (social, economical, ecological, educational or cultural) in an understandable, entertaining and attractive way, helping to meet the basic requirements of advertising.
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La fraseología y su componente sociocultural: perspectivas del profesorado sobre su enseñanza en el aula de ELE en Suecia. Metodología y retos. / Phraseology and its sociocultural component: teachers' perspectives on its teaching in the SFL classroom in Sweden. Methodology and challenges.Fouces Canel, Cristina January 2023 (has links)
La importancia de enseñar fraseología en la clase de ELE es algo que se ha señalado en los últimos años dada su importancia para la adquisición de la competencia comunicativa y de otras competencias claves como la sociocultural. El propósito de este estudio es determinar, mediante una encuesta, cómo enseñan los profesores de ELE en Suecia la fraseología y su componente sociocultural y cuáles son los retos a los que se enfrentan los profesores de ELE en Suecia a la hora de introducir el lenguaje idiomático en el aula. En primer lugar, los resultados de este estudio indican que existe una metodología inespecífica y heterogénea y que los docentes no son totalmente conscientes de la importancia de la fraseología. En segundo lugar, existen una serie de retos a los que los docentes se deben enfrentar, fundamentalmente, la falta de material de consulta para la enseñanza de la fraseología y la falta de material didáctico y propuestas didácticas para los alumnos. Adicionalmente, el tratamiento que se le da a la fraseología tanto en el material didáctico como en los currículos es problemático. Otros escollos a los que se enfrenta el docente son el desconocimiento del tema, la terminología confusa o la falta de tiempo a la hora de planificar su enseñanza. Por lo tanto, el estatus de la fraseología en la clase de ELE en Suecia es bastante precario. Para empezar, es necesario que los currículos resuelvan el caos terminológico y aporten directrices claras acerca de qué unidades son adecuadas para cada nivel. En el caso del currículo sueco existe además un escollo adicional, la fraseología es mencionada de pasada y de forma muy imprecisa. Además, es necesario que los docentes dispongan de manuales, diccionarios y material específico y propuestas didácticas adecuadas para los alumnos. De este modo, la fraseología dejará de ser un tema desconocido y se comprenderá la importancia de su enseñanza y aprendizaje para la adquisición de la lengua meta. / The importance of teaching phraseology in the SFL class is something that has been pointed out in recent years given its importance for the acquisition of the communicative competence and other key competences such as the sociocultural. The purpose of this study is to determine, through a survey, how SFL teachers in Sweden teach phraseology and its sociocultural component and what are the challenges SFL teachers in Sweden face when introducing idiomatic language in the classroom. Firstly, the results of this study indicate that there is a non-specific and heterogeneous methodology and that teachers are not fully aware of the importance of phraseology. Secondly, there are a series of challenges that teachers must face, mainly the lack of reference material for teaching phraseology and the lack of didactic material and didactic proposals for students. Additionally, the treatment given to phraseology both in didactic material and in curricula is also problematic. Other pitfalls that the teacher faces are lack of knowledge on the subject, confusing terminology or lack of time when planning their teaching. Therefore, the status of phraseology in the SFL class in Sweden is quite precarious. To begin with, the curricula need to resolve the terminological chaos and provide clear guidelines about which units are appropriate for each level. In the case of the Swedish curriculum there is also an additional pitfall, phraseology is mentioned very briefly and in a very imprecise way. Moreover, it is necessary for teachers to have manuals, dictionaries and specific material and didactic proposals suitable for students. In this way, phraseology will stop being an unknown subject and the importance of its teaching and learning for the acquisition of the target language will be understood.
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Национально-культурная семантика числительных в русских фразеологизмах : магистерская диссертация / National-cultural semantics of numerals in Russian phraseological unitsNikiforova, N. V., Никифорова, Н. В. January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the integrated analysis of Russian phraseological units with the component-numeral. The semantics of numerals one, two, seven, one hundred was analyzed, semantic modifications of the numeral in the Russian sustained combinations were showing in the dissertation. To identify universal meanings and justifications of national specificities of the semantics of numerals was used material of typologically different languages (Chinese, Vietnamese, Mongolian), as well as information about the symbolic meanings of numbers in different cultures. / Диссертация посвящена комплексному анализу русских фразеологизмов, содержащих в структуре компонент-числительное. В работе проанализирована семантика числительных один, два, семь, сто, показаны смысловые модификации нумератива в русских устойчивых сочетаниях. Для выявления универсальных смыслов и обоснования национальной специфики семантики числительных был использован материал других, типологически отличных языков (китайского, вьетнамского, монгольского), а также сведения о символических значениях чисел в разных культурах.
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