Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2physical geography."" "subject:"bphysical geography.""
1181 |
Vad är geografi? : Gestaltning av geografiämnet i gymnasiets läromedel 1994-2011Bienzle Arruda, Katrin January 2020 (has links)
While the school subject geography is defined as a unified subject, academic geography is divided into two scientific disciplines; human geography and physical geography, which makes the relationship between the academic disciplines and the school subject geography somewhat complicated. Research shows that the textbook is often equal to the course. The textbook has a central role in the teacher's planning of the course and is thus crucial for the student's learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate and discuss how the school subject geography is presented in textbooks. I examine how the interdisciplinary, unified subject geography, which illustrates the connections and the mutual influence between societal development, natural environments and human activity, is exemplified, and what challenges teachers face depending on the design of the textbooks. In addition to a quantitative analysis, I make a more qualitative one in order to concretize and nuance the image that emerges. The study shows that the school subject geography is mainly presented according to the identified common and specialized areas of interest, concepts and theories for the respective discipline of human and physical geography. Overall, relatively few examples in the textbooks are identified, only about 35 percent of all analyzed pages, where human-nature interaction is clear and which portrays the coherent, unified subject of geography according to the curriculum.
1182 |
Troubling Waters Ahead – an Evaluation of Coastal Flooding in Stockholm / På Djupt Vatten – en Utvärdering av Kustöversvämningsrisk i StockholmSandberg, Holger January 2020 (has links)
The increasing rate of global sea mean level rise, one of many effects of climate change, will most likelyproduce heightened risk of coastal flooding. Cities located along coastlines have to adapt to thesecircumstances that otherwise will increase the magnitude and frequency of coastal flooding. The purposeof this study is to evaluate the current and future risk of coastal flooding in central Stockholm in relationto global sea level rise. The overall coastal flood risk of central Stockholm is assessed using the currentsea level as well as with possible future sea level rise. Wave modelling is carried out in Saltsjön toestimate the possible addition to extreme sea levels from wave action. The wave characteristics isdetermined according to the physical properties of inner Saltsjön and local meteorological conditions.In-depth case studies regarding flood risk and flood prevention measures are carried out on Stadsholmenand Hammarby Sjöstad, two areas with very different physical characteristics. Areas most prone toflooding in these districts are identified using flood vulnerability maps. Suggestions for flood defencemeasures for the identified vulnerable areas are presented. It is evident that implementation of flooddefence should be adapted after the physical and social properties of the locality. Results of this studycorrelates with well with similar research claiming that there is a small risk of significant coastalflooding in central Stockholm. The flood risk will not increase significantly in the near future, primarilydue to the effect of regional uplift counteracting the global sea level rise. The accelerating rate of globalsea level rise in combination with possible trend changes of meteorological extremes will however mostlikely generate larger problems with coastal flooding in a longer time span. / En av de mest påtagliga effekterna av pågående klimatförändringar är global havsnivåhöjning. Ökademedel- samt extremnivåer kommer innebära ökad risk för översvämningar längs med kuststräckor.Städer belägna längs med kuster behöver anpassa sig efter dessa framtida förhållanden för att undvikaomfattande skador och förluster. Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera den nuvarande och framtidarisken för kustöversvämning i centrala Stockholm med koppling till global havsnivåhöjning. Dengenerella risken för kustöversvämning i centrala Stockholm bedöms för den nuvarande havsnivån såvälsom för möjliga framtida havsnivåer. Modellering och beräkning av möjliga våghöjder för Saltsjönutförs för att uppskatta det potentiella tillägget till extrema havsnivåer från vågeffekter. Den potentiellavåghöjden i inre Saltsjön kontrolleras främst av de rådande meteorologiska och fysiskaförutsättningarna, så som vindens styrka och riktning. Mer ingående fallstudier gällandeöversvämningsrisk och åtgärder för att förhindra översvämningar utförs för Stadsholmen (Gamla Stan)och Hammarby Sjöstad, två områden med distinkt olika stadsbild och förutsättningar. Områden mestsårbara för kustöversvämning i dessa distrikt identifieras med hjälp av översvämningssårbarhetskartor.Förslag till åtgärder för att förhindra översvämningar i dessa områden presenteras. Hur och vad för typav översvämningsskydd som anläggs bör anpassas efter den specifika plats fysiska och estetiskaförutsättningar. Resultaten i denna studie stämmer överens med tidigare forskning vad gällande den lågarisk för kustöversvämning som finns i centrala Stockholm. Översvämningsrisken kommer inte ökanämnvärt i den närmaste framtiden, främst på grund av den regionala landhöjningens motverkandeeffekt till den globala havsnivåhöjningen. Däremot kommer hastigheten hos den globalahavsnivåhöjningen att öka. Detta i kombination med möjliga förändringar i meteorologiska extremerkommer troligtvis utgöra större risk för kustöversvämningar i ett längre tidsperspektiv.
1183 |
Vardagliga livet under Covid-19 : Hur anpassningar till en pandemi har påverkat individer och hushållHögfeldt, Richard January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to review how households and individuals have adapted to today's pandemic by seeing how the everyday elements that exist have changed and where movement patterns have been re-evaluated and converted into a new form of patterns. Issues that will be highlighted are: - How has the movement pattern for the household changed from a “normal everyday” life to Covid-19? - How have households adapted to conflicts over the distribution of household space? - How has the individual adapted to the new everyday life? The essay will be based on an in-depth study of households everyday lives. Where a time-geographical approach will form the basis for the theory of work. This work will be based on three parts. The primary data will consist of time diaries and semi-structured interviews. Secondary data in the form of literature will also build up a background understanding. A description of individuals' movement patterns from the time diary will shed light on different results and a deeper understanding will be gained from the interviews that are presented. Individuals 'and households' everyday lives have changed drastically since Covid-19 started, where adaptations are a big part of how individuals design their new movement patterns in their new everyday life.
1184 |
Trail Impacts on Movement in Wildlife Corridors: A Cleveland Metroparks Case StudyEscalambre, Michelle 10 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
1185 |
Spatialanalys av markgeokemi : Hur utlakningshalter av markgeokemin varierar i Sveriges morän enligt interpolationsmetoder / Spatial analysis of geochemistry in till : How leaching levels of geochemistry varies across Sweden according to interpolationsHansen Österlund, Sara Emilie January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution of geochemistry in Swedish till and whether interpolations could predict unknown values of geochemistry between samples at a national spatial level, Sweden, and a regional, the county of Västerbotten. The information of the spatial distribution of the elements and the interpolations accurateness has several applications. For example, the establishing of infrastructure. Which, in Sweden, is regulated by Naturvårdsverkets guidelines for sensitive land management (KM) and less sensitive land management (MKM) since elements can be harmful for the environment and health above certain levels. The guidelines for waste disposal of soil with levels of less than slight risk (MRR) does also acquire knowledge about the background levels of an area which are found in the C-horizon. The aim of the study was therefore to answer the following questions 1) Which interpolation method provides the most accurate prediction for the various elements at the national and regional level? 2) How does the calculated levels of geochemistry differ from the sampled ones for the two spatial levels? The study was conducted by studying the levels of ten elements in the C-horizon at the two spatial levels were the regional had greater sample density than the national. The interpolations that were used for these elements were the local interpolation methods kriging, inverse distance weighting (IDW), natural neighbour, thiessen polygons and triangular irregular network (TIN). Samples were gathered from Sweden’s geological Surveys (SGU) for the elements that are regulated by Naturvårdsverkets guidelines which was why these ten elements were studied: arsenic, barium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, antimony, vanadium, and zinc. The interpolations were done with two thirds of the data. A validation was done with the remaining third by calculating root mean square error (RMSE). For the interpolation method with the lowest RMSE, the mean absolute square error (MAPE) was calculated for all the validation points to see how the calculated levels differed from the samples. The result showed that kriging and IDW were the most accurate interpolation methods for the data but that some of the studied elements need even greater sample density to become more correct. This can be solved by doing a cross-validation of the existing data. Furthermore, the interpolations were more accurate at the regional level for elements except antimony. The higher accuracy can be explained by the higher sample density at the regional level. At the national level the interpolations worked better in the north of Sweden than in the south which needs further studying. Overall, the interpolations were the least accurate when the levels of the elements were low, which may be the reason why antimony showed higher RMSE at the regional level. In conclusion the study showed that it is possible to use interpolations to predict values at unknown places with different accurateness.
1186 |
Soil erosion by water : Estimating soil loss and sediment yield in the southern half of Sweden by using the Revised Universal Soil Loss (RUSLE) modelMyr, Ella January 2021 (has links)
Soil erosion has been recognized as an increasing threat to the environment and humans worldwide as anthropogenic activities have accelerated the soil degradation rate. In Sweden, it is estimated that 15% of the arable land is affected by soil erosion, and studies have shown that fields in the south of Sweden lose a substantial amount of soil under certain weather conditions. However, few studies have investigated current soil erosion rates and sediment yield on a large scale, focusing on Sweden. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the annual soil erosion for all erodible surfaces in the southern half of Sweden and calculate the sediment load emitted into adjacent seas. I here applied the RUSLE model, which is the most widely used soil erosion model worldwide. The model required secondary data of precipitation, soil properties, LULC, and topography.The findings showed that most erodible surfaces in the study area eroded less than 0.5 t ha-1y-1. However, it varied considerably in both space and time. The catchments on the western part of the study area had, in general, a higher mean value than watersheds on the eastern coast. The total sediment load entering the Baltic Sea was 123500 t y-1, while Skagerrak and Kattegat's load was approximately 20% higher. Higher soil erodibility, rainfall erosivity, and steeper slope gradient in these regions could partly explain the spatial pattern. Large temporal variabilities in rainfall erosivity indicated that soil erosion and sediment transportation mainly occurred during the summer. However, previous research suggests that other erosive processes have a more significant impact on soil erosion than rainfall. Thus, the RUSLE may not predict the full extent of soil erosion occurring in the study area. Nevertheless, since there is no previous large-scale estimate of soil erosion in Sweden, it provides insights into the potential risks and extent of rainfall-induced erosion.
1187 |
Empirical relationships between water quality and catchment characteristics in southern QuebecDe Souza, Wendy P. January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
1188 |
Soil carbon relations in Swedish agriculture : A GIS analysis and literature review of soil characteristics at farm levelSchulze, Christiane January 2022 (has links)
Carbon storage in agricultural soils is an important measure to mitigate climate change. As the soil management techniques can greatly influence the amount of carbon stored in agricultural soils, the influence of different managements was analyzed in a literature review for northern Europe and Sweden. With a unique dataset, the temporal development of soil organic matter, and in a case study the influence of SOM on crop yield in Sweden was examined, as well as the relationship of SOM towards clay content and pH level. For northern Europe, organic amendments in form of manure and sewage sludge application and crop residue incorporation as well as nitrogen fertilization and diverse crop rotations indicate a positive impact on soil organic carbon. The influence of reduced tillage was found to be less impactful. Detailed development of SOM in Swedish agricultural fields remains unclear due to data restraints and scarcity, but for the Skåne region the data analysis suggests a stable SOM content for the time period analyzed. The relationship of SOM to crop yield remains unclear but indicates that SOM can have a positive effect on crop yield. More research is needed to understand underlying mechanisms of development, management influence and yield response on soil organic carbon for northern Europe.
1189 |
Elevation Changes in Greenland over Two Decades from Cross-Platform LIDAR AnalysisWheelock-Davis, Emily J. 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
1190 |
Biogéochimie des éléments traces dans les podzols : une étude comparative selon l’âge des forêtsCaron, Simone 01 1900 (has links)
Cette étude repose sur une analyse comparative des distributions d’éléments traces (ET) dans les podzols de deux forêts adjacentes qui se distinguent principalement par leur régime de perturbation. La forêt du site de l’Île a été protégée des perturbations majeures pendant plusieurs siècles, tandis que le site du Versant a subi un feu majeur il y a 100 ans. Bien qu’ils aient évolué à partir du même matériel parental et sous les mêmes conditions climatiques et topographiques, les sols de ces deux sites présentent des différences marquées au niveau de leur morphologie et de leurs propriétés chimiques. Notamment, le sol de l’Île, qui est dominée par des conifères, a un pH significativement plus faible dans l’entièreté du profil, un horizon B podzolique qui contient significativement plus d’oxydes de fer cristallin et des horizons organiques quatre fois plus épais en comparaison au sol du Versant, un peuplement de feuillus. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche était alors de démontrer comment les différentes conditions biogéochimiques affectent la rétention et la mobilisation des ET et plus spécifiquement, comment l’âge des forêts affecte le cycle des ET à travers son influence sur la pédogénèse. Dans chacun des deux sites, quatre pédons ont été creusés puis tous leurs horizons de sol ont été échantillonnés (total de 79 échantillons) afin de mesurer leurs concentrations extraites à l’acides et solubles dans l’eau en As, Cd, Cu, Pb, V et Zn.
Les différences majeures entre les deux sites se trouvaient surtout dans les horizons organiques, où les concentrations totales de tous les ET étaient significativement plus élevées sur le Versant. Un cyclage biologique accru sur le Versant, par la présence de feuillus, dont Betula alleghaniensis, explique en partie les concentrations élevées dans la couche d’humus, particulièrement pour le Cd, le Cu et le Zn, dont les concentrations étaient jusqu’à 5 fois plus élevées dans l’horizon F du Versant. Cependant, le pourcentage d’ET en solution était significativement plus élevé sur l’Île pour tous les ET, à l’exception de l’As. Le très faible pH de l’Île a contribué à la mobilisation de ces ET. La rétention de Cd et de Zn était plus sensible à la variation de pH que les autres ET. Une quantité significative de Zn a été lessivée en dehors du profil de la forêt non-perturbée, car le stock total du profil de sol en Zn (mg/m2 par cm d’épaisseur) y est 4.5 fois plus faible que sur le Versant. Cette étude soulève l’impact direct et indirect de la dynamique de la végétation sur la pédogénèse et sur le cycle des ET dans les podzols. / This study is based on a comparative analysis of the distribution of trace elements (ET) in the podzolic soils of two adjacent forested sites that distinguish themselves based on their disturbance regime. The Island site was sheltered from major disturbances for several centuries, whereas a stand-replacing wildfire burned the area 100 years ago on the Hillslope site. Even though the soils of both sites developed from the same parent material and under the same climatic and topographic conditions, they display major morphological and chemical differences. The Island is a coniferous stand that has a significantly lower soil pH through the entire profile, a podzolic B horizon that contains significantly more crystalline iron oxide and organic horizons that are four times thicker than at the Hillslope, a deciduous stand. The objective of this research is to demonstrate how different biogeochemical conditions affect the retention and mobilisation of TE and more specifically how stand age influences the cycling of TE in soils through its impact on pedogenesis. In each site, four soil profiles were dug and all their horizons were sampled (total of 79 samples) in order to measure their acid-extracted and water-soluble concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, V and Zn.
Major differences between the two sites are mainly found in organic horizons, where acid-extracted TE concentrations were significantly greater on the Hillslope. The enhanced biocycling caused by deciduous trees including Betula alleghaniensis contributed to the high concentrations in the humus layer of the Hillslope, especially of Cd, Cu and Zn, which were 5 times higher in the F horizon compared to the Island. Also, a higher percentage of TE was soluble on the Island for all TE, except for As. The solubilisation of TE was associated to the low soil pH of the older stand. Cd and Zn retention were more sensible to pH variation than other TE. A significant quantity of Zn was leached outside of the soil profile on the Island since the summed Zn content of the entire profile (mg Zn /m2 surface /cm thickness) was 4.5 times lower than on the Hillslope. This study highlights the direct and indirect impacts of vegetation on soil genesis and TE cycling in podzols.
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