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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation de l’effet des vagues de bateau sur les conditions hydrauliques près des berges en milieu fluvial

Péloquin-Guay, Mathilde 09 1900 (has links)
Les vagues de bateau ajoutent une pression supplémentaire sur les berges de rivières et doivent être considérées dans les modèles de prédiction des taux de recul des berges. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner le rôle des vagues de bateau sur l’écoulement et le transport en suspension le long des berges en milieu fluvial. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons un transect perpendiculaire à la berge de quatre courantomètres électromagnétiques (ECMs) mesurant deux dimensions de l’écoulement et deux turbidimètres (OBSs) placés dos à dos, orientés vers la berge et le large pour mesurer les conditions moyennes et turbulentes de l’écoulement longitudinal et vertical ainsi que les flux de sédiments en suspension provoqués par les vagues. Une chaloupe à moteur de 16 pieds, équipée d’un moteur 40 hp, a été utilisée afin de générer des vagues. Nous avons mesuré l’effet de trois distances à partir de la berge (5, 10, 15 m) et trois vitesses de bateau (5, 15 et 25 km/h) et cinq répliques de chaque combinaison de distance et de vitesse ont été réalisées, totalisant 45 passages. Nous avons caractérisé la variabilité des conditions d’écoulement, de vagues et de transport de sédiments et nous avons réalisé des analyses spectrales afin de séparer les portions oscillatoire et turbulente de l’écoulement généré par les vagues de bateau. L’effet de la distance et de la vitesse du bateau sur le transport de sédiments est non-linéaire et la réponse sédimentaire induite par les passages de bateau montre une variabilité importante entre les répliques et les deux sondes OBS, ce qui suggère un changement morphologique induit par les vagues de bateau. Les corrélations entre les variables d’écoulement et de transport montrent l’importance des relations entre le cisaillement et la puissance de la portion turbulente de l’écoulement avec le transport de sédiments. Cette étude a permis de quantifier les relations entre la dynamique des vagues et les flux de concentrations de sédiments en suspension, ce qui représente une contribution importante au développement de mesures de mitigation dans les environnements fluviaux où les berges sont fragilisées par le trafic plaisancier. / Boat induced waves generate additional stress on banks and should be included in bank erosion predictive models. The objective of this study is to investigate the role of boat generated waves on near bank flow in a fluvial environment. We used a longitudinal array of four bi-directional eletromagnetic current meters (ECMs) perpendicular to the bank and two optical backcattering sensors (OBSs) set back to back, one facing the river bank (inner looking) and the other towards the river (outer looking) to measure mean and turbulent properties of the horizontal and vertical flow velocities and suspended sediment fluxes generated by the waves. The waves were generated using a 16 ft long boat equipped with a 40hp motor. The effect of three different distances between the bank and sailing line (5, 10, 15 m) and of three different speeds of the vessel (5, 15 and 25 km/h) was evaluated. Five replicates of each combination of distance and speed were realized for a total of 45 passages. Variability of flows conditions, wave characteristics and turbidity properties were characterized and spectral analyses were performed to separate oscillatory and turbulent flow induced by boat generated waves. An important variability in suspended sediment response to the passages of boat wave is observed between replications and the effect of speed and distance of sailing line is nonlinear. It was often unbalanced between the inner and outer looking OBS suggesting that the bank changed its morphology. Cross-correlation between hydraulic and turbidity variables show the significance of the relation between shear stress and suspended sediment transport variables. This study provides quantitative relations between wave dynamics and plumes of suspended sediment that could help to develop mitigation measures in fluvial environments where vessel traffic represents a major issue for bank erosion and retreat.

Utilisation de systèmes d'information géographique pour l'évaluation des risques liés à la dégradation du pergélisol. Étude de cas : Tasiujaq, Nunavik, Québec

Grandmont, Katerine 08 1900 (has links)
Les régions nordiques à pergélisol seront largement affectées par l'augmentation prévue des températures. Un nombre croissant d’infrastructures qui étaient autrefois construites avec confiance sur des sols gelés en permanence commencent déjà à montrer des signes de détérioration. Les processus engendrés par la dégradation du pergélisol peuvent causer des dommages importants aux infrastructures et entrainer des coûts élevés de réparation. En conséquence, le contexte climatique actuel commande que la planification des projets dans les régions nordiques s’effectue en tenant compte des impacts potentiels de la dégradation du pergélisol. Ce mémoire porte sur l’utilisation de systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) appliqués à l’évaluation du potentiel d’aménagement des territoires situés en milieu de pergélisol. En utilisant une approche SIG, l’objectif est d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant de produire des cartes d'évaluation des risques afin d’aider les collectivités nordiques à mieux planifier leur environnement bâti. Une analyse multi-échelle du paysage est nécessaire et doit inclure l'étude des dépôts de surface, la topographie, ainsi que les conditions du pergélisol, la végétation et les conditions de drainage. La complexité de l'ensemble des interactions qui façonnent le paysage est telle qu'il est pratiquement impossible de rendre compte de chacun d'eux ou de prévoir avec certitude la réponse du système suite à des perturbations. Ce mémoire présente aussi certaines limites liées à l’utilisation des SIG dans ce contexte spécifique et explore une méthode innovatrice permettant de quantifier l'incertitude dans les cartes d'évaluation des risques. / Northern regions underlain by permafrost will largely be affected by the projected increase in air temperature. A growing number of structures that were once built with great confidence on perennially frozen soils are already starting to show signs of deterioration. Processes caused by permafrost degradation can cause significant damages to infrastructure and require high costs of repair. The current climatic context therefore commands that the implementation of projects in permafrost regions follows a well-thought planning in order to account for the potential impacts of permafrost degradation. This thesis focuses on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) applied to the identification of the development potential of communities located in permafrost regions. Using a GIS approach, the goal is to develop a methodology to produce risk-assessment maps to help northern communities better plan their built environment. A multi-scale analysis of the landscape is necessary and should include the investigation of surficial deposits, topography, as well as permafrost, vegetation and drainage conditions. The complexity of all the interactions that shape the landscape is such that it is virtually impossible to account for all of them or to predict with certainty the response of the system following disturbances. This research also presents some of the limitations to the use of GIS in this specific context and explores an innovative method for quantifying uncertainty in risk-assessment maps.

Le processus de thermo-érosion du pergélisol dans la zone de pergélisol continu

Godin, Etienne 02 1900 (has links)
Les polygones à coin de glace sont très répandus dans la zone du pergélisol continu. Lorsque le ruissellement d’eau de fonte nivale s’infiltre de façon concentrée dans une cavité, il peut initier le processus de thermo-érosion du pergélisol (notamment des coins de glace) pouvant mener à la formation de ravins. Dans la vallée de Qalikturvik sur l’Ile Bylot (NU, Canada), le développement de ravins de thermo-érosion dans un milieu de polygones à coins de glace entraîne comme impact : i. la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage impliquant un assèchement des milieux humides en marge des chenaux d’érosion, ii. des variations dans le régime thermique et de l’humidité de proche-surface et iii. la prise en charge et le déplacement des sédiments vers l’extérieur du bassin-versant. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à approfondir les connaissances géomorphologiques propres au ravinement par thermo-érosion, d’examiner, caractériser et quantifier les impacts du ravinement (tel que sus-mentionné en i. ii. iii.) et le rôle de celui-ci dans une optique d’évolution du paysage périglaciaire à l’échelle temporelle de l’année à la décennie. Les ravins sont dynamiques : un ravin en particulier déclenché en 1999 et étudié depuis s’érodait à une vitesse de 38 à 50 m/a durant sa première décennie d’existence, pour atteindre une longueur totale de ~750 m et une surface érodée de ~25 000 m² en 2009. Des puits sont localisés près des zones de ravinement actives ; des levées alluviale, mares et polygones effondrés dans les zones stabilisées post-perturbation. Sur la terrasse de polygones recouvrant le plancher de la vallée au site à l’étude, 35 ravins furent identifiés et 1401 polygones furent perturbés avec 200 000 m³ de sols transportés. Une amélioration du drainage, une dégradation de la capacité de rétention de l’humidité, une transition d’un écoulement de ruissellement vers un écoulement canalisé caractérise les aires ravinées et leurs environs. Les polygones intacts sont homogènes d’un à l’autre et dans leurs centres ; les polygones perturbés ont une réponse hétérogène (flore, humidité et régime thermique). Les milieux érodés hétérogènes succèdent aux milieux homogènes et deviennent le nouvel état d’équilibre pour plusieurs décennies. / Ice wedges polygons are very common features characterizing continuous permafrost environments. When concentrated snowmelt runoff recurrently flows into opened frost cracks in ice wedges (or nearby depressions), thermo-erosion of permafrost leading to gullies can occur. In the valley of Qalikturvik on Bylot Island (NU, Canada), rapid development of gullies due to thermo-erosion processes in wet polygons exert the following: i. forced rerouting of drainage networks, changing moisture input in wetlands adjacent to a gullied channel; ii. variation in near-surface thermal regime and moisture; iii. erosion and displacement of thawed soils outside the watershed. The objectives of this thesis are to quantify and widen the understanding of the thermo-erosion gullying geomorphology, the related impacts (as aforementioned in i. ii. iii.) and the role of such erosion in the context of the periglacial landscape evolution on a short to medium timescale. In this study, gullies are active and dynamic: one gully triggered in 1999 (and monitored since then) elongated at a rate varying between 38 and 50 m/y during the first decade following its initiation. Its total length at the end of that decade (1999-2009) was ~750 m for an eroded surface of ~25 000 m². Sinkholes were exclusive to the active zone of a gully where alluvial levees and collapsed polygons were common in the stable zone. Thirty-five gullies were identified over the polygon terrace featuring the valley floor. 1401 polygons were consequently breached due to thermo-erosion resulting in 200 000 m³ of displaced soils and thawed permafrost. Gullied areas were characterized by improved drainage conditions, a reduced capacity to retain moisture and a transition from dominantly surface runoff toward channelized flow. Intact wet polygons were homogeneous between each other and in their center; disturbed polygons were heterogeneous (for moisture, thermal regime and vegetation) following a breach of at least one side. Wetland polygons, when disturbed due to gullying, evolve toward an heterogeneous landscape which will become the new equilibrium for that terrain for decades to come.

Building a coherent hydro-climatic modelling framework for the data limited Kilombero Valley of Tanzania

Koutsouris, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores key aspects for synthesizing data across spatiotemporal scales relevant for water resources management in an Eastern Africa context. Specifically, the potential of large scale global precipitation datasets (GPDs) in data limited regions to overcome spatial and temporal data gaps is considered. The thesis also explores the potential to utilize limited and non-continuous streamflow and stream water chemistry observations to increase hydrological process understanding. The information gained is then used to build a coherent hydro-climatic framework for streamflow modelling. In this thesis, Kilombero Valley Drainage Basin (KVDB) in Tanzania is used as an example of a data limited region targeted for rapid development, intensification and expansion of agriculture. As such, it is representative for many regions across the Eastern Africa. With regards to the data synthesis, two satellite products, three reanalysis products and three interpolated products were evaluated based on their spatial and temporal precipitation patterns. Streamflow data from KVDB and eight subcatchments were then assessed for quality with regards to missing data. Furthermore, recession analysis was used to estimate catchment-scale characteristic drainage timescale. Results from these streamflow analyses, in conjunction with a hydrological tracer-based analysis, were then used for improved understanding of streamflow generation in the region. Finally, a coherent modelling framework using the HBV rainfall-runoff model was implemented and evaluated based on daily streamflow simulation. Despite the challenges of data limited regions and the often large uncertainty in results, this thesis demonstrates that improved process understanding could be obtained from limited streamflow records and a focused hydrochemical sampling when experimental design natural variability were leveraged to gain a large  signal to noise ratio. Combining results across all investigations rendered information useful for the conceptualization and implementation of the hydro-climatic modelling framework relevant in Kilombero Valley. For example, when synthesized into a coherent framework the GPDs could be downscaled and used for daily streamflow simulations at the catchment scale with moderate success. This is promising when considering the need for estimating impacts of potential future land use and climate change as well as agricultural intensification. / Denna avhandling utforskar aspekter på att syntetisera data med olika rumslig och temporal upplösning, vilket är centralt för vattenförvaltning i östra Afrika. Särskilt fokus ligger på att undersöka möjligheten till att använda globala nederbördsdataset för att fylla rumsliga och temporala luckor där data saknas. Avhandlingen undersökeräven möjligheten till att använda flödesdata med icke-kompletta tidsserier samt kemidata från vattendrag för att utöka kunskap-en om hydrologiska processer. Informationen används för att bygga upp ett integrerande ram-verk för hydro-klimatologisk modellering som exempelvis kan användas för att utforska ef-fekten av ett utökat och intensifierat jordburk på vattenresurser. I denna avhandling användes Kilomberodalens avrinningsområde (Tanzania) som exempel på ett databegränsat område där det pågår en intensiv utökning av jordbruksverksamhet. Detta område kan ses som representa-tivt för ett stort antal områden inom östra Afrika.Datasyntesen innefattade två nederbördsprodukter baserade på satellitdata, tre baserade på återanalysprodukter samt två baserade på interpolering av observervationsdata från regnmä-tare. Dessa åtta produkter utvärderades baserat på deras nederbördsmönster i rum och tid. Ut-över detta utvärderades vattenföringsdata från Kilomberodalens avrinningsområde samt åtta delavrinningsområden utifrån mängden saknad data i respektive tidsserie. Vidare användes resultaten från hydrologisk recessionsanalysför att uppskatta den karaktäristiska avrinningsti-den för avrinningsområden. Resultaten från recessionsanalysensamthydrologiskt spårämnes-försök användessedan för att utöka kunskapen om avrinningsbildning och vattenföring i om-rådet samt som stöd i valet av hydrologiskt modelleringsverktyg. Avslutningsvis användes HBV-avrinningsmodellen för att simulera daglig vattenföring. Trots utmaningen i att arbeta iett databegränsat område och de osäkerheter i resultat som detta tenderar att leda till visar resultaten att det var möjligt att använda begränsad vattenfö-ringsdata och vattenkemidata för att utöka den hydrologiska processförståelsen av området. Detta möjliggjordes genom ett experimentellt upplägg som utnyttjade till ett stort signal-till-brusförhållande under rådande förhållanden av naturlig variabilitet. Kombinerade resultat från alla genomförda studier kunde utnyttjas vid konceptualiseringen och implementeringen av ramverket för hydroklimatologisk modellering av Kilomberodalens avrinningsområde. Till exempel kunde de globala nederbördsdataseten användas för lokal modellering av flödesdata med viss framgång efter syntes och implementering i det integrerande ramverket för hydro-klimatologisk modellering. Detta är lovande med tanke på behovet av att undersöka vilken påverkan möjliga framtida förändringar i markanvändning, klimat samt jordbruk har på den lokala och regionala miljön. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Evidence for birch forests and a highly productive environment near the margin of the Fennoscandian ice sheet in the Värriötunturit area, northeastern Finland

Bogren, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
High-resolution records of early Holocene deposits are rare, and as a consequence reconstruction of terrestrial environments very soon after the deglaciation has often been difficult. In this study the palaeoenvironmental conditions of early Holocene (c. 10600-7500 cal. yr BP) are reconstructed in the Värriötunturit area of northeastern Finland, using evidence from plant macrofossils and pollen preserved in a lake sediment sequence retrieved from the small lake Kuutsjärvi. Special emphasis is put on the environment immediately following the deglaciation as the base of the sediment sequence is rich in minerogenic material interpreted to have been deposited by meltwater pulses from the retreating ice sheet. The abundance and variety of fossil remains in these early meltwater deposits provide evidence for a very productive ice-marginal environment in the area between the lake and the ice sheet, and the presence of tree-type Betula macro remains as well as high percentage values of tree-type Betula pollen suggests that a subarctic birch forest established just a few years after the deglaciation. In the following centuries the birch forest around the lake became rich in an under growth of ferns, and at c. 9400 cal. yr BP a transition into a mixed pine and birch forest took place. Due to absence of indicator plant taxa in the sediment it was not possible to reconstruct temperature conditions for any parts of the sequence in this study. However, the rapid colonisation of birch forests suggests that the climate was warm already during deglaciation, which is also in accordance with climatic conditions reconstructed for the early Holocene in the nearby Sokli area just 10 km away, as well as in other parts of Fennoscandia and Russia.

Análise das tragédias de Janeiro de 2011, no bairro jardim Zaíra, município de Mauá/SP : uma análise episódica /

Conceição, Rodrigo Pucci da. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Iára Regina Nocentini André / Banca: Nelson Jesuz Ferreira / Banca: José Gilberto de Souza / Resumo: O desencadeamento de deslizamentos ocorre por influência de diversos fatores, tanto naturais, quanto socioeconômicos. Tal processo ocorre naturalmente na formação e evolução das vertentes, porém os fatores antrópicos, muitas vezes, aceleram esta dinâmica. As transformações realizadas através da urbanização desarmonizam todo o sistema natural, extinguindo a sintonia até então existente. Os próprios conflitos sociais corroboram a proliferação de áreas de risco, sendo o segregacionismo socioeconômico um importante elemento em estudos relacionados a estes sinistros. Após as alterações supracitadas, e as diferenças intersociais difundidas em determinado espaço, quando da ocorrência de eventos extremos de precipitação, cria-se o cenário perfeito para a deflagração de deslizamentos gerando perdas. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma análise das questões imbricadas na vulnerabilidade existente no bairro Jardim Zaíra, Município de Mauá/SP, e os fenômenos atmosféricos atuantes na deflagração dos deslizamentos ocorridos no mês de janeiro de 2011. A intenção e a expectativa para este estudo é auxiliar nos trabalhos preventivos junto ao bairro, e reforçar algumas medidas já identificadas que necessitam de urgência em sua resolução. Espera-se que através de trabalhos conjuntos, possam-se resolver, ao menos parcialmente, os problemas encontrados no Jardim Zaíra / Abstract: The triggering of landslides is influenced by many factors, both natural, as socioeconomic. This process occurs naturally in the formation and evolution of the slopes, but the human factors often accelerate this momentum. The transformations performed by urbanization disharmonize entire natural system, extinguishing the previously existing line. Own social conflicts corroborate the proliferation of risk areas, and socioeconomic segregation an important element in studies related to these claims. After the above changes, and intersocial widespread differences in given space, upon the occurrence of extreme precipitation events, it creates the perfect setting for the outbreak of landslides generating losses. This work was carried out an analysis of the issues intertwined in existing vulnerability in Jardim Zaíra, City of Mauá/SP, and active atmospheric phenomena in the initiation of landslides in January 2011. The intention and expectation for this study is to assist in preventive work with the neighborhood and enhance some measures already identified that require urgency in his resolution. It is hoped that through joint work, we can-solve, at least partially, the problems encountered in the Jardim Zaíra / Mestre

Geografi i elevernas värld : En kvalitativ studie om högstadieelevers uppfattning om geografiämnet

Myllyniemi, Tina January 2019 (has links)
En förståelse för elevernas uppfattning av ett innehåll är essentiellt i en didaktisk kontext. Denna studie undersöker relationen mellan elev och innehåll i den didaktiska triangeln, med utgångspunkten hur högstadieelever uppfattar och förhåller sig till geografiämnet. Studien ställer elevernas uppfattning om ämnet i relation till ämnets typologier och selektiva traditioner samt lärares perspektiv på elevers uppfattning om ämnet. Utgångspunkten är en svensk skolkontext. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har kvalitativa semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med elever i årskurs åtta, individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med högstadielärare i SO (samhällsorienterade ämnen) och en enkätundersökning för högstadieelever genomförts. Den bearbetade och analyserade empirin visar att eleverna både har en ensidig och mångsidig uppfattning om geografiämnet. Den redogör även för hur aktualitetsbaserade aspekter av ämnet i media, såsom miljöfrågor, både kan färga elevernas uppfattning och medvetandegöra en mer omfattande uppfattning om ämnet hos eleverna. Slutligen har studien uppmärksammat hur språkkunskaper och -färdigheter kan influera elevers förutsättningar till en bredare uppfattning om ämnet. Studien argumenterar för att en förförståelse kring elevers uppfattning om geografiämnet skapar möjligheter att erbjuda eleverna en adekvat undervisning som optimerar elevernas meningsskapandeprocesser om ämnet.


Feng Yu (5930453) 17 January 2019 (has links)
Topographic depressions are naturally occurring low land areas surrounded by areas of high elevations, also known as “pits” or “sinks”, on terrain surfaces. Traditional watershed modeling often neglects the potential effects of depressions by implementing removal (mostly filling) procedures on the digital elevation model (DEM) prior to the simulation of physical processes. The assumption is that all the depressions are either spurious in the DEM or of negligible importance for modeling results. However, studies suggested that naturally occurring depressions can change runoff response and connectivity in a watershed based on storage conditions and their spatial arrangement, e.g., shift active contributing areas and soil moisture distributions, and timing and magnitude of flow discharge at the watershed outlet. In addition, recent advances in remote sensing techniques, such as LiDAR, allow us to examine this modeling assumption because naturally occurring depressions can be represented using high-resolution DEM. This dissertation provides insights on the effects of depressions on overland flow processes at multiple spatial scales, from internal depression areas to the watershed scale, based on hydrologic connectivity metrics. Connectivity describes flow pathway connectedness and is assessed using geostatistical measures of heterogeneity in overland flow patterns, i.e., connectivity function and integral connectivity scale lengths. A new algorithm is introduced here to upscale connectivity metrics to large gridded patterns (i.e., with > 1,000,000 cells) using GPU-accelerated computing. This new algorithm is sensitive to changes of connectivity directions and magnitudes in spatial patterns and is robust for large DEM grids with depressions. Implementation of the connectivity metrics to overland flow patterns generated from original and depression filled DEMs for a study watershed indicates that depressions typically decrease overland flow connectivity. A series of macro connectivity stages based on spatial distances are identified, which represent changes in the interaction mechanisms between overland flow and depressions, i.e., the relative dominance of fill and spill, and the relative speed of fill and formation of connected pathways. In addition, to study the role of spatial resolutions on such interaction mechanisms at watershed scale, two revised functional connectivity metrics are also introduced, based on depressions that are hydraulically connected to the watershed outlet and runoff response to rainfall. These two functional connectivity metrics are sensitive to connectivity changes in overland flow patterns because of depression removal (filling) for DEMs at different grid resolutions. Results show that these two metrics indicate the spatial and statistical characteristics of depressions and their implications on overland flow connectivity, and may also relate to storage and infiltration conditions. In addition, grid resolutions have a more significant impact on overland flow connectivity than depression removal (filling).

Stabilisation du paysage périglaciaire suite à un épisode de ravinement par thermo-érosion : implication pour la structure et la stabilité thermique du pergélisol de surface

Veillette, Audrey 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamiques hydrologiques d’un petit bassin versant arctique, rivière Niaqunguk, Iqaluit, Nunavut

Chiasson-Poirier, Gabriel 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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