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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Aranda Domingo, José Ángel 20 March 2014 (has links)
El análisis sistemático del riesgo de inundación es cada vez más una necesidad y una exigencia en las legislaciones de los países desarrollados. Desde 2006 lo es para todos los países de la Unión Europea. Los procedimientos para ello, se basan en el análisis hidráulico para el caudal máximo correspondiente a un período de retorno dado. La obtención de este caudal de pico está claramente establecida para cuencas no reguladas. Sin embargo, si existe un embalse aguas arriba y, sobre todo, si dicho embalse tiene una capacidad significativa, el riesgo se ve ampliamente modificado. En efecto, un embalse modifica de diversos modos el riesgo de crecida. En primer lugar, el riesgo se modifica a través del embalse vacío en el momento de iniciarse el evento. Este volumen es, en sí mismo, una variable aleatoria y puede ser muy grande, como sucede en los hiperembalses o en embalses dedicados al regadío que suelen estar muy vacíos al inicio de la temporada de lluvias. Por otro lado, las características hidráulicas del aliviadero, la geometría del vaso por encima del labio de vertido y la existencia o no de compuertas y su estrategia de gestión, modifican el caudal de pico a través de la laminación producida sobre el hidrograma. Para analizar el efecto que produce un embalse es imprescindible no sólo conocer las características estadísticas del control de pico, sino también otros atributos del hidrograma y, sobre todo, su volumen. Caudal de pico y volumen de crecida son sin embargo dos variables aleatorias que poseen una función de distribución conjunta bivariada. En este trabajo se presenta una metodología para el análisis del riesgo aguas abajo de una presa, y del propio riesgo de sobrevertido de dicha obra hidráulica. Es por ello que se debe encontrar una metodología multivariada. Hasta la fecha los distintos intentos de tratar esta problemática se han estrellado porque las funciones de distribución bi-trivariadas son muy complejas de abordar matemáticamente, por lo que se deben realizar una serie simplificaciones que a veces son difícilmente justiciables. Por todo lo anterior se pretende usar en esta tesis, el uso de cópulas matemáticas, que a pesar de su dificultar alivian la problemática anterior sin tener que recurrir a tales simplificaciones. / Aranda Domingo, JÁ. (2014). ESTIMACIÓN DE LA PROBABILIDAD DE SOBREVERTIDO Y CAUDALES MÁXIMOS AGUAS ABAJO DE PRESAS DE EMBALSE. EFECTO DEL GRADO DE LLENADO INICIAL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36537


SERGIO XAVIER GOMES DE ARAUJO 13 January 2006 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho pretende lançar uma luz sobre o início dos tempos modernos abordando a riqueza das experiências de subjetividade na cultura renascentista. Suas complexidades são tematizadas no exame das complicadas relações entre o ideário humanista e o movimento das reformas religiosas, e suas respectivas evoluções. Destaca-se primeiro, nos primórdios da Renascença, um impulso pela interiorização do sentimento religioso, que aliado ao resgate dos valores da Antiguidade, se faz cerne do anseio por um cristianismo renovado, centrado na valorização do homem e do mundo, do poder do espírito em alcançar a salvação, sem a intermediação das instituições da Igreja. O movimento das reformas religiosas, fundado no anseio renovador humanista de homens como Nicolau de Cusa, Pico Della Mirandola e Erasmo de Rotterdã, não tardará entretanto em se apartar dele a partir de Lutero, numa religiosidade que condena o espírito humano e sua experiência mundana. O exame da discussão sobre o livre arbítrio entre Erasmo e Lutero nos mostra o embate entre duas concepções distintas sobre o homem, que surtirão conseqüências, não raro, inesperadas sobre a formação do mundo moderno. / [en] The study wants to iluminate the begining of modern times treating the richness of the subjectivity experiences in Renaissance culture. The complexities of that should be look in the analysis of the complicated relations between the humanistic ideals and the religious reformations movements and his respective evolutions. First, in the relief, emerges in primeval Renaissance, a impulse for interiozation of religious sentiment, which, in alliance with the rescue of the values of the Antiquity, makes itself in the roots of a new cristianity, centralize in the valorization of man and the world, in the power of the spirity in reaching the salvation, without the intermediation of institutions of the Church. The religious reformations movements, first in the roots of the humanistic renovator impulse of men like Nicholas de Cusa, Pico Della Mirandola and Erasmo de Rotterdã, should be, in a second time, aparted of him, since Lutero and his religious sentiment which condemn the human spirity and his mundane experience. The analyses of the discussion about the free arbitre between Erasmo and Lutero shows to us the confrontation of two diferent conceptions of man, which have their impact, many times imprevisible, in the formation of modern times.

Contribution à l'analyse et l'évaluation des requêtes expertes : cas du domaine médical / Contribution to the analyze and evaluation of clinical queries : medical domain

Znaidi, Eya 30 June 2016 (has links)
La recherche d'information nécessite la mise en place de stratégies qui consistent à (1) cerner le besoin d'information ; (2) formuler le besoin d'information ; (3) repérer les sources pertinentes ; (4) identifier les outils à exploiter en fonction de ces sources ; (5) interroger les outils ; et (6) évaluer la qualité des résultats. Ce domaine n'a cessé d'évoluer pour présenter des techniques et des approches permettant de sélectionner à partir d'un corpus de documents l'information pertinente capable de satisfaire le besoin exprimé par l'utilisateur. De plus, dans le contexte applicatif du domaine de la RI biomédicale, les sources d'information hétérogènes sont en constante évolution, aussi bien du point de vue de la structure que du contenu. De même, les besoins en information peuvent être exprimés par des utilisateurs qui se caractérisent par différents profils, à savoir : les experts médicaux comme les praticiens, les cliniciens et les professionnels de santé, les utilisateurs néophytes (sans aucune expertise ou connaissance du domaine) comme les patients et leurs familles, etc. Plusieurs défis sont liés à la tâche de la RI biomédicale, à savoir : (1) la variation et la diversité du besoin en information, (2) différents types de connaissances médicales, (3) différences de compé- tences linguistiques entre experts et néophytes, (4) la quantité importante de la littérature médicale ; et (5) la nature de la tâche de RI médicale. Cela implique une difficulté d'accéder à l'information pertinente spécifique au contexte de la recherche, spécialement pour les experts du domaine qui les aideraient dans leur prise de décision médicale. Nos travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans le domaine de la RI biomédicale et traitent les défis de la formulation du besoin en information experte et l'identification des sources pertinentes pour mieux répondre aux besoins cliniques. Concernant le volet de la formulation et l'analyse de requêtes expertes, nous proposons des analyses exploratoires sur des attributs de requêtes, que nous avons définis, formalisés et calculés, à savoir : (1) deux attributs de longueur en nombre de termes et en nombre de concepts, (2) deux facettes de spécificité terme-document et hiérarchique, (3) clarté de la requête basée sur la pertinence et celle basée sur le sujet de la requête. Nous avons proposé des études et analyses statistiques sur des collections issues de différentes campagnes d'évaluation médicales CLEF et TREC, afin de prendre en compte les différentes tâches de RI. Après les analyses descriptives, nous avons étudié d'une part, les corrélations par paires d'attributs de requêtes et les analyses de corrélation multidimensionnelle. Nous avons étudié l'impact de ces corrélations sur les performances de recherche d'autre part. Nous avons pu ainsi comparer et caractériser les différentes requêtes selon la tâche médicale d'une manière plus généralisable. Concernant le volet lié à l'accès à l'information, nous proposons des techniques d'appariement et d'expansion sémantiques de requêtes dans le cadre de la RI basée sur les preuves cliniques. / The research topic of this document deals with a particular setting of medical information retrieval (IR), referred to as expert based information retrieval. We were interested in information needs expressed by medical domain experts like praticians, physicians, etc. It is well known in information retrieval (IR) area that expressing queries that accurately reflect the information needs is a difficult task either in general domains or specialized ones and even for expert users. Thus, the identification of the users' intention hidden behind queries that they submit to a search engine is a challenging issue. Moreover, the increasing amount of health information available from various sources such as government agencies, non-profit and for-profit organizations, internet portals etc. presents oppor- tunities and issues to improve health care information delivery for medical professionals, patients and general public. One critical issue is the understanding of users search strategies and tactics for bridging the gap between their intention and the delivered information. In this thesis, we focus, more particularly, on two main aspects of medical information needs dealing with the expertise which consist of two parts, namely : - Understanding the users intents behind the queries is critically important to gain a better insight of how to select relevant results. While many studies investigated how users in general carry out exploratory health searches in digital environments, a few focused on how are the queries formulated, specifically by domain expert users. We address more specifically domain expert health search through the analysis of query attributes namely length, specificity and clarity using appropriate proposed measures built according to different sources of evidence. In this respect, we undertake an in-depth statistical analysis of queries issued from IR evalua- tion compaigns namely Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) and Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) devoted for different medical tasks within controlled evaluation settings. - We address the issue of answering PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome) clinical queries formulated within the Evidence Based Medicine framework. The contributions of this part include (1) a new algorithm for query elicitation based on the semantic mapping of each facet of the query to a reference terminology, and (2) a new document ranking model based on a prioritized aggregation operator. we tackle the issue related to the retrieval of the best evidence that fits with a PICO question, which is an underexplored research area. We propose a new document ranking algorithm that relies on semantic based query expansion leveraged by each question facet. The expansion is moreover bounded by the local search context to better discard irrelevant documents. The experimental evaluation carried out on the CLIREC dataset shows the benefit of our approaches.

"Potência aeróbia de crianças e jovens" / AEROBIC POWER IN CHILDREN AND YOUTHS

Colantonio, Emilson 18 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi analisar o comportamento dos valores do pico de consumo de oxigênio (VO2pico) e de lactato, em grupos de crianças e jovens não praticantes de natação e atletas de natação no período etário de sete a 17 anos de idade; e ainda, a) investigar as possíveis diferenças entre os valores de VO2pico dos grupos durante o período etário citado em relação ao gênero e ao treinamento sistemático, b) analisar a influência da massa corporal total na variação do VO2pico em função da idade, gênero e treinamento para o período etário citado, c) analisar a influência da massa corporal total na variação do VO2pico tendo como fator interveniente à gordura corporal, d) analisar as concentrações de lactato no sangue após esforço gradualmente crescente até a exaustão para o período etário citado. O delineamento utilizado foi transversal e contou com uma amostra de 145 crianças e jovens de sete a 17 anos de idade, com no mínimo três sujeitos de cada idade e gênero que foram subdivididos em dois grupos – controle (escolares) e experimental (nadadores).Cada grupo foi subdividido em três grupos etários (sete a 10, 11 a 14 e 15 a 17 anos) perfazendo 12 subgrupos (seis no feminino e seis no masculino). Após aprovação de Comissão de Ética Institucional e assinatura do termo de consentimento informado os voluntários realizaram uma anamnese para avaliar o histórico de saúde. Em laboratório, foram realizadas medidas antropométricas, eletrocardiograma de repouso e teste funcional em esteira para a avaliação da aptidão cardiorespiratória – VO2pico. Os resultados foram apresentados de forma descritia e inferencial como análise descritiva, diagramas box-plot, ANOVA e ANCOVA. O programa estatístico usado foi o SPSS versão 11.0. O nível de significância adotado foi 0,05. Os valores médios de VO2picoabs, VO2picorelcor e VO2picorelcor ajustado entre crianças e jovens de diferentes faixas etárias de escolares e nadadores em ambos os gêneros não são equivalentes, com exceção das meninas da faixa etária de sete a 10 anos. O delta de lactato (repouso e pós exercício) é dependente do gênero, faixa etária e grupo de treinamento. Os valores de VO2pico em escolares e nadadores sofrem influência da idade e do gênero. Os valores de VO2pico das crianças e jovens de sete a 17 anos de idade escolares e nadadores para diferentes faixas etárias sofrem influência da massa corporal total, em especial da somatória de dobras cutâneas periféricas, tendo como fator interveniente a gordura corporal. As variáveis de delta de lactato e somatória de dobras cutâneas consideradas como covariáveis levaram ao estabelecimento do modelo para VO2picorelcor (ml.kg-1.min-1) e VO2picorelcor ajustado (ml.kg-0,67.min-1) com R2 elevados, mas maiores no último caso. / The general aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of the peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) values and lactate, in children and youths groups no swimming practitioner and swimming athletes from seven to 17 years age group; and even, a) to investigate the possible differences among VO2peak values of groups during this age group related to gender and systematic training, b) to analyze the influence of total body mass in VO2peak variation related to the age, gender and training for this age group, c) to analyze the influence of total body mass in VO2peak variation having as interventional factor the body fat, d) to analyze the blood lactate concentrations after growing gradually effort until exhaustion for this age group. The cross-sectional experimental design had a sample with 145 children and youths from seven to 17 years old, with three subjects at least of each age and gender subdivided in two groups – control (pupils) and experimental (swimmers). Every group was subdivided in three age groups (7-10, 11-14 and 15-17 years) making 12 sub-groups (6 female and 6 male). After approved Institutional Ethical Boarding and Informed Consent signed, the volunteers were submitted the anamnesis for participation health screening. In the lab, were performed anthropometrical measurements, rest electrocardiogram and functional test on a treadmill to asses the cardiorespiratory fitness – VO2peak. The results were presented on a descriptive and inferential way like descriptive analyses, diagrams box-plot, ANOVA e ANCOVA. The statistic program used was the SPSS version 11.0. The significance level adopted was 0,05. The VO2peakabs, VO2peakrelcor e VO2peakrelcor adjusted means values between children and youths of different age groups pupils and swimmers in both genders are not equivalent, with exception on the girls from seven to 10 years old age group. The lactate delta (rest and after exercise) is dependent of the gender, age group and training group. The VO2peak means values in pupils and swimmers suffer influence of the age and the gender. The VO2peak values of the children and youths from seven to 17 years old pupils and swimmers for different age groups suffer influence of the total body mass, in special of the peripheral skinfolds sum, having as interventional factor the body fat. The variables lactate delta and skinfolds sum here considered like covariate leaded to the establishment of the model for VO2peakrelcor (ml.kg-1.min-1) and VO2peakrelcor adjusted (ml.kg-0,67.min-1) with higher R2, but greater in the last case.

The Adaptability of Langmuir Probes to the Pico-Satellite Regime

Auman, Andrew Jay 01 December 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether it is feasible to use Langmuir probes on pico-satellites flying in low Earth orbit over mid- to low-latitude geographic regions. Following chapters on the expected ionospheric conditions and an overview of Langmuir probe theory, a chapter addressing the difficulties involved with pico-satellite Langmuir probes is presented. Also, the necessary satellite-to-probe surface area requirements in order to achieve confidence in pico-satellite Langmuir probe data, for the orbital regions of interest to this thesis, are stated.

¿Es el pico flujo ambulatorio representativo de la función respiratoria y equivalente a la espirometría por software?

Vilela, Pablo José María January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Las diferentes técnicas de exploración de la función pulmonar aportan información, a menudo esencial, para el diagnóstico y evaluación del grado de disfunción pulmonar. Existe un conjunto de pruebas básicas que se emplean de forma convencional en la clínica para establecer el perfil de la función pulmonar en el paciente objeto de estudio. Entre ellas se encuentra la espirometría forzada con prueba broncodilatadora. Un método rápido, económico y de fácil realización para evaluar a un enfermo con alteraciones respiratorias, es la realización del pico flujo con un neumotacómetro (Pick-Flow). El mismo mide el volumen espirado durante el primer segundo de la maniobra. Este método que es rápido, de bajo costo y fácil de transportar en cualquier maletín médico, es una prueba básica que debe estar al alcance del médico general para la valoración correcta del paciente.

3D Reconstruction and Modelling of the Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas (Southern Pyrenees, Spain). Structural Evolution of the Pico del Águila anticline

Vidal Royo, Oskar 23 June 2010 (has links)
This Thesis reports on the integration of different modelling techniques to construct a unified and better constrained conceptual model of structural evolution of the Pico del Águila anticline (External Sierras, Southern Pyrenees, Spain). The structure is a well-known example of detachment fold, which exhibits a N-S structural trend, parallel to the direction of tectonic transport in the Southern Pyrenees. Based on field observations of an unevenly distributed Triassic décollement, analogue modelling show how to generate orogen-perpendicular structures which may result in transverse anticlines. Numerical models investigate the effect of a complex mechanical stratigraphy, characterized by an interlayering of competent and incompetent layers, plus syn-kinematic sedimentation in the fold growth. Based on field data and seismic interpretations, a 3D reconstruction and sequential geomechanical restoration of the Pico del Águila anticline reports the coexistence of multiple folding mechanisms occurring simultaneously in different units and structural domains of the fold, leading to a complex strain pattern that can not be assessed by simplistic kinematic 2D approaches. By integrating the presented models with the previous data in the region, we discuss about the benefits and drawbacks of each modelling technique and present an integrated model of structural evolution for the Pico del Águila anticline. This brings a better comprehension of the structure as well as the processes that drove the evolution of the N-S detachment anticlines in the External Sierras of the Southern Pyrenees. / L’anticlinal del Pico del Águila és un conegut exemple de plec de desenganxament amb sedimentació marina a fluvio-deltaica associada, amb una tendència estructural N-S, paral•lela a la direcció de transport tectònic dels Pirineus Meridionals. Basat en observacions de camp que indiquen una distribució heterogènia del nivell de desenganxament Triàsic, els models analògics mostren el procés de generació d’estructures perpendiculars al sistema orogènic que poden donar lloc als anticlinals N-S descrits a les Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas. Els models numèrics investiguen l’efecte d’una estratigrafia mecànica complexa, caracteritzada per una intercalació d’unitats competents i incomptetents (amb marcades diferències en el grau de competència, per tant) i de la sedimentació sin-cinemàtica en el creixement i evolució de l’anticlinal. Basat en dades de camp i interpretacions de perfils sísmics s’ha portat a terme una reconstrucció i restitució geomecànica tridimensional de l’anticlinal del Pico del Águila. D’aquestes se’n deriva la coexistència de de múltiples mecanismes de plegament actuant simultàniament en diferents unitats i dominis estructurals, la qual implica al seu torn un patró i distribució de la deformació que no poden ser avaluats mitjançant aproximacions o tècniques de modelització cinemàtiques o/i bidimensionals. S’integren també els resultats obtinguts a partir de les esmentades tècniques de modelització amb les dades i coneixements previs de la regió, es discuteixen els beneficis, desavantatges i limitacions de cadascuna d’aquestes tècniques de modelització, i es presenta un model integrat d’evolució estructural del Pico del Águila. Aquest anàlisi crític dels resultats i aquest esforç d’integració porten sense dubte cap a una millor comprensió de l’estructura i dels processos que menaren l’evolució dels plecs de desenganxament N-S de les Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas dels Pirineus Meridionals.

Kalanchoe brasiliensis Cambess e Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamarck) Persoon: caracteriza??o qu?mica, avalia??o gastroprotetora e anti-inflamat?ria t?pica

Ara?jo, Edilane Rodrigues Dantas de 30 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-01-15T22:12:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilaneRodriguesDantasDeAraujo_DISSERT.pdf: 4618681 bytes, checksum: 5ed4bc7a898bcd1ef47ef38661580242 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-18T13:59:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilaneRodriguesDantasDeAraujo_DISSERT.pdf: 4618681 bytes, checksum: 5ed4bc7a898bcd1ef47ef38661580242 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-18T13:59:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilaneRodriguesDantasDeAraujo_DISSERT.pdf: 4618681 bytes, checksum: 5ed4bc7a898bcd1ef47ef38661580242 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Kalanchoe brasiliensis e Kalanchoe pinnata (Crassulaceae), conhecidas como ?sai?o? e ?coirama?, t?m amplo uso popular no tratamento de ?lceras p?pticas e inflama??es cut?neas. Vale destacar que K. pinnata est? presente na Rela??o Nacional de Plantas de Interesse do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - RENISUS (2009). Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar os marcadores qu?micos nos sucos das folhas das duas esp?cies e avaliar as atividades gastroprotetora e anti-inflamat?ria t?pica. Foi realizada caracteriza??o fitoqu?mica por Cromatografia em Camada Delgada (CCD) e Cromatografia L?quida de Ultra Efici?ncia Acoplada a Espectr?metro de Massas (CLUE-EM). A atividade gastroprotetora foi avaliada nos modelos de ?lcera ?guda induzida por etanol e indometacina, j? a secre??o g?strica foi avaliada no modelo de ligadura do piloro, em ratos Wistar. Foi realizado o pr?- tratamento com os sucos nas doses de 125, 250 e 500 mg/kg e a ranitidina (50 mg/kg) por via oral. A atividade anti-inflamat?ria t?pica foi avaliada no modelo de edema de pata induzido por carragenina e edema de orelha induzido por ?leo de crot?n em camundongos Swiss, utilizando formula??es na forma de gel contendo os sucos em diferentes concentra??es (1,25%, 2,5% e 5%) e como f?rmaco padr?o a dexametasona (1mg/g), todos administrados por via t?pica imediatamente ap?s a indu??o. A an?lise por CCD revelou a presen?a de manchas caracter?sticas de flavonoides nos sucos das duas esp?cies, ap?s revela??o com o Reagente Natural A, sendo observado que as duas esp?cies t?m perfil flavono?dico diferente. Na an?lise por CLUE-EM K. brasiliensis apresentou flavonoides glicosilados derivados principalmente da patuletina, enquanto que K. pinnata apresentou flavonoides glicosilados derivados principalmente da quercetina. O pr?-tratamento com o suco das folhas de K. brasiliensis nas doses de 125 mg/kg (P<0,01), 250 mg/kg e 500 mg/kg (P<0,001) e K. pinnata nas doses de 125 mg/kg (P<0,01), 250 mg/k e 500 mg/kg (P<0,001) reduziram significativamente as les?es em compara??o ao controle positivo no modelo de indu??o por etanol. No modelo de indu??o por indometacina o suco das folhas de K. brasiliensis apresentou resultado significativo nas doses de 250 (P<0,05) e 500 mg/kg (P<0,01) e K. pinnata nas doses de 250 e 500 mg/kg (P<0,001). A redu??o das les?es foi acompanhada de aumento do conte?do total de glutationa e redu??o dos n?veis de malondialde?do. Al?m disso, houve redu??o dos n?veis de mieloperoxidase, IL-1? e TNF-?. Tamb?m foi observado efeito citoprotetor na avalia??o histol?gica com H&E e manuten??o da produ??o de muco com PAS, al?m da redu??o da express?o de iNOS e NF-?B p65 e aumento da express?o de ZO-1 por imunohistoqu?mica. Os sucos das folhas das duas esp?cies n?o alteraram a acidez, o pH e o volume do suco g?strico. No modelo de edema de orelha, as formula??es contendo as tr?s concentra??es do suco das folhas de K. brasiliensis reduziram significativamente o edema quando comparadas ao grupo placebo (1,25% P<0,05; 2,5% P<0,01 e 5% P<0,01). Entretanto, apenas a formula??o contendo o suco das folhas de K. pinnata na concentra??o de 5% apresentou resultado significativo (P<0,01). No modelo de edema de pata, as formula??es contendo o suco das folhas de K. brasiliensis nas concentra??es de 1,25 e 2,5% reduziram significativamente (P<0,05) o edema no tempo 4 h. A formula??o na concentra??o de 5% reduziu significativamente o edema nos tempos 1 h (P<0,001), 2 h, 3 h e 4 h (P<0,01). Em rela??o as formula??es contendo o suco das folhas de K. pinnata, a concentra??o de 1,25% reduziu significativamente o edema no tempo 1h (P<0,01) e 2h (P<0,05), na concentra??o de 5% reduziu significativamente no tempo 1h (P<0,05). A diminui??o do edema foi acompanhada da redu??o de miloperoxidase. Concluiu-se que os sucos das duas esp?cies apresentaram atividade gastroprotetora e anti-inflamat?ria t?pica em modelos in vivo, resultados que justificam a utiliza??o popular das esp?cies. / Kalanchoe brasiliensis and Kalanchoe pinnata (Crassulaceae), known as "sai?o" and "coirama", have wide popular use in the treatment of peptic ulcers and cutaneous inflammations. It is worth mentioning that K. pinnata is present in the National List of Plants of Interest of the Unified Health System - RENISUS (2009). Within this context, the objective of the present study was to characterize the chemical markers in the leaf juices of both species and to evaluate the gastroprotective and topical anti-inflammatory activities. Phytochemical characterization was performed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometer (UHPLC- MS). Gastroprotective activity was evaluated in ethanol and indomethacin induced acute ulcer models, whereas gastric secretion was evaluated in the pylorus ligature model in Wistar rats. Pre-treatment was performed with the juices at the doses of 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg and ranitidine (50 mg/kg) orally. The topical anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated in the carrageenan induced paw edema model and croton oil-induced ear edema in Swiss mice using gel formulations containing the juices at different concentrations (1,25%, 2,5% and 5%) and as the standard drug dexamethasone (1mg/g), all administered topically immediately after induction. The TLC analysis revealed the presence of flavonoid stains in the juices of both species after revelation with the Natural Reagent A, being observed that the two species have different flavonoid profiles. In the analysis by UHPLC-MS the K. brasiliensis leaf juice showed glycosylated flavonoids derived mainly from patuletin, while that of K. pinnata presented glycosylated flavonoids derived mainly from quercetin. The pre-treatment with the K. brasiliensis leaf juice at doses of 125 mg/kg (P<0,01), 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg (P<0,001) and K. pinnata at doses of 125 mg/kg (P<0,01), 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg (P<0,001) significantly reduced the lesions compared to the positive control in the ethanol induction model. In the indomethacin induction model, the K. brasiliensis leaf juice showed significant results at doses of 250 mg/kg (P<0,05) and 500 mg/kg (P<0,01) and K. pinnata at doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg (P<0,001). Reduction of lesions was accompanied by an increase in total glutathione content and reduction of malondialdehyde levels. In addition, levels of myeloperoxidase, IL-1? and TNF-? were reduced. Cytoprotective effect was also observed in histological evaluation with H&E and maintenance of mucus production with PAS, as well as reduction of iNOS and NF-?B p65 expression and increased expression of ZO-1 by immunohistochemistry. Leaf juices from both species did not change the acidity, pH and volume of the gastric juice. In the ear edema model, the formulations containing the three concentrations of the K. brasiliensis leaf juice significantly reduced the edema when compared to the placebo group (1,25% P<0,05, 2,5% P<0,01 and 5% P<0,01). However, only the formulation containing the juice of the K. pinnata leaf juice at 5% concentration showed a significant result (P<0,01). In the paw edema model, the formulations containing the K. brasiliensis leaf juice at concentrations of 1,25 and 2,5% significantly reduced (P<0,05) the edema in the time 4 h. The formulation at 5% concentration significantly reduced edema at 1 h (P <0,001), 2 h, 3 h and 4 h (P <0,01). Regarding the formulations containing the K. pinnata leaf juice, the concentration of 1,25% significantly reduced the edema in the time 1 h (P<0,01) and 2 h (P<0,05), in the concentration of 5% significantly reduced in time 1 h (P<0,05). The decrease in edema was followed by reduction of miloperoxidase. It was concluded that the juices of both species presented gastroprotective and topical anti-inflammatory activity in vivo models, results that justify the popular use of the species.

Aggregation of Marine Pico-Cyanobacteria

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Marine pico-cyanobacteria of the genera Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus carry out nearly two thirds of the primary production in oligotrophic oceans. These cyanobacteria are also considered an important constituent of the biological carbon pump, the photosynthetic fixation of CO2 to dissolved and particulate organic carbon and subsequent export to the ocean’s interior. But single cells of these cyanobacteria are too small to sink, so their carbon export has to be mediated by aggregate formation and/or consumption by zooplankton that produce sinking fecal pellets. In this dissertation, I investigated for the first time the aggregation of these cyanobacteria by studying the marine Synechococcus sp. strain WH8102 as a model organism. I first found in culture experiments that Synechococcus cells aggregated and that such aggregation of cells was related to the production of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP), known to provide the main matrix of aggregates of eukaryotic phytoplankton. I also found that despite the lowered growth rates, cells in the nitrogen or phosphorus limited cultures had a higher cell-normalized TEP production and formed a greater total volume of aggregates with higher settling velocities compared to cells in the nutrient replete cultures. I further studied the Synechococcus aggregation in roller tanks that allow the simulation of aggregates settling in the water column, and investigated the effects of the clays kaolinite and bentonite that are commonly found in the ocean. In the roller tanks, Synechococcus cells formed aggregates with diameters of up to 1.4 mm and sinking velocities of up to 440 m/d, comparable to those of larger eukaryotic phytoplankton such as diatoms. In addition, the clay minerals increased the number but reduced the size of aggregates, and their ballasting effects increased the sinking velocity and the carbon export potential of the aggregates. Lastly, I investigated the effects of heterotrophic bacteria on the Synechococcus aggregation, and found that heterotrophic bacteria generally resulted in the formation of fewer, but larger and faster sinking aggregates, and eventually led to an enhanced aggregation of cells and particles. My study contributes to the understanding of the role of marine pico-cyanobacteria in the ecology and biogeochemistry of oligotrophic oceans. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biology 2016

Desenvolvimento de hidrog?is de poli (?lcool vin?lico) contendo anfotericina B para o tratamento de leishmaniose tegumentar americana

Alexandrino J?nior, Francisco 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-20T23:04:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAlexandrinoJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 22625815 bytes, checksum: d018908142617b3f4933652c5ec6c7ed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-24T22:34:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAlexandrinoJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 22625815 bytes, checksum: d018908142617b3f4933652c5ec6c7ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T22:34:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAlexandrinoJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 22625815 bytes, checksum: d018908142617b3f4933652c5ec6c7ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / A leishmaniose ? uma infec??o parasit?ria, emergente e n?o controlada, que por usa elevada incidencia est? presente no programa de doen?as tropicais negligenciadas da Organiza??o Mundial da Sa?de (OMS). Adicionalmente, esta ? considerada, neste programa, a segunda maior causa de perda de anos de vida ?til devido a ?bito ou debilidade, chegando em 2004 a quase 2 bilh?es de anos de vida ?til perdidos em todo o mundo. Anualmente, registra-se 1,3 milh?o de casos, dos quais aproximadamente 1 milh?o corresponde a sua forma tegumentar (LTA). Apesar desta contundente realidade, atualmente n?o h? uma proposta de tratamento ou medicamento que adeque simultaneamente eficacia terap?utica, boa rela??o custo-benef?cio, f?cil produ??o e eventos adversos negligenciaveis. Com o int?ito de elaborar uma abordagem alternativa e inovadora para o tratamento da LTA, esse trabalho prop?s o desenvolvimento e a avalia??o de uma formula??o t?pica do tipo curativo polim?rico, baseado em um hidrog?l de ?lcool polivin?lico contendo anfotericina B (AmB). Ap?s a produ??o dos hidrog?is foi observado que a AmB incorporada pode estar entre as cadeias polim?ricas sob a forma de dispers?o molecular. Essa localiza??o alterou o mecanismo de intumescimento, de um transporte limitado pela difus?o (caso I) para an?malo, permitindo que o sistema intumes?a mais e mais r?pido, quando comparado com o mesmo sem o ativo. No entanto, n?o foi observada a libera??o imediata da AmB, sendo esta liberada de forma cont?nua e seguindo o modelo o cin?tico de Higuchi. O hidrog?l contendo AmBdemonstrou ter eficiente atividade leishmanicida nas primeiras 24 horas. Al?m disso, apresentou impermeabilidade a microrganismos, e permeabilidade ao vapor d??gua compat?vel com as necessidades da pele em seu estado lesionado, o que indica uma poss?vel habilidade de prevenir infec??es secund?rias e manter um ambiente favor?vel ao processo cicatricial. Estes resultados demonstram que os hidrog?is s?o sistemas promissores para a libera??o controlada de AmB e um potencial tratamento t?pico para a LTA.

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