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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pilotskolan - is this your captain speaking? : En kvantitativ studie om ägarstruktur i bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen / Pilot-school- is this your captain speaking?

Lönn, Marcus, Wittström, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: På senare år har Pilotskolan blivit ett hett samtalsämne inom aktieanalys. Pilotskolan definieras av att ledande befattningshavare äger en betydande del av aktierna i bolaget, således bidrar ledningen med ett ekonomiskt engagemang och anses vara ett incitament för värdemaximering för bolagets aktieägare. Tidigare forskning är oense om större insiderägande har en positiv eller negativ effekt på avkastning Däremot råder det en avsaknad av tidigare forskning kring fenomenet i en svensk kontext. Därför är det av stort intresse att undersöka hur sambandet mellan VD-ägande och historisk avkastning faktiskt ser ut. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan insiderägande i form av VD-ägande och historisk avkastning för bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen (OMXSPI) under tidsperioden 2016-12-31 – 2021-12-31. Metod: Studien har använt sig av en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats. Det slutgiltiga urvalet analyserades med hjälp av variabler som har sin grund i teoretiskt etablerad effekt på aktieavkastning. Studien använde sig av balanserade paneldata och resultatet har producerats med hjälp av panelregressioner. Resultat: Studiens slutgiltiga panelregression visade på ett starkt positivt signifikant samband mellan VD-ägande och avkastning. Vidare visade resultatet på att det positiva sambandet bara gäller upp till en viss nivå för att sedan ha en signifikant negativ påverkan på avkastningen. Resultatet är i linje med en del tidigare forskning inom ämnet som har gjorts på andra marknader. Författarna kunde därför utifrån resultatet fastställa att VD- ägande påverkar avkastningen i en svensk kontext och utvärdering av ägarstruktur bör därför vara en parameter vid bolagsanalyser. / Background: Pilot-school as a phenomenon has become a hot topic in stock analysis as of late. The Pilot-school is defined as senior executives owning a considerable amount of the shares in their company, where the management contributes with a financial commitment and is considered an incentive for maximizing shareholder value. Previous studies disagree on whether insider-ownership has a positive or negative effect on stock- returns. However, there is a lack of research within the field in a Swedish context. Accordingly, it is of great interest to examine the actual relationship between CEO- ownership and historical stock-returns. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine if there exists a relationship between insider- ownership in form of CEO-ownership and historical stock-returns on companies listed on the OMXSPI during the period 2016-12-31 – 2021-12-31. Methodology: The study has utilized a quantitative research strategy with a deductive approach. The final selection was analyzed using variables with theoretically established effects on stock-returns. The study used balanced panel data and the result was produced with the aid of multiple panel regression. Results: The final panel regression model exhibited a strong positive significant relationship between CEO-ownership and stock-returns. Additionally, the results showed that the positive relationship is applicable only up to a certain level and after that level CEO-ownership has a significant negative relationship with stock-returns. The results are in line with some previous studies within the field. The authors could therefore establish that CEO-ownership affects stock-returns and an evaluation of ownership structure should be a parameter when performing a company analysis.

Patienternas egna uppfattning och kunskap om parodontit : En pilotstudie / Patients’ own perception and knowledge of periodontitis : A pilot study

Hassan, Ali, Kassem, Hanin January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka patienters kunskap om parodontala sjukdomarnas prevalens, etiologi och behandling samt om patienterna är medvetna om sina egna parodontala tillstånd, och hur väl deras uppfattning överensstämmer med professionens bedömning. Material och metod: Totalt inkluderades 72 patienter som kom för basundersökning på Tandvårdshögskolan. Patienterna fyllde i enkäter med frågor om parodontala sjukdomars prevalens, etiologi och behandling samt om deras egna uppfattning om sin munhälsa i relation till deras parodontal sjukdom. På motsvarade sätt fyllde de undersökande tandläkarna (professionen) i enkäter om patienternas munhälsa i relation till patienternas parodontal sjukdom. Enkätsvaren sammanställdes och analyserades i syfte att studera patienternas kunskap om parodontit samt deras överensstämmelse med professionen. Resultat: Uttalade kunskapsbrister fanns bland både sjuka och friska patienter gällande parodontala sjukdomars prevalens, etiologi och behandling. Det var enbart en tredjedel av de parodontalt sjuka patienterna som var medvetna om sin sjukdom. Patienter som var medvetna om sin parodontit verkade visa även bättre medvetenhet gällande sin munhygien, risk att förlora tänder samt behandlingskrav i jämförelse med de som inte var medvetna om sin parodontit. Slutsats: Det finns ingen större skillnad mellan friska och sjuka gällande kunskap om parodontala sjukdomar. De parodontalt sjuka patienternas medvetenhet om sin sjukdom var överlag bristfällig. Patienter som inte är medvetna om sin parodontit verkar ha sämre förståelse för sin munhygien, sin risk att förlora tänder samt sitt behandlingsbehov. Framtida forskning är nödvändig för att få ett mer tillförlitligt och representativt resultat. / Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine patients´ knowledge about prevalence, etiology and treatment of periodontal diseases. Another aim was to examine whether the patients were aware of their periodontitis, and how well the patients´ and dentists´ perception of the patients´ periodontitis occurred. Material and method: A total of 72 patients who came for a clinical examination at Tandvårdshögskolan were included. The patients answered questionnaires about prevalence, etiology and treatment of periodontal diseases as well as their own oral health in relation to periodontitis. Similarly, the examining dentists (the profession) answered questions about the patients´ oral health in relation to periodontitis. The data was compiled and analyzed. Results: Severe knowledge deficits among both healthy patients and patients with periodontitis were found regarding prevalence, etiology and treatment of periodontal diseases. Only one third of the patients with periodontitis were aware of their disease. Those patients also seem to show better awareness regarding their oral hygiene, risk for tooth loss and treatment need compared to patients not aware of their periodontitis. Conclusion: There is no major differences in knowledge regarding periodontal diseases between healthy patients and patients with periodontitis. Patients with periodontitis had a poor awareness of their own disease. Patients not aware of their periodontitis seem to have more severe knowledge deficits regarding their oral hygiene, risk of tooth loss and treatment need. However, future research is necessary to obtain more reliable and representative results.

Production of Biochar Through Slow Pyrolysis of Biomass: Peat,Straw, Horse Manure and Sewage Sludge

Hemlin, Hanna, Lalangas, Nektaria January 2018 (has links)
With a growing concern of climate change due to increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, carbon sequestration has been suggested as a possible solution for climate change mitigation. Biochar,a highly carbonaceous product produced through pyrolysis, is considered a viable option due to its content of stable carbon. This work covers the investigation of the possibility to produce biocharfrom four different feedstocks, namely peat, straw, horse manure and sewage sludge. The study includes a literature study and a five-week trial period at a 500 kW pilot plant, PYREG 500, in Högdalen. The thermal behaviour of the feedstocks, including garden waste, was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The TGA results were used to decide the optimal pyrolysis temperature for peat and straw at the pilot plant. The TGA results showed that the feedstocks behave differently when pyrolysed; the mass loss rate as well as the final mass loss varied. Physiochemical characterisation of the biochar was completed and the results were in agreement with previous studies. The produced biochar from straw and two types of peat had a C content above50 wt.% (76.6, 80.7, 79.2 wt.%) and low molar ratios of H/C (0.33, 0.36, 0.38) and O/C (0.032,0.023, 0.024). The pH increased as a consequence of pyrolysis and the biochars were alkaline (pH10.1, 8.5, 8.3). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found in biochar from both strawand peat (8.26, 1.03, 5.83 mg/kg). In general, nutrients and heavy metals were concentrated in the biochar, except for Cd which decreased and Hg which could not be determined. The specific surface area of biochar from straw was considered small (21 m2/g) while biochar from peat had a higher specific surface area with a greater span (102-247 m2/g). The properties of the produced biochar were compared to the criteria included in the European Biochar Certificate and some of them were fulfilled, including the content of C, PAH and heavy metals. A flue gas analysis was completed when operating the pilot plant on straw pellets and it was showed that several emissions were released, including NO2, SOX, HCl and particulates, however, solely the emissions of NO2 exceed the regulations which will be applied in 2020. Regarding process design of a future pyrolysis plant, it is suggested that the means of material transport, particle separation, temperature control and quenching of biochar should be improved.

Upplevelsen av patientdelaktighet

Fornander, Elisabet, Götulf, Lina January 2008 (has links)
I ett alltmer välinformerat samhälle, ökar individens kunskap om hälso- och sjukvård samt om patientens rättigheter och skyldigheter. Detta ställer krav på sjuksköterskor att arbeta aktivt för ökad patientdelaktighet. Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av patientdelaktighet på en cytostatikamottagning på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige. Datainsamling skedde med hjälp av enkät, utdelad på mottagningen. Materialet bearbetades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilket resulterade i två huvudkategorier: Kommunikation mellan patient och sjuksköterska och hantering av sjukdomsupplevelsen. Resultatet visade på att upplevelse av patientdelaktighet uppnås och upprätthålls genom god information från professionell vårdpersonal, att patientens kunskap och synpunkter beaktas samt att dennes känslor visas hänsyn. / In an increasingly well-informed society, the individual’s knowledge about health care as well as knowledge about patient rights and obligations increases. This increases the demand on nurses to work actively towards patient participation. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the patient’s experience of patient participation in a chemotherapy ward at a hospital in southern Sweden. A data collection took place by using a questionnaire. The material was processed using qualitative content analysis, which resulted in two main categories: Communication between patient and nurse and handling the experience of illness. The result showed that the experience of patient participation is achieved and maintained by good information from a professional nursing staff, which consider the patient’s knowledge and opinions and take his or her feelings into account.

Моделирование и разработка бизнес процессов по работе с просроченной задолженностью в коммерческом банке с использованием робота-коллектора и оценка его эффективности : магистерская диссертация / Modeling and development of business processes for dealing with overdue debts in a commercial bank using a collector robot and evaluating its effectiveness

Сиков, Е. П., Sikov, E. P. January 2022 (has links)
Цель работы: улучшение показателей эффективности взыскания с клиента банка просроченной задолженности и уменьшение затрат на процесс взыскания при помощи внедрения сторонней разработки (робота-коллектора) в текущий бизнес-процесс предприятия. Для достижения данной цели работы были определены следующие задачи: изучить теоретические основы моделирования бизнес-процессов (понятия, методологии, нотации); проанализировать рынок программных продуктов для моделирования бизнес-процессов; изучить и описать исследуемый бизнес-процесс предприятия; проанализировать модель AS IS, выявить недостатки, построить модель TO BE; разработать план проекта; провести расчеты экономической эффективности проекта; сделать заключение по проведенной работе. В процессе выполнения данной работы для моделирования бизнес-процессов была использована методология BPMN, а для практической реализации проекта использовались следующие инструменты – MS Visio, MS Project, MS SQL SERVER, QlikView, Access. Результаты выпускной квалификационной работы были использованы в процессе модернизации бизнес-процесса Банка ПАО КБ «УБРиР». / The purpose of the work: to improve the efficiency of collecting overdue debts from the bank's client and reduce the costs of the collection process by introducing a third-party development (a collector robot) into the current business process of the enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined: to study the theoretical foundations of business process modeling (concepts, methodologies, notations); to analyze the market of software products for modeling business processes; to study and describe the business process of the enterprise under study; analyze the AS IS model, identify shortcomings, build a TO BE model; develop a project plan; calculate the economic efficiency of the project; make a conclusion on the work carried out. In the course of this work, BPMN methodology was used to model business processes, and the following tools were used for the practical implementation of the project - MS Visio, MS Project, MS SQL SERVER, QlikView, Access. The results of the final qualification work were used in the process of modernization of the business process of the Bank of PJSC CB "UBRiR".

Quantifying The Success Of Eastern Oyster Pilot Reefs In Brevard County, Florida

Anderson, Lacie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Crassostrea virginica, the eastern oyster, is a native keystone species that inhabits many coastal and estuarine ecosystems along the Atlantic seaboard. Introduction of the eastern oyster into estuarine areas with limited current populations is gaining popularity as a pro-active approach to improve estuarine water quality. In November 2014 and April 2015, a total of five pilot oyster reef treatments were deployed in Brevard County: bagged adult oysters (grown by community members under their docks through oyster gardening) collected in fall 2014 and spring 2015, bagged clean shell, oyster restoration mats, and empty plots (control). Locations of deployment included a Merritt Island impoundment (Marsh Harbor), Nicol Park (Port St. John), and Scout Island (Melbourne Beach). Prior to deployment, we collected morphometric data (shell length, weight) on all gardened oysters. Abiotic factors including salinity, air and water temperature, and wind speed were collected monthly. During quarterly sampling at each site, morphometric data were collected for all live oysters, surviving and newly recruited. Results show survival of gardened oysters and natural recruitment differed by and depended greatly on the within-site location of each reef. In areas with no recruitment and limited gardened oyster survival, regular deployment of gardened oysters is needed for long term success. In areas with natural recruitment, bagged, clean shell or oyster restoration mats are most successful. Future restoration sites should be tested prior to any large-scale oyster deployments.

A pilot study examining the influence of an entrepreneurial education program on entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents in a population of adolescent males in recovery

McKay, Ian 06 August 2021 (has links)
Drug addiction is a chronically relapsing disorder that has been characterized by the compulsive use of addictive substances despite adverse consequences to the individual and society. Research has shown various social-psychological factors (e.g., positive affect, self-efficacy, behavioral intentions, beliefs held by others, and ones' perceptions of a behavior) to be essential determinants in recovery. Research has also demonstrated Entrepreneurial Education Programs (EEPs) to improve specific and global self-efficacy and autonomy in adolescent populations. The following study is the first to examine the impact of a therapeutically oriented EEP on entrepreneurial intentions and its antecedents in a population of adolescent males being treated for substance use disorder(s). Findings from the between-subjects analyses show that when compared to those who did not participate in the EEP, program participation increased entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents, entrepreneurial knowledge, emotion regulation, self-efficacy, positive affect, and interest in attending college. When compared to those who did not participate in the EEP, program participation also led to significant reductions in negative affect, anxiety, and stress. Findings from the within-subjects analyses show that participation led to significant increases from time 1 to time 2 in entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents, entrepreneurial knowledge, emotion regulation, self-efficacy, positive affect, and interest in attending college. When compared to time 1 scores, participation led to significant reductions in anxiety and stress. This study identifies the great potential of this therapeutic EEP to reduce behaviors involved in relapse and increase one's engagement with and commitment to antecedents of successful rehabilitation.

An evaluation of gingival recession and orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. - A pilot study, on the prevalence of recession and diagnostic validity of intra oral photos

Håkansson, Dan January 2015 (has links)
Introduktion: Ungefär en fjärdedel av alla barn och ungdomar födda under samma år genomgår någon form av behandling som innefattar förflyttning av tänder. Syfte: Primär fokus med denna studie är att undersöka om ett samband finns mellan gingival retraktion och användning av fast apparatur på avdelningen för Ortodonti, Malmö Högskola.Metod: Studiemodeller, intraorala bilder och klinisk undersökning (återbesök 2014) användes för att identifiera gingival retraktion med ja eller nej. Om det fanns gjordes en mätning. Försöksobjekt valdes från patienter som blivit färdigbehandlade 2008/2009. Resultat: Studiemodeller för 2008 visade färre gingivala retraktioner efter behandling p-värde, (p=0,0034 som är statistiskt signifikant). För lite data fanns från klinisk undersökning och intraorala bilder för att göra analays. Slutsats: Gingivala retraktioner verkar inte ha någon koppling med ortodontisk behandling på avdelningen för Ortodonti, Malmö Högskola. Kliniska intraorala foton är ett grovt mått diagnostiskt verktyg för att bedöma gingivala retraktioner. Det är baserat på begränsad data och inte slutgiltigt. Studie med större grupp av patienter behövs

Factors that influence the use of an Aboriginal early learning drop-in centre by carers of urban Aboriginal children as perceived by service providers of the service, users of the service, and non-users of the service: A pilot study

Dysart, MA Laura 04 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>Background –</strong> Universal family drop-in centres (drop-ins) are open to all children between the ages of zero and six and their carers regardless of ethnoracial make up and socioeconomic status. Provincially-funded drop-in centres offered by Aboriginal organizations address the need for culturally sensitive services for urban Aboriginal children (UAC) meanwhile promoting early learning opportunities for all children. Knowledge of factors that influence Aboriginal carers’ use of a culturally sensitive drop-in centre will inform policy-makers about the structures and resources required to ensure equitable access to drop-in centres for UAC.</p> <p><strong>Objectives – </strong>A pilot study to: 1) assess the feasibility of identifying and recruiting UAC with children between the ages of zero and six for optimal identification of the population in need of services; 2) describe the factors that influence the use of an Aboriginal early learning drop-in centre by carers of UAC between the ages of zero and six as perceived by service providers, users of the service, and non-users.</p> <p><strong>Methods –</strong> A qualitative descriptive study was conducted. A purposeful sample of 12 participants was selected. All service providers were invited to participate. Snowball sampling was used for users; convenience sampling was used for non-users. Semi-structured interviews with all participants were used to collect data. Directed content analysis was used with the Availability-Affordability-Acceptability framework for access to services to analyze interview data. Interviews between groups were compared and contrasted to confirm findings. During the research process, field notes of observations and reflections were recorded to address feasibility issues.</p> <p><strong>Results –</strong> Of the 12 eligible carers approached, 10 carers consented. Of the ten, nine carers were interviewed (4 users; 5 non-users). Recommendations for large-scale study protocol were: use of three categories of carers (current users; previous users; non-users); include non-Aboriginal carers of UAC in the sample population; recruit carers who live in the same neighbourhood where the service is located; provide detailed instructions for recruitment to gatekeepers. Key findings of the factors influencing use of the service were proximity of service to carer’s home, the carer and child having unstructured time, the type of Aboriginal-based content offered at the service, the carer’s trust of service providers, presence of social support, and carer’s sense of safety.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions –</strong> This pilot study suggests that conducting a large-scale study to identify factors that influence the use of an Aboriginal-based universal family drop-in centre as perceived by carers of urban Aboriginal children and service providers of the service is feasible with some methodological modifications. Recommendations for change are outlined.</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Hållbara belysningsstrategier i vinterstäder.

Nico, Klitzsch January 2024 (has links)
Belysningen utgör en relativt liten del av dagens samhälle, men den har en viktig funktion för att vi människor ska känna oss trygga när det är mörkt. Utöver att skapa trygghet har utomhusbelysningen idag flera andra funktioner, såsom att fungera som en fysisk säkerhetsåtgärd, vara vägledande eller ha estetiska värden. På detta sätt är belysningens planering starkt inriktad på människors behov. Hållbarhetsaspekterna tar dock hänsyn till inte bara de sociala aspekterna utan även de ekonomiska och ekologiska aspekterna. Genom att öka mängden utomhusbelysning kan säkerhetskänslan hos invånarna förbättras, men det kan också leda till ökad resursförbrukning och ljusföroreningar som kan påverka både djurlivet och växtlivet negativt. Vinterstäder kännetecknas av speciella klimatförhållanden då solen endast når över horisonten under en begränsad mängd timmar på vintern och snön ligger kvar under en längre period. Belysningsstrategier i vinterstäder behöver anpassas till de specifika förhållandena för att säkerställa hållbarheten. För att undersöka hur vinterstäder påverkas av belysning har en litteraturstudie, en intervjustudie med professionella och en enkätundersökning av en nyligen förändrad gång- och cykelväg i Luleå genomförts. Arbetet har resulterat i följande rekommendationer: • Utveckla standarder som är anpassade för vinterstädernas specifika klimatförhållanden, samt flexibla produkter som kan anpassas på plats. • En ökad medborgardialog och mer samarbete med befolkningen. • Kommunerna bör lägga mer fokus på estetiska lösningar för att förstärka karaktären på vinterstäderna. • Extra fokus behöver läggas på energieffektiva lösningar då det är mindre effektivt med förnybara energiresurser som vindkraft eller solarenergi under vintertid. • Mindre fokus behöver riktas mot den ekologiska aspekten eftersom belysningen har en mindre påverkan på ekosystemet i vinterstäder. / Lighting is a relatively small part of today's society, but it has an important functionin making people feel safe after dark. In addition to providing security, outdoor lighting today has several other functions, such as acting as a physical security measure, being an indicator or having aesthetic values. In this way, lighting design is strongly oriented towards human needs. However, the sustainability aspects consider not only the social aspects but also the economic and ecological aspects. Increasing the amount of outdoor lighting can improve the sense of security for residents, but it can also lead to increased resource consumption and light pollution that can negatively affect both wildlife and plant life. Winter cities are characterized by special climatic conditions because the sun only reaches above the horizon for a limited number of hours in winter and snow remains for a longer period. The lighting strategy in winter cities needs to be adapted to the specific conditions to ensure its sustainability. To investigate how winter cities are affected by lighting, a literature review, an interview study with professionals and a questionnaire survey of a recently changed pedestrian and cycle route in Luleå have been carried out. The work has resulted in the following recommendations: • Develop standards adapted to the specific climate conditions of winter cities, and flexible products that can be adapted on site. • More dialogue and cooperation with the population. • Municipalities should focus more on aesthetic solutions to enhance the character of winter towns. • Extra focus is needed on energy-efficient solutions, as renewable energy resources such as wind or solar energy are less efficient in winter. • Less focus needs to be put on the ecological aspect as lighting has a smaller impact on the ecosystem in winter cities.

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