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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Like Laws and Sausages: The Tale of a Mere Portion of the Process to Develop the South Broad Street Corridor Plan

Lopez, Amy R 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The processes to develop community plans share certain standard activities and stages while remaining distinctive and without pre-scripted procedures. This study documents the process that yielded the South Broad Street Corridor Plan June 2012 draft. The objective is to present the decision-making processes and their connections to the final plan document along with the plan document itself.

Fysisk planering – hemifrån : En kvalitativ studie om digitala omställningar och samhällsplaneringunder Covid-19 pandemin / Physical planning – from home : A qualitative study on digital changes and community planning during the Covid-19 pandemic

Perez, Noelia January 2023 (has links)
Covid-19 meant that infection prevention measures needed to be taken. Many businesses around the country had to make rapid digital changes, with telework as an important tool. Approaches and prerequisites for digital solutions may have been different for society's many actors and businesses. A qualitative study, in relation to physical planning, has been carried out in Karlstad municipality, to explore the effects of telework in public administration and municipal processes. The question is what challenges arose in community planning during Covid-19, but also how community planning may have been affected by Covid-19. Community planning is dependent on cooperation and good relations between officials and citizens, and several parts of the planning process require physical meetings. In the municipality of Karlstad, the digital dialogue affected the conditions for "the good relationship between officials and residents". Telework made internal collaboration difficult and ultimately also affected the quality of the work. The rapid conversion to digital solutions also brought lessons learned and insights that improvements can be made, as it has been shown that the employee can deliver good results even from home. Digital solutions have also had positive effects on collaboration outside the organization, when long journeys are no longer a must, both time and resources can be saved. In the municipality of Karlstad, the digital transition took place quickly, how it would happen and how the process would be adapted was not clear. Digital solutions were not applicable at all stages, but the community planner created own approaches and learned to work based on prevailing conditions. / Covid-19 medförde att smittskyddsåtgärder behövde vidtas. Många verksamheter runt om i landet fick göra snabba digitala omställningar, med hemarbete som ett viktigt verktyg. Tillvägagångsätt och förutsättningar för digitala lösningar kan ha sett olika ut för samhällets många aktörer och verksamheter. I syfte att undersöka effekter av digitala omställningar i offentlig förvaltning och kommunala processer har en kvalitativ studie, i relation till den fysiska planeringen, utförts i Karlstads kommun. Frågan är vilka utmaningar som uppstod i samhällsplaneringen under Covid-19, men också hur samhällsplaneringen kan ha påverkats av Covid-19. Samhällsplaneringen är beroende av samverkan och goda relationer mellan tjänstepersoner och medborgare och flera delar av planprocessen förutsätter det fysiska mötet. I Karlstads kommun påverkade den digitala dialogen förutsättningarna för ”den goda relationen mellan tjänstepersoner och invånare”. Hemarbetet försvårade det interna samarbetet och påverkade i slutändan även kvalitén på arbetet. Den snabba omställningen till digitala lösningar medförde även lärdomar och insikter om att förbättringar kan göras, då det har visat sig att resultat kan uppnås även när arbetet utförs utanför verksamhetens ordinarie lokaler. Digitala lösningar för möten har medfört en effektivisering i flera led, när långa resor inte längre är ett måste kan både tid och resurser sparas. I Karlstads kommun skedde den digitala omställningen snabbt, hur den skulle gå till och hur processen skulle anpassas var inte entydigt. Digitala lösningar var inte applicerbara i alla steg, men genom skapande av nya förhållningsätt kunde arbetet fortlöpa utifrån rådande förutsättningar.

Att bygga ett badhus : Om hur olika perspektiv ges plats i planeringen

Enevold, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
This case study examines the impact of different perspectives in the planning process of a public swimming facility in Umeå. It is based on Peter Marcuse’s differentiation of planning practices into deferential planning, social reform planning and social justice planning, with emphasis on the last.A discourse analysis of interviews with five key planning actors comprises the core of the study, also supported by municipal documents and media publications.Expressions of social justice planning are found to be enabled through 1) individual planner’s benevolence, experiences and established trust relationships, 2) access to knowledge and know-how for advocating identified perspectives due to grass rootbased organizations and 3) legal support.Inhibiting conditions are further identified in 1) the prevailing economic-politicalorder, due to which the concept of the public has been renegotiated, 2) planning practices based on public-private partnerships mediated through person-centredpower concentration, and 3) a silenced ideological-political conversation. / Denna fallstudie granskar genomslaget av olika perspektiv i Umeås nya badhus,Navets, planeringssprocess. Undersökningen utgår från Peter Marcuses differentiering av planeringens praktik i de tre planeringstraditionerna teknisk planering, socialreformistisk planering och planering för social rättvisa, med tyngdpunkt i den sistnämnda.Studien baseras på en diskursanalys av intervjuer med fem centrala aktörer iplaneringsprocessen och stöds också av mediala publikationer samt kommunala dokument som utredningar och protokoll.Studien drar slutsatsen att uttryck för planering för social rättvisa möjliggörs av 1) enskilda planeringsaktörers välvilja, erfarenheter och tillitsrelationer 2) tillgång tillidentifierade intressegruppers perspektiv genom representanter med kompetens att föra deras talan samt 3) juridiskt stöd.Försvårande förhållanden identifieras istället i 1) den rådande ekonomisk-politiska riktningen, vilken utanför det politiska samtalet har omförhandlat synen på vilka som utgör allmänheten, 2) planeringspraktik baserad på offentlig-privata uppgörelser,medierad genom personcentrerad maktkoncentration samt, som en följd av detta, 3) ett tystnat idépolitiskt samtal.

Användbarhet av GIS i tidiga planläggningsskeden inom järnväg : Tillämpning av cost path -analys för lokalisering av järnvägskorridor

Hallengren, Rickard, Bäckström, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Järnvägen transporterar människor samt gods billigt och miljövänligt. I Sverige identifierar Trafikverket flera alternativa sträckningar när de planerar en ny järnväg. Landskapets karaktär, miljöförhållanden, geologi, tätortsstruktur, befolkningsutveckling, resande och transporter är exempel på kriterier som kan påverka beslutet om var dessa sträckningar ska placeras. Geografiska Informationssystem (GIS) kan standardisera processen för att identifiera flera möjliga korridorer. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ge rekommendationer på hur GIS, särskilt cost path och känslighetsanalys, kan användas vid planering av nya järnvägskorridorer. Ett testfall i Blekinge län valdes för att illustrera potentialen i dessa metoder. Examensarbetet utvärderar även den nuvarande användningen av GIS inom företagsvärlden genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på Vectura Consulting AB. Cost path och känslighetsanalysen identifierar fem olika korridorer där olika teman (miljö, jordarter, markanvändning, lutning och lika vikt) används och viktas enligt deras betydelse. De resulterande sträckningarna, speciellt sträckningen som baserades på markanvändningstemat, överensstämmer till viss del en planerad korridor från en tidigare förstudie. Intervjuerna indikerade att GIS ses som ett användbart verktyg men att det idag används huvudsakligen för presentation och visualisering av data. Resultaten visar att det finns en önskan om att använda GIS för att utföra analyser. Det kan även användas som ett samgranskningsverktyg för att lätt visualisera alla parters intressen. En nackdel däremot, är att det tar tid att lära sig och förstå samt att det krävs kunskap för att behärska det fullt ut. Trots skillnaderna i hur den planerade korridoren och de GIS-genererade korridorerna skapades, visade resultatet likheter mellan dem. De övergripande resultaten indikerar att GIS, speciellt cost path-analyser är ett användbart verktyg för att välja nya järnvägs korridorer. / Railway systems transport people and goods in an economic and environmentally-friendly way. In Sweden the Transport Administration identifies several possible routes when planning a new railway. Landscape features, environmental conditions, geology, population structure, population trends, travel and transport are examples of criteria that can affect decisions about the location of the routes. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can standardize the process of identifying several possible corridors. The main aims of this thesis are to recommend on how GIS and particularly cost path and sensitivity analysis can be used to plan new railway tracks. A test case in Blekinge County (southeastern Sweden) was selected to illustrate the potential of these methods. The thesis also assesses the current use of GIS in the industry through semi-structured interviews of employees of Vectura consulting AB. The cost path and sensitivity analyses identified five different corridors. Different selection themes (environment, soil, land-use, slope and equal weight) were used and weighted, according to their importance. The selected routes especially the land-use theme correspond in a part to a corridor identified by a previous study. The interviews indicated that GIS is seen to be a useful tool but that its use at present is primarily for presenting and visualizing data. The results suggest however that there is also a desire to use GIS to perform analyses. It can also be used as an assessment tool to easily visualize the interests of all parties. High training requirements were identified as the principal disadvantages of GIS based analyses. Despite differences in how the planned and the GIS-generated corridors were created, the results of the two methods were similar. Overall, the results indicate that GIS, particularly cost path-analysis can be a useful tool for selecting new railway corridors.

Klimatanpassningsarbetets påverkan på framtidens byggnader : En studie om hur svenska kommuners klimatanpassningskrav påverkar exploatörer vid nyproduktion

MANOUCHEHR, ARMIN, Kull, Felix January 2020 (has links)
Sweden is adapted to a certain type of climate. The conditions that the climateprovides determine how buildings are constructed and designed. In 2018 the Swedishgovernment introduced a national climate adaption strategy to adapt Sweden toclimate change. As a result of this the municipalities in Sweden need to increase theirdemands on developers in new construction work. The climate adaptationrequirements can, among other things, lead to increased costs.The purpose of this thesis and the research questions answered are to investigatewhat climate adaptation requirements Swedish municipalities impose in the detailedplanning process and how they affect developers' investments in new constructionwork.An interview-based, qualitative method with an abductive approach have been used.Four municipalities, three developers and two other actors were interviewed. Theresults obtained were that the requirements set were based on the conditions of thesite and that the property should be suitable for development. The most commonproblems the municipalities said they had are rainfall, flooding, and sea level rise.Hence, the stormwater issue becomes important and demands are placed ondevelopers to follow the municipality's stormwater strategies.Further, there are also shared opinions about what type of requirements themunicipality may impose, which has led to ambiguities regarding procedures, divisionof responsibilities and funding. The requirements that may be imposed can also havean impact on revenue and costs that form the basis of the developers' computation.Furthermore, this is one of several factors that influence their investmentassessments.The climate adaptation work is at an early stage and therefore there is lack ofexperience which makes the work more difficult. Over time, municipalities anddevelopers will gain more knowledge about climate adaptation. This will eventuallymake the climate work easier in ways that municipalities, developers, and other actorswill get a better picture of the future climate conditions and the approaches that shouldbe used.

Samernas konsultationsrätt i detaljplaneprocessen : En kvalitativ analys av Lag (2022:66) / Sami Consultation Rights in the Detailed Planning Process : A Qualitative Study of Law (2022:66)

Dolk, Klara, Söderlund, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrunden till denna studie är införandet av Lag (2022:66) om konsultation i frågor som rör det samiska folket som trädde i kraft 1 mars 2022 och som sedan 1 mars 2024 även omfattar regioner och kommer samt att Plan – och Bygglagen (2010:900) inte längre är undantagen. Lagen medför en skyldighet för kommuner att i planärenden konsultera samerna i frågor som är av särskild betydelse för dem. Studien har syftat till att undersöka vilka effekter denna lag har på detaljplaneprocessen genom att utföra en djupgående undersökning av lagens utformning, tilltänkt tillämpning samt effekter. Då lagen är så pass ny finns inga relevanta ärenden att analysera vilket resulterat i en undersökning av tillgänglig litteratur, förarbeten och lagtext tillsammans med kvalitativa intervjuer med aktörer som angås av lagen. Sedan har studien jämfört svaren och litteraturfynden med befintlig statistik om detaljplaneprocessen. Studiens resultat visar att lagen kommer tillämpas för kommuner inom renskötselområden i större utsträckning än de utanför samt att kommunerna tillsammans med de samiska företrädarna över tid kommer utkristallisera vilka ärendetyper som oftare är föremål för konsultation. Vidare fann studien att de två största riskerna med lagen är förlängda ledtider på grund av att det är svårt att nå samerna under renskötselintensiva perioder samt en osäkerhet kring graden av inflytande samerna kommer få. Lagen blir tandlös om de ska lägga ner stora resurser för att tackla det administrativa trycket utan att få genomslag för deras åsikter. / The background of this study is the implementation of Act (2022:66) on consultation on issues concerning the Sámi people which won legal force on March 1, 2022, and which, from March 1, 2024, also covers regions and includes the Planning and Building Act (2010:900). The law requires municipalities to consult with the Sami in planning matters that are of particular importance to them. The study aimed to investigate the effects this law will have on the detailed planning process by conducting an in-depth examination of the law's design, intended application, and effects. As the law is relatively new, there are no relevant cases to analyze, resulting in an investigation of available literature, preparatory works, and legal texts, along with qualitative interviews with both municipalities and Sami representatives affected by the law. The study then compared the responses and literature findings with existing statistics on the detailed planning process. The study's results show that the law will be applied to municipalities within reindeer herding areas to a greater extent than those outside and that the municipalities, together with the Sami representatives, will over time identify the types of cases that are more often subject to consultation. Furthermore, the study found that the two biggest risks associated with the law are extended lead times due to the difficulty in reaching the Sami during intensive reindeer herding periods and uncertainty regarding the degree of influence the Sami will have. The law becomes ineffective if the Sami are required to invest significant resources to address the administrative burden without having their opinions considered.

Otraditionella lösningar med traditionella medel : Åtgärdsvalstudien som planeringsfenomen

Odhage, John January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand the method of strategic choice (MSC, Sw. metodik för åtgärdsvalsstudier) in Swedish transport planning as a planning phenomenon. Based on a normative interpretative approach and critical theory, underlying ideas and thinking that surround the context of MSC and how they are expressed in practice, in the guidelines and in concrete planning situations were investigated. The starting point was that changing conditions in society have necessitated reform of the transport sector and a new method has been introduced. It aims to enable a broader grip on transport issues by opening them up together with other actors, thus increasing scope and spreading responsibility for more sectors and activities, enabling new and unconventional solutions to transport problems for a sustainable future. MSC is described and interpreted here as a manifold phenomenon that reveals a tension between different perspectives and mindsets, but also leads to certain aspects being more often expressed which complicates wider and deeper perspectives on complex societal problems. More concretely, it was found that the collaboration in MSC is limited prematurely and is often limited at an early stage of the process, and that this leads to a more narrow understanding of the problem to be solved than would otherwise be the case. Furthermore, one specific perspective, namely the transport system perspective, is proposed explicitly as the basis for assessments. The study has also identified challenges related to the consideration of conflicting and contradictory knowledge claims in the process. Assessments of the effects of actions are assumed to be based upon logical premises, and not on judgments in dialogue and argumentation. However, the analysis suggested that the functional instrumental reasoning of success-oriented action does not seem to take normative and political issues into consideration in order to better address sustainable development issues in the complex, democratic and pluralist society. In conclusion, the analysis identifies the need for these processes in addressing a sustainable future to be kept open in a more inclusive and diverse way, drawing on more and different possible futures. / <p>QC 20170515</p>

Planification en contexte mégaévénementiel et reconversion urbaine : le cas du Green Point Urban Park à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud

Labrecque-Pagé, Julie 02 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 2000, nous observons de plus en plus de pays en développement (PED) hôtes de mégaévénements. En accueillant un mégaévénement en leur sol, les PED espèrent améliorer leur cadre urbain et attirer des investissements étrangers. Ceci étant dit, les retards en termes d’infrastructures et d’équipements que connaissent ces pays et les stricts cadres normatifs imposés par des organismes internationaux comme la FIFA, nous amènent à questionner la possibilité d’intégrer les aménagements mégaévénementiels, à leur contexte local. En ce sens, le processus de planification, dans lequel les cadres normatifs externes et locaux sont négociés, peut être vu comme un moment charnière ayant une incidence sur le potentiel de reconversion. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons entamé une réflexion à ce sujet en examinant le processus de planification d’un aménagement mégaévénementiel, le Green Point Urban Park (GPUP) à Cape Town, et son incidence sur son potentiel de reconversion. Plus précisément, nous allons, en premier lieu, décrire le processus de planification du site, nous allons par la suite évaluer son potentiel de reconversion, puis nous allons faire ressortir des liens entre le processus de planification et le potentiel de reconversion des aménagements mégaévénementiels. En somme, notre travail met en évidence une relation entre, d’une part, la prépondérance du cadre normatif imposé par l’organisme international et la dynamique du système d’acteurs au moment de la planification du GPUP et, d’autre part, la difficile reconversion de ce dernier après la Coupe du monde de 2010. / Since the year 2000, there has been an increasing number of developing countries hosting mega-events. By welcoming such events, developing countries have been improving their urban landscape and providing opportunities for foreign investments. That being said, their lack of infrastructure and equipment has shown to be a challenge in the organization of mega-events, events that must abide by strict regulatory frameworks set by international organizations, like FIFA. We believe the planning process, where local and international normative frameworks are negotiated, has an impact on the reconversion of mega-event developments. Through the analysis of Cape Town’s Green Point Urban Park (GPUP), this study aims to evaluate the planning process’ impact on the reconversion phase. To do so, we’ve divided our study in three parts. The first describes the planning process, the second exposes our evaluation of the site’s reconversion potential and the third evaluates the relationship between the GPUP reconversion potential and its planning process. Overall, this study seeks to demonstrate the dominating role played by the international normative framework during the GPUP’s planning process phase and how this has ultimately hindered the site’s potential of reconversion after the 2010 World Cup.

Právní otázky limitů využití území v územním plánu obce z pohledu životního prostředí / Legal issues of limitation of land use in municipal land use plan from the point of view of the environment

Kodetová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master Thesis is to introduce the term of the land use limits in context with the urban planning process and protection of environment. The first and second chapter contains of the specification and clarifications of the key terms - land use limits, urban planning process, its instruments, urban planning documentation etc. Third chapter of the Master thesis defines the function and status of the land use limits in the urban planning process. Following chapter which includes the introduction of the individual types of the land use limit including the concrete examples which we can encounter in the urban planning process and which are important for the protection of the environment. The key fifth chapter includes the analysis of the issues of the land use limits classification in the land use plans according to the previous legal regulation and according to the contemporary legal regulation. The explanation of the differences between the municipal land use plan adoption processes follows. In conclusion there is an analysis of the incorrect classification of the land use limits in the land use plans and its consequences. The important part of this analysis is the introduction of case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic related to this issue (including the case...

Restoring the Mississippi River Delta in Louisiana Ecological Tradeoffs and Barriers to Action

Maulhardt, Alison 18 December 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the Louisiana 2012 Coastal Master Plan’s ability to reconcile conflicting economic and ecological demands on coastal resources. The Louisiana Coastal Master Plan was unique in combining flood control and coastal restoration under one authority. However, the objectives of flood control and coastal restoration can be in conflict. The plan was also unique in its approach of restoration from a working coast perspective. However, the objectives of ecological restoration and economic productivity do not always agree. By conducting semi-structured interviews with major coastal stakeholders, this research will explore how the planning process has accommodated the views and values of key stakeholder parties. This research aims to make more transparent the inherent environmental tradeoffs of restoration from a working coast perspective. A working coast is a compromise between economic and environmental stakeholder needs. The approach requires a balance of power to ensure that the projects selected best serve the needs of all parties. The study found that while there is industry buy in, mechanisms for mitigating economic externalities is lacking in the plan, corporate infrastructure benefits while wildlife resources are in decline.

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