Spelling suggestions: "subject:"poets."" "subject:"toets.""
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Basotho oral poetry at the beginning of the 21st centuryTsiu, M. W. (Moruti William), 1944- 31 October 2008 (has links)
Largely based on material recorded during an internationally sponsored inter-university research tour through the Sesotho speaking area of southern Africa in August 2000, this thesis explores the state of the Basotho oral poetry, the dithoko `praise poems', the difela `mine workers' chants' and the diboko `family odes' at the beginning of the 21st century.
Unlike the classical dithoko which were inspired by the wars or the battles in which the Basotho fought as well as cannibalism, those composed at the beginning of the 21st century are inspired by socio-economic and political situations of the poets. Lack of wars has resulted in the poets turning the praising to their chiefs and themselves. Changing socio-economic conditions inspired the difela compositions. The diboko though still a living tradition among the rural Basotho are not adhered to by some who are affected by modernism.
Performance of the three oral genres has shifted from the natural settings such as the battlefield, working parties, traditional courts, assemblies, etc., to organized annual festivals such as Morija Arts & Cultural Festival which constitute the Basotho's `popular culture'. The subject-matter and themes of the dithoko have shifted from warfare to traditional chiefs, current heroic deeds of the poets, current political situations and religion. The difela are characterized by inclusion of new subject-matter. The diboko still play an important function as carriers of the names of the ancestors, the tribal idiosyncrasy of the clan and the history associated with the clan's establishment.
The three Basotho oral genres demonstrate an emergence of a new phenomenon whereby one genre penetrates another, a phenomenon which may be called `migration of texts'. The last chapter explores the insights emanating from the entire research, and discusses suggestions on what should be done to ensure that the Basotho oral genres are maintained and improved. The video footage of the poets recorded at various places of the Free State and Lesotho have contributed to the success of the research. The thesis serves as a contribution to the Basotho's dynamic oral poetry on which scholars will hopefully do further research in the near future. / African Languages / D. Litt et Phil. (African Languages)
352 |
A comparative study of satire and humour as communicative strategies in the poems of four Tsonga poetsRisenga, David Jinja 11 1900 (has links)
This study involves an investigation into the use of satire and humour as strategies of
communication. The poetry of four Tsonga poets selected for study includes these
strategies which are investigated for the purpose of determining the extent to which
they function as strategies of communication.
The study consists of four chapters which can be summarized as follows:
CHAPTER 1 contains the introduction, aim, scope and method of approach of the
entire study. Theories and definitions of satire and humour are also presented here.
In CHAPTER 2 the poems selected for study are analysed in terms of invective,
subtle and light-hearted satire.
CHAPTER 3 focuses attention on the style of presentation of comic and derisive
CHAPTER 4 highlights and elucidates the most significant findings of the study. The
most competent poet of the four at using satire and humour is identified and his
excellence declared and justified / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)
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Иновације у настави на примерима песника модерне у српској књижевности с почетка двадесетог века / Inovacije u nastavi na primerima pesnika moderne u srpskoj književnosti s početka dvadesetog veka / Innovations in teaching through the examplesof poets of modernism in Serbian literature atthe beginning of the twentieth centuryJovanović Suzana 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији Иновације у настави на<br />примерима песника модерне у српској<br />књижевности с почетка двадесетог века<br />бавимо се методичким приступом<br />песницима српске модерне у средњој школи.<br />Наш задатак је био да истражимо, теоријски<br />заснујемо и емпиријски проверимо како нове<br />моделе тако и устаљене моделе методичких<br />приступа песницима српске модерне.<br />Трудили смо се да наше проучавање има<br />научни, али пре свега и практични значај.<br />Имајући у виду устаљени модел по коме се<br />епоха модерне обрађује у средњој школи,<br />понудили смо нове алтернативне моделе<br />чије ће се иновације односити на различите<br />методолошке и методичке аспекте од којих<br />се полази у изучавању појединих песничких<br />дела, а чија ће делотворност бити истражена<br />праћењем и провером рада експерименталне<br />групе како би резултати, до којих се<br />истраживањем дошло, били поткрепљени и<br />наставном праксом. Основна полазишта у<br />интерпретацији песама биће тематске речи,<br />мотивска структура, доминантна осећања,<br />песничке слике, наративни ток. У сваком<br />појединачном моделу тежили смо<br />методолошком плурализму и интегралном<br />методичком приступу.</p> / <p>U disertaciji Inovacije u nastavi na<br />primerima pesnika moderne u srpskoj<br />književnosti s početka dvadesetog veka<br />bavimo se metodičkim pristupom<br />pesnicima srpske moderne u srednjoj školi.<br />Naš zadatak je bio da istražimo, teorijski<br />zasnujemo i empirijski proverimo kako nove<br />modele tako i ustaljene modele metodičkih<br />pristupa pesnicima srpske moderne.<br />Trudili smo se da naše proučavanje ima<br />naučni, ali pre svega i praktični značaj.<br />Imajući u vidu ustaljeni model po kome se<br />epoha moderne obrađuje u srednjoj školi,<br />ponudili smo nove alternativne modele<br />čije će se inovacije odnositi na različite<br />metodološke i metodičke aspekte od kojih<br />se polazi u izučavanju pojedinih pesničkih<br />dela, a čija će delotvornost biti istražena<br />praćenjem i proverom rada eksperimentalne<br />grupe kako bi rezultati, do kojih se<br />istraživanjem došlo, bili potkrepljeni i<br />nastavnom praksom. Osnovna polazišta u<br />interpretaciji pesama biće tematske reči,<br />motivska struktura, dominantna osećanja,<br />pesničke slike, narativni tok. U svakom<br />pojedinačnom modelu težili smo<br />metodološkom pluralizmu i integralnom<br />metodičkom pristupu.</p> / <p>The dissertation Innovations in teaching<br />through the examples of poets of modernism in<br />Serbian literature at the beginning of the<br />twentieth century deals with methodological<br />approach to poets of Serbian Modernism in high<br />school. At first our task was to base and then to<br />establish theoretically, and finally to check out<br />empirically both the new and the established<br />models of methodological approach to the poets<br />of Serbian Modernism. The aim of our study is<br />not only to achieve scientific but primarily<br />practical significance. Bearing in mind that the<br />established model by which the epoch of<br />Modernism is taught in high school, we offered<br />a new alternative models whose innovations<br />relate to various methodological and methodical<br />aspects which are the starting point in the study<br />of certain poetic deeds, and whose effectiveness<br />will be examined by monitoring and testing<br />experimental groups in order to corroborate the<br />results of the research by teaching practice as<br />well. The basic starting point in interpreting<br />poems will be themed words, motif structure,<br />dominant feelings, poetic images, narrative<br />stream. In each model, we searched for integral<br />methodological pluralism and methodical<br />approach.</p>
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Imprenta y prácticas poéticas en la sociedad cordobesa del Bajo Barroco (1650-1750) / Imprimerie et pratiques poétiques au sein de la société cordouane du Bas Baroque (1650-1750) / Printing and poetical practices in the society in Cordova in Low Baroque (1650-1750)Collantes Sánchez, Carlos María 22 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, centrée sur l'étude de la poésie imprimée à Cordoue entre 1650-1750, est conçue comme une avancée dans le champ de recherche laissé libre ente la tradition positiviste et les innovations dans le domaine de l'interprétation, notamment dans la sociologie des textes et l'exploitation des oeuvres. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le renouvellement qui s’est produit ces dernières années dans ce domaine et qui a fait progresser les études grâce à une nouvelle dimension de nature interdisciplinaire, au-delà des clivages entre les anciennes méthodologies d'études littéraires et leur analyse des textes basée sur la stylistique, et par l’attention accordée aux processus matériels, comme l'impression et la diffusion du livre, la sociologie des relations auteurs/lecteurs, et les réseaux ainsi formés. Pour développer cette recherche, je bénéficierai d’une double direction, celle du professeur Pedro Ruiz Pérez (PHEBO) de l'Université de Cordoue (Espagne), spécialiste de poésie, et de celle du professeur Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER) de l'Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, spécialiste de l’imprimerie, de l’édition et de la sociologie des auteurs. Le cadre conceptuel de départ pose qu’il est préférable de ne pas séparer les champs de travail de l'analyse de la poésie, de l'histoire de l'édition, des réseaux de sociabilité et des ressources fournies par les nouvelles technologies. Le modèle méthodologique prend appui sur ces approches et s’articule en une double ligne de travail : le développement d’un corpus (inexistant à ce jour) basé sur les outils des humanités numériques (bases de données, corpus numérisé, etc.) et d'autre part sur le modèle d'analyse mis à l'essai dans les travaux sur l'imprimerie et la poésie, développés respectivement par les deux directeurs. La combinaison des deux permet une approche nouvelle des questions liées à la production, la circulation et la lecture des textes et à leur valeur dans un champ littéraire en développement. / The present thesis, focusing on the study of the poetry printed in Cordova between 1650-1750, it´s an advance in the field opened between the positivist tradition and the innovations in the area of the interpretation, including the sociology of the texts and of the functioning of the works. In the recent years a renovation has appeared in this field, in which the present thesis registers, advancing in a consideration of character to interdisciplinary that it overcomes the existing distances between the former methodologies of the literary studies and his analysis of the texts in stylistic way, with his attention to the material processes, as those of the press and the traffic of the book and the sociology with the relations of authors and readers and the networks that they formed. For the development of the investigation I have the direction from the University of Cordova of Prof. Pedro Ruiz Perez (PHEBO) and for the specialization in press and edition and sociology with Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER) and the University of Bordeaux 3 Montaigne. This is the start point of the conceptual frame, that considers the convenience of not separating the own work camps of the analysis of the poetry, the history of the edition, the networks of sociology and the resources provided by the new technologies. The methodological model starts of these expositions and takes form of a double line of work: Creation of a bibliography (non-existent up to the date) with support in the tools of the digital humanities (databases, digitized corpuses, etc.) and, of another part, the model of analysis tested in the work on press and poetry, fields respectively developed by both mentioned directors. The conjunction of both allows an new approximation of the questions related to the production, traffic and reading of the texts and his value in a literary field in development. / La presente tesis se centra en el estudio y repertorio de la poesía impresa en Córdoba entre 1650-1750. Se plantea como un avance metodológico en el campo de la tradición positivista y la recepción poética, a partir de la bibliografía y la sociología de los textos. La investigación se inscribe en el marco de cotutela internacional entre la Universidad de Córdoba y l´Université Bordeaux Montaigne, siendo los codirectores de la misma el Prof. Pedro Ruiz Pérez (PHEBO) y el Prof. Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER), respectivamente. Este trabajo avanza sobre una consideración de carácter interdisciplinar que aúne las metodologías de la literatura, la bibliografía y las Humanidades digitales. Se focaliza la atención en la poesía impresa, atendiendo a los procesos materiales, como la manufactura de las obras mediante la imprenta, la circulación del libro y la red de relaciones sociales-literarias entre autores, lectores e impresores. Radica aquí el marco conceptual de salida, que considera la conveniencia de no separar los campos de trabajo propios del análisis de la poesía, la historia de la edición, las redes de sociabilidad y los recursos proporcionados por las nuevas tecnologías. El modelo metodológico arranca de estos planteamientos y se plasma en la elaboración del repertorio catalográfico que albergue a todas las ediciones impresas que contengan algún verso (inexistente hasta la fecha), un directorio biográfico de todos los agentes literarios que intervengan en la producción de la obra y dos bases de datos relacionales que contenga dicha información, concebidas dentro del marco de las Humanidades Digitales. Esto permitirá un nuevo acercamiento a las cuestiones relacionadas con la producción, circulación y recepción de la poesía. En resumen, esta investigación dotará de las herramientas necesarias para definir la práctica del verso en la sociedad bajobarroca cordobesa.
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Biblijos horizontas XXa. šeštojo dešimtmečio kartos lietuvių poetų kūryboje / The Biblical horizon in the XXth century 6th decade generation Lithuanian poets' ceationNorvaišaitė, Rasa 03 June 2005 (has links)
The architectonics of the Biblical horizon allow to perceive, and highlight the ideological and semantical poetical kernel of the XXth century 6th decade poets’ generation. While highlighting the peculiarity of the Biblical horizon and revealing the semantical kernels of writers’ apprehension and poetical worldview, the theoretical hermeneutical principle of text reading is chosen. A reference is made to the perspective of Ricoeuras, which formulates the tradition of hermeneutical symbol and metaphor apprehension. The Biblical horizon is perceived according to the three poetical traditions of the Scripture re-creating. That would be: the structure of views proning to the logycs of rebellion and myth, the poetical principle of sensual and perceptual relation to the things, the intelectual novation of the biblical religious architectonics. The creation of these poets, representing diverse poetical traditions, idividually transform (Platelis, Kajokas, Gailius, Cieškaitė) or deform (Patackas) the notional field of the Scripture.
In Patackas and Platelis poetry, representing the verse of death or reflection, for pointing out the Biblical horizon is important the mythopoetical cogitation which brings forward the dominant of rebellion, related to the sociocultural apprehension and revealing the Biblical typology of banishment from the paradise. Patackas poetry points out the perspective of the profanic paradygme, demythologization of the biblical images, semantical... [to full text]
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Basotho oral poetry at the beginning of the 21st centuryTsiu, M. W. (Moruti William), 1944- 31 October 2008 (has links)
Largely based on material recorded during an internationally sponsored inter-university research tour through the Sesotho speaking area of southern Africa in August 2000, this thesis explores the state of the Basotho oral poetry, the dithoko `praise poems', the difela `mine workers' chants' and the diboko `family odes' at the beginning of the 21st century.
Unlike the classical dithoko which were inspired by the wars or the battles in which the Basotho fought as well as cannibalism, those composed at the beginning of the 21st century are inspired by socio-economic and political situations of the poets. Lack of wars has resulted in the poets turning the praising to their chiefs and themselves. Changing socio-economic conditions inspired the difela compositions. The diboko though still a living tradition among the rural Basotho are not adhered to by some who are affected by modernism.
Performance of the three oral genres has shifted from the natural settings such as the battlefield, working parties, traditional courts, assemblies, etc., to organized annual festivals such as Morija Arts & Cultural Festival which constitute the Basotho's `popular culture'. The subject-matter and themes of the dithoko have shifted from warfare to traditional chiefs, current heroic deeds of the poets, current political situations and religion. The difela are characterized by inclusion of new subject-matter. The diboko still play an important function as carriers of the names of the ancestors, the tribal idiosyncrasy of the clan and the history associated with the clan's establishment.
The three Basotho oral genres demonstrate an emergence of a new phenomenon whereby one genre penetrates another, a phenomenon which may be called `migration of texts'. The last chapter explores the insights emanating from the entire research, and discusses suggestions on what should be done to ensure that the Basotho oral genres are maintained and improved. The video footage of the poets recorded at various places of the Free State and Lesotho have contributed to the success of the research. The thesis serves as a contribution to the Basotho's dynamic oral poetry on which scholars will hopefully do further research in the near future. / African Languages / D. Litt et Phil. (African Languages)
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A comparative study of satire and humour as communicative strategies in the poems of four Tsonga poetsRisenga, David Jinja 11 1900 (has links)
This study involves an investigation into the use of satire and humour as strategies of
communication. The poetry of four Tsonga poets selected for study includes these
strategies which are investigated for the purpose of determining the extent to which
they function as strategies of communication.
The study consists of four chapters which can be summarized as follows:
CHAPTER 1 contains the introduction, aim, scope and method of approach of the
entire study. Theories and definitions of satire and humour are also presented here.
In CHAPTER 2 the poems selected for study are analysed in terms of invective,
subtle and light-hearted satire.
CHAPTER 3 focuses attention on the style of presentation of comic and derisive
CHAPTER 4 highlights and elucidates the most significant findings of the study. The
most competent poet of the four at using satire and humour is identified and his
excellence declared and justified / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)
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A maldição como processo = leituras de Gaspard de la Nuit / Curse as a process : lectures on Gaspard de la NuitMelo Franco, Lenon Rogerio de 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Suzi Frankl Sperber / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituo de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T22:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MeloFranco_LenonRogeriode_M.pdf: 1830662 bytes, checksum: d63fce9d22e9ed1808c6436f83f0a25d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A dissertação se ocupa da recepção da obra francesa Gaspard de la Nuit: fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot desde sua publicação nos anos românticos até nossos dias. As leituras de Sainte-Beuve, Baudelaire, Mallarmé e André Breton, sobretudo, são revisadas à luz de exames sincrônicos e diacrônicos. Os diferentes acolhimentos do texto são oportunidade e aporte para discutirmos seus aspectos prevalentes, tais como a relação da poesia com as artes plásticas, a fundação de um novo gênero que é o poema em prosa moderno e a noção de poète maudit. Após o decantamento crítico de numerosos leitores, apresentamos então nossa exegese particular da obra - que se acrescenta a esses registros recepcionais que foram analisados / Abstract: Not informed / Mestrado / Literatura Geral e Comparada / Mestre em Teoria e História Literária
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Čeští katoličtí básníci v hodinách literatury na gymnáziích / Czech Catholic poets in the lessons of literature at high schoolsDolejší, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine methods, forms, and processes for presenting the lives and work of the Czech catholic poets Jan Zahradníček, Bohuslav Reynek, and Josef Kostohryz during high-school literature lessons. Furthermore, the objective is to propose ways of introducing the young generation of readers to catholic poetry as a source of existentialist questions pertaining to life and existence, deep personal experiences, and spirituality regardless of their individual religious beliefs and preferences. Since this thesis is primarily intended to serve as a tool for high-school teachers, the text contains an extensive section that describes the general aspects of the proposed didactic approach, where the aim is to facilitate orientation in the proposed concept on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to define the foregoing aspects because they constitute the basis of the concept. The concept chosen as a means for achieving the objectives of the thesis is based on the principles, teaching methods, and forms of innovative learning. Innovative learning is based on the constructivist model and on an approach to teaching literature that is based on readership, interpretation, and creativity, where focus concentrates on the active and independent work of students, receptive and productive...
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Frank O'Hara & the city : situationist psychogeography, postwar poetics, & capitalist culture.Shweiry, Zein 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation adopts a fresh interdisciplinary perspective on reading the postwar urban poems of New York School poet Frank O’Hara. Through French Situationist philosophy, and particularly the writings of Guy Debord, the study explores the spatial and textual relations of O’Hara’s urban and cultural representations in postwar poetry. With the help of psychogeography and its “anti-techniques” of détournement and dérive, the research focuses on O’Hara’s uses of appropriation in constructing his urban assemblages.
The dissertation considers postwar poems from The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara and offers Situationist readings and understandings of O’Hara’s modernist (urban and cultural) space. The choice of specific poems highlights O’Hara’s unequivocal inspiration by French poetry and focuses on their urbane, experimental and erotic aspects. The first two chapters propose ways in decoding psychogeographical approaches in poetic (de)composition for reading O’Hara’s poems, while the third delves into O’Hara’s uses of camp in dialogue with Situationist politics that highlight not only the capitalist and the cultural, but also the erotic and the queer. / Cette thèse expose une nouvelle perspective interdisciplinaire quant à la lecture des poèmes d’après-guerre de le poète de New York School Frank O’Hara. Au travers de la philosophie de Situationiste Internationale, plus précisément des écrits de Guy Debord, cette étude explore les connections entre la poésie de Frank O’Hara et des propres représentation urbains et culturelles. Grace au notions de psychogeographie et ses « anti-technique » de détournement et dérive, cette recherche se concentre sur l’art d’appropriation qu’utilise O’Hara dans ses assemblages poétiques.
L’emphase mise sur les poèmes d’après-guerre tirés de The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara illustre la vision de l’environnement moderniste de O’Hara. Les aspects urbains, expérimentaux, et érotiques inspirés de la poésie française sout mis en valeur par les poèmes choisir d’O’Hara. Les deux premier chapitres proposent une approche psychogeographique pour décomposer les images des poèmes de O’Hara tandis que le troisième chapitre examine l’utilization du « camp » en rapport avec la politique Situationiste qui souligne non seulement la capitalisme et la culture, mais aussi l’érotique et l’homosexualité.
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