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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zero-level Packaging Of Microwave And Millimeter-wave Mems Components

Comart, Ilker 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents realization of two shunt, capacitive contact RF MEMS switches and two RF MEMS SPDT switches for microwave and millimeter-wave applications, two zero-level package structures for RF MEMS switches and development trials of a BCB based zero level packaging process cycle. Two shunt, capacitive contact RF MEMS switches for 26 GHz and 12 GHz operating frequencies are designed, fabricated and consistencies between fabricated devices and designs are shown through RF measurements. For the switch design at 26 GHz and at the operating frequency, return loss in the upstate is measured to be 27.61 dB, insertion loss and isolation in the downstate is measured to be 0.21 dB and 27.16 dB, respectively. For the switch design at 12 GHz and at the operating frequency, return loss in the upstate is measured to be 38.69 dB, insertion loss and isolation in the downstate is measured to be 0.05 dB and 25.84 dB, respectively. Quite accurate circuit models have been obtained for both of the RF MEMS switches. Two RF MEMS SPDT switches, which utilize the shunt, capacitive contact switches as building blocks are designed through circuit simulations. These two designs are fabricated and their RF measurements have been completed. It is shown from circuit model simulations that, the performances of the fabricated devices and desired responses corresponded to each other. For the SPDT switch design at 26 GHz, return loss at the input port is measured to be 12 dB and insertion loss is measured to be 1.24 dB. For the SPDT switch design at 12 GHz, return loss at the input port is measured to be 5.6 dB and insertion loss is measured to be 0.49 dB. The reason behind the unexpectedly bad performances has been investigated and discovered. The bad performances were due to a common mistake in the layouts of both SPDT switches. These mistakes are corrected in the circuit models and expected performances are obtained. Two different zero-level package structures which use high-resistive Si wafers have been suggested and required design changes have been made on the RF MEMS shunt, capacitive contact switches and SPDT switches in order to minimize the package effects. For this purpose polygonal CPW transitions have been designed and integrated into the designs, followed by the necessary tunings in the switch structures for which EM and circuit simulations are utilized. For the suggested package structures to be produced, two possible process cycles have been studied. One of the process flows was based on KOH anisotropic Si etching and the other one was based on DRIE (Deep Reactive Ion Etching). Great progress has been achieved in the latter process cycle, however this process cycle still needs some more study and it could not be completed in the time required for this thesis study.

Mechanical Behaviour of Single-Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys

Leidermark, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this paper the mechanical behaviour, both elastic and plastic, of single-crystal nickel-based superalloys has been investigated. A theoretic base has been established in crystal plasticity, with concern taken to the shearing rate on the slip systems. A model of the mechanical behaviour has been implemented, by using FORTRAN, as a user defined material model in three major FEM-programmes. To evaluate the model a simulated pole figure has been compared to an experimental one. These pole figures match each other very well. Yielding a realistic behaviour of the model.</p>

Millimeter-wave integrated circuit design in silicon-germanium technology for next generation radars

Song, Peter 08 June 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the circuits which comprise the front-end of a millimeter-wave transmit-receive module are investigated using a state-of-the-art 90 nm SiGe BiCMOS process for use in radar remote sensing applications. In Chapter I, the motivation for a millimeter-wave radar in the context of space-based remote sensing is discussed. In addition, an overview of Silicon-germanium technology is presented, and the chapter concludes with a discussion of design challenges at millimeter-wave frequencies. In Chapter II, a brief history of radar technology is presented - the motivations leading to the development of the transmit-receive module for active electronically scanned arrays are discussed, and the critical components which reside in nearly every high-frequency transmit-receive module are introduced. In Chapter III, the design and results of a W-band single-pole, double-throw switch using SiGe p-i-n diodes are discussed. In particular, the design topology and methods used to achieve low-loss and high power handling over a wide matching bandwidth without sacrificing isolation are described. In Chapter IV, the design and results of a W-band low-noise amplifier using SiGe HBT's are discussed. The design methodologies used to achieve high gain and exceptional noise performance over a wide matching bandwidth are described. Concluding remarks and a discussion of future work are in Chapter V.

The Contribution of Higher Education to Regional SocioeconomicDevelopment : The University of Buea,Cameroon, as a Growth Pole

Neba Samuel Fongwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>This research investigates how higher education institutions contribute to regional development, using the University of Buea in the Fako region as a case study. Policy documents reviewed and interviews with major stakeholders in the region, present a significant 'delink' or disjuncture between university policy and regional development efforts. This, from the policy perspective, has been strongly attributed to the national rather than to the regional mandate around which the university was established. However, data from the economic and social indicators investigated, reveal that the University of Buea by its very presence has been a significant agent in the development of the municipality.</p>

Development of real-time flight control system for low-cost vehicle

Du, Yongliang 01 1900 (has links)
In recent years, more and more light aircraft enter our daily life, from Agricultural applications, emergency rescue, flight experiment and training to Barriers to entry, light aircraft always have their own advantages. Thus, they have become more and more popular. However, in the process of GDP research about Flight Control System design for the Flying Crane, the author read a lot of literature about Flight Control System design, then noticed that the research in Flight Control System have apparently neglected to Low-cost vehicles. So it is necessary to do some study about Flight Control System for this kind of airplane. The study will more concern the control law design for ultra-light aircraft, the author hopes that with an ‘intelligence’ Flight Control System design, this kind of aircraft could sometimes perform flying tasks according to a prearranged flight path and without a pilot. As the Piper J-3 cub is very popular and the airframe data can be obtained more easily, it was selected as an objective aircraft for the control law design. Finally, a ¼ scale Piper J-3 cub model is selected and the aerodynamics coefficients are calculated by DATCOM and AVL. Based on the forces and moments acting on the aircraft, the trim equilibrium was calculated for getting proper dynamics coefficients for the selected flight conditions. With the aircraft aerodynamics coefficients, the aircraft dynamics characteristics and flying qualities are also analyzed. The model studied in this thesis cannot answer level one flying qualities in the longitudinal axis, which is required by MIL-F- 8785C. The stability augment system is designed to improve the flying qualities of the longitudinal axis. The work for autopilot design in this thesis includes five parts. First, the whole flight profile is designed to automatically control aircraft from takeoff to landing. Second, takeoff performance and guidance law is studied. Then, landing performance and trajectory is also investigated. After that, the control law design is decoupled into longitudinal axis and later-directional axis. Finally, simulation is executed to check the performance for the auto-controller.

Mycoplasma synoviae assoziierte Eischalenpoldefekte bei Legehennen

Ranck, Frederik 20 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In einer klinisch-prospektiven Feldstudie wurden Legehennenherden untersucht, in denen poldefekte Eier auftraten. Aus 3 betroffenen Herden wurden hierzu gezielt 86 Hühner, die poldefekte Eier legten, sowie willkürlich 72 Hühner, die normale Eier legten, untersucht. Alle Herden zeigten eine gute Legeleistung und eine hohen Sekundaanteil von über 5% an der Legeleistung, wobei die verschmutzten Eier die größte Fraktion ausmachten. Je mehr poldefekte Eier auftraten, umso höher waren der Schmutzeianteil sowie der Anteil an Bruch- und Fließeiern. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich durch die verringerte Schalenstabilität der poldefekten Eier erklären. Bei den auf poldefekte Eier selektierten Hühnern machten die poldefekten Eier den Hauptanteil der absoluten Legeleistung mit 46 bis 64% aus, sie hatten zudem einen Bruch- und Fließeianteil zwischen 27 und 38%. Der Bruch –und Fließeianteil hat die absolute Legeleistung gesenkt, aufgrund ihrer Instabilität gingen viele dieser Eier auf dem Weg vom Huhn zur Packstelle verloren. Hatte ein Huhn einmal begonnen poldefekte Eier zu legen, legte es fast keine normalen Eier mehr. In der serologischen Untersuchung mittels ELISA hatten die Hühner aller drei Herden, welche poldefekte Eier legten, einen signifikant höheren Antikörpertiter (p<0,05) gegen Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe. Bei allen Hühnern konnte MS-spezifische DNA in Trachealabstrichen mittels PCR amplifiziert werden. Kloakenabstriche erwiesen sich mittels MS-PCR bei den Hühnern mit poldefekten Eiern zu 87% (n=72), bei den Kontrollhühner dagegen nur zu 18% (n=13) als MS positiv. MS war darüber hinaus aus Legedarmabstrichen von fünf Hühnern, welche poldefekte Eier legten, kultivierbar. Darüber hinaus wurden 49 poldefekte Eier und 43 Eier ohne Poldefekte im Eiklar auf MS untersucht. Bei fast allen poldefekten Eiern konnte im Eiklar MS-spezifische DNA nachgewiesen werden (n=48; 98%), im Unterschied zu den Kontrolleiern (n=11; 26%). Ein kausal-pathogenetischer Zusammenhang zwischen einer Infektion des Legedarms mit MS und dem Legen von Eiern mit Poldefekten ist den Ergebnissen folgend wahrscheinlich, wobei verschiedene Faktoren für die Infektion des Legedarms verantwortlich zu sein scheinen. Bei der qualitativen Untersuchung hatten die poldefekten Eier eine signifikant (p<0.05) geringere Schalenstabilität im Vergleich zu den Kontrolleiern. Die Eischalenspitzen der Gruppe „Pol A“ hielten mit 11,4N fast nur ein Viertel der Belastung der Referenzherde aus. Die hohe Schalenstabilität der Kontrolleier von über 40N zeigte, dass die Legehennen, die keine poldefekten Eier legten, keine Schalenstabilitätsprobleme hatten. Die Farbe der braunen poldefekten Eier war oft signifikant heller als die der Kontrolleier, auch waren die Farbpigmente (a- und b-Wert) signifikant (p<0,05) verändert. Das trockene Schalengewicht war bei den poldefekten Eiern mit bis zu einem Gramm Unterschied pro Ei signifikant (p<0,05) niedriger als bei den Kontrolleiern. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Eischale wurden an 2 poldefekten Eiern und 2 Eiern ohne Poldefekte durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die poldefekten Eier sowohl in Struktur als auch im Durchmesser der Eischale erheblich von den Kontrolleiern unterschieden. Es ist fraglich, ob die veränderte Schale der poldefekten Eier in ihrer mikrobiologischen Barrierefunktion beeinträchtigt ist. Die für die Eifrische relevanten Größen wichen bei den poldefekten Eiern teilweise signifikant von den Kontrolleiern ab. In den braunen poldefekten Eiern traten vermehrt Fleischflecken auf. Aus den poldefekten Eiern ließ sich der Erreger MS jedoch nicht isolieren und anzüchten. Die untersuchten poldefekten Eier erfüllten damit - soweit ihre Schale intakt war - die formalen Anforderungen an frische Eier der Güteklasse A nach VO (EG) Nr. 1234/2007 und 598/2008. In der gelelektrophoretischen Analyse der organischen Matrix der Eischalen war in den poldefekten Eiern die Intensität der Lysozym zugeordneten Bande jeweils höher als in den Kontrolleiern, dies ließ sich jedoch statistisch nicht untermauern. Ätiologisch ist denkbar, dass eine subklinische bakterielle Besiedlung des Legedarms mit MS und die daraus resultierende Immunantwort den Lysozymspiegel des Uterussekrets erhöht. Die Verschiebung des Lysozymspiegels wirkt sich sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ negativ auf die Eischalenbildung aus. Das Resultat ist eine verringerte Schalenstabilität, das morphologische Korrelat der im Eischalenspitzenbereich sichtbare Defekt. / Hens laying eggs with egg-pole shell defects (EPS) were examined in a clinical prospective study. 86 hens with EPS and 72 hens without EPS from 3 flocks were selected for this study. All examined flocks showed a good laying performance, although laying many eggs off quality class B. The rate was over 5 percent of all laid eggs, most of them were dirty eggs. There was a significant correlation between EPS-eggs and dirty eggs, although between EPS-eggs and broken- and thin shelled eggs. This phenomenon could be explained by the decreased eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs. The selected hens with EPS showed a rate between 46 and 64 percent EPS-eggs of all laid eggs, the rate of broken- and thin shelled eggs was between 27 and 38 percent. Those broken- and thin shelled eggs increased absolute laying performance, because of their instability many of them were lost on the way from the cage to the packing station. The selected hens with EPS produced almost no normal eggs. It could be shown that if a hen starts laying EPS-eggs, she is almost unable to lay normal eggs any more. It could be proven serologically that hens with EPS had significant (p<0.05) higher titers against Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) then hens without EPS. MS-DNA was detectable from the tracheal swab in all tested hens. PCR tested cloacal swabs for MS were more frequently positive from hens with EPS (n=72; 87%) then from hens without EPS (n=13; 18%). Furthermore MS could be cultivated from the oviduct of 5 hens with EPS. Additionally 49 Eggs with EPS and 43 Eggs without EPS were examined microbiologically. MS-DNA was detectable in the albumen of nearly all eggs with EPS (n = 48; 98 %), contrary to the eggs without EPS (n = 11; 26%). Due to the findings it is very likely that an infection of the oviduct with MS results in eggs with EPS, whereas different factors may play an important role for the infection of the oviduct. In the qualitative investigation EPS-eggs had a significant (p<0.05) decreased pole eggshell strength than the eggs without EPS. The pole eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs of flock A (group “Pol A”) was with 11,4N just about a quarter of the pole eggshell strength of the reference flock. Nearly all eggs without EPS had a pole eggshell strength over 40N. It could be shown that hens without EPS had no decreased eggshell strength. The color of the brown EPS-eggs was often significant brighter than color of brown eggs without EPS. Furthermore the color pigments of the EPS-eggs were significant (p<0.05) changed. Dry eggshell weight was in EPS-eggs up until 1 gram difference significant (p<0.05) lower compared to eggs without EPS. Scanning electron microscopy was performed in 2 eggs with EPS and 2 eggs without EPS. This investigation revealed that eggs with EPS showed considerable differences of the eggshell structure as well as the cross section dimension according to eggs without EPS. It is doubtful whether the changed eggshell of EPS-eggs is impaired in its microbiological barrier function. The relevant variables for the freshness of the egg varied in the EPS-eggs in some cases significantly (p<0.05) compared to the control eggs. In Brown EPS-eggs increased Meat-spots occurred. However, MS could not be cultivated from EPS-eggs. Therewith fulfilled the investigated EPS-eggs - if their shell was intact - the formal requirements for fresh eggs of grade A eggs under regulation VO (EG) No. 1234/2007 and 598/2008. A gel electrophoretic analysis of the organic matrix of the eggshells of EPS-eggs and normal eggs was made. Intensity of the lysozyme-associated band was in the EPS eggs respectively higher than in the control eggs. However, this could not be proven statistically. Etiologically is conceivable that subclinical bacterial colonization of the hens oviduct with MS and the resulting immune response increases the lysozyme level in the uterine secretions. The shift of the lysozyme level affects both quantitatively and qualitatively negative on the eggshell formation. The result is a decrease in shell strength. The morphological correlate is the visible eggshell pole defect.

LIF instrument development, in situ measurement at South Pole and 1D air-snowpack modeling of atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO)

Liao, Wei 02 April 2008 (has links)
Atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) is a significant and sometimes dominant OH source at polar region. An improved method of detecting HONO is developed using photo-fragmentation and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). The detection limit of this method is 2-3 pptv for ten-minute integration time with 35% uncertainty. The abundance of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) HONO measurements during ANTCI (Antarctic troposphere chemistry investigation) 2003 exceeds the pure gas phase model predictions by a factor of 1.92±0.67, which implies snow emission of HONO. A 1D air-snowpack model of HONO was developed and constrained by observed chemistry and meteology data. The 1D model includes pure gas phase chemical mechanisms, molecular diffusion and mechanical dispersion, windpumping in snow, gas phase to quasi-liquid layer phase HONO transfer and quasi-liquid layer nitrate photolysis. Based on the air-snowpack model, snow emission of HONO is highly likely and will be transported to place of the measurements. The pH, thickness of quasi liquid layer and contineous nitrite measurement are key factors to calibrate and validate the air snowpack model.

Dynamic characterisation of vibration isolators

Dickens, John D., Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1998 (has links)
A vibration isolator is designed to reduce the vibration and structure borne noise transmitted from a vibratory source, such as machinery and equipment, to the supporting structure. The vibration and structure borne noise transmitted depends upon the dynamic properties of the foundation, the source mounting point and the vibration isolator. Therefore knowledge of the frequency dependent dynamic properties of vibration isolators is a necessary part of the acoustic prediction and control/reduction process. Vibration isolators may be characterised by measuring their four-pole parameters. A measurement procedure is proposed that employs the floating mass method, measures the direct forces and corrects for the errors introduced by the direct force measurement. Compared to the basic method, it extends the frequency limits of measurement in both directions. The development of a novel vibration isolator test facility that implements the proposed measurement procedure is described, and its satisfactory operation is experimentally demonstrated. The vibration isolator test facility is capable of characterizing vibration isolators commonly used in industrial and maritime applications, under service conditions. A method is proposed for measuring the four-pole parameters of a uni-directional asymmetrical vibration isolator under static load. The method is called the two masses method, and is suitable for determining the four???pole parameters of active vibration isolators with feedback control. The method is also applicable to uni-directional symmetrical and bi-directional symmetrical and bi-directional asymmetrical vibration isolators. It may be regarded as a universal method for characterising vibration isolators. Experimental data is presented and the method is validated. Modelling of vibration isolators is complicated by the highly non-linear nature of their rubber elements. The notion of an effective rubber cylinder is proposed to account for the barrelling of rubber elements under static load. Consequently, a general static compression model is proposed that applies to vibration isolators having unfilled and filled rubber elements of regular prismatic shapes. The model predicts the dependence of the four-pole parameters on the compression ratio of the rubber element. The predictions derived from the effective rubber cylinder and general static compression model agree excellently with experimental work of this study and other researchers.

EDUCAÇÃO A DISTÂNCIA NO TOCANTINS: A IMPLANTAÇÃO DOS POLOS DA UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA DO BRASIL (2007-2015) / Distance Education in Tocantins: the implantation of the poles of the Open University of Brazil (2007-2015)

Primo, Lorrane de Lima 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2017-03-30T12:43:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LORRANE DE LIMA PRIMO.pdf: 1969428 bytes, checksum: f1ef280d9dd962ca94b4dac1ef02d5ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-30T12:43:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LORRANE DE LIMA PRIMO.pdf: 1969428 bytes, checksum: f1ef280d9dd962ca94b4dac1ef02d5ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Distance Education is a teaching modality that has its own characteristics, among them the flexibility of time and space that allows its constant expansion, the increase of supply and demand, besides becoming a tool for social inclusion, since Alternative of training uses and creates information, knowledge and competence to support the intellectual development of the human being. In order to carry out this public policy of expansion and internalization of EaD, it is necessary to implement the poles of physical support, which is the physical and operational space for carrying out the mandatory presential activities of the courses offered, in addition to promoting socioeconomic development in the municipality an d Environment where it is deployed. With this focus, this research aims to identify, in the state of Tocantins, the transformation factors in the socioeconomic development provoked around the pole after its implantation. Regarding the objectives, it was classified as descriptive and exploratory and with a qualitative approach for the analysis of the data that were obtained through bibliographical, documentary and questionnaire application. The respondents were coordinators of the 18 poles of face-to-face support that offer courses in the distance modality through the Open University of Brazil - UAB and other programs, maintained by the state government. After organizing the collected data, they were analyzed in a deductive way, allowing to observe that, regardless of the index of human development of the municipality, the local productive organizations suffered some type of change after the pole implantation. The theoretical support raised and the research made it possible to verify that factors such as acces s to public higher education, the dissemination of knowledge, the opportunity for professional training and economic growth generated after the implementation of the EAD, reflect in the socioeconomic development The municipality and its surroundings. / A Educação a Distância é uma modalidade de ensino que possui características próprias, dentre elas a flexibilidade de tempo e espaço que permite a sua expansão constante, o acréscimo de oferta e da procura, além de torna-se ferramenta de inclusão social, já que como alternativa de formação utiliza e cria informação, conhecimento e competência de sustentação do desenvolvimento intelectual do ser humano. Para realizar essa política pública de expansão e interiorização da EaD, torna-se necessário a implantação dos polos de apoio presencial que é o espaço físico e operacional para a realização das atividades presenciais obrigatórias dos cursos ofertados, além de promover o desenvolvimento socioeconômico no município e entorno onde está implantado. Com esse foco, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar, no estado do Tocantins, os fatores de transformação no desenvolvimento socioeconômico provocado no entorno do polo após sua implantação. Quanto aos objetivos, classificou-se como descritiva e exploratória e com uma abordagem qualitativa para a análise dos dados que foram obtidos através do levantamento bibliográfico, documental e aplicação de questionário. Os respondentes foram coordenadores dos 18 polos de apoio presencial que oferecem cursos na modalidade a distância através da Universidade Aberta do Brasil –UAB e outros programas, mantidos pelo governo estadual. Após a organização dos dados coletados, os mesmos foram analisados de forma dedutiva, possibilitando observar que, independente do índice de desenvolvimento humano do município as organizações produtivas locais sofreram algum tipo de mudança após a implantação do polo. O suporte teórico levantado e a realização da pesquisa permitiram a constatação de que fatores como o acesso ao ensino superior público, a disseminação do conhecimento, a oportunidade de formação profissional e o crescimento econômico gerados após a implantação do polo de EaD, refletem no desenvolvimento socioeconômico do município e de seu entorno.

Les pôles de compétitivité / The competitiveness clusters

Agbessi, Sonagnon Hervé 13 November 2013 (has links)
Les mutations économiques induites par la mondialisation et la concurrence des pays émergents ont entraîné, en 2004, le lancement par l'Etat d'une politique industrielle articulée autour des pôles de compétitivité. Contrairement à la finalité redistributive de l'aménagement du territoire, les pôles de compétitivité n'ont pas été choisis selon une logique de type «aménagement volontaire de l'espace », ni déterminés par rapport à une vision qui irait dans le sens d'un rééquilibrage des potentiels de recherche sur le territoire national. La politique des pôles de compétitivité porte directement sur des projets et non plus sur l'aménagement global du territoire. Les activités de R&D menées en partenariat par les acteurs du Pôle imposent néanmoins un cadre juridique permettant d'identifier et d'intéresser chaque partenaire aux résultats en fonction des règles ou des critères définis par eux. Il n'est cependant pas exclu que les conflits puissent provenir de la normalisation. En effet, les pôles de compétitivité devraient être prêts à consentir des redevances sur leurs brevets à prix coûtant sous peine d'être sanctionnés, pour abus de position dominante. Le financement des pôles de compétitivité étant limité par la réglementation européenne des aides d'Etat, il importe de trouver, comme aux Etats-Unis et au Japon, d'autres sources de financement privé de l'innovation, notamment le recours au capital-risque. Mais les pôles de compétitivité seraient-ils de nature à proposer et à créer des produits innovants prometteurs susceptibles d'encourager la prise de risques par les investisseurs ? / The global economic transformations driven by globalization and competition from emerging countries led, in 2004, the launching by the Government of an industrial policy built around the competitiveness clusters. Contrary to the redistributive purpose of the territory planning, the competitiveness clusters were not chosen according to a logical type « voluntary spatial planning», or determined by reference to a vision that goes in the direction of a rebalancing of research potential in the country. Policy of competitiveness clusters bears directly on projects and not on the overall territory planning. The R & D conducted in partnership with actors of competitiveness clusters impose a legal framework to identify and interest each partner in the results according to the rules or criteria defined by them. However, it is possible that conflicts may arise from standardization. Indeed, the competitiveness clusters should grant royalties on their patents at cost. If not, they should be punished for abuse of dominant position. The financing of competitiveness clusters is limited by European’s regulation on state aid. It leads the need to find, as in the United States and Japan, other sources of private financing of innovation, including the use of venture capital. But would the competitiveness clusters propose and create promising innovative products that encourage risk-taking by investors ?

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