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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Os reflexos da (in)sustentabilidade urbana em um sistema social : um estudo dos efeitos produzidos pelo Polo Naval na cidade de Rio Grande

Salles, Ana Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Tendo em vista que grande parte da população mundial já vive em cidades, pensá-las de forma sustentável pressupõe entender a sua dinâmica, buscando alternativas para questões amplas e complexas que emanam do chamado desenvolvimento sustentável. A sustentabilidade urbana impõe desafios aos governantes e a toda sociedade, no sentido de atender às demandas atuais, prevenindo e mitigando os efeitos negativos gerados como consequência do crescimento econômico. Para tanto, há a necessidade de haver gestão integrada entre órgãos de diferentes setores governamentais e de áreas de políticas distintas bem como a necessidade de reflexão acerca de novas concepções de planejamento e gestão de políticas públicas e na perspectiva do ordenamento territorial para aliar o crescimento econômico, a preservação ambiental e a qualidade de vida da população. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar a mudança do sistema social e os efeitos na sustentabilidade urbana da cidade de Rio Grande/RS, a partir da instalação do Polo Naval. Para tanto, buscou-se embasamento nos pressupostos da Sustentabilidade Urbana, na Teoria de Sistemas Sociais e na Teoria do Equilíbrio Pontuado. Assim, foi possível analisar a implantação do Polo Naval na cidade de Rio Grande, identificando os reflexos da (in)sustentabilidade urbana produzida pelo Polo Naval sob a perspectiva da Teoria de Sistemas Sociais, bem como analisar o processo de mudança ocorrido na cidade, relacionando as evidências encontradas à estrutura profunda do sistema social e ao Modelo de Mudança Descontínua, admitindo-se que algumas perturbações são capazes de romper o equilíbrio e provocar diversas mudanças, não necessariamente de forma gradual. No contexto da presente pesquisa, essa pontuação foi associada a instalação do Polo Naval, na cidade de Rio Grande no Rio Grande do Sul. A utilização de mais de uma abordagem teórica se mostrou pertinente na presente pesquisa, tendo em vista a diversidade de elementos e a quantidade de dados a serem analisados fornecidos pelos diversos stakeholders que foram entrevistados. Para cumprir os objetivos desta pesquisa, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa e descritiva, em um recorte temporal que compreende anos de 2006-2014. Utilizou-se fontes primárias e secundárias de dados para realizar os levantamentos apontados. Em relação aos dados primários, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 39 stakeholders presentes no sistema social de Rio Grande e relacionados direta ou indiretamente com Polo Naval. Os dados coletados foram analisados a partir da metodologia de Análise de Conteúdo e agrupados em categorias de efeitos positivos e negativos na dimensão econômica, ambiental e social. Os efeitos da dimensão política foram analisados a partir do Modelo de Mudança Descontínua e na perspectiva da estrutura profunda dos sistemas sociais. Entre os resultados encontrados, na dimensão econômica, percebeu-se efeitos positivos como aumento do PIB e do PIB per capita, empreendedorismo local aumento na arrecadação de impostos e na receita própria do município, o aumento dos investimentos na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, no Porto do Rio Grande, em empreendimentos imobiliários residenciais e comerciais, além de incentivos financeiros por parte do governo como forma de fomentar o Arranjo Produtivo Local. Entre os efeitos econômicos negativos, destaca-se o declínio do consumo em períodos sazonais de finalizações de projetos assim como a inflação do setor imobiliário e suas consequências decorrentes do aumento da demanda por imóveis no município de Rio Grande. Entre os efeitos ambientais positivos percebeu-se o desenvolvimento de parcerias e cooperação para monitoramento ambiental do município, o monitoramento ambiental propriamente dito, a melhoria da infraestrutura urbana em termos malha viária e aeroportos. Entre os efeitos ambientais tidos como negativos, estão o desmatamento de áreas verdes para instalação do empreendimento, problemas de governança ambiental que resultam em conflitos entre a gestão ambiental pública e privada, os efeitos negativos previstos nas licenças ambientais e nos estudos de impacto ambiental do empreendimento. Em relação aos efeitos ambientais negativos de caráter urbanístico tem-se o inchaço e adensamento da infraestrutura urbana, a precarização da gestão de resíduos sólidos industriais e urbanos, a coleta de esgoto incipiente, as dificuldades na coleta e destinação de resíduos domiciliares, o aumento do consumo de recursos naturais em função das demandas de grandes empreendimentos como o Polo Naval, e as consequências negativas geradas em termos de tráfego urbano em virtude do aumento populacional que ocasiona o aumento do número de veículos e pedestres em circulação. Com relação aos efeitos sociais positivos, destaca-se o aumento do investimento em qualificação e geração de emprego a partir da apropriação da mão de obra local e aumento do poder aquisitivo (renda). Entre os efeitos negativos destacam-se aqueles relacionados à saúde, educação, segurança, mão de obra externa e qualificação profissional, migração e aumento populacional, remoção e transferência de famílias e moradias de áreas industriais, conflitos sociais em termos de choque cultural e xenofobia caracterizada pela convivência com trabalhadores de outras localidades, além da existência de condições sub-humanas de habitação para a população migrante. Os resultados encontrados contribuem com evidências empíricas demonstrando os efeitos positivos e negativos de um empreendimento como o Polo Naval de Rio Grande e suas implicações para o contexto onde está inserido, elucidando qual é a dinâmica do processo de mudança nesse sistema social. Tais efeitos demonstram a (in) sustentabilidade que o empreendimento causa em algumas dimensões e podem auxiliar no processo de diagnóstico para buscar medidas que ajudem a solucionar ou amenizar os efeitos negativos. Além disso, os resultados encontrados neste trabalho também podem contribuir para que gestores públicos e privados, instituições de ensino superior e de pesquisa, possam elaborar estratégias e planos de ações conjuntos na tentativa de mitigar aqueles efeitos econômicos, ambientais, sociais e políticos negativos, assim como potencializar aqueles considerados positivos, equilibrando as dimensões analisadas. Assim, a pesquisa pode se tornar uma base para estudos complementares na tentativa de aprofundar cada uma das dimensões e seus respectivos efeitos, bem como auxiliar na elaboração de um planejamento urbano mais eficaz, que institua políticas públicas condizentes com os problemas decorrentes do Polo Naval. Assim, será possível adotar medidas para equilibrar o crescimento econômico, preservação do meio ambiente e qualidade de vida da população, tendo em vista a necessidade de buscar o desenvolvimento de forma sustentável. / Considering that much of the world's population already lives in cities, thinking sustainably requires understanding the dynamics of cities, seeking alternatives to large and complex issues emanating from the so-called sustainable development. Urban sustainability poses challenges to governments and the whole society in order to meet current demands, preventing and mitigating the negative effects generated because of economic growth. Therefore, there is the need for integrated management between agencies of different government sectors and different policy areas and the need for reflection on new designs for planning and management of public policies in the context of spatial planning, to combine economic growth, environmental preservation and quality of life of the population. In this sense, the present study aimed to analyze the change of the social system and the effects on urban sustainability of the city of Rio Grande / RS, from the installation of the Naval Pole. Therefore, we sought to basement on the assumptions of Urban Sustainability in Theory of Social Systems and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium. Thus, it was possible to analyze the implementation of the Naval Pole in the city of Rio Grande, identifying the effects of the urban unsustainability produced by the Naval Pole from the perspective of the Theory of Social Systems, and analyze the process of change occurred in the city, linking the evidence found the deep structure of the social system and Discontinuous Change Model, admitting that some disorders are able to break the balance and cause a number of changes, not necessarily gradually. In the context of this research, this score was associated with installation of the Naval Pole, in the city of Rio Grande in Rio Grande do Sul. The use of more than a theoretical approach proved to be relevant in this study, given the diversity of elements analyzed and the amount of data to be analyzed provided by the various stakeholders who were interviewed. To accomplish the goals of this research, an exploratory research of qualitative and descriptive nature was carried out between 2006-2014. We used primary and secondary data sources to carry out the surveys indicated. Regarding the primary data were conducted semi-structured interviews with 39 stakeholders present in the social system of Rio Grande and directly or indirectly related to Naval Pole. Data were analyzed from the content analysis methodology and grouped into categories of positive and negative effects on the economic dimension, environmental and social. The effects of the political dimension were analyzed from the Discontinuous Change Model and in view of the deep structure of social systems. Among the results, the economic dimension, perceived positive effects as increased GDP and GDP per capita, local entrepreneurship increase in tax revenues and own the city revenue, increased investment in the Federal University of Rio Grande, port of Rio Grande, in residential and commercial real estate projects, as well as financial incentives from the government in order to foster the Local Productive Arrangement. Among the negative economic effects, there is the decline in consumption in seasonal periods of project completions as well as inflation in the real estate sector and its consequences of increased demand for real estate in the city of Rio Grande. Among the positive environmental effects realized by the development of partnerships and cooperation for environmental monitoring of the municipality, environmental monitoring itself, the improvement of urban infrastructure in terms road and airport network. Among the environmental effects taken as negative, are the deforestation of green areas for the enterprise installation, environmental governance problems that result in conflicts between public and private environmental management, the negative effects provided for in the environmental permits and environmental impact studies of the project . Regarding the negative environmental effects of urban character has swelling and densification of urban infrastructure, the precariousness of industrial and municipal solid waste management, collection of incipient sewage, difficulties in collection and disposal of household waste, increasing consumption of natural resources according to the demands of large enterprises as the Naval Pole, and the negative consequences generated in terms of urban traffic because of the population increase that causes the increase in the number of vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Regarding the positive social effects, the increase stands out investment in skills and employment generation and from the ownership of the local workforce and increased purchasing power (income). Among the negative effects highlight those related to health, education, security, hand external work and professional training, migration and population growth, removal and transfer of families and houses of industrial areas, social conflicts in terms of culture shock and characterized xenophobia by interaction with workers from other locations, besides the existence of sub-human living conditions for the migrant population. The results contribute empirical evidence demonstrating the positive and negative effects of a project like the Polo Naval Rio Grande and its implications for the context in which it operates, elucidating what is the dynamic process of change in this social system. Such effects demonstrate the (in) sustainability that the project because in some dimensions and can assist in the diagnostic process to seek measures to help solve or mitigate the negative effects. In addition, the findings of this study may also contribute to public and private managers, higher education and research institutions, can develop strategies and plans of joint actions in trying to mitigate those economic effects, environmental, social and negative political as well how to leverage those considered positive, balancing the dimensions analyzed. Thus, the search can become a basis for further studies in an attempt to further studies in each of the dimensions and their effects, as well as assist in developing a more effective urban planning, to set public policies consistent with the problems arising out of Polo Naval. Therefore, you can take steps to balance economic growth, environmental protection and people's living quality, considering the need to pursue development in a sustainable manner.

Otimização de traços de concreto : estudo aplicado a postes de concreto armado visando o aumento da vida útil / Optimization of concrete mixtures: study applied to reinforced concrete poles aiming to increase service life

Reginato, Lucas Alexandre January 2014 (has links)
A energia elétrica é, sem dúvida, um recurso indispensável para a sociedade moderna. A mesma revolucionou o modo de vida do ser humano em todos os aspectos e melhorou substancialmente sua qualidade de vida. A distribuição da energia elétrica cabe ao Sistema Elétrico de Potência – SEP, dividido basicamente em três macro setores: geração, transmissão e distribuição. A eletricidade é efetivamente entregue aos consumidores pelo sistema de distribuição, formado principalmente por redes aéreas sustentadas por postes, estes na sua maioria, feitos de concreto armado. Tendo em vista o adequado fornecimento da energia elétrica à sociedade, se faz necessário assegurar as linhas de distribuição de energia, na qual os postes exercem papel fundamental. Entende-se que o aumento da vida útil dos postes de concreto armado pode colaborar para a redução da manutenção da rede de distribuição, reduzindo o investimento em substituições ou reparos em postes por parte das concessionárias Deste modo, esse trabalho propõe a otimização do traço utilizado na produção de postes de concreto armado em uma empresa de artefatos de concreto, visando à vida útil do mesmo. Para tanto foram realizados estudos visando o aprimoramento da composição dos agregados, adição de material pozolânico, adição de fibras e utilização de aditivos superplastificantes. Para análise dos traços em escala real foram moldados 12 postes, tipo duplo T com 9 metros de comprimento, empregando 5 traços com características distintas. Os postes foram avaliados seguindo a metodologia e requisitos da NBR 8451-1 (ABNT, 2011), parâmetros de resistência mecânica do concreto e penetração de íons cloreto ASTM C1202 (2012). Por meio da análise dos resultados, é apresentado o traço indicado para produção de postes de concreto armado, onde foi possível aprimorar o traço atualmente produzido pela empresa, reduzindo o consumo de cimento de 429 kg/m³ para 351 kg/m³ e reduzindo a taxa de penetração de íons cloreto e aumentando a vida útil do poste de concreto armado de 10 para 60 anos. À vista disso, foi possível aumentar a vida útil do elemento, mesmo com a redução do consumo de cimento e o custo para a produção do traço de concreto. / Electricity is undoubtedly an indispensable resource for modern society. The same has revolutionized the way of life of the human being in all aspects and substantially improved their quality of life. The distribution of electricity is up to the Electric Power System - EPS, basically divided into three macro sectors: generation, transmission and distribution. Electricity is actually delivered to consumers by the distribution system, consisting mainly of overhead lines supported by pylons, these mostly made of reinforced concrete. Given the adequate supply of electricity to society, it is necessary to ensure the power distribution lines, in which the poles play a fundamental role. It is understood that increasing the useful life of reinforced concrete poles can contribute to the reduction of maintenance of the distribution network, reducing investment in replacements or repairs on poles by concessionaires. Thus, this paper proposes the optimal trait used in the production of reinforced concrete poles on a firm concrete artifacts, seeking the life of it For both studies were performed in order to improve the composition of households, adding pozzolanic material, adding fiber and use of superplasticizers additives. For analysis of traces in real scale 12 posts, T type double with 9 feet long, employing five traits were shaped with distinct characteristics. The posts were evaluated following the methodology and requirements of NBR 8451-1 (ABNT, 2011), the mechanical response of concrete and chloride ion penetration ASTM C1202 (2012). By analyzing the results, the dash indicated for production of reinforced concrete poles, where it was possible to improve the trace currently produced by the company, reducing the cement content of 429 kg / m³ to 351 kg / m³ and reducing the rate appears penetration of chloride ions and increasing the service life of reinforced concrete post 10 to 60 years. In view of this, it was possible to extend the life of the element, even with the reduction in cement consumption and the cost for the production of concrete mix.

Favela do Aço: pensando os dispositivos de controle da assistência social / Favela do Aço: thinking control devices of social assistance.

Vivian de Almeida Fraga 30 June 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Vamos falar sobre uma favela chamada Favela do Aço. Localizada na periferiada cidade do Rio de Janeiro, chega à academia a partir do meu contato com alguns moradores locais, cujas filhas participavam de um projeto executado pela Secretaria Municipal da Assistência Social. Duas características chamam a atenção na realidade dessa comunidade: o grande quantitativo de moradores em situação de rua podem ser encontrados na zona sul da cidade, e um dispositivo político inaugurado pela Secretaria chamado Pólo de Vigilância da Exclusão. Partimos da hipótese de que o Pólo de Vigilância da Exclusão foi um dispositivo político pensado como uma forma de barrar os moradores da favela de circular pelas ruas da zona sul da cidade, já que, uma vez incluídos em projetos sociais da prefeitura e mapeados por estes técnicos, o retorno para a rua pode significar a perda de projetos de transferência de renda, como o bolsa família ou outros projetos sociais.Nessa dissertação, buscamos, com a interlocução com o Serviço Social, trazer a perspectiva histórica das políticas sociais instituídas em nosso país, onde pudemos perceber a manutenção de algumas práticas construídas dentro de parâmetros sociais conservadores. Outras discussões também são contempladas nesse trabalho, onde convocamos a Sociologia, presentificada por Loïc Wacqüant, em sua análise a respeito da segregação social e a guetificação e a Filosofia, na figura de Foucault, com suas ponderações sobre os mecanismos de controle da sociedade. É nesse espírito que convido e desejo a todos uma boa leitura. / Lets talk about a slum called Slum of Steel. Located in the suburbia of the city of Rio de Janeiro, it gets to the Academy through my contact with some of the local habitants, whose daughters participated in a project done by the citys Secretary of Social Assistance. Two features call our attention about the reality of this community: the large amount of habitants living on the streets may be found in the south zone of the town, and also a politic appliance inaugurated by the Secretary named Pole of Vigilance and Exclusion. We depart from the hypothesis which the Pole of Vigilance and Exclusion has been a politic appliance thought as a way to stop slums habitants from walking by the south zone streets of the town, because, once they are included in social projects by the prefecture and also mapped by these technicians, returning to the streets might mean the loss of such money transference, such as Bolsa Família and other projects as well. In this dissertation, we search, with the exchange with Social Service, bring historical perspective of instituted social politics in our country, where we could notice the maintenance of some built-up practices within conservative social parametres. Other discussions are also contemplated in this work, where we convoke Sociology personified by Loïc Wacqüant, in his analysis towards social segregation and gethification and Philosophy, in the image of Foucault, from his concerns about controlling society mechanisms. It is in this spirit that I invite and wish you all a good read.

Retrato da inserção dos discentes em engenharia da produção da UFAM no pólo industrial de Manaus

Parente, Helen da Silva 17 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-06-25T19:39:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Helen da Silva Parente.pdf: 1318457 bytes, checksum: f2286c00c152a17b81fca2ff0770ec48 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-26T17:16:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Helen da Silva Parente.pdf: 1318457 bytes, checksum: f2286c00c152a17b81fca2ff0770ec48 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-26T17:29:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Helen da Silva Parente.pdf: 1318457 bytes, checksum: f2286c00c152a17b81fca2ff0770ec48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-26T17:29:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Helen da Silva Parente.pdf: 1318457 bytes, checksum: f2286c00c152a17b81fca2ff0770ec48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-17 / The present research portrays the necessity that the market has in searching professionals with innovative and generalist profile, as it is the case of the Engineer of Production. In this perspective, the insertion of the learning of the course of Engineering of the Production of the Federal University of Amazon - UFAM was verified if, in the Industrial Polar region of Manaus (PIM), in the period of 2005 the 2010. To know the insertion of this learning is of basic importance to make a correlation between the mistakes and the rightness in relation what it foresees the Project Pedagogical Politician of the course. In this way, the methodology consisted of bibliographical research, documentary and of field with application of questionnaire to the learning of the UFAM. The collection of data was carried through by intermediary of the compilation of workmanships and materials of public access that deal with the subject, complemented with the attainment of information by means of the use of questionnaires applied to the learning of 4º, 6º and 8º periods. With regard to the results of the research, significant information had been gotten that they had shown as these learning where they are inserted in the Industrial Polar region of Manaus. These information had served in such a way to evaluate the results of the process of formation of the course, how much to delineate possible improvements in the Project Pedagogical Politician, in view of ultimate exaggerations between the propitiated formation and the demands that if present in the market of work for these learning. / A presente pesquisa retrata a necessidade que o mercado tem em buscar profissionais com perfil inovador e generalista, como é o caso do Engenheiro de Produção. Nesta perspectiva, verificou-se se a inserção dos discentes do curso de Engenharia da Produção da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, no Pólo Industrial de Manaus (PIM), no período de 2005 a 2010. Conhecer a inserção desse discente é de fundamental importância para fazer uma correlação entre os equívocos e os acertos em relação àquilo que prevê o Projeto Político Pedagógico do curso. Deste modo, a metodologia constou de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo com aplicação de questionário aos discentes da UFAM. A coleta de dados foi realizada por intermédio da compilação de obras e materiais de acesso público que tratam do tema, complementada com a obtenção de informações por meio do uso de questionários aplicados aos discentes do 4º, 6º e 8º períodos. Com relação aos resultados da pesquisa, obtiveram-se informações significativas que mostraram como estes discentes onde eles estão inseridos no Pólo Industrial de Manaus. Essas informações serviram tanto para avaliar os resultados do processo de formação do curso, quanto para delinear possíveis melhorias no Projeto Político Pedagógico, tendo em vista eventuais descompassos entre a formação propiciada e as demandas que se apresentam no mercado de trabalho para esses discentes.

Development of new algorithm for improving accuracy of pole detection to the supporting system of mobility aid for visually impaired person / Développement d'un nouvel algorithme pour améliorer l'exactitude de la détection de poteau pour assister la mobilité des personnes malvoyantes

Yusro, Muhammad 18 October 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche visaient à développer un système d'aide à la mobilité pour les personnes ayant une déficience visuelle (VIP ‘Visually Impaired Person’) appelé ‘Smart Environment Explorer Stick (SEES)’. Le but particulier de cette recherche était de développer de nouveaux algorithmes pour améliorer la précision de la détection de la présence de poteaux de la canne SEE-stick en utilisant la méthode de calcul de distance et la recherche de paires de lignes verticales basées sur l'optimisation de la technique de détection de contour de Canny. Désormais, l'algorithme de détection des poteaux est appelé l’algorithme YuRHoS. Le SEES développé comme système de support d'aide à la mobilité VIP a été intégré avec succès à plusieurs dispositifs tels que le serveur distant dénommé iSEE, le serveur local embarqué dénommé SEE-phone et la canne intelligente dénommée SEE-stick. Les performances de SEE-stick ont été améliorées grâce à l'algorithme YuRHoS qui permet de discriminer avec précision les objets (obstacles) en forme de poteau parmi les objets détectés. La comparaison des résultats de détection des poteaux avec ceux des autres algorithmes a conclu que l'algorithme YuRHoS était plus efficace et précis. Le lieu et la couleur des poteaux de test d’évaluation étaient deux des facteurs les plus importants qui influaient sur la capacité du SEE-stick à détecter leur présence. Le niveau de précision de SEE-stick est optimal lorsque le test d’évaluation est effectué à l'extérieur et que les poteaux sont de couleur argentée. Les statistiques montrent que la performance de l'algorithme YuRHoS à l'intérieur était 0,085 fois moins bonne qu'à l'extérieur. De plus, la détection de la présence de poteaux de couleur argentée est 11 fois meilleure que celle de poteaux de couleur noir. / This research aimed to develop a technology system of mobility aid for Visually Impaired Person (VIP) called Smart Environment Explorer Stick (SEES).Particular purpose of this research was developing new algorithm in improving accuracy of SEE-stick for pole detection using distance calculation method and vertical line pair search based on Canny edge detection optimization and Hough transform. Henceforth, the pole detection algorithm was named as YuRHoS algorithm.The developed SEES as supporting system of VIP mobility aid had been successfully integrated several devices such as global remote server (iSEE), embedded local server (SEE-phone) and smart stick (SEE-stick). Performance of SEE-stick could be improved through YuRHoS algorithm, which was able to fix the accuracy of SEE-stick in detecting pole. Test comparison of pole detection results among others algorithm concluded that YuRHoS algorithm had better accuracy in pole detection.Two most significant factors affecting SEE-stick ability in detecting pole was test location and pole color. Level of accuracy of SEE-stick would be optimum once the test location was performed outdoor and pole color was silver. Statistics result shown that YuRHoS algorithm performance indoor was 0.085 times worse than outdoor. Meanwhile, silver-pole-color as object detection could increase YuRHoS algorithm performance as much as 11 times better compare to black-pole-color.

Dynamic characterisation of vibration isolators

Dickens, John D., Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1998 (has links)
A vibration isolator is designed to reduce the vibration and structure borne noise transmitted from a vibratory source, such as machinery and equipment, to the supporting structure. The vibration and structure borne noise transmitted depends upon the dynamic properties of the foundation, the source mounting point and the vibration isolator. Therefore knowledge of the frequency dependent dynamic properties of vibration isolators is a necessary part of the acoustic prediction and control/reduction process. Vibration isolators may be characterised by measuring their four-pole parameters. A measurement procedure is proposed that employs the floating mass method, measures the direct forces and corrects for the errors introduced by the direct force measurement. Compared to the basic method, it extends the frequency limits of measurement in both directions. The development of a novel vibration isolator test facility that implements the proposed measurement procedure is described, and its satisfactory operation is experimentally demonstrated. The vibration isolator test facility is capable of characterizing vibration isolators commonly used in industrial and maritime applications, under service conditions. A method is proposed for measuring the four-pole parameters of a uni-directional asymmetrical vibration isolator under static load. The method is called the two masses method, and is suitable for determining the four???pole parameters of active vibration isolators with feedback control. The method is also applicable to uni-directional symmetrical and bi-directional symmetrical and bi-directional asymmetrical vibration isolators. It may be regarded as a universal method for characterising vibration isolators. Experimental data is presented and the method is validated. Modelling of vibration isolators is complicated by the highly non-linear nature of their rubber elements. The notion of an effective rubber cylinder is proposed to account for the barrelling of rubber elements under static load. Consequently, a general static compression model is proposed that applies to vibration isolators having unfilled and filled rubber elements of regular prismatic shapes. The model predicts the dependence of the four-pole parameters on the compression ratio of the rubber element. The predictions derived from the effective rubber cylinder and general static compression model agree excellently with experimental work of this study and other researchers.

The Contribution of Higher Education to Regional SocioeconomicDevelopment : The University of Buea,Cameroon, as a Growth Pole

Neba Samuel Fongwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>This research investigates how higher education institutions contribute to regional development, using the University of Buea in the Fako region as a case study. Policy documents reviewed and interviews with major stakeholders in the region, present a significant 'delink' or disjuncture between university policy and regional development efforts. This, from the policy perspective, has been strongly attributed to the national rather than to the regional mandate around which the university was established. However, data from the economic and social indicators investigated, reveal that the University of Buea by its very presence has been a significant agent in the development of the municipality.</p>

Zebrafish Cardiac Development Requires a Conserved Secondary Heart Field

Hami, Danyal January 2011 (has links)
<p>Despite its lack of septation, the tissue patterning of the arterial pole of the zebrafish is remarkably similar to the patterning of pulmonary and aortic arterial poles observed in mouse and chick. The secondary heart field (SHF) is a conserved developmental domain in avian and mammalian embryos that contributes myocardium and smooth muscle to the cardiac arterial pole. This field is part of the overall heart field, and its myocardial component has been fate mapped from the mesoderm to the heart in both mammals and birds. In this study I demonstrate that the population that gives rise to the arterial pole of the zebrafish can be traced from the epiblast, is a discrete part of the mesodermal heart field. This zebrafish SHF contributes myocardium after initial heart tube formation, giving rise to both smooth muscle and myocardium. I show that this field expresses Isl1, a transcription factor associated with the SHF in other species. I further show that differentiation, induced by Bmp signaling, occurs in this progenitor population as cells are added to the heart tube. Some molecular pathways required for SHF development in birds and mammals are conserved in teleosts, as Nkx2.5 and Nkx2.7 as well as Fgf8 regulate Bmp signaling in the zebrafish heart fields. Additionally, the transcription factor Tbx1 and the Sonic hedgehog pathway are necessary for normal development of the zebrafish arterial pole.</p> / Dissertation

Mechanical Behaviour of Single-Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys

Leidermark, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
In this paper the mechanical behaviour, both elastic and plastic, of single-crystal nickel-based superalloys has been investigated. A theoretic base has been established in crystal plasticity, with concern taken to the shearing rate on the slip systems. A model of the mechanical behaviour has been implemented, by using FORTRAN, as a user defined material model in three major FEM-programmes. To evaluate the model a simulated pole figure has been compared to an experimental one. These pole figures match each other very well. Yielding a realistic behaviour of the model.

Evaluation of Roadside Collisions with Utility Poles and Trees at Intersection Locations

Mattox, Todd Berry 15 November 2007 (has links)
The United States averages 40,000 traffic fatalities annually. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Roadside Design Guide cites run-off-the-road crashes as contributing greatly to this statistic, with about one-third of all traffic deaths [1]. This number has remained relatively constant over the past four decades, and despite a major increase in vehicle miles traveled (VMT), the rate of fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled has declined. However, this relatively large number of run-off-the-road crashes should remain a major concern in all roadway design. The Highway Safety Act of 1966 marks a defining moment in the history of roadside safety [ ]. Before this point, roadways were only designed for motorists who remained on the roadway, with no regard for driver error. As there was no legislation or guidelines concerning roadside design, roadways constructed prior to 1966 are littered with fixed objects directly off of the edge of pavement. Fortunately, many of these roads have reached their thirty year design lives and have become candidates for improvement. The following report examines roadside crashes on nine Atlanta urban arterial roadways. Accident type, severity, and location for all crashes on these were evaluated. It is found roadside collisions with utility poles and trees were more prone to occur at intersection locations than midblock locations. Also for the studied roadway corridors, on average, roadside collisions were more likely to result in serious injury or fatality. Based on these findings initial recommendations are offer for improving clear zone requirements.

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