Spelling suggestions: "subject:"policing"" "subject:"olicing""
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An evaluation of the implementation of sector policing in TembisaHlungwani, Freddy 27 October 2014 (has links)
The research problem that was investigated in this research study was to evaluate the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa policing precinct. Even though there are policies and directives on how to implement it, there is still some challenges because it is yet to yield the intended results. Data was collected from focus group interviews, literature studies and polices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the form of focus group interviews. Moreover, a literature study including material such as official SAPS documents, library sources and National Legislation regarding community policing has been presented. Data was also collected from sector managers, sector teams, CPF members and pastors who participated in four focus group interviews in Tembisa police station. The sample was chosen on the basis of what the researcher considers to be typical units. Participants were interviewed in stages. The collected data was broken into themes, patterns, trends and relationships. Data analysis followed verbatim transcription of interviews, that’s why the researcher followed Tesch’s approach of descriptive analysis.
The research conducted indicated that although progress has been made in the implementation of sector policing In Tembisa, there still more which needs to be done. Specific concerns which require the attention of SAPS management were raised. It is clear that internal communication and consultation are a necessity. It is also clear that members on the ground are not well trained because they lack the actual knowledge on how to implement it. Training and development of all role players need to be prioritised to enhance their knowledge. All the role players need to be motivated during the implementation of sector policing to ensure that they are ready for the job ahead. The recommendations drawn from the conclusions made in this study may provide a proper direction on how to implement sector policing in the Republic. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)
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Die beginsels van proaktiewe polisiëring met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse polisieOlivier, Nicolaas Jacobus Campher 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Misdaad is deesdae op almal se Iippe. Daar verloop nie 'n dag of die media lewer verslag oor een of ander vorm van misdaad wat plaasgevind het nie. Die vraag is nou wat gedoen kan word om die vlaag van misdaad in Suid-Afrika te stop en lewe en eiendom te beskerm. Feit is dat daar nie slegs 'n enkele stap is wat gedoen kan word om misdaad te voorkom nie. 'n Gesamentlike poging deur die hele gemeenskap is die
enigste wyse waarop misdaad voorkom kan word. Proaktiewe polisiering kan aileen slaag indien die gemeenskap kollektief verantwoordelikheid
vir misdaad aanvaar en daadwerklik optree om misdaad te voorkom. Die
polisie, as aktiewe vennoot in die voorkoming van misdaad, het 'n opvoedingstaak deur die gemeenskap in te lig oor hoe misdaad gepleeg word, wanneer en waar dit gepleeg word en wat gedoen kan word om kwesbaarheid te verminder. 'n Gesindheid van omgee vir mekaar moet dus by die gemeenskap (die passiewe vennoot) gekweek
word. Hieruit volg respek vir die lewe en eiendom van 'n ander en dit sal lei tot aktiewe optrede. Presipiterende polisiering deur die gemeenskap is 'n teken van geslaagde opvoeding. Dit word nie net ge"illustreer deur die verharding van die fisiese om9ewing nie, maar ook deur die betrokkenheid van die gemeenskap in die omgewing om dit
veilig en aangenaam vir almal te maak. Blywende sukses kan slegs verseker word indien die polisie en die gemeenskap ondersteuning
van ander departemente ontvang. Slegs wanneer die gemeenskap totale
samewerking van aile belanghebbendes ervaar sal hulle gemotiveerd wees en voortgaan om betrokke te bly. / These days crime is on everybody's lips. Not a day passes without the media reporting on some or other crime which has taken place. The question that arises is what can be done to stop the crime wave in South Africa and protect lives and property. The fact is, there is no one single step that can be taken to prevent crime. A joint effort by the community as a whole is the only way in which crime can be prevente. Proactive policing can be successful only if the community accepts collective responsibility for crime and makes a conscious effort to prevent crime. The police as an active partner in crime prevention should educate the community about how crime is committed, when and where it is committed and what can be done to decrease vulnerability to crime. An attitude of caring for each other must be cultivated in the community (the passive partner). This will result in respect for lives and property of
others and will lead to proactive conduct. Precipitating policing by the community is a sign of successful education. This is illustrated not only by the hardening of the physical environment, but also by the community's involvement in ensuring that the environment is a safe and pleasant place for all. Lasting success can only be ensured if the police and the community are supported by other departments. Only when the community has the full co-operation of all parties concerned, will members of the community be motivated to remain involved. / Police Practice / D.Litt. et Phil. (Police Practice)
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A sustainable governance model for metropolitan policing in South AfricaScharnick, Colleen Ann 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Having just celebrated ten years of democratic rule, South Africa, as a young
democracy, is an emerging country in the international world. It is also emerging, from a
history of police brutality in apartheid South Africa, towards embracing human rights,
accountability, police-community relations and a people-orientated approach to safety
It is this young democratic country that is paving the way for metropolitan policing on the
African continent, by setting the example in South Africa. Metropolitan/ Municipal police
has found its legislative mandate through the South African Police Amendment Act (Act
No. 83 of 1995). It provides an opportunity to enable positioning of local government
policing in a manner that will ensure that ‘quality of life’ for all is achieved through
effective, efficient and sustainable policing.
This study aims to give essence to a governance model as a strategy for sustainable
metropolitan policing. The research provided for the following concepts of sustainable
governance as a basis or foundation to build metropolitan policing:
• Institutional/ Managerial/Leadership/Sustainability;
• Political Sustainability;
• Representivity;
• Development and Growth;
• Equitable Allocation and Distribution Resources;
• People-centred Approaches;
• Democratic Rights;
• Professionalism and Ethics;
• Financial sustainability;
• Effective and Efficient Processes;
• Co-ordination and Integration;
• Sustainable decision making;
• Sustainable results The framework for sustainable governance in Metropolitan Policing is broad and key
aspects that influence the main objective of this research, namely co-ordination and
integration have been included, for the purpose of this study.
The study provides opportunity for deep reflection on how future policing at local
government level in this country is structured, shaped and managed. The international
basis of the study provides lessons conceptualised within a ‘learning organisation’
context. Metropolitan police services can enrich their organisation through learning from
their international counterparts and sister organisations, inclusive of the South African
Police Service (SAPS).
It is also the relationship with the SAPS that will be the most challenging for the
metropolitan police service. A key element that shapes the interaction between the
Metropolitan Police organisations and the South African Police Services is based on
sharing of policing power and distribution of resources. A sustainable relationship
between the SAPS and metropolitan police services is important. It directly impacts on
how policing is executed. It also requires consideration when co-ordination and
integration processes in metropolitan police organisations are considered.
The study aims to prove the importance and necessity of integration and co-ordination;
however, it also emphasises the relevance of proper systems, processes and structures
within an environment prior to embracing co-ordination and integration initiatives. It binds
the concept of co-ordination and integration into all facets of organisational life, arguing
the basis for technological assistance to consolidate such transformation.
The study brings metropolitan policing into a transit from a ‘local government traffic
organisation linked to council policies’ to a modern-day police organisation that
embraces the complexities within which such organisations exist, both externally and
internally, finding sustainable solutions and strategies for service delivery that fits our
young democratic heritage of a single decade. The challenge to shape metropolitan policing to be different from the historic apartheidstyle
municipal police force will eventually be a task for leadership of the metropolitan
police organisation (across all levels) in its responses to society in terms of service
delivery outcomes, which will be determined by how the organisation has shaped its
future (vision), what it presents to society in terms of service delivery and the measures
taken to achieve sustainability. The latter refers, in principle, and for purposes of this
study, to good governance and sustainable development, both of which form the
cornerstone of effective and efficient policing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teen die agtergrond van die onlangse viering van ‘n dekade van demokrasie, staan
demokratiese Suid Afrika as ‘n opkomende land op die wêreldhorison. Die land is ook
besig on weg te beweeg vanaf ‘n geskende verlede wat gekenmerk was deur
polisiebrutaliteit in apartheid-Suid-Afrika na die omhelsing van menseregte,
verantwoordelikheid, polisie-gemeenskaps verhoudinge en ‘n mensgeoriënteerde
benadering tot veiligheidsaspekte.
Dit is hierdie jong demokrasie wat leiding in Afrika neem met die konsep van
metropolitaanse polisiëring. Die Metropolitaanse/ Munisipale polisie verkry wettige
bestaansreg in die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Wysigingswet, (Wet Nr 83 van 1995). Dit
voorsien die geleentheid om polisiëring deur middel van plaaslike regering tot reg te laat
kom op ‘n manier wat verseker dat “lewenskwaliteit” vir almal deur effektiewe ,
doeltreffende en volhoubare polisiëring verwesenlik kan word.
Hierdie studie beoog om ‘n basis te vind vir volhoubare beheer in metropolitaanse
polisiering, te wete deur:
• Institutionele / bestuur/ leierskap/ volhoubaarheid;
• Politieke volhoubaarheid;
• Verteenwoordiging;
• Ontwikkeling en groei;
• Gelyke verspreiding en toekenning van hulpbronne;
• Mens-georiënteerde strategieë;
• Demokratiese regte;
• Professionalisme en etiek;
• Finansiële volhoubaarheid;
• Effektiewe en doeltreffende prosesse;
• Ko-ordinering en integrasie;
• Volhoubare besluitneming;
• Volhoubare resultate. Die raamwerk vir volhoubare beheer in metropolitaanse polisiëring is wyd. Kernaspekte
wat die hoofdoelwit van hierdie ondersoek affekteer, naamlik ko-ordinering en
integrering, word vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie ingesluit om die argument te
Die studie bied geleentheid vir nabetraging oor hoe die toekoms van polisiëring op
plaaslike regeringsvlak gestruktureer, geposisioneer en bestuur word. Die internasionale
grondslag van die studie bied lesse wat binne ‘n ‘lerende organisasie’ beslag gekry het.
Metropolitaanse polisie-organisasies kan hul organisasies bemagtig deur van hul
internasionale eweknieë en susterorganisasies soos die nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse
Polisiediens. (SAPD) te leer.
Dit is ook die verhouding met die SAPD wat die meeste uitdagings meebring. Naas die
verhouding met die publiek, blyk dit die belangrikste te wees as gevolg van die
polisiëringsmagte en standaarde wat op beide organisasies van toepassing is.
Volhoubaarheid in die verhouding tussen die SAPD en die metropolitaanse
polisiedienste is belangrik aangesien dit ‘n direkte impak op dienslewering asook
integrasie en ko-ordinering kan hê.
Hierdie studie beoog om die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van integrasie en koordinering
te toon. Dit beklemtoon egter ook die noodsaaklikheid daarvan dat behoorlike
stelsels, prosesse en strukture in organisasies geïmplimenteer word voordat koordinering
en intergrasie aangepak word. Die studie verbind die konsepte van koordinering
en intergrasie met alle ander fasette van ‘n organisatoriese stelsel, met ‘n
sterk fokus op die rol van tegnologie ten einde transformasie te bewerkstellig.
Die studie beoog om die transformasie van ‘verkeersdienste-organisasies wat met
raadsbeleid skakel’ na ‘n metropolitaanse polisiëringsdiens te vergemaklik, ten einde ‘n
moderne organisasie daar te stel wat in staat is om kompleksiteit, as ‘n integrale deel
van die interne en eksterne omgewing, deur middel van volhoubare strategieë te bestuur
en aan die vereistes van dienslewering in ‘n jong demokrasie van tien jaar te voldoen.
Die uitdaging om metropolitaanse polisiedienste in ooreenstemming met hedendaagse
demokratiese en konstitutionele beleid te vestig, berus op die leierskap (op alle vlakke) in die organisasie. So ook is daar die verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat
metropolitaanse polisiedienste die diensleweringsuitkomstes behaal deur middel van ‘n
volhoubare visie, die tipe en gehalte van dienste wat gelewer word en die
prosesse/strategieë wat gevolg word ten einde volhoubaarheid te bereik.
Laasgenoemde (volhoubaarheid) verwys, vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie, na goeie
beheer en volhoubare ontwikkeling, beide deel van die hoeksteen van effektiewe en
doeltreffende polisiëring.
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The governance of security in the revanchist city : the case of Cape Town, South AfricaPaasche, Till Frederik January 2012 (has links)
Much has been written on the revanchist city (for example Smith, 1996; MacLeod, 2002; Belina and Helms, 2003) and the reclaiming of space from so-called ‘undesirables‘ through the means of the police. Here, the guiding ideas are policing strategies such as the ‘broken windows syndrome‘ (Kelling and Wilson, 1982) and ‘zero tolerance policing‘ (Giuliani and Bratton, 1994; Beckett and Herbert, 2008; Herbert and Beckett, 2010). However, the role of private security companies in the reclaiming of public space remains under-researched. Using a case study in Cape Town this research gap will be addressed in this study. Conceptualising the thesis through governance and territoriality, it will examine how revanchist ideas of reclaiming space from urban poor and street people lead to exclusionary processes in the quest for sanitised spaces. By taking private security companies out of the environment of mass private property in which they are most commonly studied (Shearing and Stenning, 1983; von Hirsch and Shearing, 2000; Wakefield, 2003), this thesis examines their role and impact on public spaces within the revanchist environment of Cape Town, South Africa. Here, fast and extensive developments in governance as well as in urban life, interwoven with exceptionally high crime rates, have created a flourishing market for private security companies. In this context this thesis examines the case of private policing companies operating in the core public spaces of the city; the research reveals their social ordering function and powers are the same as those usually associated with the public police. Drawing on these insights it is claimed that private policing companies manifest an evolution from private security companies towards the police, and that this continues the pluralisation of the policing landscape. By mapping the privately policed spaces within the case studies and analysing the functions the different governance actors carry out, this thesis also argues that social development actors become part of the policing landscape. Analysing the governance landscape and its close ties to private policing, it is argued that social development is becoming the softer side of policing. Combining effective private policing companies with social development in support of the state reveals that private governance actors are indeed powerful players in public spaces. Drawing on this governance of security and its associated power, the final argument will be that a different kind of public space is being developed. After consideration of the particular history of defunct public spaces in South Africa, it is claimed that no single public space exists anymore, but that we now face different public spaces, characterised through their different norms and rules, and the social groups that use them.
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An investigation of the prevalence and impact of organisational learning in UK police forcesRitchie, Stephen Harvey January 2010 (has links)
This research aims to inform the relevance of Organisational Learning (OL) to policing management practice by investigating its impact and prevalence in UK policing. In the prescriptive literature, OL is propounded as an important aspect of effective organisations that needs to be leveraged. The field of OL is found to be diverse, lacking empirical work, and in need of suitable research techniques. To focus the research, a specific example of OL is proposed in performance management (PM) practice. The PM literature shows the theoretical foundations for practice are underdeveloped. This research addresses this by combining these two fields. As a result, practical data is made available to support an examination of OL and a theoretical basis for PM is developed. In the absence of a suitable model to structure data collection, a new OL model of PM is derived from the literature. A Critical Realist position is adopted which aims to identify the nature of the phenomena underlying OL. Three case studies with UK Police Forces, which involved fifty-two interviewees, were undertaken during 2008. A pilot case study was undertaken in Scotland, with the follow-up case studies in England and Northern Ireland. The data from interviews is analysed in NVivo using a range of coding techniques. Using the results from these case studies, the provisional OL Model of PM is tested and developed further. PM practice is found to involve the creation of knowledge and the creation of action and the relationship to organisational purpose is highlighted. Six elements of the OL process are defined as Attention, Analysis, Advising, Adjusting, Affecting and Achieving. Dimensions influencing PM practice in the cases are identified. The outcomes of the research indicate relevance to policing management practice, as well as to the wider fields of PM practice and OL theory.
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An Examination of Strain Among Community Police Officers in Northumbria, EnglandHumburg, Joel D. (Joel David) 05 1900 (has links)
This paper examines some causes of strain and frustration among police officers. Previous research suggests that police officers sufferfromthe lack of communication and support from their community. The failure of communication has caused turmoil in the past between communities and their police. A possible solution is community policing. Community policing is supposed to establish communication between the public and the police.
Causes of strain and frustration among the police are discussed along with the possible benefits of community policing. Research has shown that community police officers suffer less strain and frustration than their brethren. On this premise a quantitative examination a police force in Northumbria, England was conducted. The quantitative analysis focuses on two groups; community police officers and police officers not involved in community policing.
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Despite the attention historians have given to the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras in Central Europe, few works have sought to understand these events' reverberations throughout the nineteenth century in a local or regional context. Taking the northern German city of Hamburg as its focal point, this study investigates the change in the urban political culture affected by eight years of Napoleonic occupation. In the process of replacing Hamburg's sprawling and archaic government with one characterized by Gallic centralization and rigor, the French introduced a new style of politics that relied on consistent, public, and martial presentations of its authority. This public presence was heightened not only by the implementation of modern policing techniques, but also by a series of choreographed, ideologically-charged public spectacles whose effectiveness relied on a clever manipulation and politicization of urban space.
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An evaluation of the implementation of sector policing in TembisaHlungwani, Freddy 27 October 2014 (has links)
The research problem that was investigated in this research study was to evaluate the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa policing precinct. Even though there are policies and directives on how to implement it, there is still some challenges because it is yet to yield the intended results. Data was collected from focus group interviews, literature studies and polices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the form of focus group interviews. Moreover, a literature study including material such as official SAPS documents, library sources and National Legislation regarding community policing has been presented. Data was also collected from sector managers, sector teams, CPF members and pastors who participated in four focus group interviews in Tembisa police station. The sample was chosen on the basis of what the researcher considers to be typical units. Participants were interviewed in stages. The collected data was broken into themes, patterns, trends and relationships. Data analysis followed verbatim transcription of interviews, that’s why the researcher followed Tesch’s approach of descriptive analysis.
The research conducted indicated that although progress has been made in the implementation of sector policing In Tembisa, there still more which needs to be done. Specific concerns which require the attention of SAPS management were raised. It is clear that internal communication and consultation are a necessity. It is also clear that members on the ground are not well trained because they lack the actual knowledge on how to implement it. Training and development of all role players need to be prioritised to enhance their knowledge. All the role players need to be motivated during the implementation of sector policing to ensure that they are ready for the job ahead. The recommendations drawn from the conclusions made in this study may provide a proper direction on how to implement sector policing in the Republic. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)
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As forças policiais e a ordem em terras mato-grossenses (1945-1947) / The police forces and order on lands in Mato Grosso (1945-1947)Balieiro, Almir 25 April 2014 (has links)
O emprego excessivo e abusivo da força em práticas policiais permeou grande parte dos discursos, realizados em plenário da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1946. Objeto dos debates constituintes configurou-se numa lógica protagonizada entre os parlamentares da situação (PSD) e os da oposição (com destaque, para os do PCB), na qual aqueles argumentaram que o emprego de práticas policiais abusivas e arbitrárias justificava a necessidade de se manter a ordem, enquanto estes afirmaram tratar de práticas policiais contra os operários que lutavam por melhores condições de vida. A partir deste contexto os objetivos foram os de pesquisar as práticas das forças policiais em terras mato-grossenses, com especial atenção no período de 1945 a 1947 fim do Estado Novo, convocação da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte e a promulgação das Constituições do Brasil e do Estado de Mato Grosso, e as contribuições dos constituintes às questões da ordem e da segurança. Duas fontes importantes e inéditas, neste tipo de tese, foram intensamente interrogadas; os Boletins Internos das Forças Policiais em Mato Grosso 1945 a 1947 - e os anais da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1946. Os resultados revelaram que as práticas policiais, em terras mato-grossenses, na metade do século XX, foram concentradas na realização dos serviços de construção e manutenção de estradas e pontes, na capital e no interior do Estado de Mato Grosso. Quanto as contribuições dos constituintes, estas foram conservadoras, quando defrontadas com os intensos debates e embates sobre as questões da ordem e da segurança, durante a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1946. Contudo, pela primeira vez na história das constituições brasileiras ficou consignado, na Carta de 1946, as atribuições das forças policiais estaduais as Polícias Militares. Por fim, uma última consideração abordou o emprego dos termos ordem e segurança nos textos legais, durante o período republicano, a qual resultou na inexistência de definição precisa destes, fato que permaneceu com a Carta Magna de 1988. / During the National Constituent Assembly formed on 1946 large portion of the speeches conducted in plenary defended the employment of excessive and abusive force into policing practices. Subject of the constituent debates, this has configured a logic followed up by government party parliamentarians ( PSD ) and opposition ones (highlight given to PCB party), in which those claimed that employment of arbitrary and abusive policing practices was justified by the need of preserving order, while these professed this as policing practices against workers struggling for better living conditions. Objectives established from this portrait aimed at investigating policing practices in Mato Grosso, highlighting the period from 1945 to 1947 - the end of the Estado Novo, Constituent National Assembly summons and the promulgation of Brazilian and Mato Grosso State Constitutions, and at obtaining contributions of the constituent related to order and security issues. To fulfil this thesis the Internal Bulletin of the Police Forces in Mato Grosso - 1945 to 1947 - and the annals of the National Constituent Assembly of 1946, two important and unprecedented sources, were intensely interviewed. As the result it was clear that policing practices that took place in Mato Grosso in the middle of the twentieth century were focused on performing roads and bridges construction and maintenance services in the capital and within the Mato Grosso State. Regarding the contributions of the constituents, these were conservative when facing intense debates and discussions on order and security issues during the National Constituent Assembly of 1946. However, for the first time in Brazilian constitution history the 1946 Charter enshrined the role of the state police forces - the Military Police. Finally, one last consideration on the thesis addressed the usage of the terms order and security in legal texts during the republican period, concerning the resulting lack of their precise definition, a fact that remained unchanged in the Magna Carta of 1988.
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A questão da segurança privada: estudo do marco regulatório dos serviços particulares de segurança\" / The question of the private security: Study of the regulation structure of the particular services of securityZanetic, Andre 16 January 2006 (has links)
A grande expansão dos serviços particulares de segurança, verificada em diversos países a partir de meados do século XX, traz à tona importantes questões relativas à responsabilidade do Estado sobre a segurança e sobre a necessidade de aprimoramento dos mecanismos de regulação e controle pelos órgãos responsáveis, sobretudo devido à diversificação das demandas por esse tipo de serviço, como as grandes empresas e os espaços privados abertos ao público, que representam hoje os principais consumidores dos serviços de segurança. A partir de parâmetros observados na literatura internacional, em documentos oficiais e nos dados relativos ao setor, este trabalho faz uma análise do marco regulatório existente no Brasil localizando as implicações relativas a algumas características mais problemáticas, como o treinamento e qualificação dos profissionais, a disseminação das empresas clandestinas, o segundo emprego dos policiais como guardas privados, o uso de armas de fogo e a questão das sanções e da regulação de acesso empregadas na segurança privada. / The growth of private security verified in many countries in the middle of twentieth century displays important questions about state responsibility in relation to the security and the need to improve the mechanisms of control and regulation, especially due the new and diversified demands for this kind of service, like the big enterprises and the private spaces open for the public which represent today the main costumers of security services. Taking into consideration approaches observed in the international literature, official documents and the data relative to this sector, this work analyze the Brazilian regulatory framework, showing the implications about some more problematic features, like the training and qualification of the professionals, the dissemination of illegal enterprises, the second job of the public police in the private security, the use of firearm and the question about the sanctions and regulation of access used in private security.
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