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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spårvagnstrafik i Västerås? : En förstudie i förutsättningarna för modern spårvagnstrafik

Backlund, Tomas, Tom, Hedlund January 2011 (has links)
Läns- och lokaltrafikens branschorganisation Svensk Kollektivtrafik har som mål att år 2020 ha fördubblat kollektivtrafikresandet från 2006 års siffror. En sådan förändring kommer inte att ske av sig självt utan ett målmedvetet arbete kommer att krävas för att göra kollektivtrafiken mer attraktiv. En alltmer aktuell utveckling av kollektivtrafiken är att flera svenska städer har mer eller mindre långtgångna planer på att införa spårvagnstrafik.     Detta examensarbetes syfte är att utreda förutsättningarna för en spårvägsetablering i Västerås Stad.  Arbetet delas in i litteraturstudie, fallstudie, enkätstudie samt intervjustudie. I den inledande litteraturstudien sammanställs allmän information avseende spårvägens utformning, anläggning, kostnader samt finansieringsmöjligheter. Den knyter även an till tidigare studier inom området för att tillvarata nyttiga erfarenheter. I fallstudien undersöks Västerås förutsättningar för spårvagnstrafik. Förutsättningarna används sedan till att upprätta ett systemförslag avseende ett stomlinjesystem för spårvagn med tillhörande drift- och investeringskostnader. I enkätstudien redogörs Västerås invånares inställning till ett hypotetiskt förslag om införande av spårvagnstrafik som en del av stadens kollektivtrafikssystem. Intervjustudien resulterade i att litteraturstudien kunde kompletteras med en i spårvagnsbranschen aktiv aktörs erfarenheter.   Vidare analyseras samtliga studier var för sig och sedan som en enhet. Slutligen presenteras våra egna slutsatser. / County and local traffic trade association Swedish Public Transport Association's goal by 2010 is to double the travel by public transport from 2006 years figures. Such a change will not happen by itself; a systematic effort will be required to create an attractive public transport. A more recent development of public transport is that several Swedish cities have more or less advanced plans to introduce trams.This thesis work aims to investigate the preconditions of a tram establishment in Västerås. The work is divided into literature study, case study, questionnaire survey and interview. The initial literature study summarizes general information regarding light rail design, construction, costs and financing options. The study also ties in with previous studies in the area to gain useful experience. The case study examines Västerås conditions for trams. The conditions are then used to establish a system proposal of a line system for tram with the associated operational and investment costs. The questionnaire study describes Västerås residents attitudes to a hypothetical proposal for the introduction of light rail transit as part of the city's public transport system.  The interview study resulted in the literature study being supplemented by experiences from an active actor within the tram industry. The thesis analyzes all of the studies individually and then as a unit. Finally, the authors’ own conclusions are presented.

Vadovavimo n konsultacinei poliklinikai vertinimas darbuotojų požiūriu / Management of a consultative health care centre in regard to the assessment of the staff

Damalakaitė, Eglė 19 June 2006 (has links)
The object of the research is to reveal the management of a consultative health care centre in regard to the assessment of the staff working there. The main objectives are as follows: 1) to compare the differencKlaida! Nerastas sąrašas.es in the assessment in regard to the incumbency of those assessing the executive; 2) to frame the program of means to improve the management efficiency. Research methods. In one of the health care centres, a onetime anonymous opinion poll was performed in March, 2006 and staff of various incumbencies questioned, including doctors, nurses, administrative staff and many others. 18 doctors, 34 nurses, 3 people working in an administrative office and 22 employees of other incumbency were asked to fill in a questionnaire of 21 questions. The research data was processed through the program of SPSS data analysis. Results. The respondents were to score the influence that the head of the health care centre had on the results of their work. The average score was 3,6. Moderate impact of the executive person upon their work was the most common assessment: 4 points - 55% and 3 points – 27%; 1% scored their executive with lower points thus regarding them as low-powered institution whereas 8% of the respondents assessed the head of the centre as highly influential and scored them with 5 points. 18% of the doctors, 54% of the nurses and 50% of the others asserted that essential decisions regarding the functioning of the health care centre are made by the... [to full text]

Otázka podpory umění: mediální diskurs a veřejné mínění / State Support of the Art: media discourse and public attitude

Zahradníčková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of public attitude towards the state cultural policy. It examines the changes of media discourse regarding the state support of the art after 1989. Articles from "Lidové noviny" and "Právo" from the years 1990-1993, 1995-1996, 2005 and 2013 have been analysed. The selection focuses on such periods in which the issue of the relation between the state and culture was discussed in a greater extent (the period of essential changes of cultural infrastructure within the framework of economic transformation, publishing of the so-called White Book as the first cultural policy draft, discussion regarding the manifestation for "1% for the Culture" and the petition action "Safe the Culture"). The results of critical discourse analysis of media texts are complemented and partly confronted with the quantitative analysis of public opinion polls.

Asanace Josefova a její vídeňský vzor. Analýza veřejného mínění / Sanitation of Josefov and its Viennese origin. Analysis of public opinion

Brožová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
in English Aim of this work is mostly about process of sanitation of Josefov and also shows themes which are not still much discussed. Just denial opinion about simplification of denying sanitation, pointing on certain inevitability of this decision for Josefov, but also to effors for saving most important thinks from this area, belong to these themes. The effor to refute some myths about sanitation Josefov, is closely related. As a model city for better understanding the situation was chosen Vienna. The Prague town council was inspired by this city for process sanitation itself. The regulation of historic city centre was there about few decades earlier and the Ringstrasse was the result. In both projects are same characters in planning and implementation itself. But on other hand have both cities, especially Prague, own specific features that made both rebuilding unique.

A Logistic Regression Analysis of Utah Colleges Exit Poll Response Rates Using SAS Software

Stevenson, Clint W. 27 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study I examine voter response at an interview level using a dataset of 7562 voter contacts (including responses and nonresponses) in the 2004 Utah Colleges Exit Poll. In 2004, 4908 of the 7562 voters approached responded to the exit poll for an overall response rate of 65 percent. Logistic regression is used to estimate factors that contribute to a success or failure of each interview attempt. This logistic regression model uses interviewer characteristics, voter characteristics (both respondents and nonrespondents), and exogenous factors as independent variables. Voter characteristics such as race, gender, and age are strongly associated with response. An interviewer's prior retail sales experience is associated with whether a voter will decide to respond to a questionnaire or not. The only exogenous factor that is associated with voter response is whether the interview occurred in the morning or afternoon.

Absolventenbefragung 2013 Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Pawlowsky, Peter, Froß, Petra, Magnus, Therese, Beuchold, Jennifer 07 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahr 1996 führte der Lehrstuhl Personal und Führung erstmals eine Befragung von Absolventen der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften durch. Auch in den Jahren 1998, 2001, 2005 und 2009 konnte jeweils eine Absolventenbefragung an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften realisiert werden. Inhalt dieser Ergebnisbroschüre bildet die nunmehr sechste Erhebungswelle 2013, wobei eine Gegenüberstellung der Daten zu den früheren Absolventenbefragungen im Sinne eines Längsschnittvergleichs möglich ist.

永無止盡選戰與民主治理:民意調查對台灣地方政府治理運作影響之研究 / Permanent Campaign and Democratic Governance : An Exploratory Study of Public Opinion Polls’ Influence on Taiwanese Local Governance

蘇孔志, Su, Kung-chih Unknown Date (has links)
我國行政院在1982年即訂定《行政院所屬各機關民意調查作業要點》,透過社會科學研究方法的運用,瞭解相關人員對政府施政之意見,以作為政策研擬、評估及提升服務品質與機關內部管理等之參考。隨著1987年宣布解嚴,以及後續政黨政治、公職選舉、媒體發展等等因素,使得民意調查的應用更為廣泛,並且成為台灣民主政治發展歷程中相當重要的一環。同一時期,Sidney Blumenthal於1980年出版《永無止盡選戰》(The Permanent Campaign)一書,指出民選首長當選之後,即不斷為連任作準備,為了達到此一目的,不僅過去的輔選團隊會隨著進入到白宮擔任政治顧問的角色,並且選戰思維也會影響著民選首長的決策作為,讓選戰模式變成是一種治理方式,當中最明顯的特點就是民意調查的執行與應用。 台灣從解嚴之後,選舉次數亦十分地頻繁,從地方到中央,從民意代表到行政首長,儼然已經形成一個相當完整的職涯歷程。為探求我國民選首長就任之後,是否會藉由民意調查機制協助他們解決問題並進行相關的決策,本研究透過次級資料分析法、深度訪談法、民意調查法,針對我們地方政府的民意調查執行及應用情形進行調查。研究發現我國地方政府在民意調查的執行部分受到行政程序及財政狀況之影響,因此不若選舉時期來的有彈性。其次,在民意調查機制的應用部份,受訪者表示對於政策環境的釐清相當具有幫助,可以協助他們決定政策方案的採行。最後,為了瞭解「從眾效應」策略性民調結果的公佈是否會影響到一般民眾既有的認知,本研究透過兩階段民意調查的實驗,分別針對雲林縣、台中市的民眾進行電話民意調查,依據差異分析顯示,無法證實民意調查結果的公佈的確對於民眾既有的認知會造成改變。 / In the field of public opinion polls initiated in the 1930s, seeking collective preferences of citizens and customers for the government and the business sector by means of mail, telephone, or face-to-face interviews has brought about a significant impact on human political and business life in the 20th century. In the 1980, Sidney Blumenthal published the book "The Permanent Campaign". In this book, Blumenthal explained how the changes in American politics from old-style patronage and party organization to that based on the modern technology of computer driven polling created a fundamentally new system. The concept of a permanent campaign describes the focus which recent presidents have given to electoral concerns during their tenures in office, with the distinction between the time they have spent governing and the time they have spent campaigning having become blurred and political consultants had replaced the party bosses and brought with them a new model by which campaigning became the forms of governing. Is campaigning becoming the forms of governing in Taiwan? To answer this questions, this dissertation is beginning with the theory discussion of the perspective of the “permanent campaign” and the “democratic governance”. Then, with the help of the method of interview and secondary data analysis, author discuss the application and limitation of the public opinion poll using in the governance of the local government. Public opinion poll can help the elected leader to find out the problems but it is limited by financial condition of the government itself. The author also designed a two-stage public opinion poll and divided the respondents into experimental group and contrast group. The author hypothesizes that respondents will change their choices because of the impact of “Conformity” and used an evidence-based analysis to testify the hypothesis. Finally, the author gives his conclusion and suggestion.

Proces Pražského jara 1968-69 z hlediska transitologické teorie / Prague Spring from the point of view of the transition theory

Špičáková, Hana January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Prague Spring from the point of view of the transition theory" deals with the time period of "Prague Spring" and briefly also about the following year. The application of the methods of transition tries to show the next development of Czechoslovakia in case if the development hasn't had stopped by the intervention of troops of Warsaw Pact. There is a brief development of transitology there and then; three transition theories from significant authors discussing this topic are mentioned there. Further, the attitudes of reformers to the society in the year 1968 in Czechoslovakia, changes in the society itself and in the Communist Party are investigated there. A very important fact is the international situation and influence of states of the Soviet Block to reviving process and it representatives. The main chapter offers the possible future development of Czechoslovakia after the implementation transition theories. In the last part events from the year 1969 are mentioned. Two public polls bring closer the perception of Prague Spring after 25 and 30 years and its importance for the transition to democracy in 1989.

Absolventenbefragung 2013 Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Ergebnisbroschüre

Pawlowsky, Peter, Froß, Petra, Magnus, Therese, Beuchold, Jennifer 07 March 2016 (has links)
Im Jahr 1996 führte der Lehrstuhl Personal und Führung erstmals eine Befragung von Absolventen der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften durch. Auch in den Jahren 1998, 2001, 2005 und 2009 konnte jeweils eine Absolventenbefragung an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften realisiert werden. Inhalt dieser Ergebnisbroschüre bildet die nunmehr sechste Erhebungswelle 2013, wobei eine Gegenüberstellung der Daten zu den früheren Absolventenbefragungen im Sinne eines Längsschnittvergleichs möglich ist.

Methods Short of War: The United States Reacts to the Rise of the Third Reich

Negy, Kenneth 01 January 2013 (has links)
This project analyzes the various opinions in the United States of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the 1930s and studies the amount of information that was available in the United States regarding Nazi Germany before entering World War II. Specifically, it seeks to understand why the United States did relatively little to influence German and European affairs even in the face of increasing Nazi brutality and bellicosity. The analysis has been divided into three different categories. The first focuses on the United States government, and the President and Secretary of State in particular. The second category analyzes the minority opinion in the United States that had Nazi sympathies. Finally, the third deals with the American public in general. The evidence suggests that there was enough information regarding Nazi Germany for Americans to make a reasonable judgment. Most of the United States was opposed to Nazism and the German government. In spite of this, the majority agreed that the United States should not intervene or enter war. This study is significant because it helps shed further light on a debate in the country that continues to the present day: what role should the United States have when it comes to world affairs? The research in this thesis suggests that, in spite of opposition by the American public, if there is enough verifiable evidence of a humanitarian crisis to justify intervention, the government should act.

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