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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Επίδραση των πολυαμινών στη δομή και λειτουργία του 5s ριβοσωματικού RNA

Γερμπανάς, Γεώργιος 30 July 2007 (has links)
Η ΒΥΠ διαθέτει αντίτυπο της διατριβής σε έντυπη μορφή στο βιβλιοστάσιο διδακτορικών διατριβών που βρίσκεται στο ισόγειο του κτιρίου της. / Στα βακτήρια, η μεγάλη ριβοσωματική υπομονάδα αποτελείται από δύο είδη RNA, το 23S και το 5S rRNA, καθώς και 33 πρωτεΐνες. Ο σχηματισμός του πεπτιδικού δεσμού και η απελευθέρωση της πεπτιδικής αλυσίδας επιτελούνται στη μεγάλη υπομονάδα, όπου εδράζεται το καταλυτικό κέντρο της πεπτιδυλοτρανσφεράσης (PTase). Εκτός αυτού, η μεγάλη υπομονάδα περιλαμβάνει το κέντρο προσδέσεως των μεταφραστικών παραγόντων, το οποίο πυροδοτεί τη GTPase δραστηριότητα των G-πρωτεϊνικών παραγόντων, που εμπλέκονται στη μετατόπιση των υποστρωμάτων και άλλες ριβοσωματικές λειτουργίες. Έχει υποτεθεί ότι το 5S rRNA παίζει ουσιώδη ρόλο στη συγκρότηση του κέντρου της PTase και στη μετάδοση σημάτων μεταξύ του καταλυτικού κέντρου και των ριβοσωματικών συστατικών που διεκπεραιώνουν τη μετατόπιση των υποστρωμάτων. Το ιοντικό περιβάλλον φαίνεται να επηρεάζει καθοριστικά τη διαμόρφωση του 5S rRNA. Για παράδειγμα, έχει βρεθεί ότι οι πολυαμίνες δεσμεύονται εκλεκτικά στο 5S rRNA και επηρεάζουν τη δραστικότητα του έναντι του διμεθυλο-θεϊκού, ενός αντιδραστηρίου-ιχνηθέτη της τριτοταγούς δομής του RNA. Αρχικά ελέγξαμε αν υπάρχουν εξειδικευμένες θέσεις πρόσδεσης των πολυαμινών στο 5S rRNA. Στη συνέχεια, με σκοπό να ελέγξουμε αν η πρόσδεση των πολυαμινών επηρεάζει τη λειτουργία του 5S rRNA, 70S ριβοσώματα προγραμματισμένα με πολύ-ουριδυλικό σχηματίσθηκαν από 50S υπομονάδες, ολικά ή εκλεκτικά φωτοσημασμένες με ένα φωτοδραστικό ανάλογο της σπερμίνης και από 30S ακατέργαστες υπομονάδες. Αυτά τα ριβοσώματα είχαν την ικανότητα να δεσμεύουν AcPhe-tRNA ελαφρώς ισχυρότερα, σε σύγκριση με ριβοσώματα συγκροτημένα από φυσικά συστατικά, μη περιέχοντα πολυαμίνες. Το γεγονός αυτό υποδηλώνει ότι η πρόσδεση πολυαμινών στο 5S rRNA επηρεάζει, σε μικρό βαθμό, τη λειτουργία του παράγοντα επιμήκυνσης EF-Tu. Συζευγμένα, όμως, τα εν λόγω ριβοσώματα με tRNAPhe στην Ε-θέση και AcPhe-tRNAστην Ρ-θέση, επέδειξαν ισχυρότερη καταλυτική δραστικότητα και αυξημένη ικανότητα για μετατόπιση των υποστρωμάτων. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά εισηγούνται σημαντική εμπλοκή των πολυαμινών στο λειτουργικό ρόλο του 5S rRNA κατά την κατάλυση και μετατόπιση των υποστρωμάτων. / In bacteria, the large ribosomal subunit comprises two RNA species, 23S and 5S rRNA, and 33 proteins. Peptide bond formation and peptide release are catalyzed by the large subunit, where the peptidyltransferase (PTase) center is located. In addition to this center, which triggers the GTPase activities of G-protein factors involved in translocation and other ribosomal functions. It has been hypothesized that 5S rRNA plays essential role in assembling the PTase center and mediating signal transmissions between this center and the translocation machinery. Furthermore, the ionic environment seems to affect the conformation of 5S rRNA. For instance, polyamines have been found to bind specifically to 5S rRNA and influence the 5S rRNA reactivity towards dimethyl-sulfate (DMS), a chemical probe of RNA tertiary structure. Initially we examined whether there are specific sites for binding of polyamines. To test whether the binding of polyamines influence the function of 5S rRNA poly(U)-programmed 70S ribosomes were reconstituted from 50S subunits, totally or specifically photolabelled in their 5S rRNA with a photoreactive analogue of spermine, and native 30S subunits. These ribosomes were found to enzymatically bind AcPhe-tRNA better than ribosomes reconstituted from native components. This means, that furnishing 5S rRNA with spermine slightly influences the elongation factor EF-Tu function. However, equipped with tRNAPhe at the A-site and AcPhe-tRNA at the P-site, these ribosomes exhibited higher catalytic activity and enhanced tRNA translocation efficiency. These results suggest an essential impact of polyamines on the functional role of 5S rRNA in catalysis and translocation of translation substrates.

Impact of intestinal bacteria on the anatomy and physiology of the intestinal tract in the PRM/Alf mouse model

Slezak, Kathleen January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Intestinal bacteria influence gut morphology by affecting epithelial cell proliferation, development of the lamina propria, villus length and crypt depth [1]. Gut microbiota-derived factors have been proposed to also play a role in the development of a 30 % longer intestine, that is characteristic of PRM/Alf mice compared to other mouse strains [2, 3]. Polyamines and SCFAs produced by gut bacteria are important growth factors, which possibly influence mucosal morphology, in particular villus length and crypt depth and play a role in gut lengthening in the PRM/Alf mouse. However, experimental evidence is lacking. Aim: The objective of this work was to clarify the role of bacterially-produced polyamines on crypt depth, mucosa thickness and epithelial cell proliferation. For this purpose, C3H mice associated with a simplified human microbiota (SIHUMI) were compared with mice colonized with SIHUMI complemented by the polyamine-producing Fusobacterium varium (SIHUMI + Fv). In addition, the microbial impact on gut lengthening in PRM/Alf mice was characterized and the contribution of SCFAs and polyamines to this phenotype was examined. Results: SIHUMI + Fv mice exhibited an up to 1.7 fold higher intestinal polyamine concentration compared to SIHUMI mice, which was mainly due to increased putrescine concentrations. However, no differences were observed in crypt depth, mucosa thickness and epithelial proliferation. In PRM/Alf mice, the intestine of conventional mice was 8.5 % longer compared to germfree mice. In contrast, intestinal lengths of C3H mice were similar, independent of the colonization status. The comparison of PRM/Alf and C3H mice, both associated with SIHUMI + Fv, demonstrated that PRM/Alf mice had a 35.9 % longer intestine than C3H mice. However, intestinal SCFA and polyamine concentrations of PRM/Alf mice were similar or even lower, except N acetylcadaverine, which was 3.1-fold higher in PRM/Alf mice. When germfree PRM/Alf mice were associated with a complex PRM/Alf microbiota, the intestine was one quarter longer compared to PRM/Alf mice colonized with a C3H microbiota. This gut elongation correlated with levels of the polyamine N acetylspermine. Conclusion: The intestinal microbiota is able to influence intestinal length dependent on microbial composition and on the mouse genotype. Although SCFAs do not contribute to gut elongation, an influence of the polyamines N acetylcadaverine and N acetylspermine is conceivable. In addition, the study clearly demonstrated that bacterial putrescine does not influence gut morphology in C3H mice. / Einleitung: Die intestinale Mikrobiota beeinflusst die Morphologie des Darmes durch Beeinflussung der Epithelzellproliferation, Entwicklung der Lamina Propria, Zottenlänge und Kryptentiefe [1]. Zudem stehen bakterielle Faktoren im Verdacht, die Entwicklung eines 30 % längeren Darmes in der PRM/Alf Maus gegenüber anderen Mausstämmen zu begünstigen [2, 3]. Die von der intestinalen Mikrobiota produzierten Polyamine und kurzkettigen Fettsäuren (SCFA) stellen wichtige Wachstumsfaktoren dar, die bei der Ausbildung des Darmes sowie an der Darmverlängerung in der PRM/Alf Maus beteiligt sein könnten. Zielstellung: Ziel dieser Arbeit war, den Einfluss von bakteriell-produzierten Polyaminen auf die Kryptentiefe, Schleimhautdicke und Epithelzellproliferation zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden keimfreie C3H Mäuse mit einer vereinfachten menschlichen Mikrobiota (SIHUMI) assoziiert und mit C3H Mäusen, die mit einer SIHUMI plus dem polyaminproduzierendem Fusobacterium varium (SIHUMI + Fv) besiedelt worden waren, verglichen. Weiterhin sollte der mikrobielle Einfluss sowie die Rolle von SCFAs und Polyaminen bei der Ausbildung eines verlängerten Darms in der PRM/Alf Maus untersucht werden. Ergebnisse: Die SIHUMI + Fv Mäuse zeigten eine bis zu 1,7 fach höhere intestinale Polyaminkonzentration im Vergleich zu SIHUMI-Mäusen, welche vor allem auf eine Erhöhung von Putrescin zurückzuführen war. Trotz der höheren Polyaminkonzentrationen wurden keine Unterschiede in der Kryptentiefe, Schleimhautdicke und Epithelzellproliferation beobachtet. Die Untersuchung der Darmlänge in PRM/Alf Mäusen in Abhängigkeit vom Besiedlungsstatus ergab einen 8,5 % längeren Darm in konventionell besiedelten PRM/Alf Mäusen im Vergleich zu keimfreien PRM/Alf Mäusen. Im Gegensatz dazu wurden in C3H-Mäusen keine Unterschiede in der Darmlänge in Abhängigkeit von der Besiedlung beobachtet. Der Vergleich zwischen PRM/Alf und C3H Mäusen, die beide mit der SIHUMI + Fv Mikrobiota assoziiert wurden, zeigte einen 35,9 % längeren Darm in PRM/Alf Mäusen. Trotz des längeren Darmes waren die intestinalen SCFA- und Polyaminkonzentrationen vergleichbar bzw. geringer als in C3H Mäusen, mit einer Ausnahme: Die Konzentration von N Acetylcadaverin war in PRM/Alf Mäusen 3,1-fach erhöht. Wurden keimfreie PRM/Alf Mäuse mit einer komplexen PRM/Alf Mikrobiota assoziiert, so war ihr Darm ein Viertel länger als bei PRM/Alf Mäusen, die mit einer C3H Mikrobiota besiedelt wurden. Dieser längere Darm korrelierte mit der N Acetylsperminkonzentration. Schlussfolgerung: Die intestinale Mikrobiota ist in der Lage, die Darmlänge abhängig von der mikrobiellen Zusammensetzung und von dem Genotyp des Wirtes zu beeinflussen. Obwohl SCFAs die Darmlänge nicht beeinflussten, ist eine Beteiligung der Polyamine N Acetylcadaverin und N Acetylspermin denkbar. Darüber hinaus zeigte die Studie, dass Putrescin die Anatomie des Darmes in C3H Mäusen nicht beeinflusst.

L-arginine Metabolism Regulates Airways Responsiveness in Asthma and Exacerbation by Air Pollution

North, Michelle Leanne 31 August 2011 (has links)
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease with a high prevalence in Western countries, including Canada, and increased exacerbations have been associated with ambient air pollution. The maintenance of airways tone is critically dependent on the endogenous bronchodilator, nitric oxide (NO). The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoenzymes produce NO from the amino acid, L-arginine, and competition for substrate with the arginase isoenzymes can limit NO production. Imbalances between these pathways have been implicated in the airways hyperresponsiveness (AHR) of asthma. The overall objective of this work was to determine whether arginase and downstream polyamine metabolites are functionally involved in airways responsiveness in animal models of asthma and the adverse responses of allergic animals to air pollution. To this purpose, the expression profiles of proteins involved in L-arginine metabolism were determined in lung tissues from human asthmatics and murine models of ovalbumin (OVA)-induced airways inflammation. Expression of arginase 1 was increased in human asthma and animal models. Competitive inhibition of arginase attenuated AHR in vivo. The roles of the downstream metabolites of arginase, the polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) were examined by administering them via inhalation to anaesthetized mice. It was demonstrated that spermine increases methacholine responsiveness in normal and allergic mice. Additionally, inhibition of polyamine synthesis improved AHR in a murine model. Thus, arginase and downstream polyamine metabolites contribute to AHR in asthma. Finally, the potential role of arginase in the exacerbation of asthma by air pollution was investigated. For this purpose, murine sub-acute and chronic murine models of allergic airways inflammation were employed, which exhibit inflammatory cell influx and remodeling/AHR, respectively, to determine the role of arginase in the response to concentrated ambient fine particles plus ozone. Allergic mice that were exposed to air pollution exhibited increased arginase activity and expression, compared to filtered air-exposed controls. Furthermore, inhibition of arginase attenuated the air pollution-induced AHR. Thus, the studies of the arginase pathway and downstream metabolites described in this thesis indicate that arginase inhibition may be a therapeutic target in asthma and may also protect susceptible populations against the adverse health effects of air pollution.

L-arginine Metabolism Regulates Airways Responsiveness in Asthma and Exacerbation by Air Pollution

North, Michelle Leanne 31 August 2011 (has links)
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease with a high prevalence in Western countries, including Canada, and increased exacerbations have been associated with ambient air pollution. The maintenance of airways tone is critically dependent on the endogenous bronchodilator, nitric oxide (NO). The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoenzymes produce NO from the amino acid, L-arginine, and competition for substrate with the arginase isoenzymes can limit NO production. Imbalances between these pathways have been implicated in the airways hyperresponsiveness (AHR) of asthma. The overall objective of this work was to determine whether arginase and downstream polyamine metabolites are functionally involved in airways responsiveness in animal models of asthma and the adverse responses of allergic animals to air pollution. To this purpose, the expression profiles of proteins involved in L-arginine metabolism were determined in lung tissues from human asthmatics and murine models of ovalbumin (OVA)-induced airways inflammation. Expression of arginase 1 was increased in human asthma and animal models. Competitive inhibition of arginase attenuated AHR in vivo. The roles of the downstream metabolites of arginase, the polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) were examined by administering them via inhalation to anaesthetized mice. It was demonstrated that spermine increases methacholine responsiveness in normal and allergic mice. Additionally, inhibition of polyamine synthesis improved AHR in a murine model. Thus, arginase and downstream polyamine metabolites contribute to AHR in asthma. Finally, the potential role of arginase in the exacerbation of asthma by air pollution was investigated. For this purpose, murine sub-acute and chronic murine models of allergic airways inflammation were employed, which exhibit inflammatory cell influx and remodeling/AHR, respectively, to determine the role of arginase in the response to concentrated ambient fine particles plus ozone. Allergic mice that were exposed to air pollution exhibited increased arginase activity and expression, compared to filtered air-exposed controls. Furthermore, inhibition of arginase attenuated the air pollution-induced AHR. Thus, the studies of the arginase pathway and downstream metabolites described in this thesis indicate that arginase inhibition may be a therapeutic target in asthma and may also protect susceptible populations against the adverse health effects of air pollution.

Examining the role of metabolism in Myc-driven tumorigenesis

Plym Forshell, Tacha Zi January 2011 (has links)
Myc transcriptionally regulates genes involved in processes such as cell proliferation, metabolism, differentiation, and angiogenesis.  MYC expression is deregulated in many types of human cancer; therefore discovering the mechanisms behind MYCs role in tumorigenesis is essential.  In this dissertation, I have focused on several Myc target genes, Spermidine synthase (Srm); Lactate dehydrogenase (Ldh); 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (Phgdh); Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) 1 and 2; and Pim-3 (a member of the Pim family of serine/threonine kinases).  These enzymes play a role in various functions: Spermidine synthase (polyamine synthesis); Lactate dehydrogenase (glycolysis); Phgdh and Shmt (serine metabolism); and Pim-3 (cell signaling).  In order to elucidate the impact Myc over-expression has on metabolism in tumorigenesis, we use human cell lines, and transgenic mice as well as cell lines and tissues derived from these mice.  The impact of inhibition of these target genes on Myc-driven tumorigenesis was done by genetically inhibiting the target gene (using RNAi or mouse models) or inhibiting the protein with a chemical inhibitor.  Investigating these Myc target genes will help determine if inhibition of Myc target genes is a viable approach for chemotherapeutics, and under what conditions this inhibition may be the most valuable.  In paper I, we examine SRM; a highly expressed enzyme in the polyamine synthesis pathway that converts putrescine to spermidine, and is important for actively growing cells.  Genetic inhibition via RNAi against Srm, or chemical inhibition of Srm, resulted in decreased proliferation of B-cell tumor lines from transgenic mice in vitro.  In vivo treatment of λ-Myc transgenic mice with a chemical SRM inhibitor exhibited a significant chemopreventative effect on tumor formation. These results support previous findings that inhibition of polyamine synthesis pathway enzymes has a place in cancer therapy.  Many Myc target genes have been suggested as attractive targets in battling Myc-driven tumorigenesis.  Surprisingly in paper II, when we analyzed the inhibition of other Myc target genes, such as Ldh, Shmt, and Phgdh, we found that inhibition of these genes did not inhibit Myc-driven tumorigenesis to any significant degree. However, inhibition of Ldh, Phgdh and Shmt2 had a notable effect on in vitro Ras-driven transformation.  These findings suggest that chemotherapeutic inhibition of metabolic genes such as Ldh, Phgdh and Shmt2 may be effective in genetically defined settings, keeping in mind the oncogenic lesion behind the tumor.  The Pim kinase family consists of three serine/threonine kinases, Pim1-3.  In paper III, we found that Pim-3 is a direct Myc target gene and that Pim-3 expression is high in Burkitt Lymphoma samples taken from human patients, as well as spontaneously arising lymphomas from Myc transgenic mice. We also found that inhibition of Pim-3 using a pan-Pim kinase inhibitor, Pimi, in these spontaneously arising Myc lymphomas resulted in caspase independent cell death.  These results indicate that Pim kinase inhibition may be a potential chemotherapeutic strategy in human lymphomas that rely on Pim-3 kinase expression.

Aspectos imunopatogênicos da leishmaniose cutânea difusa: fatores da leishmania e do hospedeiro

Costa, Jaqueline França January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2013-11-06T14:31:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaqueline Franca Costa Aspectos imunopatogênicos da leishmaniose cutanêa...pdf: 1509776 bytes, checksum: 2d3824cc711f84d908e61378ac3d4a8c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-06T14:31:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaqueline Franca Costa Aspectos imunopatogênicos da leishmaniose cutanêa...pdf: 1509776 bytes, checksum: 2d3824cc711f84d908e61378ac3d4a8c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Universidade Federal da Bahia. Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia. Salvador, BA, Brasil / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / A progressão crônica da LCD é atribuída à falta da imunidade mediada por células específica para antígeno de Leishmania e predominância de uma resposta do tipo Th2. Neste sentido, tanto fatores do parasita quanto do hospedeiro podem atuar na desativação da resposta imune favorecendo a replicação da Leishmania. Inicialmente avaliamos o papel da exposição de fosfatidilserina na infecção de macrófagos murinos com Leishmania amazonensis isolados de pacientes com LCD. Para isso, macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos F1(BALB/c x C57BL/6) foram infectados com os diferentes isolados obtidos de pacientes com LCD e LCL. Os isolados obtidos de pacientes com LCD apresentaram maior expressão de PS do que os isolados de pacientes com LCL após 24 horas de infecção. Em seguida, avaliamos a infectividade dos diferentes isolados. As amastigotas de pacientes com LCD apresentaram maior porcentagem de macrófagos infectados e índice de infecção, quando comparados com amastigotas de pacientes com LCL. Quanto ao mecanismo, o grupo infectado com os isolados de pacientes com LCD apresentou um aumento na relação TGF-β/TNF-α e IL-10/TNF-α em relação ao grupo LCL. A análise de correlação revelou que a porcentagem de macrófagos infectados, o índice de infecção, os índices de TGF-β/TNF-α e IL-10/TNF-α, bem como o tamanho dos vacúolos estão diretamente associados a maior exposição de PS. Além disso, o número de lesões e o tempo de doença dos pacientes com LCD também estão associados á exposição de PS. O reconhecimento de PS tem como consequência a produção de TGF, IL-10, IL-4 e PGE2, que ativam a via da enzima arginase e consequentemente a produção de poliaminas. Por isso buscamos investigar a participação de tais mediadores em pacientes com LCD. Os níveis da arginase I, ODC e TGF-β no plasma de pacientes com LCD estava elevados quando comparado com os pacientes com LCL ou o controle saudável da área endêmica. Por outro lado, os níveis de TNF-α, IL-12, MCP-1 e CXCL-10 estavam reduzidos no plasma de pacientes com LCD comparado aos pacientes com LCL. Os níveis de arginase apresentaram correlação positiva com ODC, TGF-β e PGE e correlação negativa com TNF-α, IL-12, MCP-1 e CXCL-10. A produção da arginase e ODC também foi avaliada nas lesões dos pacientes através de imunohistoquímica. As lesões dos pacientes com LCD apresentaram uma marcação mais intensa e difusa do que as de LCL. Além disso, a expressão da cicloxigenase 2 também estava aumentada nas lesões de LCD. A expressão do mRNA das enzimas fosfolipase A2, COX-2, prostaglandina sintase, espermina e espermidina sintase apresentaram uma relação positiva com a enzima arginase, indicando que esta interfere diretamente no metabolismo dos mediadores lipídicos e na via de síntese das poliaminas. A inibição das enzimas arginase e ODC com nor-NOHA e DFMO, respectivamente, reduziu a carga parasitária de macrófagos humanos infectados com L. amazonensis após 72 h de infecção. Além disso, os inibidores reduziram a produção de TGF e PGE2 no sobrenadante das culturas. Em conjunto, nossos dados sugerem que a liberação local e sistêmica de prostaglandinas e poliaminas associadas à via da arginase em pacientes com LCD deve estar associada com a inabilidade em montar uma resposta imune eficiente contra a infecção por Leishmania proporcionando um ambiente favorável para a replicação do parasita e disseminação da doença. Nossos resultados mostram também que este ambiente imunossuprimido pode ser induzido pela exposição de PS na superfície de L. amazonensis deflagrando uma resposta anti-inflamatória nos pacientes com LCD. / The chronic progression of DCL is attributed to the lack of specific cell-mediated immunity to Leishmania antigen and predominance of a Th2-type response. In this sense, both factors of the parasite and the host can act in the deactivation of immune response, favoring parasite replication. Initially we evaluate the role of phosphatidylserine exposure in murine macrophages infected with L. amazonensis isolated from patients with DCL. First, peritoneal macrophages of mice F1 (BALB/c x C57BL/6) were infected with different isolates from patients with DCL and LCL. The DCL isolates showed higher PS expression than the LCL isolates after 24 hours of infection.. The DCL-amastigotes patients showed a higher percentage of infected macrophages and the infectivity index when compared with patients with LCL- amastigotes. Regarding the mechanism, the group infected with isolates from patients with LCD showed an increase in TGF/TNF and IL-10/TNF when compared with LCL group. Correlation analysis revealed that the percentage of infected macrophages, the infectivity index, the rate of TGF/TNF and IL-10/TNF as well as the size of the vacuoles are directly associated with higher PS exposure. Moreover, the number of lesions and disease duration of DCL patients are also associated with PS exposure. Recognition of PS results in the production of TGF, IL-10, IL-4 and PGE2, molecules with anti-inflammatory role that activate the enzyme arginase and consequently the polyamines production. Therefore, we investigated the involvement of these mediators in patients with DCL. The plasma of DCL patients showed high levels of arginase, ODC and TGF compared to the LCL patients or healthy control from endemic area. On the other hand, the levels of TNF, IL-12, MCP-1 and CXCL-10 were reduced in the DCL patients plasma compared to patients with LCL. Arginase levels were positively correlated with ODC, TGF and PGE and negatively correlated with TNF, IL-12, MCP-1 and CXCL-10. The production of arginase and ODC was also evaluated in the lesions of patients by immunohistochemistry. The DCL lesions showed a more intense and diffuse staining than LCL lesions. Furthermore, the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 was also increased in lesions of DCL. The mRNA expression of the enzymes phospholipase A2, COX-2, prostaglandin synthase, spermine synthase and spermidine synthase showed a positive relationship with the arginase enzyme, indicating that it directly interferes with the metabolism of lipid mediators and in synthesis of polyamines. The inhibition of the enzyme arginase and ODC with nor-NOHA and DFMO, respectively, reduced the parasite load of L. amazonensis human infected macrophages 72 h after infection. Moreover, NOHA and DFMO reduced TGF and PGE2 production in the supernatant of cultures. Together, local and systemic release of prostaglandins, arginase and polyamines pathways in DCL should be associated with the inability of these patients to mount effective immune response against infection by Leishmania providing a favorable environment for replication and spread of the parasite disease. Our results also show that this immunosuppressed environment can be induced by PS exposure on the L. amazonensis surface triggering anti-inflammatory response in DCL patients.

Vliv kuchyňských úprav na obsah biogenních aminů a polyaminu ve vybraných jedlých houbách. / The influence of culinary processing on content of biogenic amines and polyamine in selected edible mushrooms.

WOLFOVÁ, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The intention of this dissertation was an assessment of biogenic amines (BA) and polyamines (PA) by the usage of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), in the concrete histamine (HIM), tyramine (TYM), 2-phenyl ethylamine (PEA), tryptamine (TRM), spermine (SPM), spermidine (SPD) and putrescine (PUT) in Velvet Bolete ( Suillus variegatus, (Sw.) Kuntze) and Bay Bolete ( Boletus badius, Fr.). The dissertation was focused on the influence of kitchen treatments by the method of pasteurization, freezing and subsequent storage of treated mushrooms on the content of biogenic amines and polyamines. Pasteurized samples were analysed immediately after adjustment on day 0 and then after three, six, nine and twelve months after storage in the dark place at 22 °C. The highest concentration in the pasteurized Velvet Bolete sample was observed in putrescine (1079 mg/kg). In the process of the experiment, this one and other biogenic amines levels decreased, except for tyramine, which showed a slight increase. The highest concentration in pasteurized Bay Bolete sample was also observed in putrescine (768 mg/kg) which, together with other biogenic amines levels, decreased. The frozen samples were stored at -16 °C and samples were taken every third, sixth, ninth and dozenth month. Changes in the concentration of biogenic amines and polyamines in the frozen sample of Velvet Bolete were identical with changes during pasteurization. Changes in the concentration of biogenic amines and polyamines in frozen sample of Bay Bolete were different from the pasteurized sample. Tryptamine, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine levels increased steadily, whereas the 2-phenylethylamine and tyramine levels decreased slightly. The monitoring results show that not even a unprofessional method of preserving wild mushrooms will lead to a substantial increase in the levels of biogenic amines and polyamines in the material of the wildly growing edible mushrooms.

Fisiologia pós-colheita de sorvetão (Zingiber spectabile Griff.) cultivado no submédio São Francisco

Santos, Maria Herbênia Lima Cruz [UNESP] 16 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03-16Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:43:14Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_mhlc_dr_botfca.pdf: 1509424 bytes, checksum: 0e38e7b79ee2e60018b38f884c2d8420 (MD5) / Beehive ginger inflorescences have yellow bracts when they are young, which are ornamental and are specially used in gardening projects and as cut flowers. However, there are crop management and postharvest factors that affect the expansion of the species. So, the objective of this work was to study some physiological postharvest aspect of beehive ginger inflorescences grown in the lower middle São Francisco river basin. Flower stems just harvested were submitted to different treatments (distilled water; 75 mg L-1 of silver nitrate - AgNO3; 1000 mg L-1 of cobalt chloride - CoCl2; 5 mg L-1 de GA3 - Progibb® and 10 mg L-1 of 6-benzylamino purine - BAP), in an environment with controlled temperature and humidity, for 15 days. The longevity was monitored from non-destructive analysis (grading scale, fresh weight, consumption and pH of the preservative solution) as well as destructive ones (peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity, total soluble and reducing carbohydrates, phenols, putrescine, spermine and spermidine content). The non-destructive analysis showed that the beehive ginger stems treated with gibberelin and silver nitrate presented a better visual aspect according to the grading scale, the ones treated with AgNO3 absorbed a greater volume of the solution during the experimental period, while the ones treated with silver nitrate and BAP had a greater fresh weight. The smallest variation of the preservative solution pH took place with the treatments containing the plant regulators. The destructive analysis revealed that the inflorescences maintained in preservative solutions with gibberelin and distilled water kept their stocks of total soluble sugars for 3 days longer than the stems submitted to the other treatments. The contents of reducing sugars increased 7 considerably in inflorescences treated with cytokinin. The BAP promoted alterations in the activity of the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


Signor, Cristiane 22 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The long-term memory involves three stages: acquisition, consolidation and extinction. However was recently described a new phase of consolidation, called the persistence of memory. At this stage, crucial events occur 12 hours after the acquisition, in which the synthesis of new proteins and brain derived neurotrophic factor, are essential. The polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine, they act as endogenous modulators of various ion channels, including the glutamatergic receptor subtype N-methyl-D-aspartate. Systemic and intra-cerebral spermidine, immediately after training, improves memory in various tasks in rats. However, no studies demonstrating the effect of spermidine on the persistent memory. Thus, we investigated the effect of systemic administration of spermidine, and arcaine, antagonist of polyamine site on the N-methyl-D-aspartate, the persistence of memory, through the task of contextual fear conditioning. For this study, were used adult male Wistar rats, which underwent a training session on the task of contextual fear conditioning, and 12 hours after training, received a systemic administration of spermidine (0.1-30 mg/kg ), arcaine (0.1-10 mg/ kg) or the combination of spermidine and arcaine. In the second or the seventh day after training the mice were tested. Systemic administration of spermidine improved, whereas systemic administration of impaired arcaine the persistence of memory, when the rats were tested in the second and seventh day after training. The arcaine (0.1 mg / kg) in a dose that has no effect per se prevented improved starry induced by spermidine (10 mg/kg), whereas spermidine (1 mg/kg) dose not effect per se has prevented the worsening of starry arcaine induced (10 mg/kg), when the rats were tested in the second and seventh day after training. These results suggest the involvement of spermidine in persistent memory in rats. / A memória de longa duração envolve três fases: aquisição, consolidação e evocação. No entanto, recentemente foi descrita uma nova fase de consolidação, denominada de persistência da memória. Nesta fase, ocorrem eventos cruciais 12 horas após a aquisição, na qual a síntese de novas proteínas e do fator neurotrófico derivado do encéfalo, são essenciais. As poliaminas putrescina, espermidina e espermina, atuam como moduladores endógenos de diversos canais iônicos, incluindo o subtipo de receptor glutamatérgico N-metil-D-aspartato. A administração sistêmica e intra-cerebral de espermidina, imediatamente após o treino, melhora a memória em diversas tarefas em ratos. Entretanto, não há estudos demonstrando o efeito da espermidina sobre a persistência da memória. Assim, nós investigamos o efeito da administração sistêmica de espermidina, e de arcaína, antagonista do sítio das poliaminas no receptor N-metil-D-aspartato, na persistência da memória, através da tarefa de medo condicionado contextual. Para este estudo, foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos adultos, os quais, foram submetidos a uma sessão de treino na tarefa de medo condicionado contextual, e 12 horas após o treinamento, receberam uma administração sistêmica de espermidina (0,1-30 mg/kg), arcaína (0,1-10 mg/kg) ou a associação de espermidina e arcaína. No segundo ou no sétimo dia após o treino os ratos foram submetidos ao teste. A administração sistêmica de espermidina melhorou, enquanto que a administração sistêmica de arcaína prejudicou a persistência da memória, quando os ratos foram testados no segundo e no sétimo dia após o treino. A arcaína (0,1 mg/kg) na dose que não possui efeito per se, preveniu a melhora da persistência da memória induzida pela espermidina (10 mg/kg), enquanto que a espermidina (1 mg/kg) na dose que não possui efeito per se, preveniu a piora da persistência da memória induzida pela arcaína (10 mg/kg), quando os ratos foram testados no segundo e no sétimo dia após o treino. Estes resultados sugerem o envolvimento da espermidina na persistência da memória em ratos.


Frühauf, Pâmella Karina Santana 21 August 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neuroinflammation is a neuropathological finding in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces neuroinflammation and memory deficit. Spermine and spermidine are endogenous polyamines that physiologically modulate the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in mammals by binding to the polyamine-binding site at the NMDA receptor. Since polyamines improve memory in cognitive tasks, we tested whether the post-training administration of spermine reverses the deficits of memory induced by LPS in the object recognition task in mice. While spermine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) increased, ifenprodil (10 mg/kg, i.p.), a noncompetitive GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor antagonist, decreased the discrimination score on novel object recognition task. Spermine, at dose that did not alter memory (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), reversed the cognitive impairment induced by LPS (250 μg/kg, i.p.). Ifenprodil (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.) reversed the protective effect of spermine against LPS-induced memory deficits in the novel object recognition task. However, spermine failed to reverse the LPS-induced increased of cortical and hippocampal cytokines levels. The results indicate that spermine protects from LPS-induced memory deficits in mice by mechanisms other than decreasing LPS-induced cytokine production. / A inflamação periférica desencadeia a produção central de citocinas inflamatórias, gerando um quadro de neuroinflamação. Essa condição altera as transmissões no receptor N-Metil-D-Aspartato (NMDA) o que prejudica a memória e a plasticidade sináptica. A injeção de Lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) induz a neuroinflamação e prejudica a memória. A espermina e a espermidina são poliaminas endógenas que modulam fisiologicamente o receptor NMDA em mamíferos. Uma vez que as poliaminas melhoram a memória em tarefas cognitivas, investigamos se a administração pós-treino de espermina reverte o prejuízo de memória induzido por LPS sistêmico na tarefa de reconhecimento de objetos em camundongos. Enquanto a espermina (1 mg/kg, ip) aumentou, o ifenprodil (10 mg/kg, ip), antagonista não competitivo do receptor NMDA contendo GluN2B, diminuiu a discriminação na tarefa de reconhecimento de objetos. A espermina, em doses que não alteram a memória (0,3 mg/kg, ip), reverteu o dano cognitivo induzido por LPS (250 μg/kg, ip). O ifenprodil (0,3 mg/kg, ip) impediu o efeito protetor da espermina contra o prejuízo de memória induzido por LPS na tarefa de reconhecimento de objetos. No entanto, a espermina não reverteu o aumento dos níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias induzido por LPS no hipocampo e córtex cerebral. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que a espermina protege a piora da memória induzida por LPS em camundongos. O mecanismo desta proteção envolve o sítio de ligação das poliaminas no receptor NMDA, e não envolve mecanismos anti-inflamatórios.

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