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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um mundo refeito : o conseqüencialismo na análise econômica do direito de Richard Posner

Rieffel, Luiz Reimer Rodrigues January 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe o exame do conseqüencialismo no direito através do estudo da análise econômica do direito na obra de Richard A. Posner. Na primeira parte do trabalho, três fundamentos desse conseqüencialismo são apresentados: uma certa visão econômica do mundo; a insuficiência de duas importantes teorias sobre o que é a justiça (Aristóteles e Rawls); e a incapacidade da filosofia moral de auxiliar o direito. Após, passa-se a tratar dos elementos que compõem o conceito central dessa espécie de conseqüencialismo: a eficiência e a sua aplicação prática. Na segunda parte da dissertação, procede-se ao exame das dificuldades encontradas na aplicação da eficiência, principalmente no raciocínio prático jurídico. A conclusão procura destacar que apesar do raciocínio jurídico não poder ser reduzido a uma particular metodologia econômica, ele deve ser compreendido, sempre que possível, como situado em um contexto de mercado. / This work proposes the analysis of consequencialism in law through the study of Law and Economics in the major works of Richard A. Posner and is an attempt to examine its deficiencies as well. In the first part, I argue that this particular form of consequencialism is grounded in three different claims: a particular economic view, the insufficiency of two important theories of justice (Aristotle and Rawls), and the incapacity of moral philosophy to help legal discourse. After establishing the grounds of this type of consequencialism as efficiency, this dissertation will move on to the main elements that form this conception and its practical results. The second part deals with some difficulties involving the use of efficiency, especially in legal reasoning. The conclusion aims to emphasize that even though legal reasoning can not be reduced to a particular type of economic methodology, it can not avoid to be understood in a market context.

Gaze guidance through head-mounted Augmented Reality display

Kullberg, Viktor, Lindqvist, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Mänskligt beslutfattande är en viktig faktor i design processen för system och objekt. Medden snabba utvecklingen av området förstärkt verklighet är det nu möjligt att simuleradigitala gränssnitt överallt. Det finns flera användningsområden både inom industin ochallmänheten där det realiseras med allt ifrån mobiltelefoner till smarta glasögon. I dennauppsats tas ett system fram för att testa hur visuell styrning kan implementeras med hjälpav huvudmonterad förstärkt verklighet. Subtil ledning undersöks också om det kan användas som en digital knuff i huvudmonterad förstärkt verklighet. För att undersöka dettatas en prototyp fram. Genom utveckling av denna prototyp kan ett kontrollerat experimentet genomföras och visuell styrning samt subtil ledning undersökas. Experimentet föratt undersöka visuell styrning är Posner cueing task. Genom att använda ögonspårningsutrustning, kan man mäta reaktionstiderna för sackader hos användarna. Resultatet visaren signifikant skillnad i reaktonstid när vår subtila ledning används. Slutsatsen av dennauppsats är att subtil ledning kan användas som en digital knuff i huvudmonterad förstärktverklighet och denna rapport kan användas för vidare forskning inom visuell styrning iförstärkt verklighet med huvudmonterade bildskärmar. / Human decision making is an important factor in the design process for systems anditems. With the fast developing of Augmented Reality it is now possible to simulate digitalinterfaces everywhere. This allows for several application areas both within the industryand for the public and it can be implemented with everything from cellphones to smartglasses. In this thesis, it is investigated how subtle gaze guidance can be implemented usingwearable Augmented Reality technology. Subtle cuing is also investigated to see if it canbe used as a digital nudge in head-worn Augmented Reality environment. To investigatethis, a prototype is developed. By developing a prototype that can perform a controlledexperiment, the visual guidance and subtle cueing can be examined with a Posner cueingtask. By using eye trackers, saccadic reaction times of the participants are measured andexamined. The result shows a significant change in reaction time when using our subtleguidance than without. The conclusion is that subtle cueing can be used as a digital nudgein a head-worn Augmented Reality environment and this thesis can be used for furtherstudies within visual guidance in Augmented Reality with a head-mounted display.

Leadership Education: A Pilot Study Investigating Employer and Student Perceptions of Value

Farkas, Jason Scott 17 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

La neurotoxicité développementale associée au méthylmercure, au plomb et aux biphényles polychlorés : l’attention et le traitement visuel à l’étude

Ethier, Audrey-Anne 03 1900 (has links)
L’influence des contaminants environnementaux (CE) a été largement étudié en contexte d’exposition aigüe et d’intoxication. Qu’en est-il d’une exposition chronique à plus faibles doses sur le développement cognitif et sensoriel des enfants? Les études longitudinales de la présente thèse ont été réalisées au Nunavik. Bien que géographiquement éloignée des centres industriels, la communauté inuite est exposée aux CE via leur transport par les courants atmosphériques et océaniques ainsi que par leur bioaccumulation dans le poisson et les mammifères marins. Puisque l’alimentation autochtone traditionnelle, notamment la chair de béluga, est encore fréquemment consommée par la communauté, une proportion substantielle d’enfants inuits est exposée in utero aux CE. Ceux-ci sont également continuellement exposés à ces agents neurotoxiques durant leur développement postnatal. Or, la variation considérable dans l’adoption de l’alimentation traditionnelle au sein de la communauté représente une opportunité pour étudier la relation entre les niveaux d’exposition aux CE et le développement cognitif et sensoriel des enfants. Bien que certains déficits aient déjà été mis en lien avec l’exposition chronique aux CE dans la littérature, la présente thèse s’intéressa à cette relation plus spécifiquement chez les enfants inuits vivant dans le Grand Nord et plus exposés aux CE en raison de leur alimentation. Par ailleurs, les protocoles qui ont été développés pour cette thèse permettront d’évaluer des aspects qui ont été peu étudiés en lien avec les CE, soit l’attention visuospatiale et le traitement visuel cérébral précoce. Dans le premier volet de cette thèse, la relation entre trois CE et l’attention visuospatiale a été étudiée à l’aide d’une version adaptée de la tâche de Posner (M.I. Posner et al., 1980). Cette tâche psychophysique a été administrée à des enfants inuits (âge moyen = 11.2 ans) dont les niveaux d’exposition au mercure (Hg), au plomb (Pb) et aux biphényles polychlorés (BPCs) ont été documentés durant les périodes pré et postnatale. Les expositions in utero au Pb et aux BPCs ont été significativement associées à de l’impulsivité et de l’inattention, respectivement, alors que l’exposition postnatale au Pb a été associée à des temps de réaction plus longs. Bien qu’aucune relation spécifique avec l’attention visuospatiale n’ait été trouvée, les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l’exposition aux CE est associée à une diminution des capacités attentionnelles générales chez les enfants résidant au Nunavik. Dans le second volet, le traitement cérébral précoce de l’information visuelle a été examiné à l’aide de potentiels évoqués visuels auprès d’enfants de la même communauté (âge moyen = 10.9 ans). La concentration de Hg dans le sang de cordon ombilical mesurée à la naissance a été associée à une réduction de l’amplitude et à une augmentation de la latence de la composante N75. L’exposition prénatale au Pb a quant à elle été associée à un délai dans la latence de la composante N150. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent ainsi que l’exposition aux métaux lourds, en particulier durant la période gestationnelle, serait associée à des altérations dans le développement visuel. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse soutiennent l’hypothèse selon laquelle le cerveau en développement est vulnérable lors d’une exposition chronique aux CE, et cela même à des niveaux de concentration inférieurs aux limites recommandées par les organismes de santé publique. Les résultats permettent également d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur les déficits cognitifs et sensoriels associés aux CE. / The deleterious impact of environmental contaminants (EC) has been extensively studied in acute exposure and poisoning events. What about the chronic exposure to lower doses on cognitive and sensory development of children? The longitudinal studies of this thesis were conducted in Nunavik. Although geographically distant from industrial centers, the Inuit community is exposed to EC via their transport by atmospheric and oceanic currents and their bioaccumulation in fish and sea mammals. Since traditional native foods, especially beluga meat, are still frequently consumed by this community, a substantial proportion of Inuit infants are exposed in utero to EC. Inuit children are also continuously exposed to these neurotoxic agents during postnatal development. The considerable variation in consumption of traditional food within this community provides an opportunity to investigate the relation between degree of exposure to EC and the effects on cognitive and sensory development of children. Although some deficits have already been related with chronic exposure to environmental contaminants in the literature, this thesis is interested more specifically at these relations in Inuit children living up North. Furthermore, the protocols that were developed for this thesis will evaluate new aspects related to EC, which are the visuospatial attention and the early brain visual processing. The first part of this thesis was designed to assess the effect of three EC on visuospatial attention with a modified Posner paradigm (M.I. Posner, et al., 1980). This psychophysical task was administered to Inuit children (mean age = 11.2 years) for whom the levels of exposure to mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were documented for pre and postnatal periods. In utero exposures to Pb and PCBs were significantly associated with greater impulsivity and inattention, respectively, while current exposure to Pb was significantly associated with longer reaction times. Although no specific effect has been found on visuospatial attention, the results of this study suggest that exposure to EC is associated with decreased in general attentional abilities in children living in Nunavik. In the second part, early brain processing of visual information was assessed using visual evoked potentials with children from the same community (mean age = 10.9 years). Cord blood Hg level measured at birth was associated with a reduction of the amplitude and an increase of the latency of the N75 component. Prenatal exposure to Pb was associated with a delay of the N150 latency. These results suggest that heavy metal exposure, in particular during the gestational period, is associated with alterations in visual development. The results presented in this thesis support the hypothesis that the developing brain is vulnerable during a chronic exposure to EC, even at concentration levels below the limits recommended by public health agencies. The results also shed new light on cognitive and sensory deficits associated with EC.

La pensée juridique de l'exception aux Etats-Unis après le 11 septembre 2001 / Legal thought on state of exception in the United States after September 11 , 2001

Benhessa, Ghislain 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 ont provoqué une onde de choc aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier. Pour y faire face, le gouvernement a adopté des mesures exceptionnelles. Notre étude se penche sur la doctrine américaine. John Yoo, Professeur à l’Université de Berkeley, a joué un rôle de premier plan au sein de l’Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) au moment des attentats. Depuis cette période, il ne cesse de revenir sur la manière dont le gouvernement des États-Unis a réagi à la suite des évènements. Partant d’une perspective utilitariste, Éric Posner et Adrian Vermeule proposent quant à eux une théorie de l’exception qui renverse la plupart des opinions traditionnellement admises et défendues. La problématique essentielle qui scande l’ensemble de notre travail est de saisir, de l’intérieur, à partir d’une lecture des ouvrages des trois auteurs, les tensions fondamentales de l’approche retenue par le gouvernement des États-Unis, au regard de la tradition constitutionnelle du pays. / The attacks of September 11, 2001 caused a shock wave both in the United States and the wholeworld. In the aftermath, the government adopted extraordinary measures to address the threat. Our study focuses on contemporary American legal scholars. John Yoo, Professor at Berkeley University, played a significant role within the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the time of the attacks. Since then, he has never stopped addressing how the United States government reacted in the wake of these events. Using a utilitarian perspective, Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule, for their part, bring forward a state of exception theory which dismisses certain views that are commonly accepted and embraced. The main issue that guides the whole of our work is to try and comprehend – from within and through reading of the three authors’ writings – the fundamental tensions of the approach adopted by the United States government in view of the country’s constitutional tradition.

Antropologia filosófica e direito : um confronto entre o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner

Martins, Angela Vidal da Silva January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar a relação entre Antropologia Filosófica e Direito a partir de duas correntes caracterizadas como antagônicas e seus respectivos expoentes: o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner. Para tal, procuraremos primeiramente delimitar os conceitos com os quais trabalharemos: Antropologia Filosófica, Direito, Personalismo e Economicismo. Em seguida, apresentaremos os autores, centrando-nos principalmente na fundamentação jurídica de seu pensamento e na repercussão prática de suas teorias para evidenciar em que medida a base antropológica influencia a concepção de Direito e a ordem social. Concluiremos destacando a necessidade do conhecimento antropológico na formação jurídica no sentido de facilitar a compreensão das diversas teorias e sua consonância com os fins do Direito. / The present work aims to demonstrate the relation between Philosophical Anthropology and Law through two antagonic mainstreams and respective exponents: Lon Fuller´s personalism and the economicism of Richard Posner. For this goal, we will first offer the concepts we will be dealing with: Philosophical Anthropology, Law, Personalism and Economicism. Then, we will present the authors, mainly focusing on the legal fundamentals of their thought and practical repercussions of the theories in order to evidence how anthropological basis influence the conception of Law and the social order. To conclude, we will highlight the necessity of anthropological knowledge in legal education to facilitate the comprehension of different theories and its consonance with the ends of Law.

Como os juízes decidem os casos difíceis? A guinada pragmática de Richard Posner e a crítica de Ronald Dworkin / How do judges decide hard cases? Richard Posners pragmatic turn and Ronald Dorkins critics

Arruda, Thais Nunes de 06 May 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema a guinada pragmática do juiz norte-americano Richard A. Posner e a aplicação de sua teoria da adjudicação pragmática aos casos difíceis. Para identificar o contexto em que se deu esta virada, apresentaremos em breve síntese a origem do pragmatismo nos Estados Unidos da América, suas implicações filosóficas e jurídicas para os paradigmas duais modernos, e sua influência no realismo jurídico. A virada linguística e da pós-modernidade darão forma a um neopragmatismo, cuja tônica será uma espécie de antifundacionalismo e antiteoria que será adotada por juristas a partir do final da década de 1980. Apresentado este cenário, adentrar-se-á ao trabalho de Richard Posner, destacando-se sua ascensão no movimento da Análise Econômica do Direito até que, influenciado por fragmentos das teorias enunciadas no primeiro capítulo e pelas críticas lançadas à redução do direito ao formalismo econômico, proporá uma releitura das possibilidades e dos limites da aplicação da economia ao direito, adotando uma abordagem mais abrangente e interdisciplinar, próxima ao pragmatismo jurídico. O pragmatismo de Posner terá como pilares a rejeição à autonomia do direito e a problemática da objetividade jurídica, fundamentada no consenso e na indeterminação mitigada do direito, que o levará a defender a impossibilidade de respostas certas aos casos difíceis e a incapacidade da filosofia moral auxiliar o direito. Posner oferecerá daí, uma visão própria de pragmatismo e razão prática, que constituirá o pragmatismo cotidiano e à teoria da adjudicação pragmática, sua relação com os métodos de outras áreas do conhecimento, com o formalismo e a concepção de razoabilidade, bem como a sua aplicação a um caso difícil. No terceiro e último capítulo deste trabalho, serão examinadas as dificuldades da proposta pragmática de Posner apontadas na crítica de Ronald Dworkin, sobretudo sobre o papel da objetividade no direito, a importância da filosofia moral na definição dos fins jurídicos e o perigo da transformação do empreendimento jurídico em um consequencialismo de regras. / This work proposes de analysis of the pragmatic turn of the American judge, Richard A. Posner and application of his theory of pragmatic adjudication to difficult cases. To identify the context in which this turn is given, we present in brief outline the origins of pragmatism in the United States of America, its philosophical implications and legal paradigms for modern dualisms, and its influence on legal realism. The linguistic turn and postmodernism will form a neo-pragmatism, whose keynote will be a kind of antifoundationalism and anti-theory that will be adopted by jurists from the late 1980\'s. Presented this scenario, we will enter into the work of Richard Posner, highlighting its emergence as a pioneer of the movement of Economic Analysis of Law until, influenced by fragments of the theories set out in the first chapter and reviews posted by the reduction of the right to economic formalism, propose a review of the possibilities and limits of application of economics, law, adopting a more comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, the next legal pragmatism. The pillars of Posner\'s pragmatism will be the rejection of the autonomy of law and legal issues of objectivity, based on consensus and mitigated indeterminacy of law, which will lead to the adoption of the no-right answers thesis to difficult cases and the inability of moral theory to provide a solid basis for legal judgments. Posner then, offer a particular vision of pragmatism and practical reason, which constitute the everyday pragmatism and the theory of pragmatic adjudication, its relation with the methods of other areas of knowledge, with legal formalism and the concept of reasonableness, and its application to a difficult case. In the third and final chapter of this study will examine the difficulties of Posner\'s pragmatic proposal outlined in the critique of Ronald Dworkin, especially on the role of objectivity in the law, the importance of moral philosophy in defining the legal purposes and the danger of transformation of the enterprise legal in a rule-consequentialism.

Perceived Leadership Practices of Student Affairs Professionals: An Analysis of Demographic Factors.

Daniel, Edwing Delamour 01 January 2011 (has links)
Student affairs professionals in higher education are expected to provide leadership in many ways on their campuses. Obtaining a more complete picture of the leadership characteristics of the profession is therefore important in informing those in the profession who provide continuing professional development programming and for those who teach in graduate student affairs programs. The purpose of this quantitative research study was to determine whether there were differences in the perceived leadership practices of student affairs professionals when analyzed by the independent variables of race, gender, level of current position, age, and highest degree earned. The instrument used in this survey was the Leadership Practices Inventory-Self (LPI-Self) originally developed by Kouzes and Posner (1988) and updated in 2003. The LPI contains 30 statements, organized into five subscales, describing behaviors rated on a 10-point Likert-type scale. The five subscales are Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. The instrument measures an individual's perceived use of the different behaviors in each leadership practice. An email was sent to 2,807 student affairs professionals in the Southern Region (Region III) of NASPA containing an invitation to participate in this study. A total of 713 surveys were completed for an overall response rate of 25.4%. A significant statistical difference was found in the leadership practice Encourage the Heart for race. Black student affairs professionals' perceptions of their leadership practice of Encourage the Heart were statistically significantly higher than their Hispanic and White counterparts. In addition, a significant statistical difference was found for the independent variable level of current position where senior-level student affairs professionals scored statistically higher than mid- and entry-level professionals. Furthermore, for the independent variable highest degree earned, student affairs professionals with doctoral degrees scored significantly higher on all five leadership practices than student affairs professionals with masters' or bachelors' degrees. However, no significant differences were found between student affairs professionals with bachelors' or a masters' degrees. This study supports the idea that leadership development may be enhanced through experience and graduate work which results in obtaining a doctorate. The findings also suggest that student affairs professionals in mid- and entry- positions may benefit from development and pre-service programs where the leadership practice inventory is administered and professionals are made aware of their leadership practices .

Antropologia filosófica e direito : um confronto entre o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner

Martins, Angela Vidal da Silva January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar a relação entre Antropologia Filosófica e Direito a partir de duas correntes caracterizadas como antagônicas e seus respectivos expoentes: o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner. Para tal, procuraremos primeiramente delimitar os conceitos com os quais trabalharemos: Antropologia Filosófica, Direito, Personalismo e Economicismo. Em seguida, apresentaremos os autores, centrando-nos principalmente na fundamentação jurídica de seu pensamento e na repercussão prática de suas teorias para evidenciar em que medida a base antropológica influencia a concepção de Direito e a ordem social. Concluiremos destacando a necessidade do conhecimento antropológico na formação jurídica no sentido de facilitar a compreensão das diversas teorias e sua consonância com os fins do Direito. / The present work aims to demonstrate the relation between Philosophical Anthropology and Law through two antagonic mainstreams and respective exponents: Lon Fuller´s personalism and the economicism of Richard Posner. For this goal, we will first offer the concepts we will be dealing with: Philosophical Anthropology, Law, Personalism and Economicism. Then, we will present the authors, mainly focusing on the legal fundamentals of their thought and practical repercussions of the theories in order to evidence how anthropological basis influence the conception of Law and the social order. To conclude, we will highlight the necessity of anthropological knowledge in legal education to facilitate the comprehension of different theories and its consonance with the ends of Law.

Antropologia filosófica e direito : um confronto entre o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner

Martins, Angela Vidal da Silva January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar a relação entre Antropologia Filosófica e Direito a partir de duas correntes caracterizadas como antagônicas e seus respectivos expoentes: o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner. Para tal, procuraremos primeiramente delimitar os conceitos com os quais trabalharemos: Antropologia Filosófica, Direito, Personalismo e Economicismo. Em seguida, apresentaremos os autores, centrando-nos principalmente na fundamentação jurídica de seu pensamento e na repercussão prática de suas teorias para evidenciar em que medida a base antropológica influencia a concepção de Direito e a ordem social. Concluiremos destacando a necessidade do conhecimento antropológico na formação jurídica no sentido de facilitar a compreensão das diversas teorias e sua consonância com os fins do Direito. / The present work aims to demonstrate the relation between Philosophical Anthropology and Law through two antagonic mainstreams and respective exponents: Lon Fuller´s personalism and the economicism of Richard Posner. For this goal, we will first offer the concepts we will be dealing with: Philosophical Anthropology, Law, Personalism and Economicism. Then, we will present the authors, mainly focusing on the legal fundamentals of their thought and practical repercussions of the theories in order to evidence how anthropological basis influence the conception of Law and the social order. To conclude, we will highlight the necessity of anthropological knowledge in legal education to facilitate the comprehension of different theories and its consonance with the ends of Law.

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