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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Miller, Paul T. January 2008 (has links)
The war industries associated with World War II brought unparalleled employment opportunities for African Americans in California's port cities. Nowhere was this more evident than in San Francisco, a city whose African American population grew by over 650% between 1940 and 1945. With this population increase also came an increase in racial discrimination directed at African Americans, primarily in the employment and housing sectors. The situation would only get worse throughout the 1950s and 1960s as manufacturing jobs moved to the East Bay where race restrictive housing policies kept African Americans from moving with them. In San Francisco, most African Americans were effectively barred from renting or buying homes in all but a few neighborhoods, neighborhoods often characterized by dilapidated structures and over-crowded conditions. Except for the well educated and lucky, employment opportunities for African Americans were open only at or near entry levels for white collar positions or in unskilled and semi-skilled blue collar positions. Despite such challenges, San Francisco's African American population nearly doubled between 1950 and 1960. This community would push hard against the doors of discrimination and find that with concerted effort they would give way. During the 1960s and 1970s, civil rights groups formed coalitions to picket and protest thereby effectively expanding job opportunities and opening the housing market for African American San Franciscans. This dissertation examines the challenges and exigencies of San Francisco's growing African American community from the end of World War II through 1975. It describes and explains obstacles and triumphs faced and achieved in areas such as housing, employment, education and civil rights. No scholarship presently available presents as detailed an examination of San Francisco's post-Industrial African American population as does this work. It is not however, meant as a comparative study among Bay Area cities but rather narrowly focused study examining San Francisco's African American population to the exclusion of other Bay Area cities with sizable African American populations such as Oakland, Berkeley or Richmond. This dissertation also adds to the body of scholarship about the intersection of race and geography as it relates to the post-Industrial African American experience. / African American Studies

Curating Place: Using Interpretive Design to Metabolize Change in the Rural, Post-Industrial Landscape of Woronoco Massachusetts

Piers-Gamble, Clark G 09 July 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In this research, I aim to investigate the interrelationships between people, architecture and the landscape, by asking the question "what is the architect's role in curating place'. The goal of this body of work is to challenge the role of the ‘architect' when working within the context of place. This research, and the design intervention developed a process that challenges the profession by asking: “Should an architect be solely the creator of place, or is the architect a curator of place? The research analyzes existing theories related to the definition and concept of place approached from a wide spectrum of professional expertise overtime to attempt to grasp human being's passion related to the dynamic topic of place. The intent is to create a framework for design that can be adopted, implemented and layered upon any place, to unearth, distill, and better understand its essence. The rural post-industrial landscape of Western Massachusetts specifically focused around the former paper mill village of Woronoco is the stage for this inquiry. place is anchored equally in the qualitative and quantitative forces that shape it and thus requires an attentive observer, a trained observer, but most importantly a local, inspired observer who is fundamentally attached to that place. As both a landscape architect and architect, I offer a heightened awareness of the patterns and processes or ecology of place especially concerning the occupation and physical impact of humans on the landscape through the built environment. The proposed design interventions will attempt to treat place as a living organism, one that is continuously changing and whose dynamics are interconnected and responsive to a broad range of forces that shape it. A place curation design approach has led me to offer a series of design interventions, and not a proposal for a single building. These interventions will not fulfill a single program or fulfill one specific functional purpose; it will not focus on creating a design typology or use a consistent design language or material palette. Instead, the design will introduce multiple architectonic interventions that are derived almost organically in the landscape, in a manner that will stimulate the continued use and engagement with this place. Human interaction, engagement and interpretation is the essential component to ensuring the longterm sustainability of place, allowing it to continuously evolve and be relevant to future generations.

Prairie of mine(s): engaging with the remnants of extractive processes

Baxter, Shannon D. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Prairie of Mine(s) explores the incorporation of cultural and historical elements within the reclamation of a post-industrial mining landscape in the South Saskatchewan prairie. Reclamation solely by ecological methods often fails to recognize the industrial processes and people that altered the landscape. This project utilizes experiential, cultural, and historical elements within the reclamation of mining lands to shed light on a part of our history that is frequently overlooked and draw attention to actions made on the earth everyday in order for us to live comfortably. / October 2008

Comparative Analysis Of Post Industrial Dockland Transformation Initiatives: Guidance For Policy For The Haydarpasa Port And Surroundings

Urkun Bowe, Ilknur 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Urban transformation initiatives are interventions that aim to manage urban change. Evolving from slum clearance and renewal, these initiatives took different forms throughout the century, in accordance with their social, economic and spatial contexts. The dominant urban context of the late 20th and early 21st century being deindustrialization and decentralization, urban redevelopment and regeneration initiatives became the highlights of urban policy. Alongside the ever-transforming residential neighborhoods and city centers, deindustrialization brought about change in some other parts of the city that had incredible value: Docklands. These areas were slowly being abandoned in this period / creating serious socio-economic and spatial problems while also creating unique opportunities for cities in their adaptation to the postindustrial economy. The fall of production as the basis of urban economies was followed by the rise of consumption, which cherished these vast and publicly owned spaces abandoned by production related uses. Turkish cities are, and have been, transforming with a pace which policy intervention can barely catch up with. Turkish docklands are under real estate investment pressure in a similar way to the vacant docklands of postindustrial cities around the world, but with one significant difference. Dockland transformation has not been the condition, but is the desired situation in our port cities / HaydarpaSa port constituting one of the best examples. While still fully functional, this important port and its surroundings, including the HaydarpaSa train station, has been subject to transformation proposals throughout the last decade. Following a number of unsuccessful initiatives, the latest proposal for the area has been HaydarpaSa World Trade Center and Cruiser Project. This thesis aims to understand the actual forces behind transformation of a dockland area in Turkey, and to determine if the proposals have been addressing these forces and factors. The study involves examination of the conditions of urban development in the postindustrial era and some cases of dockland transformation schemes launched in this period. The aim is to compare these cases and their backgrounds to the context of the HaydarpaSa area, in order to determine the relevance of the utilized policy models to transform this extremely valuable part of the Bosphorus.

Paslaugų sektoriaus poveikis užimtumui kaimo vietovėse / The impact of service sector on employment in rural areas

Čičinskaitė, Gintarė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, 53 puslapiai, 12 paveikslų, 6 lentelės, 50 literatūros šaltinių, lietuvių kalba. RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: paslaugų sektorius, užimtumas, užimtumo lygis, poindustrinė visuomenė, transformacija. Tyrimo objektas: paslaugų sektorius kaimo vietovėse. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti paslaugų sektoriaus poveikį užimtumui kaimo vietovėse. Uždaviniai: • atskleisti vyraujančius požiūrius į gyventojų užimtumo teorines nuostatas; • išanalizuoti paslaugų sektorių ir gyventojų užimtumo struktūros transformacijas poindustrinėje visuomenėje; • išanalizuoti gyventojų užimtumo pokyčius kaimo vietovėse; • įvertinti gyventojų užimtumo problemas ir didinimo galimybes kaimo vietovėse; • pateikti paslaugų sektoriaus plėtros perspektyvas kaimo vietovėse . Tyrimo metodai: • gyventojų užimtumo teorinės nuostatos, paslaugų sektorius ir užimtumo struktūros transformacijos poindustrinėje visuomenėje pateikiami naudojant abstrakcinį, mokslinės literatūros, teisinių dokumentų, straipsnių, konferencijų bei interneto puslapiuose surinktos medžiagos analizės metodus; • analizuojant gyventojų užimtumo struktūros pokyčius kaimo vietovėse naudojami statistiniai duomenų rinkimo bei analizės metodai; • statistinės informacijos sisteminimui naudoti grupavimo, palyginimo bei grafinio vaizdavimo metodai. / Final work of Postgradeduate studies, 53 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, 50 references, Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: service sector, employment, employment rate, post-industrial society, transformation. The object of research: service sector in rural areas. The aim of work: evaluate the impact of service sector on employment in rural areas. Objectives: • to reveal the dominating theoretical attitudes of population employment; • to analyse the service sector and the structure transformations of population employment in post-industrial society; • to analyse the changes of population employment in rural areas; • to evaluate the problems and possibilities of population employment in rural areas; • to prefer the perspectives of development of service sector in rural areas. Research methods: • theoretical attitudes of population employment, service sector and the transformations of employment structure in post-industrial society are preferred according to such analysis methods as abstractic, nonfictions, legal documents, articles, conferences and internet material; • analysing the changes of population employment structure in rural areas are used the statistical accumulation and analysis of data methods; • the methods of grouping, comparison and graphic depiction are used for statistical systematize of information.

Prairie of mine(s): engaging with the remnants of extractive processes

Baxter, Shannon D. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Prairie of Mine(s) explores the incorporation of cultural and historical elements within the reclamation of a post-industrial mining landscape in the South Saskatchewan prairie. Reclamation solely by ecological methods often fails to recognize the industrial processes and people that altered the landscape. This project utilizes experiential, cultural, and historical elements within the reclamation of mining lands to shed light on a part of our history that is frequently overlooked and draw attention to actions made on the earth everyday in order for us to live comfortably.

Prairie of mine(s): engaging with the remnants of extractive processes

Baxter, Shannon D. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Prairie of Mine(s) explores the incorporation of cultural and historical elements within the reclamation of a post-industrial mining landscape in the South Saskatchewan prairie. Reclamation solely by ecological methods often fails to recognize the industrial processes and people that altered the landscape. This project utilizes experiential, cultural, and historical elements within the reclamation of mining lands to shed light on a part of our history that is frequently overlooked and draw attention to actions made on the earth everyday in order for us to live comfortably.

Représenter, réinterpréter et réimaginer le patrimoine industriel : la promotion du renouveau de la ville postindustrielle du Nord de l’Angleterre (1970-2010) / Representing, reinterpreting and reimagining industrial heritage : the promotion of renewal in post-industrial cities in the North of England (1970-2010)

Caignet, Aurore 21 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’interroge sur ce qui subsiste du patrimoine industriel dans les reconversions d’édifices industriels, la régénération d’une ville et de ses espaces hérités de la révolution industrielle, et leur réinvention et promotion. Les représentations qui émergent autour de la mise en patrimoine du bâti industriel, et de la régénération de ce patrimoine et de son environnement immédiat, contribuent à la représentation de la ville postindustrielle. La présence et permanence du patrimoine industriel – dans le paysage et l’image de la ville – sont conditionnées par son degré d’adaptation à des goûts et des usages contemporains. Cette thèse révèle une prise en compte et une représentation moindres du patrimoine industriel malgré une protection et une appréciation accrues, ainsi qu’un tiraillement entre inclusion et exclusion du patrimoine industriel à l’échelle de la ville, du quartier, du bâtiment industriel, et au niveau des représentations visant à leur promotion et à l’attraction de touristes. Elle se focalise sur Bradford et Manchester, deux anciennes villes industrielles du Nord de l’Angleterre, et porte sur une période allant de 1970 à 2010, d’abord marquée par la désindustrialisation et le développement de l’archéologie industrielle, puis par des mutations en matière de conservation et de réemploi du bâti d’origine industrielle, ainsi que par la régénération de la ville postindustrielle et la redéfinition de son image. Cette étude s’achève à la fin des années 2000, une décennie prolifique en termes de réinterprétations de vestiges industriels, et s’intéresse à des réutilisations récentes à des fins culturelles et/ou créative. / This thesis examines what remains of industrial heritage when dealing with the conversion of industrial buildings, the regeneration of a city and its spaces inherited from the industrial revolution, and their reinvention and promotion. Representations that emerge from the heritagisation of the industrial built environment, and the regeneration of this heritage and its immediate surrounding area, participate in the representation of the post-industrial city. The presence and permanence of industrial heritage – in the cityscape and city image – depend on its capacity to adapt to contemporary tastes and purposes. As this thesis suggests, industrial heritage lacks attention and visibility, even though it benefits from greater levels of protection and appreciation. It also highlights an oscillation between the inclusion and exclusion of industrial heritage, whether it is at the level of a city, a district, or an industrial building, and within representations used to promote them and to attract tourist. It focuses on Bradford and Manchester, two former industrial cities of the North of England, and covers a period stretching from 1970 to 2010, as it was initially characterised by deindustrialisation and the development of industrial archaeology, and, subsequently, by mutations in relation to the conservation and reuse of industrial buildings, as well as by the regeneration of post-industrial cities and the redefinition of their image. This study ends in 2010 – the 2000s being a prolific decade regarding the reinterpretation of industrial vestiges – and explores recent conversions of industrial buildings for cultural and/or creative purposes.

La construction d’une vision paysagère : études des usages de l’action photographique comme outil de projet du paysage / The construction of a vision paysagère

Meloni, Giaime 09 September 2014 (has links)
La thèse poursuit comme objectif d’explorer la liaison entre le projet de paysage, conçu comme une intention de transformation soit matérielle soit immatérielle du territoire, en relation à la pratique photographique. Il s’agit d’une enquête interdisciplinaire qui essaie de comprendre les interactions possibles entre les deux matières, évitant une soumission de l’une à l’autre. Se matérialise un champ de recherche sur la culture du projet, orienté à déterminer les possibilités d’utilisation de la photographie comme contribution aux pratiques de conception de l’espace. L’étude problématique pose les questions suivantes: La photographie en tant que représentation et interprétation critique, joue-t-elle un rôle dans le processus matériel et immatériel de transformation du territoire? Quel est l’impact/l’influence sur la pensée projective d’une pratique de fragmentation sélective du paysage? Un mécanisme de re-production du réel, tel que la photographie, peut-il proposer une manière tangible de concevoir l’espace?Pour répondre à cette problématique la recherche développe une démarche méthodologique qui souhaite combiner un double niveau d’étude. D’un côté le parcours de connaissance générale, interrogeant le statut de la photographie en relation au paysage, au-delà d’une simple catégorisation d’un genre photographique. De l’autre côté une pratique expérimentale de l’action photographique dans le cadre d’une transformation de la côte du Sulcis Iglesiente, en Sardaigne: une tentative de représentation critique du territoire. La reconstruction d’une image du territoire passe par une prise de conscience et une mise en perspective de son évolution. L'intérêt général est de pouvoir construire la notion de « vision paysagère » comme action de voir spécifique, évitant la formation des stéréotypes ; une pratique capable de proposer un regard interprétative sur le paysage à travers le filtre de l’appareil photographique. / The thesis aims at exploring the relationship between the landscape project, conceived as a discipline able to transform the material and immaterial territory, and the photographic practice . It is an interdisciplinary research that attempts to understand the possible interactions between the two branches of knowledge, avoiding the submission of one over the other. It is so conceived a field of research on the design culture oriented to determine the potential use of photography as a contribution to the conception of space. The study highlights some key issues: Can the photography, as representation and critical interpretation, perform a role in the process of transformation of the material and immaterial territory? What is the influence of a practice of selective fragmentation of the landscape on the design thinking? May a mechanism of reproduction of the reality propose a concrete way of conceiving the space?In order to answer these questions the research developed a methodology oriented to the combination of two levels of study. On the one hand the creation of a broad knowledge which examines the status of the photography in relation to the landscape, going beyond the simple categorization of a photographic genre. On the other hand an experimental practice of photographic action in the context of the coastal landscape of the Sulcis-Iglesias, in Sardinia. It is an effort aimed at a critical representation of the territory. The aim is to build a concept of vision paysagère, as a specific visual action, which avoids the formation of stereotypes. A practice able to offer an interpretative view on the landscape.

Jornalismo pós-industrial e convergência no contexto das assessorias de imprensa: caso Sebrae-PB / Journalism post-industrial and convergence in the context of press offices: case Sebrae-PB

Almeida, Fernando Ivo de 18 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-21T14:53:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2914390 bytes, checksum: 72fc37944350772de4fe519584ed7732 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-21T14:53:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2914390 bytes, checksum: 72fc37944350772de4fe519584ed7732 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-18 / This research explores the ambience of a post-industrial journalism and journalistic convergence and its impact on the media ecosystem, changing practices in use of newsrooms, with approach from the Jornal da Paraiba and Correio da Paraíba and press office of the Sebrae Paraíba. With methodological design that includes literature review, interviews and observation form, the research traces the journalism context. The survey results point to a scenario of transformations and changes within the press offices and newsrooms with the rise of player and convergence processes that change the work routines and production of these environments, in the process of a postindustrial journalism. / Esta pesquisa explora a ambiência de um jornalismo pós-industrial, de convergência jornalística e dos seus impactos para o ecossistema midiático, na mudança de práticas em uso das redações, com abordagem a partir do Jornal da Paraíba e Correio da Paraíba e da assessoria de imprensa do Sebrae da Paraíba. Com desenho metodológico que inclui revisão de literatura, entrevistas em profundidade e ficha de observação, a pesquisa traça o contexto do jornalismo. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para um cenário de transformações e mudanças no âmbito das assessorias de imprensa e das redações com a ascensão do leitor e processos de convergência que alteram as rotinas de trabalho e produção destes ambientes, em vias de um jornalismo pós-industrial.

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